Пример #1
        public static void BeingAttacked()
            foreach (Player target in Sky_boss.targets)
                if (time++ % elapsed * 2 == 0 && time != 0)
                    if (target != null)
                        if (npc.Distance(target.Center) < range)
                            switch (type)
                            case Melee:
                                target.Hurt(PlayerDeathReason.ByNPC(npc.whoAmI), 10, 0);

                            case Range:
                                target.velocity += ArchaeaNPC.AngleToSpeed(ArchaeaNPC.AngleTo(target.Center, npc.Center), 0.5f);
                                VelClamp(ref target.velocity, -2f, 2f, out target.velocity);

                            case Magic:
                                if (target.statMana > 5)
                                    target.statMana      -= 5;
                                    target.manaRegenDelay = 30;
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// This function deals damage within an area to the player when an explosion happens
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="DamageRadius"> Determines the radius of the damage projectiles explosion </param>
 /// <param name="DamagePosition"> Determines the center point of the damage projectiles explosion </param>
 /// <param name="Damage"> Stores the damage projectiles damage amount </param>
 /// <param name="npc"> Stores the npc who spawned the projectile </param>
 public static void ExplosionDamageEnemy(int DamageRadius, Vector2 DamagePosition, int Damage, int npc)
     foreach (Player player in Main.player)
         if (player == null || player.whoAmI == 255 || !player.active)
         if (player.EE().BlastShielding&&
         float dist = Vector2.Distance(player.Center, DamagePosition);
         int   dir  = (dist > 0) ? 1 : -1;
         if (dist / 16f <= DamageRadius && Main.netMode == NetmodeID.SinglePlayer)
             player.Hurt(PlayerDeathReason.ByNPC(npc), Damage, dir);
             player.hurtCooldowns[0] += 15;
         else if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient && dist / 16f <= DamageRadius)
             NetMessage.SendPlayerHurt(Main.myPlayer, PlayerDeathReason.ByNPC(npc), Damage, dir, false, pvp: true, 0);
Пример #3
 public override void ModifyHitPlayer(Player target, ref int damage, ref bool crit)
     if (target.active && !target.dead && !target.ghost)
         Main.NewText(":echdeath:", Color.Red);
         target.ghost = true;
         target.KillMe(PlayerDeathReason.ByNPC(npc.whoAmI), npc.damage, 0);
         for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
             CombatText.NewText(target.Hitbox, Color.Red, Main.rand.Next(npc.damage), true);
Пример #4
        public override void Kill(int timeLeft)
            MMod.explosionEffect(projectile, 1f);

            Player target   = Main.player[(int)projectile.ai[0]];
            float  dX       = target.position.X + (float)target.width * 0.5f - projectile.Center.X;
            float  dY       = target.position.Y - projectile.Center.Y;
            float  distance = (float)System.Math.Sqrt((double)(dX * dX + dY * dY));

            if (distance < 50)
                for (int i = 0; i < Main.npc.Length - 1; i++)
                    NPC berramyr = Main.npc[i];
                    if (berramyr.type == mod.NPCType("Berramyr"))
                        target.Hurt(PlayerDeathReason.ByNPC(i), 10, projectile.direction);
        public virtual void ExplosionDamage()
            float radius = 15f;

            foreach (NPC npcID in Main.npc)
                float dist = Vector2.Distance(npcID.Center, npc.Center);
                if (dist / 16f <= radius && !npcID.boss)
                    int dir = (dist > 0) ? 1 : -1;
                    npcID.StrikeNPC(120, 10f, dir, true);

            foreach (Player player in Main.player)
                if (player == null || player.whoAmI == 255 || !player.active)
                //if (!CanHitPlayer(player)) continue;
                if (player.EE().BlastShielding&&
                float dist = Vector2.Distance(player.Center, npc.Center);
                int   dir  = (dist > 0) ? 1 : -1;
                if (dist / 16f <= radius)
                    player.Hurt(PlayerDeathReason.ByNPC(npc.whoAmI), 120, dir);
                    player.hurtCooldowns[0] += 15;
                if (Main.netMode != 0)
                    NetMessage.SendPlayerHurt(player.whoAmI, PlayerDeathReason.ByNPC(npc.whoAmI), 120, dir, false, pvp: false, 0);
Пример #6
        public static void BeingAttacked()
            foreach (Player target in Main.player.Where(t => t.Distance(npc.Center) < range))
                if (time++ % elapsed * 2 == 0 && time != 0)
                    if (target != null)
                        if (npc.Distance(target.Center) < range)
                            switch (type)
                            case Melee:
                                target.Hurt(PlayerDeathReason.ByNPC(npc.whoAmI), 10, 0);
                                NetMessage.SendData(MessageID.HurtPlayer, -1, -1, null, target.whoAmI);

