Пример #1
        private RectangleF determineManualCropWindow(ResizeSettings settings)
            RectangleF cropWindow = copyRect;

            if (cropWindow.IsEmpty)
                //Use the crop size if present.
                cropWindow = new RectangleF(new PointF(0, 0), originalSize);
                if (settings.GetList <double>("crop", 0, 4) != null)
                    cropWindow = PolygonMath.ToRectangle(settings.getCustomCropSourceRect(originalSize)); //Round the custom crop rectangle coordinates
                    //Ensure right/bottom bounded after rounding completes
                    cropWindow.Width  = Math.Min(originalSize.Width - cropWindow.Left, cropWindow.Width);
                    cropWindow.Height = Math.Min(originalSize.Height - cropWindow.Top, cropWindow.Height);

                    if (cropWindow.Size.IsEmpty)
                        throw new Exception("You must specify a custom crop rectangle if crop=custom");
Пример #2
        public void ApplySettings(ResizeSettings settings)
            copyRect = determineManualCropWindow(settings);

            //Save the manual crop size.
            SizeF      manualCropSize = copyRect.Size;
            RectangleF manualCropRect = copyRect;

            FitMode fit = determineFitMode(settings);

            //Aspect ratio of the image
            double imageRatio = copyRect.Width / copyRect.Height;

            //Zoom factor
            double zoom = settings.Get <double>("zoom", 1);

            //The target size for the image
            targetSize = new SizeF(-1, -1);
            //Target area for the image
            areaSize = new SizeF(-1, -1);
            //If any dimensions are specified, calculate. Otherwise, use original image dimensions
            if (settings.Width != -1 || settings.Height != -1 || settings.MaxHeight != -1 || settings.MaxWidth != -1)
                //A dimension was specified.
                //We first calculate the largest size the image can be under the width/height/maxwidth/maxheight restriction
                //- pretending stretch=fill and scale=both

                //Temp vars - results stored in targetSize and areaSize
                double width     = settings.Width;
                double height    = settings.Height;
                double maxwidth  = settings.MaxWidth;
                double maxheight = settings.MaxHeight;

                //Eliminate cases where both a value and a max value are specified: use the smaller value for the width/height
                if (maxwidth > 0 && width > 0)
                    width = Math.Min(maxwidth, width); maxwidth = -1;
                if (maxheight > 0 && height > 0)
                    height = Math.Min(maxheight, height); maxheight = -1;

                //Handle cases of width/maxheight and height/maxwidth as in legacy version
                if (width != -1 && maxheight != -1)
                    maxheight = Math.Min(maxheight, (width / imageRatio));
                if (height != -1 && maxwidth != -1)
                    maxwidth = Math.Min(maxwidth, (height * imageRatio));

                //Move max values to width/height. FitMode should already reflect the mode we are using, and we've already resolved mixed modes above.
                width  = Math.Max(width, maxwidth);
                height = Math.Max(height, maxheight);

                //Calculate missing value (a missing value is handled the same everywhere).
                if (width > 0 && height <= 0)
                    height = width / imageRatio;
                else if (height > 0 && width <= 0)
                    width = height * imageRatio;

                //We now have width & height, our target size. It will only be a different aspect ratio from the image if both 'width' and 'height' are specified.

                if (fit == FitMode.Max)
                    areaSize = targetSize = PolygonMath.ScaleInside(manualCropSize, new SizeF((float)width, (float)height));
                else if (fit == FitMode.Pad)
                    areaSize   = new SizeF((float)width, (float)height);
                    targetSize = PolygonMath.ScaleInside(manualCropSize, areaSize);
                else if (fit == FitMode.Crop)
                    //We autocrop - so both target and area match the requested size
                    areaSize = targetSize = new SizeF((float)width, (float)height);
                    RectangleF copyRect;

                    ScaleMode scale             = settings.Scale;
                    bool      cropWidthSmaller  = manualCropSize.Width <= (float)width;
                    bool      cropHeightSmaller = manualCropSize.Height <= (float)height;

                    //TODO: consider mode=crop;fit=upscale

                    // With both DownscaleOnly (where only one dimension is smaller than
                    // requested) and UpscaleCanvas, we will have a targetSize based on the
                    // minWidth & minHeight.
                    // TODO: what happens if mode=crop;scale=down but the target is larger than the source?

