public ActionResult PlatStoreDescriptionRichText(int id = 0) { //string token = AccessTokenContainer.GetAccessToken(AccessTokenContainer.GetFirstOrDefaultAppId()); string token = WxHelper.GetToken(webview_appid, webview_appsecret, false); ViewBag.appid = AccessTokenContainer.GetFirstOrDefaultAppId(); ViewBag.ticket = JsApiTicketContainer.GetJsApiTicket(JsApiTicketContainer.GetFirstOrDefaultAppId()); ViewBag.timestamp = JSSDKHelper.GetTimestamp(); ViewBag.nonceStr = JSSDKHelper.GetNoncestr(); ViewBag.signature = JSSDKHelper.GetSignature(ViewBag.ticket, ViewBag.nonceStr, ViewBag.timestamp, GetPageUrl()); log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(this.GetType(), $"token={token};appid={ViewBag.appid};ticket={ViewBag.ticket};timestamp={ ViewBag.timestamp};nonceStr={ViewBag.nonceStr};signature={ViewBag.signature};pageUrl={GetPageUrl()}"); if (id == 0) { // string temp = RedisUtil.Get<string>("temp_psd_description_0"); ViewBag.description = "";//temp ?? ""; } else { PlatStore platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(id); if (platStore == null || platStore.State == -1) { ViewBag.description = ""; return(Content("店铺不存在或已删除")); } ViewBag.description = platStore.StoreDescription; } return(View()); }
// GET: public ActionResult Index() { int aid = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0); if (aid <= 0) { aid = Context.GetRequestInt("aid", 0); } PlatStore store = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAId(aid); PlatMyCard myCard = PlatMyCardBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(store.MyCardId); if (myCard == null) { return(Redirect("/base/PageError?type=2")); } PlatUserCash model = PlatUserCashBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByUserId(myCard.AId, myCard.UserId); if (model == null) { model = new PlatUserCash(); model.AddTime = DateTime.Now; model.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; model.UserId = myCard.UserId; model.AId = myCard.AId; model.Id = Convert.ToInt32(PlatUserCashBLL.SingleModel.Add(model)); } string nowTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); RedisUtil.Set <string>(string.Format(PlatStatisticalFlowBLL._redis_PlatVisiteTimeKey, aid), nowTime); return(View()); }
/// <summary> /// 平台上获取订单信息列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult GetPlatOrderList() { returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); int userId = Context.GetRequestInt("userid", 0); int state = Context.GetRequestInt("state", 0); int pageIndex = Context.GetRequestInt("pageindex", 1); int pageSize = Context.GetRequestInt("pagesize", 10); if (userId <= 0) { returnObj.Msg = "用户ID不能为0"; return(Json(returnObj)); } C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(userId); if (userInfo == null) { returnObj.Msg = "找不到用户"; return(Json(returnObj)); } XcxAppAccountRelation xcxrelation = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModelByAppid(userInfo.appId); if (xcxrelation == null) { returnObj.Msg = "无效模板"; return(Json(returnObj)); } string userIds = userId.ToString(); List <PlatStore> storeList = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetXcxRelationAppids(xcxrelation.Id); if (storeList != null && storeList.Count > 0) { string appids = "'" + string.Join("','", storeList.Select(s => s.AppId)) + "'"; List <C_UserInfo> userInfoList = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetListByAppIds(userInfo.TelePhone, appids); if (userInfoList != null && userInfoList.Count > 0) { userIds += "," + string.Join(",", userInfoList.Select(s => s.Id)); } } int count = 0; List <PlatChildGoodsOrder> list = PlatChildGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.GetList_Api(state, 0, 0, pageSize, pageIndex, ref count, 0, 0, 0, userIds); if (count > 0) { string storeIds = string.Join(",", list.Select(s => s.StoreId).Distinct()); List <PlatStore> allStores = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(storeIds); foreach (PlatChildGoodsOrder item in list) { PlatStore storeModel = allStores?.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == item.StoreId); item.StoreName = storeModel?.Name; } } returnObj.isok = true; returnObj.dataObj = new { count = count, list = list }; return(Json(returnObj)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取订单信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult GetOrderInfo() { returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); int userId = Context.GetRequestInt("userid", 0); int id = Context.GetRequestInt("id", 0); if (userId <= 0) { returnObj.Msg = "用户ID不能为0"; return(Json(returnObj)); } PlatChildGoodsOrder model = PlatChildGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.GetModel_Api(id); if (model != null) { PlatStore store = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(model.StoreId); if (store != null) { model.StorePhone = store.Phone; } model.DeliveryInfo = DeliveryFeedbackBLL.SingleModel.GetOrderFeed(orderId: model.Id, orderType: DeliveryOrderType.独立小程序订单商家发货); } returnObj.dataObj = model; returnObj.isok = true; return(Json(returnObj)); }
public ActionResult Index() { int aid = Context.GetRequestInt("aid", 0); ViewBag.appId = aid; PlatStore store = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAId(aid); PlatMyCard myCard = PlatMyCardBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(store.MyCardId); if (myCard == null) { return(Redirect("/base/PageError?type=2")); } //用户提现账户 PlatUserCash model = PlatUserCashBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByUserId(myCard.AId, myCard.UserId); if (model == null) { return(Redirect("/base/PageError?type=2")); } //平台提现设置 PlatDrawConfig drawConfig = PlatDrawConfigBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAId(myCard.AId); if (drawConfig == null) { drawConfig = new PlatDrawConfig(); } model.Fee = drawConfig.Fee; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Name)) { model.Name = "未绑定"; } return(View(model)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取订单信息列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult GetOrderList() { returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); int userId = Context.GetRequestInt("userid", 0); int state = Context.GetRequestInt("state", 0); int pageIndex = Context.GetRequestInt("pageindex", 1); int pageSize = Context.GetRequestInt("pagesize", 10); if (userId <= 0) { returnObj.Msg = "用户ID不能为0"; return(Json(returnObj)); } C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(userId); if (userInfo == null) { returnObj.Msg = "找不到用户"; return(Json(returnObj)); } XcxAppAccountRelation xcxrelation = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModelByAppid(userInfo.appId); if (xcxrelation == null) { returnObj.Msg = "无效模板"; return(Json(returnObj)); } PlatStore store = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAId(xcxrelation.Id); if (store == null) { returnObj.Msg = "无效店铺"; return(Json(returnObj)); } int platUserId = 0; XcxAppAccountRelation platXcxRelation = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModel(store.BindPlatAid); if (platXcxRelation != null) { //平台上的用户ID List <C_UserInfo> userInfoList = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetListByAppIds(userInfo.TelePhone, $"'{platXcxRelation.AppId}'"); if (userInfoList != null && userInfoList.Count > 0) { platUserId = userInfoList[0].Id; } } int count = 0; List <PlatChildGoodsOrder> list = PlatChildGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.GetList_Api(state, xcxrelation.Id, userId, pageSize, pageIndex, ref count, store.Id, store.BindPlatAid, platUserId); returnObj.isok = true; returnObj.dataObj = new { count = count, list = list }; return(Json(returnObj)); }
public PlatMyCard GetMyCardData(int cardid, int aid) { PlatMyCard model = base.GetModel(cardid); if (model == null) { return(new PlatMyCard()); } PlatPostUserMsgCountViewMolde msgmodel = PlatPostUserBLL.SingleModel.GetCountViewModel(model.Id); if (msgmodel != null) { model.MsgCount = msgmodel.PostMsgCount; } model.ContentCount = PlatMsgCommentBLL.SingleModel.GetUserContentCount(model.UserId); model.MsgDzCount = PlatUserFavoriteMsgBLL.SingleModel.GetMyMsgCount(model.UserId, (int)PointsActionType.点赞, (int)PointsDataType.帖子); PlatMsgviewFavoriteShare smodel = PlatMsgviewFavoriteShareBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByMsgId(aid, model.Id, (int)PointsDataType.片); if (smodel != null) { model.FollowCount = smodel.FollowCount; model.FavoriteCount = smodel.FavoriteCount; model.DzCount = smodel.DzCount; model.ViewCount = smodel.ViewCount; model.SiXinCount = smodel.SiXinCount; model.NewData = GetRedisCach(model.Id); } //行业 PlatIndustry industrymodel = PlatIndustryBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(model.IndustryId); model.IndustryName = industrymodel?.Name; //店铺 PlatStore store = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelBycardid(model.AId, model.Id); if (store != null) { smodel = PlatMsgviewFavoriteShareBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByMsgId(aid, store.Id, (int)PointsDataType.店铺); if (smodel != null) { model.StoreFavoriteCount = smodel.FavoriteCount; model.StoreViewCount = store.StorePV + store.StoreVirtualPV; model.StoreVistorCount = PlatUserFavoriteMsgBLL.SingleModel.GetUserMsgCount(model.AId, store.Id, (int)PointsActionType.过, (int)PointsDataType.店铺); } } return(model); }
