Пример #1
            public void GetFacesPolylines()
                Polyline faceContour = new Polyline();

                for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Faces.Count; i++)
                    faceContour = new Polyline();
                    Point3f[] pf;
                    if (mesh.Faces[i].IsQuad)
                        pf = new Point3f[4];
                        mesh.Faces.GetFaceVertices(i, out pf[0], out pf[1], out pf[2], out pf[3]);
                        pf = new Point3f[3];
                        mesh.Faces.GetFaceVertices(i, out pf[0], out pf[1], out pf[2], out pf[2]);
                    for (int j = 0; j < pf.Length; j++)
                        faceContour.Add(pf[j].X, pf[j].Y, pf[j].Z);
                    faceContour.Add(pf[0].X, pf[0].Y, pf[0].Z); // adds again first point to generate a closed polyline
Пример #2
        public override Mesh getTrailEvaMesh(double zpos)
            int    z         = getWIndex(zpos);
            double trailmax  = getMaxTrailValue();
            Mesh   evaMesh   = new Mesh();
            Plane  worldXY   = new Plane(new Point3d(0, 0, z), new Point3d(1, 0, z), new Point3d(0, 1, z));
            Plane  baseplane = new Plane(new Point3d(0, 0, getWMin()), new Vector3d(0, 0, 1));

            evaMesh = Mesh.CreateFromPlane(baseplane, new Interval(getUMin(), getUMax()), new Interval(getVMin(), getVMax()), u, v);
            for (int i = 0; i < evaMesh.Vertices.Count; i++)
                Point3f vert      = evaMesh.Vertices[i];
                int     x         = getUIndex(vert.X);
                int     y         = getVIndex(vert.Y);
                float   thisTrail = 0;
                if (x < u - 1 && y < v - 1)
                    thisTrail = (float)(trail[x, y, z] * 255.0 / trailmax);
                if (thisTrail > 255)
                    thisTrail = 255;

                evaMesh.VertexColors.SetColor(i, (int)thisTrail, 0, 0);
Пример #3
        public virtual void calcProteinMainchainHydrogenBonds(BitArray bsA, BitArray bsB)
            Point3f carbonPoint;
            Point3f oxygenPoint;

            for (int i = 0; i < monomerCount; ++i)
                AminoMonomer residue = (AminoMonomer)monomers[i];
                mainchainHbondOffsets[i] = 0;

                * This does not acount for the first nitrogen in the chain
                * is there some way to predict where it's hydrogen is?
                * mth 20031219
                if (i > 0 && residue.GroupID != JmolConstants.GROUPID_PROLINE)
                    Point3f nitrogenPoint = residue.NitrogenAtomPoint;
                    aminoHydrogenPoint.add(nitrogenPoint, vectorPreviousOC);
                    bondAminoHydrogen(i, aminoHydrogenPoint, bsA, bsB);
                carbonPoint = residue.CarbonylCarbonAtomPoint;
                oxygenPoint = residue.CarbonylOxygenAtomPoint;
                vectorPreviousOC.sub(carbonPoint, oxygenPoint);
                vectorPreviousOC.scale(1 / vectorPreviousOC.length());
Пример #4
        protected void GeneratePointCloud(double[] averagedDepthFrameData)
            double depthPoint;

            // Setup variables for per-pixel loop
            allPoints = new Point3f[trimmedWidth * trimmedHeight];
            var tempPoint  = new Point3f();
            var arrayIndex = 0;

            for (var rows = 0; rows < trimmedHeight; rows++)
                for (var columns = 0; columns < trimmedWidth; columns++)
                    depthPoint            = averagedDepthFrameData[arrayIndex];
                    tempPoint.X           = (float)(columns * -unitsMultiplier * depthPixelSize.x);
                    tempPoint.Y           = (float)(rows * -unitsMultiplier * depthPixelSize.y);
                    tempPoint.Z           = (float)((depthPoint - sensorElevation) * -unitsMultiplier);
                    allPoints[arrayIndex] = tempPoint; // Add new point to point cloud itself

            // Keep only the desired amount of frames in the buffer
            while (renderBuffer.Count >= averageFrames)

            Core.LogTiming(ref output, timer, "Point cloud generation"); // Debug Info
Пример #5
        public static Mesh Create(double r_ = 1)
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

            float length = (float)r_;
            float width  = (float)r_;
            float height = (float)r_;

            Point3f p0 = new Point3f(length * .5f, width * .5f, -height * .5f);   //
            Point3f p1 = new Point3f(-length * .5f, -width * .5f, -height * .5f); //
            Point3f p2 = new Point3f(-length * .5f, width * .5f, height * .5f);
            Point3f p3 = new Point3f(length * .5f, -width * .5f, height * .5f);

            Point3f[] vertices = new Point3f[] { p0, p1, p2, p3 };

            MeshFace[] mf = new MeshFace[]
                new MeshFace(1, 0, 3),
                new MeshFace(0, 1, 2),
                new MeshFace(2, 3, 0),
                new MeshFace(3, 2, 1),


