Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates catcheable and nearby Pokemons + Pokestops.
        ///     We're using a single method so that we don't need two separate calls to the server, making things faster.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static async Task UpdateMapObjects()
            // Get all map objects from server
            var mapObjects = await GetMapObjects(Geoposition);

            _lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;

            // update catchable pokemons
            var newCatchablePokemons = mapObjects.Item1.MapCells.SelectMany(x => x.CatchablePokemons).Select(item => new MapPokemonWrapper(item)).ToArray();

            Logger.Write($"Found {newCatchablePokemons.Length} catchable pokemons");
            CatchablePokemons.UpdateWith(newCatchablePokemons, x => x,
                                         (x, y) => x.EncounterId == y.EncounterId);

            // update nearby pokemons
            var newNearByPokemons = mapObjects.Item1.MapCells.SelectMany(x => x.NearbyPokemons).ToArray();

            Logger.Write($"Found {newNearByPokemons.Length} nearby pokemons");
            // for this collection the ordering is important, so we follow a slightly different update mechanism
            NearbyPokemons.UpdateByIndexWith(newNearByPokemons, x => new NearbyPokemonWrapper(x));

            // update poke stops on map (gyms are ignored for now)
            var newPokeStops = mapObjects.Item1.MapCells
                               .SelectMany(x => x.Forts)
                               .Where(x => x.Type == FortType.Checkpoint)

            Logger.Write($"Found {newPokeStops.Length} nearby PokeStops");
            NearbyPokestops.UpdateWith(newPokeStops, x => new FortDataWrapper(x), (x, y) => x.Id == y.Id);

            // Update LuredPokemon
            var newLuredPokemon = newPokeStops.Where(item => item.LureInfo != null).Select(item => new LuredPokemon(item.LureInfo, item.Latitude, item.Longitude)).ToArray();

            Logger.Write($"Found {newLuredPokemon.Length} lured Pokemon");
            LuredPokemons.UpdateByIndexWith(newLuredPokemon, x => x);
            Logger.Write("Finished updating map objects");

            // Update Hatched Eggs
            var hatchedEggResponse = mapObjects.Item2;

            if (hatchedEggResponse.Success)
                //OnEggHatched?.Invoke(null, hatchedEggResponse);
                for (var i = 0; i < hatchedEggResponse.PokemonId.Count; i++)
                    Logger.Write("Egg Hatched");
                    var currentPokemonId = PokemonsInventory.First(item => item.Id == hatchedEggResponse.PokemonId[i]).PokemonId;
                    await new MessageDialog(string.Format(Resources.CodeResources.GetString("EggHatchMessage"), currentPokemonId, hatchedEggResponse.StardustAwarded[i], hatchedEggResponse.CandyAwarded[i], hatchedEggResponse.ExperienceAwarded[i])).ShowAsyncQueue();
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates inventory data
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task UpdateInventory()
            // Get ALL the items
            var response = await GetInventory();

            var fullInventory = response.InventoryDelta?.InventoryItems;

            // Update items
            ItemsInventory.AddRange(fullInventory.Where(item => item.InventoryItemData.Item != null)
                                    .GroupBy(item => item.InventoryItemData.Item)
                                    .Select(item => item.First().InventoryItemData.Item), true);
                    item =>
                    item.InventoryItemData.Item != null && CatchItemIds.Contains(item.InventoryItemData.Item.ItemId))
                .GroupBy(item => item.InventoryItemData.Item)
                .Select(item => item.First().InventoryItemData.Item), true);
                .Where(item => item.InventoryItemData.AppliedItems != null)
                .SelectMany(item => item.InventoryItemData.AppliedItems.Item)
                .Select(item => new AppliedItemWrapper(item)), true);

            // Update incbuators
            IncubatorsInventory.AddRange(fullInventory.Where(item => item.InventoryItemData.EggIncubators != null)
                                         .SelectMany(item => item.InventoryItemData.EggIncubators.EggIncubator)
                                         .Where(item => item != null), true);

