public async Task <List <VideoModel> > GetPlaylistVideos(PlaylistModel playlist) { var context = _context; var playlistId = playlist.ID; return(await context.VideosTable.Where(x => x.Playlist_ID == playlistId).ToListAsync()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("ID,Name,Description")] PlaylistModel playlistModel, string[] selectedSongs) { if (id != playlistModel.ID) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { playlistModel.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now; _context.Update(playlistModel); await UpdatePlaylistSongs(selectedSongs, playlistModel); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!PlaylistModelExists(playlistModel.ID)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(playlistModel)); }
private void PlayerOnPlaybackStopped(object sender, StoppedEventArgs e) { Logger.Debug("Playback stopped"); if (PlaybackState != PlaybackState.Playing) { return; } if (_currentPlaylist == PlaylistModel.Null) { PlaybackState = PlaybackState.Stopped; return; } var result = _currentPlaylist.GetNextTrack(); if (!result.IsSuccess) { Logger.Debug("No next track available"); PlaybackState = PlaybackState.Stopped; _currentPlaylist.CurrentTrack = TrackModel.Null; _currentPlaylist = PlaylistModel.Null; return; } Play(_currentPlaylist, result.Data); }
public void AddSelectedSongToPlaylist(PlaylistModel playlist) { if (playlist == null) { return; } if (SelectedSong == null) { return; } if (SelectedSong.FilePath.Substring(0, 1) == StorageManager.SelectedDrive.Configuration.RootDirectory.Substring(0, 1)) { if (!playlist.Songs.Contains(SelectedSong)) { playlist.Songs.Add(SelectedSong); } playlist.Save(); } else { MessageBoxManager.GetMessageBoxStandardWindow("Playlist Error", "Cannot add song from another drive.", MessageBox.Avalonia.Enums.ButtonEnum.Ok, MessageBox.Avalonia.Enums.Icon.Forbidden).ShowDialog(AppSession.ShellWindow); } }
private ObservableCollection <VideoFolder> GetObservableCollection(PlaylistModel plm) { var padlock = new object(); ObservableCollection <VideoFolder> list = new ObservableCollection <VideoFolder>(); List <Task> Tasks = new List <Task>(); foreach (var s in plm.GetEnumerator) { DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(s.FilePath); var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => FileLoader.LoadChildrenFiles(directoryInfo) ).ContinueWith(t => { lock (padlock) { if (t.Result != null) { list.Add(t.Result); } } }, TaskScheduler.Current); Tasks.Add(task); } Task.WaitAll(Tasks.ToArray()); return(list); }
private static List <PlaylistModel> _GetAllPlayLists() { List <PlaylistModel> pl = new List <PlaylistModel>(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { PlaylistModel item = new PlaylistModel(); item.PlayListName = string.Concat("Playlist ", i); for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { SongModel song = new SongModel { AlbumName = "Test", PublishedDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-i), SongArtist = new ArtistModel { ArtistHomePageUrl = "", ArtistName = string.Concat("Artist ", j, "-", i), ArtistThumbnailImageUrl = string.Empty }, SongOrder = j, Title = string.Concat("Song ", j, "-", i) }; item.Songs.Add(song); } pl.Add(item); } return(pl); }
private void PlaylistImage_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog open = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog(); // image filters open.Filter = "Image Files(*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.bmp)|*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.bmp"; if (open.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { // display image in picture box string sourceFile = open.FileName; string destFile = $@"{GeneralDataManagement.ImageFolderPath}\{System.IO.Path.GetFileName(sourceFile)}"; try { PlaylistImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(open.FileName)); PlaylistModel playlistToEdit = (this.DataContext as PlaylistInfoViewModel).PlaylistDetail; if (File.Exists(destFile) == false) { System.IO.File.Copy(sourceFile, destFile, true); } playlistToEdit.ImagePath = destFile.Replace($@"{GeneralDataManagement.ImageFolderPath}\", ""); SongDataAccess.UpdatePlaylist(playlistToEdit); playlistToEdit.ImagePath = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(open.FileName); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Chỉnh sửa thất bại"); } } }
