void CmdBroadcastDataFromAllCrew()
        GameObject[] allCrew = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("PlayerCrew");

        for (int i = 0; i < allCrew.Length; i++)
            // access this PlayerCrew's data from server, propogate to all clients

            //  broadcast references again
            PlayerCrew currentCrewScriptRef = allCrew[i].GetComponent <PlayerCrew>();
            currentCrewScriptRef.setPlayerReferences(currentCrewScriptRef.ownerId, currentCrewScriptRef.myShipId);

            // broadcast some ship info
            ShipMovement shipScriptRef = currentCrewScriptRef.playerShipRef.GetComponent <ShipMovement>();
    void CmdCreatePlayerOnShip(int shipNum)
        string findShip = shipName(shipNum);

        myShipNum = (short)shipNum;

        Debug.Log("Joining ship: " + findShip);

        //  Spawn this client's playerCrew on all clients
        //  Set crew on the correct ship
        //  set back and forth references between owner and crew on ALL clients
        myCrew = Instantiate(playerCrewPrefab);
        PlayerCrew crewScriptRef = myCrew.GetComponent <PlayerCrew>();

        //crewScriptRef.ownerId = netId.Value;
        //crewScriptRef.myShipId = shipNum;

        NetworkServer.SpawnWithClientAuthority(myCrew, connectionToClient); // give authority over spawned object to the client that called this command

        crewScriptRef.setPlayerReferences(netId.Value, shipNum);            // current function body is on the server, therefore this line will execute only on server