                    if ((scale == ScaleMode.DownscaleOnly && (cropWidthSmaller != cropHeightSmaller)) ||
                        (scale == ScaleMode.UpscaleCanvas && (cropHeightSmaller || cropWidthSmaller)))
                        var minWidth  = Math.Min(manualCropSize.Width, (float)width);
                        var minHeight = Math.Min(manualCropSize.Height, (float)height);

                        targetSize = new SizeF(minWidth, minHeight);

                        copyRect = manualCropRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, minWidth, minHeight);

                        // For DownscaleOnly, the areaSize is adjusted to the new targetSize as well.
                        if (scale == ScaleMode.DownscaleOnly)
                            areaSize = targetSize;
                        //Determine the size of the area we are copying
                        Size sourceSize = PolygonMath.RoundPoints(PolygonMath.ScaleInside(areaSize, manualCropSize));
                        //Center the portion we are copying within the manualCropSize
                        copyRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, sourceSize.Width, sourceSize.Height);

                    // Align the actual source-copy rectangle inside the available
                    // space based on the anchor.
                    this.copyRect = PolygonMath.ToRectangle(PolygonMath.AlignWith(copyRect, this.copyRect, settings.Anchor));
                { //Stretch and carve both act like stretching, so do that:
                    areaSize = targetSize = new SizeF((float)width, (float)height);
                //No dimensions specified, no fit mode needed. Use manual crop dimensions
                areaSize = targetSize = manualCropSize;

            //Multiply both areaSize and targetSize by zoom.
            areaSize.Width    *= (float)zoom;
            areaSize.Height   *= (float)zoom;
            targetSize.Width  *= (float)zoom;
            targetSize.Height *= (float)zoom;

            //Todo: automatic crop is permitted to break the scaling rule Fix!!

            //Now do upscale/downscale check If they take effect, set targetSize to imageSize
            if (settings.Scale == ScaleMode.DownscaleOnly)
                if (PolygonMath.FitsInside(manualCropSize, targetSize))
                    //The image is smaller or equal to its target polygon. Use original image coordinates instead.
                    areaSize = targetSize = manualCropSize;
                    copyRect = manualCropRect;
            else if (settings.Scale == ScaleMode.UpscaleOnly)
                if (!PolygonMath.FitsInside(manualCropSize, targetSize))
                    //The image is larger than its target. Use original image coordinates instead
                    areaSize = targetSize = manualCropSize;
                    copyRect = manualCropRect;
            else if (settings.Scale == ScaleMode.UpscaleCanvas)
                //Same as downscaleonly, except areaSize isn't changed.
                if (PolygonMath.FitsInside(manualCropSize, targetSize))
                    //The image is smaller or equal to its target polygon.

                    //Use manual copy rect/size instead.

                    targetSize = manualCropSize;
                    copyRect   = manualCropRect;

            //May 12: require max dimension and round values to minimize rounding differences later.
            areaSize.Width    = Math.Max(1, (float)Math.Round(areaSize.Width));
            areaSize.Height   = Math.Max(1, (float)Math.Round(areaSize.Height));
            targetSize.Width  = Math.Max(1, (float)Math.Round(targetSize.Width));
            targetSize.Height = Math.Max(1, (float)Math.Round(targetSize.Height));
Пример #3
        protected override RequestedAction RenderImage(ImageState s)
            //Skip this when we are doing simulations
            if (s.destGraphics == null)

            //If there's pre-rendering involved this optimization is utterly pointless.
            if (s.preRenderBitmap != null)

            //Find out what the speed setting is.
            int speed = 0;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.settings["speed"]) || !int.TryParse(s.settings["speed"], NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out speed))
                speed = 0;

            if (speed < 1)

            s.destGraphics.CompositingMode    = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
            s.destGraphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed;
            if (speed == 1)
                s.destGraphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear;
                s.destGraphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Bilinear;

            s.destGraphics.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighSpeed;
            s.destGraphics.SmoothingMode   = SmoothingMode.HighSpeed;


            if (speed < 3)
                s.destGraphics.DrawImage(s.sourceBitmap, PolygonMath.getParallelogram(s.layout["image"]), s.copyRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, s.copyAttibutes);
            else if (speed < 4)
                Rectangle midsize = PolygonMath.ToRectangle(PolygonMath.GetBoundingBox(s.layout["image"]));

