Пример #1
        public void ExportGameObjectToOBJ()
            //The following exports the GameObject Onion to the persistent data path

            string exportPath = Application.persistentDataPath;

            GameObject exportObject = GameObject.Find("onion");

            if (exportObject)
                exportObject = exportObject.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject;

                exportObject = GameObject.Find("Meat");
                if (!exportObject)

                    exportObject = exportObject.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject;

            PolyfewRuntime.OBJExportOptions exportOptions = new PolyfewRuntime.OBJExportOptions(true, true, true, true, true);

            PolyfewRuntime.ExportGameObjectToOBJ(exportObject, exportPath, () =>
                Debug.Log("Successfully exported GameObject:  " + exportObject.name);
                string message = "Successfully exported the file to:  \n" + Application.persistentDataPath;
                                                 (Exception ex) =>
                Debug.LogError("Failed to export OBJ. " + ex.ToString());
            }, exportOptions);
Пример #2
            public void ExportGameObjectToOBJ(GameObject toExport, string exportPath, PolyfewRuntime.OBJExportOptions exportOptions = null, Action OnSuccess = null)
                if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer)
                    Debug.LogWarning("The function cannot run on WebGL player. As web apps cannot read from or write to local file system.");

                //init stuff
                Dictionary <string, bool> materialCache = new Dictionary <string, bool>();

                //Debug.Log("Exporting OBJ. Please wait.. Starting to export.");

                InitializeExporter(toExport, exportPath, exportOptions);

                //get list of required export things

                string objectName = toExport.gameObject.name;

                //work on export
                StringBuilder sb          = new StringBuilder();
                StringBuilder sbMaterials = new StringBuilder();

                if (generateMaterials)
                    sb.AppendLine("mtllib " + objectName + ".mtl");

                int lastIndex = 0;

                if (meshRenderer != null && generateMaterials)
                    Material[] mats = meshRenderer.sharedMaterials;
                    for (int j = 0; j < mats.Length; j++)
                        Material m = mats[j];
                        if (!materialCache.ContainsKey(m.name))
                            materialCache[m.name] = true;

                //export the meshhh :3

                int faceOrder = (int)Mathf.Clamp((toExport.gameObject.transform.lossyScale.x * toExport.gameObject.transform.lossyScale.z), -1, 1);

                //export vector data (FUN :D)!
                foreach (Vector3 vx in meshToExport.vertices)
                    Vector3 v = vx;
                    if (applyScale)
                        v = MultiplyVec3s(v, toExport.gameObject.transform.lossyScale);

                    if (applyRotation)
                        v = RotateAroundPoint(v, Vector3.zero, toExport.gameObject.transform.rotation);

                    if (applyPosition)
                        v += toExport.gameObject.transform.position;

                    v.x *= -1;
                    sb.AppendLine("v " + v.x + " " + v.y + " " + v.z);

                foreach (Vector3 vx in meshToExport.normals)
                    Vector3 v = vx;

                    if (applyScale)
                        v = MultiplyVec3s(v, toExport.gameObject.transform.lossyScale.normalized);
                    if (applyRotation)
                        v = RotateAroundPoint(v, Vector3.zero, toExport.gameObject.transform.rotation);

                    v.x *= -1;
                    sb.AppendLine("vn " + v.x + " " + v.y + " " + v.z);

                foreach (Vector2 v in meshToExport.uv)
                    sb.AppendLine("vt " + v.x + " " + v.y);

                for (int j = 0; j < meshToExport.subMeshCount; j++)
                    if (meshRenderer != null && j < meshRenderer.sharedMaterials.Length)
                        string matName = meshRenderer.sharedMaterials[j].name;
                        sb.AppendLine("usemtl " + matName);
                        sb.AppendLine("usemtl " + objectName + "_sm" + j);

                    int[] tris = meshToExport.GetTriangles(j);

                    for (int t = 0; t < tris.Length; t += 3)
                        int idx2 = tris[t] + 1 + lastIndex;
                        int idx1 = tris[t + 1] + 1 + lastIndex;
                        int idx0 = tris[t + 2] + 1 + lastIndex;

                        if (faceOrder < 0)
                            sb.AppendLine("f " + ConstructOBJString(idx2) + " " + ConstructOBJString(idx1) + " " + ConstructOBJString(idx0));
                            sb.AppendLine("f " + ConstructOBJString(idx0) + " " + ConstructOBJString(idx1) + " " + ConstructOBJString(idx2));

                lastIndex += meshToExport.vertices.Length;

                //write to disk

                string writePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(exportPath, objectName + ".obj");

                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(writePath, sb.ToString());

                if (generateMaterials)
                    writePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(exportPath, objectName + ".mtl");
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllText(writePath, sbMaterials.ToString());

                //export complete, close progress dialog
Пример #3
            private void InitializeExporter(GameObject toExport, string exportPath, PolyfewRuntime.OBJExportOptions exportOptions)
                this.exportPath = exportPath;

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(exportPath))
                    throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("The path provided is non-existant.");

                    exportPath = Path.GetFullPath(exportPath);
                    if (exportPath[exportPath.Length - 1] == '\\')
                        exportPath = exportPath.Remove(exportPath.Length - 1);
                    else if (exportPath[exportPath.Length - 1] == '/')
                        exportPath = exportPath.Remove(exportPath.Length - 1);

                if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(exportPath))
                    throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("The path provided is non-existant.");

                if (toExport == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("toExport", "Please provide a GameObject to export as OBJ file.");

                meshRenderer = toExport.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                meshFilter   = toExport.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

                if (meshRenderer == null)

                    if (meshRenderer.isPartOfStaticBatch)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("The provided object is static batched. Static batched object cannot be exported. Please disable it before trying to export the object.");

                if (meshFilter == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no MeshFilter attached to the provided GameObject.");

                    meshToExport = meshFilter.sharedMesh;

                    if (meshToExport == null || meshToExport.triangles == null || meshToExport.triangles.Length == 0)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("The MeshFilter on the provided GameObject has invalid or no mesh at all.");

                if (exportOptions != null)
                    applyPosition     = exportOptions.applyPosition;
                    applyRotation     = exportOptions.applyRotation;
                    applyScale        = exportOptions.applyScale;
                    generateMaterials = exportOptions.generateMaterials;
                    exportTextures    = exportOptions.exportTextures;