Пример #1
        protected virtual void ModifyCurrentMousePrintAreaCoordinate()
            if (_currentPoint > 0)
                bool bControlKey = Keyboard.Modifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Control); // Control pressed
                bool bShiftKey   = Keyboard.Modifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Shift);
                // draw a temporary lines of all points to the current mouse position

                if (bShiftKey && _currentPoint > 0)
                    double x = _positionCurrentMouseInRootLayerCoordinates.X - _Points[_currentPoint - 1].RootLayerCoordinates.X;
                    double y = _positionCurrentMouseInRootLayerCoordinates.Y - _Points[_currentPoint - 1].RootLayerCoordinates.Y;

                    double r = Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y);
                    double d = Math.Atan2(y, x);

                    d = Math.Floor(0.5 + 12 * d / Math.PI); // lock every 15 degrees
                    d = d * Math.PI / 12;

                    x = r * Math.Cos(d);
                    y = r * Math.Sin(d);

                    _positionCurrentMouseInRootLayerCoordinates = new PointD2D(
                        (x + _Points[_currentPoint - 1].RootLayerCoordinates.X),
                        (y + _Points[_currentPoint - 1].RootLayerCoordinates.Y)
Пример #2
 public TextGraphic(PointD2D graphicPosition,
                    string text, FontX textFont,
                    NamedColor textColor, double Rotation)
     : this(graphicPosition, text, textFont, textColor)
     this.Rotation = Rotation;
Пример #3
 public override void UpdateAreaSize(PointD2D size)
     _midX   = _layerWidth / 2;
     _midY   = _layerHeight / 2;
     _radius = Math.Min(_midX, _midY);
Пример #4
        public virtual void SetRelativeSizePositionFromAbsoluteValues(PointD2D absSize, PointD2D absPos)
            var oldSizeX = SizeX;
            var oldSizeY = SizeY;
            var oldPosX  = PositionX;
            var oldPosY  = PositionY;

            if (_parentSize.X == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("ParentSize.X is zero. This would lead to an undefined relative value!");
            if (_parentSize.Y == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("ParentSize.Y is zero. This would lead to an undefined relative value!");

                RADouble.NewRel(absSize.X / _parentSize.X),
                RADouble.NewRel(absSize.Y / _parentSize.Y)

            _positionX = RADouble.NewRel(absPos.X / _parentSize.X);
            _positionY = RADouble.NewRel(absPos.Y / _parentSize.Y);

            if (oldSizeX != _sizeX || oldSizeY != _sizeY || oldPosX != _positionX || oldPosY != _positionY)
Пример #5
 public EmbeddedImageGraphic(PointD2D graphicPosition, ImageProxy startingImage)
     SetPosition(graphicPosition, Main.EventFiring.Suppressed);
     Image = startingImage;
Пример #6
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GraphViewLayout"/> class.</summary>
 /// <param name="isAutoZoomActive">If set to <c>true</c> auto zoom is active.</param>
 /// <param name="zoomFactor">The zoom factor.</param>
 /// <param name="graphDocument">The graph document.</param>
 /// <param name="viewPortsUpperLeftInRootLayerCoord">Vector from the upper left corner of the graph to the upper left corner of the view port.</param>
 public GraphViewLayout(bool isAutoZoomActive, double zoomFactor, GraphDocument graphDocument, PointD2D viewPortsUpperLeftInRootLayerCoord)
     _isAutoZoomActive = isAutoZoomActive;
     _zoomFactor       = zoomFactor;
     _positionOfViewportsUpperLeftCornerInRootLayerCoordinates = viewPortsUpperLeftInRootLayerCoord;
     _graphDocument = graphDocument;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the mouse up event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Mouse position.</param>
        /// <param name="e">MouseEventArgs as provided by the view.</param>
        /// <returns>The next mouse state handler that should handle mouse events.</returns>
        public override void OnMouseUp(PointD2D position, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            base.OnMouseUp(position, e);

            if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Released && null != _rectangleSelectionArea_GraphCoordinates)
                _grac.FindGraphObjectInRootLayerRectangle(_rectangleSelectionArea_GraphCoordinates.Value, out var foundObjects);
                (_grac.ViewObject as IGraphView).ReleaseCaptureMouseOnCanvas();
                _rectangleSelectionArea_GraphCoordinates = null;
            else if (ActiveGrip != null)
                bool bRefresh = _wereObjectsMoved; // repaint the graph when objects were really moved
                bool bRepaint = false;
                _wereObjectsMoved = false;
                _grac.Doc.Resume(ref _graphDocumentChangedSuppressor);

                bool chooseNextLevel = ActiveGrip.Deactivate();
                ActiveGrip = null;

                if (chooseNextLevel && null != SingleSelectedHitTestObject)
                    DisplayedGripLevel = SingleSelectedHitTestObject.GetNextGripLevel(DisplayedGripLevel);
                    bRepaint           = true;

