public void ShowCustomPopupWithWindowDef() { if (MapView.Active == null) { return; } //Create custom popup content var popups = new List <PopupContent> { new PopupContent("<b>This text is bold.</b>", "Custom tooltip from HTML string"), new PopupContent(new Uri(""), "Custom tooltip from Uri") }; // Sample code: var topLeftCornerPoint = new System.Windows.Point(200, 200); var popupDef = new PopupDefinition() { Append = true, // if true new record is appended to existing (if any) Dockable = true, // if true popup is dockable - if false Append is not applicable Position = topLeftCornerPoint, // Position of top left corner of the popup (in pixels) Size = new System.Windows.Size(200, 400) // size of the popup (in pixels) }; MapView.Active.ShowCustomPopup(popups, null, true, popupDef); }
private Task CreateAdvancedPopupAsync(FeatureLayer fl) { return(QueuedTask.Run(() => { var def = fl.GetDefinition() as CIMFeatureLayer; string popupText = string.Format("{0} ({1}), population {2}", PopupDefinition.FormatFieldName("STATE_NAME"), PopupDefinition.FormatFieldName("STATE_ABBR"), PopupDefinition.FormatFieldName("TOTPOP2010")); //Create a popup definition with text and table, an image and some different chart types //Just add all the table fields by default like we did for the "Simple Popup" PopupDefinition popup = new PopupDefinition() { Title = PopupDefinition.FormatTitle( string.Format("{0} (Advanced Popup)", PopupDefinition.FormatFieldName(def.FeatureTable.DisplayField))), TextMediaInfo = new TextMediaInfo() { Text = PopupDefinition.FormatText(popupText) }, TableMediaInfo = new TableMediaInfo(fl.GetFeatureClass().GetDefinition().GetFields()), OtherMediaInfos = { //Add an image of the US new ImageMediaInfo() { SourceURL = PopupDefinition.FormatUrl( new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute)) }, //Add a column chart to the popup carousel new ChartMediaInfo() { Title = PopupDefinition.FormatTitle("Column Chart"), Caption = PopupDefinition.FormatCaption("1990 vs 2000 population"), ChartMediaType = ChartMediaType.Column, FieldNames ={ "POP1990", "POP2000" } }, //Add a pie chart to the popup carousel new ChartMediaInfo() { Title = PopupDefinition.FormatTitle("Pie Chart"), Caption = PopupDefinition.FormatCaption("2012 House Dem. vs Rep."), ChartMediaType = ChartMediaType.Pie, FieldNames ={ "Y2012HOU_D", "Y2012HOU_R" } }, //Add a line chart to the popup carousel new ChartMediaInfo() { Title = PopupDefinition.FormatTitle("Line Chart"), Caption = PopupDefinition.FormatCaption("Pop Change 1990 to 2000"), ChartMediaType = ChartMediaType.Line, FieldNames ={ "POP1990", "POP2000" } } } }; fl.SetPopupInfo(popup.CreatePopupInfo()); })); }
public void ShowPopupWithWindowDef(MapMember mapMember, long objectID) { if (MapView.Active == null) { return; } // Sample code: var topLeftCornerPoint = new System.Windows.Point(200, 200); var popupDef = new PopupDefinition() { Append = true, // if true new record is appended to existing (if any) Dockable = true, // if true popup is dockable - if false Append is not applicable Position = topLeftCornerPoint, // Position of top left corner of the popup (in pixels) Size = new System.Windows.Size(200, 400) // size of the popup (in pixels) }; MapView.Active.ShowPopup(mapMember, objectID, popupDef); }
private void ShowPopUp(string message, string titleText) { if (WindowsController.Instance.PopupController == null) { Debug.LogError("Needs an instance of PopupController to work."); return; } var newPopUp = new PopupDefinition(); newPopUp.hasCancelButton = false; newPopUp.cancelText = "Cancel"; newPopUp.confirmText = "OK"; newPopUp.descriptionText = message; newPopUp.titleText = "Error"; WindowsController.Instance.PopupController.Show(newPopUp, null, null, true); }
