public void SimulateStartedGame() { PlayerCredentialsDto startedGame = new PlayerCredentialsDto() { /* * EncryptionKey = "fake", * GameId = 125432223.0, * LastSelectedSkinIndex = 0, * ServerIp = "", * Observer = false, * SummonerId = 222908.0, * ObserverServerIp = "", * DataVersion = 0, * HandshakeToken = "fake", * PlayerId = 20006292.0, * ServerPort = 5129, * ObserverServerPort = 8088, * SummonerName = "Snowl", * ObserverEncryptionKey = "fake", * ChampionId = 133 */ }; MessageReceived(startedGame); }
internal static void LaunchGame() { string GameDirectory = Location; var p = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = GameDirectory; p.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(GameDirectory, "League of Legends.exe"); p.Exited += p_Exited; p.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"8394\" \"" + RootLocation + "LoLLauncher.exe" + "\" \"" + "\" \"" + CurrentGame.ServerIp + " " + CurrentGame.ServerPort + " " + CurrentGame.EncryptionKey + " " + CurrentGame.SummonerId + "\""; p.Start(); MainWin.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; MainWin.Hide(); string ObserverServerIp; double GameId; string InternalName; string ObserverEncryptionKey; PlayerCredentialsDto replaydata = CurrentGame; ObserverServerIp = replaydata.ObserverServerIp; GameId = replaydata.GameId; InternalName = Region.InternalName; ObserverEncryptionKey = replaydata.ObserverEncryptionKey; Autorecorder = new JustUltedProj.Logic.Replays.ReplayRecorder(ObserverServerIp, (Int32)GameId, InternalName, ObserverEncryptionKey); }
private static void ChampSelectHandler(object sender, object message) { //Launching the Game if (((MessageReceivedEventArgs)message).Body.GetType() == typeof(PlayerCredentialsDto)) { //Wait 5 Secs uh yeah! Thread.Sleep(5000); PlayerCredentialsDto dto = ((MessageReceivedEventArgs)message).Body as PlayerCredentialsDto; runningGameDto = dto; //if (Client.botType != "HOST" && lastSummonerData.SummonerLevelAndPoints.SummonerLevel >= 10 && botLevelLimit != "LEVEL_30") //{ // Console.WriteLine("Ignoring game due to we reached LVL_10 :))!"); // return; //} inInviteLobby = false; StartClient(dto); //observerThread = new Thread(CheckForReconnect); //observerThread.Start(); //if (botLevelLimit == "LEVEL_30") // Task.Run(async () => await CheckForReconnect()); } }
public async void Launch(PlayerCredentialsDto playerCredentialsDto) { _playerCredentialsDto = playerCredentialsDto; _ignite = new IgniteClient(playerCredentialsDto); //Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", playerCredentialsDto.serverIp, playerCredentialsDto.serverPort, playerCredentialsDto.encryptionKey, playerCredentialsDto.summonerId); //return; new System.Threading.Tasks.Task(() => _ignite.Start()).Start(); var timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5).TotalMilliseconds; timer.Elapsed += (s, e) => { if (!_ignite.Connected) { Flash.Log.Write("[{0}] Time out reached.", playerCredentialsDto.summonerName); _ignite.Exit(); _ignite = new IgniteClient(_playerCredentialsDto); new System.Threading.Tasks.Task(() => _ignite.Start()).Start(); return; } (s as Timer).Stop(); }; timer.Start(); }
public static Task StartGame(string realmId, PlayerCredentialsDto game) { if (game == null) return (Task) Task.FromResult<bool>(true); JsApiService.Push("game:reconnect", (object) null); return GameMaestroService.RunLeagueOfLegends(realmId, string.Format("\"56471\" \"wintermint-delegator\" \"wintermint-delegator\" \"{0} {1} {2} {3}\"", (object) game.ServerIp, (object) game.ServerPort, (object) game.EncryptionKey, (object) game.SummonerId)); }
private void Game_GameStarted(object sender, PlayerCredentialsDto creds) { ChampSelectCompleted?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs()); Session.Current.Credentials = creds; Session.Current.JoinGame(); Dispose(); }
public static void StartClient(PlayerCredentialsDto dto) { System.IO.File.Delete("Logs/Rooms/" + hostName + ".roomID"); //Start our ClientEmu with Params var process = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); process.StartInfo.FileName = "ClientEmu.exe"; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized; process.StartInfo.ErrorDialog = false; process.StartInfo.Arguments = dto.ServerIp + " " + dto.ServerPort + " " + dto.EncryptionKey + " " + dto.SummonerId + " " + Client.botType + " " + userName + " "; if (botLevelLimit == "LEVEL_30" && !groupSplitted) // CHANGE TO LEVEL_30 { process.StartInfo.Arguments += "LEVEL_10"; //Need this to fake dominion! CHANGE TO LEVEL_10 } //else if (botLevelLimit == "LEVEL_10") // process.StartInfo.Arguments += "LEVEL_30"; else { process.StartInfo.Arguments += botLevelLimit; } if (process.Start() == false) { Console.WriteLine("Could no start ClientEmu.exe!"); } Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss tt") + " started"); RiotCalls.SetClientReceivedGameMessage(globalDto.Id, "GAME_START_CLIENT"); //RiotCalls.SetClientReceivedGameMessage(globalDto.Id, "GameClientConnectedToServer"); //Client.RtmpConnection.MessageReceived -= ChampSelectHandler; acceptedGame = false; gameStarted = true; //try //{ // System.IO.File.Delete("Logs/Rooms/" + hostName + ".invitationlist"); //} //catch (Exception e) //{ } //try //{ // System.IO.File.Delete("Logs/Rooms/" + hostNameTwo + ".invitationlist"); //} //catch (Exception e) //{ } }
public static async Task<bool> TryStartGame(string realmId, PlayerCredentialsDto game) { bool flag; try { await GameMaestroService.StartGame(realmId, game); flag = true; } catch { flag = false; } return flag; }
public IgniteClient(PlayerCredentialsDto credentials) { _credentials = credentials; _callbacks = new Dictionary <PacketCommand, OnPacket>() { { PacketCommand.Batch, OnBatchPacket }, { PacketCommand.KeyCheck, OnKeyCheck }, { PacketCommand.World_SendGameNumber, OnWorldSendGameNumber }, { PacketCommand.S2C_QueryStatusAns, OnQueryStatusAns }, { PacketCommand.S2C_SynchVersion, OnSyncVersionAns }, { PacketCommand.S2C_HeroSpawn, OnHeroSpawn }, { PacketCommand.S2C_MinionSpawn, OnMinionSpawn }, { PacketCommand.S2C_RemoveVisionBuff, OnRemoveVisionBuff } // {PacketCommand.S2C_EndGame, OnExitGame} }; _capturePoints = new List <uint>(); }
internal override bool HandleMessage(MessageReceivedEventArgs args) { GameDTO game = args.Body as GameDTO; PlayerCredentialsDto creds = args.Body as PlayerCredentialsDto; if (game != null) { GotGameData(game); return(true); } else if (creds != null) { OnGameStart(creds); return(true); } return(false); }
public void LaunchGame(PlayerCredentialsDto CurrentGame) { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; startInfo.WorkingDirectory = FindLoLExe(); startInfo.FileName = "League of Legends.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = "\"8394\" \"LoLLauncher.exe\" \"\" \"" + CurrentGame.ServerIp + " " + CurrentGame.ServerPort + " " + CurrentGame.EncryptionKey + " " + CurrentGame.SummonerId + "\""; updateStatus("Playing League of Legends", Accountname); new Thread(() => { exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo); while (exeProcess.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { } Thread.Sleep(1000); }).Start(); }
