Пример #1
        public static List <Curve> LinesToCircles(List <Curve> x, int divisions = 10, double radius = 25)
            var crvs = new List <Curve>();
            var lns  = new List <Curve>();

            foreach (Curve c in x)
                //  Print(c.SpanCount.ToString());
                if (!c.IsLinear(0.01) || ((c.SpanCount + 1) > 2))
                    Plane pl0;
                    c.PerpendicularFrameAt(0, out pl0);
                    lns.Add(PolylineUtil.Polygon(divisions, radius, pl0).ToNurbsCurve());
                    Plane pl1;
                    c.PerpendicularFrameAt(1, out pl1);
                    lns.Add(PolylineUtil.Polygon(divisions, radius, pl1).ToNurbsCurve());

Пример #2
        public Panel(Polyline p0, Polyline p1)
            this.contourNoJoints = new Polyline[] { new Polyline(p0), new Polyline(p1) };
            this.contour         = new Polyline[] { new Polyline(p0), new Polyline(p1) };

            mesh = Mesh.CreateFromClosedPolyline(PolylineUtil.tweenPolylines(new Polyline(p0), new Polyline(p1)));

            this.planeOffset0 = p0.plane();
            this.planeOffset1 = p1.plane();
            this.plane        = new Plane((planeOffset0.Origin + planeOffset1.Origin) * 0.5, planeOffset0.XAxis, planeOffset0.YAxis);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Ngon Center
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mesh"></param>
        /// <param name="ngon"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Point3d _FCenter(this Mesh M, int F)
            uint[] vertices = M.Ngons.GetNgon(F).BoundaryVertexIndexList();

            Polyline outline = new Polyline();

            foreach (int v in vertices)

Пример #4
        public static Polyline ZigZagFromRectangle(Rectangle3d rec, double step, double scale = 0.9)
            Polyline    pline     = new Polyline();
            double      step_     = Math.Max(step * 1.5, scale);
            Rectangle3d recShrink = new Rectangle3d(rec.Plane, new Interval(-(rec.Width * 0.5) + 0, (rec.Width * 0.5) - 0), new Interval(-(rec.Height * 0.5) + step_, (rec.Height * 0.5) - step_));
            int         divisions = (int)MathUtil.Constrain(recShrink.Width / step, 2, 500);

            divisions += divisions % 2;

            Polyline zz = PolylineUtil.ZigZag(recShrink.ToPolyline(), false, step);

Пример #5
        public static Mesh[] ProjectPairsMesh(this Mesh mesh, double value, ref Polyline[][]  plinesProjected)
            int n = (int)(mesh.Ngons.Count * 0.5);

            Polyline[][] p     = new Polyline[n][];
            Plane[]      pl    = mesh.GetNgonPlanes();
            Polyline[]   polys = mesh.GetPolylines();
            Mesh[]       m     = new Mesh[n];
            uint[][]     id    = mesh.GetNGonsBoundaries();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                p[i] = new[] { new Polyline(), new Polyline() };
                for (int j = 0; j < id[i].Length; j++)
                    Line   temp = new Line(mesh.Vertices[(int)id[i][j]], mesh.Vertices[(int)id[i + n][j]]);
                    double t1, t2;

                    // polys[i].RemoveAt(0);
                    // polys[i + n].RemoveAt(0);
                    Plane plane0 = Plane.Unset;
                    Plane plane1 = Plane.Unset;
                    Plane.FitPlaneToPoints(polys[i], out plane0);
                    Plane.FitPlaneToPoints(polys[i + n], out plane1);

                    Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.LinePlane(temp, plane0, out t1);
                    Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.LinePlane(temp, plane1, out t2);

                    if (value < 1 && value >= 0)
                        p[i][0].Add(temp.PointAt(MathUtil.Lerp(0, t1, value)));
                        p[i][1].Add(temp.PointAt(MathUtil.Lerp(1, t2, value)));
                m[i] = PolylineUtil.Loft(p[i], 0);
            plinesProjected = p;
Пример #6
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) {

            Curve curve = DA.Fetch<Curve>("Poly");
            double t = DA.Fetch<double>("Chamfer");

            Polyline polyline;
            if (curve.TryGetPolyline(out polyline)) {

                DA.SetData(0, PolylineUtil.Chamfer(polyline, t));

Пример #7
        //public static Mesh[] ProjectPairsMesh(this Mesh mesh, double value) {

        //    int n = (int)(mesh.Ngons.Count * 0.5);
        //    Polyline[][] p = new Polyline[n][];
        //    Plane[] pl = mesh.GetNgonPlanes();
        //    Mesh[] m = new Mesh[n];
        //    uint[][] id = mesh.GetNGonsBoundaries();

        //    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        //        p[i] = new[] { new Polyline(), new Polyline() };
        //        for (int j = 0; j < id[i].Length; j++) {
        //            Line temp = new Line(mesh.Vertices[(int)id[i][j]], mesh.Vertices[(int)id[i + n][j]]);
        //            Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.LinePlane(temp, pl[i], out double t1);
        //            Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.LinePlane(temp, pl[i + n], out double t2);

        //            if (value < 1 && value >= 0) {
        //                p[i][0].Add(temp.PointAt(MathUtil.Lerp(0, t1, value)));
        //                p[i][1].Add(temp.PointAt(MathUtil.Lerp(1, t2, value)));

        //            } else {
        //                p[i][0].Add(temp.PointAt(t1));
        //                p[i][1].Add(temp.PointAt(t2));
        //            }
        //        }
        //        p[i][0].Close();
        //        p[i][1].Close();

        //        m[i] = PolylineUtil.Loft(p[i], 0);
        //    }

        //    return m;

        public static Mesh[] ProjectPairsMesh(this Mesh mesh0, Mesh mesh1, double value)
            int n = (int)(mesh0.Ngons.Count);

            Polyline[][] p   = new Polyline[n][];
            Plane[]      pl0 = mesh0.GetNgonPlanes();
            Plane[]      pl1 = mesh1.GetNgonPlanes();
            Mesh[]       m   = new Mesh[n];
            uint[][]     id  = mesh0.GetNGonsBoundaries();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                p[i] = new[] { new Polyline(), new Polyline() };
                for (int j = 0; j < id[i].Length; j++)
                    Line temp = new Line(mesh0.Vertices[(int)id[i][j]], mesh1.Vertices[(int)id[i][j]]);
                    Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.LinePlane(temp, pl0[i], out double t1);
                    Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.LinePlane(temp, pl1[i], out double t2);

                    if (value < 1 && value >= 0)
                        p[i][0].Add(temp.PointAt(MathUtil.Lerp(0, t1, value)));
                        p[i][1].Add(temp.PointAt(MathUtil.Lerp(1, t2, value)));

                m[i] = PolylineUtil.Loft(p[i], 0);

Пример #8
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            try {
                //Inputs Grasshopper
                Mesh M = DA.Fetch <Mesh>("Mesh");
                DataTree <Polyline> PanelOutlines = DA.FetchTree <GH_Curve>("Panels").ToPolylineDT();
                DataTree <Vector3d> EVec          = DA.FetchTree <GH_Vector>("EdgeVectors").ToDT();
                int    D      = DA.Fetch <int>("JointDiv");
                double L      = DA.Fetch <double>("JointLen");
                double H      = DA.Fetch <double>("JointHei");
                double W      = DA.Fetch <double>("JointThi");
                bool   Center = DA.Fetch <bool>("Center");
                bool   Finger = DA.Fetch <bool>("Finger");
                double Custom = DA.Fetch <double>("Custom");
                DataTree <Polyline> CChamfer = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                int           iterations     = DA.Fetch <int>("Iterations");
                List <int>    sequence       = DA.FetchList <int>("Sequence");
                List <double> textSize       = DA.FetchList <double>("TextScale");

                if (textSize.Count < 6)
                    textSize = new List <double> {
                        20, 10, 10, 0.5, 0.75, 10

                DataTree <Panel> PanelGroups = DA.FetchTree <GH_Curve>("Panels").ToPanelsDT();
                DataTree <Panel> JointGroups = new DataTree <Panel>();

                //Inputs Local
                int    divisions   = Math.Max(1, D);
                double jointLength = L;//Math.Max(0.1, L);
                double height      = Math.Max(0.1, H);
                double width       = Math.Max(0.1, W);

                int[][]                 tv      = M.GetNGonsTopoBoundaries();
                int[][]                 fe      = M.GetNGonFacesEdges(tv);
                HashSet <int>           e       = M.GetAllNGonEdges(tv);
                Dictionary <int, int[]> efDict  = M.GetFE(e, false);
                Point3d[]               centers = M.GetNGonCenters();

                //      Insertion vectors
                DataTree <Vector3d> EV = M.insertionVectors(Center, EVec);

                DataTree <Polyline> diagonalConnections = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                //DataTree<Polyline> recJoints = new DataTree<Polyline>();

                //Iterate insertion edges
                Dictionary <int, int> meshEdgeDict = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < EV.BranchCount; i++)  // EV.BranchCount

                    int meshEdge = EV.Path(i).Indices[0];//mesh edge is used as dataTree branch

                    meshEdgeDict.Add(meshEdge, i);

                    if (efDict[meshEdge].Length != 2)
                    int f0 = efDict[meshEdge][0];
                    int f1 = efDict[meshEdge][1];

                    //Divide line into points and create a planes on these point, following insertion direction and average face normal
                    Point3d[] pts = M.TopologyEdges.EdgeLine(meshEdge).InterpolateLine(divisions, false);

                    for (int j = 0; j < pts.Length; j++)
                        JointGroups.Add(new Panel(new Plane(pts[j], EV.Branch(EV.Path(i))[0].UnitVector(), M.GetMeshEdgePerpDir(meshEdge))), EV.Path(i));

                    //Construct joint outlines from planes
                    //Iterate number of joints per edge
                    for (int j = 0; j < pts.Length; j++)
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset0    = JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].plane.MovePlanebyAxis(W * 0.5);         //offset planes
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset1    = JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].plane.MovePlanebyAxis(-W * 0.5);        //offset planes
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeRot        = new Plane(pts[j], Vector3d.CrossProduct(EV.Branch(EV.Path(i))[0].UnitVector(), M.GetMeshEdgePerpDir(meshEdge)), M.GetMeshEdgePerpDir(meshEdge));
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeRotOffset0 = JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeRot.MovePlanebyAxis(jointLength);  //offset planes
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeRotOffset1 = JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeRot.MovePlanebyAxis(-jointLength); //offset plane
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeEdge       = new Plane(pts[j], M.TopologyEdges.EdgeLine(meshEdge).Direction, M.GetMeshEdgePerpDir(meshEdge));

                        List <Plane> planesF0 = new List <Plane>();
                        List <Plane> planesF1 = new List <Plane>();
                        for (int k = 0; k < PanelGroups.Branch(f0).Count; k++)

                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeF0 = PlaneUtil.AveragePlaneOrigin(planesF0);
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeF1 = PlaneUtil.AveragePlaneOrigin(planesF1);

                        List <Plane> jointPlaneLoop = new List <Plane> {
                            JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeF1.MovePlanebyAxis(height),  //3
                            JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeF1.MovePlanebyAxis(-height), //5

                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddRectangle(new Rectangle3d(JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeF1, new Interval(-20, 20), new Interval(-20, 20)));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddRectangle(new Rectangle3d(JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeF1, new Interval(-20, 20), new Interval(-20, 20)));

                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].contourNoJoints[0] = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset0, jointPlaneLoop);
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].contourNoJoints[1] = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset1, jointPlaneLoop);
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].contour[0]         = new Polyline(JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].contourNoJoints[0]);
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].contour[1]         = new Polyline(JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].contourNoJoints[1]);

                    //Construct Cuts
                    //Iterate number of joints per edge
                    for (int j = 0; j < pts.Length; j++)
                        int localMeshEdgeF0 = Array.IndexOf(fe[f0], meshEdge);
                        int localMeshEdgeF1 = Array.IndexOf(fe[f1], meshEdge);