Пример #8
 public LinkedImageGraphic(PointD2D graphicPosition, string ImagePath)
     SetPosition(graphicPosition, Main.EventFiring.Suppressed);
     this.ImagePath = ImagePath;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the index of a scatter point that is nearest to the location <c>hitpoint</c>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">The layer in which this plot item is drawn into.</param>
        /// <param name="hitpoint">The point where the mouse is pressed.</param>
        /// <returns>The information about the point that is nearest to the location, or null if it can not be determined.</returns>
        public XYScatterPointInformation GetNearestPlotPoint(IPlotArea layer, PointD2D hitpoint)
            Processed2DPlotData pdata;

            if (null != (pdata = _cachedPlotDataUsedForPainting))
                PlotRangeList rangeList   = pdata.RangeList;
                PointF[]      ptArray     = pdata.PlotPointsInAbsoluteLayerCoordinates;
                double        mindistance = double.MaxValue;
                int           minindex    = -1;
                for (int i = 1; i < ptArray.Length; i++)
                    double distance = Math2D.SquareDistanceLineToPoint(hitpoint, ptArray[i - 1], ptArray[i]);
                    if (distance < mindistance)
                        mindistance = distance;
                        minindex    = Math2D.Distance(ptArray[i - 1], hitpoint) < Math2D.Distance(ptArray[i], hitpoint) ? i - 1 : i;
                // ok, minindex is the point we are looking for
                // so we have a look in the rangeList, what row it belongs to
                int rowindex = rangeList.GetRowIndexForPlotIndex(minindex);

                return(new XYScatterPointInformation(ptArray[minindex], rowindex, minindex));

Пример #10
        private void OnGraphPanel_SizeChanged(PointD2D newSize)
            if (!(newSize.X > 0 && newSize.Y > 0))

            _guiCanvas.Clip = new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(0, 0, newSize.X, newSize.Y));

            if (null == _graphImage.Source)
                // invalidate the cached graph sizes in order to force a new rendering
                _cachedGraphSize_Pixels   = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 0);
                _cachedGraphSize_96thInch = new PointD2D(0, 0);

            if (newSize != _cachedGraphSize_96thInch)
                _cachedGraphSize_96thInch = newSize;
                var screenResolution = Current.Gui.ScreenResolutionDpi;
                var graphSizePixels  = screenResolution * _cachedGraphSize_96thInch / 96.0;
                _cachedGraphSize_Pixels = new System.Drawing.Size((int)graphSizePixels.X, (int)graphSizePixels.Y);

                Controller?.EhView_GraphPanelSizeChanged(); // inform controller


                _isGraphUpToDate = false;
                if (_isGraphVisible)
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the drawing of a straight single line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Mouse position.</param>
        /// <param name="e">EventArgs.</param>
        /// <returns>The mouse state handler for handling the next mouse events.</returns>
        public override void OnClick(PointD2D position, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            base.OnClick(position, e);

            if (0 == _currentPoint)
                _cachedActiveLayer = _grac.ActiveLayer;
                _cachedActiveLayerTransformation    = _cachedActiveLayer.TransformationFromRootToHere();
                _cachedActiveLayerTransformationGdi = _cachedActiveLayerTransformation;

            // get the page coordinates (in Point (1/72") units)
            var rootLayerCoord = _positionCurrentMouseInRootLayerCoordinates;
            // with knowledge of the current active layer, calculate the layer coordinates from them
            var layerCoord = _cachedActiveLayerTransformation.InverseTransformPoint(rootLayerCoord);

            _Points[_currentPoint].LayerCoordinates     = layerCoord;
            _Points[_currentPoint].RootLayerCoordinates = rootLayerCoord;

            if (2 == _currentPoint)
                _currentPoint = 0;
Пример #12
        public override bool InitializeDocument(params object[] args)
            if (args.Length < 2)
            if (!(args[0] is GridPartitioning))

            if (args[1] is PointD2D)
                _parentLayerSize = (PointD2D)args[1];
            else if (args[1] is HostLayer)
                _parentLayerSize = ((HostLayer)args[1]).Size;
                _parentLayerSize = new PointD2D(600, 400);

Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the mouse doubleclick event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Mouse position.</param>
        /// <param name="e">EventArgs as provided by the view.</param>
        /// <returns>The next mouse state handler that should handle mouse events.</returns>
        public override void OnDoubleClick(PointD2D position, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            base.OnDoubleClick(position, e);

            // if there is exactly one object selected, try to open the corresponding configuration dialog
            if (_selectedObjects.Count == 1)
                IEnumerator graphEnum = _selectedObjects.GetEnumerator(); // get the enumerator
                graphEnum.MoveNext();                                     // set the enumerator to the first item
                var graphObject = (IHitTestObject)graphEnum.Current;

                // Set the currently active layer to the layer the clicked object is belonging to.
                if (graphObject.ParentLayer != null && !object.ReferenceEquals(_grac.ActiveLayer, graphObject.ParentLayer))
                    _grac.EhView_CurrentLayerChoosen(graphObject.ParentLayer.IndexOf().ToArray(), false); // Sets the current active layer
                if (graphObject.DoubleClick != null)
                    //EndMovingObjects(); // this will resume the suspended graph so that pressing the "Apply" button in a dialog will result in a visible change
                    ClearSelections(); // this will resume the suspended graph so that pressing the "Apply" button in a dialog will result in a visible change

Пример #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Activates this grip, providing the initial position of the mouse.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="initialPosition">Initial position of the mouse.</param>
 /// <param name="isActivatedUponCreation">If true the activation is called right after creation of this handle. If false,
 /// thie activation is due to a regular mouse click in this grip.</param>
 public void Activate(PointD2D initialPosition, bool isActivatedUponCreation)
     foreach (var ele in GripList)
         ele.Activate(initialPosition, isActivatedUponCreation);
Пример #15
        protected override void Initialize(bool initData)

            if (initData)
                _srcSize     = _doc.GetImageSizePt();
                _docScale    = new PointD2D(_doc.Size.X / _srcSize.X, _doc.Size.Y / _srcSize.Y);
                _docLocation = new ItemLocationDirect();
                _docLocation.Scale  = new PointD2D(_doc.Size.X / _srcSize.X, _doc.Size.Y / _srcSize.Y);
                _locationController = new ItemLocationDirectController()
                    UseDocumentCopy = UseDocument.Directly
                _locationController.InitializeDocument(new object[] { _docLocation });