private static void CountdownTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string ObserverServerIp; double GameId; string InternalName; string ObserverEncryptionKey; PlayerCredentialsDto replaydata = new PlayerCredentialsDto(); ObserverServerIp = replaydata.ObserverServerIp; GameId = replaydata.GameId; InternalName = Region.InternalName; ObserverEncryptionKey = replaydata.ObserverEncryptionKey; if (ReplayTimer.Interval == 0) { ReplayTimer.Stop(); Autorecorder = new LegendaryClient.Logic.Replays.AutoReplayRecorder(ObserverServerIp, GameId, InternalName, ObserverEncryptionKey); } }
internal static void LaunchGame() { string GameDirectory = Location; var p = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = GameDirectory; p.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(GameDirectory, "League of Legends.exe"); p.Exited += p_Exited; p.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"8394\" \"" + RootLocation + "LoLLauncher.exe" + "\" \"" + "\" \"" + CurrentGame.ServerIp + " " + CurrentGame.ServerPort + " " + CurrentGame.EncryptionKey + " " + CurrentGame.SummonerId + "\""; p.Start(); string ObserverServerIp; double GameId; string InternalName; string ObserverEncryptionKey; if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(ExecutingDirectory, "Replays", "ReplayRecorder.exe"))) { PlayerCredentialsDto replaydata = CurrentGame; ObserverServerIp = replaydata.ObserverServerIp; GameId = replaydata.GameId; InternalName = Region.InternalName; ObserverEncryptionKey = replaydata.ObserverEncryptionKey; System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer(); timer.Interval = 5000; timer.Elapsed += (o, e) => { var x = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); x.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = ExecutingDirectory; x.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(ExecutingDirectory, "Replays", "ReplayRecorder.exe"); x.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"" + ExecutingDirectory + "\" \"" + GameId + "\" \"" + ObserverEncryptionKey + "\" \"" + InternalName + "\" \"" + ObserverServerIp + "\""; x.Start(); timer.Stop(); }; timer.Start(); } }
private bool OnPlayerCredentials(PlayerCredentialsDto creds) { return(false); }
internal void JoinGame(PlayerCredentialsDto creds) { string str = $"{creds.ServerIp} {creds.ServerPort} {creds.EncryptionKey} {creds.SummonerId}"; Launch(str); }
/// <summary> /// Main logic behind Champion Select /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="message"></param> private void ChampSelect_OnMessageReceived(object sender, object message) { if (message.GetType() == typeof(GameDTO)) { #region In Champion Select GameDTO ChampDTO = message as GameDTO; LatestDto = ChampDTO; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, new ThreadStart(async() => { //Allow all champions to be selected (reset our modifications) ListViewItem[] ChampionArray = new ListViewItem[ChampionSelectListView.Items.Count]; ChampionSelectListView.Items.CopyTo(ChampionArray, 0); foreach (ListViewItem y in ChampionArray) { y.IsHitTestVisible = true; y.Opacity = 1; } //Push all teams into one array to save a foreach call (looks messy) List <Participant> AllParticipants = new List <Participant>(ChampDTO.TeamOne.ToArray()); AllParticipants.AddRange(ChampDTO.TeamTwo); foreach (Participant p in AllParticipants) { if (p is PlayerParticipant) { PlayerParticipant play = (PlayerParticipant)p; //If it is our turn to pick if (play.PickTurn == ChampDTO.PickTurn) { if (play.SummonerId == Client.LoginPacket.AllSummonerData.Summoner.SumId) { ChampionSelectListView.IsHitTestVisible = true; ChampionSelectListView.Opacity = 1; GameStatusLabel.Content = "Your turn to pick!"; break; } } } //Otherwise block selection of champions unless in dev mode if (!DevMode) { ChampionSelectListView.IsHitTestVisible = false; ChampionSelectListView.Opacity = 0.5; } GameStatusLabel.Content = "Waiting for others to pick..."; } //Champion select was cancelled if (ChampDTO.GameState == "TEAM_SELECT") { if (CountdownTimer != null) { CountdownTimer.Stop(); } FixChampSelect(); FakePage fakePage = new FakePage(); fakePage.Content = LobbyContent; Client.SwitchPage(fakePage); return; } else if (ChampDTO.GameState == "PRE_CHAMP_SELECT") { //Banning phase. Enable banning phase and this will render only champions for ban BanningPhase = true; PurpleBansLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; BlueBansLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; BlueBanListView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; PurpleBanListView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; GameStatusLabel.Content = "Bans are on-going"; counter = configType.BanTimerDuration - 3; #region Render Bans BlueBanListView.Items.Clear(); PurpleBanListView.Items.Clear(); foreach (var x in ChampDTO.BannedChampions) { Image champImage = new Image(); champImage.Height = 58; champImage.Width = 58; champImage.Source = champions.GetChampion(x.ChampionId).icon; if (x.TeamId == 100) { BlueBanListView.Items.Add(champImage); } else { PurpleBanListView.Items.Add(champImage); } foreach (ListViewItem y in ChampionArray) { if ((int)y.Tag == x.ChampionId) { ChampionSelectListView.Items.Remove(y); //Remove from arrays foreach (ChampionDTO PlayerChamps in ChampList.ToArray()) { if (x.ChampionId == PlayerChamps.ChampionId) { ChampList.Remove(PlayerChamps); break; } } foreach (ChampionBanInfoDTO BanChamps in ChampionsForBan.ToArray()) { if (x.ChampionId == BanChamps.ChampionId) { ChampionsForBan.Remove(BanChamps); break; } } } } } #endregion Render Bans } else if (ChampDTO.GameState == "CHAMP_SELECT") { //Picking has started. If pickturn has changed reset timer LastPickTurn = ChampDTO.PickTurn; BanningPhase = false; } else if (ChampDTO.GameState == "POST_CHAMP_SELECT") { //Post game has started. Allow trading CanTradeWith = await Client.PVPNet.GetPotentialTraders(); HasLockedIn = true; GameStatusLabel.Content = "All players have picked!"; if (configType != null) { counter = configType.PostPickTimerDuration - 2; } else { counter = 10; } } else if (ChampDTO.GameState == "START_REQUESTED") { GameStatusLabel.Content = "The game is about to start!"; DodgeButton.IsEnabled = false; //Cannot dodge past this point! counter = 1; } else if (ChampDTO.GameState == "TERMINATED") { //TODO } #region Display players BlueListView.Items.Clear(); PurpleListView.Items.Clear(); int i = 0; bool PurpleSide = false; //Aram hack, view other players champions & names (thanks to Andrew) List <PlayerChampionSelectionDTO> OtherPlayers = new List <PlayerChampionSelectionDTO>(ChampDTO.PlayerChampionSelections.ToArray()); bool AreWePurpleSide = false; foreach (Participant participant in AllParticipants) { Participant tempParticipant = participant; i++; ChampSelectPlayer control = new ChampSelectPlayer(); //Cast AramPlayers as PlayerParticipants. This removes reroll data if (tempParticipant is AramPlayerParticipant) { tempParticipant = new