private void AddHighestRatedToPlaylists(Task<AlbumList> task) { switch (task.Status) { case TaskStatus.RanToCompletion: Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { AlbumList albumList = task.Result; var tracks = albumList.Albums.Where(a => !a.IsDir).ToList(); int duration = tracks.Sum(child => child.Duration); PlaylistModel newHighestRatedPlaylist = new PlaylistModel { Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration), Name = "Highest Rated", Tracks = tracks.Count, Playlist = null }; PlaylistModel currentHighestRatedPlaylist = _playlistItems.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Playlist == null && p.Name == "Highest Rated"); if (currentHighestRatedPlaylist == null) _playlistItems.Add(newHighestRatedPlaylist); else { _playlistItems.Remove(currentHighestRatedPlaylist); _playlistItems.Add(newHighestRatedPlaylist); } }); break; } }
private PlaylistModel PopulatePlaylist(PlaylistModel playlist) { for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { playlist.MediaItems.Add(new MediaItemModel() { CreatedBy = _context.FullyQualifiedTestClassName, CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, UpdatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, UpdatedBy = _context.FullyQualifiedTestClassName, Description = $"Description for {_context.FullyQualifiedTestClassName} MediaItem number {i}", Duration = 0, Id = 1, IsDeleted = false, Location = "Memory", Playlist = playlist, PlaylistId = playlist.Id, PrivacyStatus = (int)PrivacyStatus.None, Sequence = 0, Title = $"Title for {_context.FullyQualifiedTestClassName} MediaItem number {i}", }); } return(playlist); }
public void Post(PlaylistModel result) { var tracks = TransformViewModelToTracks(result.Tracks); var newPlaylist = createService.CreatePlaylist(result.Name, result.Description, tracks); Console.WriteLine(); }
public List <int> Suggset(PlaylistModel playlist) { if (classifier == null) { throw new NotTrainedException(); } List <int> songIdList = new List <int>(); foreach (PlaylistSongModel pms in playlist.Songs) { songIdList.Add(pms.SongId); } int[][] matches = classifier.Decide(songIdList.ToArray()); List <int> resultSongIdList = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < matches.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < matches[0].Length; j++) { resultSongIdList.Add(matches[i][j]); } } return(resultSongIdList); }
private void RenameDia_OnFinished(object sender, EventArgs e) { RenameDialogControl renameDialog = (RenameDialogControl)sender; PlaylistModel playlistModel = renameDialog.PlaylistModel; if (renameDialog.IsCancel) { return; } string PlaylistName = renameDialog.RenameText.Text; if (playlistModel == null) { PlaylistModel plm = new PlaylistModel { PlaylistName = PlaylistName }; plm.Add(renameDialog.ItemPath); AddToPlayList(plm); return; } playlistModel.PlaylistName = PlaylistName; AddToPlayList(playlistModel); }
private async void OpenMidi(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { MidiFile midiFile = await bassManager.LoadFile(); PlaylistModel playlist = MainModule.ActivePlaylist; if (playlist == null) { MainModule.InitPlaylist(); } if (midiFile != null) { MainModule.AddMidiFile(midiFile); if (state == States.Idle || state == States.Midi_loaded) { state = States.Midi_loaded; } else { state = States.All_loaded; } } } catch (Exception exep) { Debug.WriteLine(exep.Message); } }
public JsonResult Playlists(PlaylistModel model) { CustomToken token = ViewBag.Token; if (token.IsTokenEmpty()) { return(null); } SpotifyWebAPI api = new SpotifyWebAPI() { AccessToken = token.AccessToken, TokenType = token.TokenType }; var tracksIds = model.trackId.Split(','); List <ErrorResponse> errorResponses = new List <ErrorResponse>(); foreach (var tracksId in tracksIds) { errorResponses.Add(api.AddPlaylistTrack(model.playlistId, string.Format("spotify:track:{0}", tracksId))); } return(Json(errorResponses.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Error == null))); }