                            case Range:
                                target.velocity += ArchaeaNPC.AngleToSpeed(ArchaeaNPC.AngleTo(target.Center, npc.Center), 0.5f);
                                VelClamp(ref target.velocity, -2f, 2f, out target.velocity);

                            case Magic:
                                if (target.statMana > 5)
                                    target.statMana      -= 5;
                                    target.manaRegenDelay = 180;
                                    NetMessage.SendData(MessageID.PlayerMana, -1, -1, null, target.whoAmI, target.statMana);
Пример #7
        public override void AI()
            npc.timeLeft = 60;

            if (!npc.HasValidTarget)

            if (!(ceilingProj >= 0 && ceilingProj < Main.maxProjectiles &&
                  Main.projectile[ceilingProj].active && Main.projectile[ceilingProj].type == ModContent.ProjectileType <CeilingProj>()))
                if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                    ceilingProj = Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <CeilingProj>(), 0, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, npc.whoAmI);

                npc.netUpdate = true;

            if (npc.localAI[3] == 0)
                npc.localAI[3] = 1;

                if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                    int n = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, ModContent.NPCType <CeilingOfMoonLordEye>(), npc.whoAmI, npc.whoAmI, 1);
                    if (n != Main.maxNPCs && Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server)
                        NetMessage.SendData(MessageID.SyncNPC, number: n);

                    npc.ai[0] = n;

                    n = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, ModContent.NPCType <CeilingOfMoonLordEye>(), npc.whoAmI, npc.whoAmI, -1);
                    if (n != Main.maxNPCs && Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server)
                        NetMessage.SendData(MessageID.SyncNPC, number: n);

                    npc.ai[1] = n;

                    n = NPC.NewNPC((int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, ModContent.NPCType <CeilingOfMoonLordFace>(), npc.whoAmI, npc.whoAmI);
                    if (n != Main.maxNPCs && Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server)
                        NetMessage.SendData(MessageID.SyncNPC, number: n);

                    npc.ai[2] = n;

                npc.netUpdate = true;

            if (Main.LocalPlayer.active && !Main.LocalPlayer.dead && !Main.LocalPlayer.ghost)
                Main.LocalPlayer.AddBuff(ModContent.BuffType <Moonified>(), 2);

                if (Main.LocalPlayer.Center.Y < npc.Center.Y - 32 || //teleport and hurt if player is EVER above boss or too far to sides
                    Main.LocalPlayer.Center.Y > npc.Center.Y + 1500 ||
                    Math.Abs(Main.LocalPlayer.Center.X - npc.Center.X) > 1500)
                    Vector2 teleportPos = npc.Center;
                    teleportPos.Y += 250;

                    bool hurt = Main.LocalPlayer.Center.Y < npc.Center.Y;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                        int d = Dust.NewDust(Main.player[Main.myPlayer].position, Main.player[Main.myPlayer].width, Main.player[Main.myPlayer].height, 229, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 2.5f);
                        Main.dust[d].noGravity = true;
                        Main.dust[d].noLight   = true;
                        Main.dust[d].velocity *= 9f;

                    NetMessage.SendData(MessageID.Teleport, -1, -1, null, 0, Main.LocalPlayer.whoAmI, teleportPos.X, teleportPos.Y, 1);
                    Main.LocalPlayer.velocity = Vector2.Zero;
                    if (hurt)
                        Main.LocalPlayer.Hurt(PlayerDeathReason.ByNPC(npc.whoAmI), npc.damage, 1);
                        Main.LocalPlayer.immune           = false;
                        Main.LocalPlayer.immuneTime       = 0;
                        Main.LocalPlayer.hurtCooldowns[0] = 0;
                        Main.LocalPlayer.hurtCooldowns[1] = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                        int d = Dust.NewDust(Main.player[Main.myPlayer].position, Main.player[Main.myPlayer].width, Main.player[Main.myPlayer].height, 229, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 2.5f);
                        Main.dust[d].noGravity = true;
                        Main.dust[d].noLight   = true;
                        Main.dust[d].velocity *= 9f;

                if (Main.LocalPlayer.ZoneUnderworldHeight) //kill when reached underworld
                    Main.LocalPlayer.KillMe(PlayerDeathReason.ByOther(12), 9999, 0, false);

            if (npc.position.Y > Main.maxTilesY * 16) //despawn upon exiting the bottom of world
                npc.active = false;

