Пример #1
    public GameObject blocksPile;             //a reference to the most recently created bundle of blocks
    public GameObject GenerateBlocks()
        blocksPile = new GameObject();

        //number this pile appropriately if there are already some piles on it
        int m = 0;

        for (int n = 0; n < transform.childCount; n++)
            if (transform.GetChild(n).name.Contains("pile"))
        blocksPile.name = "pile " + (m + 1);

        //convert the spline into a polyLine
        PolyLine polyLine = spline.GetPolyLine(polyLineResolution);

        //spawn the blocks
        for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
            //get the fraction along the polyline to start at
            float t = (float)i / (blockCount - 1);
            if (endPadding != 0)
                t = Pad(t);

            //get the position that is along the polyline
            Vector3    point = polyLine.GetPoint(t);
            Quaternion orientation;
            if (rotateToCurve)
                Vector3 dir = polyLine.GetDirection(t).Flatten();
                orientation = Quaternion.LookRotation(dir, Vector3.up);
                orientation = Quaternion.identity;

            GameObject go = Instantiate(blockPrefab, point, orientation, blocksPile.transform);
            go.name = "block " + i;
