Пример #1
     * Check if this object meets all conditions. If yes, show arrow and update its position.
     * Else, hide arrow.
     ***Technically, this checks the distance between this object and the center of the screen,
     ***not the player's actual position.
    void Update()
        //Gets the center of the screen in world position
        Vector3 playerPos = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0));
        Vector3 objectPos = transform.position;

        //Gets how far the object is away from center of the screen.
        Vector3 heading  = objectPos - playerPos;
        float   distance = heading.magnitude;

        //Checks if this object:
        //1) Is close enough to be detected
        //2) Is actually outside the screen/not rendered by the camera
        //3) Is moving faster than the speed threshhold
        if (distance <= DetectionRange && !_renderer.isVisible && _rb2d.velocity.magnitude >= SpeedThreshhold)
            if (transform.tag == "Enemy")
                if (_playerWithinRangeScript != null)
                    _playerWithinRangeScript = null;
Пример #2
  * Cache all needed components.
 void Start()
     _renderer = GetComponent <Renderer>();
     _rb2d     = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     _arrow    = (GameObject)Instantiate(arrowPrefab);
     _playerWithinRangeScript = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CommentaryObject").GetComponentInChildren <PlayerWithinRangeOfEnemy> ();