Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// New Pokemon with: random IVS, Shininess, default moveset, and EVS (0)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pPokemonID"></param>
    /// <param name="pGender"></param>
    /// <param name="pLevel"></param>
    /// <param name="pCaughtBall"></param>
    /// <param name="pHeldItem"></param>
    /// <param name="pOT"></param>
    /// <param name="pAbility"></param>
    public OwnedPokemon(string pPokemonID, PokemonGender pGender, int pLevel, string pCaughtBall, string pHeldItem, string pOT, int pAbility)
        : this(pPokemonID)
        // Set status.
        CurrentStatus = PokemonStatus.NONE;

        // Set level and experience.
        CurrentLevel      = pLevel;
        CurrentExperience = PokemonLevelingRateHelper.GetRequiredExperienceToTargetLevel(Species.LevelingRate, CurrentLevel);

        // Set friendship.
        CurrentFriendship = Species.BaseFriendship;

        // Set gender.

        // Set rare value.

        // Set met data.
        generateMetData(pLevel, pCaughtBall);

        // Set DO n°.

        // Set IVs and EVs.

        // Set nature.
        Nature = PokemonNatureHelper.GetRandomNature();

        // Set ability.

        // ToDo: Set default move set as 4 highest level learnable moves
        //Set moveset based off of the highest level moves possible.
        //_currentMoveset = thisPokemonData.GenerateMoveset(_currentLevel);
        _moveHistory = _currentMoveset;

        //set maxPP and PP to be the regular PP defined by the move in the database.
        PPups = new int[4];
        maxPP = new int[4];
        PP    = new int[4];
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_currentMoveset[i]))
                maxPP[i] = MoveDatabase.getMove(_currentMoveset[i]).getPP();
                PP[i]    = maxPP[i];
Пример #2
    private void updateSelection(OwnedPokemon selectedPokemon)
        frame = 0;


        selectedCaughtBall.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("null");
        selectedCaughtBall.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("PCSprites/summary" + selectedPokemon.MetData.CaughtBall);
        selectedName.text         = selectedPokemon.GetName();
        selectedNameShadow.text   = selectedName.text;
        if (selectedPokemon.Gender == PokemonGender.FEMALE)
            selectedGender.text  = "♀";
            selectedGender.color = new Color(1, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1);
        else if (selectedPokemon.Gender == PokemonGender.MALE)
            selectedGender.text  = "♂";
            selectedGender.color = new Color(0.2f, 0.4f, 1, 1);
            selectedGender.text = null;
        selectedGenderShadow.text = selectedGender.text;
        selectedLevel.text        = "" + selectedPokemon.CurrentLevel;
        selectedLevelShadow.text  = selectedLevel.text;
        selectedSpriteAnimation   = selectedPokemon.GetFrontAnim_();
        if (selectedSpriteAnimation.Length > 0)
            selectedSprite.sprite = selectedSpriteAnimation[0];
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedPokemon.getHeldItem()))
            selectedHeldItem.text = "None";
            selectedHeldItem.text = selectedPokemon.getHeldItem();
        selectedHeldItemShadow.text = selectedHeldItem.text;
        if (selectedPokemon.CurrentStatus != PokemonStatus.NONE)
            selectedStatus.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("PCSprites/status" + selectedPokemon.CurrentStatus.ToString());
            selectedStatus.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("null");

        if (selectedPokemon.IsShiny)
            selectedShiny.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("PCSprites/shiny");
            selectedShiny.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("null");

        dexNo.text         = selectedPokemon.Species.GameId;
        dexNoShadow.text   = dexNo.text;
        species.text       = selectedPokemon.Species.Name;
        speciesShadow.text = species.text;

        // ToDo: implement types.
        //string type1string = PokemonDatabase.Instance.GetPokemonSpeciesByGameId(selectedPokemon.getID()).getType1().ToString();
        //string type2string = PokemonDatabase.Instance.GetPokemonSpeciesByGameId(selectedPokemon.getID()).getType2().ToString();
        //type1.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("null");
        //type2.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("null");
        //if (type1string != "NONE")
        //    type1.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("PCSprites/type" + type1string);
        //    type1.rectTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(71, type1.rectTransform.localPosition.y);
        //if (type2string != "NONE")
        //    type2.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("PCSprites/type" + type2string);
        //    //if single type pokemon, center the type icon
        //    type1.rectTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(89, type1.rectTransform.localPosition.y);

