public void BecauseOf() { var input = "LMLMLMLMM"; var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); var rover = new Rover(new Position(1, 2), "N", plateau); _commandProcessorResult = new CommandProcessor().Process(input, rover, plateau); }
public virtual bool IsSatisfiedBy(Position position, Plateau plateau) { return ((position.XCoordinate <= plateau.MaximumXCoordinate) && (position.YCoordinate <= plateau.MaximumYCoordinate) && (position.XCoordinate >= 0) && (position.YCoordinate >= 0)); }
protected void GivenRoverWithDirection(IDirectionState direction) { var coordinate = new Coordinate(5, 5); var plateau = new Plateau(100, 100); Rover = new Rover(plateau, coordinate, direction); }
public void cannot_place_rover_where_another_rover_is() { var mars = new Plateau(new Size(10, 10)); mars.PlaceRover(new Rover(new Coordinate(2, 2), CameraDirection.North)); Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => mars.PlaceRover(new Rover(new Coordinate(2, 2), CameraDirection.North))); }
public void cannot_move_rover_outside_of_plateau(int x, int y, CameraDirection cameraDirection) { var mars = new Plateau(new Size(1, 1)); var rover = new Rover(new Coordinate(x, y), cameraDirection); mars.PlaceRover(rover); Assert.Throws<RoverCannotMoveException>(() => rover.SendInstruction(RoverInstruction.M)); }
public void ShouldParseValidInput() { var parser = new PlateauParser(); var result = parser.Parse("1 2"); var expected = new Plateau(1, 2); result.Width.ShouldEqual(expected.Width); result.Height.ShouldEqual(expected.Height); }
public void when_validation_a_position() { var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); var position = new Position(2, 2, Direction.North); var isValidPosition = plateau.IsPositionOnPlateau(position); "It should successfully validate the position".AssertThat(isValidPosition, Is.True); }
public void when_validation_a_position_and_the_Y_coordinate_is_to_low() { var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); var position = new Position(2, -2, Direction.North); var isValidPosition = plateau.IsPositionOnPlateau(position); "It should NOT successfully validate the position".AssertThat(isValidPosition, Is.False); }
public Robot(int robotId, IPosition langdingPosition, IHeading heading, IList<char> movingInstructions, Plateau targetPlateau) { _robotId = robotId; CurrentPosition = langdingPosition; Heading = heading; _movingInstructions = movingInstructions; TargetPlateau = targetPlateau; }
public void cannot_move_rover_if_it_will_collide_with_another_rover() { var mars = new Plateau(new Size(3, 3)); var rover = new Rover(new Coordinate(1, 1), CameraDirection.North); mars.PlaceRover(rover); var rover2 = new Rover(new Coordinate(1, 2), CameraDirection.South); mars.PlaceRover(rover2); Assert.Throws<RoverCannotMoveException>(() => rover2.SendInstruction(RoverInstruction.M)); }
/// <summary> /// Create plateau /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static Plateau initPlateau() { Plateau mars = new Plateau(); CommonOperations.WriteConsole("Plateau created. -> " + + "-" +, ConsoleWriteType.N); mars.size = SetSize(); CommonOperations.WriteConsole( + " size is: " + mars.size, ConsoleWriteType.N); CommonOperations.WriteConsole("---------------------------", ConsoleWriteType.N); return(mars); }
public void GivenTheRoverIsInStartPosition(int x, int y, string facing) { var direction = GetDirection(facing); var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); var initialPosition = new Position(x, y, direction); _rover = new Rover(initialPosition, plateau, new InstructionHandler()); Assert.That(_rover.Position.X, Is.EqualTo(x)); Assert.That(_rover.Position.Y, Is.EqualTo(y)); Assert.That(_rover.Position.Direction, Is.EqualTo(direction)); }
public void BecauseOf() { try { var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); new CreateRoverCommand().Execute(new string[] { "N", "5", "N" }, null, plateau); } catch (ApplicationException) { _exceptionThrown = true; } }
