// Use this for initialization void Start() { cycleTimer = 0; max_speed = Mathf.Exp(1); player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform; playerMoveScript = player.GetComponent <Player_move>(); }
void OnGUI() { if (!start){ GUI.Box (new Rect (UnityEngine.Screen.width/2-startBoxWidth/2,UnityEngine.Screen.height/2-startBoxHeight/2,startBoxWidth,startBoxHeight), startContent, guistyle ); if(GUI.Button (new Rect (UnityEngine.Screen.width/2-UnityEngine.Screen.width/10/2,UnityEngine.Screen.height/2-UnityEngine.Screen.height/10/2+UnityEngine.Screen.height/5,UnityEngine.Screen.width/10,UnityEngine.Screen.height/10), "Start")){ Transform newPlayer = Instantiate(player, transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as Transform; playerscript = newPlayer.GetComponent<Player_move>(); Transform spawn = Instantiate(spawner, spawnerLocation, Quaternion.identity) as Transform; timeAtStart = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; spawn.GetComponent<Enemy_spawn>().timeAtStart = timeAtStart; start = true; } } if (playerscript.playerDead){ if(GUI.Button (new Rect (UnityEngine.Screen.width/2-UnityEngine.Screen.width/10/2-100,UnityEngine.Screen.height/2-UnityEngine.Screen.height/10/2+UnityEngine.Screen.height/5,UnityEngine.Screen.width/10,UnityEngine.Screen.height/10), "Quit")){ //BACK TO MAIN MENU HERE Application.LoadLevel("menu"); } if(GUI.Button (new Rect (UnityEngine.Screen.width/2-UnityEngine.Screen.width/10/2+100,UnityEngine.Screen.height/2-UnityEngine.Screen.height/10/2+UnityEngine.Screen.height/5,UnityEngine.Screen.width/10,UnityEngine.Screen.height/10), "Restart")){ //Restart Game Application.LoadLevel("fire"); } } }
void OnGUI() { if (!start) { GUI.Box(new Rect(UnityEngine.Screen.width / 2 - startBoxWidth / 2, UnityEngine.Screen.height / 2 - startBoxHeight / 2, startBoxWidth, startBoxHeight), startContent, guistyle); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(UnityEngine.Screen.width / 2 - UnityEngine.Screen.width / 10 / 2, UnityEngine.Screen.height / 2 - UnityEngine.Screen.height / 10 / 2 + UnityEngine.Screen.height / 5, UnityEngine.Screen.width / 10, UnityEngine.Screen.height / 10), "Start")) { Transform newPlayer = Instantiate(player, transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as Transform; playerscript = newPlayer.GetComponent <Player_move>(); Transform spawn = Instantiate(spawner, spawnerLocation, Quaternion.identity) as Transform; timeAtStart = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; spawn.GetComponent <Enemy_spawn>().timeAtStart = timeAtStart; start = true; } } if (playerscript.playerDead) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(UnityEngine.Screen.width / 2 - UnityEngine.Screen.width / 10 / 2 - 100, UnityEngine.Screen.height / 2 - UnityEngine.Screen.height / 10 / 2 + UnityEngine.Screen.height / 5, UnityEngine.Screen.width / 10, UnityEngine.Screen.height / 10), "Quit")) { //BACK TO MAIN MENU HERE Application.LoadLevel("menu"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(UnityEngine.Screen.width / 2 - UnityEngine.Screen.width / 10 / 2 + 100, UnityEngine.Screen.height / 2 - UnityEngine.Screen.height / 10 / 2 + UnityEngine.Screen.height / 5, UnityEngine.Screen.width / 10, UnityEngine.Screen.height / 10), "Restart")) { //Restart Game Application.LoadLevel("fire"); } } }
void Start() { CountSourse = this.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); freeze_p = player.gameObject.GetComponent <Player_move>(); freeze_s = stamina.gameObject.GetComponent <StaminaBar>(); _textCountdown.text = ""; _textCountdown_third.text = ""; }
void Start() { //p_point_max = Player_move.P_SP player_object = GameObject.Find("Player"); player_script = player_object.GetComponent <Player_move>(); sp_gage_scale_orign_x = transform.localScale.x; sp_gage_scale_orign_y = transform.localScale.y; sp_one_mater_x = sp_gage_scale_orign_x / Player_move.P_HP; }
/*private void OnBecameInvisible() * { * //もしも画面から消えたらっていう便利関数 * pbullet_destroy(); //自機を消す * }*/ void pbullet_destroy() { Destroy(gameObject); pobj = GameObject.Find("Player"); //プレイヤーのオブジェクトを見つける //プレーヤーのSPを回復 Player_move p_script = pobj.GetComponent <Player_move>(); p_script.p_sp++; }
void Start() { AudioListener.volume = 1; isStart = false; CountSourse = this.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); freeze_p = player.gameObject.GetComponent <Player_move>(); freeze_s = stamina.gameObject.GetComponent <StaminaBar>(); _textCountdown.text = ""; _textCountdown_third.text = ""; StartCoroutine(CountdownCoroutine()); Is_Coroutine_flag = true; }
