private static void LoadChildNode(WorkAreaModel workArea, XmlElement xmlElement) { XmlNodeList xmlNodeList = xmlElement.ChildNodes; foreach (XmlElement xe in xmlNodeList) //遍历模块节点 { Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); // 获取当前程序集 BaseWorkFlow obj = assembly.CreateInstance("WPFDrag.Themes." + xe.Name) as BaseWorkFlow; //反射新建实例 Type type = obj.GetType(); var props = type.GetProperties(); foreach (var prop in props) { if (xe.HasAttribute(prop.Name)) //判断是否有该属性 { if (prop.Name == "Points") { PointCollection pc = PointCollection.Parse(xe.GetAttribute("Points")); //设置复杂属性 prop.SetValue(obj, pc); } else { prop.SetValue(obj, Convert.ChangeType(xe.GetAttribute(prop.Name), prop.PropertyType)); //根据类型设置属性 } } } workArea.WorkAreaItems.Add(obj); workArea.RegistModelEvent(obj); if (xe.HasChildNodes) //如果有子节点,则递归读取 { obj.ChildWorkFlow = new WorkFlowModel(); LoadChildNode(obj.ChildWorkFlow.WorkArea, xe); } } }
private static PointCollection GetPointCollection(object parameter) { var s = parameter as String; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { PointCollection c; if (!Cache.TryGetValue(s, out c)) { try { c = PointCollection.Parse(s); if (c.Count < 2) { c = Default; } } catch { c = Default; } Cache.Add(s, c); } return(c); } return(Default); }
private void RenderFrame(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Star_list.Count == 0) { int ellipseCount = 5; for (int i = 0; i < ellipseCount; i++) { //квадрат Polygon polygon = new Polygon(); polygon.Points = PointCollection.Parse("126, 126, 174, 126, 174, 174, 126,174"); polygon.Fill = Brushes.Black; canvas.Children.Add(polygon); //звездочка Star star = new Star(); canvas.Children.Add(star.Polygon0); Star_list.Add(star); } } else { for (int i = Star_list.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Star_list[i].Next(); } } }
private Model3DGroup CopyToWPFThread(Model3DGroup src_model) { /** disassemble */ var geometrymodel = src_model.Children[0] as GeometryModel3D; var geometry = geometrymodel.Geometry as MeshGeometry3D; string str_vertices = geometry.Positions.ToString(); string str_normals = geometry.Normals.ToString(); string str_indices = geometry.TriangleIndices.ToString(); string str_textures = geometry.TextureCoordinates.ToString(); Model3DGroup result_model = null; Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(delegate { result_model = new Model3DGroup(); result_model.Children.Add(new GeometryModel3D() { Geometry = new MeshGeometry3D() { /** re-assemble */ Positions = Point3DCollection.Parse(str_vertices), Normals = Vector3DCollection.Parse(str_normals), TriangleIndices = Int32Collection.Parse(str_indices), TextureCoordinates = PointCollection.Parse(str_textures) }, Material = new DiffuseMaterial(new ImageBrush(new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"image/marble.jpg", UriKind.Relative)))) }); })); return(result_model); }
public Volume(Instrument instrument, ChartControl chart) { Chart = chart; Instrument = instrument; Cache = new ChartGfxCache(CreatePiece); Label = new TextBlock { Text = string.Empty, FontSize = 10.0, IsHitTestVisible = false, }; Icon = new Polygon { Points = PointCollection.Parse("0,0 5,5 5,-5"), Stroke = Brushes.Black, Fill = Brushes.Black, Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS, }; Icon.MouseLeftButtonDown += delegate { chart.MouseOperations.Pending[MouseButton.Left] = new DragVolumeSizeScaler(this) { StartOnMouseDown = false }; }; Scale = 1.0; IndicatorPosition = 0.25; }