private async Task WorkoutRemove(IWorkout workout, PlaylistModel list) { list.Workouts.Remove(list.Workouts.First(w => w.Id == workout.Id && w.WorkoutType == workout.WorkoutType)); var type = workout.WorkoutType.ToString(); await db_.Database.Table <ListWorkoutDBModel>().DeleteAsync(s => s.PlaylistId == list.Playlist.Id && s.WorkoutId == workout.Id && s.WorkoutType.Equals(type)); }
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <RedirectResult> PlaylistCreate() { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8)) { string body = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); body = body.Replace("+", " ").Replace("=on", ""); Stack <string> brokenOutPlayStack = new Stack <string>(); string[] brokenOutPlaylist = body.Split('&'); foreach (var item in brokenOutPlaylist) { brokenOutPlayStack.Push(item); } string playlistId = brokenOutPlayStack.Pop().Replace("playlistid=", ""); string playlistName = brokenOutPlayStack.Pop().Replace("playlistname=", ""); if (playlistId != "") { _playlistService.Update(playlistId, new PlaylistModel { playlistname = playlistName, videos = brokenOutPlayStack, __v = 0 }); } else { PlaylistModel newDoc = _playlistService.Create(new PlaylistModel { playlistname = playlistName, videos = brokenOutPlayStack, __v = 0 }); playlistId = newDoc.Id; } string referrer = Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString() + "playlistorder?id=" + playlistId; return(Redirect(referrer)); } }
public async Task <PlaylistModel> GetPlaylistWithKey(PlaylistModel playlist) { var dbPlaylists = _database.GetCollection <LiteDbPlaylistModel>("Playlists"); var matched = dbPlaylists.Find(x => x.User_ID == playlist.User_ID && x.Name == playlist.Name).FirstOrDefault(); return(await Task.FromResult(matched.ConvertToPlaylist())); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("PlaylistId,Public,PlaylistImage,PlaylistName")] PlaylistModel playlistModel) { if (id != playlistModel.PlaylistId) { return(NotFound()); } PlaylistModel orig = _context.Playlists.AsNoTracking().Where(p => p.PlaylistId == id).FirstOrDefault(); playlistModel.PlaylistImage = orig.PlaylistImage; if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(playlistModel); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!PlaylistModelExists(playlistModel.PlaylistId)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(playlistModel)); }
public void RemoveMoviePlaylistItem(PlaylistModel plm) { if (ApplicationService.AppPlaylist.MoviePlayList.Contains(plm)) { ApplicationService.AppPlaylist.MoviePlayList.Remove(plm); } }
public void AddMoviePlaylistItem(PlaylistModel plm) { if (!ApplicationService.AppPlaylist.MoviePlayList.Contains(plm)) { ApplicationService.AppPlaylist.MoviePlayList.Add(plm); } }
private void EditPlaylist_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { PlaylistModel playlistModel = e.Parameter as PlaylistModel; EditPlaylistView editPlaylistView = new EditPlaylistView(playlistModel); editPlaylistView.ShowDialog(); }
/// <summary> /// Remove ParentNode of playlist from the database /// </summary> /// <param name="playlistReferencingItemToRemove"></param> private void RemoveParentTreeViewNode(PlaylistModel playlistReferencingItemToRemove) { if (dbContext.TreeViewNodes != null && playlistReferencingItemToRemove.ParentNode != null) { dbContext.TreeViewNodes.Remove(playlistReferencingItemToRemove.ParentNode); } }
public async Task <List <VideoModel> > GetPlaylistVideos(PlaylistModel playlist) { var dbPlaylists = _database.GetCollection <LiteDbPlaylistModel>("Playlists"); var matched = dbPlaylists.Include(x => x.Videos).Find(x => x.Name == playlist.Name && x.User_ID == playlist.User_ID).FirstOrDefault(); var videos = matched.Videos; return(await Task.FromResult(videos)); }
public async Task <PlaylistModel> GetPlaylistAsync(PlaylistModel playlist) { var p = _mapper.Map <Playlist>(playlist); p = await _unitOfWork.Playlists.GetByIdAsync(p.PlaylistId); return(_mapper.Map <PlaylistModel>(p)); }
public async Task <PlaylistModel> GetPlaylistWithKey(PlaylistModel playlist) { var userId = UserId; var context = _context; var playlists = await context.PlaylistsTable.Where(x => x.User_ID == userId).ToListAsync(); return(playlists.Where(x => x.Name == playlist.Name).FirstOrDefault()); }