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) { // 接触した瞬間の1回のみ呼び出される処理 if (collision.gameObject.name == "Enemy(Clone)") { GameObject eobj = GameObject.Find("Enemy(Clone)"); Enemy_move e_script = eobj.GetComponent <Enemy_move>(); e_script.enemy_destroy(true); //敵を消す pbullet_destroy(); //自機を消す pobj = GameObject.Find("Player"); Player_move p_script = pobj.GetComponent <Player_move>(); p_script.p_attack++; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { game_state = PLAYING; player_obj = GameObject.Find("Player"); player_script = player_obj.GetComponent <Player_move>(); /*Vector3 hp_prefab_position = new Vector3( -480, 380, 0 ); * Vector3 sp_prefab_position = new Vector3(-480, 280, 0); * * Instantiate(hp_prefab, hp_prefab_position, Quaternion.identity); * hp_gage_script = hp_prefab.GetComponent<Sp_gage_control>(); * hp_gage_script.p_point = player_script.p_hp; * hp_gage_script.p_point_max = Player_move.P_HP; * * Instantiate(sp_prefab, sp_prefab_position, Quaternion.identity); * sp_gage_script = sp_prefab.GetComponent<Sp_gage_control>(); * sp_gage_script.p_point = player_script.p_sp; * sp_gage_script.p_point_max = Player_move.P_SP;*/ }
void play_display() { player_script = player_obj.GetComponent <Player_move>(); // オブジェクトからTextコンポーネントを取得 Text text_attack_dis = text_attack.GetComponent <Text>(); Text text_hp_dis = text_hp.GetComponent <Text>(); Text text_gameover_dis = text_gameover.GetComponent <Text>(); Text text_presskey_dis = text_presskey.GetComponent <Text>(); Text text_sp_dis = text_sp.GetComponent <Text>(); // テキストの表示を入れ替える text_attack_dis.text = "撃破:" + player_script.p_attack; text_hp_dis.text = "残機:" + player_script.p_hp; text_gameover_dis.text = " "; text_presskey_dis.text = " "; text_sp_dis.text = "弾数:" + player_script.p_sp; /*hp_gage_script.p_point = player_script.p_hp; * sp_gage_script.p_point = player_script.p_sp;*/ }
void Start() { playerScript = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<Player_move>(); }
void Start() { player_move_s = GetComponent <Player_move>(); }
void Start() { playerScript = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <Player_move>(); }
public void mapSpawn() { TextAsset data = Resources.Load(stageData, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset; // Read Mapdata StringReader sr = new StringReader(data.text); mapLine = 0; string oneLine = sr.ReadLine(); // Read oneLine while (oneLine != null) { string[] mapData = oneLine.Split('\t'); for (int idx = 0; idx < mapData.Length; idx++) { switch (mapData [idx]) { case "0": Instantiate(prefab_Dirt, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "1": Instantiate(prefab_Ground, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "2": Instantiate(prefab_WaterDeep, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "3": Instantiate(prefab_Water, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "4": Instantiate(prefab_Lotus, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "41": Instantiate(prefab_LottenLotus, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "42": Instantiate(prefab_Fix_Lotus, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "43": Instantiate(prefab_Fix_LottenLotus, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "5": Instantiate(prefab_Frog, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "6": Instantiate(prefab_Friend, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "7": Player.transform.position = new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)); Player_move pl = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <Player_move> (); GameObject.Find("Main Camera").SendMessage("setCameraPosition"); // Player Reset pl.defaultPos = Player.transform.position; break; case "8": Instantiate(prefab_Portal, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "9": Instantiate(prefab_Wall, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "10": Instantiate(prefab_InnerDirt, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "11": Instantiate(prefab_InnerGround, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "12": Instantiate(prefab_Mushroom, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "15": Instantiate(prefab_Trap_Tree, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - ((idx + 1) * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "19": Instantiate(prefab_Trap_DropSpike, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - ((idx) * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "20": Instantiate(prefab_Trap_Spike1, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - ((idx) * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "201": Instantiate(prefab_Trap_Spike2, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - ((idx) * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "77": Instantiate(prefab_End, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - ((idx) * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; } } for (int idx = mapData.Length; idx < mapData.Length + 6; idx++) { switch (mapData [mapData.Length - 1]) { case "0": case "1": case "20": Instantiate(prefab_Dirt, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "2": case "3": Instantiate(prefab_WaterDeep, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; case "10": case "11": case "201": Instantiate(prefab_InnerDirt, new Vector2(mapLine * tileSize - 28.24f, 12.92f - (idx * tileSize)), Quaternion.identity); break; } } mapLine++; oneLine = sr.ReadLine(); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { cycleTimer = 0; max_speed=Mathf.Exp (1); player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform; playerMoveScript = player.GetComponent<Player_move>(); }