public void Show(PopupDefinitions definition, Action confirm, Action cancel, bool closeWindowsOnConfirm = false) { PopupDefinition def = definitions[(int)definition]; this.closeWindowsOnConfirm = closeWindowsOnConfirm; this.confirm = confirm; this.cancel = cancel; if (popup != null) { popup.Setup(def.ConfirmText, def.DescriptionText, Confirm, Cancel); } else { Debug.LogWarning("There's no UIPopup in the scene."); } windowController.HideLastWindow(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when a sketch is completed. /// </summary> protected override async Task <bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); var popupContent = await QueuedTask.Run(() => { var popupContents = new List <PopupContent>(); var mapView = MapView.Active; if (mapView != null) { //Get the features that intersect the sketch geometry. var features = mapView.GetFeatures(geometry); if (features.Count > 0) { foreach (var kvp in features) { var bfl = kvp.Key; var oids = kvp.Value; sb.AppendLine($@"{bfl}: {oids.Count} selected"); foreach (var objectID in oids) { // for each MapMember/object id combo (within the geometry) // create a DynamicPopupContent in the list of popupContents popupContents.Add(new DynamicPopupContent(bfl, objectID)); } } } } return(popupContents); }); var clickPoint = MouseCursorPosition.GetMouseCursorPosition(); var popupDef = new PopupDefinition() { Append = true, // if true new record is appended to existing (if any) Dockable = true, // if true popup is dockable - if false Append is not applicable Position = clickPoint, // Position of top left corner of the popup (in pixels) Size = new System.Windows.Size(200, 400) // size of the popup (in pixels) }; MessageBox.Show($@"Pop-up selection:{Environment.NewLine}{sb.ToString()}"); MapView.Active.ShowCustomPopup(popupContent, null, true, popupDef); return(true); }
void OnFeatureSelected(BasicFeatureLayer layer, long oid) { var mapView = MapView.Active; mapView?.FlashFeature(layer, oid); Thread.Sleep(1000); mapView?.FlashFeature(layer, oid); System.Windows.Point mousePnt = MouseCursorPosition.GetMouseCursorPosition(); var popupDef = new PopupDefinition() { Append = true, // if true new record is appended to existing (if any) Dockable = true, // if true popup is dockable - if false Append is not applicable Position = mousePnt, // Position of top left corner of the popup (in pixels) Size = new System.Windows.Size(200, 400) // size of the popup (in pixels) }; //Show pop-up of feature mapView?.ShowPopup(layer, oid, popupDef); }
/// <summary> /// Called when a sketch is completed. /// </summary> protected override async Task <bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry) { var popupContent = await QueuedTask.Run(() => { var popupContents = new List <PopupContent>(); var mapView = MapView.Active; if (mapView != null) { //Get the features that intersect the sketch geometry. var features = mapView.GetFeatures(geometry); if (features.Count > 0) { foreach (var kvp in features) { var bfl = kvp.Key; var oids = kvp.Value; foreach (var objectID in oids) { popupContents.Add(new DynamicPopupContent(bfl, objectID)); } } } } return(popupContents); }); var clickPoint = MouseCursorPosition.GetMouseCursorPosition(); var popupDef = new PopupDefinition() { Append = true, // if true new record is appended to existing (if any) Dockable = true, // if true popup is dockable - if false Append is not applicable Position = clickPoint, // Position of top left corner of the popup (in pixels) Size = new System.Windows.Size(200, 400) // size of the popup (in pixels) }; MapView.Active.ShowCustomPopup(popupContent, null, true, popupDef); return(true); }
private Task CreateSimplePopupAsync(FeatureLayer fl) { return(QueuedTask.Run(() => { var def = fl.GetDefinition() as CIMFeatureLayer; string popupText = string.Format("{0} ({1}), population {2}", PopupDefinition.FormatFieldName("STATE_NAME"), PopupDefinition.FormatFieldName("STATE_ABBR"), PopupDefinition.FormatFieldName("TOTPOP2010")); //Create a popup definition with text and table //Just add all the table fields by default PopupDefinition popup = new PopupDefinition() { Title = PopupDefinition.FormatTitle( string.Format("{0} (Simple Popup)", PopupDefinition.FormatFieldName(def.FeatureTable.DisplayField))), TextMediaInfo = new TextMediaInfo() { Text = PopupDefinition.FormatText(popupText) }, TableMediaInfo = new TableMediaInfo(fl.GetFeatureClass().GetDefinition().GetFields()) }; fl.SetPopupInfo(popup.CreatePopupInfo()); })); }
