public override FrameworkReturnCode Proceed(Image inputImage, Transform3Df pose, ICamera camera) { overlay3DComponent.setCameraParameters(camera.getIntrinsicsParameters(), camera.getDistorsionParameters()); // Convert Image from RGB to grey imageConvertor.convert(inputImage, greyImage, Image.ImageLayout.LAYOUT_GREY).Check(); // Convert Image from grey to black and white imageFilterBinary.filter(greyImage, binaryImage).Check(); // Extract contours from binary image contoursExtractor.extract(binaryImage, contours).Check(); #if !NDEBUG var contoursImage = binaryImage.copy(); overlay2DContours.drawContours(contours, contoursImage); #endif // Filter 4 edges contours to find those candidate for marker contours contoursFilter.filter(contours, filtered_contours).Check(); #if !NDEBUG var filteredContoursImage = binaryImage.copy(); overlay2DContours.drawContours(filtered_contours, filteredContoursImage); #endif // Create one warpped and cropped image by contour perspectiveController.correct(binaryImage, filtered_contours, patches).Check(); // test if this last image is really a squared binary marker, and if it is the case, extract its descriptor if (patternDescriptorExtractor.extract(patches, filtered_contours, recognizedPatternsDescriptors, recognizedContours) == FrameworkReturnCode._SUCCESS) { #if !NDEBUG var std__cout = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); /* * LOG_DEBUG("Looking for the following descriptor:"); * for (var i = 0; i < markerPatternDescriptor.getNbDescriptors() * markerPatternDescriptor.getDescriptorByteSize(); i++) * { * * if (i % patternSize == 0) * std__cout.Append("["); * if (i % patternSize != patternSize - 1) * std__cout.Append([i]).Append(", "); * else * std__cout.Append([i]).Append("]").AppendLine(); * } * std__cout.AppendLine(); */ /* * std__cout.Append(recognizedPatternsDescriptors.getNbDescriptors()).Append(" recognized Pattern Descriptors ").AppendLine(); * uint desrciptorSize = recognizedPatternsDescriptors.getDescriptorByteSize(); * for (uint i = 0; i < recognizedPatternsDescriptors.getNbDescriptors() / 4; i++) * { * for (int j = 0; j < patternSize; j++) * { * for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) * { * std__cout.Append("["); * for (int l = 0; l < patternSize; l++) * { * std__cout.Append([desrciptorSize*((i*4)+k) + j*patternSize + l]); * if (l != patternSize - 1) * std__cout.Append(", "); * } * std__cout.Append("]"); * } * std__cout.AppendLine(); * } * std__cout.AppendLine().AppendLine(); * } */ /* * std__cout.Append(recognizedContours.Count).Append(" Recognized Pattern contour ").AppendLine(); * for (int i = 0; i < recognizedContours.Count / 4; i++) * { * for (int j = 0; j < recognizedContours[i].Count; j++) * { * for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) * { * std__cout.Append("[").Append(recognizedContours[i * 4 + k][j].getX()).Append(", ").Append(recognizedContours[i * 4 + k][j].getY()).Append("] "); * } * std__cout.AppendLine(); * } * std__cout.AppendLine().AppendLine(); * } * std__cout.AppendLine(); */ #endif // From extracted squared binary pattern, match the one corresponding to the squared binary marker if (patternMatcher.match(markerPatternDescriptor, recognizedPatternsDescriptors, patternMatches) == Api.Features.IDescriptorMatcher.RetCode.DESCRIPTORS_MATCHER_OK) { #if !NDEBUG std__cout.Append("Matches :").AppendLine(); for (int num_match = 0; num_match < patternMatches.Count; num_match++) { std__cout.Append("Match [").Append(patternMatches[num_match].getIndexInDescriptorA()).Append(",").Append(patternMatches[num_match].getIndexInDescriptorB()).Append("], dist = ").Append(patternMatches[num_match].getMatchingScore()).AppendLine(); } std__cout.AppendLine().AppendLine(); #endif // Reindex the pattern to create two vector of points, the first one corresponding to marker corner, the second one corresponding to the poitsn of the contour patternReIndexer.reindex(recognizedContours, patternMatches, pattern2DPoints, img2DPoints).Check(); #if !NDEBUG LOG_DEBUG("2D Matched points :"); for (int i = 0; i < img2DPoints.Count; i++) { LOG_DEBUG("{0}", img2DPoints[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < pattern2DPoints.Count; i++) { LOG_DEBUG("{0}", pattern2DPoints[i]); } overlay2DCircles.drawCircles(img2DPoints, inputImage); #endif // Compute the 3D position of each corner of the marker, pattern3DPoints).Check(); #if !NDEBUG std__cout.Append("3D Points position:").AppendLine(); for (int i = 0; i < pattern3DPoints.Count; i++) { LOG_DEBUG("{0}", pattern3DPoints[i]); } #endif // Compute the pose of the camera using a Perspective n Points algorithm using only the 4 corners of the marker if (PnP.estimate(img2DPoints, pattern3DPoints, pose) == FrameworkReturnCode._SUCCESS) { overlay3DComponent.draw(pose, inputImage); return(FrameworkReturnCode._SUCCESS); } } #if !NDEBUG //LOG_DEBUG(std__cout.ToString()); std__cout.Clear(); #endif } return(FrameworkReturnCode._ERROR_); }
public override void SetCameraParameters(Matrix3x3f intrinsics, Vector5f distorsion) { PnP.setCameraParameters(intrinsics, distorsion); }