                        //Iterate number of panels and create cuts
                        for (int k = 0; k < PanelGroups.Branch(f0).Count; k++)
                            Panel jointPanel = JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j];

                            jointPanel.id = f0.ToString() + "-" + f1.ToString();

                            //  Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine(jointPanel.id);

                            if (pts.Length > 1)
                                jointPanel.id += "-" + j.ToString();

                            bool flag = f0 == 165 && f1 == 166;
                            PanelGroups.Branch(f0)[k].CreateCut(localMeshEdgeF0, JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset0, JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset1, jointLength, ref jointPanel, flag); //, ref neiPanel, ref jointPanel);
                            PanelGroups.Branch(f1)[k].CreateCut(localMeshEdgeF1, JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset0, JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset1, jointLength, ref jointPanel, flag); //, ref neiPanel, ref jointPanel);

                            JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j] = jointPanel;

                for (int i = 0; i < JointGroups.BranchCount; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < JointGroups.Branch(i).Count; j++)
                        if (Custom > 0)
                            JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].ChangeJoint(Custom, 0);
                        else if (Custom < 0)
                            JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].ChangeJoint(Custom, 1, textSize[7]);

                var dtPlates       = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtJoints       = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtPlatesMid    = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtJointsMid    = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtPlatesPlanes = new DataTree <Plane>();
                var dtJointsPlanes = new DataTree <Plane>();
                var dtPlatesTxt    = new DataTree <Curve>();
                var dtJointsTxt    = new DataTree <Curve>();

                var dtPlatesLast       = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtJointsLast       = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtPlatesMidLast    = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtJointsMidLast    = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtPlatesPlanesLast = new DataTree <Plane>();
                var dtJointsPlanesLast = new DataTree <Plane>();
                var dtPlatesTxtLast    = new DataTree <Curve>();
                var dtJointsTxtLast    = new DataTree <Curve>();

                HashSet <int> jointSequence = new HashSet <int>();

                HashSet <int> jointSequenceLast = new HashSet <int>();
                int           last = Math.Min(iterations, PanelGroups.BranchCount);
                int           prev = Math.Max(0, last - (int)textSize[6]);

                for (int i = 0; i < last; i++)  //Math.Min(iterations, sequence.Count) PanelGroups.BranchCount

                    for (int j = 0; j < fe[i].Length; j++)
                        bool seq = jointSequence.Add(fe[i][j]);

                        if (i >= prev)
                            if (seq)

                    for (int j = 0; j < PanelGroups.Branch(i).Count; j++)
                        dtPlates.Add(PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[0], new GH_Path(i, j));
                        dtPlates.Add(PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[1], new GH_Path(i, j));
                        dtPlatesMid.Add(PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].MidContour(), new GH_Path(i, j));

                        if (i >= prev)
                            dtPlatesLast.Add(PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[0], new GH_Path(i, j));
                            dtPlatesLast.Add(PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[1], new GH_Path(i, j));
                            dtPlatesMidLast.Add(PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].MidContour(), new GH_Path(i, j));

                        Plane textPlane = PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0;

                        if (j == 1)
                            textPlane = PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset1;

                        dtPlatesPlanes.Add(textPlane, new GH_Path(i, j));

                        if (i >= prev)
                            dtPlatesPlanesLast.Add(textPlane, new GH_Path(i, j));

                        string text   = i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString();
                        var    txtCrv = Typewriter.Regular.Write(text, textPlane, textSize[0]);
                        dtPlatesTxt.AddRange(txtCrv, new GH_Path(i, j));

                        if (i >= prev)
                            dtPlatesTxtLast.AddRange(txtCrv, new GH_Path(i, j));

                        //for(int k = 0; k < PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].contourNoJoints.Length; k++) {

                        Line[] segments = PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].contourNoJoints[j].GetSegments();

                        int counter = 0;
                        foreach (Line l in segments)
                            int meshEdge = fe[i][counter];

                            int neiF = M.GetOppositeNgon(meshEdge, i);

                            //Adjacent face plane
                            Point3d  origin = l.PointAt(textSize[3]);
                            Vector3d xaxis  = l.Direction;
                            Vector3d yaxis  = l.Direction;
                            origin.Transform(Transform.Scale(textPlane.Origin, textSize[4]));
                            yaxis.Rotate(Math.PI * 0.5, textPlane.ZAxis);
                            Plane ePlane = new Plane(origin, xaxis, yaxis);

                            var txtCrvF = Typewriter.Regular.Write(neiF.ToString(), ePlane, textSize[2]);
                            dtPlatesTxt.AddRange(txtCrvF, new GH_Path(i, j));

                            if (i >= prev)
                                dtPlatesTxtLast.AddRange(txtCrvF, new GH_Path(i, j));

                            //Mesh edge direction
                            Line meshEdgeLine = M.TopologyEdges.EdgeLine(meshEdge);
                            meshEdgeLine.Transform(Transform.Scale(meshEdgeLine.PointAt(0.5), textSize[4]));
                            meshEdgeLine.Transform(Transform.Scale(textPlane.Origin, textSize[4]));
                            //meshEdgeLine.Extend(-textSize[4], -textSize[4]);

                            Plane e0Plane = new Plane(ePlane.ClosestPoint(meshEdgeLine.From), xaxis, yaxis);
                            Plane e1Plane = new Plane(ePlane.ClosestPoint(meshEdgeLine.To), xaxis, yaxis);

                            var txtCrvF0 = Typewriter.Regular.Write("I", e0Plane, textSize[2]);
                            dtPlatesTxt.AddRange(txtCrvF0, new GH_Path(i, j));

                            if (i >= prev)
                                dtPlatesTxtLast.AddRange(txtCrvF0, new GH_Path(i, j));

                            var txtCrvF1 = Typewriter.Regular.Write("II", e1Plane, textSize[2]);
                            dtPlatesTxt.AddRange(txtCrvF1, new GH_Path(i, j));

                            if (i >= prev)
                                dtPlatesTxtLast.AddRange(txtCrvF1, new GH_Path(i, j));


                foreach (int meshEdge in jointSequence)
                    //for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(iterations, sequence.Count); i++) {//JointGroups.BranchCount
                    if (!meshEdgeDict.ContainsKey(meshEdge))
                    int i = meshEdgeDict[meshEdge];

                    for (int j = 0; j < JointGroups.Branch(i).Count; j++)
                        dtJoints.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[0], new GH_Path(meshEdge, j));
                        dtJoints.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[1], new GH_Path(meshEdge, j));
                        dtJointsMid.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].MidContour(), new GH_Path(i, j));

                        dtJointsPlanes.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0, new GH_Path(meshEdge, j));

                        Plane planet = new Plane(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.Origin + JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.YAxis * textSize[5], JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.XAxis, JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.YAxis);

                        string text   = JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].id;
                        var    txtCrv = Typewriter.Regular.Write(text, planet, textSize[1]);
                        dtJointsTxt.AddRange(txtCrv, new GH_Path(meshEdge, j));

                foreach (int meshEdge in jointSequenceLast)
                    //for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(iterations, sequence.Count); i++) {//JointGroups.BranchCount
                    if (!meshEdgeDict.ContainsKey(meshEdge))
                    int i = meshEdgeDict[meshEdge];

                    for (int j = 0; j < JointGroups.Branch(i).Count; j++)
                        dtJointsLast.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[0], new GH_Path(meshEdge, j));
                        dtJointsLast.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[1], new GH_Path(meshEdge, j));
                        dtJointsMidLast.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].MidContour(), new GH_Path(i, j));

                        dtJointsPlanesLast.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0, new GH_Path(meshEdge, j));

                        Plane planet = new Plane(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.Origin + JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.YAxis * textSize[5], JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.XAxis, JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.YAxis);

                        string text   = JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].id;
                        var    txtCrv = Typewriter.Regular.Write(text, planet, textSize[1]);
                        dtJointsTxtLast.AddRange(txtCrv, new GH_Path(meshEdge, j));

                DA.SetDataTree(0, dtPlates);
                DA.SetDataTree(1, dtJoints);

                DA.SetDataTree(2, dtPlatesMid);
                DA.SetDataTree(3, dtJointsMid);

                DA.SetDataTree(4, dtPlatesPlanes);
                DA.SetDataTree(5, dtJointsPlanes);

                DA.SetDataTree(6, dtPlatesTxt);
                DA.SetDataTree(7, dtJointsTxt);

                DA.SetDataTree(8, dtPlatesLast);
                DA.SetDataTree(9, dtJointsLast);

                DA.SetDataTree(10, dtPlatesMidLast);
                DA.SetDataTree(11, dtJointsMidLast);

                DA.SetDataTree(12, dtPlatesPlanesLast);
                DA.SetDataTree(13, dtJointsPlanesLast);

                DA.SetDataTree(14, dtPlatesTxtLast);
                DA.SetDataTree(15, dtJointsTxtLast);
            } catch (Exception e) {
Пример #9
 public Polyline MidContour()
     return(PolylineUtil.tweenPolylines(contour[0], contour[1]));
Пример #10
        public static List <List <Polyline> > Miter(Mesh M, double D, double JointStep, double scale, GH_Structure <GH_Curve> additionalPlines)
            if (additionalPlines.Branches.Count != 2)
            if (additionalPlines[0].Count != M.Ngons.Count || additionalPlines[1].Count != M.Ngons.Count)

            List <List <Polyline> > zzAll       = new List <List <Polyline> >();
            List <List <Line> >     zzLinesAll  = new List <List <Line> >();
            List <List <Plane> >    zzPlanesAll = new List <List <Plane> >();

            Polyline[] plines = M.GetPolylines();
            //Plane[] planes = M.GetNgonPlanes();
            int[][]       tv   = M.GetNGonsTopoBoundaries();
            int[][]       fe   = M.GetNGonFacesEdges(tv);
            HashSet <int> allE = M.GetAllNGonEdges(tv);

            int[][]  ef        = M.GetNgonsConnectedToNGonsEdges(allE, false);
            uint[][] finf      = M.GetFacesInNGons();
            int[]    allEArray = allE.ToArray();

            Dictionary <int, int> meNgonE = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < allEArray.Length; i++)
                meNgonE.Add(allEArray[i], i);

            //Get planes
            Plane[] planes = new Plane[M.Ngons.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < additionalPlines[0].Count; i++)
                Curve curve = additionalPlines[0][i].Value;
                curve.TryGetPolyline(out Polyline pline);
                planes[i] = pline.GetPlane();

            Line[]  allEArrayLines    = new Line[allEArray.Length];
            Plane[] allEArrayBisector = new Plane[allEArray.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < M.Ngons.Count; i++)
                zzAll.Add(new List <Polyline>());
                zzPlanesAll.Add(new List <Plane>());

            //Get line segments and edge planes
            for (int i = 0; i < allEArray.Length; i++)
                int   me        = allEArray[i];
                int   ne        = meNgonE[me];
                int[] edgeFaces = ef[ne];

                if (edgeFaces.Length == 2)
                    //Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine(edgeFaces[0].ToString() + " " + edgeFaces[1].ToString());
                    int[] fe0      = fe[edgeFaces[0]];
                    int[] fe1      = fe[edgeFaces[1]];
                    int   localID0 = Array.IndexOf(fe0, me);
                    int   localID1 = Array.IndexOf(fe1, me);

                    //Get segments
                    Curve curve = additionalPlines[0][edgeFaces[0]].Value;
                    curve.TryGetPolyline(out Polyline pline0);
                    curve = additionalPlines[1][edgeFaces[0]].Value;
                    curve.TryGetPolyline(out Polyline pline1);
                    Line l0 = PolylineUtil.tweenLine(pline0.SegmentAt(localID0), pline1.SegmentAt(localID0));

                    curve = additionalPlines[0][edgeFaces[1]].Value;
                    curve.TryGetPolyline(out Polyline pline2);
                    curve = additionalPlines[1][edgeFaces[1]].Value;
                    curve.TryGetPolyline(out Polyline pline3);
                    Line l1 = PolylineUtil.tweenLine(pline2.SegmentAt(localID1), pline3.SegmentAt(localID1));

                    allEArrayLines[ne] = PolylineUtil.tweenLine(l0, l1);
                    Vector3d XAxis = allEArrayLines[ne].Direction;

                    var pointsFit = new List <Point3d>();
                    Plane.FitPlaneToPoints(pointsFit, out Plane fitPlane);
                    fitPlane.Rotate(Vector3d.VectorAngle(fitPlane.XAxis, XAxis, fitPlane), fitPlane.ZAxis);