public void RunCommandList_InvalidCommandLetters_ExceptionThrown(string commandLetters) { var plateau = new Plateau("5 5"); var mockCommandFactory = new Mock <ICommandFactory>(); var rover = new Rover(plateau, mockCommandFactory.Object); Assert.Throws <Exception>( () => rover.RunCommandList(new RunCommandListDTO { CommandLetters = commandLetters })); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { //Ensure there is command line arguement (filename containing paths) if (!args.Length.Equals(1)) { throw new ApplicationException("Expecting one command line parameter."); } //Load the data from file specified in the command line argument var inputFile = InputFileHelper.LoadInputFile(args[0]); //Create the Plateau var plateau = new Plateau(inputFile.MaxCoordinate); //Loop through the paths for each rover foreach (var roverPath in inputFile.RoverPaths) { try { //Create the Rover var rover = new Rover(plateau, roverPath.StartCoordinate, roverPath.StartDirection); //Set the Rover on it's path rover.SetPath(roverPath.Path); //Output the final location on the plateau Console.WriteLine(rover.ToString()); } catch (CoordinatesOutOfBoundsException ex) { Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("A CoordinatesOutOfBoundsException has occurred: ", ex.Message)); } catch (InvalidCoordinateException ex) { Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("A InvalidCoordinateException has occurred: ", ex.Message)); } catch (InvalidPathException ex) { Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("A InvalidPathException has occurred: ", ex.Message)); } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to end."); Console.ReadLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("An unexpected error has occurred: ", ex.Message)); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to end."); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public void Should_SecondRoverInMars_Success_Result() { //Given Plateau plateauTwo = new Plateau(new Position(5, 5)); Rover secondRover = new Rover(plateauTwo, new Position(3, 3), Direction.E); // Act secondRover.Run("MMRMMRMRRM"); //Assert Assert.Equal("5 1 E", secondRover.LastRoverPosition()); }
public void DoesStartEngine_ShouldMoveRightPositionAndDirection_PlateauLocationCoordinatesData(List <int> maxRange, Compass targetLocation, int xCoordinate, int yCoordinate, string moves, string expected) { Plateau plateau = new Plateau(maxRange); Rover rover = new Rover(plateau, targetLocation, xCoordinate, yCoordinate); rover.StartTheEngine(moves); var result = $"{rover.X}{rover.Y}{rover.TargetDirection}"; Assert.Equal(result, expected); }
public void When_point_is_outside_size_boundary_returns_false(int boundaryX, int boundaryY, int attemptedX, int attemptedY) { var size = new Size(boundaryX, boundaryY); var point = new Point(attemptedX, attemptedY); var plateau = new Plateau(); plateau.SetSize(size); var isValidPoint = plateau.IsValid(point); Assert.That(!isValidPoint); }
public void When_point_is_within_size_boundary_returns_true(int boundaryX, int boundaryY, int attemptedPointX, int attemptedPointY) { var size = new Size(boundaryX, boundaryY); var point = new Point(attemptedPointX, attemptedPointY); var plateau = new Plateau(); plateau.SetSize(size); var isValidPoint = plateau.IsValid(point); Assert.That(isValidPoint); }
public void Should_ArgumentNullException_When_EmptyCommandInput() { //Given Plateau plateau = new Plateau(new Position(5, 5)); Rover rover = new Rover(plateau, new Position(1, 2), Direction.N); // Act var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny <ArgumentException>(() => rover.Run(string.Empty)); //Assert Assert.Equal("command cannot be empty", ex.Message); }
public void Should_ArgumentNullException_When_NullCommandInput() { //Given Plateau plateau = new Plateau(new Position(5, 5)); Rover rover = new Rover(plateau, new Position(1, 2), Direction.N); // Act var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny <ArgumentException>(() => rover.Run(null)); //Assert Assert.Equal("Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'commands')", ex.Message); }