                using (Image thumb = s.sourceBitmap.GetThumbnailImage(midsize.Width, midsize.Height, delegate() { return(false); }, IntPtr.Zero)) {
                    double     xfactor  = (double)thumb.Width / (double)s.sourceBitmap.Width;
                    double     yfactor  = (double)thumb.Height / (double)s.sourceBitmap.Height;
                    RectangleF copyPart = new RectangleF((float)(s.copyRect.Left * xfactor),
                                                         (float)(s.copyRect.Top * yfactor),
                                                         (float)(s.copyRect.Width * xfactor),
                                                         (float)(s.copyRect.Height * yfactor));
                    if (Math.Floor(copyPart.Height) == thumb.Height || Math.Ceiling(copyPart.Height) == thumb.Height)
                        copyPart.Height = thumb.Height;
                    if (Math.Floor(copyPart.Width) == thumb.Width || Math.Ceiling(copyPart.Width) == thumb.Width)
                        copyPart.Width = thumb.Width;
                    s.destGraphics.DrawImage(thumb, PolygonMath.getParallelogram(s.layout["image"]), copyPart, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, s.copyAttibutes);
                RectangleF box = PolygonMath.GetBoundingBox(PolygonMath.getParallelogram(s.layout["image"]));
                s.destGraphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
                s.destGraphics.DrawImage(s.sourceBitmap, box.Left, box.Top, box.Width, box.Height);

Пример #4
        public static WpfImageSettings WpfDestinationImageSettings(this ImageState imageState, ResizeSettings settings)
            WpfImageSettings wpfImageSettings = new WpfImageSettings();
            Rectangle        imageDest        = PolygonMath.ToRectangle(PolygonMath.GetBoundingBox(imageState.layout["image"]));

            /* test - provo a ricavare i dati di resize che mi servono direttamente dagli oggetti Drawing sottostanti */
            SizeF imageAreaSizes = PolygonMath.getParallelogramSize(imageState.layout["image"]);

            wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth  = imageAreaSizes.Width;
            wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight = imageAreaSizes.Height;

            // Correct the settings.Mode according to the documentation
            if (settings.Mode == FitMode.None && (settings.Width != -1 && settings.Height != -1))
                settings.Mode = FitMode.Pad;
            else if (settings.Mode == FitMode.None && (settings.MaxWidth != -1 && settings.MaxHeight != -1))
                settings.Mode = FitMode.Max;

            #region -- Manage the image dimensions --

            //double widthToApply = (settings.Width == -1 ? (double)settings.MaxWidth : (double)settings.Width);
            //double heightToApply = (settings.Height == -1 ? (double)settings.MaxHeight : (double)settings.Height);
            //var proportionWidth = (double)imageState.originalSize.Width / widthToApply;
            //var proportionHeight = (double)imageState.originalSize.Height / heightToApply;

            switch (settings.Mode)
            case FitMode.None:

            case FitMode.Carve:
            // TODO
            //case FitMode.Pad:
            case FitMode.Max:
                //if (proportionWidth > proportionHeight)
                //    wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight = Convert.ToInt32(imageState.originalSize.Height / proportionWidth);
                //    wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth = Convert.ToInt32(widthToApply);
                //    wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth = Convert.ToInt32(imageState.originalSize.Width / proportionHeight);
                //    wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight = Convert.ToInt32(heightToApply);

                 * TODO:
                 * verificare la necessità di calcolare gli offset per il PAD


            case FitMode.Crop:
            case FitMode.Pad:
                //int scaleWidth, scaleHeight;
                //scaleWidth = scaleHeight = 0;

                //wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasWidth = scaleWidth = imageDest.Width;
                //wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasHeight = scaleHeight = imageDest.Height;

                //// If only a dimension is missing make it square
                //if (wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasWidth == 0 || wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasHeight == 0)
                //    wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasWidth = wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasHeight = Math.Max(wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasWidth, wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasHeight);

                //double originalProportions = (double)imageState.originalSize.Width / (double)imageState.originalSize.Height;
                //double viewportProportions = (double)wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasWidth / (double)wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasHeight;

                //// Calculates the new scale proportions to make touche-from-inside crop
                //if ((originalProportions > 1 && viewportProportions <= 1) || (originalProportions < 1 && viewportProportions > 1))
                //    scaleHeight = Math.Max(wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasHeight, wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasWidth);
                //    scaleWidth = Convert.ToInt32(((float)(scaleHeight) / (float)(imageState.originalSize.Height)) * imageState.originalSize.Width);
                //    scaleWidth = Math.Max(wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasHeight, wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasWidth);
                //    scaleHeight = Convert.ToInt32(((float)(scaleWidth) / (float)(imageState.originalSize.Width)) * imageState.originalSize.Height);