                _locationController.SizeXChanged  += EhLocController_SizeXChanged;
                _locationController.SizeYChanged  += EhLocController_SizeYChanged;
                _locationController.ScaleXChanged += EhLocController_ScaleXChanged;
                _locationController.ScaleYChanged += EhLocController_ScaleYChanged;
                _locationController.ShowSizeElements(true, !_doc.IsSizeCalculationBasedOnSourceSize);
                _locationController.ShowScaleElements(true, _doc.IsSizeCalculationBasedOnSourceSize);
            if (_view != null)
                _view.SourceSize       = _srcSize;
                _view.AspectPreserving = _doc.AspectRatioPreserving;
                _view.IsSizeCalculationBasedOnSourceSize = _doc.IsSizeCalculationBasedOnSourceSize;
                _view.LocationView = _locationController.ViewObject;
Пример #16
            public override void ChangeSize(double?x, double?y)
                var hit = _hitobject as GraphicBase;

                PointD2D currentSizeRootCoord     = ObjectOutlineForArrangements.GetBounds().Size;
                PointD2D destinationSizeRootCoord = currentSizeRootCoord;

                if (x.HasValue)
                    destinationSizeRootCoord = destinationSizeRootCoord.WithX(x.Value);
                if (y.HasValue)
                    destinationSizeRootCoord = destinationSizeRootCoord.WithY(y.Value);

                if (null != hit)
                    if (!hit.AutoSize)
                        var t = _matrix.Clone();
                        var innerRect = RectangleD2DExtensions.GetIncludedTransformedRectangle(new RectangleD2D(PointD2D.Empty, destinationSizeRootCoord), t.SX, t.RX, t.RY, t.SY);
                        hit.Width  = innerRect.Width;
                        hit.Height = innerRect.Height;
Пример #17
        private void OnGraphPanel_SizeChanged(PointD2D newSize)
            if (!(newSize.X > 0 && newSize.Y > 0))

            if (null == _renderer)
                _d3dCanvas.Source = new D3D10ImageSource(Controller?.Doc?.Name);
                _renderer         = new D3D10RendererToImageSource(_scene, (D3D10ImageSource)_d3dCanvas.Source, Controller?.Doc?.Name);
                // invalidate the cached graph sizes in order to force a new rendering
                _cachedGraphSize_Pixels   = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 0);
                _cachedGraphSize_96thInch = new PointD2D(0, 0);

            if (newSize != _cachedGraphSize_96thInch)
                _cachedGraphSize_96thInch = newSize;
                var screenResolution = Current.Gui.ScreenResolutionDpi;
                var graphSizePixels  = screenResolution * _cachedGraphSize_96thInch / 96.0;
                _cachedGraphSize_Pixels = new System.Drawing.Size((int)graphSizePixels.X, (int)graphSizePixels.Y);

                _renderer.SetRenderSize(_cachedGraphSize_Pixels.Width, _cachedGraphSize_Pixels.Height);

                Controller?.EhView_GraphPanelSizeChanged(); // inform controller
Пример #18
        public override System.Drawing.Image GetImage()
            if (_image != null && _image.IsAlive)

            System.Drawing.Image image = null;
            if (_url != null)
                image = Current.ResourceService.GetBitmap(_url);

            if (null != image)
                _imageSizePt = new PointD2D(image.Width * 72.0 / image.HorizontalResolution, image.Height * 72.0 / image.VerticalResolution);
                _image       = new WeakReference(image);
                _imageSizePt = PointD2D.Empty;
                _image       = null;

Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the selected pivot values for X and Y. Additionally, the reference size is required.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pivotX">The pivot x value.</param>
        /// <param name="pivotY">The pivot y value.</param>
        /// <param name="referenceSize">Size of the reference area.</param>
        public void SetSelectedPivot(RADouble pivotX, RADouble pivotY, PointD2D referenceSize)
            _pivotX = pivotX;
            _pivotY = pivotY;

            _percentLayerXSizeUnit.ReferenceQuantity = new DimensionfulQuantity(referenceSize.X, AUL.Point.Instance);
            _percentLayerYSizeUnit.ReferenceQuantity = new DimensionfulQuantity(referenceSize.Y, AUL.Point.Instance);
            _xSizeEnvironment = new QuantityWithUnitGuiEnvironment(GuiLengthUnits.Collection, _percentLayerXSizeUnit);
            _ySizeEnvironment = new QuantityWithUnitGuiEnvironment(GuiLengthUnits.Collection, _percentLayerYSizeUnit);