public void Should_ArgumentException_When_IncorrectInput() { //Given Plateau plateau = new Plateau(new Position(5, 5)); Rover rover = new Rover(plateau, new Position(1, 2), Direction.N); // Act var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny <ArgumentException>(() => rover.Run("LMAMMM")); //Assert Assert.Equal("Invalid value: A", ex.Message); }
public void Should_ArgumentException_When_OutBoundsInput() { //Given Plateau plateau = new Plateau(new Position(5, 5)); Rover rover = new Rover(plateau, new Position(5, 2), Direction.N); // Act var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny <ArgumentException>(() => rover.Run("RMRMRMMM")); //Assert Assert.Equal("You cannot go beyond the boundaries of Plateau", ex.Message); }
public void ExecuteCommand_ShouldBeException_GetInvalidCommandException(int width, int height, int pointX, int pointY, Rotation rotation, string command) { var plateau = new Plateau(width, height); var location = new Location(pointX, pointY); var rover = new MarsRover(); rover.SetPlateau(plateau); rover.SetLocation(location, rotation); var roverManager = new MarsRoverManager(rover); Assert.Throws <InvalidCommandException>(() => roverManager.ExecuteCommand(command)); }
public void TestErreursDiverses() { Plateau.Init(); Tuile tuile1 = new Tuile('c', 'e', @"exemple"); Tuile tuile2 = new Tuile('c', 'r', @"exemple"); Tuile tuile3 = new Tuile('r', 'e', @"exemple"); Tuile tuile4 = new Tuile('r', 'r', @"exemple"); Plateau.SetCase(1, 2, tuile2); Assert.AreEqual(false, Plateau.ValiderPlacement(1, 2, tuile1)); //emplacement deja utilisé Assert.AreEqual(false, Plateau.ValiderPlacement(19, 19, tuile1)); //case avec aucune tuiles autour }
public void Rover_Move_Success_Test(int plateauX, int plateauY, int x, int y, string direction, string instuction, int expectedX, int expectedY, CardinalDirection expectedDirection) { var rover = new Rover(); var plateau = new Plateau(plateauX, plateauY); rover.Init(x, y, direction, instuction); rover.Move(plateau); Assert.Equal(expectedX, rover.X); Assert.Equal(expectedY, rover.Y); Assert.Equal(expectedDirection, rover.Direction); }
public void Should_FirstRoverInMars_Success_Result() { //Given Plateau plateauOne = new Plateau(new Position(5, 5)); Rover firstRover = new Rover(plateauOne, new Position(1, 2), Direction.N); // Act firstRover.Run("LMLMLMLMM"); //Assert Assert.Equal("1 3 N", firstRover.LastRoverPosition()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Console.WriteLine("Enter Plateau upper coordinate.."); var plateauCoordinateInput = Console.ReadLine(); var plateau = new Plateau(plateauCoordinateInput); Console.WriteLine("Enter first rover position.."); var firstRoverPositionInput = Console.ReadLine(); ICommandFactory commandFactory = new CommandFactory(); var firstRover = new Rover(plateau, commandFactory); firstRover.SetPosition(new SetPositionDTO { PositionLetter = firstRoverPositionInput }); Console.WriteLine("Enter first rover commands.."); var firstRoverCommandsInput = Console.ReadLine(); firstRover.RunCommandList(new RunCommandListDTO { CommandLetters = firstRoverCommandsInput }); Console.WriteLine("Enter second rover position.."); var secondRoverPositionInput = Console.ReadLine(); var secondRover = new Rover(plateau, commandFactory); secondRover.SetPosition(new SetPositionDTO { PositionLetter = secondRoverPositionInput }); Console.WriteLine("Enter second rover commands.."); var secondRoverCommandsInput = Console.ReadLine(); secondRover.RunCommandList(new RunCommandListDTO { CommandLetters = secondRoverCommandsInput }); Console.WriteLine("Output:"); Console.WriteLine(firstRover.GetPosition()); Console.WriteLine(secondRover.GetPosition()); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error message: {ex.Message}"); } Console.WriteLine("Press enter any key to exit.."); Console.ReadKey(); }