                //wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth = scaleWidth;
                //wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight = scaleHeight;

                //if ((imageState.copyRect.Y == 0) && (imageState.copyRect.X != 0))
                if ((imageState.originalSize.Width / imageState.originalSize.Height) >= (imageDest.Width / imageDest.Height))
                    wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth = (imageState.originalSize.Width * imageDest.Height) / imageState.copyRect.Height;

                    if (settings.Mode == FitMode.Pad)
                        wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight = imageState.originalSize.Height;
                        wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight = imageDest.Height;

                    wpfImageSettings.OffsetX = -(wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth * imageState.copyRect.X) / imageState.originalSize.Width;
                    wpfImageSettings.OffsetY = 0;
                else     // if ((imageState.copyRect.X == 0) && (imageState.copyRect.Y != 0))
                    if (settings.Mode == FitMode.Pad)
                        wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth = imageState.originalSize.Width;
                        wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth = imageDest.Width;

                    wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight = (imageState.originalSize.Height * imageDest.Width) / imageState.copyRect.Width;
                    wpfImageSettings.OffsetX = 0;
                    wpfImageSettings.OffsetY = -(wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight * imageState.copyRect.Y) / imageState.originalSize.Height;

                 * {
                 * }*/


            //case FitMode.Pad:
            //    wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight = Convert.ToInt32(imageState.layout["image"][3].Y - imageState.layout["image"][0].Y);
            //    wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth = Convert.ToInt32(imageState.layout["image"][1].X - imageState.layout["image"][3].X);
            //    break;

            case FitMode.Stretch:
                //wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth = Convert.ToInt32(widthToApply);
                //wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight = Convert.ToInt32(heightToApply);

                wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth  = imageState.originalSize.Width;
                wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight = imageState.originalSize.Height;


            #region -- Manage the allignments --

            switch (settings.Mode)
            case FitMode.None:
            case FitMode.Crop:
            case FitMode.Pad:
                RectangleF croppedSize = settings.getCustomCropSourceRect(imageState.originalSize);

                if ((croppedSize.X != 0) || (croppedSize.Y != 0))
                    wpfImageSettings.OffsetX = -Convert.ToInt32(croppedSize.X);
                    wpfImageSettings.OffsetY = -Convert.ToInt32(croppedSize.Y);

                    wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasWidth  = croppedSize.Right - croppedSize.Left;
                    wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasHeight = croppedSize.Bottom - croppedSize.Top;
                    wpfImageSettings.OffsetX = imageState.layout["image"][0].X;
                    wpfImageSettings.OffsetY = imageState.layout["image"][0].Y;

                //wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasWidth = imageDest.Width;
                //wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasHeight = imageDest.Height;

                //// In crop or pad I've to calculate the Offsets
                //switch (settings.Anchor)
                //    case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter:
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetX = (int)Math.Floor((double)(imageState.finalSize.Width - wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth) / 2);
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetY = imageState.finalSize.Height - wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight;
                //        break;
                //    case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft:
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetX = 0;
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetY = imageState.finalSize.Height - wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight;
                //        break;
                //    case ContentAlignment.BottomRight:
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetX = imageState.finalSize.Width - wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth;
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetY = imageState.finalSize.Height - wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight;
                //        break;
                //    case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter:
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetX = (int)Math.Floor((double)(imageState.finalSize.Width - wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth) / 2);
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetY = (int)Math.Floor((double)(imageState.finalSize.Height - wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight) / 2);
                //        break;
                //    case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft:
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetX = 0;
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetY = (int)Math.Floor((double)(imageState.finalSize.Height - wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight) / 2);
                //        break;
                //    case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight:
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetX = imageState.finalSize.Width - wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth;
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetY = (int)Math.Floor((double)(imageState.finalSize.Height - wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight) / 2);
                //        break;
                //    case ContentAlignment.TopCenter:
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetX = (int)Math.Floor((double)(imageState.finalSize.Width - wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth) / 2);
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetY = 0;
                //        break;
                //    case ContentAlignment.TopLeft:
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetX = 0;
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetY = 0;
                //        break;
                //    case ContentAlignment.TopRight:
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetX = imageState.finalSize.Width - wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth;
                //        wpfImageSettings.OffsetY = 0;
                //        break;
                //    default:
                //        break;

            //case FitMode.Crop:

            //    break;
                 * TODO: risistemare!!!