            _guiPivotX.UnitEnvironment  = _xSizeEnvironment;
            _guiPivotY.UnitEnvironment  = _ySizeEnvironment;
            _guiPivotX.SelectedQuantity = _pivotX.IsAbsolute ? new DimensionfulQuantity(_pivotX.Value, AUL.Point.Instance) : new DimensionfulQuantity(_pivotX.Value * 100, _percentLayerXSizeUnit);
            _guiPivotY.SelectedQuantity = _pivotY.IsAbsolute ? new DimensionfulQuantity(_pivotY.Value, AUL.Point.Instance) : new DimensionfulQuantity(_pivotY.Value * 100, _percentLayerYSizeUnit);

            if (CanUseRadioGridView())
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Modifies the current mouse root layer coordinates, so that Shift moves in 1% steps of the layer size, Ctrl in 5% steps, and Shift+Ctrl in 10% steps.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void ModifyCurrentMouseRootLayerCoordinates()
            bool bControlKey = Keyboard.Modifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Control); // Control pressed
            bool bShiftKey   = Keyboard.Modifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Shift);
            // draw a temporary lines of all points to the current mouse position

            int roundToParts = 0;

            if (bControlKey && bShiftKey)
                roundToParts = 10;
            else if (bControlKey)
                roundToParts = 20;
            else if (bShiftKey)
                roundToParts = 100;

            if (roundToParts > 0)
                var layerCoord = _layerToEdit.TransformCoordinatesFromRootToHere(_positionCurrentMouseInRootLayerCoordinates);

                // Round the layer Coordinate to 1/100 of the size

                var layerCoordRounded = new PointD2D(
                    _layerToEdit.Size.X * Math.Round(roundToParts * layerCoord.X / _layerToEdit.Size.X) / roundToParts,
                    _layerToEdit.Size.Y * Math.Round(roundToParts * layerCoord.Y / _layerToEdit.Size.Y) / roundToParts);

                _positionCurrentMouseInRootLayerCoordinates = _layerToEdit.TransformCoordinatesFromHereToRoot(layerCoordRounded);
Пример #21
 public void MoveGrip(PointD2D newPosition)
     foreach (var ele in GripList)
Пример #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the grid line closest to our last mouse position.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="minDistanceSquared">The minimum distance (squared) between the closest grid line and our mouse position.</param>
 /// <param name="minIndex">The index of the closest grid line.</param>
 /// <param name="minInXGrid">If set to <c>true</c> the closest grid line is an x-grid line; otherwise it is an y-grid line.</param>
 private void GetClosestGridLine(out double minDistanceSquared, out int minIndex, out bool minInXGrid)
     minDistanceSquared = double.PositiveInfinity;
     minIndex           = 0;
     minInXGrid         = true;
     for (int i = 0; i < _xGridLines.Length - 1; ++i)
         var line = _xGridLines[i];
         var dist = PointD2D.SquareDistanceLineToPoint(_positionCurrentMouseInRootLayerCoordinates, line.Org.RootLayerCoordinates, line.End.RootLayerCoordinates);
         if (minDistanceSquared > dist)
             minDistanceSquared = dist;
             minIndex           = i;
             minInXGrid         = true;
     for (int i = 0; i < _yGridLines.Length - 1; ++i)
         var line = _yGridLines[i];
         var dist = PointD2D.SquareDistanceLineToPoint(_positionCurrentMouseInRootLayerCoordinates, line.Org.RootLayerCoordinates, line.End.RootLayerCoordinates);
         if (minDistanceSquared > dist)
             minDistanceSquared = dist;
             minIndex           = i;
             minInXGrid         = false;
Пример #23
        protected virtual void InternalSetAbsoluteSizeSilent(PointD2D value)
            RADouble sizeX, sizeY;

            if (_sizeX.IsAbsolute)
                sizeX = RADouble.NewAbs(value.X);
            else if (_parentSize.X != 0 && !double.IsNaN(_parentSize.X))
                sizeX = RADouble.NewRel(value.X / _parentSize.X);
                throw new InvalidOperationException("_parentSize.X is undefined or zero");

            if (_sizeY.IsAbsolute)
                sizeY = RADouble.NewAbs(value.Y);
            else if (_parentSize.Y != 0 && !double.IsNaN(_parentSize.Y))
                sizeY = RADouble.NewRel(value.Y / _parentSize.Y);
                throw new InvalidOperationException("_parentSize.Y is undefined or zero");

            InternalSetSizeSilent(sizeX, sizeY);
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the circumference of a closed polygon.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="closedPolygon">The closed polygon.</param>
        /// <returns>The circumference of the given closed polygon.</returns>
        public static double GetClosedPolygonCircumference(IEnumerable <PointD2D> closedPolygon)
            PointD2D firstPoint = default;
            PointD2D previous   = default;

            double sum            = 0.0;
            var    numberOfPoints = 0;

            foreach (var pt in closedPolygon)
                if (0 == numberOfPoints)
                    firstPoint = pt;
                    sum += Math.Sqrt((pt.X - previous.X) * (pt.X - previous.X) + (pt.Y - previous.Y) * (pt.Y - previous.Y));

                previous = pt;

            if (numberOfPoints == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Polygon is empty (has no point at all)", nameof(closedPolygon));
                var pt = firstPoint;
                sum += Math.Sqrt((pt.X - previous.X) * (pt.X - previous.X) + (pt.Y - previous.Y) * (pt.Y - previous.Y));
Пример #25
        public static void Test_PolygonArea02_Nothing()
            var testPoints = new PointD2D[0];
            var area       = Math2D.PolygonArea(testPoints);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, area);
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a windows metafile placeable header that can be preprended to the metafile bytes (only for files on disk).
        /// This header contains information about the bounding box of the metafile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="docSize">Size of the document in points (1/72 inch).</param>
        /// <returns>The windows metafile placeable header as byte array.</returns>
        public static byte[] GetWmfPlaceableHeaderBytes(PointD2D docSize)
            var          header         = new WmfPlaceableFileHeader();
            const ushort twips_per_inch = 1440;

            header.key        = 0x9aC6CDD7; // magic number
            header.hmf        = 0;
            header.bboxLeft   = 0;
            header.bboxRight  = (ushort)(twips_per_inch * docSize.X / 72);
            header.bboxTop    = 0;
            header.bboxBottom = (ushort)(twips_per_inch * docSize.Y / 72);
            header.inch       = twips_per_inch;
            header.reserved   = 0;