        // ToDo: implement owner.
        //OT.text = selectedPokemon.getOT();
        //OTShadow.text = OT.text;
        //IDNo.text = "" + selectedPokemon.getIDno();
        //IDNoShadow.text = IDNo.text;

        expPoints.text       = "" + selectedPokemon.CurrentExperience;
        expPointsShadow.text = expPoints.text;
        float expCurrentLevel =
        float expNextlevel =
                                                                         selectedPokemon.CurrentLevel + 1);
        float expAlong    = selectedPokemon.CurrentExperience - expCurrentLevel;
        float expDistance = expAlong / (expNextlevel - expCurrentLevel);

        toNextLevel.text               = "" + (expNextlevel - selectedPokemon.CurrentExperience);
        toNextLevelShadow.text         = toNextLevel.text;
        expBar.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(Mathf.Floor(expDistance * 64f), expBar.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y);

        string natureFormatted = PokemonNatureHelper.GetNatureName(selectedPokemon.Nature);

        natureFormatted     = natureFormatted.Substring(0, 1) + natureFormatted.Substring(1).ToLowerInvariant();
        nature.text         = "<color=#F22F>" + natureFormatted + "</color> nature.";
        natureShadow.text   = natureFormatted + " nature.";
        metDate.text        = "Met on " + selectedPokemon.MetData.Date;
        metDateShadow.text  = metDate.text;
        metMap.text         = "<color=#F22F>" + selectedPokemon.MetData.Location + "</color>";
        metMapShadow.text   = selectedPokemon.MetData.Location;
        metLevel.text       = "Met at Level " + selectedPokemon.MetData.Level + ".";
        metLevelShadow.text = metLevel.text;

        string[][] characteristics = new string[][]
            new string[]
                "Loves to eat", "Takes plenty of siestas", "Nods off a lot", "Scatters things often", "Likes to relax"
            new string[]
                "Proud of its power", "Likes to thrash about", "A little quick tempered", "Likes to fight",
                "Quick tempered"
            new string[]
                "Sturdy body", "Capable of taking hits", "Highly persistent", "Good endurance", "Good perseverance"
            new string[]
                "Highly curious", "Mischievous", "Thoroughly cunning", "Often lost in thought", "Very finicky"
            new string[]
                "Strong willed", "Somewhat vain", "Strongly defiant", "Hates to lose", "Somewhat stubborn"
            new string[]
                "Likes to run", "Alert to sounds", "Impetuous and silly", "Somewhat of a clown", "Quick to flee"

        var highestIV = selectedPokemon.GetHighestIV();

        characteristic.text       = characteristics[(int)highestIV][selectedPokemon.GetIV(highestIV) % 5] + ".";
        characteristicShadow.text = characteristic.text;

        float currentHP = selectedPokemon.GetCurrentStatValue(PokemonStatType.HP);
        float maxHP     = selectedPokemon.GetCurrentLevelStatValue(PokemonStatType.HP);

        HP.text       = currentHP + "/" + maxHP;
        HPShadow.text = HP.text;
        HPBar.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(selectedPokemon.getPercentHP() * 48f,

        if (currentHP < (maxHP / 4f))
            HPBar.color = new Color(1, 0.125f, 0, 1);
        else if (currentHP < (maxHP / 2f))
            HPBar.color = new Color(1, 0.75f, 0, 1);
            HPBar.color = new Color(0.125f, 1, 0.065f, 1);

        //float[] natureMod = new float[]
        //    NatureDatabase.getNature(selectedPokemon.Nature).getATK(),
        //    NatureDatabase.getNature(selectedPokemon.Nature).getDEF(),
        //    NatureDatabase.getNature(selectedPokemon.Nature).getSPA(),
        //    NatureDatabase.getNature(selectedPokemon.Nature).getSPD(),
        //    NatureDatabase.getNature(selectedPokemon.Nature).getSPE()
        Stats.text =
            selectedPokemon.GetCurrentLevelStatValue(PokemonStatType.Attack) + "\n" +
            selectedPokemon.GetCurrentLevelStatValue(PokemonStatType.Defence) + "\n" +
            selectedPokemon.GetCurrentLevelStatValue(PokemonStatType.SpecialAttack) + "\n" +
            selectedPokemon.GetCurrentLevelStatValue(PokemonStatType.SpecialDefence) + "\n" +
        StatsShadow.text = Stats.text;

        //string[] statsLines = new string[] { "Attack", "Defence", "Sp. Atk", "Sp. Def", "Speed" };
        StatsTextShadow.text = "";
        //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        //    if (natureMod[i] > 1)
        //    {
        //        StatsTextShadow.text += "<color=#A01010FF>" + statsLines[i] + "</color>\n";
        //    }
        //    else if (natureMod[i] < 1)
        //    {
        //        StatsTextShadow.text += "<color=#0030A2FF>" + statsLines[i] + "</color>\n";
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        StatsTextShadow.text += statsLines[i] + "\n";
        //    }

        //abilityName.text = PokemonDatabase.Instance.GetPokemonSpeciesByGameId(selectedPokemon.getID().ToString()).getAbility(selectedPokemon.getAbility());
        abilityNameShadow.text = abilityName.text;
        //abilities not yet implemented
        abilityDescription.text       = "";
        abilityDescriptionShadow.text = abilityDescription.text;