            npc.velocity.Y = 1.5f;
            if (npc.life < npc.lifeMax * 0.75)
                npc.velocity.Y += 0.25f;
            if (npc.life < npc.lifeMax * 0.5)
                npc.velocity.Y += 0.4f;
            if (npc.life < npc.lifeMax * 0.25)
                npc.velocity.Y += 0.5f;
            if (npc.life < npc.lifeMax * 0.1)
                npc.velocity.Y += 0.6f;
            if (npc.life < npc.lifeMax * 0.66 && Main.expertMode)
                npc.velocity.Y += 0.3f;
            if (npc.life < npc.lifeMax * 0.33 && Main.expertMode)
                npc.velocity.Y += 0.3f;
            if (npc.life < npc.lifeMax * 0.05 && Main.expertMode)
                npc.velocity.Y += 0.6f;
            if (npc.life < npc.lifeMax * 0.035 && Main.expertMode)
                npc.velocity.Y += 0.6f;
            if (npc.life < npc.lifeMax * 0.025 && Main.expertMode)
                npc.velocity.Y += 0.6f;
            if (Main.expertMode)
                npc.velocity.Y = npc.velocity.Y * 1.35f + 0.35f;

            if (Math.Abs(Main.player[npc.target].Center.X - npc.Center.X) > 150)
                npc.velocity.X = 2 * npc.velocity.Y * Math.Sign(Main.player[npc.target].Center.X - npc.Center.X);

            if (npc.life < npc.lifeMax / 2)

            if (++npc.localAI[0] > 300)
                npc.localAI[0] = 0;
                if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient) //spray homing eyes
                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center + Main.rand.NextVector2Square(0f, npc.width), Vector2.UnitX.RotatedByRandom(Math.PI) * 6f,
                                                 ProjectileID.PhantasmalEye, npc.damage / 7, 0f, Main.myPlayer);
Пример #8
        public override void AI()
            if (!npc.HasValidTarget)
                //npc.ai[0] = 0;

                /*if (!npc.HasValidTarget)
                 * {
                 *  npc.active = false;
                 *  return;
                 * }*/

            //npc.life = npc.lifeMax;
            npc.damage  = npc.defDamage;
            npc.defense = npc.defDefense;

            npc.ai[0] += 0.05f;

            if (npc.HasValidTarget)
                Player player = Main.player[npc.target];
                npc.direction = npc.spriteDirection = npc.Center.X < player.Center.X ? 1 : -1;
                if (npc.ai[1] == 1)
                    npc.position += (player.position - player.oldPosition) * 0.25f;
                npc.velocity = npc.DirectionTo(player.Center) * npc.ai[0];
                if (npc.velocity.Length() > npc.Distance(player.Center))
                    npc.Center = player.Center;

                if (npc.timeLeft < 600)
                    npc.timeLeft = 600;
                if (npc.timeLeft > 60)
                    npc.timeLeft = 60;

            npc.scale = 1f + npc.ai[0] / 4f;

            if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient)
                int fullSize = (int)(40 * npc.scale);

                if (npc.ai[1] == 1)
                    for (int i = -fullSize / 2; i <= fullSize / 2; i += 8)
                        for (int j = -fullSize / 2; j <= fullSize / 2; j += 8)
                            int tileX = (int)(npc.Center.X + i) / 16;
                            int tileY = (int)(npc.Center.Y + j) / 16;

                            //out of bounds checks
                            if (tileX > -1 && tileX < Main.maxTilesX && tileY > -1 && tileY < Main.maxTilesY)
                                Tile tile = Framing.GetTileSafely(tileX, tileY);
                                if (tile.type != 0 || tile.wall != 0)
                                    WorldGen.KillTile(tileX, tileY, noItem: true);
                                    WorldGen.KillWall(tileX, tileY);
                                    if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server)
                                        NetMessage.SendData(MessageID.TileChange, -1, -1, null, 0, tileX, tileY);

                for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxNPCs; i++)
                    if (Main.npc[i].active && Main.npc[i].type != npc.type && npc.Distance(Main.npc[i].Center) < fullSize / 2)
                        if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.SinglePlayer)
                            Main.NewText(":echdeath:", Color.Red);
                        else if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server)
                            NetMessage.BroadcastChatMessage(NetworkText.FromLiteral(":echdeath:"), Color.Red);