public override Shape GetDrawingObject() { return(new Polygon { Fill = Brushes.BlueViolet, Points = PointCollection.Parse("-24, 50, 24, 1, 74, 50") }); }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to convert to a PointCollection from the given object. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The PointCollection which was constructed. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException"> /// A NotSupportedException is thrown if the example object is null or is not a valid type /// which can be converted to a PointCollection. /// </exception> /// <param name="context"> The ITypeDescriptorContext for this call. </param> /// <param name="culture"> The requested CultureInfo. Note that conversion uses "en-US" rather than this parameter. </param> /// <param name="value"> The object to convert to an instance of PointCollection. </param> public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value) { if (value is string source) { return(PointCollection.Parse(source)); } throw GetConvertFromException(value); }
public static MeshGeometry3D CreateSquareGeometry(string positions) { return(new MeshGeometry3D { Positions = Point3DCollection.Parse(positions), TriangleIndices = Int32Collection.Parse("0,1,2 0,2,3"), TextureCoordinates = PointCollection.Parse("0,0 0,1 1,1 1,0"), }); }
public override Shape GetDrawingObject() { return(new Polyline { Stroke = Brushes.BlueViolet, StrokeThickness = 2, Points = PointCollection.Parse(GetPoint()) }); }
public PointCollection PolygonPoints(double[] p)//Polygonの列幅行幅から,左上を原点とした適当なPoints文字列を返す { //PolygonのPointsは左下左上右上右下の順 string leftbottom = (rowSize * p[4]).ToString(format) + "," + (columnSize * (p[3] + p[5])).ToString(format) + " "; string lefttop = "0,0 "; string righttop = (rowSize * (p[2] + p[6])).ToString(format) + "," + (columnSize * p[7]).ToString(format) + " "; string rightbottom = (rowSize * (p[2] + p[8])).ToString(format) + "," + (columnSize * (p[3] + p[9])).ToString(format); return(PointCollection.Parse(leftbottom + lefttop + righttop + rightbottom)); }
/// <summary> /// Converts a string into a PointCollection. /// </summary> public override object ConvertFromString(string value, IValueSerializerContext context) { if (value != null) { return(PointCollection.Parse(value)); } else { return(base.ConvertFromString(value, context)); } }
void fiveTwelve() { SolidColorBrush blueBrush = new SolidColorBrush(); blueBrush.Color = Colors.Blue; Polyline line = new Polyline(); line.Stroke = blueBrush; line.StrokeThickness = 5; //points line.Points = PointCollection.Parse("65,65 45,85 65,105"); minuteFace.Children.Add(line); }
void twoFiftySix() { SolidColorBrush blueBrush = new SolidColorBrush(); blueBrush.Color = Colors.Blue; Polyline line = new Polyline(); line.Stroke = blueBrush; line.StrokeThickness = 5; //points line.Points = PointCollection.Parse("45,85 25,65"); minuteFace.Children.Add(line); }
void oneNintyTwo()//plus sixtyFour { SolidColorBrush blueBrush = new SolidColorBrush(); blueBrush.Color = Colors.Blue; Polyline line = new Polyline(); line.Stroke = blueBrush; line.StrokeThickness = 5; //points line.Points = PointCollection.Parse("105,105 65,145"); minuteFace.Children.Add(line); }
void oneTwentyEight() { SolidColorBrush blueBrush = new SolidColorBrush(); blueBrush.Color = Colors.Blue; Polyline line = new Polyline(); line.Stroke = blueBrush; line.StrokeThickness = 5; //points line.Points = PointCollection.Parse("105,105 85,125 105,145"); minuteFace.Children.Add(line); }
void fourtyEight()//plus sixteen { SolidColorBrush blueBrush = new SolidColorBrush(); blueBrush.Color = Colors.Blue; Polyline line = new Polyline(); line.Stroke = blueBrush; line.StrokeThickness = 5; //points line.Points = PointCollection.Parse("145,65 105,105"); minuteFace.Children.Add(line); }
