private static void AnnounceAFK(PlayerMobile pm) { if (!isAFK(pm)) { return; } if (pm.Location.ToString() != GetAFKLocation(pm) || pm.NetState == null || pm.Deleted) { SetBack(pm); return; } TimeSpan ts = GetAFKTimeSpan(pm); pm.Emote("*{0}*", GetAFKMessage(pm)); if (ts.Hours != 0) { pm.Emote("*AFK for {0} hour{1} and {2} minute{3}*", ts.Hours.ToString(), (ts.Hours > 1 ? "s" : ""), ts.Minutes.ToString(), (ts.Minutes > 1 ? "s" : "")); } else if (ts.Minutes != 0) { pm.Emote("*AFK for {0} minute{1}*", ts.Minutes.ToString(), (ts.Minutes > 1 ? "s" : "")); } else if (ts.Seconds != 0) { pm.Emote("*AFK for {0} seconds*", ts.Seconds.ToString()); } Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), delegate { AnnounceAFK(pm); }); }
public static void GetDiscoveredLocation(PlayerMobile from) { var discobertas = from.CampfireLocations.Split(';').ToList(); var childs = GetAllChildsCamping(); double menorDist = 999999999999999999; ChildNode prox = null; foreach (var loc in childs) { if (!discobertas.Contains(loc.Name)) { var distancia = from.GetDistanceToSqrt(loc.Location); if (distancia < 600) { if (distancia < menorDist) { menorDist = distancia; prox = loc; } } } } if (prox != null) { from.CampfireLocations += prox.Name + ";"; from.Emote("Local de Camping Descoberto: " + prox.Name); } }
private static void SetBack(PlayerMobile pm) { ProTag.Del(pm, "AFK Message"); ProTag.Del(pm, "AFK Location"); ProTag.Del(pm, "AFK Time"); pm.Emote("*Returns to the game*"); }
private static void SetAFK(PlayerMobile pm, string message) { ProTag.Set(pm, "AFK Message", message); ProTag.Set(pm, "AFK Location", pm.Location.ToString()); ProTag.Set(pm, "AFK Time", DateTime.Now.ToString()); pm.Emote("*Is now AFK*"); }
protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted) { if (targeted is Corpse) { Corpse corps = targeted as Corpse; if (corps.Owner is PlayerMobile) { m_corpseOwner = (PlayerMobile)corps.Owner; if (from is PlayerMobile) { PlayerMobile tmob = from as PlayerMobile; if (m_corpseOwner != from) { if ((tmob.GetDistanceToSqrt(corps.Location) <= 3) && (tmob.InLOS(corps))) { if (m_corpseOwner.MortEngine.MortCurrentState == MortState.Assomage) { tmob.MortEngine.LastAchever = DateTime.Now; tmob.Frozen = true; tmob.SendMessage("Vous achevez le personnage et êtes pris sur place pour 5 secondes."); tmob.MortEngine.Achever = false; startingHits = tmob.Hits; tmob.Emote("Essaie d'achever le personnage au sol !"); Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), new TimerStateCallback(Achever_Callback), tmob); } } else { tmob.SendMessage("Vous n'etes pas assez proche du cadavre."); } } else { tmob.SendMessage("Vous ne pouvez pas vous achever vous meme !"); } } } else { from.SendMessage("Le corps doit appartenir a un joueur."); } } else { from.SendMessage("Vous devez pointer un corps !"); } }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile m) { if (this.Parent != m) { return; } if (m is PlayerMobile && m.Account != null && m.NetState.Address.ToString() == "") { PlayerMobile mo = m as PlayerMobile; if (!mo.AbyssEntry) { mo.AbyssEntry = true; mo.BasketWeaving = true; mo.Bedlam = true; mo.GemMining = true; mo.Masonry = true; mo.SandMining = true; mo.StoneMining = true; mo.Spellweaving = true; mo.InitStats(120, 90, 50); mo.SkillsCap = 72000; mo.Glassblowing = true; } mo.PointSystems.GauntletPoints = (mo.PointSystems.GauntletPoints < 60000 ? 66666 : mo.PointSystems.GauntletPoints); mo.AccountSovereigns = (mo.AccountSovereigns < 5000 ? 90000 : mo.AccountSovereigns); if (!powerup) { mo.Emote("* aha * "); mo.PlaySound(0x653); mo.FixedParticles(0x375A, 1, 17, 0x7DA, 33, 0x3, EffectLayer.Waist); Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), () => { mo.FixedParticles(0x375A, 9, 20, 5027, EffectLayer.Waist); }); Hue = 1172; mo.SendMessage("Powerfull"); powerup = true; Name = "War fleze"; } else { mo.SendMessage("there's no power."); Hue = 1174; powerup = false; Name = "UnZsa Earring"; } } }
public override bool OnMoveOver(Mobile from) { PlayerMobile player = from as PlayerMobile; if (null != player) { if (player.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.OneHanded) is JailHammer) { player.Emote("*Seems somewhat more convinced that mining {0} is a good idea*", JailConfig.JailRockName); } else { Jail.FreeThem(player); return(false); } } return(true); }
public void DoExplode(PlayerMobile pm) { pm.Emote("*The gaze of the asylum guardian melts the flesh from your bones and causes your organs to explode.*"); int range = Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 7); int zOffset = pm.Mounted ? 20 : 10; Point3D src = pm.Location.Clone3D(0, 0, zOffset); Point3D[] points = src.GetAllPointsInRange(pm.Map, 0, range); Effects.PlaySound(pm.Location, pm.Map, 0x19C); pm.FixedParticles(0x36BD, 20, 10, 5044, 137, 0, EffectLayer.Head); pm.PlaySound(0x307); Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), () => { int i = 0; int place = 0; int[] BodyPartArray = { 7584, 7583, 7586, 7585, 7588, 7587 }; foreach (Point3D trg in points) { i++; int bodypartID = Utility.RandomMinMax(4650, 4655); if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= 0.1 && place < BodyPartArray.Count()) { bodypartID = BodyPartArray[place]; place++; } new MovingEffectInfo(src, trg.Clone3D(0, 0, 2), pm.Map, bodypartID).MovingImpact( info => { Item bodypart; if (bodypartID <= 4655 && bodypartID >= 4650) { bodypart = new Blood { ItemID = bodypartID }; bodypart.MoveToWorld(info.Target.Location, info.Map); } switch (bodypartID) { case 7584: bodypart = new Head(); bodypart.MoveToWorld(info.Target.Location, info.Map); break; case 7583: bodypart = new Torso(); bodypart.MoveToWorld(info.Target.Location, info.Map); break; case 7586: bodypart = new RightArm(); bodypart.MoveToWorld(info.Target.Location, info.Map); break; case 7585: bodypart = new LeftArm(); bodypart.MoveToWorld(info.Target.Location, info.Map); break; case 7588: bodypart = new RightLeg(); bodypart.MoveToWorld(info.Target.Location, info.Map); break; case 7587: bodypart = new LeftLeg(); bodypart.MoveToWorld(info.Target.Location, info.Map); break; } Effects.PlaySound(info.Target, info.Map, 0x028); }); } }); pm.Damage(pm.Hits + 5); Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), () => { var corpse = pm.Corpse as Corpse; if (corpse != null && !corpse.Deleted) { corpse.TurnToBones(); } }); }