                    Point3d p0 = pline0.SegmentAt(localID0).PointAt(0.5);
                    Point3d p1 = pline1.SegmentAt(localID0).PointAt(0.5);

                    //Vector3d YAxis = (pline0.SegmentAt(localID0).PointAt(0.5) - pline1.SegmentAt(localID0).PointAt(0.5)) + (pline0.SegmentAt(localID1).PointAt(0.5) - pline1.SegmentAt(localID1).PointAt(0.5));
                    Plane plane = new Plane(allEArrayLines[ne].PointAt(0.5), XAxis, fitPlane.YAxis);
                    allEArrayBisector[ne] = plane;

                    //Create ZigZag
                    Vector3d    sideVec = Vector3d.CrossProduct(XAxis, plane.ZAxis);
                    Rectangle3d rect    = new Rectangle3d(new Plane(plane.Origin, plane.ZAxis, XAxis), new Interval(-D * 0.5, D * 0.5), new Interval(-allEArrayLines[ne].Length * 0.5, allEArrayLines[ne].Length * 0.5));
                    Polyline    zigzag0 = ZigZagFromRectangle(rect, JointStep, scale);
                    zzPlanesAll[edgeFaces[0]].Add(new Plane(rect.Plane));

                    rect = new Rectangle3d(new Plane(plane.Origin, -plane.ZAxis, -XAxis), new Interval(-D * 0.5, D * 0.5), new Interval(-allEArrayLines[ne].Length * 0.5, allEArrayLines[ne].Length * 0.5));
                    Polyline zigzag1 = ZigZagFromRectangle(rect, JointStep, scale);
                    zzPlanesAll[edgeFaces[1]].Add(new Plane(rect.Plane));

                    //int[] fe0 = fe[edgeFaces[0]];
                    //int localID0 = Array.IndexOf(fe0, me);

                    ////Get segments
                    //Curve curve = additionalPlines[0][edgeFaces[0]].Value;
                    //curve.TryGetPolyline(out Polyline pline0);
                    //curve = additionalPlines[1][edgeFaces[0]].Value;
                    //curve.TryGetPolyline(out Polyline pline1);
                    //Line l0 = PolylineUtil.tweenLine(pline0.SegmentAt(localID0), pline1.SegmentAt(localID0));

                    //allEArrayLines[ne] = l0;
                    //Vector3d XAxis = allEArrayLines[ne].Direction;
                    //Vector3d YAxis = (pline0.SegmentAt(localID0).PointAt(0.5) - pline1.SegmentAt(localID0).PointAt(0.5)) ;
                    //Plane plane = new Plane(allEArrayLines[ne].PointAt(0.5), XAxis, YAxis);
                    //allEArrayBisector[ne] = plane;

                    //Vector3d sideVec = Vector3d.CrossProduct(XAxis, plane.ZAxis);
                    //Rectangle3d rect = new Rectangle3d(new Plane(plane.Origin, plane.ZAxis, XAxis ), new Interval(-D * 0.5, D * 0.5), new Interval(-allEArrayLines[ne].Length * 0.5, allEArrayLines[ne].Length * 0.5));
                    //Polyline zigzag = ZigZagFromRectangle(rect, JointStep, scale);

            ////Plane[][] bisePlanes;
            ////Plane[][] edgePlanes;//"ZY"
            ////M.GetEdgeAndBisectorPlanes(out bisePlanes, out edgePlanes);

            //    for (int i = 0; i < plines.Length; i++) {

            //    var zz = new List<Polyline>();
            //    var zzLines = new List<Line>();
            //    var zzPlanes = new List<Plane>();

            //    if (D != 0) {

            //        Point3d center = M._Plane(i).Origin;

            //        for (int j = 0; j < plines[i].Count - 1; j++) {

            //            int e = fe[i][j];

            //            int[] faces = M.TopologyEdges.GetConnectedFaces(e);
            //            int neiFace = faces[0];
            //            Vector3d normalDir = Vector3d.Zero;

            //            if (faces.Length == 2) {

            //                bool flag = false;
            //                foreach (var ff in finf[i]) {
            //                    if (faces[0] == (int)ff) {
            //                        flag = true;
            //                        break;
            //                    }
            //                }
            //                neiFace = flag ? faces[1] : faces[0];

            //                normalDir = (M.FaceNormals[faces[1]] + M.FaceNormals[faces[0]]);
            //                normalDir.Unitize();

            //            } else {
            //                continue;
            //                normalDir = (M.FaceNormals[faces[0]]);
            //                normalDir.Unitize();

            //            }

            //            Line l = plines[i].SegmentAt(j);
            //            Vector3d dir = Vector3d.CrossProduct(M.FaceNormals[neiFace], l.Direction);
            //            dir.Unitize();
            //            Point3d p0 = l.PointAt(0.5);
            //            dir = -normalDir;

            //            Vector3d sideVec = Vector3d.CrossProduct(l.Direction, normalDir);
            //            Rectangle3d rect = new Rectangle3d(new Plane(l.Center(), sideVec, l.Direction), new Interval(-D * 0.5, D * 0.5), new Interval(-l.Length * 0.5, l.Length * 0.5));
            //            Polyline zigzag = ZigZagFromRectangle(rect, JointStep, scale);

            //            //Project zigzag points to plane by direction of plane normal
            //            for (int k = 0; k < zigzag.Count; k++) {
            //                Line zzLine = new Line(zigzag[k], zigzag[k] + rect.Plane.ZAxis);
            //                zigzag[k] = PlaneUtil.LinePlane(zzLine, planes[i]);
            //            }
            //            zzPlanes.Add(rect.Plane);

            //            zz.Add(zigzag);

            //            int sign = faces.Length == 2 ? -1 : -1;
            //            //if (F)
            //            //    sign *= -1;
            //            double distance = D * sign;

            //            Polyline polyline = new Polyline() { l.From, l.To, l.To + dir * distance, l.From + dir * distance, l.From };

            //        }//for j
            //        zzAll.Add(zz);
            //        zzPlanesAll.Add(zzPlanes);
            //    }


            //Add zigzag to panels
            //for (int i = 0; i < plines.Length; i++) {

            //    plines[i].InsertPolyline(zzAll[i]);
            List <List <Polyline> > zzAllNew = new List <List <Polyline> >();

            zzAllNew.Add(new List <Polyline>());
            zzAllNew.Add(new List <Polyline>());
            if (additionalPlines != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < additionalPlines.Branches.Count; i++)
                    if (additionalPlines[i].Count != plines.Length)

                    for (int j = 0; j < additionalPlines[i].Count; j++)
                        //Cast to Polyline
                        Curve curve = additionalPlines[i][j].Value;
                        bool  good  = curve.TryGetPolyline(out Polyline aPline);

                        if (good)
                            Plane plane = aPline.GetPlane();

                            for (int k = 0; k < zzAll[j].Count; k++)
                                Polyline zzPolyline = new Polyline();

                                for (int m = 0; m < zzAll[j][k].Count; m++)
                                    Line    zzLine  = new Line(zzAll[j][k][m], zzAll[j][k][m] + zzPlanesAll[j][k].ZAxis);
                                    Point3d zzPoint = PlaneUtil.LinePlane(zzLine, plane);
                            //additionalPlines[i][j] = new GH_Curve(new Polyline(aPline).ToNurbsCurve());
                } //iterate of n-th layer of mesh.
            }     //not null



            //return new List<List<Polyline>>() { additionalPlines[0], };
Пример #11
        public DataTree <Polyline> Panels(NGonsCore.MeshProps p)
            //Draw panels
            DataTree <Polyline> dtPlates = new DataTree <Polyline>();

            for (int i = 0; i < p.M._countF(); i++)
                Plane        panel0     = p.fPl[i];
                Plane        panel1     = p.fPl[i].MovePlanebyAxis(-plateThickness);
                Plane        panel2     = panel1.MovePlanebyAxis(plateThickness * 10);
                List <Plane> sidePlanes = new List <Plane>();

                for (int j = 0; j < p.M._countE(i); j++)
                    if (this[i, j].isNexor != 0)
                        sidePlanes.Add(this[i, j].fcPl[0]);
                        int[] oppo = p.M._OppositeFE(i, j);

                        Plane sidePlane = Plane.Unset;

                        if (oppo[0] != -1)
                            Plane oppoPlane = this[oppo[0], oppo[1]].ePl;

                            Plane ePl0  = oppoPlane;
                            Plane ePl1  = new Plane(oppoPlane.Origin, oppoPlane.YAxis, oppoPlane.ZAxis);
                            Plane left  = p.fPl[i];
                            Plane right = p.fPl[oppo[0]];

                            Point3d originRight = PlaneUtil.PlanePlanePlane(ePl0, ePl1, left);
                            Point3d originLeft  = PlaneUtil.PlanePlanePlane(ePl0, ePl1, right);
                            sidePlane = p.fePl[i][j].ChangeOrigin(originRight);
                            sidePlane = p.fePl[i][j];

                        sidePlane = sidePlane.MovePlanebyAxis(offset0 * scale * extend, panel0.Origin);

                Polyline panelOutline0 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(panel0, sidePlanes);
                Polyline panelOutline1 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(panel1, sidePlanes);
                Polyline panelOutline2 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(panel2, sidePlanes);
                dtPlates.Add(panelOutline0, new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(i));
                dtPlates.Add(panelOutline1, new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(i));

                for (int j = 0; j < p.M._countE(i); j++)
                    int[] op = p.M._OppositeFE(i, j);
                    if (this[i, j].isNexor != 0)
                        this[i, j].CNCtopProfileCuts.Add(panelOutline1);
                        this[i, j].CNCtopProfileCuts.Add(panelOutline2);

                    if (op[0] != -1)
                        this[op[0], op[1]].CNCtopProfileCuts.Add(panelOutline1);
                        this[op[0], op[1]].CNCtopProfileCuts.Add(panelOutline2);


            List <Line> pipes = new List <Line>();

            for (int i = 0; i < p.M._countF(); i++)
                int[] fe = p.M._fe(i);
                for (int j = 0; j < p.M._countE(i); j++)
                    if (this[i, j].isNexor != 0 && !p.M.IsNaked(fe[j]))
                        Line line = this[i, j].line;
                        line.Transform(Transform.Translation(this[i, j].ePl.YAxis * -movePipeAxis));
                        line = new Line(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(line, this[i, j].endPl0), PlaneUtil.LinePlane(line, this[i, j].endPl1));
                        line.Extend(0.2, 0.2);
Пример #12
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            try {
                //Inputs Grasshopper
                Mesh M = DA.Fetch <Mesh>("Mesh");
                DataTree <Polyline> PanelOutlines = DA.FetchTree <GH_Curve>("Panels").ToPolylineDT();

                //Create joints
                DataTree <Vector3d> order = DA.FetchTree <GH_Vector>("InsertionVec").ToVectorDT();

                //      Insertion vectors

                //DataTree<Vector3d> EV = M.insertionVectors(Center, EVec);

                bool Center = DA.Fetch <bool>("Center");
                if (order.DataCount == 0)
                    order = M.insertionVectorsJoints(Center, null);//joints
                DataTree <Vector3d> EV = order;

                List <Point3d> twoJoints        = DA.FetchList <Point3d>("TwoJoints");
                List <Line>    extendedJoints   = DA.FetchList <Line>("ExtendedJoints");
                List <Line>    deeperCutsJoints = DA.FetchList <Line>("DeeperCutsJoints");