/// <summary> /// 获取平台独立小程序用户消费记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int GetPlatChildGoodsVipPriceSum(int userId) { int sum = 0; C_UserInfo userinfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(userId); if (userinfo == null) { return(sum); } XcxAppAccountRelation xcxrelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppid(userinfo.appId); if (xcxrelation == null) { return(sum); } PlatStore store = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAId(xcxrelation.Id); if (store == null) { return(sum); } xcxrelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(store.BindPlatAid); if (xcxrelation == null) { return(sum); } userinfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByTelephone_appid(userinfo.TelePhone, xcxrelation.AppId); int puserId = 0; if (userinfo != null) { puserId = userinfo.Id; } string sql = $"select sum(buyprice) as count from PlatChildGoodsOrder where ((USERID = {userId} and templatetype ={(int)TmpType.小未平台子模版}) or (userid={puserId} and storeid={store.Id} and templatetype={(int)TmpType.小未平台})) and State = {(int)PlatChildOrderState.已完成}";//购物消费总额 已收货才确定计算为消费 var result = SqlMySql.ExecuteScalar(Utility.dbEnum.MINIAPP.ToString(), CommandType.Text, sql); if (DBNull.Value != result) { sum += Convert.ToInt32(result); } //sum += GetBargainAndGroupPriceSum(userid); sum += GetStoredvaluePaySum(userId); sum += GetEditSaveMoney(userId); return(sum); }
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext) { if (filterContext.ActionDescriptor.IsDefined(typeof(AllowAnonymousAttribute), true)) { return; } int aid = Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0); int fromPlat = Context.GetRequestInt("fromPlat", 0); if (aid <= 0) { aid = Context.GetRequestInt("aid", 0); if (aid <= 0) { filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("/base/PageError?type=5"); return; } } string AccountId = Core.MiniApp.Utils.GetBuildCookieId("dz_UserCookieNew").ToString(); Guid _accountid = Guid.Empty; Guid.TryParse(AccountId, out _accountid); if (aid == 0 || _accountid == Guid.Empty) { filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("/base/PageError?type=1"); return; } XcxAppAccountRelation xcxrelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByaccountidAndAppid(aid, _accountid.ToString()); if (xcxrelation == null) { filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("/base/PageError?type=2"); return; } if (fromPlat == 0)//表示直接从平台店铺列表添加店铺 没有主人的店铺 { PlatStore store = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAId(aid); if (store == null) { filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("/base/PageError?type=2"); return; } } }
/// <summary> /// 获取店铺产品类别配置 来进行样式的显示 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult GetGoodsCategoryLevel() { returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); returnObj.code = "200"; string appId = Context.GetRequest("appId", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appId)) { returnObj.Msg = "参数错误"; return(Json(returnObj)); } XcxAppAccountRelation r = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModelByAppid(appId); if (r == null) { returnObj.Msg = "小程序未授权"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } PlatStore platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetPlatStore(r.Id, 2); if (platStore == null) { returnObj.Msg = "店铺不存在"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } PlatStoreSwitchModel switchModel = new PlatStoreSwitchModel(); int productCategoryLevel = 1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(platStore.SwitchConfig)) { switchModel = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PlatStoreSwitchModel>(platStore.SwitchConfig); productCategoryLevel = switchModel.ProductCategoryLevel; } returnObj.dataObj = new { Level = productCategoryLevel }; returnObj.isok = true; returnObj.Msg = "获取成功"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// 申请独立小程序 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult ApplyStoreApp() { returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); int userid = Context.GetRequestInt("userid", 0); if (userid <= 0) { returnObj.Msg = "userid不能为0"; } PlatMyCard mycard = PlatMyCardBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByUserId(userid); if (mycard == null) { returnObj.Msg = "名片已过期"; return(Json(returnObj)); } PlatStore store = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelBycardid(mycard.AId, mycard.Id); if (store == null) { returnObj.Msg = "店铺已过期"; return(Json(returnObj)); } PlatApplyApp model = new PlatApplyApp(); model.AddTime = DateTime.Now; model.BindAId = mycard.AId; model.CustomerName = mycard.Name; model.MycardId = mycard.Id; model.OpenState = 0; model.StoreId = store.Id; model.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; model.Id = Convert.ToInt32(PlatApplyAppBLL.SingleModel.Add(model)); returnObj.isok = model.Id > 0; returnObj.Msg = returnObj.isok ? "提交成功,正在审核中" : "提交失败"; return(Json(returnObj)); }
/// <summary> /// 关闭或开启同步 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult SaveXcxState() { _returnData = new Return_Msg(); int id = Context.GetRequestInt("id", 0); int state = Context.GetRequestInt("state", 0); if (id <= 0) { _returnData.Msg = "参数错误"; return(Json(_returnData)); } PlatApplyApp model = PlatApplyAppBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(id); if (model == null) { _returnData.Msg = "数据过期,请刷新重试"; return(Json(_returnData)); } PlatStore store = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(model.StoreId); if (store == null) { _returnData.Msg = "店铺数据过期,请刷新重试"; return(Json(_returnData)); } XcxAppAccountRelation xcxrelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(store.Aid); if (xcxrelation == null) { _returnData.Msg = "店铺数据过期,请刷新重试"; return(Json(_returnData)); } xcxrelation.State = state; _returnData.isok = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.Update(xcxrelation, "state"); _returnData.Msg = _returnData.isok ? "保存成功" : "保存失败"; return(Json(_returnData)); }
public ActionResult OpenDistribution(int aid = 0, int isOpen = 0) { Return_Msg returnData = new Return_Msg(); XcxAppAccountRelation xcxrelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(aid); if (xcxrelation == null) { returnData.Msg = "无效模板"; return(Json(returnData)); } PlatStore store = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAId(aid); if (store == null) { returnData.Msg = "无效店铺"; return(Json(returnData)); } PlatMyCard myCard = PlatMyCardBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(store.MyCardId); if (myCard == null) { returnData.Msg = "无效用户数据"; return(Json(returnData)); } PlatUserCash userCash = PlatUserCashBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByUserId(store.BindPlatAid, myCard.UserId); if (userCash == null) { returnData.Msg = "无效账号"; return(Json(returnData)); } userCash.IsOpenDistribution = isOpen; userCash.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; returnData.isok = PlatUserCashBLL.SingleModel.Update(userCash, "IsOpenDistribution,UpdateTime"); returnData.Msg = returnData.isok ? "保存成功" : "保存失败"; return(Json(returnData)); }
public ActionResult SavePlatStoreDescriptionRichText(int id, string content) { if (id > 0) { PlatStore platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(id); if (platStore == null || platStore.State == -1) { return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "店铺不存在或已删除" })); } if (content.Trim() == "") { return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "店铺描述不能为空" })); } platStore.StoreDescription = content; if (PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.Update(platStore, "StoreDescription")) { return(Json(new { isok = true, msg = "保存成功!" })); } else { return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "保存失败!" })); } } else { //如果是新增的产品 没有id用一个缓存来保存 if (RedisUtil.Set <string>("temp_psd_description_0", content)) { return(Json(new { isok = true, msg = "保存成功!" })); } else { return(Json(new { isok = false, msg = "保存失败!" })); } } }
/// <summary> /// 查看店铺详情 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult StoreDetail() { int appId = Utility.IO.Context.GetRequestInt("aid", 0); int storeRelationId = Utility.IO.Context.GetRequestInt("storeRelationId", 0); if (appId <= 0) { return(View("PageError", new PlatReturnMsg() { Msg = "参数错误!", code = "500" })); } PlatStoreRelation platStoreRelation = PlatStoreRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(storeRelationId); if (platStoreRelation == null) { return(View("PageError", new PlatReturnMsg() { Msg = "数据异常!", code = "404" })); } PlatStore platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(platStoreRelation.StoreId); if (platStore == null) { return(View("PageError", new PlatReturnMsg() { Msg = "店铺不存在!", code = "404" })); } return(View(platStore)); }
