public IActionResult UpdatePointOfInterest(int cityId, int pointId,
                                                   [FromBody] PointsOfInterestsForUpdateDto pointOfInterest)
            //these validations are just for now, fluentValidation should be used for bigger projects
            if (pointOfInterest == null)//could not serialize body
            // adding a custom error when adding the same text in both name and descr property
            if (pointOfInterest.Description == pointOfInterest.Name)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Description", "The provided Description should differ from the Name");

            // if one of the properties does not adhere to our PointsofInterestsCreation model we send a bad request
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                //returning the ModelState to inform the client what went wrong

            var city = CitiesDataStore.Current.Cities.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == cityId);

            if (city == null)

            var pointOfInterestFromStore = city.PointOfInterests.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == pointId);

            if (pointOfInterestFromStore == null)

            //According to the HTTP Standard a Put should fully update the resource
            //This mean the consumer has to provide all the information needed for the update
            // if the consumer does not provide a value for a field the value should
            //default to it's previous value but we still need to always updates all fields

            pointOfInterestFromStore.Name        = pointOfInterest.Name;
            pointOfInterestFromStore.Description = pointOfInterest.Description;

            //we could return Ok with the updated content but typically for update you'd return NoContent()
            //noContent says the task is completed successfully but no content to return
        public IActionResult PartiallyUpdatePoint(int cityId, int pointId,
                                                  //from micrsofit.aspnetcore.jsonpatch to support the jsonpatch operations
                                                  [FromBody] JsonPatchDocument <PointsOfInterestsForUpdateDto> patchDoc)
            if (patchDoc == null)//could not serialize body

            // if one of the properties does not adhere to our PointsofInterestsCreation model we send a bad request
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                //returning the ModelState to inform the client what went wrong

            var city = CitiesDataStore.Current.Cities.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == cityId);

            if (city == null)

            var pointOfInterestFromStore = city.PointOfInterests.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == pointId);

            if (pointOfInterestFromStore == null)

            var pointOfInterestToPatch = new PointsOfInterestsForUpdateDto
                Name        = pointOfInterestFromStore.Name,
                Description = pointOfInterestFromStore.Description

            //adding the ModelState to the ApplyTo to add any error to the ModelState's error collection
            patchDoc.ApplyTo(pointOfInterestToPatch, ModelState);

            //We try to ApplyTo and if there
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)