protected override async Task HandleMouseDownAsync(MapViewMouseButtonEventArgs e) { await QueuedTask.Run(() => { var mapPoint = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(e.ClientPoint.X, e.ClientPoint.Y); var result = ActiveMapView.GetFeatures(mapPoint); List <PopupContent> popups = new List <PopupContent>(); foreach (var kvp in result) { var layer = kvp.Key as BasicFeatureLayer; if (layer == null) { continue; } var fields = layer.GetFieldDescriptions().Where(f => f.Name == "DI_JI_HAO"); var tableDef = layer.GetTable().GetDefinition(); var oidField = tableDef.GetObjectIDField(); foreach (var id in kvp.Value) { //获取地级编号 //DI_JI_HAO var qf = new QueryFilter() { WhereClause = $"{oidField} = {id}", SubFields = string.Join(",", fields.Select(f => f.Name)) }; var rows = layer.Search(qf); if (!rows.MoveNext()) { continue; } using (var row = rows.Current) { foreach (var field in fields) { var val = row[field.Name]; if (field.Name == "DI_JI_HAO") { PopupContent pc = new PopupContent(new Uri("" + val), "林业"); popups.Add(pc); } } } } } //Flash the features that intersected the sketch geometry. MessageBox.Show(popups.ToString()); ActiveMapView.FlashFeature(result); var height = System.Windows.SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height / 2; var width = System.Windows.SystemParameters.WorkArea.Width / 2; var topLeftCornerPoint = new System.Windows.Point(0, 0); var popupDef = new PopupDefinition() { Append = true, // if true new record is appended to existing (if any) Dockable = true, // if true popup is dockable - if false Append is not applicable Position = topLeftCornerPoint, // Position of top left corner of the popup (in pixels) Size = new System.Windows.Size(width, height) // size of the popup (in pixels) }; //Show the custom pop-up with the custom commands and the default pop-up commands. try { ActiveMapView.ShowCustomPopup(popups, null, true, popupDef); } catch (System.Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0}", e1)); } //return the collection of pop-up content object. }); }
/// <summary> /// Called when a sketch is completed. /// </summary> protected override async Task <bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry geometry) { List <PopupContent> popupContent = await QueuedTask.Run(() => { //Get the features that intersect the sketch geometry. var mapPoint = geometry as MapPoint; var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("OnSketchCompleteAsync X: {0}", mapPoint.X)); sb.Append(string.Format("Y: {0}", mapPoint.Y)); if (mapPoint.HasZ) { sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append(string.Format("Z: {0}", mapPoint.Z)); } MessageBox.Show(sb.ToString()); var result = ActiveMapView.GetFeatures(geometry); //For each feature in the result create a new instance of our custom pop-up content class. List <PopupContent> popups = new List <PopupContent>(); foreach (var kvp in result) { //kvp.Value.ForEach(id => popups.Add(new DynamicPopupContent(kvp.Key, id))); //kvp.Value.ForEach(id => popups.Add(new PopupContent(new Uri(""), "xxxx"))); //popups.Add(new PopupContent("<b>This text is bold.</b>", "Custom tooltip from HTML string")); var layer = kvp.Key as BasicFeatureLayer; if (layer == null) { continue; } var fields = layer.GetFieldDescriptions().Where(f => f.Name == "DI_JI_HAO"); var tableDef = layer.GetTable().GetDefinition(); var oidField = tableDef.GetObjectIDField(); foreach (var id in kvp.Value) { //获取地级编号 //DI_JI_HAO var qf = new QueryFilter() { WhereClause = $"{oidField} = {id}", SubFields = string.Join(",", fields.Select(f => f.Name)) }; var rows = layer.Search(qf); if (!rows.MoveNext()) { continue; } using (var row = rows.Current) { foreach (var field in fields) { var val = row[field.Name]; if (field.Name == "DI_JI_HAO") { PopupContent pc = new PopupContent(new Uri("" + val), "林业"); popups.Add(pc); } } } } } //Flash the features that intersected the sketch geometry. ActiveMapView.FlashFeature(result); //return the collection of pop-up content object. return(popups); }); var height = System.Windows.SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height / 2; var width = System.Windows.SystemParameters.WorkArea.Width / 2; var topLeftCornerPoint = new System.Windows.Point(0, 0); var popupDef = new PopupDefinition() { Append = true, // if true new record is appended to existing (if any) Dockable = true, // if true popup is dockable - if false Append is not applicable Position = topLeftCornerPoint, // Position of top left corner of the popup (in pixels) Size = new System.Windows.Size(width, height) // size of the popup (in pixels) }; //Show the custom pop-up with the custom commands and the default pop-up commands. ActiveMapView.ShowCustomPopup(popupContent, null, true, popupDef); return(true); }