/// <summary> /// Construit un batiment au bout d'une ligne droite d'au moins 3 batiments alignés de la même couleur, dans n'importe quelle directions. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Seul le balayage horizontale est implémenté.</remarks> /// <param name="coordonnee">Coordonnee du terrain à construire la maison</param> /// <param name="joueur">Joueur qui lance le bonus</param> /// <param name="plateau">Plateau de jeu</param> /// <returns>True si bonus bien activé, false sinon.</returns> public static bool Taverne(Coordonnee coordonnee, Joueur joueur, Plateau plateau) { // Verification que le clic est bien réalisé à l'interieur du plateau. if (coordonnee == null) { return(false); } // Verification que le joueur possède bien le bonus. if (!joueur.ListeBonus.Contains(TypeTerrain.TAVERNE)) { return(false); } // Verification que le joeur a cliqué sur un terrain constructible. if (plateau[coordonnee].Type != TypeTerrain.PRAIRIE && plateau[coordonnee].Type != TypeTerrain.FORET && plateau[coordonnee].Type != TypeTerrain.FLEUR && plateau[coordonnee].Type != TypeTerrain.DESERT && plateau[coordonnee].Type != TypeTerrain.CANYON) { return(false); } // Verification que la case est inoccupée. if (plateau[coordonnee].Couleur != Couleur.AUCUNE) { return(false); } // posable est une Liste qui possède les coordonnées éligible d'utilisation du bonus. List <Coordonnee> posables = new List <Coordonnee>(); // Parcours de toute les cases du plateau. On verifie par 3 balayages : 1 sur l'axe des x, et deux en diagonale. // Balayage en X (gauche -> droite) posables.AddRange(BalayageHorizontale(plateau, joueur)); // Balayage en diagonale (gauche -> droite) // Balayage en diagonale (droite -> gauche) foreach (Coordonnee coord in posables) { if (coord.Equals(coordonnee)) { plateau[coordonnee].Couleur = joueur.Couleur; joueur.NbMaisons--; joueur.m_maisonsPlacees.Add(coordonnee); return(true); } } return(false); }
public void AreCoordinatesInside_Plateau55AndCoordinates5Minus1_TheMethodShouldReturnFalse() { // Arrange var upperLeft = new Coordinates(5, 5); var plateau = new Plateau(upperLeft); var coordinatesToCheck = new Coordinates(5, -1); // Act var result = plateau.AreCoordinatesInside(coordinatesToCheck); // Assert Assert.That(result, Is.False); }
public void Example1() { var plateau = new Plateau("5 5"); var rovers = new List <IRover>() { new Rover("1 2 N", "LMLMLMLMM") }; plateau.Explore(rovers); Assert.AreEqual("1 3 N", rovers[0].ToString()); }
public void MoveToFinalLocation_33_33N_RMLMM() { var rover = new Rover(3, 3, Direction.North); var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); var result = roverMoveQueryHandler.Handle(new RoverMoveQuery { Rover = rover, Commands = "RMLMM", Plateau = plateau }, CancellationToken.None).Result; result.Data.Position.X.Should().Be(4); result.Data.Position.Y.Should().Be(5); result.Data.Direction.Should().Be(Direction.North); }
public void Example2() { var plateau = new Plateau("5 5"); var rovers = new List <IRover>() { new Rover("3 3 E", "MMRMMRMRRM") }; plateau.Explore(rovers); Assert.AreEqual("5 1 E", rovers[0].ToString()); }
public void PlateauBoundriesNotBigEnoughToMoveWest() { var plateau = new Plateau("1 1"); var rovers = new List <IRover>() { new Rover("0 0 W", "MM") }; var ex = Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => plateau.Explore(rovers)); Assert.That(ex.Message, Is.EqualTo("The boundaries of the plateau are not big enough to move west")); }
public Dictionary <Rover, bool> setRoverLocation(Plateau plateau, int xCoordinate, int yCoordinate, enumMainDirections mainDirection) { Dictionary <Rover, bool> response = new Dictionary <Rover, bool>(); Rover rover = new Rover() { xCoordinate = xCoordinate, yCoordinate = yCoordinate, mainDirection = mainDirection }; return(_SLocation.isInvalidLocation(plateau, rover)); }
public void when_moving_the_second_rover() { var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); var initialPosition = new Position(3, 3, Direction.East); var rover = new Rover(initialPosition, plateau, new InstructionHandler()); rover.ProcessInstructions("MMRMMRMRRM"); var position = rover.Position; "It should be at x coordinate".AssertThat(position.X, Is.EqualTo(5)); "It should be at y coordinate".AssertThat(position.Y, Is.EqualTo(1)); "It should be facing north".AssertThat(position.Direction, Is.EqualTo(Direction.East)); }
