Пример #1
        public static PointN MethodHookJivs(F function, PointN b1, VectorN h, double eps, double z = 0.1)
            PointN x;

                    PointN xk = b1;
                    PointN b2 = HookJivsHelper.ExploringSearch(function, xk, h);
                    Console.WriteLine("> Exploring search ( xk{0} ) = b2{1}", xk.ToString(), b2.ToString());

                        Console.WriteLine("> Doing step xk = b1 + (b2 - b1) * 2, will give xk{0}", xk.ToString());
                        xk = b1 + (b2 - b1) * 2;
                        x  = HookJivsHelper.ExploringSearch(function, xk, h);
                        Console.WriteLine("> Exploring search ( xk{0} ) = x{1}", xk.ToString(), x.ToString());
                        b1 = b2;
                        b2 = x;
                    } while (function.Value(x) < function.Value(b1));
                } while (function.Value(x) > function.Value(b1));

                if (h.Length <= eps)

                h = h * z;

Пример #2
        public static void TestHookJivs()
            Console.WriteLine("Method Hook Jivs");
            PointN  basicPoint = new PointN(100.0, 100.0);
            VectorN h          = new VectorN(1.0, 1.0);

            const double eps = 0.001;
            F            minimizedFunction = new F((point) => 4 * Math.Pow(point.Coordinates[0] - 5.123, 2) + Math.Pow(point.Coordinates[1] - 6.789, 2));

            PointN calculatedMinimum = MethodHookJivs.HookJivs.MethodHookJivs(minimizedFunction, basicPoint, h, eps);
            PointN expectedMinimum   = new PointN(new List <double> {
                1.0, 1.0

            Console.WriteLine("Minimum Point: {0} ", calculatedMinimum.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("F({0}) = {1}", calculatedMinimum.ToString(), minimizedFunction.Value(calculatedMinimum));
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to close...");
Пример #3
        public static void TestRandomSearch()
            Console.WriteLine("Method Random Search");
            PointN basicPoint = new PointN(8.0, 9.0);

            const double alpha  = 1.618,
                         betta  = 0.618,
                         t0     = 1,
                         R      = 0.8;
            const int N         = 10,
                      M         = 3;
            F minimizedFunction = new F((point) => 4 * Math.Pow(point.Coordinates[0] - 5, 2) + Math.Pow(point.Coordinates[1] - 6, 2));

            PointN calculatedMinimum = MethodRandomSearch.RandomSearch.MethodRandomSearch(minimizedFunction, basicPoint, alpha, betta, t0, R, N, M);
            PointN expectedMinimum   = new PointN(new List <double> {
                1.0, 1.0

            Console.WriteLine("Minimum Point: {0} ", calculatedMinimum.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("F({0}) = {1}", calculatedMinimum.ToString(), minimizedFunction.Value(calculatedMinimum));
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to close...");
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Метод случайного поиска для функции n переменных
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="basicPoint">Начальная точка x0</param>
        /// <param name="a">Коэффициент расширения (1;+inf): 1.618 </param>
        /// <param name="b">Коэффициент сжатия (0;1): 0.618 </param>
        /// <param name="M">Максимальное число неудачно выполненых испытаний на данной итерации :(3n)</param>
        /// <param name="t0">Начальная величина шага</param>
        /// <param name="R">Минимальная величина шага</param>
        /// <param name="N">Максимальное число итераций</param>
        /// <returns>Точка минимума</returns>
        public static PointN MethodRandomSearch(F function, PointN basicPoint, double a, double b, double t0, double R, int N, int M)
            double tk = t0;         // Length of k-th step
            PointN xk = basicPoint; // Опорная точка
            PointN yj;              // Точки, лежащие на гиперсфере радиуса tk с центром в точке xk
            PointN zj;              // Точка, получающаяся после прыжка
            int    dimensionsCount = basicPoint.Coordinates.Count;
            int    k = 0, j = 1;

                // Step 2 Make random vector
                VectorN randomVector = new VectorN(dimensionsCount);
                MakeRandomVector(randomVector); // TODO What will be after this operator?
                Console.WriteLine("> Generated random vector {0}", randomVector.ToString());

                // Step 3 Find yj
                yj = xk + (randomVector / randomVector.Length) * tk;

                // Step 4
                // Good step
                bool isCurrentStepGood  = function.Value(yj) < function.Value(xk);
                bool isNextStepAlsoGood = false;
                if (isCurrentStepGood)
                    Console.WriteLine("> Good step F(yj {0}) < F(xk {1})", yj.ToString(), xk.ToString());
                    zj = xk + (yj - xk) * a;
                    isNextStepAlsoGood = function.Value(zj) < function.Value(xk);
                    if (isNextStepAlsoGood)
                        Console.WriteLine("> Good direction F(zj {0}) < F(xk {1})", zj.ToString(), xk.ToString());
                        xk  = zj;
                        tk *= a;

                        bool tooManyIterations = k == N;
                        if (tooManyIterations)
                            Console.WriteLine("Limit of iterations N = {0} exceeded", N);

                            j = 1;

                // Bad step
                if (!isCurrentStepGood || !isNextStepAlsoGood)
                    bool maxNumberOfFailsReached = j == M;
                    if (!maxNumberOfFailsReached)
                    else if (maxNumberOfFailsReached)
                        Console.WriteLine("Number of bad steps from this point is exceeded");
                        if (tk <= R)
                            Console.WriteLine("Step size (tk) is less than Low limit (R)");
                        else if (maxNumberOfFailsReached && tk > R)
                            Console.WriteLine("Increase step size (t0) and repeat search");
                            tk *= b;
                            j   = 1;
            } while (true);