            // Update Pokedex
            PokedexInventory.AddRange(fullInventory.Where(item => item.InventoryItemData.PokedexEntry != null)
                                      .Select(item => item.InventoryItemData.PokedexEntry), true);

            // Update Pokemons
            PokemonsInventory.AddRange(fullInventory.Select(item => item.InventoryItemData.PokemonData)
                                       .Where(item => item != null && item.PokemonId > 0), true);
            EggsInventory.AddRange(fullInventory.Select(item => item.InventoryItemData.PokemonData)
                                   .Where(item => item != null && item.IsEgg), true);

            // Update candies
            CandyInventory.AddRange(from item in fullInventory
                                    where item.InventoryItemData?.Candy != null
                                    where item.InventoryItemData?.Candy.FamilyId != PokemonFamilyId.FamilyUnset
                                    group item by item.InventoryItemData?.Candy.FamilyId into family
                                    select new Candy
                FamilyId = family.FirstOrDefault().InventoryItemData.Candy.FamilyId,
                Candy_   = family.FirstOrDefault().InventoryItemData.Candy.Candy_
            }, true);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates inventory data
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task UpdateInventory()
            // Get ALL the items
            var fullInventory = (await GetInventory()).InventoryDelta.InventoryItems;
            // Update items
            var tmpItemsInventory = fullInventory.Where(item => item.InventoryItemData.Item != null).GroupBy(item => item.InventoryItemData.Item);

            foreach (var item in tmpItemsInventory)
            // Update Pokemons
            var tmpPokemonsInventory = fullInventory.Where(item => item.InventoryItemData.PokemonData != null).Select(itemt => itemt.InventoryItemData.PokemonData);

            foreach (var pokemon in tmpPokemonsInventory)
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates inventory data
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task UpdateInventory()
            // Get ALL the items
            var fullInventory = (await GetInventory()).InventoryDelta.InventoryItems;

            // Update items
            ItemsInventory.AddRange(fullInventory.Where(item => item.InventoryItemData.Item != null)
                                    .GroupBy(item => item.InventoryItemData.Item)
                                    .Select(item => item.First().InventoryItemData.Item), true);
                    item =>
                    item.InventoryItemData.Item != null && CatchItemIds.Contains(item.InventoryItemData.Item.ItemId))
                .GroupBy(item => item.InventoryItemData.Item)
                .Select(item => item.First().InventoryItemData.Item), true);

            // Update incbuators
            FreeIncubatorsInventory.AddRange(fullInventory.Where(item => item.InventoryItemData.EggIncubators != null)
                                             .SelectMany(item => item.InventoryItemData.EggIncubators.EggIncubator)
                                             .Where(item => item != null && item.PokemonId == 0), true);
            UsedIncubatorsInventory.AddRange(fullInventory.Where(item => item.InventoryItemData.EggIncubators != null)
                                             .SelectMany(item => item.InventoryItemData.EggIncubators.EggIncubator)
                                             .Where(item => item != null && item.PokemonId != 0), true);

            // Update Pokemons
            PokemonsInventory.AddRange(fullInventory.Select(item => item.InventoryItemData.PokemonData)
                                       .Where(item => item != null && item.PokemonId > 0), true);
            EggsInventory.AddRange(fullInventory.Select(item => item.InventoryItemData.PokemonData)
                                   .Where(item => item != null && item.IsEgg), true);

            // Update Pokedex
            PokedexInventory.AddRange(fullInventory.Where(item => item.InventoryItemData.PokedexEntry != null)
                                      .Select(item => item.InventoryItemData.PokedexEntry), true);