PlayerParticipant(tempParticipant.GetBaseTypedObject()); } if (tempParticipant is PlayerParticipant) { PlayerParticipant player = tempParticipant as PlayerParticipant; control.PlayerName.Content = player.SummonerName; foreach (PlayerChampionSelectionDTO selection in ChampDTO.PlayerChampionSelections) { #region Disable picking selected champs foreach (ListViewItem y in ChampionArray) { if ((int)y.Tag == selection.ChampionId) { y.IsHitTestVisible = false; y.Opacity = 0.5; if (configType != null) { if (configType.DuplicatePick) { y.IsHitTestVisible = true; y.Opacity = 1; } } } } #endregion Disable picking selected champs if (selection.SummonerInternalName == player.SummonerInternalName) { //Clear our teams champion selection for aram hack OtherPlayers.Remove(selection); control = RenderPlayer(selection, player); //If we have locked in render skin select if (HasLockedIn && selection.SummonerInternalName == Client.LoginPacket.AllSummonerData.Summoner.InternalName && !DevMode) { if (PurpleSide) { AreWePurpleSide = true; } RenderLockInGrid(selection); if (player.PointSummary != null) { LockInButton.Content = string.Format("Reroll ({0}/{1})", player.PointSummary.CurrentPoints, player.PointSummary.PointsCostToRoll); if (player.PointSummary.NumberOfRolls > 0) { LockInButton.IsEnabled = true; } else { LockInButton.IsEnabled = false; } } } } } } else if (tempParticipant is ObfuscatedParticipant) { control.PlayerName.Content = "Summoner " + i; } else if (tempParticipant is BotParticipant) { BotParticipant bot = tempParticipant as BotParticipant; string botChamp = bot.SummonerName.Split(' ')[0]; //Why is this internal name rito? champions botSelectedChamp = champions.GetChampion(botChamp); PlayerParticipant part = new PlayerParticipant(); PlayerChampionSelectionDTO selection = new PlayerChampionSelectionDTO(); selection.ChampionId =; part.SummonerName = botSelectedChamp.displayName + " bot"; control = RenderPlayer(selection, part); } else { control.PlayerName.Content = "Unknown Summoner"; } //Display purple side if we have gone through our team if (i > ChampDTO.TeamOne.Count) { i = 0; PurpleSide = true; } if (!PurpleSide) { BlueListView.Items.Add(control); } else { PurpleListView.Items.Add(control); } } //Do aram hack! if (OtherPlayers.Count > 0) { if (AreWePurpleSide) { BlueListView.Items.Clear(); } else { PurpleListView.Items.Clear(); } foreach (PlayerChampionSelectionDTO hackSelection in OtherPlayers) { ChampSelectPlayer control = new ChampSelectPlayer(); PlayerParticipant player = new PlayerParticipant(); player.SummonerName = hackSelection.SummonerInternalName; control = RenderPlayer(hackSelection, player); if (AreWePurpleSide) { BlueListView.Items.Add(control); } else { PurpleListView.Items.Add(control); } } } #endregion Display players })); #endregion In Champion Select } else if (message.GetType() == typeof(PlayerCredentialsDto)) { #region Launching Game PlayerCredentialsDto dto = message as PlayerCredentialsDto; Client.CurrentGame = dto; if (!HasLaunchedGame) { HasLaunchedGame = true; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, new ThreadStart(() => { if (CountdownTimer != null) { CountdownTimer.Stop(); } QuitCurrentGame(); })); Client.LaunchGame(); } #endregion Launching Game } else if (message.GetType() == typeof(TradeContractDTO)) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, new ThreadStart(() => { TradeContractDTO TradeDTO = message as TradeContractDTO; if (TradeDTO.State == "PENDING") { PlayerTradeControl.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; PlayerTradeControl.Tag = TradeDTO; PlayerTradeControl.AcceptButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; PlayerTradeControl.DeclineButton.Content = "Decline"; champions MyChampion = champions.GetChampion((int)TradeDTO.ResponderChampionId); PlayerTradeControl.MyChampImage.Source = MyChampion.icon; PlayerTradeControl.MyChampLabel.Content = MyChampion.displayName; champions TheirChampion = champions.GetChampion((int)TradeDTO.RequesterChampionId); PlayerTradeControl.TheirChampImage.Source = TheirChampion.icon; PlayerTradeControl.TheirChampLabel.Content = TheirChampion.displayName; PlayerTradeControl.RequestLabel.Content = string.Format("{0} wants to trade!", TradeDTO.RequesterInternalSummonerName); } else if (TradeDTO.State == "CANCELED" || TradeDTO.State == "DECLINED" || TradeDTO.State == "BUSY") { PlayerTradeControl.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden; NotificationPopup pop = new NotificationPopup(ChatSubjects.INVITE_STATUS_CHANGED, string.Format("{0} has {1} this trade", TradeDTO.RequesterInternalSummonerName, TradeDTO.State)); if (TradeDTO.State == "BUSY") { pop.NotificationTextBox.Text = string.Format("{0} is currently busy", TradeDTO.RequesterInternalSummonerName); } pop.Height = 200; pop.OkButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; pop.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; pop.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; Client.NotificationGrid.Children.Add(pop);//*/ } })); } }
private async void connection_OnMessageReceived(object sender, object message) { if (message is GameDTO) { GameDTO game = message as GameDTO; Console.WriteLine("Message Type:" + game.GameState); switch (game.GameState) { case "START_REQUESTED": break; case "FAILED_TO_START": Console.WriteLine("Failed to Start!"); break; case "CHAMP_SELECT": firstTimeInCustom = true; firstTimeInQueuePop = true; if (firstTimeInLobby) { firstTimeInLobby = false; object obj = await connection.SetClientReceivedGameMessage(game.Id, "CHAMP_SELECT_CLIENT"); if (QueueType != QueueTypes.ARAM) { int Spell1; int Spell2; var random = new Random(); var spellList = new List <int> { 13, 6, 7, 1, 11, 21, 12, 3, 14, 2, 4 }; int index = random.Next(spellList.Count); int index2 = random.Next(spellList.Count); int randomSpell1 = spellList[index]; int randomSpell2 = spellList[index2]; if (randomSpell1 == randomSpell2) { int index3 = random.Next(spellList.Count); randomSpell2 = spellList[index3]; } Spell1 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell1); Spell2 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell2); await connection.SelectSpells(Spell1, Spell2); var randAvailableChampsArray = myChampions.Shuffle(); await connection.SelectChampion(randAvailableChampsArray.First(champ => champ.Owned || champ.FreeToPlay).ChampionId); await connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); } break; } else { break; } case "PRE_CHAMP_SELECT": updateStatus(msgStatus.INFO, "Champion selection in progress"); break; case "POST_CHAMP_SELECT": firstTimeInLobby = false; if (firstTimeInPostChampSelect) { firstTimeInPostChampSelect = false; updateStatus(msgStatus.INFO, "Champion selection is done, waiting for game to start"); break; } else { break; } case "IN_QUEUE": updateStatus(msgStatus.INFO, "In Queue"); break; case "TERMINATED": updateStatus(msgStatus.INFO, "Re-entering queue"); firstTimeInPostChampSelect = true; firstTimeInQueuePop = true; break; case "JOINING_CHAMP_SELECT": if (firstTimeInQueuePop && game.StatusOfParticipants.Contains("1")) { updateStatus(msgStatus.INFO, "Accepted Queue"); firstTimeInQueuePop = false; firstTimeInLobby = true; object obj = await connection.AcceptPoppedGame(true); break; } else { break; } default: updateStatus(msgStatus.INFO, "[DEFAULT]" + game.GameStateString); break; } } else if (message.GetType() == typeof(TradeContractDTO)) { TradeContractDTO tradeDto = message as TradeContractDTO; if (tradeDto != null) { switch (tradeDto.State) { case "PENDING": if (tradeDto != null) { object obj = await connection.AcceptTrade(tradeDto.RequesterInternalSummonerName, (int)tradeDto.RequesterChampionId); break; } else { break; } } } } else if (message is PlayerCredentialsDto) { firstTimeInPostChampSelect = true; PlayerCredentialsDto dto = message as PlayerCredentialsDto; ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.WorkingDirectory = FindLoLExe(); startInfo.FileName = "League of Legends.