/// <summary>
		/// constructor for displaying a specific instance of a condition
		/// </summary>
		public ConditionDisplayHiddenDataInFile(ICondition condition, Policy.PolicyType type)
			: base(condition)
			m_type = type;
			if (condition != null)
				m_editable = true;
			Initialise(HiddenDataInContextDescription, GetHyperlinks());
        /// <summary>
        /// constructor for displaying a specific instance of a condition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="condition">The condition to be displayed</param>
        /// <param name="type">Policy type</param>
        public ConditionDisplayPiiInFile(ICondition condition, Policy.PolicyType type)
            : base(condition)
            m_type = type;

            //  condition can be null if the condition method is being displayed, without a condition instance
            if (condition != null)
                m_editable = true;
            Initialise(Properties.Resources.IDS_EXPRESSION_PIIINFILE_DESCRIPTION, GetHyperlinks());
		/// <summary>
		/// constructor for displaying a specific instance of a condition
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="condition">The condition to be displayed</param>
		/// <param name="type">Policy type</param>
		public ConditionDisplayTotalAttachmentSize(ICondition condition, Policy.PolicyType type)
			: base(condition)
			m_type = type;
			if (condition != null)
				m_editable = true;
			base.Initialise(Properties.Resources.IDS_EXPRESSION_TOTALATTACHMENTSIZE_DESCRIPTION, GetHyperlinks());

			if (condition != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// constructor for displaying a specific instance of a condition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="condition">The condition to be displayed</param>
		public ConditionDisplayEmbeddedEmail(ICondition condition, Policy.PolicyType type)
            : base(condition)
			m_type = type;

            if (condition != null)
                m_editable = true;
            Initialise(Properties.Resources.IDS_EXPRESSION_EMBEDDEDEMAIL_DESCRIPTION, new RuleObject[] { });

            if (condition != null)
Пример #5
        ///<summary> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        /// initializeMySelf()
        /// Initializes fields that are reset at the beginning of the simulation, like life
        /// lived.
        ///<summary> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        private void ageMyself(Policy myPolicy, double deltaStep)
            // Demonstration code - accessing values for computation of mortality risk... baseline
            // risk and relative risk.  Just need to work in Policy risk modification.  Can do that
            // later.  FOR NOW - multiply baseline mortality and relative risk, test if person
            // dies, and move on.

            // At each point in time: (1) compute mortality risk and check if person dies;
            // (2) compute chance of switching off disease state; (3) update accumulation
            // of life years - taking into account whether person has been born yet; (4)
            // update ageNow.  Note - I have included a field to accumulate life years.  We
            // should add another one to accumulate discounted life years.

            // Simulate until person dies... Here's how to get the numbers needed
            double policyImpact = myPolicy.policyImpact;

            Policy.PolicyType PolicyCategory = myPolicy.policyCategory;
            double            myRisk         = MortRisk.mortRiskTable[this];
            double            diseaseRR      = DiseaseRR.diseaseRRTable[this];

            Console.WriteLine("Baseline mortality: {0}", myRisk);
            Console.WriteLine("Disease RR: {0}", diseaseRR);


            // TO BE DONE
            // TO BE DONE
            // TO BE DONE
            // TO BE DONE
            // TO BE DONE
            // TO BE DONE
            // TO BE DONE
            // TO BE DONE - Big task will be to use age, disease status, and policy to look up
            // probability of death.  Then call on SimRandom bernouli(p) function to determine if
            // person dies.  ALSO - have to increment life years and discounted life years (fields
            // not yet created).  Have to do discounting.  I have code for that from other simulations.