Пример #1
        private static bool PnpUtilHelper(PnpUtilOptions option, string infName, ref string output)
            bool retVal            = true;
            bool fDebugPrintOutput = false;
            // Setup the process with the ProcessStartInfo class.
            ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo
                FileName               = @"pnputil.exe" /* exe name.*/,
                UseShellExecute        = false,
                RedirectStandardOutput = true,
                CreateNoWindow         = true,
                WindowStyle            = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden

            switch (option)
            // [jenda_] I also had problems with some arguments starting "-". "/" works fine
            case PnpUtilOptions.Enumerate:
                start.Arguments = @"/e";

            case PnpUtilOptions.Delete:
                start.Arguments = @"/d " + infName;

            case PnpUtilOptions.ForceDelete:
                start.Arguments = @"/f /d " + infName;

            case PnpUtilOptions.Add:
                fDebugPrintOutput      = true;
                start.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(infName);
                start.Arguments        = @"/a " + Path.GetFileName(infName);
                Trace.TraceInformation($"[Add] workDir = {start.WorkingDirectory}, arguments = {start.Arguments}");

            case PnpUtilOptions.AddInstall:
                fDebugPrintOutput      = true;
                start.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(infName);
                start.Arguments        = @"/i /a " + Path.GetFileName(infName);
                Trace.TraceInformation($"[AddInstall] workDir = {start.WorkingDirectory}, arguments = {start.Arguments}");

            // Start the process.
                using (Process process = Process.Start(start))
                    // Read in all the text from the process with the StreamReader.
                    using (StreamReader reader = process.StandardOutput)
                        string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                        output = result;
                        if (fDebugPrintOutput)
                            Trace.TraceInformation($"[Result_start] ---- {Environment.NewLine}{result}[----- Result_End]");

                        if (option == PnpUtilOptions.Delete || option == PnpUtilOptions.ForceDelete)
                            // [jenda_] Really don't know, how to recognize error without language-specific string recognition :(
                            // [jenda_] But those errors should contain ":"
                            if (output.Contains(@":"))     //"Deleting the driver package failed"
                                retVal = false;

                        if ((option == PnpUtilOptions.Add || option == PnpUtilOptions.AddInstall))
                            /* [jenda_]
                             * This regex should recognize (~) this pattern:
                             * MS PnP blah blah
                             * blah blah blah
                             * blah blah (...)
                             * blah blah:    *number*
                             * blah blah blah:    *number*
                            Match matchResult = AddResultRegex.Match(output);

                            if (matchResult.Success)    // [jenda_] regex recognized successfully
                                // [jenda_] if trying to add "0" packages or if number packages and number added packages differs
                                if (matchResult.Groups[1].Value == "0" || matchResult.Groups[1].Value != matchResult.Groups[2].Value)
                                    Trace.TraceError($"Failed to add {infName}");
                                    retVal = false;
                                Trace.TraceError($"Unknown response while trying to add {infName}");
                                retVal = false;
            catch (Exception e)
                // dont catch all exceptions -- but will do for our needs!
                output = "";
                retVal = false;

Пример #2
        private static bool PnpUtilHelper(PnpUtilOptions option, string infName, ref string output)
            var retVal = true;
            var fDebugPrintOutput = false;
            // Setup the process with the ProcessStartInfo class.
            var start = new ProcessStartInfo
                FileName = @"pnputil.exe" /* exe name.*/,
                UseShellExecute = false,
                RedirectStandardOutput = true,
                CreateNoWindow = true,
                WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
            switch (option)
                // [jenda_] I also had problems with some arguments starting "-". "/" works fine
                case PnpUtilOptions.Enumerate:
                    start.Arguments = @"/e";
                case PnpUtilOptions.Delete:
                    start.Arguments = @"/d " + infName;
                case PnpUtilOptions.ForceDelete:
                    start.Arguments = @"/f /d " + infName;
                case PnpUtilOptions.Add:
                    fDebugPrintOutput = true;
                    start.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(infName);
                    start.Arguments = @"/a " + Path.GetFileName(infName);
                    Log.DebugFormat("[Add] workDir = {0}, arguments = {1}", start.WorkingDirectory,
                case PnpUtilOptions.AddInstall:
                    fDebugPrintOutput = true;
                    start.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(infName);
                    start.Arguments = @"/i /a " + Path.GetFileName(infName);
                    Log.DebugFormat("[AddInstall] workDir = {0}, arguments = {1}", start.WorkingDirectory,


            // Start the process.
            var result = "";
                using (var process = Process.Start(start))
                    // Read in all the text from the process with the StreamReader.
                    using (var reader = process.StandardOutput)
                        result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                        output = result;
                        if (fDebugPrintOutput)
                            Log.DebugFormat("[Result_start] ---- {0}{1}[----- Result_End]{0}", Environment.NewLine,

                        if (option == PnpUtilOptions.Delete || option == PnpUtilOptions.ForceDelete)
                            // [jenda_] Really don't know, how to recognize error without language-specific string recognition :(
                            // [jenda_] But those errors should contain ":"
                            if (output.Contains(@":")) //"Deleting the driver package failed"
                                retVal = false;

                        if ((option == PnpUtilOptions.Add || option == PnpUtilOptions.AddInstall))
                            /* [jenda_]
                             This regex should recognize (~) this pattern:
                             * MS PnP blah blah
                             * blah blah blah
                             * blah blah (...)
                             * blah blah:    *number*
                             * blah blah blah:    *number*
                            var MatchResult = Regex.Match(output, @".+: +([0-9]+)[\r\n].+: +([0-9]+)[\r\n ]+",

                            if (MatchResult.Success) // [jenda_] regex recognized successfully
                                // [jenda_] if trying to add "0" packages or if number packages and number added packages differs
                                if (MatchResult.Groups[1].Value == "0" ||
                                    MatchResult.Groups[1].Value != MatchResult.Groups[2].Value)
                                    Log.ErrorFormat("[Error] failed to add " + infName);
                                    retVal = false;
                                Log.ErrorFormat("[Error] unknown response while trying to add " + infName);
                                retVal = false;
            catch (Exception e)
                // dont catch all exceptions -- but will do for our needs!
                Log.ErrorFormat(@"{0}\n{1}" + Environment.NewLine, e.Message, e.StackTrace);
                output = "";
                retVal = false;
            return retVal;