/// <summary> /// 开通独立小程序 /// </summary> /// <param name="platApplyAppModel"></param> /// <param name="accountid"></param> /// <param name="uselength"></param> /// <param name="tid"></param> /// <param name="msg"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool OpenStore(PlatApplyApp platApplyAppModel, string accountid, int uselength, int tid, ref string msg) { DateTime nowtime = DateTime.Now; TransactionModel tran = new TransactionModel(); bool success = false; if (platApplyAppModel == null) { msg = "申请记录为空"; return(false); } //用户基础数据,获取普通预存款 AccountRelation accountrelation = AccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAccountId(accountid); Agentinfo agentinfo = AgentinfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAccoundId(accountid); #region 模板跟模板价格 XcxTemplate tempinfo = XcxTemplateBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByType((int)TmpType.小未平台子模版); if (tempinfo != null && agentinfo != null) { List <XcxTemplate> xcxlist = XcxTemplateBLL.SingleModel.GetRealPriceTemplateList($" id in ({tempinfo.Id})",; if (xcxlist != null && xcxlist.Count > 0) { //代理过期检验 AgentinfoBLL.SingleModel.CheckOutTime(ref xcxlist, agentinfo, 0, ref msg); tempinfo = xcxlist[0]; } } if (tempinfo == null) { msg = "模板数据为空"; return(false); } #endregion #region 扣费 //扣除总费用 int sum = tempinfo.Price * uselength; //变更前金额 int deposit = 0; //变更后的金额 int afterdeposit = 0; //扣除代理费用 if (agentinfo != null) { //首次开通免费 if (AgentdepositLogBLL.SingleModel.IsFirstOpen(, 2, 0)) { sum = 0; uselength = 1; } //变更前金额 deposit = agentinfo.deposit; //判断余额是否满足扣费 if (deposit + accountrelation.Deposit < sum) { msg = "余额不足"; return(false); } //变更后金额,先扣除普通用户账号预存款 if (accountrelation.Deposit > 0) { if (accountrelation.Deposit >= sum) { afterdeposit = accountrelation.Deposit - sum; tran.Add($"UPDATE AccountRelation set deposit={afterdeposit} ,updatetime='{nowtime}' where id={accountrelation.Id}"); } else { //先扣除普通用户预存,再扣除代理商预存 afterdeposit = agentinfo.deposit - (sum - accountrelation.Deposit); tran.Add($"UPDATE Agentinfo set deposit={afterdeposit} ,updateitme='{nowtime}' where id={}"); tran.Add($"UPDATE AccountRelation set deposit=0 ,updatetime='{nowtime}' where id={accountrelation.Id}"); } } else { afterdeposit = deposit - sum; tran.Add($"UPDATE Agentinfo set deposit={afterdeposit} ,updateitme='{nowtime}' where id={}"); } } //扣除普通账号预存款 else { //首次开通免费 if (AgentdepositLogBLL.SingleModel.IsFirstOpen(0, 13, accountrelation.Id)) { sum = 0; } else { sum = 100 * uselength; } //变更前金额 deposit = accountrelation.Deposit; //判断余额是否满足扣费 if (deposit < sum) { msg = "余额不足"; return(false); } //变更后金额 afterdeposit = deposit - sum; tran.Add($"UPDATE AccountRelation set deposit={afterdeposit} ,updatetime='{nowtime}' where id={accountrelation.Id}"); } #endregion //名片管理登陆账号 PlatMyCard mycardmodel = PlatMyCardBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(platApplyAppModel.MycardId); if (mycardmodel == null) { msg = "名片过期"; return(false); } //判断是否已开通 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mycardmodel.LoginId)) { msg = "该用户已开通过,请刷新看看"; return(false); } //开通后台账号 Account account = AccountBLL.SingleModel.WeiXinRegister("", 0, "", true, "", "", "小未平台开通独立小程序"); if (account == null) { msg = "注册后台账号失败"; return(false); } mycardmodel.LoginId = account.LoginId; mycardmodel.UpdateTime = nowtime; tran.Add(PlatMyCardBLL.SingleModel.BuildUpdateSql(mycardmodel, "LoginId,UpdateTime")); //申请开通记录 platApplyAppModel.UserId = mycardmodel.UserId; platApplyAppModel.OpenState = 1; platApplyAppModel.OpenTime = nowtime; platApplyAppModel.UpdateTime = nowtime; tran.Add(base.BuildUpdateSql(platApplyAppModel, "OpenState,OpenTime,UpdateTime,UserId")); //开通独立小程序模板 tran.Add($@"insert into XcxAppAccountRelation(TId,AccountId,AddTime,Url,price,outtime,agentid) values({tempinfo.Id}, '{account.Id}', '{nowtime}', '{tempinfo.Link}', {tempinfo.Price}, '{nowtime.AddYears(uselength)}',{(agentinfo != null ? : 0)})"); //绑定店铺 PlatStore platstoremodel = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(platApplyAppModel.StoreId); if (platstoremodel == null) { msg = "店铺已过期,请刷新重试"; return(false); } tran.Add($"update PlatStore set aid=(select last_insert_id()),UpdateTime='{nowtime}' where id={platstoremodel.Id}"); #region 开通流水 AgentdepositLog agentLog = new AgentdepositLog(); agentLog.agentid = agentinfo != null ? : 0; agentLog.addtime = nowtime; agentLog.templateCount = 1; agentLog.customerid = account.Id.ToString(); agentLog.tid = tempinfo.Id; agentLog.type = agentinfo != null ? (int)AgentDepositLogType.开通客户模板 : (int)AgentDepositLogType.普通用户开通模板; agentLog.templateCount = 1; agentLog.beforeDeposit = deposit; agentLog.cost = sum; agentLog.Rid = platApplyAppModel.BindAId; agentLog.acid = agentinfo != null ? 0 : accountrelation.Id; agentLog.afterDeposit = afterdeposit; string desc = $"客户:{mycardmodel.Name} 开通模板:{tempinfo.TName} 开通数量:1"; agentLog.costdetail = desc; tran.Add(AgentdepositLogBLL.SingleModel.BuildAddSql(agentLog)); #endregion //执行事务 success = base.ExecuteTransactionDataCorect(tran.sqlArray, tran.ParameterArray); return(success); }
public ActionResult GetData() { Return_Msg returnData = new Return_Msg(); int aid = Context.GetRequestInt("aid", 0); if (aid <= 0) { returnData.Msg = "参数错误"; return(Json(returnData)); } XcxAppAccountRelation xcxrelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(aid); if (xcxrelation == null) { returnData.Msg = "无效模板"; return(Json(returnData)); } PlatStore store = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAId(aid); if (store == null) { returnData.Msg = "无效店铺"; return(Json(returnData)); } PlatMyCard myCard = PlatMyCardBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(store.MyCardId); if (myCard == null) { returnData.Msg = "无效用户数据"; return(Json(returnData)); } PlatUserCash userCash = PlatUserCashBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByUserId(store.BindPlatAid, myCard.UserId); if (userCash == null) { return(Redirect("/base/PageError?type=2")); } PlatDrawConfig platDrawConfig = PlatDrawConfigBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAId(store.BindPlatAid); if (platDrawConfig == null) { platDrawConfig = new PlatDrawConfig(); } //总访问量 int sumPV = PlatStatisticalFlowBLL.SingleModel.GetPVCount(aid); //店铺概况 //当天订单 int newOrderCount = PlatChildGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.GetTodayOrderCount(aid); //总订单 int orderCount = PlatChildGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.GetOrderSum(aid); //会员人数 int userCount = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetCountByAppid(xcxrelation.AppId); //领券人数 int couponCount = CouponLogBLL.SingleModel.GetUserCount(aid); //上次访问时间 string visiteTime = RedisUtil.Get <string>(string.Format(PlatStatisticalFlowBLL._redis_PlatVisiteTimeKey, aid)); //平台订单数 int platOrderNum = PlatChildGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.GetPlatOrderNum(store.BindPlatAid, store.Id); //平台交易总额 int platSumPrice = PlatChildGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.GetPlatOrderSumPrice(store.BindPlatAid, store.Id); //已提现金额 int drawedCashPrice = userCash.UseCashTotal; //可提现金额 int canDrawCashPrice = userCash.UseCash; //提现手续费 int drawCashServer = platDrawConfig.Fee; DateTime nowTime = DateTime.Now; //访问量(PV) //当天,昨天,近七天,近30天,总累计 int todayPV = 0; int yeastodayPV = PlatStatisticalFlowBLL.SingleModel.GetPVCount(aid, "", nowTime.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), nowTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); int sevenDayPV = PlatStatisticalFlowBLL.SingleModel.GetPVCount(aid, "", nowTime.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), nowTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); int thirthDayPV = PlatStatisticalFlowBLL.SingleModel.GetPVCount(aid, "", nowTime.AddDays(-30).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), nowTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); //近30天访问趋势统计 List <PlatStatisticalFlow> list = PlatStatisticalFlowBLL.SingleModel.GetListByAid(aid, nowTime.AddDays(-30).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), nowTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); List <string> labels = new List <string>(); List <int> datas = new List <int>(); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { foreach (PlatStatisticalFlow item in list) { labels.Add(item.RefDate); datas.Add(item.VisitPV); } } returnData.dataObj = new { sumpv = sumPV, newordercount = newOrderCount, usercount = userCount, ordercount = orderCount, couponcount = couponCount, todaypv = todayPV, yeastodaypv = yeastodayPV, sevendaypv = sevenDayPV, thirthdaypv = thirthDayPV, labels = labels, datas = datas, visitetime = visiteTime, platordernum = platOrderNum, platsumprice = (platSumPrice * 0.01).ToString("0.00"), drawedcashprice = (drawedCashPrice * 0.01).ToString("0.00"), candrawcashprice = (canDrawCashPrice * 0.01).ToString("0.00"), isopendistribution = userCash.IsOpenDistribution, drawcashserver = (drawCashServer * 0.01) + "%", }; return(Json(returnData)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取对应的配置 /// </summary> /// <param name="aid"></param> /// <param name="totalCount"></param> /// <param name="configType">配置类别 0 广告图 1推荐商家 2置顶商家</param> /// <param name="pageSize"></param> /// <param name="pageIndex"></param> /// <param name="orderWhere"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <PlatConfig> getListByaid(int aid, out int totalCount, int configType = 0, int pageSize = 10, int pageIndex = 1, string orderWhere = "sortNumber desc,addTime desc") { string strWhere = $"aid={aid} and state<>-1 and configType={configType} "; totalCount = base.GetCount(strWhere); List <PlatConfig> list = base.GetListByParam(strWhere, null, pageSize, pageIndex, "*", orderWhere); list.ForEach(x => { switch (configType) { case 0: //表示广告图跳转到目标为帖子 if (x.ADImgType == 1) { PlatMsg platMsg = PlatMsgBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(x.ObjId); if (platMsg != null && platMsg.MsgDetail.Length > 0) { x.ObjName = platMsg.MsgDetail.Substring(0, platMsg.MsgDetail.Length > 20 ? 20 : platMsg.MsgDetail.Length); } } else if (x.ADImgType == 0) { PlatStore platStoreMsg = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetPlatStore(x.ObjId, x.isStoreID == 0 ? 1 : 0); if (platStoreMsg != null) { x.ObjName = platStoreMsg.Name; } } else if (x.ADImgType == 2) { //跳转小程序appid x.ObjName = x.Name; } else { x.ObjName = "不跳转"; } break; case 4: break; default: //置顶商家跟推荐商家没有上传轮播图 使用店铺轮播图第一张 PlatStore platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetPlatStore(x.ObjId, x.isStoreID == 0 ? 1 : 0); if (platStore != null) { x.storeId = platStore.Id; x.ObjName = platStore.Name; string[] imgs = platStore.Banners.Split(','); if (imgs != null && imgs.Length > 0) { x.ADImg = imgs.FirstOrDefault(); } } break; } }); return(list); }