                List <JointsVDAInputs> joints = GetJoints(order, M, twoJoints, extendedJoints, deeperCutsJoints);

                if (order.DataCount != 0)
                    order = M.insertionVectorsJoints(Center, joints);//joints
                bool Finger = DA.Fetch <bool>("Finger");
                DataTree <Polyline> CChamfer = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                int           iterations     = DA.Fetch <int>("Iterations");
                List <int>    sequence       = DA.FetchList <int>("Sequence");
                List <double> textSize       = DA.FetchList <double>("TextScale");

                if (textSize.Count != 8)
                    textSize = new List <double> {
                        30, 12, 15, 0.5, 0.6, 0, 1, 5

                DataTree <Panel> PanelGroups = DA.FetchTree <GH_Curve>("Panels").ToPanelsDT();
                DataTree <Panel> JointGroups = new DataTree <Panel>();



                int[][]                 tv      = M.GetNGonsTopoBoundaries();
                int[][]                 fe      = M.GetNGonFacesEdges(tv);
                HashSet <int>           e       = M.GetAllNGonEdges(tv);
                Dictionary <int, int[]> efDict  = M.GetFE(e, false);
                Point3d[]               centers = M.GetNGonCenters();

                Vector3d[] fn = M.GetNgonNormals();
                //int[][] ef = M.GetNgonsConnectedToNGonsEdges(e, true);

                DataTree <Polyline> diagonalConnections = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                //DataTree<Polyline> recJoints = new DataTree<Polyline>();

                //Iterate insertion edges
                Dictionary <int, int> meshEdgeDict = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < EV.BranchCount; i++)  // EV.BranchCount

                    int meshEdge = EV.Path(i).Indices[0];//mesh edge is used as dataTree branch

                    meshEdgeDict.Add(meshEdge, i);

                    if (efDict[meshEdge].Length != 2)
                    int f0 = efDict[meshEdge][0];
                    int f1 = efDict[meshEdge][1];

                    //Divide line into points and create a planes on these point, following insertion direction and average face normal
                    // Point3d[] pts = M.TopologyEdges.EdgeLine(meshEdge).InterpolateLine(divisions, false);
                    Point3d[] pts = M.TopologyEdges.EdgeLine(meshEdge).InterpolateLine(joints[i].divisions, false);

                    Vector3d avNormal = fn[f0] + fn[f1];
                    //Vector3d jointVector = Vector3d.CrossProduct(M.TopologyEdges.EdgeLine(meshEdge).Direction, avNormal);
                    //EV.Branch(EV.Path(i))[0] = jointVector;

                    for (int j = 0; j < pts.Length; j++)
                        //(new Line(pts[j], pts[j]+ avNormal*40)).Bake();
                        //JointGroups.Add(new Panel(new Plane(pts[j], EV.Branch(EV.Path(i))[0].UnitVector(), M.GetMeshEdgePerpDir(meshEdge))), EV.Path(i));
                        Plane plane = new Plane(pts[j], avNormal, EV.Branch(EV.Path(i))[0].UnitVector());
                        // Plane plane = new Plane(pts[j],EV.Branch(EV.Path(i))[0].UnitVector(), M.GetMeshEdgePerpDir(meshEdge));

                        plane = plane.Switch("YX");
                        JointGroups.Add(new Panel(plane), EV.Path(i));

                    //Construct joint outlines from planes
                    //Iterate number of joints per edge
                    for (int j = 0; j < pts.Length; j++)
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset0 = JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].plane.MovePlanebyAxis(joints[i].thickness * 0.5);  //offset planes

                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset1 = JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].plane.MovePlanebyAxis(-joints[i].thickness * 0.5); //offset planes
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeRot     = new Plane(pts[j], Vector3d.CrossProduct(EV.Branch(EV.Path(i))[0].UnitVector(), M.GetMeshEdgePerpDir(meshEdge)), M.GetMeshEdgePerpDir(meshEdge));
                        int[] ngons     = M.GetEdgeNgons(meshEdge);
                        Plane tempPlane = JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeRot.MovePlanebyAxis(joints[i].length);
                        int   sign      = tempPlane.Origin.DistanceToSquared(centers[ngons[0]]) < tempPlane.Origin.DistanceToSquared(centers[ngons[1]]) ? 1 : -1;

                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeRotOffset0 = JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeRot.MovePlanebyAxis(joints[i].length * sign);  //offset planes
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeRotOffset1 = JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeRot.MovePlanebyAxis(-joints[i].length * sign); //offset plane
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeEdge       = new Plane(pts[j], M.TopologyEdges.EdgeLine(meshEdge).Direction, M.GetMeshEdgePerpDir(meshEdge));

                        List <Plane> planesF0 = new List <Plane>();
                        List <Plane> planesF1 = new List <Plane>();
                        for (int k = 0; k < PanelGroups.Branch(f0).Count; k++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < PanelGroups.Branch(f1).Count; k++)

                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeF0 = PlaneUtil.AveragePlaneOrigin(planesF0);
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeF1 = PlaneUtil.AveragePlaneOrigin(planesF1);


                        List <Plane> jointPlaneLoop = new List <Plane> {
                            JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeF1.MovePlanebyAxis(joints[i].height),                                   //3
                            JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeF1.MovePlanebyAxis(-joints[i].height),                                  //5

                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddRectangle(new Rectangle3d(JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeF1, new Interval(-20, 20), new Interval(-20, 20)));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddRectangle(new Rectangle3d(JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeF1, new Interval(-20, 20), new Interval(-20, 20)));

                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].contourNoJoints[0] = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset0, jointPlaneLoop);
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].contourNoJoints[1] = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset1, jointPlaneLoop);
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].contour[0]         = new Polyline(JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].contourNoJoints[0]);
                        JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].contour[1]         = new Polyline(JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].contourNoJoints[1]);

                    //Construct Cuts
                    //Iterate number of joints per edge
                    for (int j = 0; j < pts.Length; j++)
                        int localMeshEdgeF0 = Array.IndexOf(fe[f0], meshEdge);
                        int localMeshEdgeF1 = Array.IndexOf(fe[f1], meshEdge);

                        //Iterate number of panels and create cuts
                        for (int k = 0; k < PanelGroups.Branch(f0).Count; k++)
                            Panel jointPanel = JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j];

                            jointPanel.id = f0.ToString() + "-" + f1.ToString();

                            if (pts.Length > 1)
                                jointPanel.id += "-" + j.ToString();

                            PanelGroups.Branch(f0)[k].CreateCut(localMeshEdgeF0, JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset0, JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset1, joints[i].length, ref jointPanel, false);//, ref neiPanel, ref jointPanel);
                            //PanelGroups.Branch(f1)[k].CreateCut(localMeshEdgeF1, JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset0, JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset1, joints[i].length, ref jointPanel, false);//, ref neiPanel, ref jointPanel);

                            JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j] = jointPanel;

                        //Iterate number of panels and create cuts
                        for (int k = 0; k < PanelGroups.Branch(f1).Count; k++)
                            Panel jointPanel = JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j];

                            jointPanel.id = f0.ToString() + "-" + f1.ToString();

                            if (pts.Length > 1)
                                jointPanel.id += "-" + j.ToString();

                            //PanelGroups.Branch(f0)[k].CreateCut(localMeshEdgeF0, JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset0, JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset1, joints[i].length, ref jointPanel, false);//, ref neiPanel, ref jointPanel);
                            PanelGroups.Branch(f1)[k].CreateCut(localMeshEdgeF1, JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset0, JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j].planeOffset1, joints[i].length, ref jointPanel, false);//, ref neiPanel, ref jointPanel);

                            JointGroups.Branch(EV.Path(i))[j] = jointPanel;

                for (int i = 0; i < JointGroups.BranchCount; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < JointGroups.Branch(i).Count; j++)
                        if (joints[i].custom == 0)
                            if (joints[i].custom > 0)
                                JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].ChangeJoint(joints[i].custom, 0, joints[i].cutExtend, joints[i].addExtend);
                            else if (joints[i].custom < 0)
                                JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].ChangeJoint(joints[i].custom, 1, joints[i].cutExtend, joints[i].addExtend);

                var dtPlates       = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtJoints       = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtPlatesMid    = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtJointsMid    = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtPlatesPlanes = new DataTree <Plane>();
                var dtJointsPlanes = new DataTree <Plane>();
                var dtPlatesTxt    = new DataTree <Curve>();
                var dtJointsTxt    = new DataTree <Curve>();

                var dtPlatesLast       = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtJointsLast       = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtPlatesMidLast    = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtJointsMidLast    = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                var dtPlatesPlanesLast = new DataTree <Plane>();
                var dtJointsPlanesLast = new DataTree <Plane>();
                var dtPlatesTxtLast    = new DataTree <Curve>();
                var dtJointsTxtLast    = new DataTree <Curve>();

                HashSet <int> jointSequenceTemp = new HashSet <int>();
                HashSet <int> jointSequence     = new HashSet <int>();

                HashSet <int> jointSequenceLast = new HashSet <int>();
                int           last = Math.Min(iterations, PanelGroups.BranchCount);
                int           prev = Math.Max(0, last - (int)textSize[6]);

                for (int i = 0; i < last; i++)  //Math.Min(iterations, sequence.Count) PanelGroups.BranchCount

                    for (int j = 0; j < fe[i].Length; j++)
                        bool seq = jointSequenceTemp.Add(fe[i][j]);

                        if (i >= prev)
                            if (seq)

                    for (int j = 0; j < PanelGroups.Branch(i).Count; j++)
                        if (i >= prev)
                            dtPlatesLast.Add(PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[0], new GH_Path(i, j));
                            dtPlatesLast.Add(PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[1], new GH_Path(i, j));
                            dtPlatesMidLast.Add(PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].MidContour(), new GH_Path(i, j));
                            dtPlates.Add(PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[0], new GH_Path(i, j));
                            dtPlates.Add(PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[1], new GH_Path(i, j));
                            dtPlatesMid.Add(PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].MidContour(), new GH_Path(i, j));

                        Plane textPlane = PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0;

                        if (j > 0)
                            textPlane = PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset1;

                        if (i >= prev)
                            dtPlatesPlanesLast.Add(textPlane, new GH_Path(i, j));
                            dtPlatesPlanes.Add(textPlane, new GH_Path(i, j));

                        string text   = i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString();
                        var    txtCrv = Typewriter.Regular.Write(text, textPlane, textSize[0]);

                        if (i >= prev)
                            dtPlatesTxtLast.AddRange(txtCrv, new GH_Path(i, j));
                            dtPlatesTxt.AddRange(txtCrv, new GH_Path(i, j));

                        var a = PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j];

                        Line[] segments = PanelGroups.Branch(i)[j].contourNoJoints[Math.Min(1, j)].GetSegments();

                        int counter = 0;
                        foreach (Line l in segments)
                            int meshEdge = fe[i][counter];

                            int neiF = M.GetOppositeNgon(meshEdge, i);

                            //Adjacent face plane
                            Point3d  origin = l.PointAt(textSize[3]);
                            Vector3d xaxis  = l.Direction;
                            Vector3d yaxis  = l.Direction;
                            origin.Transform(Rhino.Geometry.Transform.Scale(textPlane.Origin, textSize[4]));
                            yaxis.Rotate(Math.PI * 0.5, textPlane.ZAxis);
                            Plane ePlane = new Plane(origin, xaxis, yaxis);

                            var txtCrvF = Typewriter.Regular.Write(neiF.ToString(), ePlane, textSize[2]);

                            if (i >= prev)
                                dtPlatesTxtLast.AddRange(txtCrvF, new GH_Path(i, j));
                                dtPlatesTxt.AddRange(txtCrvF, new GH_Path(i, j));

                            //Mesh edge direction
                            Line meshEdgeLine = M.TopologyEdges.EdgeLine(meshEdge);
                            meshEdgeLine.Transform(Rhino.Geometry.Transform.Scale(meshEdgeLine.PointAt(0.5), textSize[4]));
                            meshEdgeLine.Transform(Rhino.Geometry.Transform.Scale(textPlane.Origin, textSize[4]));
                            //meshEdgeLine.Extend(-textSize[4], -textSize[4]);