void sevenSixtyEight()//plus twoFiftySix { SolidColorBrush blueBrush = new SolidColorBrush(); blueBrush.Color = Colors.Blue; Polyline line = new Polyline(); line.Stroke = blueBrush; line.StrokeThickness = 5; //points line.Points = PointCollection.Parse("65,65 25,105"); minuteFace.Children.Add(line); }
void twelve()//plus four { SolidColorBrush blueBrush = new SolidColorBrush(); blueBrush.Color = Colors.Blue; Polyline line = new Polyline(); line.Stroke = blueBrush; line.StrokeThickness = 5; //points line.Points = PointCollection.Parse("105,65 85,45 105,25"); minuteFace.Children.Add(line); }
private void loadPolylineFrom(string filepath) { string readContents; using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(filepath, Encoding.UTF8)) { readContents = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } PointCollection points = PointCollection.Parse(readContents); polylinePoints = points; polyline.Points = polylinePoints; }
//display void Draw(string Points) { SolidColorBrush blueBrush = new SolidColorBrush { Color = Colors.Blue }; var line = new Polyline { Stroke = blueBrush, StrokeThickness = 5, Points = PointCollection.Parse(Points) }; minuteFace.Children.Add(line); }
public ChessBoard() { material = new GeometryModel3D(); mesh = new MeshGeometry3D(); material.Geometry = mesh; this.Content = material; this.Mesh.Positions = Point3DCollection.Parse(ChessBoard_Mesh.Positions); this.Mesh.TextureCoordinates = PointCollection.Parse(ChessBoard_Mesh.TextureCoordinates); this.Mesh.TriangleIndices = Int32Collection.Parse(ChessBoard_Mesh.TriangleIndices); DiffuseMaterial mat = new DiffuseMaterial(); mat.Brush = Brushes.White; mat.AmbientColor = Colors.Silver; mat.Color = Colors.Chocolate; material.Material = mat; }
public Bishop() { try { this.Mesh.Normals = Vector3DCollection.Parse(Bishop_Mesh.Normals); this.Mesh.Positions = Point3DCollection.Parse(Bishop_Mesh.Positions); this.Mesh.TextureCoordinates = PointCollection.Parse(Bishop_Mesh.TextureCoordinates); this.Mesh.TriangleIndices = Int32Collection.Parse(Bishop_Mesh.TriangleIndices); //initialize to default position TranslateTransform3D translate = new TranslateTransform3D(-3, 7, 0); this.Transformations.Children.Add(translate); this.UnmutableTransformations.Add(translate); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public static void DrawSpline(this DrawingContext dc, PointCollection pointCollection, double offsetX, double offsetY, Format format) { pointCollection = PointCollection.Parse( string.Join(" ", pointCollection .Select(x => new Point(x.X + offsetX, x.Y + offsetY)) .Select(x => $"{x.X},{x.Y}")) ); StreamGeometry streamGeometry = new StreamGeometry(); using (StreamGeometryContext gcx = streamGeometry.Open()) { gcx.BeginFigure(pointCollection.First(), true, true); gcx.PolyLineTo(pointCollection, true, true); } dc.DrawGeometry(format.brushBackground, new Pen(format.brushForeground, format.penWidth), streamGeometry); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a Pawn from its resource file /// </summary> public Pawn() { try { this.Mesh.Positions = Point3DCollection.Parse(Pawn_Mesh.Positions); this.Mesh.TriangleIndices = Int32Collection.Parse(Pawn_Mesh.TriangleIndices); this.Mesh.TextureCoordinates = PointCollection.Parse(Pawn_Mesh.TextureCoordinates); this.Mesh.Normals = Vector3DCollection.Parse(Pawn_Mesh.Normals); //initialize pawn to default position, this centers the pawn in the middle of the board (0,0) and compensates obj imports deviations TranslateTransform3D translate = new TranslateTransform3D(-7, 5, 0); this.Transformations.Children.Add(translate); this.UnmutableTransformations.Add(translate); //RotateTransform3D rotate = new RotateTransform3D(new AxisAngleRotation3D(new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), 90)); //this.Transformations.Children.Add(rotate); //this.UnmutableTransformations.Add(rotate); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
