Пример #1
        public static void Update(bool updateVel = false)
            if (Engine.Scene is Level level)
                Player player = level.Tracker.GetEntity <Player>();
                if (player != null)
                    string        pos   = GetAdjustedPos(player, out string exactPos);
                    string        speed = GetAdjustedSpeed(player.Speed, out string exactSpeed);
                    Vector2Double diff  = player.GetMoreExactPosition(false) - LastPos;
                    if (!Frozen && updateVel)
                        LastDiff = diff;
                        diff = LastDiff;

                    if (TasSettings.SpeedUnit == SpeedUnit.PixelPerSecond)
                        diff *= FramesPerRealSecond;

                    string velocity = GetAdjustedVelocity(diff, out string exactVelocity);

                    string polarVel = $"Fly:   {diff.Length():F2}, {diff.Angle():F5}°";

                    string analog = string.Empty;
                    if (Manager.Running && Manager.Controller.Previous is { } inputFrame&& inputFrame.HasActions(Actions.Feather))
                        Vector2 angleVector2 = inputFrame.AngleVector2;
                        analog =
                            $"Analog: {angleVector2.X:F5}, {angleVector2.Y:F5}, {GetAngle(new Vector2(angleVector2.X, -angleVector2.Y)):F5}°";

                    string retainedSpeed = GetAdjustedRetainedSpeed(player, out string exactRetainedSpeed);

                    string liftBoost = GetAdjustedLiftBoost(player, out string exactLiftBoost);

                    string miscStats = $"Stamina: {player.Stamina:0} "
                                       + (WallJumpCheck(player, 1) ? "Wall-R " : string.Empty)
                                       + (WallJumpCheck(player, -1) ? "Wall-L " : string.Empty)
                                       + PlayerStates.GetStateName(player.StateMachine.State);

                    int dashCooldown = DashCooldownTimer(player).ToFloorFrames();

                    PlayerSeeker playerSeeker = level.Tracker.GetEntity <PlayerSeeker>();
                    if (playerSeeker != null)
                        pos   = GetAdjustedPos(playerSeeker, out exactPos);
                        speed = GetAdjustedSpeed(PlayerSeekerSpeed(playerSeeker), out exactSpeed);
                        diff  = playerSeeker.GetMoreExactPosition(false) - LastPlayerSeekerPos;
                        if (!Frozen && updateVel)
                            LastPlayerSeekerDiff = diff;
                            diff = LastPlayerSeekerDiff;

                        if (TasSettings.SpeedUnit == SpeedUnit.PixelPerSecond)
                            diff *= FramesPerRealSecond;

                        velocity = GetAdjustedVelocity(diff, out exactVelocity);

                        polarVel     = $"Chase: {diff.Length():F2}, {diff.Angle():F5}°";
                        dashCooldown = PlayerSeekerDashTimer(playerSeeker).ToCeilingFrames();

                    string statuses = GetStatuses(level, player, dashCooldown);

                    string   timers = string.Empty;
                    Follower firstRedBerryFollower = player.Leader.Followers.Find(follower => follower.Entity is Strawberry {
                        Golden: false
        public static void UpdatePlayerInfo()
            if (Engine.Scene is Level level)
                Player player = level.Tracker.GetEntity <Player>();
                if (player != null)
                    long chapterTime = level.Session.Time;
                    if (chapterTime != lastTimer || LastPos != player.ExactPosition)
                        framesPerSecond = 60f / Engine.TimeRateB;
                        string  pos      = GetAdjustedPos(player.Position, player.PositionRemainder);
                        string  speed    = $"Speed: {player.Speed.X:F2}, {player.Speed.Y:F2}";
                        Vector2 diff     = (player.ExactPosition - LastPos) * 60f;
                        string  vel      = $"Vel:   {diff.X:F2}, {diff.Y:F2}";
                        string  polarvel = $"Fly:   {diff.Length():F2}, {GetAngle(diff):F5}°";

                        string joystick;
                        if (Running && Controller.Previous is InputFrame inputFrame && inputFrame.HasActions(Actions.Feather))
                            joystick =
                                $"Analog: {AnalogHelper.LastDirection.X:F5}, {AnalogHelper.LastDirection.Y:F5}, {GetAngle(new Vector2(AnalogHelper.LastDirection.X, -AnalogHelper.LastDirection.Y)):F5}°";
                            joystick = string.Empty;