                // Supposing I'm on manual cropping, I'll use the underlying calculations
                //wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth = imageState.originalSize.Width;
                //wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight = imageState.originalSize.Height;

                //RectangleF croppedSize = settings.getCustomCropSourceRect(imageState.originalSize);

                //wpfImageSettings.OffsetX = -Convert.ToInt32(croppedSize.X);
                //wpfImageSettings.OffsetY = -Convert.ToInt32(croppedSize.Y);

                //wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasWidth = croppedSize.Right - croppedSize.Left;
                //wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageCanvasHeight = croppedSize.Bottom - croppedSize.Top;


            if ((settings.Rotate % 360) != 0)
                wpfImageSettings.OffsetX = (imageState.finalSize.Width - wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth) / 2;
                wpfImageSettings.OffsetY = (imageState.finalSize.Height - wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight) / 2;

Пример #5
        public override void RenderTo(Resizing.ImageState s)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path))

            s.destGraphics.CompositingMode    = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceOver;
            s.destGraphics.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
            s.destGraphics.InterpolationMode  = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;

            Bitmap img = null;

            if (this.ShouldLoadAsOriginalSize())
                img = GetMemCachedBitmap(Path, ImageQuery);

            //Calculate the location for the bitmap
            RectangleF imgBounds = this.CalculateLayerCoordinates(s, delegate(double maxwidth, double maxheight) {
                ResizeSettings opts = new ResizeSettings(ImageQuery);
                if (Fill && string.IsNullOrEmpty(opts["scale"]))
                    opts.Scale = ScaleMode.Both;
                if (!double.IsNaN(maxwidth))
                    opts.MaxWidth = (int)Math.Floor(maxwidth);
                if (!double.IsNaN(maxheight))
                    opts.MaxHeight = (int)Math.Floor(maxheight);

                if (img == null)
                    img = GetMemCachedBitmap(Path, opts);              //Delayed creation allows the maxwidth/maxheight to be used in gradient plugin
                lock (img) {
                    return(ImageBuilder.Current.GetFinalSize(img.Size, opts));
            }, true);

            lock (img) { //Only one reader from the cached bitmap at a time.
                //Skip rendering unless we have room to work with.
                if (imgBounds.Width < 2 || imgBounds.Height < 2)

                if (ImageQuery.Keys.Count > 0 || Fill)
                    ResizeSettings settings = new ResizeSettings(ImageQuery);
                    if (Fill && string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings["scale"]))
                        settings.Scale = ScaleMode.Both;

                    settings.MaxWidth  = (int)Math.Floor(imgBounds.Width);
                    settings.MaxHeight = (int)Math.Floor(imgBounds.Height);

                    using (Bitmap final = ImageBuilder.Current.Build(img, settings, false)) {
                        s.destGraphics.DrawImage(final, PolygonMath.ToRectangle(PolygonMath.CenterInside(PolygonMath.DownScaleInside(final.Size, imgBounds.Size), imgBounds)));
                    s.destGraphics.DrawImage(img, PolygonMath.ToRectangle(PolygonMath.CenterInside(PolygonMath.DownScaleInside(img.Size, imgBounds.Size), imgBounds)));
Пример #6
        protected override RequestedAction BuildJob(ImageJob job)
            if (!"wpf".Equals(job.Settings["builder"]))

            // Estrazione delle ResizeSettings
            ResizeSettings settings = job.Settings;

            Stream s                     = null;
            bool   disposeStream         = !(job.Source is Stream);
            long   originalPosition      = 0;
            bool   restoreStreamPosition = false;

            string path;

            s = c.CurrentImageBuilder.GetStreamFromSource(job.Source, job.Settings, ref disposeStream, out path, out restoreStreamPosition);
            if (s == null)
                return(RequestedAction.None);           //We don't support the source object!
            if (job.ResetSourceStream)
                restoreStreamPosition = true;
            job.SourcePathData = path;

            // Instanzio uno stream locale per le operazioni WPF
            using (MemoryStream localStream = (s is MemoryStream) ? (MemoryStream)s : StreamExtensions.CopyToMemoryStream(s))
                if (s != null && restoreStreamPosition && s.CanSeek)
                    s.Seek(originalPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                if (disposeStream)