public MarketDepth(CoinFlip.MarketDepth market, ChartControl chart) { Chart = chart; Market = market; Icon = new Polygon { Points = PointCollection.Parse("0,5 5,0 -5,0"), Stroke = Brushes.Black, Fill = Brushes.Black, Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE, }; Label = new TextBlock { Text = string.Empty, FontSize = 10.0, IsHitTestVisible = false, }; CursorVolume = new TextBlock { Text = string.Empty, FontSize = 10.0, Foreground = Chart.Scene.BackgroundColour.ToMediaBrush(), Background = Chart.Scene.BackgroundColour.InvertBW(0xFF333333, 0xFFCCCCCC).ToMediaBrush(), IsHitTestVisible = false, Margin = new Thickness(2), }; Icon.MouseLeftButtonDown += delegate { chart.MouseOperations.Pending[MouseButton.Left] = new DragMarketSizeScaler(this) { StartOnMouseDown = false }; }; IndicatorPosition = 0.25; }
[FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Core, also used by Framework. #endif internal static bool SerializePoint(BinaryWriter writer, string stringValue) { #if PBTCOMPILER List <Point> points = ParsePointCollection(stringValue, TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS); Point curPoint; #else PointCollection points = PointCollection.Parse(stringValue); Point curPoint; #endif // Write out the size. writer.Write(( uint )points.Count); // Write out the doubles. for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++) { curPoint = points[i]; WriteDouble(writer, curPoint.X); WriteDouble(writer, curPoint.Y); } return(true); }
private Geometry ReadSvgNode(XElement node) { Geometry result = null; switch (node.Name.LocalName.ToLower()) { case "svg": { double?newwidth; double?newheight; Rect? newviewbox; newwidth = GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("width")); newheight = GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("height")); newviewbox = GetRectAttribute(node.Attribute("viewBox")); Clip = newviewbox.HasValue ? new RectangleGeometry(newviewbox.Value) : null; Width = newviewbox.HasValue ? newviewbox.Value.Right : newwidth.HasValue ? newwidth.Value : double.NaN; Height = newviewbox.HasValue ? newviewbox.Value.Bottom : newheight.HasValue ? newheight.Value : double.NaN; ViewBox = newviewbox.HasValue ? newviewbox.Value : Rect.Empty; ViewBoxWidth = newviewbox.HasValue ? newviewbox.Value.Width : double.NaN; ViewBoxHeight = newviewbox.HasValue ? newviewbox.Value.Height : double.NaN; translateTransform.X = newviewbox.HasValue ? -newviewbox.Value.X : 0; translateTransform.Y = newviewbox.HasValue ? -newviewbox.Value.Y : 0; scaleTransform.ScaleX = newviewbox.HasValue ? newviewbox.Value.Right / (double)newviewbox.Value.Width : 1; scaleTransform.ScaleY = newviewbox.HasValue ? newviewbox.Value.Bottom / (double)newviewbox.Value.Height : 1; GeometryGroup geometrygroup = new GeometryGroup() { FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero }; if (node.HasElements) { foreach (XElement child in node.Elements()) { var geometry = ReadSvgNode(child); if (geometry != null) { geometrygroup.Children.Add(geometry); } } } result = geometrygroup; break; } case "g": { GeometryGroup geometrygroup = new GeometryGroup() { FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero }; if (node.HasElements) { foreach (XElement child in node.Elements()) { var geometry = ReadSvgNode(child); if (geometry != null) { geometrygroup.Children.Add(geometry); } } } result = geometrygroup; break; } case "path": { foreach (var attr in node.Attributes()) { if (attr.Name.LocalName == "d" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value)) { try { return(Geometry.Parse(attr.Value)); } catch { } } } break; } case "line": { double x1, y1, x2, y2; if (GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("x1"), out x1) && GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("y1"), out y1) && GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("x2"), out x2) && GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("y2"), out y2)) { result = new LineGeometry(new Point(x1, y2), new Point(x2, y2)); } break; } case "rect": { double x, y, w, h; if (GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("x"), out x) && GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("y"), out y) && GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("width"), out w) && GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("height"), out h)) { result = new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(x, y, w, h)); } break; } case "ellipse": { double cx, cy, rx, ry; if (GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("cx"), out cx) && GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("cy"), out cy) && GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("rx"), out rx) && GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("ry"), out ry)) { result = new EllipseGeometry(new Point(cx, cy), rx, ry); } break; } case "circle": { double cx, cy, r; if (GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("cx"), out cx) && GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("cy"), out cy) && GetDoubleAttribute(node.Attribute("r"), out r)) { result = new EllipseGeometry(new Point(cx, cy), r, r); } break; } case "polyline": { try { Polyline polyline = new Polyline(); XAttribute attr = node.Attribute("points"); if (attr != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value)) { polyline.Points = PointCollection.Parse(attr.Value); polyline.Measure(ViewBox.Size); polyline.Arrange(ViewBox); result = polyline.RenderedGeometry; } } catch { } break; } case "polygon": { try { Polygon polygon = new Polygon(); XAttribute attr = node.Attribute("points"); if (attr != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Value)) { polygon.Points = PointCollection.Parse(attr.Value); polygon.Measure(ViewBox.Size); polygon.Arrange(ViewBox); result = polygon.RenderedGeometry; } } catch { } break; } } if (result != null) { result.Transform = GetTransformAttribute(node.Attribute("transform")); } return(result); }
public MyWindow() { Width = 1536; Height = 768; Title = "My window"; Background = BGBrush; int MoveX = 200; int MoveY = 200; Point bufferPoint = new Point(); Content = myGrid; //Считываю строку с точками из файла //PointCollection readPoints = PointCollection.Parse(ReadPoints()); //Так как строку с точками мы больше не считываем из файла, строка будет храниться в таком виде, сразу считаем количество PointCollection readPoints = PointCollection.Parse("20,20 846,20 868,40 42,40 912,40 934,60 956,80 868,80 846,60 64,60 86,80 980,80 1002,100 1024,120 868,120 846,100 108,100 130,120 920,120 894,140 152,140 868,160 460,160 438,140"); int pCount = readPoints.Count(); //Этот цикл тут для того, чтобы можно было двигать всю структуру. for (int i = 0; i < pCount;) { bufferPoint.X = readPoints[i].X + MoveX; bufferPoint.Y = readPoints[i].Y + MoveY; points.Add(bufferPoint); i++; } fillComboBox.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; fillComboBox.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; colorComboBox.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; colorComboBox.