Пример #6
        // return index of point in the middle of p1 and p2
        private static int getMiddlePoint(int p1, int p2, ref List <Point3f> vertices, ref Dictionary <long, int> cache, float radius)
            // first check if we have it already
            bool firstIsSmaller = p1 < p2;
            long smallerIndex   = firstIsSmaller ? p1 : p2;
            long greaterIndex   = firstIsSmaller ? p2 : p1;
            long key            = (smallerIndex << 32) + greaterIndex;

            int ret;

            if (cache.TryGetValue(key, out ret))

            // not in cache, calculate it
            Point3f point1 = vertices[p1];
            Point3f point2 = vertices[p2];
            Point3f middle = new Point3f
                (point1.X + point2.X) / 2f,
                (point1.Y + point2.Y) / 2f,
                (point1.Z + point2.Z) / 2f

            // add vertex makes sure point is on unit sphere
            int i = vertices.Count;

            vertices.Add(middle.Unit() * radius);

            // store it, return index
            cache.Add(key, i);

Пример #7
        public void SolvePnPTestByArray()
            var rvec         = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            var tvec         = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            var cameraMatrix = new double[3, 3]
                { 1, 0, 0 },
                { 0, 1, 0 },
                { 0, 0, 1 }
            var dist = new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

            var objPts = new Point3f[]
                new Point3f(0, 0, 1),
                new Point3f(1, 0, 1),
                new Point3f(0, 1, 1),
                new Point3f(1, 1, 1),
                new Point3f(1, 0, 2),
                new Point3f(0, 1, 2)

            double[,] jacobian;
            Point2f[] imgPts;
            Cv2.ProjectPoints(objPts, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, dist, out imgPts, out jacobian);

            Cv2.SolvePnP(objPts, imgPts, cameraMatrix, dist, out rvec, out tvec);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the 3-D point cloud using the native SDK functions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>3-D point coordinates in meters.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Format is [height, width, coordinate] with coordinate in {0,1,2} for x, y and z.</remarks>
        private Point3fCameraImage Calc3DCoordinates()
            CameraSpacePoint[] worldPoints = new CameraSpacePoint[depthHeight * depthWidth];
            Point3fCameraImage img         = new Point3fCameraImage(depthWidth, depthHeight);

            lock (this.depthFrameData)
                lock (cameraLock)
                    coordinateMapper.MapDepthFrameToCameraSpace(depthFrameData, worldPoints);

                for (int y = 0; y < depthHeight; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < depthWidth; x++)
                        // mirror image
                        int idx = y * depthWidth + depthWidthMinusOne - x;
                        img[y, x] = new Point3f(worldPoints[idx].X * -1, worldPoints[idx].Y * -1, worldPoints[idx].Z);

                img.TimeStamp = timestampDepth;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the square of the distance on the XY plane between two points
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptA"></param>
        /// <param name="ptB"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double XYSquaredDistanceTo(this Point3d ptA, Point3f ptB)
            double dX = ptA.X - ptB.X;
            double dY = ptA.Y - ptB.Y;

            return(dX * dX + dY * dY);
Пример #10
        public static Point3f TransformPoint3f(this Mat pose, Point3f point)
            if (pose.Cols != 4 || pose.Rows != 4)
                throw new ArgumentException("Matrix must be a 4 x 4 matrix");

            if (pose.Type() != MatType.CV_32FC1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Matrix must be of float 32 bit type");

            var m1   = new float[4, 4];
            var data = new float[16];

            pose.GetArray(out data);
            Array.Copy(data, m1, data.Length);

            var v1 = new float[4] {
                point.X, point.Y, point.Z, 1

            var homogenous = new Vec4f(
                (m1[0, 0] * v1[0] + m1[0, 1] * v1[1] + m1[0, 2] * v1[2] + m1[0, 3] * v1[3]),
                (m1[1, 0] * v1[0] + m1[1, 1] * v1[1] + m1[1, 2] * v1[2] + m1[1, 3] * v1[3]),
                (m1[2, 0] * v1[0] + m1[2, 1] * v1[1] + m1[2, 2] * v1[2] + m1[2, 3] * v1[3]),
                (m1[3, 0] * v1[0] + m1[3, 1] * v1[1] + m1[3, 2] * v1[2] + m1[3, 3] * v1[3])

            return(new Point3f(homogenous.Item0, homogenous.Item1, homogenous.Item2));
Пример #11
        public virtual void calcSegments()
            if (segments != null)

             * System.out.println("axisA=" + axisA.x + "," + axisA.y + "," + axisA.z);
             * System.out.println("axisB=" + axisB.x + "," + axisB.y + "," + axisB.z);
            segments = new Point3f[monomerCount + 1];
            segments[monomerCount] = axisB;
            segments[0]            = axisA;
            for (int i = monomerCount; --i > 0;)
                Point3f point = segments[i] = new Point3f();
                apolymer.getLeadMidPoint(monomerIndex + i, point);

