void Awake() { if (m_Instance) { Debug.LogError("There id two " + gameObject.name + " in the scene"); Debug.Break(); } m_Instance = this; PoolBall[] balls = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <PoolBall>(); if (balls != null) { m_Balls = new Dictionary <int, PoolBall>(); for (int i = 0, length = balls.Length; i < length; i++) { m_Balls.Add(balls[i].GetBallID(), balls[i]); } } else { Debug.LogError("the balls number is not explicit in the scene, please debug the code"); } m_CustomBalls = new Dictionary <int, PoolBall>(); PoolCue[] cues = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <PoolCue>(); if (cues == null || cues.Length != 1) { Debug.LogError("the number of the cue is not explicit in the scene, please debug the code"); } else { m_Cue = cues[0]; } m_SceneCamera = Camera.main; m_BallStorageRack = FindObjectOfType <BallStorageRack>(); m_BallIcons = new Sprite[15]; for (int i = 1; i <= 15; i++) { m_BallIcons[i - 1] = Resources.Load <Sprite>("BallsIcon/" + i); } m_PocketTriggers.AddRange(FindObjectsOfType <PocketTrigger>()); m_PocketTriggers.Sort((PocketTrigger left, PocketTrigger right) => { if (left.PocketIndex < right.PocketIndex) { return(-1); } else if (left.PocketIndex > right.PocketIndex) { return(1); } else { return(0); } }); }
void Awake() { if (m_Instance) { Debug.LogError("There id two " + gameObject.name + " in the scene"); Debug.Break(); } m_Instance = this; PoolBall[] balls = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<PoolBall>(); if (balls != null) { m_Balls = new Dictionary<int, PoolBall>(); for (int i = 0, length = balls.Length; i < length; i++) { m_Balls.Add(balls[i].GetBallID(), balls[i]); } } else { Debug.LogError("the balls number is not explicit in the scene, please debug the code"); } m_CustomBalls = new Dictionary<int, PoolBall>(); PoolCue[] cues = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<PoolCue>(); if (cues == null || cues.Length != 1) { Debug.LogError("the number of the cue is not explicit in the scene, please debug the code"); } else { m_Cue = cues[0]; } m_SceneCamera = Camera.main; m_BallStorageRack = FindObjectOfType<BallStorageRack>(); m_BallIcons = new Sprite[15]; for (int i = 1; i <= 15; i++) { m_BallIcons[i - 1] = Resources.Load<Sprite>("BallsIcon/" + i); } m_PocketTriggers.AddRange(FindObjectsOfType<PocketTrigger>()); m_PocketTriggers.Sort((PocketTrigger left, PocketTrigger right) => { if (left.PocketIndex < right.PocketIndex) return -1; else if (left.PocketIndex > right.PocketIndex) return 1; else return 0; }); }