public void Test_MoveCommand() { var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); var coordinate = new Coordinate(1, 2); var direction = DirectionParser.GetDirection('N'); var rover = new MarsRover(plateau, coordinate, direction); var moveCommand = new MoveCommand(); moveCommand.Execute(rover); Assert.AreEqual("1 3 N", rover.GetCurrentLocation()); }
public void AreCoordinatesInside_Plateau55AndCoordinatesMinus15_ReturnFalse() { // Arrange var upperRight = new Coordinates(5, 5); var plateau = new Plateau(upperRight); var coordinatesToCheck = new Coordinates(-1, 5); // Act var result = plateau.AreCoordinatesInside(coordinatesToCheck); // Assert Assert.That(result, Is.False); }
public void AreCoordinatesInside_Plateau55AndCoordinates00_ReturnTrue() { // Arrange var upperRight = new Coordinates(5, 5); var plateau = new Plateau(upperRight); var coordinatesToCheck = new Coordinates(0, 0); // Act var result = plateau.AreCoordinatesInside(coordinatesToCheck); // Assert Assert.That(result, Is.True); }
internal override void Execute(Rover rover, Plateau plateau) { var currentFacingIndex = (int)rover.Position.CurrentFacing; var newFacingIndex = currentFacingIndex - 1; if (newFacingIndex < 0) { newFacingIndex = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Position.Facing)).Length - 1; } var newFacing = (Position.Facing)newFacingIndex; SetNewPosition(rover, new Position(rover.Position.X, rover.Position.Y, newFacing)); }
public void TestFonctionEvaluationComplexe() { Plateau plateau = new Plateau(9, 9); Joueur moi = new Joueur(new Position(1, 0), 0, 6); Joueur opposant = new Joueur(new Position(8, 8), 1, 6); List <Joueur> opposants = new List <Joueur>(); opposants.Add(opposant); plateau.Joueurs = Player.GetAllJoueurOrder(moi, opposants); var result = plateau.Evaluation(); Assert.AreEqual(result, 3); }
public void when_moving_the_first_rover() { var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); var initialPosition = new Position(1, 2, Direction.North); var rover = new Rover(initialPosition, plateau, new InstructionHandler()); rover.ProcessInstructions("LMLMLMLMM"); var position = rover.Position; "It should be at x coordinate".AssertThat(position.X, Is.EqualTo(1)); "It should be at y coordinate".AssertThat(position.Y, Is.EqualTo(3)); "It should be facing north".AssertThat(position.Direction, Is.EqualTo(Direction.North)); }
public void RoverMoveQuery_55_12N_LMLMLMLMM() { var rover = new Rover(1, 2, Direction.North); var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); var result = roverMoveQueryHandler.Handle(new RoverMoveQuery { Rover = rover, Commands = "LMLMLMLMM", Plateau = plateau }, CancellationToken.None).Result; result.Data.Position.X.Should().Be(1); result.Data.Position.Y.Should().Be(3); result.Data.Direction.Should().Be(Direction.North); }
public void RoverMoveQuery_55_33E_MMRMMRMRRM() { var rover = new Rover(3, 3, Direction.East); var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); var result = roverMoveQueryHandler.Handle(new RoverMoveQuery { Rover = rover, Commands = "MMRMMRMRRM", Plateau = plateau }, CancellationToken.None).Result; result.Data.Position.X.Should().Be(5); result.Data.Position.Y.Should().Be(1); result.Data.Direction.Should().Be(Direction.East); }
public void InvalidInstructionCharDetected() { var plateau = new Plateau("5 5"); var rovers = new List <IRover>() { new Rover("0 0 N", "ABC") }; var ex = Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => plateau.Explore(rovers)); Assert.That(ex.Message, Is.EqualTo("Invalid instruction character detected")); }
public void Example3() { var plateau = new Plateau("3 3"); var rovers = new List <IRover>() { new Rover("0 0 E", "MLMRMLMRMLM") }; plateau.Explore(rovers); Assert.AreEqual("3 3 N", rovers[0].ToString()); }