            // Calculate checksum for first 10 WORDs.
            ushort checksum = 0;

            byte[] header_bytes = StructureToByteArray(header);
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                checksum ^= BitConverter.ToUInt16(header_bytes, i * 2);
            header.checksum = checksum;

            // Construct the file in-memory.
            header_bytes = StructureToByteArray(header);

Пример #27
        private void DisplayCrossCoordinatesAndDifference(PointD2D rootLayerCoord)
            if (_showRootLayerPrintCoordinates)
                var crossLayerCoord = _cachedActiveLayerTransformation.InverseTransformPoint(_positionOfCrossInRootLayerCoordinates);
                var layerCoord      = _cachedActiveLayerTransformation.InverseTransformPoint(rootLayerCoord);
                    string.Format("Layer({0}) XS={1} pt, YS={2} pt", _cachedActiveLayer.Name, crossLayerCoord.X, crossLayerCoord.Y),
                    string.Format("DeltaXS={0} pt, DeltaYS={1} pt, Distance={2} pt", layerCoord.X - crossLayerCoord.X, layerCoord.Y - crossLayerCoord.Y, Calc.RMath.Hypot(layerCoord.X - crossLayerCoord.X, layerCoord.Y - crossLayerCoord.Y))
                if (CalculateCrossCoordinates(_positionOfCrossInRootLayerCoordinates, out var xphys, out var yphys) && CalculateCrossCoordinates(rootLayerCoord, out var xphys2, out var yphys2))
                    double        distance = double.NaN;
                    AltaxoVariant dx = double.NaN, dy = double.NaN;
                        dx = xphys2 - xphys;
                        dy = yphys2 - yphys;
                        var r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
                        distance = Math.Sqrt(r2);
                    catch (Exception)

                        string.Format("Layer({0}) X={1}, Y={2}", _cachedActiveLayer.Name, xphys, yphys),
                        string.Format("DeltaX={0}, DeltaY={1}, Distance={2}", dx, dy, distance)
Пример #28
 private void EhAspectRatioPreservingChanged()
     _doc.AspectRatioPreserving = _view.AspectPreserving;
     _docScale = new PointD2D(_doc.Size.X / _srcSize.X, _doc.Size.Y / _srcSize.Y);
     //_view.DocScale = _docScale;
     //_view.DocSize = _doc.Size;
Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the drawing of a straight single line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Mouse position.</param>
        /// <param name="e">EventArgs.</param>
        /// <returns>The mouse state handler for handling the next mouse events.</returns>
        public override void OnClick(PointD2D position, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            base.OnClick(position, e);

            if (0 == _currentPoint)
                _cachedActiveLayer = _grac.ActiveLayer;
                _cachedActiveLayerTransformation    = _cachedActiveLayer.TransformationFromRootToHere();
                _cachedActiveLayerTransformationGdi = _cachedActiveLayerTransformation;

            // get the page coordinates (in Point (1/72") units)
            var rootLayerCoord = _positionCurrentMouseInRootLayerCoordinates;
            // with knowledge of the current active layer, calculate the layer coordinates from them
            var layerCoord = _cachedActiveLayerTransformation.InverseTransformPoint(rootLayerCoord);

            if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Right)
                _Points.Add(new POINT()
                    LayerCoordinates = layerCoord, RootLayerCoordinates = rootLayerCoord
Пример #30
 public LineShape(PointD2D startPosition, PointD2D endPosition, Altaxo.Main.Properties.IReadOnlyPropertyBag context)
     this(startPosition, context)
     _location.SizeX = RADouble.NewAbs(endPosition.X - startPosition.X);
     _location.SizeY = RADouble.NewAbs(endPosition.Y - startPosition.Y);
Пример #31
		public GraphDocumentDataObject(GraphDocumentBase graphDocument, ProjectFileComObject fileComObject, ComManager comManager)
			: base(comManager)
			ComDebug.ReportInfo("{0} constructor.", this.GetType().Name);
			_dataAdviseHolder = new ManagedDataAdviseHolder();

			_graphDocumentName = graphDocument.Name;
			_graphDocumentSize = graphDocument.Size;

			_graphExportOptions = graphDocument.GetPropertyValue(ClipboardRenderingOptions.PropertyKeyClipboardRenderingOptions, () => new ClipboardRenderingOptions()).Clone();
			var embeddedRenderingOptions = graphDocument.GetPropertyValue(EmbeddedObjectRenderingOptions.PropertyKeyEmbeddedObjectRenderingOptions, () => null);
			if (null != embeddedRenderingOptions)
				_graphExportOptions.CopyFrom(embeddedRenderingOptions); // merge embedded rendering options

			if ((_graphExportOptions.RenderEnhancedMetafile && _graphExportOptions.RenderEnhancedMetafileAsVectorFormat) ||
					(_graphExportOptions.RenderDropFile && _graphExportOptions.DropFileImageFormat == System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Emf)
				if (graphDocument is Altaxo.Graph.Gdi.GraphDocument)
					_graphDocumentMetafileImage = GraphDocumentExportActions.RenderAsEnhancedMetafileVectorFormat((Altaxo.Graph.Gdi.GraphDocument)graphDocument, _graphExportOptions);

