Пример #1
 public BezierLine(PointF a, PointF b, PointF c, PointF d) : base(a, b)
     C     = c;
     D     = d;
     Angle = (a.AngleTo(b) + b.AngleTo(c) + c.AngleTo(d)) / 3;
Пример #2
 public Line(PointF a, PointF b)
     A     = a;
     B     = b;
     Angle = a.AngleTo(b);
Пример #3
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)

            pe.Graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;


            if (BackgroundImage != null)
                var desiredAspect = (double)Width / (double)Height;
                var actualAspect = (double)BackgroundImage.Width / (double)BackgroundImage.Height;
                int x, y, w, h;
                switch (BackgroundImageLayout)
                case ImageLayout.Stretch:
                    if (actualAspect > desiredAspect)
                        x = -(int)(Width / actualAspect / 2) + Width / 2;
                        w = (int)(Width / actualAspect);
                        h = Height;
                        y = 0;
                        y = -(int)(Height * actualAspect / 2) + Height / 2;
                        h = (int)(Height * actualAspect);
                        w = Width;
                        x = 0;

                case ImageLayout.Zoom:
                    if (actualAspect > desiredAspect)
                        w = Width;
                        h = (int)(Height * desiredAspect / actualAspect);;
                        w = (int)(Width * actualAspect / desiredAspect);
                        h = Height;
                    x = (Width - w) / 2;
                    y = (Height - h) / 2;

                default:                         // TODO - more image layouts
                    if (actualAspect > desiredAspect)
                        x = -(int)(Width / actualAspect / 2) + Width / 2;
                        w = (int)(Width / actualAspect);
                        h = Height;
                        y = 0;
                        y = -(int)(Height * actualAspect / 2) + Height / 2;
                        h = (int)(Height * actualAspect);
                        w = Width;
                        x = 0;
                pe.Graphics.DrawImage(backgroundImage, x, y, w, h);

            if (Galaxy.Current != null)
                var drawsize = StarSystemDrawSize;
                var whitePen = new Pen(Color.White);

                // draw star systems
                var avgx = (Galaxy.Current.StarSystemLocations.Min(l => l.Location.X) + Galaxy.Current.StarSystemLocations.Max(l => l.Location.X)) / 2f;
                var avgy = (Galaxy.Current.StarSystemLocations.Min(l => l.Location.Y) + Galaxy.Current.StarSystemLocations.Max(l => l.Location.Y)) / 2f;
                foreach (var ssl in Galaxy.Current.StarSystemLocations)
                    // where will we draw the star system?
                    var x = ssl.Location.X;                    // - minx;
                    var y = ssl.Location.Y;                    // - miny;
                    //var x = (int)Math.Round(((float)p.X - Width / 2f - drawsize / 2f) / drawsize);
                    var drawx = (x - avgx) * drawsize + Width / 2f;
                    var drawy = (y - avgy) * drawsize + Height / 2f;

                    // find star system
                    var sys = ssl.Item;

                    // draw it if possible
                    if (Mode != null)
                        Mode.Draw(sys, pe.Graphics, new PointF(drawx, drawy), drawsize);

                    // draw selection reticule
                    if (sys == SelectedStarSystem)
                        pe.Graphics.DrawRectangle(whitePen, drawx - drawsize / 2f - 1, drawy - drawsize / 2f - 1, drawsize + 2, drawsize + 2);

                // draw warp points
                // TODO - draw warp points using draw mode? maybe draw blockaded warp points in red?
                if (warpGraph == null)
                foreach (var ssl in warpGraph)
                    var startPos = new PointF
                        (ssl.Location.X - avgx) * drawsize + Width / 2f,
                        (ssl.Location.Y - avgy) * drawsize + Height / 2f
                    foreach (var target in warpGraph.GetExits(ssl))
                        if (target == null)
                            continue;                             // TODO - draw short line guessing where warp point might lead based on its location in the system? if in center, make something up?
                        var endPos = new PointF
                            (target.Location.X - avgx) * drawsize + Width / 2f,
                            (target.Location.Y - avgy) * drawsize + Height / 2f

                        // overlapping systems or same system
                        if (startPos == endPos)

                        // push the ends out past the system circles
                        var dx           = endPos.X - startPos.X;
                        var dy           = endPos.Y - startPos.Y;
                        var length       = Math.Max(Math.Abs(dx), Math.Abs(dy));
                        var ndx          = dx / length * drawsize / 2f;
                        var ndy          = dy / length * drawsize / 2f;
                        var realStartPos = new PointF(startPos.X + ndx, startPos.Y + ndy);
                        var realEndPos   = new PointF(endPos.X - ndx, endPos.Y - ndy);

                        // draw line
                        pe.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, realStartPos, realEndPos);

                        if (!warpGraph.GetExits(target).Contains(ssl))
                            // one way warp point, so draw an arrow
                            var angle        = startPos.AngleTo(endPos);
                            var radians      = Math.PI * angle / 180d;
                            var realMidPos   = new PointF((realStartPos.X + realEndPos.X) / 2f, (realStartPos.Y + realEndPos.Y) / 2f);
                            var adx1         = -(float)Math.Cos(radians + Math.PI / 6d) * drawsize / 2f;
                            var ady1         = -(float)Math.Sin(radians + Math.PI / 6d) * drawsize / 2f;
                            var arrowEndPos1 = new PointF(realMidPos.X + adx1, realMidPos.Y + ady1);
                            var adx2         = -(float)Math.Cos(radians - Math.PI / 6d) * drawsize / 2f;
                            var ady2         = -(float)Math.Sin(radians - Math.PI / 6d) * drawsize / 2f;
                            var arrowEndPos2 = new PointF(realMidPos.X + adx2, realMidPos.Y + ady2);
                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(whitePen, realMidPos, arrowEndPos1);
                            pe.Graphics.DrawLine(whitePen, realMidPos, arrowEndPos2);