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; //Быстрый способ заполнить комбобоксы, сразу зададим выбор по умолчанию for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { colorComboBox.Items.Add("Цвет " + (i + 1)); } colorComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; colorComboBox.Margin = new Thickness(100, 0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { fillComboBox.Items.Add("Заливка " + (i + 1)); } fillComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; //Просто текст. Отображается текст из комбобокса с вариантом заливки. label1.Content = fillComboBox.Text; label1.FontSize = 20; label1.Foreground = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black; label1.Margin = new Thickness(550 + MoveX, 60 + MoveY, 0, 0); //Рисуем всё myGrid.Children.Add(fillComboBox); myGrid.Children.Add(colorComboBox); myGrid.Children.Add(label1); DrawLines(); DrawDots(); //Обрабатываем события при изменении выбранного пункта комбобоксов fillComboBox.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(Event_Fill); colorComboBox.SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(Event_Select_Color); }
private void dtmr_countdown_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { lbl_output.Content = "W:" + SensorA.Quaternion[0].ToString() + " X:" + SensorA.Quaternion[1].ToString() + " Y:" + SensorA.Quaternion[2].ToString() + " Z:" + SensorA.Quaternion[3].ToString(); XY.Points = PointCollection.Parse("50,250," + (50 - (50 * SensorA.Quaternion[1])).ToString() + "," + (250 - (50 * SensorA.Quaternion[2])).ToString()); XZ.Points = PointCollection.Parse("200,250," + (200 - (50 * SensorA.Quaternion[1])).ToString() + "," + (250 - (50 * SensorA.Quaternion[3])).ToString()); }
void loadModel() { //读取数据 curprjkey = 13; dtallproject = DataLayer.DataProvider.getDataTableFromSQL("select * from map_project"); dtproject = DataLayer.DataProvider.getDataTableFromSQL(string.Format("select * from map_project where id={0}", curprjkey)); curprj = dtproject.Rows[0]; string sqlwhere = PrjHelper.genProjectsExpress(curprjkey, dtallproject); string sqlwhere2 = PrjHelper.genProjectsExpress(curprjkey, dtallproject, "t1."); dtobject = DataLayer.DataProvider.getDataTableFromSQL(string.Format("select t1.*,t2.layer from map_object t1 join map_svg_layer t2 on where points is not null and {0}", sqlwhere2)); dtlayer = DataLayer.DataProvider.getDataTableFromSQL(string.Format("select * from map_svg_layer where {0}", sqlwhere)); dttext = DataLayer.DataProvider.getDataTableFromSQL(string.Format("select t1.*,t2.layer from map_svg_text t1 join map_svg_layer t2 on where points is not null and {0}", sqlwhere2)); dtsymbol = DataLayer.DataProvider.getDataTableFromSQL(string.Format("select t2.svgsymbolid,,t2.viewbox,t2.preserveAspectRatio,t1.shapetype,,t1.fill,t1.stroke,t1.width from map_svg_symbolitem t1 join map_svg_symbol t2 on where t2.svgsymbolid in (select distinct replace(symbolid,'#','') from map_object where points is not null and ({0})) and ({0})", sqlwhere)); //仅使用了的图元 dtstyle = DataLayer.DataProvider.getDataTableFromSQL(string.Format("select * from map_svg_style where {0}", sqlwhere)); int KGID = 11; dtshareobject = DataLayer.DataProvider.getDataTableFromSQL(string.Format("select * from map_share_object where prjid={0} or layername='区县图层'", KGID)); //生成图元字典,图元字典内容会被传送到d3d生成公用材质,下面的厂站,将使用图元字典中的键值来决定在d3d中的材质 genSymbolBrush(); //另外直接添加材质, SubstationEntityDisH2为键值 //uc.objManager.AddSymbol("","SubstationEntityDisH2", ""); //生成几何体资源字典,几何体资源字典内容会被传送到d3d生成公用几何体数据,下面的数据呈现用的柱体,将使用几何体字典中的键值来决定在d3d中的形态 genGeomeries(); //添加对象层 foreach (DataRow item in dtlayer.Rows) { uc.objManager.AddLayer(item["layer"].ToString(), item["id"].ToString(), item["layer"].ToString()); //示例中以层的名字为键值 } int idx = 0; //对象 bool isfind; PowerBasicObject obj; pLayer