             * for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; ++i) {
             * Point3f point = segments[i];
             * System.out.println("segment[" + i + "]=" +
             * point.x + "," + point.y + "," + point.z);
             * }
Пример #12
        static Tuple <Point3f[], float[]> ReadFile(string filename)
            string       line;
            StreamReader file = new StreamReader(filename);

            line = file.ReadLine();
            int n = Convert.ToInt32(line);

            Point3f[] points = new Point3f[n];
            for (int k = 0; k != n; ++k)
                line = file.ReadLine();
                string[] lines = line.Split(new char[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                float x = Convert.ToSingle(lines[0]);
                float y = Convert.ToSingle(lines[1]);
                float z = Convert.ToSingle(lines[2]);
                points[k] = new Point3f(x, y, z);

            float[] weights = new float[n + 4];
            for (int k = 0; k != n + 4; ++k)
                line = file.ReadLine();

                weights[k] = Convert.ToSingle(line);


            return(new Tuple <Point3f[], float[]>(points, weights));
Пример #13
        private Point3fImage CalcPoint3DImage()
            // Recalculate Directions if necessary
            if (null == _directions)
                int stepCount = _radii.Length;
                _directions = new float[stepCount, 2];
                for (int j = 0; j < stepCount; ++j)
                    double theta = Math.PI * (double)(_startingAngle + ((stepCount - 1 - j) * _angularStepWidth)) / (180.0 * 10000.0);
                    _directions[j, 0] = (float)Math.Cos(theta);
                    _directions[j, 1] = (float)Math.Sin(theta);

            // Generate 3D Data
            Point3fImage image = new Point3fImage(_radii.Length, 1)
                ChannelName = _channelName,
                FrameNumber = _scanCounter,

            for (int x = 0; x < _radii.Length; ++x)
                float r = _scalingFactor * (float)_radii[x];
                image[x] = new Point3f(x: (r * _directions[x, 0]),
                                       y: 0.0f,
                                       z: (r * _directions[x, 1]));

        public float scale;                 //入力座標と画像座標の長さの係数

        /* コンストラクタ
         * @param[in] width 表示領域の幅
         * @param[in] height 表示領域の高さ
         * @param[in] length スケール(表示領域全体の長さをいくつと対応付けるか
        public IsometricDraw(int width, int height, float length)
            float imageLength;

            if (width > height)
                imageLength = height;
                imageLength = width;
            this.originAtImage.x = width / 2;
            this.originAtImage.y = height / 2;
            scale = (float)imageLength / length;
            //scale = length/ (float)imageLength;

            Point3f[] axisAt3D = new Point3f[3];
            Point2f[] axisAt2D = new Point2f[3];
            axisAtImage   = new Point2f[3];
            axisAt3D[0].x = 0.2f * length;
            axisAt3D[1].y = 0.2f * length;
            axisAt3D[2].z = 0.2f * length;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                axisAt2D[i]    = Convert3DTo2D(axisAt3D[i]);
                axisAtImage[i] = Convert2DToImage(axisAt2D[i]);
Пример #15
 public static Mat <float> Iso2DICOM(Orientation orient, Point3f iso)
     using (var tx = DICOM2Isocenter(orient, iso))
         return(new Mat <float>(tx.Inv()));
Пример #16
        private static Point3f MatrixToEulerAngles(Mat mHomography)
            float num = (float)Math.Sqrt(mHomography.At <double>(0, 0) * mHomography.At <double>(0, 0) + mHomography.At <double>(1, 0) * mHomography.At <double>(1, 0));
            float num2;
            float num3;
            float num4;

            if (!((double)num < 1E-06))
                num2 = (float)Math.Atan2(mHomography.At <double>(2, 1), mHomography.At <double>(2, 2));
                num3 = (float)Math.Atan2(0.0 - mHomography.At <double>(2, 0), num);
                num4 = (float)Math.Atan2(mHomography.At <double>(1, 0), mHomography.At <double>(0, 0));
                num2 = (float)Math.Atan2(0.0 - mHomography.At <double>(1, 2), mHomography.At <double>(1, 1));
                num3 = (float)Math.Atan2(0.0 - mHomography.At <double>(2, 0), num);
                num4 = 0f;
            Point3f result = default(Point3f);

            result.X = (float)((double)num2 * (180.0 / Math.PI));
            result.Y = (float)((double)num3 * (180.0 / Math.PI));
            result.Z = (float)((double)num4 * (180.0 / Math.PI));
Пример #17
        public bool MeshLineIntersect(Rhino.Geometry.Mesh x, Rhino.Geometry.Line L) //this is now for reading triangles from Rhino Mesh objects; can be eventually replaced with something, which reads OBJ mesh objects
            //List<Point3d[]> TVs = new List<Point3d[]>();
            //List of Triangle Vertices
            Point3d[] TV = new Point3d[3];
            //Triangle Vertices
            Point3f av = default(Point3f);
            Point3f bv = default(Point3f);
            Point3f cv = default(Point3f);
            Point3f dv = default(Point3f);