                        Main.npc[i].StrikeNPC(npc.damage, 99f, npc.Center.X < Main.npc[i].Center.X ? 1 : -1);
                        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
                            CombatText.NewText(Main.npc[i].Hitbox, Color.Red, Main.rand.Next(npc.damage), true);

            if (Main.LocalPlayer.active && !Main.LocalPlayer.dead && !Main.LocalPlayer.ghost &&
                Main.NewText(":echdeath:", Color.Red);
                Main.LocalPlayer.ghost = true;
                Main.LocalPlayer.KillMe(PlayerDeathReason.ByNPC(npc.whoAmI), npc.damage, 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    CombatText.NewText(Main.LocalPlayer.Hitbox, Color.Red, Main.rand.Next(npc.damage), true);

            if (npc.ai[1] == 1)
                if (!Main.dedServ && Main.LocalPlayer.active)
                    Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>().Screenshake = 2;

                if (npc.localAI[0] == 0)
                    Main.NewText("Echdeath has enraged.", Color.DarkRed);
                    npc.localAI[0] = 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < npc.buffImmune.Length; i++)
                        npc.buffImmune[i] = true;
                while (npc.buffType[0] != 0)
                if (npc.ai[2] == 0) //force life back to max until it works
                    if (npc.life == npc.lifeMax)
                        npc.ai[2] = 1;
                    npc.life = npc.lifeMax;
                if (npc.ai[0] > 30)
                    npc.ai[0] = 30;
Пример #9
        public override void AI()
            fuckingRun = Friends.Count == 0;
            if (!Base())

            // If there IS a target and a friend, then target a position 200 pixels away from the player.
            Vector2 goTo = Target.Center + Vector2.UnitY * -300;

            // Find all NPCs of my type and order them by whoAmI.
            List <NPC> likeMe  = Main.npc.Where(x => x.active && x.type == npc.type && x.ai[1] == npc.ai[1]).OrderBy(x => x.whoAmI).ToList();
            float      myIndex = likeMe.IndexOf(npc);

            // Find how far on a circle this NPC should be rotated by, in proportion to its index in the list.
            float rotatedBy = MathHelper.Lerp(0, MathHelper.TwoPi, myIndex / likeMe.Count);

            // Pivot around the Target for where this NPC should go.
            goTo = goTo.RotatedBy(rotatedBy, Target.Center);

            // Now go there!
            npc.velocity = npc.GoTo(goTo, 0.3f);
            npc.velocity = Vector2.Clamp(npc.velocity, Vector2.One * -6, Vector2.One * 6);

            // Also set up the "arcs," which are just Collision checks. If the player is colliding with a line, hurt him.
            foreach (var friend in Friends)
                // Is target colliding with a line?
                bool hittingLine = Collision.CheckAABBvLineCollision(
                    new Vector2(Target.Hitbox.Width, Target.Hitbox.Height),

                if (hittingLine && Target is Player tPlayer) // If it's a yes and the target is a player, run that player's hurt code.
                    tPlayer.Hurt(PlayerDeathReason.ByNPC(npc.whoAmI), npc.damage - 10, 0);
                    tPlayer.immune = true;

                else if (hittingLine && Target is NPC tNPC && tNPC.immune[255] <= 0) // Otherwise (and if yes), run the NPC's code.
                    tNPC.StrikeNPC(npc.damage, 2f, 0);
                    tNPC.immune[255] = 15;

                // Zoop
                dustSpawnPos += Main.rand.NextFloat() / 20f;
                dustSpawnPos %= 1f;

                Vector2 dir = (friend.Center - npc.Center).SafeNormalize(Vector2.Zero) * 38;

                Dust dust = Dust.NewDustPerfect(
                    Vector2.Lerp(npc.Center + dir, friend.Center - dir, dustSpawnPos),
                    DustType <DracocideDust>());
                dust.noLight    = true;
                dust.velocity   = Vector2.Zero;
                dust.customData = -20;
                dust.fadeIn     = 10;

            // Set the NPC's rotation between its other friends.
            if (Friends.Count == 1) // if only one, just face it.
                npc.rotation = (Friends[0].Center - npc.Center).ToRotation() + MathHelper.PiOver2;
            else if (myIndex == 1)
                npc.rotation = MathHelper.Lerp(Friends[0].rotation, Friends[1].rotation, 0.5f) + MathHelper.Pi;
            else // otherwise, average.
                npc.rotation = Friends.Average(x => (x.Center - npc.Center).ToRotation()) + MathHelper.PiOver2;
Пример #10
        private void floatAround(Vector2 moveTo, Player p)
            float fOne      = (float)Main.rand.Next(-100, 100);
            float fTwo      = (float)Main.rand.Next(-100, 100);
            float pX        = p.Center.X - npc.Center.X;
            float pY        = p.Center.Y - npc.Center.Y;
            float pDistance = (float)System.Math.Sqrt((double)(pX * pX + pY * pY));