/// <summary> /// 续期 /// </summary> /// <param name="platApplyAppModel"></param> /// <param name="accountid"></param> /// <param name="uselength"></param> /// <param name="tid"></param> /// <param name="msg"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool AddTimeLength(PlatApplyApp platApplyAppModel, string accountid, int uselength, int tid, ref string msg) { DateTime nowtime = DateTime.Now; TransactionModel tran = new TransactionModel(); #region 基础验证 bool success = false; if (platApplyAppModel == null) { msg = "申请记录为空"; return(false); } //名片管理登陆账号 PlatMyCard mycardmodel = PlatMyCardBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(platApplyAppModel.MycardId); if (mycardmodel == null) { msg = "名片过期"; return(false); } //判断是否已开通 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mycardmodel.LoginId)) { msg = "该用户还没开通小程序"; return(false); } //店铺数据 PlatStore platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(platApplyAppModel.StoreId); if (platStore == null) { msg = "店铺过期,请刷新重试"; return(false); } #endregion #region 使用中的模板数据 XcxAppAccountRelation xcxrelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(platStore.Aid); if (xcxrelation == null) { msg = "模板数据过期"; return(false); } if (xcxrelation.outtime < nowtime) { xcxrelation.outtime = nowtime.AddYears(uselength); } else { xcxrelation.outtime = xcxrelation.outtime.AddYears(uselength); } tran.Add($"update XcxAppAccountRelation set outtime='{xcxrelation.outtime}',state=1 where id={xcxrelation.Id}"); #endregion //用户基础数据,获取普通预存款 AccountRelation accountrelation = AccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAccountId(accountid); //代理数据 Agentinfo agentinfo = AgentinfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAccoundId(accountid); #region 模板跟模板价格 XcxTemplate tempinfo = XcxTemplateBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByType((int)TmpType.小未平台子模版); if (tempinfo != null && agentinfo != null) { List <XcxTemplate> xcxlist = XcxTemplateBLL.SingleModel.GetRealPriceTemplateList($" id in ({tempinfo.Id})",; if (xcxlist != null && xcxlist.Count > 0) { //代理过期检验 AgentinfoBLL.SingleModel.CheckOutTime(ref xcxlist, agentinfo, 0, ref msg); tempinfo = xcxlist[0]; } } if (tempinfo == null) { msg = "模板数据为空"; return(false); } #endregion #region 扣费 //扣除总费用 int sum = tempinfo.Price * uselength; //变更前金额 int deposit = 0; //变更后的金额 int afterdeposit = 0; //扣除代理费用 if (agentinfo != null) { //变更前金额 deposit = agentinfo.deposit; //判断余额是否满足扣费 if (deposit + accountrelation.Deposit < sum) { msg = "余额不足"; return(false); } //变更后金额 if (deposit >= sum) { afterdeposit = deposit - sum; tran.Add($"UPDATE Agentinfo set deposit={afterdeposit} ,updateitme='{nowtime}' where id={}"); } else if (accountrelation.Deposit >= sum) { afterdeposit = accountrelation.Deposit - sum; tran.Add($"UPDATE AccountRelation set deposit={afterdeposit} ,updatetime='{nowtime}' where id={accountrelation.Id}"); } else { //先扣除普通用户预存,再扣除代理商预存 afterdeposit = agentinfo.deposit - (sum - accountrelation.Deposit); tran.Add($"UPDATE Agentinfo set deposit={afterdeposit} ,updateitme='{nowtime}' where id={}"); tran.Add($"UPDATE AccountRelation set deposit=0 ,updatetime='{nowtime}' where id={accountrelation.Id}"); } } //扣除普通账号预存款 else { sum = 100 * uselength; //变更前金额 deposit = accountrelation.Deposit; //判断余额是否满足扣费 if (deposit < sum) { msg = "余额不足"; return(false); } //变更后金额 afterdeposit = deposit - sum; tran.Add($"UPDATE AccountRelation set deposit={afterdeposit} ,updatetime='{nowtime}' where id={accountrelation.Id}"); } #endregion #region 开通流水 AgentdepositLog agentLog = new AgentdepositLog(); agentLog.agentid = agentinfo != null ? : 0; agentLog.addtime = nowtime; agentLog.templateCount = 1; agentLog.customerid = xcxrelation.AccountId.ToString(); agentLog.tid = tempinfo.Id; agentLog.type = agentinfo != null ? (int)AgentDepositLogType.代理商续费 : (int)AgentDepositLogType.普通用户续费模板; agentLog.templateCount = 1; agentLog.beforeDeposit = deposit; agentLog.cost = sum; agentLog.acid = agentinfo != null ? 0 : accountrelation.Id; agentLog.Rid = platApplyAppModel.BindAId; agentLog.afterDeposit = afterdeposit; string desc = $"客户:{mycardmodel.Name} 续期模板:{tempinfo.TName} 续期年限:{uselength}年"; agentLog.costdetail = desc; tran.Add(AgentdepositLogBLL.SingleModel.BuildAddSql(agentLog)); #endregion success = base.ExecuteTransactionDataCorect(tran.sqlArray, tran.ParameterArray); //清除缓存 XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.RemoveRedis(xcxrelation.Id); return(success); }
public ActionResult AddStore() { returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); returnObj.code = "200"; string appId = Context.GetRequest("appId", string.Empty); int userId = Context.GetRequestInt("myCardId", 0); int agentInfoId = Context.GetRequestInt("agentInfoId", 0); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appId) || userId <= 0) { returnObj.Msg = "参数错误"; return(Json(returnObj)); } XcxAppAccountRelation r = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModelByAppid(appId); if (r == null) { returnObj.Msg = "小程序未授权"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } Agentinfo agentinfo = AgentinfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAccoundId(r.AccountId.ToString()); //if (agentinfo == null)//本平台代理信息 //{ // returnObj.Msg = "入驻异常"; // return Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); //} string banners = Context.GetRequest("banners", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(banners) || banners.Split(',').Length <= 0) { returnObj.Msg = "轮播图至少一张"; return(Json(returnObj)); } string storeName = Context.GetRequest("storeName", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(storeName) || storeName.Length >= 20) { returnObj.Msg = "店铺名称不能为空并且不能超过20字符"; return(Json(returnObj)); } string lngStr = Context.GetRequest("lng", string.Empty); string latStr = Context.GetRequest("lat", string.Empty); double lng = 0.00; double lat = 0.00; if (!double.TryParse(lngStr, out lng) || !double.TryParse(latStr, out lat)) { returnObj.Msg = "地址坐标错误"; return(Json(returnObj)); } string location = Context.GetRequest("location", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(location)) { returnObj.Msg = "地址不能为空"; return(Json(returnObj)); } string storeService = Context.GetRequest("storeService", string.Empty); //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(storeService) || storeService.Split(',').Length <= 0) //{ // returnObj.Msg = "提供服务不能为空"; // return Json(returnObj); //} string openTime = Context.GetRequest("openTime", string.Empty); //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(openTime)) //{ // returnObj.Msg = "营业时间不能为空"; // return Json(returnObj); //} //TODO 需要验证手机+电话 string phone = Context.GetRequest("phone", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(phone)) { returnObj.Msg = "请填写正确的号码"; return(Json(returnObj)); } string businessDescription = Context.GetRequest("businessDescription", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(businessDescription)) { returnObj.Msg = "业务简述不能为空"; return(Json(returnObj)); } string storeDescription = Context.GetRequest("storeDescription", string.Empty); string storeImgs = Context.GetRequest("storeImgs", string.Empty); int category = Context.GetRequestInt("category", 0);//店铺类别 if (PlatStoreCategoryBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(category) == null) { returnObj.Msg = "类别选择错误!"; return(Json(returnObj)); } PlatStore platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetPlatStore(userId, 1); if (platStore == null) { platStore = new PlatStore(); } AddressApi addressinfo = AddressHelper.GetAddressByApi(lngStr, latStr); if (addressinfo == null || addressinfo.result == null || addressinfo.result.address_component == null) { returnObj.Msg = "地址出错!"; return(Json(returnObj)); } if (!storeService.Contains("ServiceState")) { //表示旧版本的数据,设施服务给初始化新值 List <StoreServiceModel> list = new List <StoreServiceModel>(); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "WIFI" }); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "停车位" }); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "支付宝支付" }); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "微信支付" }); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "刷卡支付" }); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "空调雅座" }); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "付费停车" }); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "接送服务" }); storeService = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list); } string storeRemark = Context.GetRequest("storeRemark", string.Empty); platStore.StoreRemark = storeRemark; string provinceName = addressinfo.result.address_component.province; string cityName =; string countryName = addressinfo.result.address_component.district; platStore.ProvinceCode = C_AreaBLL.SingleModel.GetCodeByName(provinceName); platStore.CityCode = C_AreaBLL.SingleModel.GetCodeByName(cityName); platStore.CountryCode = C_AreaBLL.SingleModel.GetCodeByName(countryName); platStore.AddTime = DateTime.Now; platStore.Banners = banners; platStore.BindPlatAid = r.Id; platStore.BusinessDescription = businessDescription; platStore.Category = category; platStore.Lat = lat; platStore.Lng = lng; platStore.Location = location; platStore.MyCardId = userId; platStore.Name = storeName; platStore.OpenTime = openTime; platStore.Phone = phone; platStore.StoreDescription = storeDescription; platStore.StoreImgs = storeImgs; platStore.StoreService = storeService; platStore.