            //Each face As MeshFace In x.Faces
            bool does = false;

            for (int k = 0; k <= x.Faces.Count - 1; k++)
                x.Faces.GetFaceVertices(k, out av, out bv, out cv, out dv);
                TV = new Point3d[] { new Point3d(av), new Point3d(bv), new Point3d(cv) };
                if (TriangleLineIntersect(TV, x.FaceNormals[k], L))
                    does = true;
            return(does);//TVs.Exists(Lambda => TriangleLineIntersect(Lambda, L));
Пример #18
        public static Point3f Unit(this Point3f p)
            Vector3f v = new Vector3f(p.X, p.Y, p.Z);

            return(new Point3f(v.X, v.Y, v.Z));
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// 求一组点的平均点
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Point3f Average(List <Point3f> list)
            Point3f[] _list   = list.ToArray();
            Point3f   average = Average(_list);

Пример #20
        private static void TestPoint3fParam()
            string paramName = "Point3fParam";

            log.Info("Testing a ParamDesc<Point3f>");
            Point3f min = new Point3f(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);
            Point3f max = new Point3f(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);

            float[]        somevalues = new float[] { 0f, 0.5f, 1f, 5f, 10.0503f, 100f, 255f, 999.99999f, 1000f };
            List <Point3f> somepoints = new List <Point3f>();

            foreach (var item in somevalues)
                somepoints.Add(new Point3f(item, item, item));
                somepoints.Add(new Point3f(-item, -item, -item));

            // Test types
            SetParameterToValid(paramName, min);
            SetParameterToValid(paramName, max);

            // Strings should be ok
            foreach (var item in somepoints)
                SetParameterToValid(paramName, item.ToString());
                SetParameterToValid(paramName, item.ToString("R"));
                SetParameterToValid(paramName, item.ToString("F"));
                SetParameterToValid(paramName, item.ToString("F1"));
                SetParameterToValid(paramName, item.ToString("F2"));

            // invalid values
Пример #21
        private Point3fImage CalcDirections(InverseBrownConradyParams intrinsics, int width, int height)
            Point3fImage directions = new Point3fImage(width, height);

            for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                float yp  = (intrinsics.Cy - row) / intrinsics.Fy;
                float yp2 = yp * yp;

                for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
                    float xp = (intrinsics.Cx - col) / intrinsics.Fx;

                    // correct the camera distortion
                    float r2 = xp * xp + yp2;
                    float r4 = r2 * r2;
                    float k  = 1 + intrinsics.K1 * r2 + intrinsics.K2 * r4;

                    // Undistorted direction vector of the point
                    float x     = xp * k;
                    float y     = yp * k;
                    float s0Inv = (float)(1 / Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + 1)); //z is 1, since x and y are coordinates on normalized image plane.

                    directions[row, col] = new Point3f(-x * s0Inv, -y * s0Inv, s0Inv);
Пример #22
        private void CheckCenterPoint(ICoordCalculator calculator)
            Point3f pointZero;
            Point3f pointX;
            Point3f pointY;
            Point3f pointZ;

            if (IsLandscapePaperOrientation)
                pointZero = new Point3f(148.5f, 105, 0);
                pointZero = new Point3f(105, 148.5f, 0);

            int axesLenght = 30;

            pointX = new Point3f(pointZero.X + axesLenght, pointZero.Y, pointZero.Z);
            pointY = new Point3f(pointZero.X, pointZero.Y + axesLenght, pointZero.Z);
            pointZ = new Point3f(pointZero.X, pointZero.Y, pointZero.Z - axesLenght);

            Point2f projectedZero = calculator.ProjectPoint(pointZero);
            Point2f projectedX    = calculator.ProjectPoint(pointX);
            Point2f projectedY    = calculator.ProjectPoint(pointY);
            Point2f projectedZ    = calculator.ProjectPoint(pointZ);

            mFrame.Line(projectedZero, projectedX, Scalar.Red);
            mFrame.Line(projectedZero, projectedY, Scalar.Green);
            mFrame.Line(projectedZero, projectedZ, Scalar.Blue);
Пример #23
        public void ComputeDesiredIsoValue()
            float fieldVal, diff, minDiff; // prepare variables

            currentFieldVal = Noise.Generate((float)(O.X * agentSim.simplexNoiseScale + agentSim.simplexNoiseTime),
                                             (float)(O.Y * agentSim.simplexNoiseScale + agentSim.simplexNoiseTime),
                                             (float)(O.Z * agentSim.simplexNoiseScale + agentSim.simplexNoiseTime)); // field value at current positions

            minDiff = Math.Abs(currentFieldVal - agentSim.isoValue);                                                 // update current distance from iso value