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = "\"8394\" \"LoLLauncher.exe\" \"\" \"" + dto.ServerIp + " " + dto.ServerPort + " " + dto.EncryptionKey + " " + dto.SummonerId + "\""; updateStatus(msgStatus.INFO, "Launching League of Legends"); new Thread(() => { exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo); exeProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true; exeProcess.Exited += new EventHandler(exeProcess_Exited); while (exeProcess.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { } Console.WriteLine(exeProcess.MainWindowTitle); Thread.Sleep(1000); App.gameMask.addGame(info.username, info.region.ToString(), exeProcess); }).Start(); } else if (!(message is GameNotification) && !(message is SearchingForMatchNotification)) { if (message is EndOfGameStats) { object obj4 = await connection.ackLeaverBusterWarning(); object obj5 = await connection.callPersistenceMessaging(new SimpleDialogMessageResponse() { AccountID = loginDataPacket.AllSummonerData.Summoner.SumId, MsgID = loginDataPacket.AllSummonerData.Summoner.SumId, Command = "ack" }); MatchMakerParams matchParams = new MatchMakerParams(); checkAndUpdateQueueType(); if (QueueType == QueueTypes.INTRO_BOT) { matchParams.BotDifficulty = "INTRO"; } else if (QueueType == QueueTypes.BEGINNER_BOT) { matchParams.BotDifficulty = "EASY"; } else if (QueueType == QueueTypes.MEDIUM_BOT) { matchParams.BotDifficulty = "MEDIUM"; } if (QueueType != 0) { matchParams.QueueIds = new Int32[1] { (int)QueueType }; SearchingForMatchNotification m = await connection.AttachToQueue(matchParams); if (m.PlayerJoinFailures == null) { updateStatus(msgStatus.INFO, "In Queue: " + QueueType.ToString()); } else { foreach (var failure in m.PlayerJoinFailures) { if (failure.ReasonFailed == "LEAVER_BUSTED") { m_accessToken = failure.AccessToken; if (failure.LeaverPenaltyMillisRemaining > m_leaverBustedPenalty) { m_leaverBustedPenalty = failure.LeaverPenaltyMillisRemaining; } } Console.WriteLine("Start Failed:" + failure.ReasonFailed); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_accessToken)) { foreach (var failure in m.PlayerJoinFailures) { updateStatus(msgStatus.INFO, "Dodge Remaining Time: " + Convert.ToString((failure.DodgePenaltyRemainingTime / 1000 / (float)60)).Replace(",", ":") + "..."); } } else { double minutes = m_leaverBustedPenalty / 1000 / (float)60; updateStatus(msgStatus.INFO, "Waiting out leaver buster: " + minutes + " minutes!"); t = TimeSpan.FromMinutes((int)minutes); //Tick(); -> Enable to get visual time remaining Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(m_leaverBustedPenalty)); m = await connection.AttachToLowPriorityQueue(matchParams, m_accessToken); if (m.PlayerJoinFailures == null) { updateStatus(msgStatus.INFO, "Succesfully joined lower priority queue!"); } else { updateStatus(msgStatus.ERROR, "There was an error in joining lower priority queue.\nDisconnecting."); connection.Disconnect(); } } } } } else if (message.ToString().Contains("EndOfGameStats")) { EndOfGameStats eog = new EndOfGameStats(); exeProcess.Exited -= new EventHandler(exeProcess_Exited); exeProcess.Kill(); Thread.Sleep(500); if (exeProcess.Responding) { Process.Start("taskkill /F /IM \"League of Legends.exe\""); } loginDataPacket = await connection.GetLoginDataPacketForUser(); if (type == RotationType.SmurfDone) { if (info.desiredLevel > loginDataPacket.AllSummonerData.SummonerLevel.Level) { connection_OnMessageReceived(sender, eog); } else { connection.Disconnect(); } } else { connection_OnMessageReceived(sender, eog); } } } }
public async void connection_OnMessageReceived(object sender, object message) { if (message is GameDTO) { GameDTO gameDTO = message as GameDTO; string gameState; switch (gameState = gameDTO.GameState) { case "START_REQUESTED": return; case "FAILED_TO_START": this.parent.updateStatus(msgStatus.ERROR, "Failed to Start", this.Accountname); return; case "CHAMP_SELECT": { this.firstTimeInCustom = true; this.firstTimeInQueuePop = true; if (!this.firstTimeInLobby) { return; } this.firstTimeInLobby = false; this.updateStatus("In Champion Select", this.Accountname); await this.connection.SetClientReceivedGameMessage(gameDTO.Id, "CHAMP_SELECT_CLIENT"); if (this.queueType == QueueTypes.ARAM) { return; } if (this.parent.championToPick != "" && this.parent.championToPick != "RANDOM") { int spellOneId; int spellTwoId; if (!this.parent.randomSpell) { spellOneId = Enums.spellToId(this.parent.spell1); spellTwoId = Enums.spellToId(this.parent.spell2); } else { Random random = new Random(); List <int> list = new List <int> { 13, 6, 7, 10, 1, 11, 21, 12, 3, 14, 2, 4 }; int index = random.Next(list.Count); int index2 = random.Next(list.Count); int num2 = list[index]; int num3 = list[index2]; if (num2 == num3) { int index3 = random.Next(list.Count); num3 = list[index3]; } spellOneId = Convert.ToInt32(num2); spellTwoId = Convert.ToInt32(num3); } await this.connection.SelectSpells(spellOneId, spellTwoId); await this.connection.SelectChampion(Enums.championToId(this.parent.championToPick)); await this.connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); return; } if (this.parent.championToPick == "RANDOM") { int spellOneId2; int spellTwoId2; if (!this.parent.randomSpell) { spellOneId2 = Enums.spellToId(this.parent.spell1); spellTwoId2 = Enums.spellToId(this.parent.spell2); } else { Random random2 = new Random(); List <int> list2 = new List <int> { 13, 6, 7, 10, 1, 11, 21, 12, 3, 14, 2, 4 }; int index4 = random2.Next(list2.Count); int index5 = random2.Next(list2.Count); int num4 = list2[index4]; int num5 = list2[index5]; if (num4 == num5) { int index6 = random2.Next(list2.Count); num5 = list2[index6]; } spellOneId2 = Convert.ToInt32(num4); spellTwoId2 = Convert.ToInt32(num5); } await this.connection.SelectSpells(spellOneId2, spellTwoId2); IEnumerable <ChampionDTO> source = this.availableChampsArray.Shuffle <ChampionDTO>(); await this.connection.SelectChampion(source.First((ChampionDTO champ) => champ.Owned || champ.FreeToPlay).ChampionId); await this.connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); return; } int spellOneId3; int