Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Callback: a Geeo point of interest just entered the current user view.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pointOfInterest">The actual point of interest.</param>
 private void Geeo_OnPointOfInterestEntered(PointOfInterest pointOfInterest)
     // If the point of interest doesn't exist in the points of interest list and is not the current user, add it then display it
     if ((pointOfInterest.id != lastUserLocation.id) && !pointsOfInterestLocations.ContainsKey(pointOfInterest.id))
         PointOfInterestLocation pointOfInterestLocation = new PointOfInterestLocation(pointOfInterest.id, pointOfInterest.latitude, pointOfInterest.longitude, pointOfInterestLocationDisplayPointPrefab, displayMap.transform);
         pointsOfInterestLocations.Add(pointOfInterest.id, pointOfInterestLocation);
         DisplayPointOfInterestLocation(pointOfInterestLocation, true);
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Callback: a Geeo point of interest just left the current user view.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pointOfInterest">The actual point of interest.</param>
 private void Geeo_OnPointOfInterestLeft(PointOfInterest pointOfInterest)
     // If the point of interest exists in the points of interest list, remove it from the list and hide/destroy it
     if (pointsOfInterestLocations.ContainsKey(pointOfInterest.id))
         PointOfInterestLocation pointOfInterestLocation = pointsOfInterestLocations[pointOfInterest.id];
         DisplayPointOfInterestLocation(pointOfInterestLocation, false);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Display a point of interest's location point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pointOfInterestLocation">The point of interest's location to display or hide.</param>
        /// <param name="display">If the point of interest location should be displayed or hidden.</param>
        private void DisplayPointOfInterestLocation(PointOfInterestLocation pointOfInterestLocation, bool display = true)
            // If the point of interest location should be displayed, update its position and display it
            if (display)
                // Calculate the new point of interest location point's position by converting GPS coordinates to X/Y ones
                float pointOfInterestLocationX, pointOfInterestLocationY;
                LatitudeLongitudeToXY(pointOfInterestLocation.latitude, pointOfInterestLocation.longitude, out pointOfInterestLocationX, out pointOfInterestLocationY);
                pointOfInterestLocation.displayPoint.transform.position = new Vector3(pointOfInterestLocationX, pointOfInterestLocationY, pointOfInterestLocation.displayPoint.transform.localPosition.z);

                // Show the point of interest location point
                if (!pointOfInterestLocation.displayPoint.activeSelf)
            // If the point of interest location should be hidden, hide it
            else if (pointOfInterestLocation.displayPoint.activeSelf)