public void jump() //Make player jump { pj.Jump(); }
void FixedUpdate() { ReceiveValues(); Momentum_State(); Immune_State(); pJump.Unground(); //Delay for transition from grounded to airborne if (airborne) { if (wantToJump && jumpCount == 1 && doubleJump && jumpTimer <= 0.0f) //If player used 1st jump, pressed space and has access to double jump ability { pJump.DoubleJump(); } if (velocity.y < 0.0f && !doubleJumping) //Triggers descending animation { Descend_State(); } else { descending = false; } } else if (onGround) { if (momentumTimer > 0.0f || input.x == 0.0f || input.x != prevSign) //If player changes direction or stops moving while sprinting { if (sprinting) { Pivot(); } } if (onSlope) //If player is standing on a slope { Slope_State(); } if (momentumTimer <= 0.0f) //If player has been running in same direction for more than momentumTime, sprint { Sprint(); } if (wantToJump && timers.jumpTimer <= 0.0f) //Player inputted space up to 0.25 seconds ago { pJump.Jump(); } } if (onWall) { Wall_State(); if (!onGround && velocity.y <= 2.0f && wallStickTimer <= 0.0f && !wallSliding) //If player is on wall, not touching ground, has low vertical speed and the wall stick cooldown is over, attach to wall to perform a wall slide { wallActions.WallSlide(); } } if (wallSliding) { Slide_State(); wallActions.ManageWallSlide(); } if (againstCeiling) { Ceiling_State(); } else if (wallClimbing) { wallActions.ManageWallClimb(); } else if (wallJumping) { wallActions.ManageWallJump(); } else if (pivoting) { ManagePivot(); } else if (attacking) { pAttack.ManageAttack(); } else if (dashing) { pDash.ManageDash(); } else if (dashAttacking) { pDash.ManageDashAttack(); } else if (diving) { if (diveHit) { pDive.ManageDiveAttack(); } else { pDive.ManageDive(); } } else if (landing) { pDive.ManageLanding(); } else if (stunned) { Stunned_State(); pCol.ManageKnockback(); } SendValues(); }