Пример #1
        public override void OnLevelLoaded(LoadMode mode)
            // do base processing

                // check for new or loaded game
                if (mode == LoadMode.NewGame || mode == LoadMode.NewGameFromScenario || mode == LoadMode.LoadGame)
                    // get the PopulationInfoViewPanel panel (displayed when the user clicks on the Population info view button)
                    PopulationInfoViewPanel populationPanel = UIView.library.Get <PopulationInfoViewPanel>(typeof(PopulationInfoViewPanel).Name);
                    if (populationPanel == null)
                        Debug.LogError("Unable to find PopulationInfoViewPanel.");

                    // create a new PopulationDemographicsPanel which will eventually trigger the panel's Start method
                    panel = populationPanel.component.AddUIComponent <PopulationDemographicsPanel>();
                    if (panel == null)
                        Debug.LogError("Unable to create Population Demographics panel on PopulationInfoViewPanel.");

                    // create button to show the panel
                    _demographics = populationPanel.component.AddUIComponent <UIButton>();
                    if (_demographics == null)
                        Debug.LogError("Unable to create Demographics button on PopulationInfoViewPanel.");
                    _demographics.name                  = "Demographics";
                    _demographics.text                  = "Demographics";
                    _demographics.textScale             = 0.75f;
                    _demographics.horizontalAlignment   = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    _demographics.textVerticalAlignment = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle;
                    _demographics.autoSize              = false;
                    _demographics.size                  = new Vector2(120f, 20f);
                    _demographics.relativePosition      = new Vector3(220f, 290f);
                    _demographics.normalBgSprite        = "ButtonMenu";
                    _demographics.hoveredBgSprite       = "ButtonMenuHovered";
                    _demographics.pressedBgSprite       = "ButtonMenuPressed";
                    _demographics.isVisible             = true;
                    _demographics.eventClicked         += Demographics_eventClicked;

                    // create Harmony patches
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Start is called after the panel is created in Loading
        /// set up and populate the panel
        /// </summary>
        public override void Start()
            // do base processing

                // set panel properties
                name = "PopulationDemographicsPanel";
                backgroundSprite = "MenuPanel2";
                canFocus = true;
                opacity = 1f;
                height = 300;
                isVisible = true;

                // get the PopulationInfoViewPanel panel (displayed when the user clicks on the Population info view button)
                PopulationInfoViewPanel populationPanel = UIView.library.Get<PopulationInfoViewPanel>(typeof(PopulationInfoViewPanel).Name);
                if (populationPanel == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Unable to find PopulationInfoViewPanel.");

                // place panel to the right of PopulationInfoViewPanel
                relativePosition = new Vector3(populationPanel.component.size.x - 1f, 0f);

                // copy text font from the Population label
                UILabel populationLabel = populationPanel.Find<UILabel>("Population");
                if (populationLabel == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Unable to find Population label on PopulationInfoViewPanel.");
                _textFont = populationLabel.font;

                // create heading row
                float top = 45f;
                if (!CreateDataRow(top, "Heading", "", out _heading)) return;

                // adjust heading properties
                _heading.eduLevel0.text = "Unedu";
                _heading.eduLevel1.text = "Educated";
                _heading.eduLevel2.text = "Well Edu";
                _heading.eduLevel3.text = "High Edu";
                _heading.total.text     = "Total";
                _heading.deceased.text  = "Deceased";
                _heading.movingIn.text  = "MovingIn";

                _heading.eduLevel0.tooltip = "Uneducated - Elementary School not completed";
                _heading.eduLevel1.tooltip = "Educated - completed Elementary School";
                _heading.eduLevel2.tooltip = "Well Educated - completed High School";
                _heading.eduLevel3.tooltip = "Highly Educated - completed University";

                _heading.eduLevel0.textScale =
                    _heading.eduLevel1.textScale =
                    _heading.eduLevel2.textScale =
                    _heading.eduLevel3.textScale =
                    _heading.total.textScale =
                    _heading.deceased.textScale =
                    _heading.movingIn.textScale = 0.75f;

                _heading.eduLevel0.textColor =
                    _heading.eduLevel1.textColor =
                    _heading.eduLevel2.textColor =
                    _heading.eduLevel3.textColor =
                    _heading.total.textColor =
                    _heading.deceased.textColor =
                    _heading.movingIn.textColor = HeadingTextColor;

                // create lines after headings
                top += 15f;
                CreateLines(top, "Heading");

