static int GetMaxDist(IntPtr L)
        LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 2);
        Player        arg0 = (Player)LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject(L, 1, typeof(Player));
        SkillInstance arg1 = (SkillInstance)LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject(L, 2, typeof(SkillInstance));

        IM.Number o = PlayerState_Rebound.GetMaxDist(arg0, arg1);
        LuaScriptMgr.PushValue(L, o);
    override public void OnEnter(PlayerState lastState)

        tooLate = false;

        //Debug.Log("rebound action is: " + m_curAction );

        m_heightScale =;
        m_success     = true;
        if (m_ball.m_bGoal)
            m_success = false;
        if (m_ball.m_picker != null)
            m_success = false;
        if (m_ball.m_ballState != BallState.eRebound)
            m_success = false;

        Dictionary <string, uint> skillAttr = m_player.GetSkillAttribute();
        Dictionary <string, uint> data      = m_player.m_finalAttrs;

        if (data == null)
            Debug.LogError("Can not find data.");
            m_success = false;
        if (!m_match.m_ruler.CanRebound() || m_ball.m_owner != null)
            m_success = false;
            tooLate   = false;
            Debug.Log(m_player.m_name + " Rebound failed, ball haven't been reached the highest position or ball has owner");

        //Debug.Log("Rebound distance:" + m_player.m_fReboundDist);
        IM.Number fDistPlayer2Ball = GameUtils.HorizonalDistance(m_player.position, m_ball.position);

        IM.Number reboundDist = PlayerState_Rebound.GetMaxDist(m_player);
        if (fDistPlayer2Ball > reboundDist)
            m_success = false;
            Debug.Log("player to ball distance: " + fDistPlayer2Ball + " farther than rebound distance: " + reboundDist);

        IM.Number minHeight, maxHeight;
        GetHeightRange(m_player, out minHeight, out maxHeight);

        IM.Number fEventTime = GetEventTime(m_player, m_curAction);

        if (m_success)
            IM.Vector3 vBallPosRebound;
            IM.Number  fCurTime     = m_ball.m_fTime;
            IM.Number  fHighestTime = m_ball.CompleteLastCurve().GetHighestTime();
            if (fCurTime + fEventTime < fHighestTime)   //������
                m_success = false;
                tooLate   = false;
                Debug.Log("Rebound failed, ball not in falling.");
            else if (m_ball.GetPositionInAir((fCurTime + fEventTime), out vBallPosRebound))
                if (vBallPosRebound.y > minHeight && vBallPosRebound.y < maxHeight)
                    //Debugger.Instance.DrawSphere("Rebound", vBallPosRebound,;
                    IM.Vector3 reboundAnimBall;
                    m_player.GetNodePosition(SampleNode.Ball, m_curAction, fEventTime, out reboundAnimBall);
                    m_heightScale = vBallPosRebound.y / reboundAnimBall.y;

                    IM.Vector3 root;
                    m_player.GetNodePosition(SampleNode.Root, m_curAction, fEventTime, out root);
                    IM.Vector3 root2Ball = reboundAnimBall - root;

                    IM.Number fDistPlayerToReboundPos = GameUtils.HorizonalDistance(vBallPosRebound - root2Ball, m_player.position);
                    IM.Number fDistOrigReboundPos     = GameUtils.HorizonalDistance(root, m_player.position);
                    rootMotionScale = fDistPlayerToReboundPos / fDistOrigReboundPos;
                    //Debug.Log("root motion scale: " + m_player.m_rootMotion.m_scale);
                    m_success = false;
                    tooLate   = vBallPosRebound.y <= minHeight;
                    Debug.Log("Rebound failed, ball height: " + m_ball.transform.position.y + " height range: min: " + minHeight + " ,max: " + maxHeight);
                m_success = false;
                tooLate   = true;
                Debug.Log("reboundTime out of the curve, too slow");

        //m_curAction = m_mapAnimType[m_animType];
        IM.Vector3 vRoundScale = new IM.Vector3(rootMotionScale, m_heightScale, rootMotionScale);

        uint skillValue = 0;

        m_player.m_skillSystem.HegdingToValue("addn_rebound", ref skillValue);
        if (m_success)
            m_match.reboundHelper.AddRebounder(m_player, m_curExecSkill);
        if (m_success)

        GameSystem.Instance.mClient.mPlayerManager.IsolateCollision(m_player, true);
        m_fEventTime = GetEventTime(m_player, m_curAction);
        IM.RootMotion rootMotion = m_player.animMgr.Play(m_curAction, true).rootMotion;
        rootMotion.scale = rootMotionScale;