            Point3d target = O;                                                                                      // if no value is within the difference range, the target is the current position

            if (minDiff > agentSim.isoValueTol)
                for (int i = 0; i < SearchIcosahedron.Length; i++)
                    Point3f sample = (Point3f)(O + SearchIcosahedron[i] * agentSim.planeRadius);
                    fieldVal = Noise.Generate(sample.X * agentSim.simplexNoiseScale + agentSim.simplexNoiseTime,
                                              sample.Y * agentSim.simplexNoiseScale + agentSim.simplexNoiseTime,
                                              sample.Z * agentSim.simplexNoiseScale + agentSim.simplexNoiseTime);
                    diff = Math.Abs(fieldVal - agentSim.isoValue);
                    if (diff < minDiff)
                        minDiff = diff;
                        target  = sample;

            desPos += (target - O) * agentSim.isoValIntensity;
Пример #24
            private void triangle(Point3d Orig, int P0, int P1, int P2, double R, int Ord, int max)
                if (Ord < max)
                    Point3f  Point3 = (new Point3f((M.Vertices[P0].X + M.Vertices[P1].X) / 2, (M.Vertices[P0].Y + M.Vertices[P1].Y) / 2, (M.Vertices[P0].Z + M.Vertices[P1].Z) / 2));
                    Vector3d PN     = new Vector3d(Point3.X, Point3.Y, Point3.Z) - new Vector3d(Orig.X, Orig.Y, Orig.Z);
                    Point3    = new Point3f((float)PN.X * (float)R, (float)PN.Y * (float)R, (float)PN.Z * (float)R);
                    Point3.X += (float)Orig.X;
                    Point3.Y += (float)Orig.Y;
                    Point3.Z += (float)Orig.Z;

                    Point3f Point4 = (new Point3f((M.Vertices[P2].X + M.Vertices[P1].X) / 2, (M.Vertices[P2].Y + M.Vertices[P1].Y) / 2, (M.Vertices[P2].Z + M.Vertices[P1].Z) / 2));
                    PN = new Vector3d(Point4.X, Point4.Y, Point4.Z) - new Vector3d(Orig.X, Orig.Y, Orig.Z);
                    Point4    = new Point3f((float)PN.X * (float)R, (float)PN.Y * (float)R, (float)PN.Z * (float)R);
                    Point4.X += (float)Orig.X;
                    Point4.Y += (float)Orig.Y;
                    Point4.Z += (float)Orig.Z;

                    Point3f Point5 = (new Point3f((M.Vertices[P0].X + M.Vertices[P2].X) / 2, (M.Vertices[P0].Y + M.Vertices[P2].Y) / 2, (M.Vertices[P0].Z + M.Vertices[P2].Z) / 2));
                    PN = new Vector3d(Point5.X, Point5.Y, Point5.Z) - new Vector3d(Orig.X, Orig.Y, Orig.Z);
                    Point5    = new Point3f((float)PN.X * (float)R, (float)PN.Y * (float)R, (float)PN.Z * (float)R);
                    Point5.X += (float)Orig.X;
                    Point5.Y += (float)Orig.Y;
                    Point5.Z += (float)Orig.Z;

                    //int P3 = M.Vertices.GetConnectedVertices();
                    //if (P3 < 0) P3 = M.VertexCount();
                    //M.SetVertex(P3, Point3);

                    //int P4 = M.Vertices.Search(Point4);
                    //if (P4 < 0) P4 = M.VertexCount();
                    //M.SetVertex(P4, Point4);

                    //int P5 = M.Vertices.Search(Point5);
                    //if (P5 < 0) P5 = M.VertexCount();
                    //M.SetVertex(P5, Point5);

                    int P3 = M.Vertices.Count;
                    M.Vertices.SetVertex(P3, Point3);

                    int P4 = M.Vertices.Count;
                    M.Vertices.SetVertex(P4, Point4);

                    int P5 = M.Vertices.Count;
                    M.Vertices.SetVertex(P5, Point5);

                    this.triangle(Orig, P0, P3, P5, R, Ord + 1, max);
                    this.triangle(Orig, P1, P4, P3, R, Ord + 1, max);
                    this.triangle(Orig, P2, P5, P4, R, Ord + 1, max);
                    this.triangle(Orig, P3, P4, P5, R, Ord + 1, max);
                    M.Faces.SetFace(M.Faces.Count, P0, P1, P2);
        /* 3次元座標を画像座標に変換
         * @param[in] coordinate3D 変換元の3次元座標
         * @return 変換された座標
        public Point2f Convert3DToImage(Point3f coordinate3D)
            Point2f coordinate2D, coordinateImage;

            coordinate2D    = Convert3DTo2D(coordinate3D);
            coordinateImage = Convert2DToImage(coordinate2D);
Пример #26
        public virtual void calc1Screen(Point3f center, Vector3f vector, short mad, float offsetFraction, Point3i screen)
            float scale = mad * offsetFraction;

            pointT.scaleAdd(scale, center);
            //viewer.transformPoint(pointT, screen);
Пример #27
 public BVSector3D(Point3f pmPos, Vector2 pmDir, float radians, float pmHeight, bool pmClockwise)
     pPos=	pmPos;
     dir=	pmDir;
     pTheta=	radians;
     pHeight=	pmHeight;
     bClockwise=	pmClockwise;
Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算两点之间距离
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static float Distance(Point3f a, Point3f b)
            double x2 = Math.Pow(a.X - b.X, 2);
            double y2 = Math.Pow(a.Y - b.Y, 2);
            double z2 = Math.Pow(a.Z - b.Z, 2);