                /* ? ? ? */
                IEncoder managedEncoder       = c.Plugins.GetEncoder(job.Settings, job.SourcePathData);
                bool     supportsTransparency = managedEncoder.SupportsTransparency;

                // Recupero le dimensioni originali
                var frame = BitmapFrame.Create(StreamExtensions.CopyToMemoryStream(localStream));
                System.Windows.Size originalSize = new System.Windows.Size(frame.PixelWidth, frame.PixelHeight);

                // Resetto lo stream locale alla posizione iniziale, dopo aver letto i metadata
                localStream.Position = 0;

                // Uhm... sono costretto a referenziare le System.Drawing (GDI) per questo,
                // TODO: chiedere al tipo se si può prevedere un costruttore di ImageState che non preveda un System.Drawing.Size come parametro
                System.Drawing.Size orig = new System.Drawing.Size((int)originalSize.Width, (int)originalSize.Height);

                using (ImageState imageState = new ImageState(settings, orig, true))

                    Rectangle imageDest = PolygonMath.ToRectangle(PolygonMath.GetBoundingBox(imageState.layout["image"]));

                    BitmapSource finalImage;

                    BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage();
                    bi.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
                    bi.StreamSource = localStream;

                    WpfImageSettings wpfImageSettings = imageState.WpfDestinationImageSettings(settings);

                    bi.DecodePixelWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth);
                    bi.DecodePixelHeight = Convert.ToInt32(wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight);

                    // Creation of the encoder
                    WpfEncoderPlugin wpfEncoder = new WpfEncoderPlugin(settings, job.SourcePathData);

                    RenderTargetBitmap final = new RenderTargetBitmap(imageState.finalSize.Width, imageState.finalSize.Height, settings.Get <int>("dpi", 96), settings.Get <int>("dpi", 96), PixelFormats.Default);
                    DrawingVisual      dv    = new DrawingVisual();

                    using (DrawingContext dc = dv.RenderOpen())
                        string ARGBBackgroundColor = String.Format("#{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}{3:X2}", wpfEncoder.MimeType.Equals("image/jpeg") ? 255 : settings.BackgroundColor.A,

                        System.Windows.Media.Brush BrushBackgroundColor = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush((System.Windows.Media.Color)System.Windows.Media.ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(ARGBBackgroundColor));

                        /* todo: verificare */
                        dc.DrawRectangle(BrushBackgroundColor, null, new Rect(0, 0, wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth, wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight));

                        Rect rect = new Rect(wpfImageSettings.OffsetX, wpfImageSettings.OffsetY, wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageWidth, wpfImageSettings.DestinationImageHeight);

                        //dc.PushTransform(new RotateTransform(settings.Rotate, (double)imageState.finalSize.Width / 2, (double)imageState.finalSize.Height / 2));

                        dc.DrawImage(bi, rect);

                    finalImage = final;

                    // Write the image to the output stream
                    wpfEncoder.Write(finalImage, (Stream)job.Dest);

Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Decodes the image in byte[] data, performs the image proccessing, and encodes it to job.Dest
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The buffer containing the encoded image file</param>
        /// <param name="lData">The number of bytes to read</param>
        /// <param name="job"></param>
        /// <param name="supportsTransparency"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual RequestedAction BuildJobWic(byte[] data, long lData, ImageJob job, bool supportsTransparency)
            ResizeSettings settings = job.Settings; ResizeSettings q = settings;
            string         path = job.SourcePathData;

            //A list of COM objects to destroy
            List <object> com = new List <object>();

            try {
                //Create the factory
                IWICComponentFactory factory = (IWICComponentFactory) new WICImagingFactory();

                //Wrap the byte[] with a IWICStream instance
                var streamWrapper = factory.CreateStream();
                streamWrapper.InitializeFromMemory(data, (uint)lData);

                var decoder = factory.CreateDecoderFromStream(streamWrapper, null,

                //Figure out which frame to work with
                int frameIndex = 0;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(q["page"]) && !int.TryParse(q["page"], NumberStyles.Number, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out frameIndex))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(q["frame"]) && !int.TryParse(q["frame"], NumberStyles.Number, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out frameIndex))
                        frameIndex = 0;

                //So users can use 1-based numbers

                if (frameIndex > 0)
                    int frameCount = (int)decoder.GetFrameCount(); //Don't let the user go past the end.
                    if (frameIndex >= frameCount)
                        frameIndex = frameCount - 1;

                IWICBitmapFrameDecode frame = decoder.GetFrame((uint)Math.Max(0, frameIndex));

