Пример #1
 public TransformF getDeployTransform(Point3F pos, Point3F normal)
     return(new TransformF(pInvokes.m_ts.fnShapeBaseData_getDeployTransform(_ID, pos.AsString(), normal.AsString())));
public  TransformF getDeployTransform(Point3F pos, Point3F normal){

return new TransformF ( pInvokes.m_ts.fnShapeBaseData_getDeployTransform(_ID, pos.AsString(), normal.AsString()));
public  void attach(Point3F start, Point3F direction, float maxDist){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnPhysicsForce_attach(_ID, start.AsString(), direction.AsString(), maxDist);
Пример #4
public  bool setPathDestination(Point3F goal){

return pInvokes.m_ts.fnAIPlayer_setPathDestination(_ID, goal.AsString());
Пример #5
public  int addLink(Point3F from, Point3F to, uint flags = 0){

return pInvokes.m_ts.fnNavMesh_addLink(_ID, from.AsString(), to.AsString(), flags);
Пример #6
public  void setDamageVector(Point3F vec){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnShapeBase_setDamageVector(_ID, vec.AsString());
Пример #7
public  void setScale(Point3F scale){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnSceneObject_setScale(_ID, scale.AsString());
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// @brief Set Euler rotation of this turret's heading and pitch nodes in degrees.
 ///    @param rot The rotation in degrees.  The pitch is the X component and the
 ///    heading is the Z component.  The Y component is ignored.)
 /// </summary>
 public void setTurretEulerRotation(Point3F rot)
     TorqueScriptTemplate.m_ts.fnTurretShape_setTurretEulerRotation(_mSimObjectId, rot.AsString());
 public void editDecalDetails(uint id, Point3F pos, Point3F tan, float size)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fn_GuiDecalEditorCtrl_editDecalDetails(_ID, id, pos.AsString(), tan.AsString(), size);
Пример #10
/// <summary>
/// @brief Apply an impulse to this object as defined by a world position and velocity vector.
///    @param pos impulse world position
///    @param vel impulse velocity (impulse force F = m * v)
///    @return Always true
///    @note Not all objects that derrive from GameBase have this defined.)
/// </summary>
        public bool applyImpulse(Point3F pos, Point3F vel)
            return(TorqueScriptTemplate.m_ts.fnGameBase_applyImpulse(_mSimObjectId, pos.AsString(), vel.AsString()));
Пример #11
/// <summary>
/// @brief Applies a radial impulse to the object using the given origin and force.
///    @param origin World point of origin of the radial impulse.
///    @param radius The radius of the impulse area.
///    @param magnitude The strength of the impulse.
///    @note Not all objects that derrive from GameBase have this defined.)
/// </summary>
        public void applyRadialImpulse(Point3F origin, float radius, float magnitude)
            TorqueScriptTemplate.m_ts.fnGameBase_applyRadialImpulse(_mSimObjectId, origin.AsString(), radius, magnitude);
 public void setLightDirection(Point3F direction)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fnGuiObjectView_setLightDirection(_ID, direction.AsString());
Пример #13
 public int getLink(Point3F pos)
     return(pInvokes.m_ts.fnNavMesh_getLink(_ID, pos.AsString()));
Пример #14
 public int addLink(Point3F from, Point3F to, uint flags = 0)
     return(pInvokes.m_ts.fnNavMesh_addLink(_ID, from.AsString(), to.AsString(), flags));
Пример #15
public  void setOffset(Point3F offset){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnCamera_setOffset(_ID, offset.AsString());
Пример #16
 public bool checkDismountPoint(Point3F oldPos, Point3F pos)
     return(pInvokes.m_ts.fnPlayer_checkDismountPoint(_ID, oldPos.AsString(), pos.AsString()));
Пример #17
public  void setRotation(Point3F rot){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnCamera_setRotation(_ID, rot.AsString());
Пример #18
 public string getDamageLocation(Point3F pos)
     return(pInvokes.m_ts.fnPlayer_getDamageLocation(_ID, pos.AsString()));
Пример #19
public  new  bool applyImpulse(Point3F pos, Point3F vec){

return pInvokes.m_ts.fnShapeBase_applyImpulse(_ID, pos.AsString(), vec.AsString());
Пример #20
 public void setTurretEulerRotation(Point3F rot)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fnTurretShape_setTurretEulerRotation(_ID, rot.AsString());
Пример #21
public  void setAimLocation(Point3F target){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnAIPlayer_setAimLocation(_ID, target.AsString());
Пример #22
 public void setNodeNormal(Point3F normal)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fn_GuiRiverEditorCtrl_setNodeNormal(_ID, normal.AsString());
Пример #23
public  void applyRadialImpulse(Point3F origin, float radius, float magnitude){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnGameBase_applyRadialImpulse(_ID, origin.AsString(), radius, magnitude);
Пример #24
 public void setNodePosition(Point3F pos)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fn_GuiRiverEditorCtrl_setNodePosition(_ID, pos.AsString());
public  void setLightDirection(Point3F direction){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnGuiObjectView_setLightDirection(_ID, direction.AsString());
Пример #26
 public void setAimLocation(Point3F v)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fn_AIClient_setAimLocation(_ID, v.AsString());
Пример #27
public  Point3F unproject(Point3F screenPosition){

