Пример #1
        private async Task <bool> WriteDelegationPolicyInternal(string policyPath, List <Rule> rules)
            if (!DelegationHelper.TryGetDelegationParamsFromRule(rules.First(), out string org, out string app, out int offeredByPartyId, out int?coveredByPartyId, out int?coveredByUserId, out int delegatedByUserId))
                _logger.LogWarning("This should not happen. Incomplete rule model received for delegation to delegation policy at: {policyPath}. Incomplete model should have been returned in unsortable rule set by TryWriteDelegationPolicyRules. DelegationHelper.SortRulesByDelegationPolicyPath might be broken.", policyPath);

            XacmlPolicy appPolicy = await _prp.GetPolicyAsync(org, app);

            if (appPolicy == null)
                _logger.LogWarning("No valid App policy found for delegation policy path: {policyPath}", policyPath);

            foreach (Rule rule in rules)
                if (!DelegationHelper.PolicyContainsMatchingRule(appPolicy, rule))
                    _logger.LogWarning("Matching rule not found in app policy. Action might not exist for Resource, or Resource itself might not exist. Delegation policy path: {policyPath}. Rule: {rule}", policyPath, rule);

            if (!await _policyRepository.PolicyExistsAsync(policyPath))
                // Create a new empty blob for lease locking
                await _policyRepository.WritePolicyAsync(policyPath, new MemoryStream());

            string leaseId = await _policyRepository.TryAcquireBlobLease(policyPath);

            if (leaseId != null)
                    // Check for a current delegation change from postgresql
                    DelegationChange currentChange = await _delegationRepository.GetCurrentDelegationChange($"{org}/{app}", offeredByPartyId, coveredByPartyId, coveredByUserId);

                    XacmlPolicy existingDelegationPolicy = null;
                    if (currentChange != null && currentChange.DelegationChangeType != DelegationChangeType.RevokeLast)
                        existingDelegationPolicy = await _prp.GetPolicyVersionAsync(policyPath, currentChange.BlobStorageVersionId);

                    // Build delegation XacmlPolicy either as a new policy or add rules to existing
                    XacmlPolicy delegationPolicy;
                    if (existingDelegationPolicy != null)
                        delegationPolicy = existingDelegationPolicy;
                        foreach (Rule rule in rules)
                            if (!DelegationHelper.PolicyContainsMatchingRule(delegationPolicy, rule))
                                delegationPolicy.Rules.Add(PolicyHelper.BuildDelegationRule(org, app, offeredByPartyId, coveredByPartyId, coveredByUserId, rule));
                        delegationPolicy = PolicyHelper.BuildDelegationPolicy(org, app, offeredByPartyId, coveredByPartyId, coveredByUserId, rules);

                    // Write delegation policy to blob storage
                    MemoryStream dataStream = PolicyHelper.GetXmlMemoryStreamFromXacmlPolicy(delegationPolicy);
                    Response <BlobContentInfo> blobResponse = await _policyRepository.WritePolicyConditionallyAsync(policyPath, dataStream, leaseId);

                    Response httpResponse = blobResponse.GetRawResponse();
                    if (httpResponse.Status != (int)HttpStatusCode.Created)
                        _logger.LogError("Writing of delegation policy at path: {policyPath} failed. Response Status Code:\n{httpResponse.Status}. Response Reason Phrase:\n{httpResponse.ReasonPhrase}", policyPath, httpResponse.Status, httpResponse.ReasonPhrase);

                    // Write delegation change to postgresql
                    DelegationChange change = new DelegationChange
                        DelegationChangeType  = DelegationChangeType.Grant,
                        AltinnAppId           = $"{org}/{app}",
                        OfferedByPartyId      = offeredByPartyId,
                        CoveredByPartyId      = coveredByPartyId,
                        CoveredByUserId       = coveredByUserId,
                        PerformedByUserId     = delegatedByUserId,
                        BlobStoragePolicyPath = policyPath,
                        BlobStorageVersionId  = blobResponse.Value.VersionId

                    change = await _delegationRepository.InsertDelegation(change);

                    if (change == null || change.DelegationChangeId <= 0)
                        // Comment:
                        // This means that the current version of the root blob is no longer in sync with changes in authorization postgresql delegation.delegatedpolicy table.
                        // The root blob is in effect orphaned/ignored as the delegation policies are always to be read by version, and will be overritten by the next delegation change.
                        _logger.LogError("Writing of delegation change to authorization postgresql database failed for changes to delegation policy at path: {policyPath}", policyPath);

                        await _eventQueue.Push(change);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.LogCritical(new EventId(delegationChangeEventQueueErrorId, "DelegationChangeEventQueue.Push.Error"), ex, "AddRules could not push DelegationChangeEvent to DelegationChangeEventQueue. DelegationChangeEvent must be retried for successful sync with SBL Authorization. DelegationChange: {change}", change);

                    _policyRepository.ReleaseBlobLease(policyPath, leaseId);

            _logger.LogInformation("Could not acquire blob lease lock on delegation policy at path: {policyPath}", policyPath);