private static void WriteTerminalsAndSpawnPads(List <PlanetSideObject> _objList, List <PlanetSideObject> children, PlanetSideObject parent, StreamWriter logWriter) { var terminalTypes = new[] { "order_terminal", "spawn_terminal", "cert_terminal", "order_terminal", "vanu_equipment_term" }; var terminalTypesWithSpawnPad = new[] { "ground_vehicle_terminal", "air_vehicle_terminal", "vehicle_terminal", "vehicle_terminal_combined", "dropship_vehicle_terminal", "vanu_air_vehicle_term", "vanu_vehicle_term" }; var allTerminalTypes = terminalTypes.Concat(terminalTypesWithSpawnPad); var spawnPadList = children.Where(x => x.ObjectType == "mb_pad_creation" || x.ObjectType == "dropship_pad_doors" || x.ObjectType == "vanu_vehicle_creation_pad") .ToList(); foreach (var terminal in children.Where(x => allTerminalTypes.Contains(x.ObjectType))) { // SoE in their infinite wisdom decided to remap vehicle_terminal to vehicle_terminal_combined in certain cases in the game_objects.adb file. // As such, we have to work around it. /* * startup.pak-out/game_objects.adb.lst:1097:add_property amp_station child_remap vehicle_terminal vehicle_terminal_combined * startup.pak-out/game_objects.adb.lst:7654:add_property comm_station child_remap vehicle_terminal vehicle_terminal_combined * startup.pak-out/game_objects.adb.lst:7807:add_property cryo_facility child_remap vehicle_terminal vehicle_terminal_combined */ if (terminal.ObjectType == "vehicle_terminal" && (parent.ObjectType == "amp_station" || parent.ObjectType == "comm_station" || parent.ObjectType == "cryo_facility")) { terminal.ObjectType = "vehicle_terminal_combined"; } // The scala codebase also uses ground_vehicle_terminal as the object type instead of vehicle_terminal, so we'll map to that for now. if (terminal.ObjectType == "vehicle_terminal") { terminal.ObjectType = "ground_vehicle_terminal"; } logWriter.WriteLine($"LocalObject({terminal.GUID}, Terminal.Constructor(Vector3({terminal.AbsX}f, {terminal.AbsY}f, {terminal.AbsZ}f), {terminal.ObjectType}), owning_building_guid = {_objList.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == terminal.Owner)?.GUID ?? 0})"); if (terminalTypesWithSpawnPad.Contains(terminal.ObjectType)) { // find closest spawn pad to this terminal var searchDistance = 25; var closestSpawnPad = spawnPadList.Select(x => new { Distance = DistanceN(new float[] { terminal.AbsX, terminal.AbsY, terminal.AbsZ }, new float[] { x.AbsX, x.AbsY, x.AbsZ }), x } ).OrderBy(x => x.Distance).First(x => x.Distance <= searchDistance).x; // It appears that spawn pads have a default rotation that it +90 degrees from where it should be, presumably the model is rotated differently to the expected orientation - this can be handled here in the map generation // On top of that, some spawn pads also have an additional rotation (vehiclecreationzorientoffset) when spawning vehicles set in game_objects.adb.lst - this should be handled on the Scala side var adjustedYaw = closestSpawnPad.YawDegrees - 90; logWriter.WriteLine($"LocalObject({closestSpawnPad.GUID}, VehicleSpawnPad.Constructor(Vector3({closestSpawnPad.AbsX}f, {closestSpawnPad.AbsY}f, {closestSpawnPad.AbsZ}f), {closestSpawnPad.ObjectType}, Vector3(0, 0,{adjustedYaw})), owning_building_guid = {_objList.Single(x => x.Id == closestSpawnPad.Owner).GUID}, terminal_guid = {terminal.GUID})"); } } }
private static void ProcessLSTPseRelativeObjects(List <Pse_RelativeObject> pseRelativeObjects, List <PlanetSideObject> identifiableObjects, PlanetSideObject ownerObject, ref int id) { foreach (var line in pseRelativeObjects) { if (!_objectsWithGuids.Contains(line.ObjectName.ToLower())) { continue; } Console.WriteLine($"Processing sub-object {line.ObjectName}"); var uber = _ubrData.Single(x => x.Value.Entries.Select(y => y.Name).Contains(line.ObjectName.ToLower())); var mesh = UBRReader.GetMeshSystem(line.ObjectName, uber.Value); var(relativeObjectRotX, relativeObjectRotY) = MathFunctions.RotateXY(line.RelX, line.RelY, MathFunctions.DegreesToRadians(ownerObject.YawDegrees)); (float x, float y, float z)relativeObjectPos = (relativeObjectRotX + ownerObject.AbsX, relativeObjectRotY + ownerObject.AbsY, line.RelZ + ownerObject.AbsZ); var relativeObjectRotationDegrees = MathFunctions.PS1RotationToDegrees((int)line.Yaw); // Process any sub-objects in the ubr file for this relative object (e.g. bfr_door within bfr_building ubr) foreach (var meshItem in mesh.PortalSystem.MeshItems) { if (!_objectsWithGuids.Contains(meshItem.AssetName)) { continue; } var subObjectRotationDegrees = MathFunctions.TransformToRotationDegrees(meshItem.Transform); var(subObjectRotX, subObjectRotY) = MathFunctions.RotateXY(meshItem.Transform[12], meshItem.Transform[13], MathFunctions.DegreesToRadians(ownerObject.YawDegrees + relativeObjectRotationDegrees)); identifiableObjects.Add(new PlanetSideObject { Id = id, ObjectName = meshItem.AssetName, ObjectType = meshItem.AssetName, Owner = ownerObject.Id, AbsX = relativeObjectPos.x + subObjectRotX, AbsY = relativeObjectPos.y + subObjectRotY, AbsZ = relativeObjectPos.z + line.RelZ, IsChildObject = true }); id++; } } }