                        string miscstats = $"Stamina: {player.Stamina:0}  "
                                           + (WallJumpCheck(player, 1) ? "Wall-R " : string.Empty)
                                           + (WallJumpCheck(player, -1) ? "Wall-L " : string.Empty);
                        int dashCooldown = (int)(DashCooldownTimer(player) * framesPerSecond);

                        PlayerSeeker playerSeeker = level.Entities.FindFirst <PlayerSeeker>();
                        if (playerSeeker != null)
                            pos   = GetAdjustedPos(playerSeeker.Position, playerSeeker.PositionRemainder);
                            speed =
                                $"Speed: {PlayerSeekerSpeed(playerSeeker).X:F2}, {PlayerSeekerSpeed(playerSeeker).Y:F2}";
                            diff         = (playerSeeker.ExactPosition - LastPlayerSeekerPos) * 60f;
                            vel          = $"Vel:   {diff.X:F2}, {diff.Y:F2}";
                            polarvel     = $"Chase: {diff.Length():F2}, {GetAngle(diff):F2}°";
                            dashCooldown = (int)(PlayerSeekerDashTimer(playerSeeker) * framesPerSecond);

                        string statuses = (dashCooldown < 1 && player.Dashes > 0 ? "Dash " : string.Empty)
                                          + (player.LoseShards ? "Ground " : string.Empty)
                                          + (!player.LoseShards && JumpGraceTimer(player) > 0
                                              ? $"Coyote({(int) (JumpGraceTimer(player) * framesPerSecond)})"
                                              : string.Empty);
                        string transitionFrames = PlayerInfo.TransitionFrames > 0 ? $"({PlayerInfo.TransitionFrames})" : string.Empty;
                        statuses = (player.InControl && !level.Transitioning ? statuses : $"NoControl{transitionFrames} ")
                                   + (player.TimePaused ? "Paused " : string.Empty)
                                   + (level.InCutscene ? "Cutscene " : string.Empty)
                                   + (AdditionalStatusInfo ?? string.Empty);

                        if (player.Holding == null)
                            foreach (Component component in level.Tracker.GetComponents <Holdable>())
                                Holdable holdable = (Holdable)component;
                                if (holdable.Check(player))
                                    statuses += "Grab ";

                        int      berryTimer            = -10;
                        Follower firstRedBerryFollower =
                            player.Leader.Followers.Find(follower => follower.Entity is Strawberry berry && !berry.Golden);
                        if (firstRedBerryFollower?.Entity is Strawberry firstRedBerry)
                            object collectTimer;
                            if (firstRedBerry.GetType() == typeof(Strawberry) ||
                                (collectTimer = StrawberryCollectTimer(firstRedBerry)) == null)
                                // if this is a vanilla berry or a mod berry having no collectTimer, use the cached FieldInfo for Strawberry.collectTimer.
                                collectTimer = StrawberryCollectTimerFieldInfo.GetValue(firstRedBerry);

                            berryTimer = 9 - (int)Math.Round((float)collectTimer * framesPerSecond);

                        string timers = (berryTimer != -10
                                            ? berryTimer <= 9 ? $"BerryTimer: {berryTimer} " : $"BerryTimer: 9+{berryTimer - 9} "
                                            : string.Empty)
                                        + (dashCooldown != 0 ? $"DashTimer: {(dashCooldown).ToString()} " : string.Empty);
                        string roomNameAndTime =
                            $"[{level.Session.Level}] Timer: {(chapterTime / 10000000D):F3}({chapterTime / TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Engine.RawDeltaTime).Ticks})";

                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                        if (player.StateMachine.State == Player.StStarFly ||
                            playerSeeker != null ||
                            SaveData.Instance.Assists.ThreeSixtyDashing ||

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(joystick))

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(statuses))

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timers))