                            Plane e0Plane = new Plane(ePlane.ClosestPoint(meshEdgeLine.From), xaxis, yaxis);
                            Plane e1Plane = new Plane(ePlane.ClosestPoint(meshEdgeLine.To), xaxis, yaxis);

                            var txtCrvF0 = Typewriter.Regular.Write("I", e0Plane, textSize[2]);

                            if (i >= prev)
                                dtPlatesTxtLast.AddRange(txtCrvF0, new GH_Path(i, j));
                                dtPlatesTxt.AddRange(txtCrvF0, new GH_Path(i, j));

                            var txtCrvF1 = Typewriter.Regular.Write("II", e1Plane, textSize[2]);

                            if (i >= prev)
                                dtPlatesTxtLast.AddRange(txtCrvF1, new GH_Path(i, j));
                                dtPlatesTxt.AddRange(txtCrvF1, new GH_Path(i, j));


                DataTree <Vector3d> insertionVectors = new DataTree <Vector3d>();

                foreach (int meshEdge in jointSequence)
                    if (!meshEdgeDict.ContainsKey(meshEdge))
                    int i = meshEdgeDict[meshEdge];

                    for (int j = 0; j < JointGroups.Branch(i).Count; j++)
                        GH_Path path = new GH_Path(meshEdge, j);

                        insertionVectors.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.XAxis, path);

                        dtJoints.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[0], path);
                        dtJoints.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[1], path);
                        dtJointsMid.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].MidContour(), path);
                        dtJointsPlanes.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0, path);

                        Plane planet = new Plane(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.Origin + JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.YAxis * textSize[5], JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.XAxis, JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.YAxis);

                        string text   = JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].id;
                        var    txtCrv = Typewriter.Regular.Write(text, planet, textSize[1]);
                        dtJointsTxt.AddRange(txtCrv, path);

                foreach (int meshEdge in jointSequenceLast)
                    if (!meshEdgeDict.ContainsKey(meshEdge))
                    int i = meshEdgeDict[meshEdge];

                    for (int j = 0; j < JointGroups.Branch(i).Count; j++)
                        dtJointsLast.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[0], new GH_Path(meshEdge, j));
                        dtJointsLast.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].contour[1], new GH_Path(meshEdge, j));
                        dtJointsMidLast.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].MidContour(), new GH_Path(meshEdge, j));

                        dtJointsPlanesLast.Add(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0, new GH_Path(meshEdge, j));

                        Plane planet = new Plane(JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.Origin + JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.YAxis * textSize[5], JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.XAxis, JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].planeOffset0.YAxis);

                        string text   = JointGroups.Branch(i)[j].id;
                        var    txtCrv = Typewriter.Regular.Write(text, planet, textSize[1]);
                        dtJointsTxtLast.AddRange(txtCrv, new GH_Path(meshEdge, j));

                DA.SetDataTree(0, dtPlates);
                DA.SetDataTree(1, dtJoints);

                DA.SetDataTree(2, dtPlatesMid);
                DA.SetDataTree(3, dtJointsMid);

                DA.SetDataTree(4, dtPlatesPlanes);
                DA.SetDataTree(5, dtJointsPlanes);

                DA.SetDataTree(6, dtPlatesTxt);
                DA.SetDataTree(7, dtJointsTxt);

                DA.SetDataTree(8, dtPlatesLast);
                DA.SetDataTree(9, dtJointsLast);

                DA.SetDataTree(10, dtPlatesMidLast);
                DA.SetDataTree(11, dtJointsMidLast);

                DA.SetDataTree(12, dtPlatesPlanesLast);
                DA.SetDataTree(13, dtJointsPlanesLast);

                DA.SetDataTree(14, dtPlatesTxtLast);
                DA.SetDataTree(15, dtJointsTxtLast);
            } catch (Exception e) {
Пример #13
        //Main Methods

        public DataTree <Polyline> Beams2(NGonsCore.MeshProps p)
            DataTree <Polyline> dt = new DataTree <Polyline>();

                //Edge and End Planes
                Dictionary <int, int> E = p.M._EAll();//mesh edge - ngon edge
                for (int i = 0; i < p.M._countF(); i++)
                    int[] fe = p.M._fe(i);

                    for (int j = 0; j < p.M._countE(i); j++)
                        if (this[i, j].isNexor != 0)
                            int e = E[fe[j]];//get ngon Edge by local meshedge
                            this[i, j].ePl90       = p.ePl90[e].ChangeOrigin(this[i, j].line.Center());
                            this[i, j].ePl         = p.ePl[e].ChangeOrigin(this[i, j].line.Center());
                            this[i, j].ePl90Offset = this[i, j].ePl90.MovePlanebyAxis(depth);

                            int[] o     = p.M._OppositeFE(i, j);
                            int   i_    = (o[0] != -1) ? o[0] : i;
                            int   j_    = (o[1] != -1) ? o[1] : j;
                            int   naked = (o[0] != -1) ? 1 : -1;

                            Plane ePl0 = this[i, j].ePl;
                            Plane ePl1 = new Plane(this[i, j].ePl.Origin, this[i, j].ePl.YAxis, this[i, j].ePl.ZAxis);
                            Plane cPl  = p.fPl[i];
                            Plane oPl  = p.fPl[i_];

                            Point3d originC = PlaneUtil.PlanePlanePlane(ePl0, ePl1, cPl);
                            Point3d originO = PlaneUtil.PlanePlanePlane(ePl0, ePl1, oPl);

                            //Plane correspoding to current face plane
                            Plane    fcPl   = p.fePl[i][j].ChangeOrigin(originC);
                            Plane    fcPl90 = p.fePl90[i][j].ChangeOrigin(originC);
                            Vector3d v0     = -fcPl.ZAxis * offset0 * scale;
                            Vector3d v1     = -fcPl.YAxis * plateThickness;

                            Plane fcPl0 = fcPl90;
                            //this[i, j].fcPl.Add(fcPl90);
                            this[i, j].fcPl.Add(fcPl.Translation(v0 * extend));
                            this[i, j].fcPl.Add(fcPl90.Translation(v0 + v1));
                            this[i, j].fcPl.Add(this[i, j].ePl.Translation(v0 * 2));

                            if (i == 10)
                                //Line line = new Line(originO.zy);
                                //this[i, j].fcPl.Bake();

                            //Plane corresponding to opposite plane
                            Plane foPl   = p.fePl[i_][j_].ChangeOrigin(originO);
                            Plane foPl90 = p.fePl90[i_][j_].ChangeOrigin(originO);
                            v0 = -foPl.ZAxis * offset0 * scale * naked;//for naked opposite - do i need to flip?
                            v1 = -foPl.YAxis * plateThickness;

                            this[i, j].foPl.Add(this[i, j].ePl.Translation(v0 * 2));
                            this[i, j].foPl.Add(foPl90.Translation(v0 + v1));
                            this[i, j].foPl.Add(foPl.Translation(v0 * extend));
                            //this[i, j].foPl.Add(foPl90);
                            Plane foPl3 = foPl90;

                            //Average plane for chamfer middle part of the beam

                            Line l1 = PlaneUtil.PlanePlane(fcPl90, this[i, j].fcPl[0]);
                            Line l0 = PlaneUtil.PlanePlane(this[i, j].foPl[2], foPl90);

                            this[i, j].fcPl_foPl = new Plane((l0.Center() + l1.Center()) * 0.5, l0.Direction, l0.Center() - l1.Center());

                            //End Planes - next edge opposite
                            int   ne = E[fe.Next(j)];                                                                                                                                                          //get next ngon edge
                            int[] no = p.M._OppositeFE(i, (j + 1).Wrap(p.M._countE(i)));                                                                                                                       //get next opposite edge
                            this[i, j].endPl0 = (no[0] != -1) ? this[i, j].endPl0 = p.ePl[ne].ChangeOrigin(this[no[0], no[1]].line.Center()) : this[i, j].endPl0 = p.ePl[ne].ChangeOrigin(this[i, j].line.To); //change origin because planes are located at mesh edge
                            this[i, j].endPl0 = this[i, j].endPl0.MovePlanebyAxis(offset0 * 2, this[i, j].line.Center());                                                                                      //move towards the center

                            //End Planes - prev edge opposite
                            int   pe = E[fe.Prev(j)];                                                                                                                    //get previous ngon edge
                            int[] po = p.M._OppositeFE(i, (j - 1).Wrap(p.M._countE(i)));                                                                                 ////get prev opposite edge
                            this[i, j].endPl1 = (po[0] != -1) ? p.ePl[pe].ChangeOrigin(this[po[0], po[1]].line.Center()) : p.ePl[pe].ChangeOrigin(this[i, j].line.From); //change origin because planes are located at mesh edge
                            this[i, j].endPl1 = this[i, j].endPl1.MovePlanebyAxis(offset0 * 2, this[i, j].line.Center());                                                //move towards the center
                        }//is nexor
                    }//for j
                }//for i

                //Nodes profiles
                for (int i = 0; i < p.M._countF(); i++)
                    int[] fe = p.M._fe(i);
                    for (int j = 0; j < p.M._countE(i); j++)
                        if (this[i, j].isNexor != 0)
                            List <Polyline> cutters0 = new List <Polyline>();

                            List <Plane> sidePlanes = new List <Plane>();
                            sidePlanes.AddRange(this[i, j].fcPl);
                            sidePlanes.Add(this[i, j].ePl90Offset);
                            sidePlanes.AddRange(this[i, j].foPl);
                            sidePlanes.Add(this[i, j].fcPl_foPl);

                            if ((!p.M.IsNaked(fe[j])))//
                                //End Planes - next edge opposite
                                int[] op = p.M._OppositeFE(i, j, -1);
                                int[] on = p.M._OppositeFE(i, j, 1);

                                int[] no = p.M._OppositeFE(i, (j + 1).Wrap(fe.Length)); //for end parts
                                int[] po = p.M._OppositeFE(i, (j - 1).Wrap(fe.Length)); //for end parts

                                //First profile
                                Polyline p0 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this[i, j].endPl0, sidePlanes);

                                //Plane sectionPlaneP0 = p.M.IsNaked(fe.Next(j)) ? this[i, (j + 1).Wrap(fe.Length)].ePl : this[op[0], op[1]].fcPl[0];
                                if (op[0] != -1)
                                    p0 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this[op[0], op[1]].fcPl[0], sidePlanes);

                                List <Plane> sidePlanes1A = new List <Plane>();
                                sidePlanes1A.AddRange(this[i, j].fcPl);
                                sidePlanes1A.Add(this[i, j].ePl90Offset);
                                sidePlanes1A.Add(this[i, j].foPl[0]);
                                sidePlanes1A.Add(this[i, j].foPl[1].MovePlanebyAxis(plateThickness));
                                sidePlanes1A.Add(this[i, j].fcPl_foPl);

                                Plane sectionPlaneP3A_ = p.M.IsNaked(fe.Next(j)) ? this[i, (j + 1).Wrap(fe.Length)].foPl[0] : this[op[0], op[1]].foPl[0];
                                Plane sectionPlaneP3A  = p.M.IsNaked(fe.Next(j)) ? this[i, (j + 1).Wrap(fe.Length)].fcPl[2] : this[op[0], op[1]].foPl[0];

                                if (p.M.IsNaked(fe.Next(j)) && (p.M.TopologyEdges.EdgeLine(fe.Next(j)).To.Z < z || p.M.TopologyEdges.EdgeLine(fe.Next(j)).From.Z < z))
                                    sectionPlaneP3A_  = ground;
                                    this[i, j].endPl0 = ground;

                                List <Plane> sidePlanes1BExtended = new List <Plane>();
                                sidePlanes1BExtended.Add(this[i, j].fcPl[0]);
                                sidePlanes1BExtended.Add(this[i, j].ePl90Offset.MovePlanebyAxis(this.depth * 2, this[i, j].line.Center(), 2, true));
                                sidePlanes1BExtended.Add(this[i, j].foPl[0]);

                                sidePlanes1BExtended.Add(this[i, j].foPl[1].MovePlanebyAxis(plateThickness));
                                sidePlanes1BExtended.Add(this[i, j].fcPl_foPl);