                // create data rows
                top += 4f;
                if (!CreateDataRow(top, "Children", "Children",     out _children)) return; top += 15f;
                if (!CreateDataRow(top, "Teens",    "Teens",        out _teens   )) return; top += 15f;
                if (!CreateDataRow(top, "Young",    "Young Adults", out _youngs  )) return; top += 15f;
                if (!CreateDataRow(top, "Adults",   "Adults",       out _adults  )) return; top += 15f;
                if (!CreateDataRow(top, "Seniors",  "Seniors",      out _seniors )) return; top += 15f;

                // create total data row
                CreateLines(top, "Totals");
                top += 4f;
                if (!CreateDataRow(top, "Total", "Total", out _total)) return; top += 15f;

                // create other data rows
                top += 12f;
                if (!CreateDataRow(top, "MovingIn", "Moving In", out _movingIn)) return; top += 15f;
                if (!CreateDataRow(top, "Deceased", "Deceased",  out _deceased)) return; top += 15f;

                // hide duplicates for moving in and deceased
                _movingIn.movingIn.isVisible = false;
                _movingIn.deceased.isVisible = false;
                _deceased.movingIn.isVisible = false;
                _deceased.deceased.isVisible = false;

                // set panel width and height according to the labels
                width = _children.deceased.relativePosition.x + _children.deceased.size.x + _children.description.relativePosition.x;
                height = _deceased.deceased.relativePosition.y + _deceased.deceased.size.y + 5f;

                // create the title label
                UILabel title = AddUIComponent<UILabel>();
                if (title == null)
                    Debug.LogError($"Unable to create title label on panel [{name}].");
                title.name = "Title";
                title.font = _textFont;
                title.text = "Demographics";
                title.textAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                title.textScale = 1f;
                title.textColor = new Color32(254, 254, 254, 255);
                title.autoSize = false;
                title.size = new Vector2(width, 18f);
                title.relativePosition = new Vector3(0f, 11f);
                title.isVisible = true;

                // create population icon in upper left
                UISprite panelIcon = AddUIComponent<UISprite>();
                if (panelIcon == null)
                    Debug.LogError($"Unable to create population icon on panel [{name}].");
                panelIcon.name = "PopulationIcon";
                panelIcon.autoSize = false;
                panelIcon.size = new Vector2(36f, 36f);
                panelIcon.relativePosition = new Vector3(10f, 2f);
                panelIcon.spriteName = "InfoIconPopulationPressed";
                panelIcon.isVisible = true;

                // create close button
                _closeButton = AddUIComponent<UIButton>();
                if (_closeButton == null)
                    Debug.LogError($"Unable to create close button on panel [{name}].");
                _closeButton.name = "CloseButton";
                _closeButton.autoSize = false;
                _closeButton.size = new Vector2(32f, 32f);
                _closeButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(width - 34f, 2f);
                _closeButton.normalBgSprite = "buttonclose";
                _closeButton.hoveredBgSprite = "buttonclosehover";
                _closeButton.pressedBgSprite = "buttonclosepressed";
                _closeButton.isVisible = true;
                _closeButton.eventClicked += CloseButton_eventClicked;

                // create count/percent panels
                CreateCountPercentPanel(_movingIn.description.relativePosition.y, "CountOption",   "Count",   out _countPanel,   out _countCheckBox);
                CreateCountPercentPanel(_deceased.description.relativePosition.y, "PercentOption", "Percent", out _percentPanel, out _percentCheckBox);
                SetCheckBox(_countCheckBox, true);

                // make sure manager exists
                if (!Singleton<BuildingManager>.exists)
                    Debug.LogError($"BuildingManager not ready during panel initialization.");

                // initialize population counts, do each building
                Building[] buffer = Singleton<BuildingManager>.instance.m_buildings.m_buffer;
                for (ushort buildingID = 1; buildingID < buffer.Length; buildingID++)
                    // do only buildings that have a valid index
                    if (buffer[buildingID].m_infoIndex != 0)
                        // check if building AI derives from ResidentialBuildingAI
                        // PloppableRICO.GrowableResidentialAI and PloppableRICO.PloppableResidentialAI derive from ResidentialBuildingAI
                        bool isResidentialBuildingAI = false;
                        if (buffer[buildingID].Info != null && buffer[buildingID].Info.m_buildingAI != null)
                            Type type = buffer[buildingID].Info.m_buildingAI.GetType();
                            while (type != null)
                                if (type == typeof(ResidentialBuildingAI))
                                    isResidentialBuildingAI = true;
                                type = type.BaseType;

                        // if derives from ResidentialBuildingAI, then do logic for ResidentialBuildingAI.SimulationStepActive
                        if (isResidentialBuildingAI)
                            ResidentialSimulationStepActive(buildingID, ref buffer[buildingID], false);

                // now do logic for District.SimulationStep
                DistrictSimulationStep(0, false);
            catch (Exception ex)