                        LastPos             = player.ExactPosition;
                        LastPlayerSeekerPos = playerSeeker?.ExactPosition ?? default;
                        lastTimer           = chapterTime;
                        PlayerStatus        = sb.ToString().TrimEnd();
                    PlayerStatus = level.InCutscene ? "Cutscene" : string.Empty;
        public static void Update(bool updateVel = false)
            if (Engine.Scene is Level level)
                Player player      = level.Tracker.GetEntity <Player>();
                long   chapterTime = level.Session.Time;
                if (player != null)
                    StringBuilder stringBuilder = new();
                    string        pos           = GetAdjustedPos(player.Position, player.PositionRemainder);
                    string        speed         = GetAdjustedSpeed(player.Speed);
                    Vector2Double diff          = (player.GetMoreExactPosition() - LastPos) * FramesPerSecond;
                    string        velocity      = GetAdjustedVelocity(diff);
                    if (!Frozen && updateVel)
                        LastVel = velocity;
                        velocity = LastVel;

                    string polarVel = $"Fly:   {diff.Length():F2}, {diff.Angle():F5}°";

                    string analog = string.Empty;
                    if (Manager.Running && Manager.Controller.Previous is { } inputFrame&& inputFrame.HasActions(Actions.Feather))
                        Vector2 angleVector2 = inputFrame.AngleVector2;
                        analog =
                            $"Analog: {angleVector2.X:F5}, {angleVector2.Y:F5}, {Manager.GetAngle(new Vector2(angleVector2.X, -angleVector2.Y)):F5}°";

                    string retainedSpeed = string.Empty;
                    if (PlayerRetainedSpeedTimer(player) is float retainedSpeedTimer and > 0f)
                        retainedSpeed = $"Retained: {PlayerRetainedSpeed(player):F2} ({retainedSpeedTimer.ToCeilingFrames()})";

                    string liftBoost = string.Empty;
                    if (PlayerLiftBoost(player) is var liftBoostVector2 && liftBoostVector2 != Vector2.Zero)
                        liftBoost =
                            $"LiftBoost: {liftBoostVector2.X:F2}, {liftBoostVector2.Y:F2} ({ActorLiftSpeedTimer(player).ToCeilingFrames()})";

                    string miscStats = $"Stamina: {player.Stamina:0} "
                                       + (WallJumpCheck(player, 1) ? "Wall-R " : string.Empty)
                                       + (WallJumpCheck(player, -1) ? "Wall-L " : string.Empty)
                                       + PlayerStates.GetStateName(player.StateMachine.State);

                    int dashCooldown = DashCooldownTimer(player).ToFloorFrames();

                    PlayerSeeker playerSeeker = level.Tracker.GetEntity <PlayerSeeker>();
                    if (playerSeeker != null)
                        pos      = GetAdjustedPos(playerSeeker.Position, playerSeeker.PositionRemainder);
                        speed    = GetAdjustedSpeed(PlayerSeekerSpeed(playerSeeker));
                        diff     = (playerSeeker.GetMoreExactPosition() - LastPlayerSeekerPos) * FramesPerSecond;
                        velocity = GetAdjustedVelocity(diff);
                        if (!Frozen && updateVel)
                            LastPlayerSeekerVel = velocity;
                            velocity = LastPlayerSeekerVel;

                        polarVel     = $"Chase: {diff.Length():F2}, {diff.Angle():F5}°";
                        dashCooldown = PlayerSeekerDashTimer(playerSeeker).ToCeilingFrames();

                    string statuses = (dashCooldown <= 0 && player.Dashes > 0 ? "CanDash " : string.Empty)
                                      + (player.LoseShards ? "Ground " : string.Empty)
                                      + (!player.LoseShards && JumpGraceTimer(player).ToFloorFrames() is int coyote and > 0
                                          ? $"Coyote({coyote}) "
                                          : string.Empty);

                    string noControlFrames = transitionFrames > 0 ? $"({transitionFrames})" : string.Empty;
                    float  unpauseTimer    = LevelUnpauseTimer?.Invoke(level) ?? 0f;
                    if (unpauseTimer > 0f)
                        noControlFrames = $"({unpauseTimer.ToCeilingFrames()})";

                    statuses = (Engine.FreezeTimer > 0f ? $"Frozen({Engine.FreezeTimer.ToCeilingFrames()}) " : string.Empty)
                               + (player.InControl && !level.Transitioning && unpauseTimer <= 0f ? statuses : $"NoControl{noControlFrames} ")
                               + (player.Dead ? "Dead " : string.Empty)
                               + (level.InCutscene ? "Cutscene " : string.Empty)
                               + (AdditionalStatusInfo ?? string.Empty);

                    if (player.Holding == null &&
                        level.Tracker.GetComponents <Holdable>().Any(holdable => ((Holdable)holdable).Check(player)))
                        statuses += "Grab ";

                    string   timers = string.Empty;
                    Follower firstRedBerryFollower = player.Leader.Followers.Find(follower => follower.Entity is Strawberry {
                        Golden: false