Пример #1
        public Task <IPlayerGrain> NewPlayer(IAccountGrain account, string name)
            if (_state == GameState.Unstarted)
                var          accountKey = account.GetPrimaryKey();
                IPlayerGrain playerGrain;
                if (_players.TryGetValue(accountKey, out playerGrain))

                var playerGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
                playerGrain = PlayerGrainFactory.GetGrain(playerGuid);
                playerGrain.Create(this, account, name);
                _players.Add(accountKey, playerGrain);
                account.JoinGame(this, playerGrain);

                Console.WriteLine(" -- {0,-10} -- New player joined {1}.", "Game", _name);
                Console.WriteLine(" -- {0,-10} -- Cannot join a started game.", "Game");
                return(Task.FromResult <IPlayerGrain>(null));
Пример #2
        public async Task <ActionResult> Join(Guid id)
            var guid   = GetGuid();
            var player = PlayerGrainFactory.GetGrain(guid);
            var state  = await player.JoinGame(id);

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", id));
Пример #3
        public async Task <ActionResult> Join(Guid id)
            var guid   = GetGuid();
            var player = PlayerGrainFactory.GetGrain(guid);
            var state  = await player.JoinGame(id);

            return(Json(new { GameState = state }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #4
        public async Task <ActionResult> CreateGame()
            var guid       = GetGuid();
            var player     = PlayerGrainFactory.GetGrain(guid);
            var gameIdTask = await player.CreateGame();

            return(Json(new { GameId = gameIdTask }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #5
        public async Task <ActionResult> SetUser(string id)
            var guid   = GetGuid();
            var player = PlayerGrainFactory.GetGrain(guid);
            await player.SetUsername(id);

            return(Json(new { }));
Пример #6
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index()
            var guid          = GetGuid();
            var player        = PlayerGrainFactory.GetGrain(guid);
            var gamesTask     = player.GetGameSummaries();
            var availableTask = player.GetAvailableGames();
            await Task.WhenAll(gamesTask, availableTask);

            return(Json(new object[] { gamesTask.Result, availableTask.Result }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Presense grain calls this method to update the game with its latest status
        /// </summary>
        public async Task UpdateGameStatus(GameStatus status)
            this.status = status;

            // Check for new players that joined since last update
            foreach (Guid player in status.Players)
                if (!players.Contains(player))
                        // Here we call player grains serially, which is less efficient than a fan-out but simpler to express.
                        await PlayerGrainFactory.GetGrain(player).JoinGame(this);

                    catch (Exception)
                        // Ignore exceptions while telling player grains to join the game.
                        // Since we didn't add the player to the list, this will be tried again with next update.

            // Check for players that left the game since last update
            List <Task> promises = new List <Task>();

            foreach (Guid player in players)
                if (!status.Players.Contains(player))
                        // Here we do a fan-out with multiple calls going out in parallel. We join the promisses later.
                        // More code to write but we get lower latency when calling multiple player grains.
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Ignore exceptions while telling player grains to leave the game.
                        // Since we didn't remove the player from the list, this will be tried again with next update.

            // Joining promises
            await Task.WhenAll(promises);

            // Notify subsribers about the latest game score
            subscribers.Notify((s) => s.UpdateGameScore(status.Score));

        async Task IPlayerRegistrationGrain.Register(IPlayerObserver playerObserver)
            var playerId = this.GetPrimaryKey();

            // first have someone else to wait for future notifications from the GameServerGrain
            IPlayerGrain playerInGame = PlayerGrainFactory.GetGrain(playerId);

            // Forward subscription to the corresponding PlayerInGameGrain and trigger lobby service.
            var playerInfo = await playerInGame.Subscribe(playerObserver);

            // *then* ask to start a GameServerGrain via lobby
            await _lobby.RegisterPlayer(playerInGame, playerInfo);
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Simulates a companion application that connects to the game that a particular player is currently part of
        /// and subscribes to receive live notifications about its progress.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)

                // Hardcoded player ID
                Guid         playerId = new Guid("{2349992C-860A-4EDA-9590-000000000006}");
                IPlayerGrain player   = PlayerGrainFactory.GetGrain(playerId);
                IGameGrain   game     = null;

                while (game == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Getting current game for player {0}...", playerId);

