protected void PlayerSearchGridView_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
            DataTable temp = (DataTable)PlayerSearchGridView.DataSource;

            temp.DefaultView.Sort           = e.SortExpression + " " + GetSortDirection(e.SortExpression);
            PlayerSearchGridView.DataSource = temp;

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                //Server.Transfer("Default.aspx", true);

            String        strConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["FantasySoccerConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
            SqlConnection con           = new SqlConnection(strConnString);
            SqlCommand    cmd           = new SqlCommand();

            //Populate the grid with all fantasy points earned including each month
            cmd.CommandText =
                "SELECT " +
                "Players.PlayerId AS PlayerId, " +
                "FirstName AS First, " +
                "LastName AS Last, " +
                "Cost, " +
                "Clubs.ClubName, " +
                "Leagues.LeagueName, " +
                "Positions.PositionName AS Position, " +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].Goals) AS Goals, " +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].Shots) AS Shots, " +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].Assists) AS Assists, " +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].MinPlayed) AS 'Min Played', " +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].Fouls) AS Fouls, " +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].YellowCards) AS YC, " +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].RedCards) AS RC, " +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].GoalsAllowed) AS GA, " +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].SavesMade) AS Saves, " +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].CleanSheets) AS CS, " +
                "dbo.CalculateTotalFantasyPoints(SUM([PlayerStats].Goals), " +
                "				                SUM([PlayerStats].Shots),  "+
                "				                SUM([PlayerStats].Assists), "+
                "				                SUM([PlayerStats].MinPlayed), "+
                "				                SUM([PlayerStats].Fouls), "+
                "				                SUM([PlayerStats].YellowCards), "+
                "				                SUM([PlayerStats].RedCards), "+
                "				                SUM([PlayerStats].GoalsAllowed), "+
                "				                SUM([PlayerStats].SavesMade), "+
                "				                SUM([PlayerStats].CleanSheets), "+
                "				                Players.PositionRef) AS 'Total Fantasy Pts' "+
                "FROM Players " +
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN PlayerStats ON PlayerStats.PlayerId = Players.PlayerId " +
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN [Positions] ON [Positions].[PositionRef] = Players.PositionRef " +
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN Clubs ON Players.ClubId = Clubs.ClubId " +
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN Leagues ON Clubs.LeagueId = Leagues.LeagueId ";
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Inside the page load and clear variable is:" + clearButtonPress);
            if (IsPostBack && !clearButtonPress)
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Inside the WHERE CLAUSE. ");

                bool anotherQuery = false;

                if (FirstNameTextBox.Text != "" || LastNameTextBox.Text != "" || ClubTextBox.Text != "" ||
                    LeagueTextBox.Text != "" || PositionDropDown.SelectedIndex != 0)
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Apparently they are not empty. ");
                    cmd.CommandText += "WHERE ";
                    if (FirstNameTextBox.Text != "")
                        cmd.CommandText += "FirstName LIKE '%" + FirstNameTextBox.Text + "%' ";
                        anotherQuery     = true;

                    if (LastNameTextBox.Text != "")
                        if (anotherQuery)
                            cmd.CommandText += " AND ";
                        cmd.CommandText += "LastName LIKE '%" + LastNameTextBox.Text + "%' ";
                        anotherQuery     = true;

                    if (ClubTextBox.Text != "")
                        if (anotherQuery)
                            cmd.CommandText += " AND ";
                        cmd.CommandText += "Clubs.ClubName LIKE '%" + ClubTextBox.Text + "%' ";
                        anotherQuery     = true;

                    if (LeagueTextBox.Text != "")
                        if (anotherQuery)
                            cmd.CommandText += " AND ";
                        cmd.CommandText += "Leagues.LeagueName LIKE '%" + LeagueTextBox.Text + "%' ";
                        anotherQuery     = true;

                    if (PositionDropDown.SelectedIndex != 0)
                        if (anotherQuery)
                            cmd.CommandText += " AND ";
                        cmd.CommandText += "Positions.PositionRef = " + PositionDropDown.SelectedValue + " ";
                        anotherQuery     = true;
            clearButtonPress = false;

            cmd.CommandText +=
                "GROUP BY FirstName, LastName, Players.PositionRef, Positions.PositionName, Cost, " +
                "Clubs.ClubName, Leagues.LeagueName, Players.PlayerId " +
                "ORDER BY LastName, FirstName";

            cmd.Connection = con;
            try {
                DataTable temp = new DataTable();

                PlayerSearchGridView.EmptyDataText = "No Records Found";

                /*HyperLinkColumn hplink = new HyperLinkColumn();
                 * hplink.Text = "Link";
                 * temp.Columns.Add(hplink.Text);
                 * for(int i = 0; i < temp.Rows.Count; i++) {
                 *  int playerId = (int)temp.Rows[i]["PlayerId"];
                 *  //temp.Rows[i]["Link"] = "<a href=\"./Players/ViewPlayer.aspx?player=" + playerId + "\">Click Here</a>";
                 *  //HyperLink tempo = new HyperLink();
                 *  temp.Rows[i][hplink.Text] = String.Format("<a href='./Players/ViewPlayer.aspx?player="
                 + playerId +"'>HAHA</a>");
                 +  //tempo.NavigateUrl = "./Players/ViewPlayer.aspx?player=" + playerId;
                 +  //tempo.Text = "Click Here";
                 +  //temp.Rows[i]["Link"] = tempo;
                 + }*/

                PlayerSearchGridView.DataSource = temp;
            } catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ex) {
            } finally {
