public override string Print(bool link = true, DwarfObject pov = null) { string eventString = GetYearTime(); eventString += FramerHf.ToLink(link, pov, this); eventString += " attempted to frame "; eventString += TargetHf.ToLink(link, pov, this); eventString += $" for {Crime}"; if (PlotterHf != null) { eventString += " at the behest of "; eventString += PlotterHf.ToLink(link, pov, this); } eventString += " by fooling "; eventString += FooledHf.ToLink(link, pov, this); if (ConvicterEntity != null) { eventString += " and "; eventString += ConvicterEntity.ToLink(link, pov, this); } eventString += " with fabricated evidence, but nothing came from it"; eventString += PrintParentCollection(link, pov); eventString += "."; return(eventString); }
public override string Print(bool link = true, DwarfObject pov = null) { string eventString = GetYearTime(); if (HeldFirmInInterrogation) { eventString += "due to ongoing surveillance"; if (SurveiledContact & ContactHf != null) { eventString += " on the contact "; eventString += ContactHf.ToLink(link, pov, this); } if (SurveiledCoConspirator & CoConspiratorHf != null) { eventString += " on a coconspirator "; eventString += CoConspiratorHf.ToLink(link, pov, this); } if (SurveiledTarget & TargetHf != null) { eventString += " on a target "; eventString += TargetHf.ToLink(link, pov, this); } eventString += " as the plot unfolded, "; } eventString += ConvictedHf.ToLink(link, pov, this); eventString += $" was {(WrongfulConviction ? "wrongfully " : "")}convicted "; if (ConvictIsContact) { eventString += $"as a go-between in a conspiracy to commit {Crime} "; } else { eventString += $"of {Crime} "; } if (ConvicterEntity != null) { eventString += "by "; eventString += ConvicterEntity.ToLink(link, pov, this); } if (CorruptConvictorHf != null) { eventString += " and "; eventString += CorruptConvictorHf.ToLink(link, pov, this); } if (PlotterHf != null && PlotterHf != CorruptConvictorHf) { eventString += " plotted by "; eventString += PlotterHf.ToLink(link, pov, this); } if (FooledHf != null && FramerHf != null) { eventString += " after "; eventString += FramerHf.ToLink(link, pov, this); eventString += " fooled "; eventString += FooledHf.ToLink(link, pov, this); eventString += " with fabricated evidence"; } if (Beating) { eventString += ", beaten"; } else if (Hammerstrokes > 0) { eventString += $", sentenced to {Hammerstrokes} hammerstrokes"; } if (PrisonMonth > 0) { eventString += $" and imprisoned for a term of {(PrisonMonth > 12 ? (PrisonMonth / 12) + " years" : PrisonMonth + " month")}"; } else if (DeathPenalty) { eventString += " and sentenced to death"; } if (Exiled) { eventString += " and exiled"; } eventString += PrintParentCollection(link, pov); eventString += ". "; if (ImplicatedHf != null) { eventString += ConvictedHf.ToLink(link, pov, this); eventString += " implicated "; eventString += ImplicatedHf.ToLink(link, pov, this); eventString += " during interrogation. "; } if (InterrogatorHf != null) { eventString += "Interrogation was led by "; eventString += InterrogatorHf.ToLink(link, pov, this); eventString += ". "; } return(eventString); }