public virtual Tuple<string, Rover, Plateau> Execute( string[] commandElements, Rover rover, Plateau plateau) { var xCoordinate = 0; var yCoordinate = 0; if (!int.TryParse(commandElements[0], out xCoordinate) || !int.TryParse(commandElements[1], out yCoordinate)) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid Command. Plateau maximum values must be specified with integers."); } var newPlateau = new Plateau(xCoordinate, yCoordinate); return new Tuple<string, Rover, Plateau>("", rover, newPlateau); }
public PanelTable() { InitializeComponent(); Plateau = new Plateau(); Plateau.ScoreChange += new EventHandler(Plateau_ScoreChange); Dessinateur.TableDessinee += Dessinateur_TableDessinee; checkedListBox.SetItemChecked(0, true); checkedListBox.SetItemChecked(1, true); toolTip.SetToolTip(btnTeleportRPFace, "Téléportation de face"); toolTip.SetToolTip(btnTeleportRPCentre, "Téléportation de centre"); toolTip.SetToolTip(btnPathRPFace, "Path finding de face"); toolTip.SetToolTip(btnPathRPCentre, "Path finding du centre"); }
public virtual Tuple<string, Rover, Plateau> Execute( string[] commandElements, Rover rover, Plateau plateau) { var roverCommands = _roverCommandParser.Parse(commandElements); foreach (var roverCommand in roverCommands) { roverCommand.Execute(rover); } var response = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", rover.CurrentPosition.XCoordinate, rover.CurrentPosition.YCoordinate, rover.Orientation); return new Tuple<string, Rover, Plateau>(response, rover, plateau); }
public virtual Tuple<string, Rover, Plateau> Execute( string[] commandElements, Rover rover, Plateau plateau) { var tempInt = 0; var xCoordinate = 0; var yCoordinate = 0; if (!int.TryParse(commandElements[0], out xCoordinate) || !int.TryParse(commandElements[1], out yCoordinate) || int.TryParse(commandElements[2], out tempInt)) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid Command. The rover creation command requires two integers followed by an alpha character."); } var newRover = new Rover( new Position(xCoordinate, yCoordinate), commandElements[2], plateau); return new Tuple<string, Rover, Plateau>("", newRover, plateau); }
public Rover(Plateau plateau, Coordinate coordinate, IDirectionState direction) { this.Coordinate = coordinate; this.Direction = direction; this.plateau = plateau; }
public void BecauseOf() { var input = "MMRMMRMRRM"; var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); var rover = new Rover(new Position(3, 3), "E", plateau); _commandProcessorResult = new CommandProcessor().Process(input, rover, plateau); }
public void BecauseOf() { var input = "1 1 N"; var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); _commandProcessorResult = new CommandProcessor().Process(input, null, plateau); }
public void should_not_validate_rover_as_within_plateau_limits_when_northing_less_than_0() { var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); var rover = new Rover(3, -4, Direction.South); Assert.False(plateau.IsRoverWithinLimits(rover)); }
public West(Plateau plateau) { this.plateau = plateau; }
public void should_not_validate_rover_as_within_plateau_limits_when_northing_more_than_northboundary() { var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); var rover = new Rover(3, 7, Direction.West); Assert.False(plateau.IsRoverWithinLimits(rover)); }
public void rover_must_be_placeable(int x, int y) { var mars = new Plateau(new Size(10, 10)); Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => mars.PlaceRover(new Rover(new Coordinate(x, y), CameraDirection.North))); }
public void should_validate_rover_as_within_plateau_limits_when_easting_and_northing_less_than_eastboundary_and_northboundary() { var plateau = new Plateau(5, 5); var rover = new Rover(3, 4, Direction.North); Assert.IsTrue(plateau.IsRoverWithinLimits(rover)); }
public Tuple<string, Rover, Plateau> Execute( string[] commandElements, Rover rover, Plateau plateau) { return new Tuple<string, Rover, Plateau>("Unknown Command", rover, plateau); }
protected void BecauseOf() { _plateau = new Plateau(4, 6); }