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; TransactionModel TranModel = new TransactionModel(); if (platStore.Id > 0) { //表示更新 TranModel.Add(PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.BuildUpdateSql(platStore)); PlatStoreRelation platStoreRelation = PlatStoreRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetPlatStoreRelationOwner(r.Id, platStore.Id); if (platStoreRelation == null) { returnObj.Msg = "更新异常(店铺关系找不到数据)"; return(Json(returnObj)); } platStoreRelation.Category = platStore.Category; platStoreRelation.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; TranModel.Add(PlatStoreRelationBLL.SingleModel.BuildUpdateSql(platStoreRelation, "Category,UpdateTime")); //2.查找上级代理 #region 步代理商店铺 暂时先屏蔽 //AgentDistributionRelation agentDistributionRelationFirst = new AgentDistributionRelationBLL().GetModel(; //if (agentDistributionRelationFirst != null) //{ // Agentinfo agentinfoFirst = _agentinfoBll.GetModel(agentDistributionRelationFirst.ParentAgentId); // if (agentinfoFirst != null) // { // XcxAppAccountRelation xcxAppAccountRelationFirst = _xcxappaccountrelationBll.GetModelByaccountidAndTid(agentinfoFirst.useraccountid, (int)TmpType.小未平台); // if (xcxAppAccountRelationFirst != null) // { // PlatStoreRelation platStoreRelationFist = _platStoreRelationBLL.GetPlatStoreRelationOwner(xcxAppAccountRelationFirst.Id, platStore.Id,; // if (platStoreRelationFist != null) // { // platStoreRelationFist.Category = platStore.Category; // platStoreRelationFist.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; // TranModel.Add(_platStoreRelationBLL.BuildUpdateSql(platStoreRelationFist, "Category,UpdateTime")); // } // //3.查找上级的上级代理 // AgentDistributionRelation agentDistributionRelationSecond = new AgentDistributionRelationBLL().GetModel(; // if (agentDistributionRelationSecond != null) // { // Agentinfo agentinfoSecond = _agentinfoBll.GetModel(agentDistributionRelationSecond.ParentAgentId); // if (agentinfoSecond != null) // { // XcxAppAccountRelation xcxAppAccountRelationSecond = _xcxappaccountrelationBll.GetModelByaccountidAndTid(agentinfoSecond.useraccountid, (int)TmpType.小未平台); // if (xcxAppAccountRelationSecond != null) // { // PlatStoreRelation platStoreRelationSecond = _platStoreRelationBLL.GetPlatStoreRelationOwner(xcxAppAccountRelationSecond.Id, platStore.Id,; // platStoreRelationSecond.Category = platStore.Category; // platStoreRelationSecond.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; // TranModel.Add(_platStoreRelationBLL.BuildUpdateSql(platStoreRelationSecond, "Category,UpdateTime")); // } // } // } // } // } //} #endregion if (TranModel.sqlArray != null && TranModel.sqlArray.Length > 0 && PlatStoreRelationBLL.SingleModel.ExecuteTransactionDataCorect(TranModel.sqlArray)) { returnObj.isok = true; returnObj.Msg = "操作成功"; return(Json(returnObj)); } else { returnObj.Msg = "更新失败"; return(Json(returnObj)); } } else { //平台入驻模式 PlatStoreAddSetting platStoreAddSetting = PlatStoreAddSettingBLL.SingleModel.GetPlatStoreAddSetting(r.Id); int addWay = platStoreAddSetting != null ? platStoreAddSetting.AddWay : 0; PlatStoreAddRules rule = new PlatStoreAddRules(); if (addWay == 1) { platStore.State = -1; int ruleId = Context.GetRequestInt("ruleId", 0); rule = PlatStoreAddRulesBLL.SingleModel.getRule(r.Id, ruleId); if (rule == null) { returnObj.Msg = "入驻套餐不存在!"; return(Json(returnObj)); } platStore.YearCount = rule.YearCount; platStore.CostPrice = rule.CostPrice; } //表示入驻平台 需要将该入驻店铺同步到平台的1 2级代理商 int storeId = Convert.ToInt32(PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.Add(platStore)); if (storeId > 0) { #region 数据同步 //插入关系表 才算成功 店铺数据都是从关系表获取才算有效的 //1.先将入驻到平台的插入 PlatStoreRelation platStoreRelation = new PlatStoreRelation(); platStoreRelation.StoreId = storeId; platStoreRelation.State = 1; platStoreRelation.FromType = 0; platStoreRelation.Aid = r.Id; platStoreRelation.Category = platStore.Category; platStoreRelation.AgentId = agentinfo != null ? : agentInfoId; platStoreRelation.AddTime = DateTime.Now; platStoreRelation.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; TranModel.Add(PlatStoreRelationBLL.SingleModel.BuildAddSql(platStoreRelation)); //2.查找上级代理 #region 暂时先屏蔽 //AgentDistributionRelation agentDistributionRelationFirst = new AgentDistributionRelationBLL().GetModel(; //if (agentDistributionRelationFirst != null) //{ // Agentinfo agentinfoFirst = _agentinfoBll.GetModel(agentDistributionRelationFirst.ParentAgentId); // if (agentinfoFirst != null) // { // XcxAppAccountRelation xcxAppAccountRelationFirst = _xcxappaccountrelationBll.GetModelByaccountidAndTid(agentinfoFirst.useraccountid, (int)TmpType.小未平台); // if (xcxAppAccountRelationFirst != null) // { // PlatStoreRelation platStoreRelationFist = new PlatStoreRelation(); // platStoreRelationFist.StoreId = storeId; // platStoreRelationFist.State = 0; // platStoreRelationFist.FromType = 1; // platStoreRelationFist.Aid = xcxAppAccountRelationFirst.Id; // platStoreRelationFist.Category = platStore.Category; // platStoreRelationFist.AgentId =; // platStoreRelationFist.AddTime = DateTime.Now; // platStoreRelationFist.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; // TranModel.Add(_platStoreRelationBLL.BuildAddSql(platStoreRelationFist)); // //3.查找上级的上级代理 // AgentDistributionRelation agentDistributionRelationSecond = new AgentDistributionRelationBLL().GetModel(; // if (agentDistributionRelationSecond != null) // { // Agentinfo agentinfoSecond = _agentinfoBll.GetModel(agentDistributionRelationSecond.ParentAgentId); // if (agentinfoSecond != null) // { // XcxAppAccountRelation xcxAppAccountRelationSecond = _xcxappaccountrelationBll.GetModelByaccountidAndTid(agentinfoSecond.useraccountid, (int)TmpType.小未平台); // if (xcxAppAccountRelationSecond != null) // { // PlatStoreRelation platStoreRelationSecond = new PlatStoreRelation(); // platStoreRelationSecond.StoreId = storeId; // platStoreRelationSecond.State = 0; // platStoreRelationSecond.FromType = 1; // platStoreRelationSecond.Aid = xcxAppAccountRelationSecond.Id; // platStoreRelationSecond.Category = platStore.Category; // platStoreRelationSecond.AgentId =; // platStoreRelationSecond.AddTime = DateTime.Now; // platStoreRelationSecond.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; // TranModel.Add(_platStoreRelationBLL.BuildAddSql(platStoreRelationSecond)); // } // } // } // } // } //} #endregion #endregion int orderid = 0; if (addWay == 1) { CityMorders order = new CityMorders() { FuserId = storeId, Fusername = storeName, TuserId = 0, OrderType = (int)ArticleTypeEnum.PlatAddStorePay, ActionType = (int)miniAppBuyMode.微信支付, Addtime = DateTime.Now, Percent = 99,//不收取服务费 userip = WebHelper.GetIP(), payment_status = 0, Status = 0, CitySubId = 0,//无分销,默认为0 PayRate = 1, appid = appId, Articleid = rule.Id, CommentId = platStore.YearCount, MinisnsId = r.Id, payment_free = platStore.CostPrice, ShowNote = $"平台版店铺入驻收费付款{platStore.CostPrice * 0.01}元" }; string no = WxPayApi.GenerateOutTradeNo(); order.orderno = no; order.trade_no = no; orderid = Convert.ToInt32(_cityMordersBLL.Add(order)); } if (TranModel.sqlArray != null && TranModel.sqlArray.Length > 0) { if (PlatStoreRelationBLL.SingleModel.ExecuteTransactionDataCorect(TranModel.sqlArray)) { if (orderid <= 0 && addWay == 1) { returnObj.Msg = "入驻失败(订单生成失败)"; return(Json(returnObj)); } returnObj.dataObj = new { storeId = storeId, orderid = orderid }; returnObj.isok = true; returnObj.Msg = "入驻成功"; return(Json(returnObj)); } else { platStore.State = -1; platStore.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.Update(platStore, "State,UpdateTime"); returnObj.Msg = "入驻失败"; return(Json(returnObj)); } } else { returnObj.dataObj = storeId; returnObj.isok = true; returnObj.Msg = "入驻成功"; return(Json(returnObj)); } } else { returnObj.Msg = "入驻失败(请联系客服)"; return(Json(returnObj)); } } }