spellTwoId3; if (!this.parent.randomSpell) { spellOneId3 = Enums.spellToId(this.parent.spell1); spellTwoId3 = Enums.spellToId(this.parent.spell2); } else { Random random3 = new Random(); List <int> list3 = new List <int> { 13, 6, 7, 10, 1, 11, 21, 12, 3, 14, 2, 4 }; int index7 = random3.Next(list3.Count); int index8 = random3.Next(list3.Count); int num6 = list3[index7]; int num7 = list3[index8]; if (num6 == num7) { int index9 = random3.Next(list3.Count); num7 = list3[index9]; } spellOneId3 = Convert.ToInt32(num6); spellTwoId3 = Convert.ToInt32(num7); } await this.connection.SelectSpells(spellOneId3, spellTwoId3); await this.connection.SelectChampion(this.availableChampsArray.First((ChampionDTO champ) => champ.Owned || champ.FreeToPlay).ChampionId); await this.connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); return; } case "POST_CHAMP_SELECT": this.firstTimeInLobby = false; if (this.firstTimeInPostChampSelect) { this.firstTimeInPostChampSelect = false; this.updateStatus("(Post Champ Select)", this.Accountname); return; } return; case "IN_QUEUE": this.updateStatus("In Queue", this.Accountname); return; case "TERMINATED": this.updateStatus("Re-entering queue", this.Accountname); this.firstTimeInPostChampSelect = true; this.firstTimeInQueuePop = true; return; case "JOINING_CHAMP_SELECT": if (this.firstTimeInQueuePop && gameDTO.StatusOfParticipants.Contains("1")) { this.updateStatus("Accepted Queue", this.Accountname); this.firstTimeInQueuePop = false; this.firstTimeInLobby = true; await this.connection.AcceptPoppedGame(true); return; } return; } this.updateStatus("[DEFAULT]" + gameDTO.GameStateString, this.Accountname); } else if (message.GetType() == typeof(TradeContractDTO)) { TradeContractDTO tradeContractDTO = message as TradeContractDTO; if (tradeContractDTO != null) { string expr_CDE = tradeContractDTO.State; if (expr_CDE != null && expr_CDE == "PENDING" && tradeContractDTO != null) { await this.connection.AcceptTrade(tradeContractDTO.RequesterInternalSummonerName, (int)tradeContractDTO.RequesterChampionId); } } } else if (message is PlayerCredentialsDto) { this.firstTimeInPostChampSelect = true; PlayerCredentialsDto playerCredentialsDto = message as PlayerCredentialsDto; ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; startInfo.WorkingDirectory = this.FindLoLExe(); startInfo.FileName = "League of Legends.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = string.Concat(new object[] { "\"8394\" \"LoLLauncher.exe\" \"\" \"", playerCredentialsDto.ServerIp, " ", playerCredentialsDto.ServerPort, " ", playerCredentialsDto.EncryptionKey, " ", playerCredentialsDto.SummonerId, "\"" }); this.updateStatus("Launching League of Legends\n", this.Accountname); new Thread(delegate { this.exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo); this.exeProcess.Exited += new EventHandler(this.exeProcess_Exited); while (this.exeProcess.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { } this.exeProcess.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.Idle; this.exeProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true; }).Start(); } else if (message is EndOfGameStats) { if (this.exeProcess != null) { this.exeProcess.Exited -= new EventHandler(this.exeProcess_Exited); this.exeProcess.Kill(); Thread.Sleep(500); if (this.exeProcess.Responding) { Process.Start("taskkill /F /IM \"League of Legends.exe\""); } this.loginPacket = await this.connection.GetLoginDataPacketForUser(); this.archiveSumLevel = this.sumLevel; this.sumLevel = this.loginPacket.AllSummonerData.SummonerLevel.Level; if (this.sumLevel != this.archiveSumLevel) { this.levelUp(); } } this.AttachToQueue(); } }
public async void connection_OnMessageReceived(object sender, object message) { if (message is GameDTO) { GameDTO game = message as GameDTO; switch (game.GameState) { case "CHAMP_SELECT": firstTimeInCustom = true; firstTimeInQueuePop = true; if (firstTimeInLobby) { firstTimeInLobby = false; updateStatus("In Champion Select", Accountname); await connection.SetClientReceivedGameMessage(game.Id, "CHAMP_SELECT_CLIENT"); if (queueType != QueueTypes.ARAM) { if (Core.championId != "") { await connection.SelectChampion(Enums.championToId(Core.championId)); await connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); } else { await connection.SelectChampion(availableChampsArray.First(champ => champ.Owned || champ.FreeToPlay).ChampionId); await connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); } } break; } else { break; } case "POST_CHAMP_SELECT": firstTimeInLobby = false; updateStatus("(Post Champ Select)", Accountname); break; case "PRE_CHAMP_SELECT": updateStatus("(Pre Champ Select)", Accountname); break; case "GAME_START_CLIENT": updateStatus("Game client ran", Accountname); break; case "GameClientConnectedToServer": updateStatus("Client connected to the server", Accountname); break; case "IN_QUEUE": updateStatus("In Queue", Accountname); break; case "TERMINATED": updateStatus("Re-entering queue", Accountname); firstTimeInQueuePop = true; break; case "JOINING_CHAMP_SELECT": if (firstTimeInQueuePop) { updateStatus("Queue popped", Accountname); if (game.StatusOfParticipants.Contains("1")) { updateStatus("Accepted Queue", Accountname); firstTimeInQueuePop = false; firstTimeInLobby = true; await connection.AcceptPoppedGame(true); } } break; } } else if (message is PlayerCredentialsDto) { PlayerCredentialsDto dto = message as PlayerCredentialsDto; if (!HasLaunchedGame) { HasLaunchedGame = true; new Thread((ThreadStart)(() => { LaunchGame(dto); Thread.Sleep(3000); })).Start(); } } else if (!(message is GameNotification) && !(message is SearchingForMatchNotification)) { if (message is EndOfGameStats) { MatchMakerParams matchParams = new MatchMakerParams(); //Set BotParams if (queueType == QueueTypes.INTRO_BOT) { matchParams.BotDifficulty = "INTRO"; } else if (queueType == QueueTypes.BEGINNER_BOT) { matchParams.BotDifficulty = "EASY"; } else if (queueType == QueueTypes.MEDIUM_BOT) { matchParams.BotDifficulty = "MEDIUM"; } //Check if is available to join queue. if (sumLevel == 3 && actualQueueType == QueueTypes.NORMAL_5x5) { queueType = actualQueueType; } else if (sumLevel == 6 && actualQueueType == QueueTypes.ARAM) { queueType = actualQueueType; } else if (sumLevel == 7 && actualQueueType == QueueTypes.NORMAL_3x3) { queueType = actualQueueType; } matchParams.QueueIds = new Int32[1] { (int)queueType }; SearchingForMatchNotification m = await connection.AttachToQueue(matchParams); if (m.PlayerJoinFailures == null) { updateStatus("In Queue: " + queueType.ToString(), Accountname); } else { updateStatus("Couldn't enter Queue! Please contact us @", Accountname); } } else { if (message.ToString().Contains("EndOfGameStats")) { EndOfGameStats eog = new EndOfGameStats(); connection_OnMessageReceived(sender, eog); exeProcess.Kill(); loginPacket = await this.connection.GetLoginDataPacketForUser(); archiveSumLevel = sumLevel; sumLevel = loginPacket.AllSummonerData.SummonerLevel.Level; if (sumLevel != archiveSumLevel) { levelUp(); } } } } }