            return((float)Math.Sqrt(x2 + y2 + z2));
Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// 返回两点(3f)之间向量(3f)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="origin"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Vector3f P2P(Point3f origin, Point3f target)
            float x = target.X - origin.X;
            float y = target.Y - origin.Y;
            float z = target.Z - origin.Z;

            return(new Vector3f(x, y, z));
Пример #30
 public List <Point3f> ConvertFloat3ToPoint3f(float3[] array)
     Point3f[] pts = new Point3f[array.Length];
     Parallel.For(0, array.Length, i =>
         pts[i] = new Point3f(array[i].x, array[i].y, array[i].z);
Пример #31
        private static Tuple <Ray, float> RayFromVertices(Point3f a, Point3f b)
            EPoint  pt  = new EPoint(a.X, a.Y, a.Z);
            EVector vec = new EVector(b.X - a.X, b.Y - a.Y, b.Z - a.Z);
            Ray     ray = new Ray(pt, vec);
            float   mag = EVector.Length(vec);

            return(new Tuple <Ray, float>(ray, mag));
Пример #32
 public Face(int tIndex, List<Vertex> tFaceVerts, Vector3f tNormal, Point3f tFaceCentre, WingedMesh tMesh)
     //add something which stops you ever sending in only 1 or 2 verts?
     index = tIndex;
     faceVerts = tFaceVerts;
     faceNormal = tNormal;
     faceCentre = tFaceCentre;
     faceEdges = new List<Edge>();
     refMesh = tMesh;
Пример #33
 public MakeShadowTest()
     this.sizeofMat = 6;
     this.package = new ShadowPackage();
     this.rnd = new Random();
     this.center = new Point3f();
     this.shadowCalor = new Scalar[sizeofMat];
     this.players = new _playrer[sizeofMat];
     this.pt = new Point[sizeofMat];
     this.kinect = KinectSensor.GetDefault();
     this.joints = new Joint[this.sizeofMat];
     this.moveCenter = new Point3f();
     this.vecofCenter = new Vec3f();
     this.param = new Parameter();
 /// <summary>
 /// Convenient Point3d cast.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="PT"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Point3d castPoint3d(Point3f PT)
     return new Point3d(PT.X, PT.Y, PT.Z);
Пример #35
 public static extern void imgproc_fitLine_Point3f(Point3f[] points, int pointsLength, [In, Out] float[] line,
     int distType,double param, double reps, double aeps);
Пример #36
 internal static extern bool ON_Mesh_GetFaceVertices(IntPtr pConstMesh, int face_index, ref Point3f p0, ref Point3f p1, ref Point3f p2, ref Point3f p3);
Пример #37
        /// <summary>
        /// For points in an image of a stereo pair, computes the corresponding epilines in the other image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">Input points. N \times 1 or 1 x N matrix of type CV_32FC2 or CV_64FC2.</param>
        /// <param name="whichImage">Index of the image (1 or 2) that contains the points .</param>
        /// <param name="F">Fundamental matrix that can be estimated using findFundamentalMat() or stereoRectify() .</param>
        /// <returns>Output vector of the epipolar lines corresponding to the points in the other image.
        ///  Each line ax + by + c=0 is encoded by 3 numbers (a, b, c) .</returns>
        public static Point3f[] ComputeCorrespondEpilines(IEnumerable<Point3d> points,
                                                     int whichImage, double[,] F)
            if (points == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("points");
            if (F == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("F");
            if (F.GetLength(0) != 3 && F.GetLength(1) != 3)
                throw new ArgumentException("F != double[3,3]");

            Point3d[] pointsArray = EnumerableEx.ToArray(points);
            Point3f[] lines = new Point3f[pointsArray.Length];

                pointsArray, pointsArray.Length,
                whichImage, F, lines);