public ActionResult GetGoodInfo() { int pid = Context.GetRequestInt("pid", 0); int userId = Context.GetRequestInt("userId", 0); returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); returnObj.code = "200"; if (pid == 0) { returnObj.Msg = "请选择产品"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } PlatChildGoods goodModel = PlatChildGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(pid); if (goodModel == null || goodModel.State == 0) { returnObj.Msg = "产品不存在或已删除"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } PlatStore platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAId(goodModel.AId); if (platStore == null) { returnObj.Msg = "店铺不存在"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(goodModel.Plabels)) { //goodModel.plabelstr = DAL.Base.SqlMySql.ExecuteScalar(Utility.dbEnum.MINIAPP.ToString(), CommandType.Text, $"SELECT group_concat(name order by sort desc) from entgoodlabel where id in ({goodModel.plabels})").ToString(); goodModel.PlabelStr = PlatChildGoodsLabelBLL.SingleModel.GetEntGoodsLabelStr(goodModel.Plabels); goodModel.PlabelStr_Arry = goodModel.PlabelStr.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList(); } #region 会员折扣显示 //获取会员信息 VipRelation vipInfo = VipRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByUserid(userId); VipLevel levelinfo = vipInfo != null?VipLevelBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(vipInfo.levelid) : null; List <PlatChildGoods> list = new List <PlatChildGoods>(); list.Add(goodModel); // _miniappVipLevelBll.GetVipDiscount(ref list, vipInfo, levelinfo, userId, "Discount", "Price"); goodModel = list.FirstOrDefault(); #endregion 会员折扣显示 //#region 会员打折 List <PlatChildGoodsCart> carlist = new List <PlatChildGoodsCart>() { new PlatChildGoodsCart() { GoodsId = goodModel.Id } }; carlist.ForEach(g => g.OriginalPrice = g.Price); VipLevelBLL.SingleModel.GetVipDiscount(ref carlist, vipInfo, levelinfo, userId, "Discount", "Price"); goodModel.Discount = carlist[0].Discount; //#endregion 会员打折 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(goodModel.Img)) { goodModel.Img = goodModel.Img.Replace("", ""); } List <GoodsSpecDetail> listGoodsSpecDetail = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <GoodsSpecDetail> >(goodModel.SpecDetail); listGoodsSpecDetail.ForEach(x => { if (x.Discount == 100) { x.DiscountPrice = x.Price; } }); goodModel.SpecDetail = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listGoodsSpecDetail); goodModel.storeModel = new StoreModel() { StoreId = platStore.Id, Name = platStore.Name, Img = platStore.StoreHeaderImg, Loction = platStore.Location, Lng = platStore.Lng, Lat = platStore.Lat }; PlatMyCard platMyCard = PlatMyCardBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(platStore.MyCardId); if (platMyCard != null) { goodModel.storeOwner = new StoreOwner() { UserId = platMyCard.UserId, Name = platMyCard.Name, Avatar = platMyCard.ImgUrl }; PlatUserCash userCash = PlatUserCashBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByUserId(platMyCard.AId, platMyCard.UserId); if (userCash != null) { goodModel.storeOwner.IsOpenDistribution = userCash.IsOpenDistribution; } } returnObj.isok = true; returnObj.dataObj = goodModel; returnObj.Msg = "获取成功"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult AddStoreTime() { returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); returnObj.code = "200"; string appId = Context.GetRequest("appId", string.Empty); int storeId = Context.GetRequestInt("storeId", 0); int ruleId = Context.GetRequestInt("ruleId", 0); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appId) || storeId <= 0 || ruleId <= 0) { returnObj.Msg = "参数错误"; return(Json(returnObj)); } XcxAppAccountRelation r = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModelByAppid(appId); if (r == null) { returnObj.Msg = "小程序未授权"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } PlatStore platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(storeId); if (platStore == null) { returnObj.Msg = "店铺不存在"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } if (platStore.State == -1) { returnObj.Msg = "店铺不可用"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } PlatStoreAddRules rule = PlatStoreAddRulesBLL.SingleModel.getRule(r.Id, ruleId); if (rule == null) { returnObj.Msg = "续费套餐不存在"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } CityMorders order = new CityMorders() { FuserId = platStore.Id, Fusername = platStore.Name, TuserId = 0, OrderType = (int)ArticleTypeEnum.PlatStoreAddTimePay, ActionType = (int)miniAppBuyMode.微信支付, Addtime = DateTime.Now, Percent = 99,//不收取服务费 userip = WebHelper.GetIP(), payment_status = 0, Status = 0, CitySubId = 0,//无分销,默认为0 PayRate = 1, appid = appId, Articleid = rule.Id, CommentId = rule.YearCount, MinisnsId = r.Id, payment_free = rule.CostPrice, ShowNote = $"平台版店铺续期{rule.YearCount}月收费付款{rule.CostPrice * 0.01}元" }; string no = WxPayApi.GenerateOutTradeNo(); order.orderno = no; order.trade_no = no; int orderid = Convert.ToInt32(_cityMordersBLL.Add(order)); if (orderid <= 0) { returnObj.Msg = "续费失败(生成订单失败)"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } returnObj.dataObj = orderid; returnObj.isok = true; returnObj.Msg = "续费成功"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取平台指定店铺详情 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult GetStoreDetail() { returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); returnObj.code = "200"; string appId = Context.GetRequest("appId", string.Empty); int userId = Context.GetRequestInt("userId", 0); int storeId = Context.GetRequestInt("storeId", 0); int type = Context.GetRequestInt("type", 0); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appId)) { returnObj.Msg = "参数错误"; return(Json(returnObj)); } List <string> listPlatMyCardIds = new List <string>(); int myCardId = Context.GetRequestInt("myCardId", 0); int isStoreID = Context.GetRequestInt("isStoreID", 0);//如果是1 表示myCardId为店铺Id 这里是轮播图处理兼容旧数据 XcxAppAccountRelation r = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModelByAppid(appId); if (r == null) { returnObj.Msg = "小程序未授权"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } PlatStore platStore = new PlatStore(); if (type == 1 && isStoreID == 0) { //表示从我的店铺名片进来 if (myCardId <= 0) { platStore = null; } else { platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetPlatStore(myCardId, type); } } else if (type == 2) { //表示独立小程序进来的 platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetPlatStore(r.Id, type); r = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModel(platStore.BindPlatAid);//查找所属平台 if (r != null) { listPlatMyCardIds = PlatMyCardBLL.SingleModel.GetCardIds(r.Id, r.AppId).Split(',').ToList(); if (!listPlatMyCardIds.Contains(platStore.MyCardId.ToString())) { returnObj.Msg = "店铺不存在(平台换绑了小程序,请重新入驻)"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } } else { //平台轮播图 置顶商家 进入店铺会带上isStoreID if (isStoreID > 0) { type = 0; platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetPlatStore(myCardId, type); } else { platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetPlatStore(storeId, type); } } if (platStore == null) { returnObj.Msg = "店铺不存在"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } if (platStore.State == -1) { returnObj.Msg = "店铺无效(未支付)"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } if (type != 2) { //这里的appID是平台的 listPlatMyCardIds = PlatMyCardBLL.SingleModel.GetCardIds(r.Id, appId).Split(',').ToList(); if (!listPlatMyCardIds.Contains(platStore.MyCardId.ToString())) { returnObj.Msg = "店铺不存在(平台换绑了小程序,请重新入驻绑定)"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } //店铺关联的权限表数据 XcxAppAccountRelation storexcxrelation = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModel(platStore.Aid); if (storexcxrelation != null) { platStore.AppId = storexcxrelation.AppId; } //TODO 后续流量大了再放入redis然后定时去更新 platStore.StorePV++; //访客人数 platStore.StoreUV = PlatUserFavoriteMsgBLL.SingleModel.GetVisitorCount(platStore.MyCardId, platStore.BindPlatAid, (int)PointsDataType.店铺, "", ""); platStore.FavoriteCount = PlatUserFavoriteMsgBLL.SingleModel.GetStoreFavoriteCount(r.Id, platStore.Id); PlatUserFavoriteMsg platUserFavoriteMsg = PlatUserFavoriteMsgBLL.SingleModel.GetUserFavoriteMsg(r.Id, platStore.Id, userId, (int)PointsActionType.收藏, (int)PointsDataType.店铺); platStore.Favorited = (platUserFavoriteMsg != null && platUserFavoriteMsg.State != -1 ? 1 : 0); platStore.CategoryName = PlatStoreCategoryBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(platStore.Category).Name; int tjCount = 0; List <PlatChildGoods> listTjGoods = listTjGoods = PlatChildGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetListByRedis(platStore.Aid, ref tjCount, string.Empty, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4, "TopState desc,VirtualSalesCount+SalesCount desc,sort desc"); //if (type == 0) //{ // listTjGoods = _platChildGoodsBLL.GetListByRedis(platStore.Aid, ref tjCount, string.Empty, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4, "TopState desc,VirtualSalesCount+SalesCount desc,sort desc"); //} //else //{ // listTjGoods = _platChildGoodsBLL.GetListByRedis(r.Id, ref tjCount, string.Empty, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4, "TopState desc,VirtualSalesCount+SalesCount desc,sort desc"); //} if (listTjGoods != null && listTjGoods.Count > 0) { listTjGoods.ForEach(x => { platStore.TjGoods.Add(new TjGoods() { Aid = x.AId, Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name, Img = x.Img, PriceStr = (x.PriceFen * 0.01).ToString("0.00"), SaleCount = (x.SalesCount + x.VirtualSalesCount), TopState = x.TopState }); }); } PlatApplyApp platApplyApp = PlatApplyAppBLL.SingleModel.GetPlatApplyAppByStoreId(platStore.Id); if (platApplyApp != null) { platStore.AppState = platApplyApp.OpenState; } if (!PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.Update(platStore, "StorePV")) { returnObj.Msg = "更新店铺浏览量异常"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } //PlatMsgviewFavoriteShare msgview = _platMsgviewFavoriteShareBLL.GetModelByMsgId(platStore.BindPlatAid, platStore.Id,(int)PointsDataType.店铺); //if(msgview!=null) //{ // platStore.StorePV = msgview.ViewCount; //} PlatMyCard platMyCard = PlatMyCardBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(platStore.MyCardId); if (platMyCard != null) { platStore.storeOwner = new StoreOwner() { UserId = platMyCard.UserId, Name = platMyCard.Name, Avatar = platMyCard.ImgUrl, State = platMyCard.State, }; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(platStore.StoreService)) { platStore.StoreServiceModelList = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <StoreServiceModel> >(platStore.StoreService); } else { List <StoreServiceModel> list = new List <StoreServiceModel>(); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "WIFI" }); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "停车位" }); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "支付宝支付" }); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "微信支付" }); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "刷卡支付" }); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "空调雅座" }); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "付费停车" }); list.