public async Task RemoveVideoFromPlaylist(VideoModel video, PlaylistModel playlist = null) { var context = _context; context.Attach(video); context.Remove(video); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public void ChangePlaylist(PlaylistModel playlist) { if (_playlistManager.Contains(playlist)) { Debug.WriteLine("Cambiando Playlist {0} con {1} canciones.", playlist.Name, playlist.Songs.Count); ActivePlaylist = playlist; } }
private void PlayList_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { TreeView tree = (TreeView)sender; PlaylistModel pm = (PlaylistModel)tree.SelectedItem; PlayFile.PlayFileFromPlayList(pm); UnSelectItem(tree); }
private void ViewMyPlaylist(PlaylistModel obj) { NavigationParameters parameters = new NavigationParameters(); parameters.Add("model", obj); _navigationService.NavigateAsync("ViewAllSongsInPlaylistPage", parameters, true, true); }
public static string GetPlaylistId(PlaylistModel list) { var url = new Uri(list.Location); var result = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(url.Query) .Get("list"); return(result); }
public static Playlist MapPlaylist(PlaylistModel playlistModel) => new Playlist { Id = playlistModel.Id, Name = playlistModel.Name, Public = playlistModel.Public, UserId = playlistModel.UserId, ShareLink = playlistModel.ShareLink };
public void AddPlaylist(string name) { PlaylistTable table = new PlaylistTable(name); DatabaseManager.Current.AddPlaylist(table); PlaylistModel playlistModel = new PlaylistModel(table); Playlists.Add(playlistModel); playlistLookupDictionary.Add(playlistModel.PlaylistId, playlistModel); }
private void LoadCollection() { PerfTracer perfTracer = new PerfTracer("LibraryModel Loading"); IEnumerable<SongTable> allSongs = DatabaseManager.Current.FetchSongs(); foreach (SongTable songEntry in allSongs) { SongModel songModel = new SongModel(songEntry); _allSongs.Add(songModel); songLookupDictionary.Add(songModel.SongId, songModel); } perfTracer.Trace("Songs Added"); IEnumerable<AlbumTable> allAlbums = DatabaseManager.Current.FetchAlbums(); foreach (AlbumTable albumEntry in allAlbums) { AlbumModel albumModel = new AlbumModel(albumEntry); _allAlbums.Add(albumModel); albumLookupDictionary.Add(albumModel.AlbumId, albumModel); } perfTracer.Trace("Albums Added"); IEnumerable<ArtistTable> allArtists = DatabaseManager.Current.FetchArtists(); foreach (ArtistTable artistEntry in allArtists) { ArtistModel artistModel = new ArtistModel(artistEntry); _allArtists.Add(artistModel); artistLookupDictionary.Add(artistModel.ArtistId, artistModel); } perfTracer.Trace("Artists Added"); IEnumerable<PlaylistTable> allPlaylists = DatabaseManager.Current.FetchPlaylists(); foreach (PlaylistTable playlistEntry in allPlaylists) { PlaylistModel playlistModel = new PlaylistModel(playlistEntry); Playlists.Add(playlistModel); playlistLookupDictionary.Add(playlistModel.PlaylistId, playlistModel); playlistModel.Populate(); } perfTracer.Trace("Playlists Added"); IEnumerable<MixTable> allMixes = DatabaseManager.Current.FetchMixes(); foreach (MixTable mixEntry in allMixes) { MixModel mixModel = new MixModel(mixEntry); Mixes.Add(mixModel); mixLookupDictionary.Add(mixModel.MixId, mixModel); mixModel.Populate(); } perfTracer.Trace("Mixes Added"); }
public PlaylistViewModel LookupPlaylist(PlaylistModel playlist) { if (PlaylistLookupMap.ContainsKey(playlist.PlaylistId)) { return PlaylistLookupMap[playlist.PlaylistId]; } else { PlaylistViewModel newViewModel = new PlaylistViewModel(playlist); PlaylistLookupMap.Add(newViewModel.PlaylistId, newViewModel); PlaylistCollection.Add(newViewModel); return newViewModel; } }
private void AddStarredToPlaylists(Task<Starred> task) { switch (task.Status) { case TaskStatus.RanToCompletion: Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { Starred starred = task.Result; int starDuration = starred.Songs.Sum(child => child.Duration); PlaylistModel newStarredPlaylist = new PlaylistModel { Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(starDuration), Name = "Starred", Tracks = starred.Songs.Count, Playlist = null }; PlaylistModel currentStarredPlaylist = _playlistItems.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Playlist == null && p.Name == "Starred"); if (currentStarredPlaylist == null) _playlistItems.Add(newStarredPlaylist); else { _playlistItems.Remove(currentStarredPlaylist); _playlistItems.Add(newStarredPlaylist); } }); break; } }