                                Polyline p2A  = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this[op[0], op[1]].fcPl[0], sidePlanes1A);
                                Polyline p3A  = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(sectionPlaneP3A, sidePlanes1A);//Top Removal - Inner
                                Polyline p3A_ = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(sectionPlaneP3A_, sidePlanes1A);

                                Polyline p3A_Extended = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(sectionPlaneP3A, sidePlanes1BExtended); //1

                                this[i, j].profiles.Add(p2A);
                                this[i, j].profiles.Add(p3A_);

                                if (p.M.IsNaked(fe.Next(j)))
                                    this[i, j].endPl0 = sectionPlaneP3A_;

                                if (no[0] != -1)//i == 20 && j == 1 &&
                                    List <Plane> sidePlanes2 = new List <Plane>();
                                    sidePlanes2.AddRange(this[i, j].fcPl);
                                    sidePlanes2.Add(this[i, j].ePl90Offset);
                                    sidePlanes2.Add(this[i, j].foPl[0]);
                                    sidePlanes2.Add(this[no[0], no[1]].foPl[1].MovePlanebyAxis(plateThickness));
                                    sidePlanes2.Add(this[i, j].fcPl_foPl);

                                    List <Plane> sidePlanes2Extended = new List <Plane>();
                                    sidePlanes2Extended.Add(this[i, j].fcPl[0].MovePlanebyAxis(this.plateThickness, this[i, j].line.Center(), 2, false));
                                    sidePlanes2Extended.Add(this[i, j].ePl90Offset.MovePlanebyAxis(this.depth * 2, this[i, j].line.Center(), 2, true));
                                    sidePlanes2Extended.Add(this[i, j].foPl[0].MovePlanebyAxis(this.plateThickness, this[i, j].line.Center(), 2, false));
                                    sidePlanes2Extended.Add(this[no[0], no[1]].foPl[1].MovePlanebyAxis(plateThickness));
                                    sidePlanes2Extended.Add(this[i, j].fcPl_foPl);

                                    Polyline p4A          = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this[i, j].endPl0, sidePlanes2);                                                                   //Top Removal - End
                                    Polyline p4A_Extended = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this[i, j].endPl0.MovePlanebyAxis(0.00, this[i, j].line.Center(), 2, false), sidePlanes2Extended); //Top Removal - End - 0
                                    cutters0.Insert(0, p4A_Extended);

                                    this[i, j].profiles.Add(p3A);
                                    this[i, j].profiles.Add(p4A);

                                //Second profile
                                Polyline p1 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this[i, j].endPl1, sidePlanes);

                                //Plane sectionPlaneP1 = p.M.IsNaked(fe.Prev(j)) ? this[i, (j - 1).Wrap(fe.Length)].ePl : this[on[0], on[1]].fcPl[0];
                                if (on[0] != -1)
                                    p1 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this[on[0], on[1]].fcPl[0], sidePlanes);

                                List <Plane> sidePlanes1B = new List <Plane>();
                                sidePlanes1B.AddRange(this[i, j].fcPl);
                                sidePlanes1B.Add(this[i, j].ePl90Offset);
                                sidePlanes1B.Add(this[i, j].foPl[0]);
                                sidePlanes1B.Add(this[i, j].foPl[1].MovePlanebyAxis(plateThickness));
                                sidePlanes1B.Add(this[i, j].fcPl_foPl);

                                Plane sectionPlaneP3B_ = p.M.IsNaked(fe.Prev(j)) ? this[i, (j - 1).Wrap(fe.Length)].foPl[0] : this[on[0], on[1]].foPl[0];
                                Plane sectionPlaneP3B  = p.M.IsNaked(fe.Prev(j)) ? this[i, (j - 1).Wrap(fe.Length)].fcPl[2] : this[on[0], on[1]].foPl[0];
                                if (p.M.IsNaked(fe.Prev(j)) && (p.M.TopologyEdges.EdgeLine(fe.Prev(j)).To.Z < z || p.M.TopologyEdges.EdgeLine(fe.Prev(j)).From.Z < z))
                                    sectionPlaneP3B_  = ground;
                                    this[i, j].endPl1 = ground;

                                Polyline p2B  = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this[on[0], on[1]].fcPl[0], sidePlanes1B);
                                Polyline p3B  = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(sectionPlaneP3B, sidePlanes1B);//Top Removal - Inner
                                Polyline p3B_ = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(sectionPlaneP3B_, sidePlanes1B);

                                Polyline p3B_Extended = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(sectionPlaneP3B, sidePlanes1BExtended);//Top Removal - Inner2

                                this[i, j].profiles.Add(p2B);
                                this[i, j].profiles.Add(p3B_);

                                if (p.M.IsNaked(fe.Prev(j)))
                                    this[i, j].endPl1 = sectionPlaneP3B_;

                                if (po[0] != -1)//i == 20 && j == 1 &&
                                    List <Plane> sidePlanes2 = new List <Plane>();
                                    sidePlanes2.AddRange(this[i, j].fcPl);
                                    sidePlanes2.Add(this[i, j].ePl90Offset);
                                    sidePlanes2.Add(this[i, j].foPl[0]);
                                    sidePlanes2.Add(this[po[0], po[1]].foPl[1].MovePlanebyAxis(plateThickness));
                                    sidePlanes2.Add(this[i, j].fcPl_foPl);

                                    List <Plane> sidePlanes2Extended = new List <Plane>();
                                    sidePlanes2Extended.Add(this[i, j].fcPl[0].MovePlanebyAxis(this.plateThickness, this[i, j].line.Center(), 2, false));
                                    sidePlanes2Extended.Add(this[i, j].ePl90Offset.MovePlanebyAxis(this.depth * 2, this[i, j].line.Center(), 2, true));
                                    sidePlanes2Extended.Add(this[i, j].foPl[0].MovePlanebyAxis(this.plateThickness, this[i, j].line.Center(), 2, false));
                                    sidePlanes2Extended.Add(this[po[0], po[1]].foPl[1].MovePlanebyAxis(plateThickness));
                                    sidePlanes2Extended.Add(this[i, j].fcPl_foPl);

                                    Polyline p4B          = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this[i, j].endPl1, sidePlanes2);                                                                   //Top Removal - End
                                    Polyline p4B_Extended = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this[i, j].endPl1.MovePlanebyAxis(0.00, this[i, j].line.Center(), 2, false), sidePlanes2Extended); //Top Removal - End //3

                                    this[i, j].profiles.Add(p4B);
                                    this[i, j].profiles.Add(p3B);

                                this[i, j].profiles.Add(p0);
                                this[i, j].profiles.Add(p1);
                                //End profile
                            else if (this[i, j].isNexor == 1)
                                List <Plane> sidePlanesNaked = new List <Plane>();
                                sidePlanesNaked.AddRange(this[i, j].fcPl);
                                sidePlanesNaked.Add(this[i, j].ePl90Offset);
                                sidePlanesNaked.Add(this[i, j].foPl[0]);
                                sidePlanesNaked.Add(this[i, j].fcPl_foPl);

                                Plane planeA = (this[i, j].endPl0.Origin.Z < z) ? ground : this[i, j].endPl0;
                                Plane planeB = (this[i, j].endPl1.Origin.Z < z) ? ground : this[i, j].endPl1;

                                if (this[i, j].endPl0.Origin.Z < z)
                                    this[i, j].endPl0 = ground;
                                if (this[i, j].endPl1.Origin.Z < z)
                                    this[i, j].endPl1 = ground;

                                Polyline p0 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(planeA, sidePlanesNaked);
                                Polyline p1 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(planeB, sidePlanesNaked);

                                this[i, j].profiles.Add(p0);
                                this[i, j].profiles.Add(p1);
                            else if (this[i, j].isNexor == -1)
                                List <Plane> sidePlanesNaked = new List <Plane>();

                                sidePlanesNaked.Add(this[i, j].ePl90Offset);
                                sidePlanesNaked.Add(this[i, (j + 1).Wrap(fe.Length)].fcPl[2]);
                                sidePlanesNaked.Add(this[i, (j + 1).Wrap(fe.Length)].fcPl[1]);
                                sidePlanesNaked.Add(this[i, (j + 1).Wrap(fe.Length)].fcPl[0]);
                                sidePlanesNaked.Add(this[i, j].fcPl_foPl);
                                sidePlanesNaked.AddRange(this[i, (j - 1).Wrap(fe.Length)].fcPl);

                                this[i, j].endPl0 = this[i, (j + 1).Wrap(fe.Length)].fcPl[0];
                                this[i, j].endPl1 = this[i, (j - 1).Wrap(fe.Length)].fcPl[0];

                                Polyline p0 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this[i, j].fcPl[0], sidePlanesNaked);
                                Polyline p1 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this[i, j].foPl[0], sidePlanesNaked);
                                this[i, j].profiles.Add(p0);
                                this[i, j].profiles.Add(p1);

                            this[i, j].CNC_Cuts.AddRange(cutters0, new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(i, j));

                foreach (var n in this._nexors)
                    if (n.isNexor != 0)
                        var path = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(n.idNested[0], n.idNested[1]);
                        if (n.profiles.Count > 0)
                            dt.AddRange(n.profiles, path);
            } catch (Exception e)
Пример #14
        public DataTree <Polyline> Cuts()
            DataTree <Polyline> dt = new DataTree <Polyline>();

            //Create end cuts
            for (int i = 0; i < this._nexors.Count; i++)
                if (this._nexors[i].isNexor != 0)
                    var path = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(this.id_[i].Item1, this.id_[i].Item2);

                    //1. Get bisector planes
                    List <Plane> sidePlanes = new List <Plane>()

                    Polyline outline     = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this._nexors[i].ePl90Offset, sidePlanes);
                    Plane[]  bisectors   = outline.PolylineBisectors();
                    Plane    higherPlane = (this._nexors[i].fcPl[1].Origin.DistanceToSquared(this._nexors[i].ePl90Offset.Origin) > this._nexors[i].foPl[1].Origin.DistanceToSquared(this._nexors[i].ePl90Offset.Origin)) ? this._nexors[i].fcPl[1] : this._nexors[i].foPl[1];
                    higherPlane = higherPlane.MovePlanebyAxis(this.plateThickness * 3);
                    Plane    lowerPlane = this._nexors[i].ePl90Offset.MovePlanebyAxis(-this.plateThickness * 3);
                    Polyline outline1   = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(higherPlane, sidePlanes);
                    Plane[]  bisectors1 = outline1.PolylineBisectors();

                    for (int j = 0; j < bisectors.Length; j++)
                        bisectors[j] = new Plane(
                            (bisectors[j].Origin + bisectors1[j].Origin) * 0.5,
                            (bisectors[j].XAxis + bisectors1[j].XAxis) * 0.5,
                            bisectors[j].Origin - bisectors1[j].Origin

                    //Create V-Shape cuts
                    Point3d nexorCenter = this._nexors[i].line.Center();

                    sidePlanes = new List <Plane>()
                        this._nexors[i].endPl0.MovePlanebyAxis(0.2, nexorCenter),
                        this._nexors[i].fcPl[2].MovePlanebyAxis(0.1, nexorCenter, 2, false),
                        this._nexors[i].foPl[0].MovePlanebyAxis(0.1, nexorCenter, 2, false)
                    Polyline endCuts0A = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(lowerPlane, sidePlanes, true);
                    Polyline endCuts0B = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(higherPlane, sidePlanes, true);
                    sidePlanes[0] = sidePlanes[0].MovePlanebyAxis(-0.2 * 2, nexorCenter, 2, false);
                    Polyline endCuts0A_ = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(lowerPlane, sidePlanes, true);
                    Polyline endCuts0B_ = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(higherPlane, sidePlanes, true);


                    sidePlanes = new List <Plane>()
                        this._nexors[i].endPl1.MovePlanebyAxis(0.2, nexorCenter),
                        this._nexors[i].foPl[0].MovePlanebyAxis(0.1, nexorCenter, 2, false),
                        this._nexors[i].fcPl[2].MovePlanebyAxis(0.1, nexorCenter, 2, false)