                        game = player.GetCurrentGame().Result;
                        if (game == null) // Wait until the player joins a game
                            game = null;
                    catch (Exception exc)
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception: ", exc.GetBaseException());

                Console.WriteLine("Subscribing to updates for game {0}...", game.GetPrimaryKey());

                // Subscribe for updates
                var watcher = new GameObserver();

                // Block main thread so that the process doesn't exit. Updates arrive on thread pool threads.
                Console.WriteLine("Subscribed successfully. Press <Enter> to stop.");
            catch (Exception exc)
                Console.WriteLine("Unexpected Error: {0}", exc.GetBaseException());
Пример #10
        public async Task <GameSummary> GetSummary(Guid player)
            var promises = new List <Task <string> >();

            foreach (var p in this.ListOfPlayers.Where(p => p != player))
            await Task.WhenAll(promises);

            return(new GameSummary
                NumMoves = this.ListOfMoves.Count,
                State = this.GameState,
                YourMove = this.GameState == GameState.InPlay && player == this.ListOfPlayers[this.indexNextPlayerToMove],
                NumPlayers = this.ListOfPlayers.Count,
                GameId = this.GetPrimaryKey(),
                Usernames = promises.Select(x => x.Result).ToArray(),
                Name = this.name,
                GameStarter = this.ListOfPlayers.FirstOrDefault() == player
Пример #11
        // make a move during the game
        public async Task <GameState> MakeMove(GameMove move)
            // check if its a legal move to make
            if (this.GameState != GameState.InPlay)
                throw new ApplicationException("This game is not in play");

            if (ListOfPlayers.IndexOf(move.PlayerId) < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("No such playerid for this game", "move");
            if (move.PlayerId != ListOfPlayers[indexNextPlayerToMove])
                throw new ArgumentException("The wrong player tried to make a move", "move");

            if (move.X < 0 || move.X > 2 || move.Y < 0 || move.Y > 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("Bad co-ordinates for a move", "move");
            if (theBoard[move.X, move.Y] != -1)
                throw new ArgumentException("That square is not empty", "move");

            // record move
            this.theBoard[move.X, move.Y] = indexNextPlayerToMove;

            // check for a winning move
            var win = false;

            if (!win)
                for (int i = 0; i < 3 && !win; i++)
                    win = isWinningLine(theBoard[i, 0], theBoard[i, 1], theBoard[i, 2]);
            if (!win)
                for (int i = 0; i < 3 && !win; i++)
                    win = isWinningLine(theBoard[0, i], theBoard[1, i], theBoard[2, i]);
            if (!win)
                win = isWinningLine(theBoard[0, 0], theBoard[1, 1], theBoard[2, 2]);
            if (!win)
                win = isWinningLine(theBoard[0, 2], theBoard[1, 1], theBoard[2, 0]);

            // check for draw

            var draw = false;

            if (this.ListOfMoves.Count() == 9)
                draw = true;  // we could try to look for stalemate earlier, if we wanted
            // handle end of game
            if (win || draw)
                // game over
                this.GameState = GameState.Finished;
                if (win)
                    WinnerId = ListOfPlayers[indexNextPlayerToMove];
                    LoserId  = ListOfPlayers[(indexNextPlayerToMove + 1) % 2];

                // collect tasks up, so we await both notifications at the same time
                var promises = new List <Task>();
                // inform this player of outcome
                var playerGrain = PlayerGrainFactory.GetGrain(ListOfPlayers[indexNextPlayerToMove]);
                promises.Add(playerGrain.LeaveGame(this.GetPrimaryKey(), win ? GameOutcome.Win : GameOutcome.Draw));

                // inform other player of outcome
                playerGrain = PlayerGrainFactory.GetGrain(ListOfPlayers[(indexNextPlayerToMove + 1) % 2]);
                promises.Add(playerGrain.LeaveGame(this.GetPrimaryKey(), win ? GameOutcome.Lose : GameOutcome.Draw));
                await Task.WhenAll(promises);


            // if game hasnt ended, prepare for next players move
            indexNextPlayerToMove = (indexNextPlayerToMove + 1) % 2;