            return lines;
Пример #38
 internal static extern void ON_Mesh_SetTopologyVertex(IntPtr pMesh, int index, Point3f point);
Пример #39
 public static extern void calib3d_solvePnPRansac_vector(Point3f[] objectPoints, int objectPointsLength,
     Point2f[] imagePoints, int imagePointsLength, double[,] cameraMatrix, double[] distCoeffs, int distCoeffsLength,
     [Out] double[] rvec, [Out] double[] tvec, int useExtrinsicGuess, int iterationsCount, float reprojectionError, 
     double confidence, IntPtr inliers, int flags);
 /// <summary>
 /// Add two points together.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="PT"></param>
 /// <param name="PT2"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Point3d AddPTPT(Point3f PT, Vector3d PT2)
     return new Point3d(PT.X + PT2.X, PT.Y + PT2.Y, PT.Z + PT2.Z);
Пример #41
 public void Print(Point3f P)
     Console.WriteLine(P.X.ToString() + "," + P.Y.ToString() + "," + P.Z.ToString());
Пример #42
 public static List<tribox> FromMesh(Mesh mesh)
     List<tribox> output = new List<tribox>();
     if (mesh.Vertices.Count == 0) return output;
     Point3d cen = new Point3d();
     for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Vertices.Count; i++)
         cen += mesh.Vertices[i];
     cen /= mesh.Vertices.Count;
     for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Faces.Count; i++)
         Point3f[] pts = new Point3f[4];
         pts[0] = new Point3f((float)cen.X, (float)cen.Y, (float)cen.Z);
         pts[1] = mesh.Vertices[mesh.Faces[i].A];
         pts[2] = mesh.Vertices[mesh.Faces[i].B];
         pts[3] = mesh.Vertices[mesh.Faces[i].C];
         output.Add(new tribox(pts));
     return output;
Пример #43
 public tribox(Point3f[] pts)
     Cedges = new edge[6];
     Points = new point[4];
     Points[0] = new point(pts[0]); Points[1] = new point(pts[1]);
     Points[2] = new point(pts[2]); Points[3] = new point(pts[3]);
     Cedges[0] = new edge(Points[0], Points[1]);
     Cedges[1] = new edge(Points[0], Points[2]);
     Cedges[2] = new edge(Points[0], Points[3]);
     Cedges[3] = new edge(Points[1], Points[2]);
     Cedges[4] = new edge(Points[2], Points[3]);
     Cedges[5] = new edge(Points[3], Points[1]);
Пример #44
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        public Point3d PerpendicularFoot(Point3f point)
            return PerpendicularFoot(point.X, point.Y, point.Z);
Пример #45
        /// <summary>
        /// 指定した点と直線の距離を返す
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the distance between this line and the specified point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        public double Distance(Point3f point)
            return Distance(point.X, point.Y, point.Z);
Пример #46
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new vertex to the end of the Vertex list.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vertex">Location of new vertex.</param>
 /// <returns>The index of the newly added vertex.</returns>
 public static int Add(this PlanktonVertexList vertexList, Point3f vertex)
     return vertexList.Add(vertex.X, vertex.Y, vertex.Z);
Пример #47
 public static extern void calib3d_solvePnP_vector(Point3f[] objectPoints, int objectPointsLength,
                                                   Point2f[] imagePoints, int imagePointsLength,
                                                   double[,] cameraMatrix, double[] distCoeffs, int distCoeffsLength,
                                                   [Out] double[] rvec, [Out] double[] tvec, int useExtrinsicGuess, int flags);
Пример #48
 double Distance3D(Point3f point1, Point3f point2)
     double squared1 = Math.Pow((point2.X - point1.X), 2);
     double squared2 = Math.Pow((point2.Y - point1.Y), 2);
     double squared3 = Math.Pow((point2.Z - point1.Z), 2);
     double sum = squared1 + squared2 + squared3;
     double result = Math.Sqrt(sum);
     return result;
Пример #49
 private void addFace(int[] faceIndices, Vector3f faceNormal, Point3f faceCentre)
     List<Vertex> faceVerts = new List<Vertex>();
     foreach (int i in faceIndices)
     faces.Add(new Face(faces.Count,faceVerts,faceNormal,faceCentre,this));
Пример #50
 private void VertexInterp(double isolevel, Point3d p1, Point3d p2, double valp1, double valp2)
     double mu;
     if (Math.Abs(isolevel - valp1) < 0.00001)
         Cpoint = new Point3f((float)p1.X, (float)p1.Y, (float)p1.Z);
     if (Math.Abs(isolevel - valp2) < 0.00001)
         Cpoint = new Point3f((float)p2.X, (float)p2.Y, (float)p2.Z);
     if (Math.Abs(valp1 - valp2) < 0.00001)
         Cpoint = new Point3f((float)p1.X, (float)p1.Y, (float)p1.Z);
     Point3f p = new Point3f();
     mu = (isolevel - valp1) / (valp2 - valp1);
     p.X = (float)(p1.X + (p2.X - p1.X) * mu);
     p.Y = (float)(p1.Y + (p2.Y - p1.Y) * mu);
     p.Z = (float)(p1.Z + (p2.Z - p1.Z) * mu);
     Cpoint = p;
Пример #51
 private static Joint addJoint(Dictionary<Joint, Point3f> jointPositions, Joint joint)
     //Add joint to JointPositions
     Point3f jointPoint = new Point3f();
     jointPoint.X = joint.Position.X;
     jointPoint.Y = joint.Position.Y;
     jointPoint.Z = joint.Position.Z;
     jointPoint.tracked = (joint.TrackingState == JointTrackingState.Tracked);
     jointPoint.time = DateTime.Now;
     jointPositions.Add(joint, jointPoint);
     return joint;
Пример #52
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Sets or adds a vertex to the Vertex List.</para>
 /// <para>If [index] is less than [Count], the existing vertex at [index] will be modified.</para>
 /// <para>If [index] equals [Count], a new vertex is appended to the end of the vertex list.</para>
 /// <para>If [index] is larger than [Count], the function will return false.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="index">Index of vertex to set.</param>
 /// <param name="vertex">Vertex location.</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> on success, <c>false</c> on failure.</returns>
 public static bool SetVertex(this PlanktonVertexList vertexList, int index, Point3f vertex)
     return vertexList.SetVertex(index, vertex.X, vertex.Y, vertex.Z);
            private void triangle(Point3d Orig, int P0, int P1, int P2, double R, int Ord, int max)
                if (Ord < max)
                    Point3f Point3 = (new Point3f((M.Vertices[P0].X + M.Vertices[P1].X) / 2, (M.Vertices[P0].Y + M.Vertices[P1].Y) / 2, (M.Vertices[P0].Z + M.Vertices[P1].Z) / 2));
                    Vector3d PN = new Vector3d(Point3.X, Point3.Y, Point3.Z) - new Vector3d(Orig.X, Orig.Y, Orig.Z);
                    Point3 = new Point3f((float)PN.X * (float)R, (float)PN.Y * (float)R, (float)PN.Z * (float)R);
                    Point3.X += (float)Orig.X;
                    Point3.Y += (float)Orig.Y;
                    Point3.Z += (float)Orig.Z;

