private static void HandleLowestRateChange(ClientObject client) { string newWarpMaster = null; PlayerWarpRate lowestRate = null; if (warpMaster != null && warpList.ContainsKey(warpMaster)) { newWarpMaster = warpMaster; lowestRate = warpList[warpMaster]; } else { newWarpMaster = client.playerName; lowestRate = warpList[client.playerName]; } foreach (ClientObject testClient in ClientHandler.GetClients()) { if (!warpList.ContainsKey(testClient.playerName)) { newWarpMaster = null; break; } PlayerWarpRate pwr = warpList[testClient.playerName]; if (pwr.rateIndex == 0) { newWarpMaster = null; break; } if (pwr.isPhysWarp != lowestRate.isPhysWarp) { newWarpMaster = null; break; } if (pwr.rateIndex < lowestRate.rateIndex) { newWarpMaster = testClient.playerName; lowestRate = pwr; } } if (newWarpMaster != warpMaster) { //No expire time SendSetController(newWarpMaster, long.MinValue); warpMaster = newWarpMaster; } }
private static void HandleChangeWarp(ClientObject client, bool physWarp, int rateIndex, long serverClock, double planetTime) { ServerMessage newMessage = new ServerMessage(); newMessage.type = ServerMessageType.WARP_CONTROL; using (MessageWriter mw = new MessageWriter()) { mw.Write <int>((int)WarpMessageType.CHANGE_WARP); mw.Write <string>(client.playerName); mw.Write <bool>(physWarp); mw.Write <int>(rateIndex); mw.Write <long>(serverClock); mw.Write <double>(planetTime); = mw.GetMessageBytes(); } if (Settings.settingsStore.warpMode == WarpMode.MCW_LOWEST) { PlayerWarpRate clientWarpRate = null; if (!warpList.ContainsKey(client.playerName)) { clientWarpRate = new PlayerWarpRate(); warpList.Add(client.playerName, clientWarpRate); } else { clientWarpRate = warpList[client.playerName]; } clientWarpRate.isPhysWarp = physWarp; clientWarpRate.rateIndex = rateIndex; clientWarpRate.serverClock = serverClock; clientWarpRate.planetTime = planetTime; HandleLowestRateChange(client); } ClientHandler.SendToAll(client, newMessage, true); }
private void HandleWarpMessage(byte[] messageData) { using (MessageReader mr = new MessageReader(messageData, false)) { WarpMessageType messageType = (WarpMessageType)mr.Read<int>(); string fromPlayer = mr.Read<string>(); switch (messageType) { case WarpMessageType.REQUEST_VOTE: { if (warpMode == WarpMode.MCW_VOTE) { if (voteMaster == "") { voteMaster = fromPlayer; } else { //Freak out and tell everyone to reset their warp votes - This can happen if 2 clients start a vote at the exact same time. ReleaseWarpMaster(); } } } break; case WarpMessageType.REPLY_VOTE: { if (warpMode == WarpMode.MCW_VOTE) { if (voteMaster == Settings.fetch.playerName && warpMaster == "") { if (!voteList.ContainsKey(fromPlayer)) { bool vote = mr.Read<bool>(); DarkLog.Debug(fromPlayer + " voted " + vote); voteList.Add(fromPlayer, vote); } voteNoCount = 0; voteYesCount = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<string,bool> vote in voteList) { if (vote.Value) { voteYesCount++; } else { voteNoCount++; } } //We have enough votes if (voteYesCount >= voteNeededCount) { //Vote has passed. warpMasterOwnerTime = UnityEngine.Time.realtimeSinceStartup; warpMaster = Settings.fetch.playerName; using (MessageWriter mw = new MessageWriter()) { mw.Write<int>((int)WarpMessageType.SET_CONTROLLER); mw.Write<string>(Settings.fetch.playerName); mw.Write<string>(Settings.fetch.playerName); NetworkWorker.fetch.SendWarpMessage(mw.GetMessageBytes()); } } //We have enough votes if (voteNoCount >= voteFailedCount) { //Vote has failed. ReleaseWarpMaster(); DisplayMessage("Vote failed!", 5f); } } } } break; case WarpMessageType.SET_CONTROLLER: { if (warpMode == WarpMode.MCW_FORCE || warpMode == WarpMode.MCW_VOTE || warpMode == WarpMode.MCW_LOWEST) { string newController = mr.Read<string>(); warpMaster = newController; if (warpMode == WarpMode.MCW_FORCE && newController == "") { warpMasterOwnerTime = 0f; } if (warpMode == WarpMode.MCW_VOTE && newController == "") { TimeWarp.SetRate(0, true); CancelVote(); } } } break; case WarpMessageType.CHANGE_WARP: { if (warpMode == WarpMode.MCW_FORCE || warpMode == WarpMode.MCW_VOTE || warpMode == WarpMode.MCW_LOWEST || warpMode == WarpMode.SUBSPACE) { bool newPhysWarp = mr.Read<bool>(); int newRateIndex = mr.Read<int>(); if (clientWarpList.ContainsKey(fromPlayer)) { clientWarpList[fromPlayer].isPhysWarp = newPhysWarp; clientWarpList[fromPlayer].rateIndex = newRateIndex; } else { PlayerWarpRate newPlayerWarpRate = new PlayerWarpRate(); newPlayerWarpRate.isPhysWarp = newPhysWarp; newPlayerWarpRate.rateIndex = newRateIndex; clientWarpList.Add(fromPlayer, newPlayerWarpRate); } //DarkLog.Debug(fromPlayer + " warp rate changed, Physwarp: " + newPhysWarp + ", Index: " + newRateIndex); } } break; case WarpMessageType.NEW_SUBSPACE: { int newSubspaceID = mr.Read<int>(); long serverTime = mr.Read<long>(); double planetariumTime = mr.Read<double>(); float gameSpeed = mr.Read<float>(); TimeSyncer.fetch.LockNewSubspace(newSubspaceID, serverTime, planetariumTime, gameSpeed); if (((warpMode == WarpMode.MCW_VOTE) || (warpMode == WarpMode.MCW_FORCE)) && (warpMaster == fromPlayer)) { TimeSyncer.fetch.LockSubspace(newSubspaceID); } if (!TimeSyncer.fetch.locked && TimeSyncer.fetch.currentSubspace == newSubspaceID) { TimeSyncer.fetch.LockSubspace(newSubspaceID); } } break; case WarpMessageType.CHANGE_SUBSPACE: { int changeSubspaceID = mr.Read<int>(); clientSubspaceList[fromPlayer] = changeSubspaceID; } break; case WarpMessageType.RELOCK_SUBSPACE: { if (fromPlayer == "Server") { int subspaceID = mr.Read<int>(); long serverTime = mr.Read<long>(); double planetariumTime = mr.Read<double>(); float gameSpeed = mr.Read<float>(); TimeSyncer.fetch.RelockSubspace(subspaceID, serverTime, planetariumTime, gameSpeed); } } break; case WarpMessageType.REPORT_RATE: { //Not interested in subspace. mr.Read<int>(); clientSkewList[fromPlayer] = mr.Read<float>(); } break; default: { DarkLog.Debug("Unhandled WARP_MESSAGE type: " + messageType); break; } } } }
private void HandleChangeWarp(string fromPlayer, bool isPhysWarp, int newRate, long serverClock, double planetTime) { if (warpMode != WarpMode.NONE) { if (clientWarpList.ContainsKey(fromPlayer)) { clientWarpList[fromPlayer].isPhysWarp = isPhysWarp; clientWarpList[fromPlayer].rateIndex = newRate; clientWarpList[fromPlayer].serverClock = serverClock; clientWarpList[fromPlayer].planetTime = planetTime; } else { PlayerWarpRate newPlayerWarpRate = new PlayerWarpRate(); newPlayerWarpRate.isPhysWarp = isPhysWarp; newPlayerWarpRate.rateIndex = newRate; newPlayerWarpRate.serverClock = serverClock; newPlayerWarpRate.planetTime = planetTime; clientWarpList.Add(fromPlayer, newPlayerWarpRate); } } }
private void HandleMCWLowestInput(bool startWarpKey, bool stopWarpKey) { int newRequestIndex = requestIndex; bool newRequestPhysWarp = requestPhysWarp; if (startWarpKey) { if (requestIndex == 0) { newRequestPhysWarp = GameSettings.MODIFIER_KEY.GetKey(); } float[] physRates = TimeWarp.fetch.physicsWarpRates; float[] warpRates = TimeWarp.fetch.warpRates; newRequestIndex++; if (newRequestPhysWarp && newRequestIndex >= physRates.Length) { newRequestIndex = physRates.Length - 1; } if (!newRequestPhysWarp && newRequestIndex >= warpRates.Length) { newRequestIndex = warpRates.Length - 1; } } if (stopWarpKey) { newRequestIndex--; if (newRequestIndex < 0) { newRequestIndex = 0; } if (newRequestIndex == 0) { newRequestPhysWarp = false; } } if ((newRequestIndex != requestIndex) || (newRequestPhysWarp != requestPhysWarp)) { requestIndex = newRequestIndex; requestPhysWarp = newRequestPhysWarp; PlayerWarpRate newWarpRate = new PlayerWarpRate(); newWarpRate.isPhysWarp = requestPhysWarp; newWarpRate.rateIndex = requestIndex; newWarpRate.planetTime = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime(); newWarpRate.serverClock = TimeSyncer.fetch.GetServerClock(); clientWarpList[Settings.fetch.playerName] = newWarpRate; DarkLog.Debug("Warp request change: " + requestIndex + ", physwarp: " + requestPhysWarp); using (MessageWriter mw = new MessageWriter()) { mw.Write<int>((int)WarpMessageType.CHANGE_WARP); mw.Write<bool>(requestPhysWarp); mw.Write<int>(requestIndex); mw.Write<long>(TimeSyncer.fetch.GetServerClock()); mw.Write<double>(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); NetworkWorker.fetch.SendWarpMessage(mw.GetMessageBytes()); } } }
private void SetTimeFromWarpEntry(PlayerWarpRate masterWarpRate) { float[] warpRates = null; if (masterWarpRate.isPhysWarp) { TimeWarp.fetch.Mode = TimeWarp.Modes.LOW; warpRates = TimeWarp.fetch.physicsWarpRates; } else { TimeWarp.fetch.Mode = TimeWarp.Modes.HIGH; warpRates = TimeWarp.fetch.warpRates; } if (TimeWarp.WarpMode != TimeWarp.Modes.LOW && masterWarpRate.isPhysWarp) { TimeWarp.fetch.Mode = TimeWarp.Modes.LOW; } if (TimeWarp.WarpMode != TimeWarp.Modes.HIGH && !masterWarpRate.isPhysWarp) { TimeWarp.fetch.Mode = TimeWarp.Modes.HIGH; } //Set warp if (TimeWarp.CurrentRateIndex != masterWarpRate.rateIndex) { TimeWarp.SetRate(masterWarpRate.rateIndex, true); } //Set clock long serverClockDiff = TimeSyncer.fetch.GetServerClock() - masterWarpRate.serverClock; double secondsDiff = serverClockDiff / 10000000d; double newTime = masterWarpRate.planetTime + (warpRates[masterWarpRate.rateIndex] * secondsDiff); Planetarium.SetUniversalTime(newTime); }