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "接送服务" }); platStore.StoreServiceModelList = list; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(platStore.SwitchConfig)) { platStore.SwitchModel = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PlatStoreSwitchModel>(platStore.SwitchConfig); } else { platStore.SwitchModel = new PlatStoreSwitchModel(); } platStore.StorePV += platStore.StoreVirtualPV; returnObj.dataObj = new { platStore = platStore }; returnObj.isok = true; returnObj.Msg = "获取成功"; return(Json(returnObj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取运费信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult GetFreightFee(string appId = null, string openId = null) { returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); int userId = Context.GetRequestInt("userid", 0); int storeId = Context.GetRequestInt("storeid", 0); string province = Context.GetRequest("province", ""); string city = Context.GetRequest("city", ""); string goodCartIds = Context.GetRequest("goodcartids", ""); if (userId <= 0) { returnObj.Msg = "参数错误"; return(Json(returnObj)); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(goodCartIds)) { returnObj.Msg = "购物车参数出错"; return(Json(returnObj)); } C_UserInfo usrInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(userId); if (usrInfo == null) { returnObj.Msg = "无效用户"; return(Json(returnObj)); } XcxAppAccountRelation model = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModelByAppid(usrInfo.appId); if (model == null) { returnObj.Msg = "无效模板"; return(Json(returnObj)); } PlatStore platStore = new PlatStore(); if (storeId > 0) { platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(storeId); } else { platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAId(model.Id); } if (platStore == null) { returnObj.Msg = "没有找到店铺"; return(Json(returnObj)); } string errorMsg = ""; DeliveryFeeResult deliueryResult = DeliveryTemplateBLL.SingleModel.GetPlatFee(goodCartIds, platStore.Aid, province, city, ref errorMsg); if (errorMsg.Length > 0) { returnObj.Msg = errorMsg; return(Json(returnObj)); } returnObj.Msg = "获取成功"; returnObj.isok = true; returnObj.dataObj = new { deliueryResult = deliueryResult, storeaddress = platStore.Location }; return(Json(returnObj)); }
/// <summary> /// 数据雷达 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult GetRadarData() { PlatRadarReportModel radar = new PlatRadarReportModel(); returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); int userId = Context.GetRequestInt("userid", 0); int aid = Context.GetRequestInt("aid", 0); int type = Context.GetRequestInt("type", 0);//-1:统计,0:本月,1:上个月 if (userId <= 0) { returnObj.Msg = "userid不能为0"; return(Json(returnObj)); } PlatMyCard myCard = PlatMyCardBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByUserId(userId); if (myCard == null) { returnObj.Msg = "名片已过期"; return(Json(returnObj)); } string startTime = ""; string endTime = ""; switch (type) { case -1: break; case 0: startTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM") + "-1"; endTime = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1).ToString("yyyy-MM") + "-1"; break; case 1: startTime = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1).ToString("yyyy-MM") + "-1"; endTime = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(2).ToString("yyyy-MM") + "-1"; break; } #region 片数据分析 //浏览量 //点赞量 //关注量 //与多少人私信 //转发量 PlatMsgviewFavoriteShare reportData = PlatMsgviewFavoriteShareBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByMsgId(aid, myCard.Id, (int)PointsDataType.片); radar.MyCardViewCount = myCard.FictitiousCount; if (reportData != null) { radar.MyCardDzCount = reportData.DzCount; radar.MyCardViewCount += reportData.ViewCount; radar.MyCardFollowCount = reportData.FollowCount; radar.MyCardShareCount = reportData.ShareCount; } radar.MyCardSiXinCount = ImMessageBLL.SingleModel.GetCountByTuesrId(userId); //访客人数 int visitorCount = PlatUserFavoriteMsgBLL.SingleModel.GetVisitorCount(myCard.Id, myCard.AId, (int)PointsDataType.片, startTime, endTime); radar.MyCardVisitorCount = visitorCount; #endregion #region 人脉关系统计 //已关注人数 int myFavoriteCount = PlatUserFavoriteMsgBLL.SingleModel.GetUserMsgCount(aid, 0, (int)PointsActionType.关注, (int)PointsDataType.片, userId); radar.FollowCount = myFavoriteCount; //粉丝人数 int fanCount = PlatUserFavoriteMsgBLL.SingleModel.GetUserMsgCount(aid, myCard.Id, (int)PointsActionType.关注, (int)PointsDataType.片, 0); radar.FanCount = fanCount; //相互关注人数 radar.MutualFollowCount = PlatUserFavoriteMsgBLL.SingleModel.GetMutualFollowCount(aid, userId); #endregion #region 平台入驻店铺数据统计 PlatStore storeModel = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetPlatStore(myCard.Id, 1); if (storeModel != null) { //浏览量 radar.StoreViewCount = storeModel.StorePV + storeModel.StoreVirtualPV; //收藏数 List <PlatUserFavoriteMsg> storelist = PlatUserFavoriteMsgBLL.SingleModel.GetReportData(storeModel.Id, myCard.AId, (int)PointsDataType.店铺, startTime, endTime); if (storelist != null && storelist.Count > 0) { PlatUserFavoriteMsg tempmodel = storelist.Where(w => w.ActionType == (int)PointsActionType.收藏).FirstOrDefault(); radar.StoreFavoriteCount = tempmodel == null ? 0 : tempmodel.Count; } //访客人数 int storeVisitorCount = PlatUserFavoriteMsgBLL.SingleModel.GetVisitorCount(storeModel.Id, myCard.AId, (int)PointsDataType.店铺, startTime, endTime); radar.StoreVisitorCount = storeVisitorCount; } #endregion returnObj.isok = true; returnObj.dataObj = radar; return(Json(returnObj)); }
/// <summary> /// 添加商品至购物车 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult AddGoodsCarData() { returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); string attrSpacStr = Context.GetRequest("attrspacstr", ""); //商品规格(格式):规格1:属性1 规格2:属性2 如:(颜色:白色 尺码:M) string specInfo = Context.GetRequest("specinfo", ""); string specImg = Context.GetRequest("specimg", ""); int goodId = Context.GetRequestInt("goodid", 0); int userId = Context.GetRequestInt("userid", 0); int qty = Context.GetRequestInt("qty", 0); //立即购买,1:立即购买,0:添加到购物车 int gotoBuy = Context.GetRequestInt("gotobuy", 2); if (qty <= 0) { returnObj.Msg = "数量必须大于0"; return(Json(returnObj)); } PlatChildGoods good = PlatChildGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(goodId); if (good == null) { returnObj.Msg = "未找到该商品"; return(Json(returnObj)); } PlatStore store = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAId(good.AId); if (store == null) { returnObj.Msg = "店铺已关闭"; return(Json(returnObj)); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attrSpacStr)) { //log4net.LogHelper.WriteInfo(this.GetType(),$"{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(good.GASDetailList)},{attrSpacStr}"); if (!good.GASDetailList.Any(x => x.Id.Equals(attrSpacStr))) { returnObj.Msg = "商品已过期"; return(Json(returnObj)); } } if (!(good.State == 1 && good.Tag == 1)) { returnObj.Msg = "无法添加失效商品"; return(Json(returnObj)); } C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(userId); if (userInfo == null) { returnObj.Msg = "用户不存在"; return(Json(returnObj)); } PlatChildGoodsCart car = PlatChildGoodsCartBLL.SingleModel.GetModelBySpec(userInfo.Id, goodId, attrSpacStr, 0); //商品价格 int price = Convert.ToInt32(good.Price * 100); price = Convert.ToInt32(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attrSpacStr) ? good.GASDetailList.First(x => x.Id.Equals(attrSpacStr)).Price * 100 : good.Price * 100); if (car == null || gotoBuy == 1) { car = new PlatChildGoodsCart { //FoodId = store.Id, StoreId = store.Id, GoodsName = good.Name, GoodsId = good.Id, SpecIds = attrSpacStr, Count = qty, Price = price, SpecInfo = specInfo, SpecImg = specImg,//规格图片 UserId = userInfo.Id, AddTime = DateTime.Now, State = 0, GoToBuy = gotoBuy, AId = good.AId, }; //加入购物车 int id = Convert.ToInt32(PlatChildGoodsCartBLL.SingleModel.Add(car)); if (id > 0) { int cartcount = PlatChildGoodsCartBLL.SingleModel.GetCartGoodsCountByUserId(userInfo.Id); returnObj.Msg = "成功"; returnObj.dataObj = new { id = id, count = cartcount }; returnObj.isok = true; return(Json(returnObj)); } } else { car.Count += qty; if (PlatChildGoodsCartBLL.SingleModel.Update(car, "Count")) { int cartcount = PlatChildGoodsCartBLL.SingleModel.GetCartGoodsCountByUserId(userInfo.Id); returnObj.dataObj = new { id = car.Id, count = cartcount }; returnObj.Msg = "成功"; returnObj.isok = true; return(Json(returnObj)); } } returnObj.Msg = "失败"; return(Json(returnObj)); }