                    Point3f Point4 = (new Point3f((M.Vertices[P2].X + M.Vertices[P1].X) / 2, (M.Vertices[P2].Y + M.Vertices[P1].Y) / 2, (M.Vertices[P2].Z + M.Vertices[P1].Z) / 2));
                    PN = new Vector3d(Point4.X, Point4.Y, Point4.Z) - new Vector3d(Orig.X, Orig.Y, Orig.Z);
                    Point4 = new Point3f((float)PN.X * (float)R, (float)PN.Y * (float)R, (float)PN.Z * (float)R);
                    Point4.X += (float)Orig.X;
                    Point4.Y += (float)Orig.Y;
                    Point4.Z += (float)Orig.Z;

                    Point3f Point5 = (new Point3f((M.Vertices[P0].X + M.Vertices[P2].X) / 2, (M.Vertices[P0].Y + M.Vertices[P2].Y) / 2, (M.Vertices[P0].Z + M.Vertices[P2].Z) / 2));
                    PN = new Vector3d(Point5.X, Point5.Y, Point5.Z) - new Vector3d(Orig.X, Orig.Y, Orig.Z);
                    Point5 = new Point3f((float)PN.X * (float)R, (float)PN.Y * (float)R, (float)PN.Z * (float)R);
                    Point5.X += (float)Orig.X;
                    Point5.Y += (float)Orig.Y;
                    Point5.Z += (float)Orig.Z;

                    //int P3 = M.Vertices.GetConnectedVertices();
                    //if (P3 < 0) P3 = M.VertexCount();
                    //M.SetVertex(P3, Point3);
                    //int P4 = M.Vertices.Search(Point4);
                    //if (P4 < 0) P4 = M.VertexCount();
                    //M.SetVertex(P4, Point4);

                    //int P5 = M.Vertices.Search(Point5);
                    //if (P5 < 0) P5 = M.VertexCount();
                    //M.SetVertex(P5, Point5);

                    int P3 = M.Vertices.Count;
                    M.Vertices.SetVertex(P3, Point3);

                    int P4 = M.Vertices.Count;
                    M.Vertices.SetVertex(P4, Point4);

                    int P5 = M.Vertices.Count;
                    M.Vertices.SetVertex(P5, Point5);

                    this.triangle(Orig, P0, P3, P5, R, Ord + 1, max);
                    this.triangle(Orig, P1, P4, P3, R, Ord + 1, max);
                    this.triangle(Orig, P2, P5, P4, R, Ord + 1, max);
                    this.triangle(Orig, P3, P4, P5, R, Ord + 1, max);    
                    M.Faces.SetFace(M.Faces.Count, P0, P1, P2);
Пример #54
 public static extern void core_Mat_push_back_Point3f(IntPtr self, Point3f v);
Пример #55
 internal static extern bool ON_Mesh_Vertex(IntPtr ptr, int index, ref Point3f pt);
Пример #56
 /// <summary>
 /// Get array of vertex positions for a given mesh face
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="faceIndex"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private Point3f[] GetVerticesOfFace(int faceIndex)
     Point3f[] VertexTemporary = new Point3f[4];
     this.mesh.Faces.GetFaceVertices(faceIndex, out VertexTemporary[0], out VertexTemporary[1], out VertexTemporary[2], out VertexTemporary[3]);
     return VertexTemporary;
Пример #57
 internal static extern void ON_Mesh_TopologyVertex(IntPtr pConstMesh, int index, ref Point3f point);
 public void Update_Position(Point3f Center)
     for (int i = 0; i < m_DisplayMesh.Vertices.Count; i++)
         Point3f Po = m_RhinoMesh.Vertices[i];
         Point3f P =  new Point3f(m_RhinoMesh.Vertices[i].X + Center.X - CurrentPos.X, m_RhinoMesh.Vertices[i].Y + Center.Y - CurrentPos.Y, m_RhinoMesh.Vertices[i].Z + Center.Z - CurrentPos.Z);
         m_RhinoMesh.Vertices.SetVertex(i, P);
         Point3f Pn = m_RhinoMesh.Vertices[i];
         double x = Po.Y + Pn.Y;
     CurrentPos = Center;
Пример #59
 public point(Point3d pt)
     this.loc = new Point3f((float)pt.X, (float)pt.Y, (float)pt.Z);
Пример #60
 public point(Point3f pt)
     this.loc = pt;