			if (null == _graphDocumentMetafileImage ||
				_graphExportOptions.RenderBitmap ||
				_graphExportOptions.RenderWindowsMetafile ||
				(_graphExportOptions.RenderEnhancedMetafile && !_graphExportOptions.RenderEnhancedMetafileAsVectorFormat) ||
				if (graphDocument is Altaxo.Graph.Gdi.GraphDocument)
					_graphDocumentBitmapImage = GraphDocumentExportActions.RenderAsBitmap((Altaxo.Graph.Gdi.GraphDocument)graphDocument, _graphExportOptions.BackgroundBrush, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, _graphExportOptions.SourceDpiResolution, _graphExportOptions.SourceDpiResolution / _graphExportOptions.OutputScalingFactor);
				else if (graphDocument is Altaxo.Graph.Graph3D.GraphDocument)
					_graphDocumentBitmapImage = Altaxo.Graph.Graph3D.GraphDocumentExportActions.RenderAsBitmap((Altaxo.Graph.Graph3D.GraphDocument)graphDocument, _graphExportOptions.BackgroundBrush, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, _graphExportOptions.SourceDpiResolution, _graphExportOptions.SourceDpiResolution / _graphExportOptions.OutputScalingFactor);
					throw new NotImplementedException();

			if (_graphExportOptions.RenderEmbeddedObject)
				var miniProjectBuilder = new Altaxo.Graph.Procedures.MiniProjectBuilder();
				_altaxoMiniProject = miniProjectBuilder.GetMiniProject(graphDocument, true);
				_altaxoMiniProject = null;
Пример #32
        public void TestPointContains()
            Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle() { X = 0, Y = 0, Height = 10, Width = 10 };

            PointD2D p1 = new PointD2D() { X = 5, Y = 5 };

            p1 = new PointD2D() { X = 0, Y = 0 };

            p1 = new PointD2D() { X = 9, Y = 9 };

            p1 = new PointD2D() { X = -1, Y = 0 };

            p1 = new PointD2D() { X = 10, Y = 0 };
Пример #33
		public TextGraphic(PointD2D graphicPosition, string text,
			FontX textFont, NamedColor textColor)
			: base(new ItemLocationDirectAutoSize())
			this.SetPosition(graphicPosition, Main.EventFiring.Suppressed);
			this.Font = textFont;
			this.Text = text;
			this.Color = textColor;
Пример #34
			public DensityLegendArea(PointD2D size, bool isXYInterchanged, bool isXReversed, Scale scale, TickSpacing tickSpacing)
				_size = size;
				_scales = new ScaleCollection() { ParentObject = this };
				_scales[0] = scale; scale.TickSpacing = tickSpacing;
				_scales[1] = new LinearScale() { TickSpacing = new NoTickSpacing() };
				_coordinateSystem = new Altaxo.Graph.Gdi.CS.G2DCartesicCoordinateSystem() { ParentObject = this };
				_coordinateSystem.IsXYInterchanged = isXYInterchanged;
				_coordinateSystem.IsXReverse = isXReversed;
Пример #35
			public DensityLegendArea(DensityLegendArea from)
				this._size = from._size;

				this._scales = from._scales.Clone();
				this._scales.ParentObject = this;

				this._coordinateSystem = (CS.G2DCartesicCoordinateSystem)from._coordinateSystem.Clone();
				this._coordinateSystem.ParentObject = this;
Пример #36
		public virtual IHitTestObject HitTest(IPlotArea layer, PointD2D pt)
			GraphicsPath gp = GetSelectionPath();
			if (gp.IsVisible((PointF)pt))
				return new HitTestObject(gp, this);
				return null;
Пример #37
		public static IntPtr RenderEmbeddedObjectDescriptor(TYMED tymed, PointD2D graphDocumentSize)

			// Brockschmidt, Inside Ole 2nd ed. page 991
			if (!(tymed == TYMED.TYMED_HGLOBAL))
				throw new ArgumentException(nameof(tymed) + " is not TYMED_HGLOBAL");
			// Fill in the basic information.
			// According to the documentation this is used just to find an icon.
			od.clsid = typeof(GraphDocumentEmbeddedComObject).GUID;
			od.sizelcx = 0;  // zero in imitation of Word/Excel, but could be (int)(graphDocumentSize.X * 2540 / 72.0)
			od.sizelcy = 0;  // zero in imitation of Word/Excel, but could be (int)(graphDocumentSize.Y * 2540 / 72.0);
			od.pointlx = 0;
			od.pointly = 0;
			od.dwStatus = MiscStatus((int)od.dwDrawAspect);

			// Descriptive strings to tack on after the struct.
			string name = GraphDocumentEmbeddedComObject.USER_TYPE;
			int name_size = (name.Length + 1) * sizeof(char);
			string source = "Altaxo";
			int source_size = (source.Length + 1) * sizeof(char);
			int od_size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OBJECTDESCRIPTOR));
			od.dwFullUserTypeName = od_size;
			od.dwSrcOfCopy = od_size + name_size;
			int full_size = od_size + name_size + source_size;
			od.cbSize = full_size;

			// To avoid 'unsafe', we will arrange the strings in a byte array.
			byte[] strings = new byte[full_size];
			Encoding unicode = Encoding.Unicode;
			Array.Copy(unicode.GetBytes(name), 0, strings, od.dwFullUserTypeName, name.Length * sizeof(char));
			Array.Copy(unicode.GetBytes(source), 0, strings, od.dwSrcOfCopy, source.Length * sizeof(char));