return new Point3F ( pInvokes.m_ts.fnGuiTSCtrl_unproject(_ID, screenPosition.AsString()));
Пример #28
 public void setMoveDestination(Point3F v)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fn_AIClient_setMoveDestination(_ID, v.AsString());
public  void setNodePosition(Point3F pos){

pInvokes.m_ts.fn_GuiRiverEditorCtrl_setNodePosition(_ID, pos.AsString());
Пример #30
 public void renderBox(Point3F pos, Point3F size)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fnEditTSCtrl_renderBox(_ID, pos.AsString(), size.AsString());
Пример #31
public  void setEditOrbitPoint(Point3F point){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnCamera_setEditOrbitPoint(_ID, point.AsString());
Пример #32
 public void renderCircle(Point3F pos, Point3F normal, float radius, int segments = 0)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fnEditTSCtrl_renderCircle(_ID, pos.AsString(), normal.AsString(), radius, segments);
Пример #33
public  bool setOrbitObject(string orbitObject, Point3F rotation, float minDistance, float maxDistance, float initDistance, bool ownClientObject = false, Point3F offset = null , bool lockedx = false){
if (offset== null) {offset = new Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);}

return pInvokes.m_ts.fnCamera_setOrbitObject(_ID, orbitObject, rotation.AsString(), minDistance, maxDistance, initDistance, ownClientObject, offset.AsString(), lockedx);
Пример #34
 public void renderLine(Point3F start, Point3F end, float lineWidth = 0)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fnEditTSCtrl_renderLine(_ID, start.AsString(), end.AsString(), lineWidth);
Пример #35
public  new  void setVelocity(Point3F velocity){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnCamera_setVelocity(_ID, velocity.AsString());
Пример #36
 public void renderSphere(Point3F pos, float radius, int sphereLevel = 0)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fnEditTSCtrl_renderSphere(_ID, pos.AsString(), radius, sphereLevel);
Пример #37
public  bool setVelocity(Point3F vel){

return pInvokes.m_ts.fnShapeBase_setVelocity(_ID, vel.AsString());
Пример #38
 public void renderTriangle(Point3F a, Point3F b, Point3F c)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fnEditTSCtrl_renderTriangle(_ID, a.AsString(), b.AsString(), c.AsString());
public  void setOrbitPos(Point3F pos){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnGuiShapeEdPreview_setOrbitPos(_ID, pos.AsString());
Пример #40
 /// <summary>
 /// @brief Check if it is safe to dismount at this position.
 ///    Internally this method casts a ray from oldPos to pos to determine if it hits the
 ///    terrain, an interior object, a water object, another player, a static shape,
 ///    a vehicle (exluding the one currently mounted), or physical zone.  If this ray
 ///    is in the clear, then the player's bounding box is also checked for a collision at
 ///    the pos position.  If this displaced bounding box is also in the clear, then
 ///    checkDismountPoint() returns true.
 ///    @param oldPos The player's current position
 ///    @param pos The dismount position to check
 ///    @return True if the dismount position is clear, false if not
 ///    @note The player must be already mounted for this method to not assert.)
 /// </summary>
 public bool checkDismountPoint(Point3F oldPos, Point3F pos)
     return(TorqueScriptTemplate.m_ts.fnPlayer_checkDismountPoint(_mSimObjectId, oldPos.AsString(), pos.AsString()));
Пример #41
public  int findCover(Point3F from, float radius){