                    Polyline endCuts1A = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(lowerPlane, sidePlanes, true);
                    Polyline endCuts1B = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(higherPlane, sidePlanes, true);
                    sidePlanes[0] = sidePlanes[0].MovePlanebyAxis(-0.2 * 2, nexorCenter, 2, false);
                    Polyline endCuts1A_ = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(lowerPlane, sidePlanes, true);
                    Polyline endCuts1B_ = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(higherPlane, sidePlanes, true);




                    dt.AddRange(this._nexors[i].CNCendBladeSawCuts0, path);
                    dt.AddRange(this._nexors[i].CNCendBladeSawCuts1, path);

                    //if (this._nexors[i].isNexor == -1)
                    //    endCuts0A.Bake();
                    //    endCuts0B.Bake();
                    //    endCuts1A.Bake();
                    //    endCuts1B.Bake();

            //Collect neighbour cuts
            for (int i = 0; i < this._nexors.Count; i++)
                var path = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(this.id_[i].Item1, this.id_[i].Item2);

                int[] adjE0S = this._nexors[i].adjE0S;
                int[] adjE1S = this._nexors[i].adjE1S;

                if (this._nexors[i].isNexor == 1)
                    if (adjE0S[0] != -1)
                        dt.AddRange(this[adjE0S[0], adjE0S[1]].CNCendBladeSawCuts0Negative, path);
                    if (adjE1S[0] != -1)
                        dt.AddRange(this[adjE1S[0], adjE1S[1]].CNCendBladeSawCuts1Negative, path);

                    //Bottom cut
                    Point3d      c          = this._nexors[i].line.Center();
                    List <Plane> sidePlanes = new List <Plane>()
                        this._nexors[i].endPl0.MovePlanebyAxis(0.2, c, 2, false), this._nexors[i].fcPl[2].MovePlanebyAxis(0.1, c, 2, false), this._nexors[i].endPl1.MovePlanebyAxis(0.2, c, 2, false), this._nexors[i].foPl[0].MovePlanebyAxis(0.1, c, 2, false)
                    Polyline bottomCut0 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this._nexors[i].ePl90Offset, sidePlanes);
                    Polyline bottomCut1 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this._nexors[i].ePl90Offset.MovePlanebyAxis(0.1, c, 2, false), sidePlanes);
                    //dt.Add(bottomCut1, path);

                    dt.AddRange(this._nexors[i].CNCtopProfileCuts, path);

                if (this._nexors[i].isNexor == -1)
                    dt.AddRange(this._nexors[i].CNCendBladeSawCuts0Negative, new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(adjE0S[0], adjE0S[1]));
                    dt.AddRange(this._nexors[i].CNCendBladeSawCuts1Negative, new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(adjE1S[0], adjE1S[1]));

                    //Bottom cut
                    Point3d      c          = this._nexors[i].line.Center();
                    List <Plane> sidePlanes = new List <Plane>()
                        this._nexors[i].endPl0.MovePlanebyAxis(0.2, c, 2, false), this._nexors[i].fcPl[2].MovePlanebyAxis(0.1, c, 2, false), this._nexors[i].endPl1.MovePlanebyAxis(0.2, c, 2, false), this._nexors[i].foPl[0].MovePlanebyAxis(0.1, c, 2, false)
                    Polyline bottomCut0 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this._nexors[i].ePl90Offset, sidePlanes);
                    Polyline bottomCut1 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this._nexors[i].ePl90Offset.MovePlanebyAxis(0.1, c, 2, false), sidePlanes);
                    //dt.Add(bottomCut0, path);
                    //dt.Add(bottomCut1, path);

                    dt.AddRange(this._nexors[i].CNCtopProfileCuts, path);

                    //instead of path ?????????????????????

                    //Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine(String.Format("adj {0} - {1}, {2}-{3} , {4}-{5}",
                    //    adjE0S[0],
                    //    adjE0S[1],
                    //    adjE1S[0],
                    //    adjE1S[1],
                    //    this._nexors[i].idNested [0],
                    //    this._nexors[i].idNested[1]
                    //    ));

            for (int i = 0; i < this._nexors.Count; i++)
                if (this._nexors[i].isNexor != 0)
                    var path = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(this.id_[i].Item1, this.id_[i].Item2);

                    Point3d c = this._nexors[i].pipe.line.Center();

                    List <Plane> sidePlanes = new List <Plane>()
                        this._nexors[i].fcPl[0].MovePlanebyAxis(0.01, c, 2, false),
                        this._nexors[i].endPl0.MovePlanebyAxis(0.01, c, 2, false),
                        this._nexors[i].foPl[2].MovePlanebyAxis(0.01, c, 2, false),
                        this._nexors[i].endPl1.MovePlanebyAxis(0.01, c, 2, false),

                    Polyline angledCut0 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this._nexors[i].fcPl_foPl, sidePlanes);
                    Polyline angledCut1 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(this._nexors[i].fcPl_foPl.MovePlanebyAxis(0.1, c, 2, false), sidePlanes);

                    //dt.Add(angledCut0, path);
                    //dt.Add(angledCut1, path);

Пример #15
        public Polyline[][] GetSupportStructure(Mesh M, double W1, double W2, Plane[] facePlanes, Plane[] linePlanes, Plane[][] endPlanes, int[][] fe_, int[][] fe, Surface s, Dictionary <int, int> eDict, ref Plane[] ep0, ref Plane[] ep1, ref Plane[] lp2, ref Plane[] lp3)
            //double thickness = 1.2;
            //double heightScale = 2;

            double thickness   = W1;
            double heightScale = W2 * 2;

            double extend = 1;
            bool   flip   = true;

            Polyline[][] support = new Polyline[linePlanes.Length][];

            ep0 = new Plane[linePlanes.Length];         //Neighbour planes0
            ep1 = new Plane[linePlanes.Length];         //Neighbour planes01
            Plane[] lp0 = new Plane[linePlanes.Length]; //line planes0
            Plane[] lp1 = new Plane[linePlanes.Length]; //line planes1
            lp2 = new Plane[linePlanes.Length];         //line planes2 rotated 90
            lp3 = new Plane[linePlanes.Length];         //line planes3 rotated 90

            for (int i = 0; i < linePlanes.Length; i++)
                Line    projectionAxis = new Line(linePlanes[i].Origin, linePlanes[i].Origin + linePlanes[i].YAxis);
                Point3d projectedPt    = NGonsCore.MeshUtilSimple.SurfaceRay(s, projectionAxis);

                //Six sides of each beam
                lp0[i] = linePlanes[i].MovePlanebyAxis(thickness);
                lp1[i] = linePlanes[i].MovePlanebyAxis(-thickness);
                lp2[i] = (new Plane(projectedPt, linePlanes[i].XAxis, linePlanes[i].ZAxis)).MovePlanebyAxis(heightScale);
                lp3[i] = (new Plane(projectedPt, linePlanes[i].XAxis, linePlanes[i].ZAxis)).MovePlanebyAxis(0);

                ep0[i] = endPlanes[i][0].MovePlanebyAxis(thickness, linePlanes[i].Origin, 2, flip);
                ep1[i] = endPlanes[i][1].MovePlanebyAxis(thickness, linePlanes[i].Origin, 2, flip);

                Plane endPlane0_Offset = endPlanes[i][0].MovePlanebyAxis(thickness * extend, linePlanes[i].Origin, 2, !flip);
                Plane endPlane1_Offset = endPlanes[i][1].MovePlanebyAxis(thickness * extend, linePlanes[i].Origin, 2, !flip);

                //Rectangle3d r0 = new Rectangle3d(lp2[i],10,10);

                //First outlines
                List <Plane> sidePlanes = new List <Plane>()
                    lp0[i], lp2[i], lp1[i], lp3[i]
                Polyline topOutline = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(ep0[i], sidePlanes);
                Polyline botOutline = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(ep1[i], sidePlanes);

                ep0[i] = new Plane(topOutline.CenterPoint(), topOutline.SegmentAt(0).Direction, topOutline.SegmentAt(1).Direction);
                ep1[i] = new Plane(botOutline.CenterPoint(), botOutline.SegmentAt(0).Direction, botOutline.SegmentAt(1).Direction);

                Point3d center = (ep0[i].Origin + ep1[i].Origin) * 0.5;

                if (center.DistanceToSquared(ep0[i].Origin + ep0[i].ZAxis) < center.DistanceToSquared(ep0[i].Origin))
                    ep0[i].Rotate(-Math.PI * 0.5, ep0[i].ZAxis);
                if (center.DistanceToSquared(ep1[i].Origin + ep1[i].ZAxis) < center.DistanceToSquared(ep1[i].Origin))
                    ep1[i].Rotate(-Math.PI * 0.5, ep1[i].ZAxis);


                ///if (i == 0)
                // Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddRectangle(new Rectangle3d(ep0[i],10,10));

                support[i] = new Polyline[] { topOutline, botOutline };

            //Loop each edge
            Tuple <int, int>[][] efe = M.GetEF_LocalID(M.GetAllNGonEdges(M.GetNGonsTopoBoundaries()));

            for (int i = 0; i < linePlanes.Length; i++)
                //int meshE = eDict[i];
                Tuple <int, int>[] edgeFaces = efe[i];

                //if edge has two faces go inside their local edges
                if (edgeFaces.Length == 2)
                    int e0 = fe_[edgeFaces[0].Item1].Next(edgeFaces[0].Item2);
                    int e1 = fe_[edgeFaces[0].Item1].Prev(edgeFaces[0].Item2);
                    int e2 = fe_[edgeFaces[1].Item1].Next(edgeFaces[1].Item2);
                    int e3 = fe_[edgeFaces[1].Item1].Prev(edgeFaces[1].Item2);

                    if (i == 11)
                        Line[]    lines = PolylineUtil.LoftLine(support[i][0], support[i][1]);
                        Point3d[] pInt  = PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, linePlanes[e0]);

                        Rectangle3d rec  = new Rectangle3d(linePlanes[i], 20, 20);
                        Rectangle3d rec0 = new Rectangle3d(linePlanes[e0], 10, 10);
                        Rectangle3d rec1 = new Rectangle3d(linePlanes[e2], 10, 10);


                        //Current stick intersection
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp0[e0]));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp0[e1]));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp0[e2]));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp0[e3]));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp1[e0]));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp1[e1]));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp1[e2]));
                        //Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.AddPoints(PlaneUtil.LinePlane(lines, lp1[e3]));

                        //Compare with neighbour stick intersection - the 4 points

Пример #16
        public Polyline[][] FaceOutlines(Mesh M, Plane[] facePlanes, Plane[] linePlanes, int[][] fe_, int[][] fe, double offset, double thickness, Line[] cutLines, Dictionary <int, int> e, Surface rs)
            Mesh projectionMesh = Mesh.CreateFromBrep(rs.ToBrep())[0];

            Polyline[][] outlines     = new Polyline[facePlanes.Length][];
            Polyline[][] outlinesCopy = new Polyline[facePlanes.Length][];

            //Draw perpendicular joint
            Tuple <int, int>[][] efe = M.GetEF_LocalID(M.GetAllNGonEdges(M.GetNGonsTopoBoundaries()));

            if (offset > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < facePlanes.Length; i++)
                    //Base Planes
                    Plane basePlane0 = new Plane(facePlanes[i].MovePlanebyAxis(offset * 0.5 + thickness * 0.5));
                    Plane basePlane1 = new Plane(facePlanes[i].MovePlanebyAxis(offset * 0.5 + -thickness * 0.5));
                    Plane basePlane2 = new Plane(facePlanes[i].MovePlanebyAxis(offset * -0.5 + thickness * 0.5));
                    Plane basePlane3 = new Plane(facePlanes[i].MovePlanebyAxis(offset * -0.5 + -thickness * 0.5));

                    //Side Planes
                    List <Plane> sidePlanes = new List <Plane>();

                    for (int j = 0; j < fe_[i].Length; j++)
                        sidePlanes.Add(linePlanes[fe_[i][MathUtil.Wrap(j - 1, fe_[i].Length)]]);