            if (portCoolDown > 0)
            if (pDistance < 50 && portCoolDown == 0)
                MMod.explosionEffect(npc, 4f);
                for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
                    Player players         = Main.player[i];
                    float  dX              = players.Center.X - npc.Center.X;
                    float  dY              = players.Center.Y - npc.Center.Y;
                    float  playersDistance = (float)System.Math.Sqrt((double)dX * dX + dY * dY);
                    if (playersDistance < 50)
                        p.Hurt(PlayerDeathReason.ByNPC(npc.whoAmI), 30, p.direction);
                int[] posNeg    = { 1, -1 };
                float sX        = posNeg[Main.rand.Next(0, 1)];
                float sY        = posNeg[Main.rand.Next(0, 1)];
                float tDistance = 400f;
                npc.position.X = p.Center.X + (tDistance * sX) + fOne;
                npc.position.Y = p.Center.Y + (tDistance * sY) + fTwo;
                didOnce        = 0;
                portCoolDown   = 180;
            float moveToX  = moveTo.X - npc.Center.X + fOne;
            float moveToY  = moveTo.Y - npc.Center.Y + fTwo;
            float distance = (float)System.Math.Sqrt((double)(moveToX * moveToX + moveToY * moveToY));
            float speed    = 5f;

            if (pDistance > 500)
                speed = 15f;
            distance = speed / distance;
            moveToX *= distance;
            moveToY *= distance;
            if (pDistance > 500)
                pX += fOne * 2;
                pY += fTwo * 2;
                pX *= distance;
                pY *= distance;
            if (didOnce == 0 || pDistance > 500)
                npc.velocity.X = moveToX;
                npc.velocity.Y = moveToY;
                if (pDistance > 500)
                    npc.velocity.X = pX;
                    npc.velocity.Y = pY;
                didOnce = 1;
            if (mode == 4)
Пример #11
        public override void AI()
            if (initialize)
                hoverOffset = new Vector2(0, -200f);
                initialize  = false;

            // Run base AI and if not active do not execute glyph specific AI
            if (!isActive)

            // Toggle burn periodically
            if (aiPhase % burnInterval == 0)
                burnOn = !burnOn;
                move   = !burnOn;
                hover  = burnOn;
                if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.Server)
                    // Toggle shaders
                    if (burnOn)
                        npc.velocity = Vector2.Zero;

            // Update shaders
            if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.Server && Filters.Scene["GlyphBurningGlow"].IsActive() && Filters.Scene["GlyphBurningDistort"].IsActive())
                float progress = (float)filterTimer;
                float buildup  = (float)filterTimer / (float)filterBuildupTime;
                if (buildup > 1f)
                    buildup = 1f;

                // Intensity is the buildup of the overexposure glow, progress is just time

            // If burning
            if (burnOn)
                if (aiPhase % 40 == 0)
                    Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item82, npc.Center);
                // Raycast each player and deal dmg if hit
                foreach (Player player in players)
                    Vector2 dir = player.Center - npc.Center;
                    if (dir.Length() < burnDistance)
                        bool    reached = false;
                        bool    hitWall = false;
                        Vector2 curPos  = npc.Center + dir * 25f;

                        // Basically check every tile between npc and player(s)
                        while (!reached && !hitWall)
                            Tile tile = Main.tile[(int)curPos.X / 16, (int)curPos.Y / 16];
                            if (tile != null && Main.tileSolid[tile.type] && tile.collisionType == 1)
                                hitWall = true; // Wall hit
                            if ((npc.Center - curPos).Length() >= (npc.Center - player.Center).Length())
                                reached = true; // Player hit
                            curPos += dir * 0.5f;

                        // Deal damage if player is hit
                        if (reached)
                            int direction = npc.Center.X > player.Center.X ? -1 : 1;
                            player.Hurt(PlayerDeathReason.ByNPC(npc.whoAmI), burnDamage, direction);

            if (move)
                MoveTowards(npc, boss.Center + hoverOffset, targetingSpeed, targetingTurnResistance);

            if (hover)
                npc.velocity -= lastHoverVelocity;
                float vel = (float)Math.Cos(aiPhase / 180f * Math.PI);
                lastHoverVelocity = new Vector2(Main.rand.NextFloat(-0.3f, 0.3f), vel * 0.5f);
                npc.velocity     += lastHoverVelocity;