return pInvokes.m_ts.fnAIPlayer_findCover(_ID, from.AsString(), radius);
Пример #42
 /// <summary>
 /// @brief Get the named damage location and modifier for a given world position.
 ///    the Player object can simulate different hit locations based on a pre-defined set
 ///    of PlayerData defined percentages.  These hit percentages divide up the Player's
 ///    bounding box into different regions.  The diagram below demonstrates how the various
 ///    PlayerData properties split up the bounding volume:
 ///    img src=\"images/player_damageloc.png\">
 ///    While you may pass in any world position and getDamageLocation() will provide a best-fit
 ///    location, you should be aware that this can produce some interesting results.  For example,
 ///    any position that is above PlayerData::boxHeadPercentage will be considered a 'head' hit, even
 ///    if the world position is high in the sky.  Therefore it may be wise to keep the passed in point
 ///    to somewhere on the surface of, or within, the Player's bounding volume.
 ///    @note This method will not return an accurate location when the player is
 ///    prone or swimming.
 ///    @param pos A world position for which to retrieve a body region on this player.
 ///    @return a string containing two words (space separated strings), where the
 ///    first is a location and the second is a modifier.
 ///    Posible locations:ul>
 ///    li>head/li>
 ///    li>torso/li>
 ///    li>legs/li>/ul>
 ///    Head modifiers:ul>
 ///    li>left_back/li>
 ///    li>middle_back/li>
 ///    li>right_back/li>
 ///    li>left_middle/li>
 ///    li>middle_middle/li>
 ///    li>right_middle/li>
 ///    li>left_front/li>
 ///    li>middle_front/li>
 ///    li>right_front/li>/ul>
 ///    Legs/Torso modifiers:ul>
 ///    li>front_left/li>
 ///    li>front_right/li>
 ///    li>back_left/li>
 ///    li>back_right/li>/ul>
 ///    @see PlayerData::boxHeadPercentage
 ///    @see PlayerData::boxHeadFrontPercentage
 ///    @see PlayerData::boxHeadBackPercentage
 ///    @see PlayerData::boxHeadLeftPercentage
 ///    @see PlayerData::boxHeadRightPercentage
 ///    @see PlayerData::boxTorsoPercentage
 ///    )
 /// </summary>
 public string getDamageLocation(Point3F pos)
     return(TorqueScriptTemplate.m_ts.fnPlayer_getDamageLocation(_mSimObjectId, pos.AsString()));
Пример #43
public  void setMoveDestination(Point3F goal, bool slowDown = true){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnAIPlayer_setMoveDestination(_ID, goal.AsString(), slowDown);
Пример #44
/// <summary>
/// @brief Attempts to associate the PhysicsForce with a PhysicsBody.
///    Performs a physics ray cast of the provided length and direction. The %PhysicsForce
///    will attach itself to the first dynamic PhysicsBody the ray collides with.
///    On every tick, the attached body will be attracted towards the position of the %PhysicsForce.
///    A %PhysicsForce can only be attached to one body at a time.
///    @note To determine if an %attach was successful, check isAttached() immediately after
///    calling this function.n)
/// </summary>
        public void attach(Point3F start, Point3F direction, float maxDist)
            TorqueScriptTemplate.m_ts.fnPhysicsForce_attach(_mSimObjectId, start.AsString(), direction.AsString(), maxDist);
Пример #45
public  bool applyImpulse(Point3F pos, Point3F vel){

return pInvokes.m_ts.fnGameBase_applyImpulse(_ID, pos.AsString(), vel.AsString());
Пример #46
/// <summary>
/// @brief Disassociates the PhysicsForce from any attached PhysicsBody.
///    @param force Optional force to apply to the attached PhysicsBody
///    before detaching.
///    @note Has no effect if the %PhysicsForce is not attached to anything.)
/// </summary>
        public void detach(Point3F force)
            TorqueScriptTemplate.m_ts.fnPhysicsForce_detach(_mSimObjectId, force.AsString());
public  bool setSequenceGroundSpeed(string name, Point3F transSpeed, Point3F rotSpeed = null ){
if (rotSpeed== null) {rotSpeed = new Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);}

return pInvokes.m_ts.fnTSShapeConstructor_setSequenceGroundSpeed(_ID, name, transSpeed.AsString(), rotSpeed.AsString());
Пример #48
 public int findCover(Point3F from, float radius)
     return(pInvokes.m_ts.fnAIPlayer_findCover(_ID, from.AsString(), radius));
Пример #49
public  int getLink(Point3F pos){

return pInvokes.m_ts.fnNavMesh_getLink(_ID, pos.AsString());
Пример #50
 public void setAimLocation(Point3F target)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fnAIPlayer_setAimLocation(_ID, target.AsString());
Пример #51
public  void drawLine(Point3F a, Point3F b, ColorF color = null ){
if (color== null) {color = new ColorF(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,1.0f);}

pInvokes.m_ts.fnDebugDrawer_drawLine(_ID, a.AsString(), b.AsString(), color.AsString());
Пример #52
 public void setMoveDestination(Point3F goal, bool slowDown = true)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fnAIPlayer_setMoveDestination(_ID, goal.AsString(), slowDown);
Пример #53
public  Point3F project(Point3F worldPosition){

return new Point3F ( pInvokes.m_ts.fnGuiTSCtrl_project(_ID, worldPosition.AsString()));
Пример #54
 public bool setPathDestination(Point3F goal)
     return(pInvokes.m_ts.fnAIPlayer_setPathDestination(_ID, goal.AsString()));
Пример #55
public  void setTurretEulerRotation(Point3F rot){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnTurretShape_setTurretEulerRotation(_ID, rot.AsString());
Пример #56
 public bool applyImpulse(Point3F pos, Point3F vel)
     return(pInvokes.m_ts.fnGameBase_applyImpulse(_ID, pos.AsString(), vel.AsString()));
public  void setNodeNormal(Point3F normal){

pInvokes.m_ts.fn_GuiRiverEditorCtrl_setNodeNormal(_ID, normal.AsString());
Пример #58
public  void lookAt(Point3F point){

pInvokes.m_ts.fnCamera_lookAt(_ID, point.AsString());
Пример #59
 public static void clientCmdPlayTeleportEffect(Point3F position, SimDataBlock effectDataBlock)
     if (!effectDataBlock.isObject())
     ObjectCreator tch = new ObjectCreator("Explosion");
     tch["position"] = position.AsString();
     tch["datablock"] = effectDataBlock;
Пример #60
 public new  bool applyImpulse(Point3F pos, Point3F vec)
     return(pInvokes.m_ts.fnShapeBase_applyImpulse(_ID, pos.AsString(), vec.AsString()));