public void TitanIILaunch() { Vector3d r0 = new Vector3d(rearth, 0, 0); Vector3d v0 = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0); Pontryagin p = new Pontryagin(type: ProbType.MULTIBURN, mu: mu); double inc = 90; double heading = Math.Asin(Math.Cos(inc * UtilMath.Deg2Rad) / Math.Cos(0)); // clockwise from north Console.WriteLine("heading = " + heading); p.AddArc(type: ArcType.BURN, r0: r0, v0: v0, pv0: new Vector3d(0, Math.Cos(heading), Math.Sin(heading)), pr0:, m0: 149600 + 3580, dt0: 1, isp: 297, thrust: 2 * 1096.8 * 1000, max_bt: 156); p.AddArc(type: ArcType.BURN, r0: r0, v0: v0, pv0: new Vector3d(0, Math.Cos(heading), Math.Sin(heading)), pr0:, m0: 28400 + 3580, dt0: 0, isp: 316, thrust: 445 * 1000); Console.WriteLine(p.arcs[0].pv0); //p.terminal5constraint(new Vector3d(r185, 0, 0), new Vector3d(0, 0, v185)); p.flightangle4constraint(r185, v185, 0, inc * UtilMath.Deg2Rad); p.Optimize(0); for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++) { Console.WriteLine(p.y0[i]); } double[] z = new double[27]; p.optimizationFunction(p.y0, z, null); Console.WriteLine("---zeros start---"); for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++) { Console.WriteLine(z[i]); } Console.WriteLine("---zeros done---"); double[] yf = new double[26]; p.multipleIntegrate(p.y0, yf); Console.WriteLine("--- yf start---"); for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { Console.WriteLine(yf[i]); } Console.WriteLine("--- yf end---"); Console.WriteLine(new Vector3d(yf[13], yf[14], yf[15]) * p.r_scale); Console.WriteLine(new Vector3d(yf[16], yf[17], yf[18]) * p.v_scale); double tf = p.y0[26] * p.t_scale; for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++) { Console.WriteLine(p.solution.m(tf / 20 * i)); } Console.WriteLine(p.solution.r(tf)); Console.WriteLine(p.solution.v(tf)); Assert.Equal(1, 0); }
public void multpleIntegrateComplex() { Pontryagin p = new Pontryagin(type: ProbType.COASTBURN, mu: mu); double[] y0 = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -0.00794206131892028, -0.921437990960034, 0.388444272035955, -0.0249880816482411, -0.0079420613189204, 0.000443419057124364, 32740, 0.916851279873005, -0.399228920038652, -7.56664470074416e-27, 0.399228920038653, 0.916851279873009, -4.78371853721768e-27, 0.010574128246995, -0.853926456601413, 0.356322653686804, 0.18249592267875, 0.302938323862286, -0.15467163789007, 32740, -0.410675683157609, 0.514092715632044 }; double[] yf = new double[26]; p.AddArc(ArcType.COAST, r0: new Vector3d(r185, 0, 0), v0: new Vector3d(0, v185, 0), m0: 32740, pv0:, pr0:, dt0: 0); p.AddArc(type: ArcType.BURN, r0: new Vector3d(r185, 0, 0), v0: new Vector3d(0, v185, 0), m0: 32740, pv0:, pr0:, dt0: 0, isp: 316, thrust: 232.7 * 1000); p.Normalize(); p.multipleIntegrate(y0, yf); double[] yfexp = { 0.916851279873006, -0.399228920038652, 0, 0.399228920038653, 0.916851279873009, 0, 0.010574128246995, -0.853926456601413, 0.356322653686804, 0.182495922678749, 0.302938323862286, -0.15467163789007, 32740, 0.994701157874287, -0.0747993082881341, 0.0747993082881341, -0.102784710382227, -0.723648653663255, 0.723648653663275, 0.00201415851335627, -0.918310454613756, 0.387151869029871, -0.0830532176870933, -0.090110977826096, 0.0356709463649161, 282.160771396965 }; for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { Assert.Equal(0, yf[i] - yfexp[i], 3); } }
public void OptimizeFiniteBurn() { Pontryagin p = new Pontryagin(type: ProbType.COASTBURN, mu: mu); p.AddArc(ArcType.COAST, r0: new Vector3d(r185, 0, 0), v0: new Vector3d(0, v185, 0), m0: 32740, pv0:, pr0:, dt0: 0); p.AddArc(type: ArcType.BURN, r0: new Vector3d(r185, 0, 0), v0: new Vector3d(0, v185, 0), m0: 32740, pv0:, pr0:, dt0: 0, isp: 316, thrust: 232.7 * 1000); p.terminal5constraint(rT, vT); p.Normalize(); p.y0 = new double[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -0.92161000483999, 0.388117249009669, 0, 0, 0, 32740, 0.967166759159267, -0.254142597722927, 0, 0.254142597722927, 0.96716675915927, 0, 0.00769021351324089, -0.892344077177788, 0.375374101898492, 0.088791298574539, 0.218839933690996, -0.0986371258843934, 32740, -0.256961090562725, 0.513922181125449 }; p.runOptimizer(); double[] yfexp = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -0.0079393319393622, -0.921121328331003, 0.38831077875087, -0.0249794942101294, -0.00793933193936288, 0.000443266671129501, 32740, 0.916851279873006, -0.399228920038651, -6.63961013907058e-25, 0.399228920038652, 0.916851279873009, -2.95663849598675e-24, 0.0105704943277902, -0.853632995077797, 0.356200199360623, 0.182433205882693, 0.302834215667251, -0.154618483225328, 32740, -0.410675683157609, 0.514092715632044 }; p.runOptimizer(); for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++) { Console.WriteLine((p.y0[i] - yfexp[i]) + " " + p.y0[i] + " " + yfexp[i]); } /* for(int i = 0; i < 28; i++) * Assert.Equal(0, yf[i] - yfexp[i], 3); */ }
public void optimizationFunctionComplex() { Pontryagin p = new Pontryagin(type: ProbType.COASTBURN, mu: mu); p.AddArc(ArcType.COAST, r0: new Vector3d(r185, 0, 0), v0: new Vector3d(0, v185, 0), m0: 32740, pv0:, pr0:, dt0: 0); p.AddArc(type: ArcType.BURN, r0: new Vector3d(r185, 0, 0), v0: new Vector3d(0, v185, 0), m0: 32740, pv0:, pr0:, dt0: 0, isp: 316, thrust: 232.7 * 1000); p.terminal5constraint(rT, vT); p.Normalize(); double[] y0 = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -0.0079393319393622, -0.921121328331003, 0.38831077875087, -0.0249794942101294, -0.00793933193936288, 0.000443266671129501, 32740, 0.916851279873006, -0.399228920038651, -6.63961013907058e-25, 0.399228920038652, 0.916851279873009, -2.95663849598675e-24, 0.0105704943277902, -0.853632995077797, 0.356200199360623, 0.182433205882693, 0.302834215667251, -0.154618483225328, 32740, -0.410675683157609, 0.514092715632044 }; double[] z = new double[28]; p.optimizationFunction(y0, z, null); for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++) { Console.WriteLine(z[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++) { Assert.Equal(0, z[i], 4); } }
public void singleIntegrateComplex() { Pontryagin p = new Pontryagin(type: ProbType.COASTBURN, mu: mu); double[] y0 = { 0.916851279873005, -0.399228920038652, -7.56664470074416e-27, 0.399228920038653, 0.916851279873009, -4.78371853721768e-27, 0.010574128246995, -0.853926456601413, 0.356322653686804, 0.18249592267875, 0.302938323862286, -0.15467163789007, 32740 }; double[] yf = new double[13]; p.AddArc(type: ArcType.BURN, r0: new Vector3d(r185, 0, 0), v0: new Vector3d(0, v185, 0), m0: 32740, pv0:, pr0:, dt0: 0, isp: 316, thrust: 232.7 * 1000); p.Normalize(); double t = -0.410675683157609; p.singleIntegrate(y0, yf, 0, ref t, 0.514092715632044, p.arcs[0]); // these are from matlab's ode45 running the same problem double[] yfexp = { 0.994701154258547, -0.0747987076177664, 0.0747990550682555, -0.102784424098583, -0.72378325317481, 0.723705406777111, 0.00201415681002393, -0.918310448019604, 0.387151866478535, -0.0830534635509012, -0.0901110052478756, 0.0356709459759326, 282.160771396895 }; // even between matlab's ode45 and ode23 solver we can't compare more precisely than this for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { Assert.Equal(0, yf[i] - yfexp[i], 3); } Assert.Equal(0, t - 0.103417032474435, 14); }
public void centralForceThrustComplex() { Pontryagin p = new Pontryagin(type: ProbType.COASTBURN, mu: mu); double[] y = { 0.916851279873005, -0.399228920038652, -7.56664470074416e-27, 0.399228920038653, 0.916851279873009, -4.78371853721768e-27, 0.010574128246995, -0.853926456601413, 0.356322653686804, 0.18249592267875, 0.302938323862286, -0.15467163789007, 32740 }; double[] dy = new double[13]; p.AddArc(type: ArcType.BURN, r0: new Vector3d(r185, 0, 0), v0: new Vector3d(0, v185, 0), m0: 32740, pv0:, pr0:, dt0: 0, isp: 316, thrust: 232.7 * 1000); p.Normalize(); Console.WriteLine(p.r_scale); Console.WriteLine(p.v_scale); Console.WriteLine(p.t_scale); Console.WriteLine(p.arcs[0].c); Console.WriteLine(p.arcs[0].isp); p.centralForceThrust(y, 0, dy, p.arcs[0]); // from matlab running the same problem double[] dyexp = { 0.399228920038653, 0.916851279873009, -4.78371853721768e-27, -0.908093429346993, -0.308021842619037, 0.295118469071904, -0.18249592267875, -0.302938323862286, 0.15467163789007, -0.953789412037603, -0.434009046696293, 0.356322653686806, -63136.1585987428 }; for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { Assert.Equal(0, dy[i] - dyexp[i], 9); } }