			// Combine the strings and the struct into a single block of mem.
			IntPtr hod = Kernel32Func.GlobalAlloc(GlobalAllocFlags.GHND, full_size);
			if (!(hod != IntPtr.Zero))
				throw new InvalidOperationException("GlobalAlloc operation was not successful");
			IntPtr buf = Kernel32Func.GlobalLock(hod);
			Marshal.Copy(strings, 0, buf, full_size);
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(od, buf, false);

			return hod;
Пример #38
		public TextGraphic(PointD2D graphicPosition,
			string text, FontX textFont,
			NamedColor textColor, double Rotation)
			: this(graphicPosition, text, textFont, textColor)
			this.Rotation = Rotation;
Пример #39
		public DensityImageLegend(DensityImagePlotItem plotItem, Main.IDocumentNode futureParentObject, PointD2D initialLocation, PointD2D graphicSize, Main.Properties.IReadOnlyPropertyBag context)
			: base(new ItemLocationDirect())
			if (null == plotItem)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("plotItem");
			if (null == futureParentObject)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("futureParentObject");

			this.ParentObject = futureParentObject;
			this.PlotItem = plotItem;
			if (null == this._plotItemProxy.DocumentPath)
				throw new ArgumentException("No path could be found between plotItem and futureParentObject. This is an indication that one of the objects is not rooted.");

			this.SetSize(graphicSize.X, graphicSize.Y, Main.EventFiring.Suppressed);
			this.SetPosition(initialLocation, Main.EventFiring.Suppressed);

			// _orientationIsVertical = true;
			// _scaleIsReversed = false;

			var cachedScale = (NumericalScale)PlotItem.Style.Scale.Clone();
			var scaleTickSpacing = Altaxo.Graph.Scales.Scale.CreateDefaultTicks(cachedScale.GetType());
			_cachedArea = new DensityLegendArea(Size, true, false, cachedScale, scaleTickSpacing);
			//_cachedArea.ParentObject = this; // --> moved to the end of this function

			_axisStyles = new AxisStyleCollection();
			// _axisStyles.ParentObject = this; --> see below

			var sx0 = new AxisStyle(CSLineID.X0, true, true, false, "Z values", context);
			sx0.AxisLineStyle.FirstDownMajorTicks = true;
			sx0.AxisLineStyle.FirstUpMajorTicks = false;
			sx0.AxisLineStyle.FirstDownMinorTicks = true;
			sx0.AxisLineStyle.FirstUpMinorTicks = false;

			var sx1 = new AxisStyle(CSLineID.X1, true, false, false, null, context);
			sx1.AxisLineStyle.FirstDownMajorTicks = false;
			sx1.AxisLineStyle.FirstUpMajorTicks = false;
			sx1.AxisLineStyle.FirstDownMinorTicks = false;
			sx1.AxisLineStyle.FirstUpMinorTicks = false;

			var sy0 = new AxisStyle(CSLineID.Y0, true, false, false, "Color map", context);
			var sy1 = new AxisStyle(CSLineID.Y1, true, false, false, null, context);

			sx0.Title.Rotation = 90;
			sx0.Title.Location.ParentAnchorX = RADouble.NewRel(0); // Left
			sx0.Title.Location.ParentAnchorY = RADouble.NewRel(0.5); // Center
			sx0.Title.Location.LocalAnchorX = RADouble.NewRel(0.5); // Center
			sx0.Title.Location.LocalAnchorY = RADouble.NewRel(1); // Bottom
			sx0.Title.X = -Width / 3;
			sx0.Title.Y = 0;

			sy0.Title.Location.ParentAnchorX = RADouble.NewRel(0.5); // Center
			sy0.Title.Location.ParentAnchorY = RADouble.NewRel(0); // Top
			sy0.Title.Location.LocalAnchorX = RADouble.NewRel(0.5); // Center
			sy0.Title.Location.LocalAnchorY = RADouble.NewRel(1); // Bottom
			sy0.Title.X = 0;
			sy0.Title.Y = sy0.Title.Height / 2;

			// set the parent objects
			_axisStyles.ParentObject = this;
			_cachedArea.ParentObject = this;
Пример #40
		/// <summary>
		/// Returns the index of a scatter point that is nearest to the location <c>hitpoint</c>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="layer">The layer in which this plot item is drawn into.</param>
		/// <param name="hitpoint">The point where the mouse is pressed.</param>
		/// <returns>The information about the point that is nearest to the location, or null if it can not be determined.</returns>
		public XYScatterPointInformation GetNearestPlotPoint(IPlotArea layer, PointD2D hitpoint)
			Processed2DPlotData pdata;
			if (null != (pdata = _cachedPlotDataUsedForPainting))
				PlotRangeList rangeList = pdata.RangeList;
				PointF[] ptArray = pdata.PlotPointsInAbsoluteLayerCoordinates;
				double mindistance = double.MaxValue;
				int minindex = -1;
				for (int i = 1; i < ptArray.Length; i++)
					double distance = Math2D.SquareDistanceLineToPoint(hitpoint, ptArray[i - 1], ptArray[i]);
					if (distance < mindistance)
						mindistance = distance;
						minindex = Math2D.Distance(ptArray[i - 1], hitpoint) < Math2D.Distance(ptArray[i], hitpoint) ? i - 1 : i;
				// ok, minindex is the point we are looking for
				// so we have a look in the rangeList, what row it belongs to
				int rowindex = rangeList.GetRowIndexForPlotIndex(minindex);

				return new XYScatterPointInformation(ptArray[minindex], rowindex, minindex);

			return null;
Пример #41
		/// <summary>
		/// Test wether the mouse hits a plot item.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="layer">The layer in which this plot item is drawn into.</param>
		/// <param name="hitpoint">The point where the mouse is pressed.</param>
		/// <returns>Null if no hit, or a <see cref="IHitTestObject" /> if there was a hit.</returns>
		public override IHitTestObject HitTest(IPlotArea layer, PointD2D hitpoint)
			Processed2DPlotData pdata = _cachedPlotDataUsedForPainting;
			if (null == pdata)
				return null;