public async void connection_OnMessageReceived(object sender, object message) { if (message is GameDTO) { GameDTO game = message as GameDTO; switch (game.GameState) { case "START_REQUESTED": break; case "FAILED_TO_START": parent.updateStatus(msgStatus.ERROR, "Failed to Start", Accountname); break; case "CHAMP_SELECT": firstTimeInCustom = true; firstTimeInQueuePop = true; if (firstTimeInLobby) { firstTimeInLobby = false; updateStatus("In Champion Select", Accountname); object obj = await connection.SetClientReceivedGameMessage(game.Id, "CHAMP_SELECT_CLIENT"); if (queueType != QueueTypes.ARAM) { if (parent.championToPick != "" && parent.championToPick != "RANDOM") { int Spell1; int Spell2; if (!parent.randomSpell) { Spell1 = Enums.spellToId(parent.spell1); Spell2 = Enums.spellToId(parent.spell2); } else { var random = new Random(); var spellList = new List <int> { 13, 6, 7, 10, 1, 11, 21, 12, 3, 14, 2, 4 }; int index = random.Next(spellList.Count); int index2 = random.Next(spellList.Count); int randomSpell1 = spellList[index]; int randomSpell2 = spellList[index2]; if (randomSpell1 == randomSpell2) { int index3 = random.Next(spellList.Count); randomSpell2 = spellList[index3]; } Spell1 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell1); Spell2 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell2); } await connection.SelectSpells(Spell1, Spell2); await connection.SelectChampion(Enums.championToId(parent.championToPick)); await connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); } else if (parent.championToPick == "RANDOM") { int Spell1; int Spell2; if (!parent.randomSpell) { Spell1 = Enums.spellToId(parent.spell1); Spell2 = Enums.spellToId(parent.spell2); } else { var random = new Random(); var spellList = new List <int> { 13, 6, 7, 10, 1, 11, 21, 12, 3, 14, 2, 4 }; int index = random.Next(spellList.Count); int index2 = random.Next(spellList.Count); int randomSpell1 = spellList[index]; int randomSpell2 = spellList[index2]; if (randomSpell1 == randomSpell2) { int index3 = random.Next(spellList.Count); randomSpell2 = spellList[index3]; } Spell1 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell1); Spell2 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell2); } await connection.SelectSpells(Spell1, Spell2); var randAvailableChampsArray = availableChampsArray.Shuffle(); await connection.SelectChampion(randAvailableChampsArray.First(champ => champ.Owned || champ.FreeToPlay).ChampionId); await connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); } else { int Spell1; int Spell2; if (!parent.randomSpell) { Spell1 = Enums.spellToId(parent.spell1); Spell2 = Enums.spellToId(parent.spell2); } else { var random = new Random(); var spellList = new List <int> { 13, 6, 7, 10, 1, 11, 21, 12, 3, 14, 2, 4 }; int index = random.Next(spellList.Count); int index2 = random.Next(spellList.Count); int randomSpell1 = spellList[index]; int randomSpell2 = spellList[index2]; if (randomSpell1 == randomSpell2) { int index3 = random.Next(spellList.Count); randomSpell2 = spellList[index3]; } Spell1 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell1); Spell2 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell2); } await connection.SelectSpells(Spell1, Spell2); await connection.SelectChampion(availableChampsArray.First(champ => champ.Owned || champ.FreeToPlay).ChampionId); await connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); } } break; } else { break; } case "POST_CHAMP_SELECT": firstTimeInLobby = false; if (firstTimeInPostChampSelect) { firstTimeInPostChampSelect = false; updateStatus("(Post Champ Select)", Accountname); } break; case "IN_QUEUE": updateStatus("In Queue", Accountname); break; case "TERMINATED": updateStatus("Re-entering queue", Accountname); firstTimeInPostChampSelect = true; firstTimeInQueuePop = true; break; case "JOINING_CHAMP_SELECT": if (this.firstTimeInQueuePop && game.StatusOfParticipants.Contains("1")) { updateStatus("Accepted Queue", Accountname); firstTimeInQueuePop = false; firstTimeInLobby = true; object obj = await connection.AcceptPoppedGame(true); break; } else { break; } default: updateStatus("[DEFAULT]" + game.GameStateString, Accountname); break; } } else if (message.GetType() == typeof(TradeContractDTO)) { var tradeDto = message as TradeContractDTO; if (tradeDto == null) { return; } switch (tradeDto.State) { case "PENDING": { if (tradeDto != null) { await connection.AcceptTrade(tradeDto.RequesterInternalSummonerName, (int)tradeDto.RequesterChampionId); } } break; } return; } else if (message is PlayerCredentialsDto) { firstTimeInPostChampSelect = true; PlayerCredentialsDto dto = message as PlayerCredentialsDto; ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; startInfo.WorkingDirectory = FindLoLExe(); startInfo.FileName = "League of Legends.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = "\"8394\" \"LoLLauncher.exe\" \"\" \"" + dto.ServerIp + " " + dto.ServerPort + " " + dto.EncryptionKey + " " + dto.SummonerId + "\""; updateStatus("Launching League of Legends\n", Accountname); new Thread(() => { exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo); exeProcess.Exited += new EventHandler(exeProcess_Exited); while (exeProcess.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { } exeProcess.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.Idle; exeProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true; //Thread.Sleep(1000); }).Start(); } else if (message is EndOfGameStats) { if (exeProcess != null) { exeProcess.Exited -= exeProcess_Exited; exeProcess.Kill(); Thread.Sleep(500); if (exeProcess.Responding) { Process.Start("taskkill /F /IM \"League of Legends.exe\""); } loginPacket = await this.connection.GetLoginDataPacketForUser(); archiveSumLevel = sumLevel; sumLevel = loginPacket.AllSummonerData.SummonerLevel.Level; if (sumLevel != archiveSumLevel) { levelUp(); } } AttachToQueue(); } }
public async void connection_OnMessageReceived(object sender, object message) { if (message is GameDTO) { GameDTO game = message as GameDTO; switch (game.GameState) { case "CHAMP_SELECT": firstTimeInCustom = true; firstTimeInQueuePop = true; if (firstTimeInLobby) { firstTimeInLobby = false; Tools.ConsoleMessage("You are in champion select.", ConsoleColor.White); object obj = await connection.SetClientReceivedGameMessage(game.Id, "CHAMP_SELECT_CLIENT"); //select champion and spells for non ARAM games if (queueType != QueueTypes.ARAM) { int Spell1; int Spell2; if (!Program.randomSpell) { Spell1 = Enums.GetSpell(Program.spell1); Spell2 = Enums.GetSpell(Program.spell2); } else { var random = new Random(); var spellList = new List <int> { 13, 6, 7, 10, 1, 11, 21, 12, 3, 14, 2, 4 }; int index = random.Next(spellList.Count); int index2 = random.Next(spellList.Count); int randomSpell1 = spellList[index]; int randomSpell2 = spellList[index2]; if (randomSpell1 == randomSpell2) { int index3 = random.Next(spellList.Count); randomSpell2 = spellList[index3]; } Spell1 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell1); Spell2 