containerLayer; foreach (DataRow item in dtobject.AsEnumerable().OrderBy(p => p.Field <int>("prjid"))) { obj = null; if (item["shapetype"].ToString() == "dot") { isfind = uc.objManager.zLayers.TryGetValue(item["layer"].ToString(), out containerLayer); //查找是否有对象所属层 if (isfind) { isfind = containerLayer.pModels.TryGetValue(item["id"].ToString(), out obj); if (!isfind) { obj = new pSymbolObject(containerLayer) { id = item["id"].ToString(), name = item["objname"].ToString(), location = item["points"].ToString(), symbolid = item["symbolid"].ToString().Replace("#", ""), //材质Key isH = true }; if ((obj as pSymbolObject).symbolid == "SwitchStationOpen") { if (obj.busiData == null) { obj.busiData = new busiBase(obj); } obj.busiData.busiSort = "开关站"; (obj as pSymbolObject).color = Colors.Aqua; obj.visualMaxDistance = 10; } else if ((obj as pSymbolObject).symbolid == "SubstationEntityDisH") { if (obj.busiData == null) { obj.busiData = new busiBase(obj); } obj.busiData.busiSort = "变电站"; (obj as pSymbolObject).color = Colors.Lime; } else if ((obj as pSymbolObject).symbolid == "Pole") { if (obj.busiData == null) { obj.busiData = new busiBase(obj); } obj.busiData.busiSort = "杆塔"; (obj as pSymbolObject).color = Color.FromRgb(0xCC, 0xFF, 0xFF); obj.visualMaxDistance = 5; } //(obj as pSymbolObject).aniTwinkle.isDoAni = true; Regex regex = new Regex("translate\\(.*\\) ?rotate\\(.*\\) ?scale\\((\\d*.?\\d*), ?(\\d*.?\\d*)\\)", RegexOptions.Multiline); Match m = regex.Match(item["data"].ToString()); if (m.Success) { (obj as pSymbolObject).scaleX = (float)(uc.objManager.zSymbols[(obj as pSymbolObject).symbolid].sizeX * Math.Pow(double.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value), 0.7) / 400); (obj as pSymbolObject).scaleY = (float)(uc.objManager.zSymbols[(obj as pSymbolObject).symbolid].sizeY * Math.Pow(double.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value), 0.7) / 400); } else { (obj as pSymbolObject).scaleX = (obj as pSymbolObject).scaleY = 0.025f; } containerLayer.AddObject(item["id"].ToString(), obj);//也可直接加如:containerLayer.pModels.Add(item["id"].ToString(), obj); } } if (idx == 0) { obj = new pModel3D(containerLayer) //测试实物模型用,暂无效 { id = item["id"].ToString() + "3d", name = item["objname"].ToString(), location = item["points"].ToString(), Model3DType = EPowerModel3DType.风电 }; containerLayer.AddObject(item["id"].ToString() + "3d", obj); idx++; } } else if (item["shapetype"].ToString() == "path") { isfind = uc.objManager.zLayers.TryGetValue(item["layer"].ToString(), out containerLayer); if (isfind) { isfind = containerLayer.pModels.TryGetValue(item["id"].ToString(), out obj); if (!isfind) { obj = new pPowerLine(containerLayer) { id = item["id"].ToString(), name = item["objname"].ToString(), strPoints = item["points"].ToString(), color = Color.FromRgb(0xFF, 0xCC, 0x00), arrowColor = Colors.Blue, isFlow = true, thickness = 0.002f }; //(obj as pPowerLine).aniDraw.aniType=EAniType.绘制; //注意:只有aniDraw属性可以是擦除或绘制两者之一,其它的动画属性大多没有可选性,请不要更改它们的动画类型 //(obj as pPowerLine).aniDraw.isDoAni = true; //(obj as pPowerLine).aniTwinkle.isDoAni = true; //zh注:对不合理的过近的相邻点进行处理,这部分应放入位置数据入库前 PointCollection pc = PointCollection.Parse(item["points"].ToString()); PointCollection newpc = new PointCollection(); newpc.Add(pc[0]); for (int i = 1; i < pc.Count; i++) { if ((pc[i] - pc[i - 1]).Length > 0.00001) { if (i < pc.Count - 1) { Vector v1 = pc[i] - pc[i - 1]; v1.Normalize(); Vector v2 = pc[i + 1] - pc[i]; v2.Normalize(); if (v1 != v2) { newpc.Add(pc[i]); } } else { newpc.Add(pc[i]); } } } (obj as pPowerLine).strPoints = newpc.ToString(); if (newpc.Count > 1) { containerLayer.pModels.Add(item["id"].ToString(), obj); } } } idx++; } } }