Пример #1
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */

    // basic functions
    void action()       // action function
    /* ------------------------ Movement ---------------------------- */
        float movement = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");          // get input axis from player

        // flip the sprite to facing left or right
        if (movement > 0 && facingLeft)
        else if (movement < 0 && !facingLeft)

        // move player according to the input axis
        transform.position += new Vector3((movement * speed), 0, 0);
        /* -------------------------- # ------------------------------ */

        /* ------------------------ jump ----------------------------- */
        groundChecker.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, groundChecker.position.y, 0); // update grounchecker's position
        grounded = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(groundChecker.position, .02f, targetGround);          // check if the groundchecker overlap the ground

        if (grounded)                                                                            // player currently grounded, player cannot double jump
            doubleJump = false;                                                                  // player cannot do doublejump
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && (grounded || !doubleJump))
            GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ().AddForce(Vector2.up * jumpForce); // player can jump or double jump

            if (!doubleJump && !grounded)                                   // player are not on the ground and not double jump yet, player can double jump
                doubleJump = true;
        /* ------------------------- # --------------------------- */

        /* ----------------------- attack ------------------------------ */
        bool attacking = false;

        if (grounded)
            if (playerAttack.getCanAttack())              // check eligibility for the player to attack
                if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z))          // get player's input
                    attacking = true;                     // player will attack
                    playerEnergy.energyDecrease(20);      // player attempt to attack, energy will be decreased by 20


                    if (playerEnergy.getEnergy() < 20)                      // if player's energy below the capacity, player cannot attack
                playerEnergy.isExhausted(playerAttack, energyGUI);                  // player is exhausted, wait until energy is 100% replinished to attack again
        /* ---------------------- # ----------------------------- */

        /* ---------------------- update animator ------------------- */
        GetComponent <Animator> ().SetFloat("movement", Mathf.Abs(movement));
        GetComponent <Animator> ().SetBool("grounded", grounded);
        GetComponent <Animator> ().SetBool("attack", attacking);
        GetComponent <Animator> ().SetFloat("vSpeed", GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ().velocity.y);
        /* --------------------------- # --------------------------------- */