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell2); } await connection.SelectSpells(Spell1, Spell2); string championPick = ""; int championPickID = 0; int champRand = Generator.CreateRandom(1, 5); switch (champRand) { case 1: championPickID = Enums.GetChampion(Program.firstChampionPick); championPick = Program.firstChampionPick; break; case 2: championPickID = Enums.GetChampion(Program.secondChampionPick); championPick = Program.secondChampionPick; break; case 3: championPickID = Enums.GetChampion(Program.thirdChampionPick); championPick = Program.thirdChampionPick; break; case 4: championPickID = Enums.GetChampion(Program.fourthChampionPick); championPick = Program.fourthChampionPick; break; case 5: championPickID = Enums.GetChampion(Program.fifthChampionPick); championPick = Program.fifthChampionPick; break; } await connection.SelectChampion(championPickID); Tools.ConsoleMessage("Selected Champion: " + championPick.ToUpper(), ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); await connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); } //select spells for ARAM if (queueType == QueueTypes.ARAM) { int Spell1; int Spell2; if (!Program.randomSpell) { Spell1 = Enums.GetSpell(Program.spell1); Spell2 = Enums.GetSpell(Program.spell2); } else { var random = new Random(); var spellList = new List <int> { 13, 6, 7, 10, 1, 11, 21, 12, 3, 14, 2, 4 }; int index = random.Next(spellList.Count); int index2 = random.Next(spellList.Count); int randomSpell1 = spellList[index]; int randomSpell2 = spellList[index2]; if (randomSpell1 == randomSpell2) { int index3 = random.Next(spellList.Count); randomSpell2 = spellList[index3]; } Spell1 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell1); Spell2 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell2); } await connection.SelectSpells(Spell1, Spell2); await connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); } break; } else { break; } case "POST_CHAMP_SELECT": firstTimeInLobby = false; if (firstTimeInPostChampSelect) { firstTimeInPostChampSelect = false; Tools.ConsoleMessage("Waiting for league of legends to respond.", ConsoleColor.White); } break; case "IN_QUEUE": Tools.ConsoleMessage("You are now in queue.", ConsoleColor.White); break; case "TERMINATED": //Tools.ConsoleMessage("Re-entering queue.", ConsoleColor.White); firstTimeInPostChampSelect = true; firstTimeInQueuePop = true; break; case "LEAVER_BUSTED": Tools.ConsoleMessage("You have leave buster.", ConsoleColor.White); break; case "JOINING_CHAMP_SELECT": if (firstTimeInQueuePop && game.StatusOfParticipants.Contains("1")) { Tools.ConsoleMessage("Match found and accepted.", ConsoleColor.White); firstTimeInQueuePop = false; firstTimeInLobby = true; object obj = await connection.AcceptPoppedGame(true); break; } else { break; } } } else if (message.GetType() == typeof(TradeContractDTO)) { var tradeDto = message as TradeContractDTO; if (tradeDto == null) { return; } switch (tradeDto.State) { case "PENDING": { if (tradeDto != null) { } } break; } return; } else if (message is PlayerCredentialsDto) { firstTimeInPostChampSelect = true; PlayerCredentialsDto dto = message as PlayerCredentialsDto; ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; startInfo.WorkingDirectory = GetLeagueClient(); startInfo.FileName = "League of Legends.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = "\"8394\" \"LoLLauncher.exe\" \"\" \"" + dto.ServerIp + " " + dto.ServerPort + " " + dto.EncryptionKey + " " + dto.SummonerId + "\""; new Thread(() => { exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo); exeProcess.Exited += new EventHandler(exeProcess_Exited); while (exeProcess.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { } if (Program.LOWPriority) { exeProcess.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.Idle; } else { exeProcess.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.High; } exeProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true; //Thread.Sleep(1000); }).Start(); Tools.ConsoleMessage("Launching League of Legends.", ConsoleColor.White); } else if (!(message is GameNotification) && !(message is SearchingForMatchNotification)) { if (message is EndOfGameStats) { EnterQueue(); } else { if (message.ToString().Contains("EndOfGameStats")) { try { if (exeProcess != null) { EndOfGameStats eog = new EndOfGameStats(); connection_OnMessageReceived(sender, eog); exeProcess.Exited -= exeProcess_Exited; exeProcess.Kill(); Thread.Sleep(500); if (exeProcess.Responding) { Process.Start("taskkill /F /IM \"League of Legends.exe\""); } loginPacket = await this.connection.GetLoginDataPacketForUser(); archiveSumLevel = sumLevel; sumLevel = loginPacket.AllSummonerData.SummonerLevel.Level; if (sumLevel != archiveSumLevel) { OnLevelUp(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.Log(ex.Message.ToString()); } } } } }
public static Task StartSpectatorGame(string realmId, string platformId, PlayerCredentialsDto game) { if (game == null) { return Task.FromResult<bool>(true); } JsApiService.Push("game:reconnect", null); object[] observerServerIp = new object[] { game.ObserverServerIp, game.ObserverServerPort, game.ObserverEncryptionKey, game.GameId, platformId }; return GameMaestroService.RunLeagueOfLegends(realmId, string.Format("\"56471\" \"wintermint-delegator\" \"wintermint-delegator\" \"spectator {0}:{1} {2} {3} {4}\"", observerServerIp)); }
protected virtual void OnGameStart(PlayerCredentialsDto creds) { teamSelect?.Dispose(); GameStarted?.Invoke(this, creds); }
public async void OnMessageReceived(object sender, object message) { Debug.WriteLine("Calling message: " + message.GetType()); #region Before Start if (message is ClientBeforeStart) { if (Packets.ReconnectInfo != null && Packets.ReconnectInfo.Game != null) { OnMessageReceived(sender, (object)Packets.ReconnectInfo.PlayerCredentials); return; } Client.Status("Successfully connected!", AccountName); Client.Accounts.Add(Packets); var playerCount = Client.Accounts.Count(); var lastConnectedPlayer = Client.Accounts.LastOrDefault(); if (Account.Autoboost) { BuyBoost(); } if (lastConnectedPlayer == null) { Console.WriteLine("Critical error!"); Controller.Restart(); return; } if (playerCount == _setting.MaxBots && lastConnectedPlayer.AllSummonerData.Summoner.SumId.Equals(SummonerId)) { Client.Status("Players connected! Creating lobby...", AccountName); Timer createPremade = new Timer { Interval = 3000, AutoReset = false }; createPremade.Elapsed += (ek, eo) => { createPremade.Stop(); OnMessageReceived(sender, (object)new CreateLobby()); }; createPremade.Start(); return; } } #endregion #region Creating lobby... if (message is CreateLobby) { if (!Controller.IsAvailable(SummonerQueue)) { Client.Status("QueueType is invalid or it is not supported!", AccountName); return; } GameQueueConfig Game = new GameQueueConfig(); Game.Id = SummonerQueue; if (_setting.Difficulty == "EASY" || _setting.Difficulty == "MEDIUM") { Client.Lobby = await Connections.createArrangedBotTeamLobby(Game.Id, _setting.Difficulty); } else { Client.Lobby = await