                WICBitmapInterpolationMode interpolationMode = WICBitmapInterpolationMode.WICBitmapInterpolationModeFant;
                if ("nearest".Equals(settings["w.filter"], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    interpolationMode = WICBitmapInterpolationMode.WICBitmapInterpolationModeNearestNeighbor;
                if ("bicubic".Equals(settings["w.filter"], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    interpolationMode = WICBitmapInterpolationMode.WICBitmapInterpolationModeCubic;
                if ("linear".Equals(settings["w.filter"], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    interpolationMode = WICBitmapInterpolationMode.WICBitmapInterpolationModeLinear;
                if ("nearestneighbor".Equals(settings["w.filter"], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    interpolationMode = WICBitmapInterpolationMode.WICBitmapInterpolationModeLinear;

                //Find the original image size
                uint origWidth, origHeight;
                frame.GetSize(out origWidth, out origHeight);
                Size orig = new Size((int)origWidth, (int)origHeight);

                Guid pixelFormat;
                frame.GetPixelFormat(out pixelFormat);
                //Calculate the new size of the image and the canvas.
                ImageState state = new ImageState(settings, orig, true);

                Rectangle imageDest = PolygonMath.ToRectangle(PolygonMath.GetBoundingBox(state.layout["image"]));

                IWICBitmapSource imageData = frame;
                //Are we cropping? then daisy-chain a clipper
                if (state.copyRect.Left != 0 || state.copyRect.Top != 0 || state.copyRect.Width != state.originalSize.Width || state.copyRect.Height != state.originalSize.Height)
                    //Cropping is absurdly slow... 4x slower than resizing!
                    //Cropping after resizing (unintuitively) is faster.
                    if (imageDest.Width != state.originalSize.Width || imageDest.Height != state.originalSize.Height)
                        double sx = (double)imageDest.Width / (double)state.copyRect.Width;
                        double sy = (double)imageDest.Height / (double)state.copyRect.Height;
                        uint   uncroppedDestWidth  = (uint)Math.Round(sx * state.originalSize.Width);
                        uint   uncroppedDestHeight = (uint)Math.Round(sy * state.originalSize.Height);

                        var scaler = factory.CreateBitmapScaler();
                        scaler.Initialize(imageData, uncroppedDestWidth, uncroppedDestHeight, interpolationMode);

                        //TODO: cropping is not consistent with GDI.
                        var clipper = factory.CreateBitmapClipper();
                        clipper.Initialize(scaler, new WICRect {
                            X      = (int)Math.Floor((double)state.copyRect.X * sx),
                            Y      = (int)Math.Floor((double)state.copyRect.Y * sy),
                            Width  = imageDest.Width,
                            Height = imageDest.Height
                        imageData = clipper;
                        var clipper = factory.CreateBitmapClipper();
                        clipper.Initialize(imageData, new WICRect {
                            X = (int)state.copyRect.X, Y = (int)state.copyRect.Y, Width = (int)state.copyRect.Width, Height = (int)state.copyRect.Height
                        imageData = clipper;
                    //If we're scaling but not cropping.
                else if (imageDest.Width != state.originalSize.Width || imageDest.Height != state.originalSize.Height)
                    var scaler = factory.CreateBitmapScaler();
                    scaler.Initialize(imageData, (uint)imageDest.Width, (uint)imageDest.Height, interpolationMode);
                    imageData = scaler;

                //Are we padding? Then we have to do an intermediate write.
                if (state.destSize.Width != imageDest.Width || state.destSize.Height != imageDest.Height)
                    byte[] bgcolor = ConversionUtils.ConvertColor(job.Settings.BackgroundColor, pixelFormat);

                    for (int i = 0; i < bgcolor.Length; i++)
                        bgcolor[i] = 255;                                      //White
                    var padder = new WicBitmapPadder(imageData, imageDest.X, imageDest.Y, state.destSize.Width - (imageDest.X + imageDest.Width), state.destSize.Height - (imageDest.Y + imageDest.Height), bgcolor, null);
                    imageData = padder;

                //Now encode imageData and be done with it...
                return(Encode(factory, imageData, imageDest.Size, job));
            } finally {
                //Manually cleanup all the com reference counts, aggressively
                while (com.Count > 0)
                    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(com[com.Count - 1]); //In reverse order, so no item is ever deleted out from under another.
                    com.RemoveAt(com.Count - 1);