                    //Intersect base plane with side planes
                    Polyline outline0 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(basePlane0, sidePlanes);
                    Polyline outline1 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(basePlane1, sidePlanes);
                    Polyline outline2 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(basePlane2, sidePlanes);
                    Polyline outline3 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(basePlane3, sidePlanes);
                    outlines[i] = new Polyline[] { outline0, outline1, outline2, outline3 };

                List <Plane>[] sidePlanes = new List <Plane> [facePlanes.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < facePlanes.Length; i++)
                    //Base Planes
                    Plane basePlane0 = new Plane(facePlanes[i].MovePlanebyAxis(thickness * 0.5));
                    Plane basePlane1 = new Plane(facePlanes[i].MovePlanebyAxis(-thickness * 0.5));

                    //Side Planes
                    sidePlanes[i] = new List <Plane>();

                    for (int j = 0; j < fe_[i].Length; j++)

                    //Intersect base plane with side planes
                    Polyline outline0 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(basePlane0, sidePlanes[i]);
                    Polyline outline1 = PolylineUtil.PolylineFromPlanes(basePlane1, sidePlanes[i]);

                    Polyline outline0Copy = new Polyline(outline0);
                    Polyline outline1Copy = new Polyline(outline1);

                    outlines[i]     = new Polyline[] { outline0, outline1 };
                    outlinesCopy[i] = new Polyline[] { new Polyline(outline0), new Polyline(outline1) };
                }//for i

                for (int i = 0; i < facePlanes.Length; i++)
                    //Loop segments and check intersection
                    for (int j = 0; j < outlines[i][0].Count - 1; j++)
                        //Get current segment
                        Line segment0 = outlines[i][0].SegmentAt(j); // current line
                        Line segment1 = outlines[i][1].SegmentAt(j); // current line

                        //Get connected face of that segment
                        int flattenID = e[fe[i][j]];
                        Tuple <int, int>[] edgeFacesAndEdge = efe[flattenID];

                        if (edgeFacesAndEdge.Length == 2)
                            int neiFID  = (edgeFacesAndEdge[0].Item1 == i) ? 1 : 0;
                            int neiF    = edgeFacesAndEdge[neiFID].Item1;
                            int nextNei = edgeFacesAndEdge[neiFID].Item2;

                            Plane planeA = sidePlanes[neiF][MathUtil.Wrap(nextNei + 2, fe[neiF].Length)];
                            Plane planeB = sidePlanes[neiF][MathUtil.Wrap(nextNei + 0, fe[neiF].Length)];
                            Plane planeC = sidePlanes[neiF][MathUtil.Wrap(nextNei + 1, fe[neiF].Length)];
                            Plane planeD = sidePlanes[neiF][MathUtil.Wrap(nextNei + 3, fe[neiF].Length)];

                            //Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine(fe[neiF].Length.ToString() + " " + sidePlanes[neiF].Count.ToString() + " " + MathUtil.Wrap(nextNei - 1, fe[neiF].Length).ToString());
                            int nn = MathUtil.Wrap(nextNei - 1, fe[neiF].Length);

                            //nextNei = fe[neiF][MathUtil.Wrap(nextNei - 1, fe[neiF].Length)];

                            //for(int k = 0; k < fe[neiF].Length; k++) {
                            //int nextNei = k;

                            if (i == 11 && j == 3)
                                Rectangle3d rec = new Rectangle3d(planeA, 10, 10);

                                rec = new Rectangle3d(planeB, 10, 10);

                                //rec = new Rectangle3d(planeC, 10, 10);

                            bool flag = Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.LinePlane(segment0, planeB, out double t);

                            if (t > 0 && t < 1)
                                Point3d neiP0 = NGonsCore.PlaneUtil.LinePlane(segment0, planeB);
                                outlinesCopy[i][0].Insert((int)Math.Ceiling(outlinesCopy[i][0].ClosestParameter(neiP0)), neiP0);

                                Point3d neiP1 = NGonsCore.PlaneUtil.LinePlane(segment1, planeB);
                                outlinesCopy[i][1].Insert((int)Math.Ceiling(outlinesCopy[i][1].ClosestParameter(neiP1)), neiP1);



                            // }

                    //if (i == 11) {

                for (int i = 0; i < facePlanes.Length; i++)

                    for (int j = 0; j < outlinesCopy[i][0].Count; j++)
                        Line line = new Line(outlinesCopy[i][0][j], outlinesCopy[i][1][j]);
                        Point3d pt = MeshUtilSimple.MeshRay(projectionMesh, line);
                        outlinesCopy[i][0][j] = pt;


                //Edge vectors
                Vector3d[] ev = new Vector3d[efe.Length];

Пример #17
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            try {
                Mesh   M   = DA.Fetch <Mesh>("Mesh");
                double D   = DA.Fetch <double>("Offset");
                int    T   = DA.Fetch <int>("Type");
                double W   = DA.Fetch <double>("Dist2");
                double Tol = DA.Fetch <double>("Tol");
                var    mid = DA.FetchList <int>("Custom");

                bool                P = true;
                Polyline[]          p0;
                Polyline[]          p1;
                DataTree <Polyline> dt          = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                DataTree <Polyline> dtThickness = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                if (D == 0)
                    switch (T)
                    case (1):

                        base.Message = "No Offset \n Projection";
                        dt = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                        var polygons = M.ProjectedPolylinesToAveragePlane(P);
                        for (int i = 0; i < M.Ngons.Count; i++)
                            dt.Add(polygons[i], new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));



                        base.Message = "No Offset \n FaceEdgeBisector";

                        //Get edge planes and corner bisectors *----*----*
                        Plane[][] bisePlanes;
                        Plane[][] edgePlanes;
                        M.GetEdgeAndBisectorPlanes(out bisePlanes, out edgePlanes);
                        dt = new DataTree <Polyline>();

                        //Get Outlines
                        p0 = M.GetPolylines();
                        for (int i = 0; i < M.Ngons.Count; i++)
                            Plane plane = p0[i].GetPlane(P);
                            dt.Add(PolylineUtil.OutlineFromFaceEdgeCorner(plane, edgePlanes[i], bisePlanes[i], T, Tol), new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));

                            if (W > 0)
                                plane = plane.MovePlanebyAxis(-W * 0.5);
                                dtThickness.Add(PolylineUtil.OutlineFromFaceEdgeCorner(plane, edgePlanes[i], bisePlanes[i], T, Tol), new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));
                                plane = plane.MovePlanebyAxis(W);
                                dtThickness.Add(PolylineUtil.OutlineFromFaceEdgeCorner(plane, edgePlanes[i], bisePlanes[i], T, Tol), new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));
                                plane = plane.MovePlanebyAxis(-W * 0.5);

                    DA.SetDataList(0, new Mesh[] { M });
                    //Offset two meshes in both sides
                    Mesh m0 = M.DuplicateMesh();
                    Mesh m1 = M.DuplicateMesh();

                    m0 = m0.Offset(D * 0.5);
                    m1 = m1.Offset(-D * 0.5);

                    switch (T)
                    case (1):
                        //case (2):

                        base.Message = "Offset \n Projection";

                        Mesh mA  = M.DuplicateMesh();
                        Mesh mB  = M.DuplicateMesh();
                        Mesh mC  = M.DuplicateMesh();
                        Mesh mD  = M.DuplicateMesh();
                        Mesh mA_ = M.DuplicateMesh();
                        Mesh mB_ = M.DuplicateMesh();

                        Mesh mE = M.DuplicateMesh();
                        Mesh mF = M.DuplicateMesh();

                        mA  = mA.Offset(-D * 0.5 + W * 0.5);
                        mB  = mB.Offset(-D * 0.5 - W * 0.5);
                        mC  = mC.Offset(D * 0.5 + W * 0.5);
                        mD  = mD.Offset(D * 0.5 - W * 0.5);
                        mA_ = mA_.Offset(-D * 0.5);
                        mB_ = mB_.Offset(D * 0.5);
                        mE  = mE.Offset(W * 0.5);
                        mF  = mF.Offset(-W * 0.5);

                        dtThickness = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                        dt          = new DataTree <Polyline>();


                        var a  = mA.ProjectedPolylinesToAveragePlane(P);
                        var b  = mB.ProjectedPolylinesToAveragePlane(P);
                        var c  = mC.ProjectedPolylinesToAveragePlane(P);
                        var d  = mD.ProjectedPolylinesToAveragePlane(P);
                        var a_ = mA_.ProjectedPolylinesToAveragePlane(P);
                        var b_ = mB_.ProjectedPolylinesToAveragePlane(P);
                        var e  = mE.ProjectedPolylinesToAveragePlane(P);
                        var f  = mF.ProjectedPolylinesToAveragePlane(P);

                        for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
                            dtThickness.Add(a[i], new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));
                            dtThickness.Add(b[i], new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));

                            if (mid.Contains(i))
                                dtThickness.Add(e[i], new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));
                                dtThickness.Add(f[i], new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));
                            dtThickness.Add(c[i], new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));
                            dtThickness.Add(d[i], new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));

                            dt.Add(a_[i], new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));
                            dt.Add(b_[i], new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));



                        base.Message = "Offset \n FaceEdgeBisector";

                        //Get edge planes and corner bisectors *----*----*
                        Plane[][] bisePlanes;
                        Plane[][] edgePlanes;
                        M.GetEdgeAndBisectorPlanes(out bisePlanes, out edgePlanes);

                        DataTree <Plane> pls = new DataTree <Plane>();

                        for (int i = 0; i < bisePlanes.Length; i++)
                            pls.AddRange(bisePlanes[i], new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, 0, i));
                            pls.AddRange(edgePlanes[i], new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, 1, i));
                        //EdgePlanes = pls;
                        DA.SetDataTree(3, pls);

                        dt          = new DataTree <Polyline>();
                        dtThickness = new DataTree <Polyline>();

                        //Get Outlines
                        p0 = M.GetPolylines();
                        p1 = M.GetPolylines();
                        for (int i = 0; i < M.Ngons.Count; i++)
                            Plane plane = p0[i].GetPlane(P);

                            plane = plane.MovePlanebyAxis(D * 0.5);
                            dt.Add(PolylineUtil.OutlineFromFaceEdgeCorner(plane, edgePlanes[i], bisePlanes[i], T, Tol), new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));

                            if (W > 0)
                                plane = plane.MovePlanebyAxis(-W * 0.5);
                                dtThickness.Add(PolylineUtil.OutlineFromFaceEdgeCorner(plane, edgePlanes[i], bisePlanes[i], T, Tol), new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));
                                plane = plane.MovePlanebyAxis(W);
                                dtThickness.Add(PolylineUtil.OutlineFromFaceEdgeCorner(plane, edgePlanes[i], bisePlanes[i], T, Tol), new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));
                                plane = plane.MovePlanebyAxis(-W * 0.5);

                            plane = plane.MovePlanebyAxis(-D);
                            dt.Add(PolylineUtil.OutlineFromFaceEdgeCorner(plane, edgePlanes[i], bisePlanes[i], T, Tol), new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));

                            if (W > 0)
                                plane = plane.MovePlanebyAxis(-W * 0.5);
                                dtThickness.Add(PolylineUtil.OutlineFromFaceEdgeCorner(plane, edgePlanes[i], bisePlanes[i], T, Tol), new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));
                                plane = plane.MovePlanebyAxis(W);
                                dtThickness.Add(PolylineUtil.OutlineFromFaceEdgeCorner(plane, edgePlanes[i], bisePlanes[i], T, Tol), new GH_Path(DA.Iteration, i));
                                plane = plane.MovePlanebyAxis(-W * 0.5);


                    //OffsetMesh = new Mesh[] { m0, m1 };
                    this.PreparePreview(m0, DA.Iteration, dt.AllData(), false);
                    DA.SetDataList(0, new Mesh[] { m0, m1 });

                DA.SetDataTree(1, dt);
                DA.SetDataTree(2, dtThickness);
                //ProjectedPolylines = dt;
                //Thickness = dtThickness;
            }catch (Exception e) {