			PlotRangeList rangeList = pdata.RangeList;
			PointF[] ptArray = pdata.PlotPointsInAbsoluteLayerCoordinates;

			if (ptArray.Length < 2)
				return null;

			if (ptArray.Length < 2048)
				GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();
				if (gp.IsOutlineVisible((PointF)hitpoint, new Pen(Color.Black, 5)))
					gp.Widen(new Pen(Color.Black, 5));
					return new HitTestObject(gp, this);
			else // we have too much points for the graphics path, so make a hit test first
				int hitindex = -1;
				for (int i = 1; i < ptArray.Length; i++)
					if (Math2D.IsPointIntoDistance((PointF)hitpoint, 5, ptArray[i - 1], ptArray[i]))
						hitindex = i;
				if (hitindex < 0)
					return null;
				GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();
				int start = Math.Max(0, hitindex - 1);
				gp.AddLine(ptArray[start], ptArray[start + 1]);
				gp.AddLine(ptArray[start + 1], ptArray[start + 2]);
				gp.Widen(new Pen(Color.Black, 5));
				return new HitTestObject(gp, this);

			return null;
Пример #42
 public bool IsGripHitted(PointD2D point)
   foreach (var ele in GripList)
     if (ele.IsGripHitted(point))
       return true;
   return false;
Пример #43
			public bool GetHittedElement(PointD2D point, out IGripManipulationHandle gripHandle, out IHitTestObject hitObject)
				for (int i = GripList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
					if (GripList[i].IsGripHitted(point))
						gripHandle = GripList[i];
						hitObject = HittedList[i];
						return true;

				gripHandle = null;
				hitObject = null;
				return false;
Пример #44
			/// <summary>
			/// Activates this grip, providing the initial position of the mouse.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="initialPosition">Initial position of the mouse.</param>
			/// <param name="isActivatedUponCreation">If true the activation is called right after creation of this handle. If false,
			/// thie activation is due to a regular mouse click in this grip.</param>
			public void Activate(PointD2D initialPosition, bool isActivatedUponCreation)
				foreach (var ele in GripList)
					ele.Activate(initialPosition, isActivatedUponCreation);
Пример #45
 public void MoveGrip(PointD2D newPosition)
   foreach (var ele in GripList)
Пример #46
		protected void MeasureBackground(Graphics g, double textWidth, double textHeight)
			var fontInfo = FontInfo.Create(g, _font);

			double widthOfOne_n = Glyph.MeasureString(g, "n", _font).X;
			double widthOfThree_M = Glyph.MeasureString(g, "MMM", _font).X;

			double distanceXL = 0; // left distance bounds-text
			double distanceXR = 0; // right distance text-bounds
			double distanceYU = 0;   // upper y distance bounding rectangle-string
			double distanceYL = 0; // lower y distance

			if (this._background != null)
				// the distance to the sides should be like the character n
				distanceXL = 0.25 * widthOfOne_n; // left distance bounds-text
				distanceXR = distanceXL; // right distance text-bounds
				distanceYU = fontInfo.cyDescent;   // upper y distance bounding rectangle-string
				distanceYL = 0; // lower y distance

			PointD2D size = new PointD2D((textWidth + distanceXL + distanceXR), (textHeight + distanceYU + distanceYL));
			_cachedExtendedTextBounds = new RectangleD2D(PointD2D.Empty, size);
			RectangleD2D textRectangle = new RectangleD2D(new PointD2D(-distanceXL, -distanceYU), size);

			if (this._background != null)
				var backgroundRect = this._background.MeasureItem(g, textRectangle);
				_cachedExtendedTextBounds.Offset(textRectangle.X - backgroundRect.X, textRectangle.Y - backgroundRect.Y);

				size = backgroundRect.Size;
				distanceXL = -backgroundRect.Left;
				distanceXR = (backgroundRect.Right - textWidth);
				distanceYU = -backgroundRect.Top;
				distanceYL = (backgroundRect.Bottom - textHeight);

			//var xanchor = _location.PivotX.GetValueRelativeTo(size.X);
			//var yanchor = _location.PivotY.GetValueRelativeTo(size.Y);

			// this._leftTop = new PointD2D(-xanchor, -yanchor);
			((ItemLocationDirectAutoSize)_location).SetSizeInAutoSizeMode(size, false);

			this._cachedTextOffset = new PointD2D(distanceXL, distanceYU);
Пример #47
		/// <summary>
		/// Test wether the mouse hits a plot item. The default implementation here returns null.
		/// If you want to have a reaction on mouse click on a curve, implement this function.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="layer">The layer in which this plot item is drawn into.</param>
		/// <param name="hitpoint">The point where the mouse is pressed.</param>
		/// <returns>Null if no hit, or a <see cref="IHitTestObject" /> if there was a hit.</returns>
		public virtual IHitTestObject HitTest(IPlotArea layer, PointD2D hitpoint)
			return null;