Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a binary-encoded <b>IMessage</b> from the passed
        /// <see cref="DataReader"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Using the passed <see cref="IChannel"/>, the Codec has access to
        /// both the <see cref="IMessageFactory"/> for the <b>IChannel</b>
        /// and the underlying <see cref="IConnection"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="channel">
        /// The <b>IChannel</b> object through which the binary-encoded
        /// <b>IMessage</b> was passed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="reader">
        /// The <b>DataReader</b> containing the binary-encoded
        /// <b>IMessage</b>.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <b>IMessage</b> object encoded in the given
        /// <b>DataReader</b>.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">
        /// If an error occurs reading or decoding the <b>IMessage</b>.
        /// </exception>
        public virtual IMessage Decode(IChannel channel, DataReader reader)
            Debug.Assert(channel is IPofContext);

            IPofContext context   = (IPofContext)channel;
            int         typeId    = reader.ReadPackedInt32();
            int         versionId = reader.ReadPackedInt32();
            IPofReader  pofreader = new PofStreamReader.UserTypeReader(reader, context, typeId, versionId);
            IMessage    message   = channel.MessageFactory.CreateMessage(typeId);

            Debug.Assert(message is IPortableObject);

            // set the version identifier
            bool       isEvolvable = message is IEvolvable;
            IEvolvable evolvable   = null;

            if (isEvolvable)
                evolvable             = (IEvolvable)message;
                evolvable.DataVersion = versionId;

            // read the Message properties

            // read the future properties
            Binary binFuture = pofreader.ReadRemainder();

            if (isEvolvable)
                evolvable.FutureData = binFuture;

Пример #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Deserialize a user type instance from a POF stream by reading its
            /// state using the specified <see cref="IPofReader"/> object.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// An implementation of <b>IPofSerializer</b> is required to follow
            /// the following steps in sequence for reading in an object of a
            /// user type:
            /// <list type="number">
            /// <item>
            /// <description>
            /// If the object is evolvable, the implementation must get the
            /// version by calling <see cref="IPofWriter.VersionId"/>.
            /// </description>
            /// </item>
            /// <item>
            /// <description>
            /// The implementation may read any combination of the
            /// properties of the user type by using "read" methods of the
            /// <b>IPofReader</b>, but it must do so in the order of the property
            /// indexes.
            /// </description>
            /// </item>
            /// <item>
            /// <description>
            /// After all desired properties of the user type have been read,
            /// the implementation must terminate the reading of the user type by
            /// calling <see cref="IPofReader.ReadRemainder"/>.
            /// </description>
            /// </item>
            /// </list>
            /// </remarks>
            /// <param name="reader">
            /// The <b>IPofReader</b> with which to read the object's state.
            /// </param>
            /// <returns>
            /// The deserialized user type instance.
            /// </returns>
            /// <exception cref="IOException">
            /// If an I/O error occurs.
            /// </exception>
            public Object Deserialize(IPofReader reader)
                String typeName = reader.ReadString(0);
                Binary bin      = reader.ReadBinary(1);


                ConfigurablePofContext ctx = m_pofContext;
                IPortableObject        po;

                    po = (IPortableObject)ObjectUtils.CreateInstance(TypeResolver.Resolve(typeName));
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to instantiate PortableObject class: " + typeName, e);

                DataReader dataReader = bin.GetReader();
                int        nType      = dataReader.ReadPackedInt32();

                if (nType != TYPE_PORTABLE)
                    throw new IOException("Invalid POF type: " + nType
                                          + " (" + TYPE_PORTABLE + " expected)");

                int iVersion = dataReader.ReadPackedInt32();

                IPofReader pofReader = new PofStreamReader.UserTypeReader(
                    dataReader, ctx, TYPE_PORTABLE, iVersion);

                m_serializer.Initialize(po, pofReader);