            // Update Player stats
            PlayerStats =
                fullInventory.First(item => item.InventoryItemData.PlayerStats != null).InventoryItemData.PlayerStats;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates inventory data
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task UpdateInventory()
            // Get ALL the items
            var fullInventory = (await GetInventory()).InventoryDelta.InventoryItems;
            // Update items
            var tmpItemsInventory = fullInventory.Where(item => item.InventoryItemData.Item != null).GroupBy(item => item.InventoryItemData.Item);

            foreach (var item in tmpItemsInventory)
            // Update incbuators
            //var tmpIncubatorsInventory = fullInventory.Where(item => item.InventoryItemData.EggIncubators != null).GroupBy(item => item.InventoryItemData.EggIncubators);
            //foreach (var item in tmpIncubatorsInventory)
            //    IncubatorsInventory.Add(item.First().InventoryItemData.Item);
            // Update Pokemons
            var tmpPokemonsInventory = fullInventory.Where(item => item.InventoryItemData.PokemonData != null).Select(itemt => itemt.InventoryItemData.PokemonData);

            foreach (var pokemon in tmpPokemonsInventory)
                if (pokemon.IsEgg)
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Updates catcheable and nearby Pokemons + Pokestops.
        ///     We're using a single method so that we don't need two separate calls to the server, making things faster.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static async Task UpdateMapObjects()
            // Get all map objects from server
            var mapObjects = await GetMapObjects(Geoposition);

            _lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;

            // update catchable pokemons
            var newCatchablePokemons = mapObjects.Item1.MapCells.SelectMany(x => x.CatchablePokemons).Select(item => new MapPokemonWrapper(item)).ToArray();

            Logger.Write($"Found {newCatchablePokemons.Length} catchable pokemons");
            CatchablePokemons.UpdateWith(newCatchablePokemons, x => x,
                                         (x, y) => x.EncounterId == y.EncounterId);

            // update nearby pokemons
            var newNearByPokemons = mapObjects.Item1.MapCells.SelectMany(x => x.NearbyPokemons).ToArray();

            Logger.Write($"Found {newNearByPokemons.Length} nearby pokemons");
            // for this collection the ordering is important, so we follow a slightly different update mechanism
            NearbyPokemons.UpdateByIndexWith(newNearByPokemons, x => new NearbyPokemonWrapper(x));

            // update poke stops on map
            var newPokeStops = mapObjects.Item1.MapCells
                               .SelectMany(x => x.Forts)
                               .Where(x => x.Type == FortType.Checkpoint)

            Logger.Write($"Found {newPokeStops.Length} nearby PokeStops");
            NearbyPokestops.UpdateWith(newPokeStops, x => new FortDataWrapper(x), (x, y) => x.Id == y.Id);

            // update gyms on map
            var newGyms = mapObjects.Item1.MapCells
                          .SelectMany(x => x.Forts)
                          .Where(x => x.Type == FortType.Gym)

            Logger.Write($"Found {newGyms.Length} nearby Gyms");
            // For now, we do not show the gyms on the map, as they are not complete yet. Code remains, so we can still work on it.
            //NearbyGyms.UpdateWith(newGyms, x => new FortDataWrapper(x), (x, y) => x.Id == y.Id);

            // Update LuredPokemon
            var newLuredPokemon = newPokeStops.Where(item => item.LureInfo != null).Select(item => new LuredPokemon(item.LureInfo, item.Latitude, item.Longitude)).ToArray();

            Logger.Write($"Found {newLuredPokemon.Length} lured Pokemon");
            LuredPokemons.UpdateByIndexWith(newLuredPokemon, x => x);
            Logger.Write("Finished updating map objects");

            // Update Hatched Eggs
            var hatchedEggResponse = mapObjects.Item2;

            if (hatchedEggResponse.Success)
                //OnEggHatched?.Invoke(null, hatchedEggResponse);

                for (var i = 0; i < hatchedEggResponse.PokemonId.Count; i++)
                    Logger.Write("Egg Hatched");
                    await UpdateInventory();

                    //TODO: Fix hatching of more than one pokemon at a time
                    var currentPokemon = PokemonsInventory
                                         .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Id == hatchedEggResponse.PokemonId[i]);

                    if (currentPokemon == null)

                    new MessageDialog(string.Format(
                                          currentPokemon.PokemonId, hatchedEggResponse.StardustAwarded[i], hatchedEggResponse.CandyAwarded[i],

                    NavigationHelper.NavigationState["CurrentPokemon"] =
                        new PokemonDataWrapper(currentPokemon);