Пример #1
    Vector2 mousePos; // get the directions of the mouse

    void Start()
        PlayerControle = new PlayerControle();                   // new controls's type class
        PlayerControle.Enable();                                 // activate l'actionMap
        PlayerControle.Player.Move.performed += OnMovePerformed; // add fonction to the input actions
        PlayerControle.Player.Move.canceled  += OnMoveCanceled;  // add fonction to the input actions
Пример #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        jogador = FindObjectOfType <PlayerControle> ();

        moedaText.text = " : " + moedaContador;

        contadorVida = maxVida;

        objetosParaResetar = FindObjectsOfType <ResetNoRespawn> ();

        currentLives = startingLives;

        livesText.text = currentLives + " x";