/// <summary> /// 同步产品到 店铺所属平台 以及 所属平台的一级 二级代理商平台 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="platStore"></param> /// <param name="agentinfo"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool SyncProduct(int id, PlatStore platStore, Agentinfo agentinfo) { TransactionModel tramModelGoodsRelation = new TransactionModel(); #region 当前新增产品插入关系表 PlatGoodsRelation platGoodsRelation = new PlatGoodsRelation(); platGoodsRelation.AddTime = DateTime.Now; platGoodsRelation.Aid = platStore.BindPlatAid; platGoodsRelation.GoodsId = id; PlatStoreCategoryConfig platStoreCategoryConfig = PlatStoreCategoryConfigBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAid(platStore.BindPlatAid); if (platStoreCategoryConfig != null) { platGoodsRelation.Synchronized = platStoreCategoryConfig.SyncSwitch; } tramModelGoodsRelation.Add(PlatGoodsRelationBLL.SingleModel.BuildAddSql(platGoodsRelation)); #endregion #region //2.查找上级代理 暂时先屏蔽 //AgentDistributionRelation agentDistributionRelationFirst = new AgentDistributionRelationBLL().GetModel(; //if (agentDistributionRelationFirst != null) //{ // Agentinfo agentinfoFirst = _agentinfoBll.GetModel(agentDistributionRelationFirst.ParentAgentId); // if (agentinfoFirst != null) // { // XcxAppAccountRelation xcxAppAccountRelationFirst = _xcxappaccountrelationBll.GetModelByaccountidAndTid(agentinfoFirst.useraccountid, (int)TmpType.小未平台); // if (xcxAppAccountRelationFirst != null) // { // PlatGoodsRelation platGoodsRelationFist = new PlatGoodsRelation(); // platGoodsRelationFist.GoodsId = id; // platGoodsRelationFist.AddTime = DateTime.Now; // platGoodsRelationFist.Aid = xcxAppAccountRelationFirst.Id; // PlatStoreCategoryConfig platStoreCategoryConfigFist = _platStoreCategoryConfigBLL.GetModelByAid(xcxAppAccountRelationFirst.Id); // if (platStoreCategoryConfigFist != null) // { // platGoodsRelationFist.Synchronized = platStoreCategoryConfigFist.SyncSwitch; // } // tramModelGoodsRelation.Add(_platGoodsRelationBLL.BuildAddSql(platGoodsRelationFist)); // //3.查找上级的上级代理 // AgentDistributionRelation agentDistributionRelationSecond = new AgentDistributionRelationBLL().GetModel(; // if (agentDistributionRelationSecond != null) // { // Agentinfo agentinfoSecond = _agentinfoBll.GetModel(agentDistributionRelationSecond.ParentAgentId); // if (agentinfoSecond != null) // { // XcxAppAccountRelation xcxAppAccountRelationSecond = _xcxappaccountrelationBll.GetModelByaccountidAndTid(agentinfoSecond.useraccountid, (int)TmpType.小未平台); // if (xcxAppAccountRelationSecond != null) // { // PlatGoodsRelation platGoodsRelationSecond = new PlatGoodsRelation(); // platGoodsRelationSecond.GoodsId = id; // platGoodsRelationSecond.AddTime = DateTime.Now; // platGoodsRelationSecond.Aid = xcxAppAccountRelationSecond.Id; // PlatStoreCategoryConfig platStoreCategoryConfigSecond = _platStoreCategoryConfigBLL.GetModelByAid(xcxAppAccountRelationSecond.Id); // if (platStoreCategoryConfigSecond != null) // { // platGoodsRelationSecond.Synchronized = platStoreCategoryConfigSecond.SyncSwitch; // } // tramModelGoodsRelation.Add(_platGoodsRelationBLL.BuildAddSql(platGoodsRelationSecond)); // } // } // } // } // } //} #endregion return(base.ExecuteTransactionDataCorect(tramModelGoodsRelation.sqlArray)); }
/// <summary> /// 小未平台独立模板运费 /// </summary> /// <param name="goodcartids"></param> /// <param name="aid"></param> /// <param name="province"></param> /// <param name="city"></param> /// <param name="msg"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DeliveryFeeResult GetPlatFee(string goodcartids, int aid, string province, string city, ref string msg) { DeliveryFeeResult deliueryResult = new DeliveryFeeResult(); //购物车 List <PlatChildGoodsCart> cartlist = PlatChildGoodsCartBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(goodcartids); if (cartlist == null || cartlist.Count <= 0) { msg = "运费:购物车数据为空"; return(deliueryResult); } //商品 string goodsid = string.Join(",", cartlist.Select(s => s.GoodsId)); List <PlatChildGoods> goodslist = PlatChildGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(goodsid); if (goodslist == null || goodslist.Count <= 0) { msg = "运费:找不到商品数据"; return(deliueryResult); } PlatStore store = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAId(aid); if (store == null) { msg = "运费:无效店铺"; return(deliueryResult); } DeliveryFeeSumMethond sumMethod; PlatStoreSwitchModel config = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(store.SwitchConfig) ? new PlatStoreSwitchModel() : JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PlatStoreSwitchModel>(store.SwitchConfig); if (config.enableDeliveryTemplate) { if (!Enum.TryParse(config.deliveryFeeSumMethond.ToString(), out sumMethod)) { msg = "运费:无效运费模板"; return(deliueryResult); } List <DeliveryProduct> productInfo = new List <DeliveryProduct>(); foreach (PlatChildGoods gooditem in goodslist) { List <PlatChildGoodsCart> tempcartlist = cartlist.Where(w => w.GoodsId == gooditem.Id).ToList(); if (tempcartlist == null || tempcartlist.Count <= 0) { msg = "运费:无效购物车数据"; return(deliueryResult); } productInfo.Add(new DeliveryProduct { TemplateId = gooditem.TemplateId, Name = gooditem.Name, Count = tempcartlist.Sum(s => s.Count), }); } deliueryResult = GetDeliveryFeeCommon(productInfo, province, city, sumMethod); } if (deliueryResult == null) { msg = "运费:无效运费模板"; } else if (!deliueryResult.InRange) { msg = string.IsNullOrEmpty(deliueryResult.Message) ? "不在配送范围内" : deliueryResult.Message; } return(deliueryResult); }
/// <summary> /// 在平台店铺列表里新增没有主人的店铺 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult CreateStore(int aid = 0) { int storeId = Utility.IO.Context.GetRequestInt("storeId", 0); PlatStoreCategoryConfig platStoreCategoryConfig = PlatStoreCategoryConfigBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAid(aid); if (platStoreCategoryConfig == null) { platStoreCategoryConfig = new PlatStoreCategoryConfig() { Aid = aid, AddTime = DateTime.Now, Level = 1, SyncSwitch = 0 }; int id = Convert.ToInt32(PlatStoreCategoryConfigBLL.SingleModel.Add(platStoreCategoryConfig)); if (id <= 0) { return(View("PageError", new PlatReturnMsg() { Msg = "初始化数据异常!", code = "500" })); } } List <PlatStoreCategory> list = new List <PlatStoreCategory>(); list.Add(new PlatStoreCategory() { Id = 0, Name = "请选择" }); int totalCount = 0; ViewBag.firstCategoryId = 0; ViewBag.appId = aid; list.AddRange(PlatStoreCategoryBLL.SingleModel.getListByaid(aid, out totalCount, platStoreCategoryConfig.Level == 1 ? 2 : 1, 100, 1)); ViewBag.CategoryList = list; ViewBag.CategoryLevel = platStoreCategoryConfig.Level; Agentinfo agentinfo = AgentinfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAccoundId(dzuserId.ToString()); ViewBag.AgentinfoId = agentinfo == null ? 0 :; PlatStore platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(storeId); bool isHave = false; if (platStore == null) { platStore = new PlatStore(); platStore.BindPlatAid = aid; isHave = true; } else { PlatStoreCategory platStoreCategory = PlatStoreCategoryBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(platStore.Category); if (platStoreCategory != null) { ViewBag.firstCategoryId = platStoreCategory.ParentId; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(platStore.StoreService)) { platStore.StoreServiceModelList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <StoreServiceModel> >(platStore.StoreService); } else { isHave = true; } } if (isHave) { List <StoreServiceModel> listService = new List <StoreServiceModel>(); listService.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "WIFI" }); listService.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "停车位" }); listService.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "支付宝支付" }); listService.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "微信支付" }); listService.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "刷卡支付" }); listService.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "空调雅座" }); listService.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "付费停车" }); listService.Add(new StoreServiceModel() { ServiceState = true, ServiceName = "接送服务" }); platStore.StoreServiceModelList = listService; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(platStore.SwitchConfig)) { platStore.SwitchModel = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PlatStoreSwitchModel>(platStore.SwitchConfig); } else { platStore.SwitchModel = new PlatStoreSwitchModel(); } return(View(platStore)); }
/// <summary> /// 更改店铺在平台的显示类别 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult UpdateStoreRelationCategory() { result = new PlatReturnMsg(); int appId = Utility.IO.Context.GetRequestInt("appId", 0); int storeRelationId = Utility.IO.Context.GetRequestInt("storeRelationId", 0); int categoryId = Utility.IO.Context.GetRequestInt("Id", 0); if (appId <= 0 || storeRelationId <= 0 || categoryId <= 0) { result.Msg = "参数错误"; return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } PlatStoreRelation platStoreRelation = PlatStoreRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(storeRelationId); if (platStoreRelation == null || platStoreRelation.Aid != appId) { result.Msg = "操作异常"; return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } TransactionModel tranModel = new TransactionModel(); platStoreRelation.Category = categoryId; platStoreRelation.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; tranModel.Add(PlatStoreRelationBLL.SingleModel.BuildUpdateSql(platStoreRelation, "Category,UpdateTime")); if (platStoreRelation.FromType == 0) { //表示店铺入驻过来的,也就是本平台的 还需要更改店铺类别 //否则没有权限更改店铺里的类别 只能更改在本平台显示的店铺类别 因为是同步其它代理商的 PlatStore platStore = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(platStoreRelation.StoreId); if (platStore == null && platStore.BindPlatAid != appId) { result.Msg = "暂无权限操作"; return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } platStore.Category = categoryId; platStore.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; tranModel.Add(PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.BuildUpdateSql(platStore, "Category,UpdateTime")); } if (tranModel.sqlArray != null && tranModel.sqlArray.Length > 0) { if (PlatStoreRelationBLL.SingleModel.ExecuteTransactionDataCorect(tranModel.sqlArray)) { result.isok = true; result.Msg = "操作成功"; return(Json(result)); } else { result.Msg = "操作失败"; return(Json(result)); } } else { result.Msg = "没有需要更新的数据"; return(Json(result)); } }