Connections.createArrangedTeamLobby(Game.Id); } PlayerAcceptedInvite = true; Client.Status("Lobby created. Inviting players...", AccountName); if (Client.Accounts.Count == 1) { OnMessageReceived(sender, Client.Lobby); return; } foreach (var bot in Client.Accounts) { if ((int)bot.AllSummonerData.Summoner.SumId != (int)SummonerId) { await Connections.Invite(bot.AllSummonerData.Summoner.SumId); } } } #endregion #region Invite requested if (message is InvitationRequest) { var invitation = message as InvitationRequest; if (invitation.InvitationId == Client.Lobby.InvitationID && PlayerAcceptedInvite == false) { Client.Lobby = await Connections.AcceptLobby(invitation.InvitationId); PlayerAcceptedInvite = true; Client.Status("Invitation accepted.", AccountName); return; } } #endregion #region Lobby status if (message is LobbyStatus) { #region Ignore pls List <string> errors = new List <string>(); if (Client.Lobby == null) { errors.Add("NO!"); } if (SummonerName != Client.Lobby.Owner.SummonerName) { errors.Add("Trying to access LobbyStatus not as owner."); } if (Client.LobbyStatusWaiting) { errors.Add("Currently waiting for all players."); } if (errors.Count > 0) { Debug.WriteLine("-----------------------------"); Debug.WriteLine("LobbyStatus was terminated due following errors:"); foreach (var msg in errors) { Debug.WriteLine(" " + msg); } Debug.WriteLine("-----------------------------"); return; } #endregion if (Client.Lobby.Members.Count < _setting.MaxBots && !Client.LobbyStatusWaiting) { Client.LobbyStatusWaiting = true; while (Client.Lobby.Members.Count < _setting.MaxBots) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } var lobbyInfo = Client.Lobby; Client.Status("Players are ready to start the game!", AccountName); #region Queue Client.LobbyGame.QueueIds = new Int32[1] { (int)SummonerQueue }; Client.LobbyGame.InvitationId = lobbyInfo.InvitationID; Client.LobbyGame.Team = lobbyInfo.Members.Select(stats => Convert.ToInt32(stats.SummonerId)).ToList(); Client.LobbyGame.BotDifficulty = _setting.Difficulty; #endregion OnMessageReceived(sender, await Connections.AttachTeamToQueue(Client.LobbyGame)); Client.Status("Game search initialized!", AccountName); return; } #endregion #region Game state if (message is GameDTO) { GameDTO game = message as GameDTO; switch (game.GameState) { case "CHAMP_SELECT": if (FirstSelection) { break; } FirstSelection = true; Client.Status("Champion select in.", AccountName); await Connections.SetClientReceivedGameMessage(game.Id, "CHAMP_SELECT_CLIENT"); if (SummonerQueue != 65) { var hArray = HeroesArray.Shuffle(); await Connections.SelectChampion(hArray.First(hr => hr.FreeToPlay || hr.Owned || !hr.OwnedByYourTeam).ChampionId); await Connections.ChampionSelectCompleted(); } break; case "POST_CHAMP_SELECT": FirstQueue = true; //Client.Status("Post champion select.", AccountName); break; case "PRE_CHAMP_SELECT": break; case "GAME_START_CLIENT": Client.Status("Lauching League of Legends.", AccountName); break; case "GameClientConnectedToServer": break; case "IN_QUEUE": Client.Status("Waiting for game.", AccountName); break; case "TERMINATED": FirstQueue = true; PlayerAcceptedInvite = false; Client.Status("Re-entering queue.", AccountName); break; case "JOINING_CHAMP_SELECT": if (FirstQueue) { Client.Status("Game accepted!", AccountName); FirstQueue = false; FirstSelection = false; try { await Connections.AcceptPoppedGame(true); } catch { RestartQueue(sender); } break; } break; case "LEAVER_BUSTED": Client.Status("Leave Busted!", AccountName); break; } } #endregion #region Starting game... if (message is PlayerCredentialsDto) { string gameLocation = Controller.GameClientLocation(_setting.GamePath); PlayerCredentialsDto credentials = message as PlayerCredentialsDto; ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; startInfo.WorkingDirectory = gameLocation; startInfo.FileName = "League of Legends.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = "\"8394\" \"LoLLauncher.exe\" \"\" \"" + credentials.ServerIp + " " + credentials.ServerPort + " " + credentials.EncryptionKey + " " + credentials.SummonerId + "\""; Client.Status("Launching League of Legends", AccountName); new Thread((ThreadStart)(() => { while (Client.ClientDelay) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Client.ClientDelay = true; LeagueProcess = Process.Start(startInfo); LeagueProcess.Exited += LeagueProcess_Exited; while (LeagueProcess.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { ; } LeagueProcess.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.Idle; LeagueProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true; Timer clientDelay = new Timer { AutoReset = false, Interval = Client.Delay }; clientDelay.Elapsed += (o, args) => { Client.ClientDelay = false; }; clientDelay.Start(); })).Start(); } if (message is EndOfGameStats) { Client.Accounts.Clear(); Client.LobbyStatusWaiting = false; // Process kill LeagueProcess.Exited -= LeagueProcess_Exited; while (LeagueProcess.Responding) { LeagueProcess.Kill(); Thread.Sleep(500); } var msg = message as EndOfGameStats; Packets = await Connections.GetLoginDataPacketForUser(); WebService.SetLevel(Account.Id, (int)Packets.AllSummonerData.SummonerLevel.Level); WebService.SetMoney(Account.Id, (int)Packets.IpBalance); if (SummonerLevel < Packets.AllSummonerData.SummonerLevel.Level) { Client.Status("Level up! " + Packets.AllSummonerData.SummonerLevel.Level, AccountName); } // Player level limit if (MaxLevelReached((int)Packets.AllSummonerData.SummonerLevel.Level)) { // This player will not be added to lobby! Client.Status("Maximum level reached!", AccountName); return; } else if (Account.Autoboost) { BuyBoost(); } OnMessageReceived(sender, new ClientBeforeStart()); return; } #endregion #region Searching for match if (message is SearchingForMatchNotification) { var result = message as SearchingForMatchNotification; if (result.PlayerJoinFailures != null) { List <Tuple <string, int> > summoners = new List <Tuple <string, int> >(); string accessToken = null; bool penalty = false; foreach (var item in result.PlayerJoinFailures) { var x = new QueueDodger(item as TypedObject); if (x.ReasonFailed == "LEAVER_BUSTED") { accessToken = x.AccessToken; summoners.Add(new Tuple <string, int>(x.Summoner.Name, x.LeaverPenaltyMillisRemaining)); penalty = true; } else { Client.Status("Reason: " + x.ReasonFailed, AccountName); return; } } if (penalty) { Debug.WriteLine("Penalty timer."); var timeWait = summoners.OrderByDescending(s => s.Item2).FirstOrDefault().Item2; var time = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeWait); var players = string.Join(",", summoners.Select(s => s.Item1).ToArray()); Debug.WriteLine("Time wait" + timeWait + "ms." + "Counted summoners: " + summoners.Count + "; Summoners: " + players); Client.Status("Waiting " + time.Minutes + " mins to be able to join queue", AccountName); Thread.Sleep(timeWait + 2999); if (SummonerName == Client.Lobby.Owner.SummonerName) { OnMessageReceived(sender, await Connections.AttachToQueue(Client.LobbyGame, accessToken)); } } } } #endregion }