private static void WriteSpawnTubes(List <PlanetSideObject> _objList, List <PlanetSideObject> children, PlanetSideObject parent, StreamWriter logWriter) { var respawnTubeTypes = new[] { "respawn_tube", "mb_respawn_tube", "redoubt_floor", "vanu_spawn_room_pad" }; foreach (var spawnTube in children.Where(x => respawnTubeTypes.Contains(x.ObjectType))) { var tubeType = ""; if (_towerTypes.Contains(parent?.ObjectType)) { tubeType = "respawn_tube_tower"; } else if (parent?.ObjectType.Contains("VT_building", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ?? false) { tubeType = "respawn_tube_sanctuary"; } logWriter.WriteLine(tubeType == "" ? $"LocalObject({spawnTube.GUID}, SpawnTube.Constructor(Vector3({spawnTube.AbsX}f, {spawnTube.AbsY}f, {spawnTube.AbsZ}f), Vector3(0, 0, {spawnTube.YawDegrees})), owning_building_guid = {_objList.Single(x => x.Id == spawnTube.Owner).GUID})" : $"LocalObject({spawnTube.GUID}, SpawnTube.Constructor(Vector3({spawnTube.AbsX}f, {spawnTube.AbsY}f, {spawnTube.AbsZ}f), {tubeType}, Vector3(0, 0, {spawnTube.YawDegrees})), owning_building_guid = {_objList.Single(x => x.Id == spawnTube.Owner).GUID})"); } }
private static void ProcessObject(List <PlanetSideObject> identifiableObjects, MapObject entry, ref int id, int?mapId, bool isTopLevel = false) { if (!_objectsWithGuids.Contains(entry.ObjectType)) { return; } Console.WriteLine($"Processing {entry.ObjectType}"); // Load the relevant *.lst files for this object var(peHiddens, peEdits, pseRelativeObjects) = LSTReader.ReadLSTFile(_planetsideModReadyFolder, entry.ObjectType, entry.LstType); // Get the root mesh for this object var uberData = _ubrData.First(x => x.Value.Entries.Select(y => y.Name).Contains(entry.ObjectType, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); var objectRotationDegrees = MathFunctions.PS1RotationToDegrees(entry.HorizontalRotation); var objectRotationRadians = MathFunctions.DegreesToRadians(objectRotationDegrees); var entryObject = new PlanetSideObject { Id = id, ObjectName = entry.ObjectName, ObjectType = entry.ObjectType, AbsX = entry.HorizontalPosition, AbsY = entry.VerticalPosition, AbsZ = entry.HeightPosition, YawDegrees = objectRotationDegrees, MapID = mapId, IsChildObject = !isTopLevel }; identifiableObjects.Add(entryObject); id++; var parentRotationClockwise = MathFunctions.CounterClockwiseToClockwiseRotation(entry.HorizontalRotation); // Get the sub-entities from the UBR file that would have a GUID within this object var baseMesh = UBRReader.GetMeshSystem(entry.ObjectType, uberData.Value); foreach (var meshItem in baseMesh.PortalSystem.MeshItems) { // If it's not an entity that would be assigned a GUID we don't care about it and should skip it if (!_objectsWithGuids.Contains(meshItem.AssetName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } // If a line is in the pe_hidden list it should be removed from the game world e.g. Neti pad_landing is removed where the BFR building now exists if (peHiddens.Any(x => x.InstanceName == meshItem.InstanceName)) { continue; } var(rotX, rotY) = MathFunctions.RotateXY(meshItem.Transform[12], meshItem.Transform[13], objectRotationRadians); var meshItemYaw = MathFunctions.TransformToRotationDegrees(meshItem.Transform); // Convert from CCW to CW and apply 180 degree offset var yaw = parentRotationClockwise + (360 - (180 - meshItemYaw)); identifiableObjects.Add(new PlanetSideObject { Id = id, ObjectName = meshItem.AssetName, ObjectType = meshItem.AssetName, Owner = entryObject.Id, AbsX = entry.HorizontalPosition + rotX, AbsY = entry.VerticalPosition + rotY, AbsZ = entry.HeightPosition + meshItem.Transform[14], YawDegrees = MathFunctions.NormalizeDegrees((int)yaw), IsChildObject = true }); id++; } ProcessLSTPeEdits(peEdits, identifiableObjects, objectRotationRadians, baseX: entry.HorizontalPosition, baseY: entry.VerticalPosition, baseZ: entry.HeightPosition, ownerId: entryObject.Id, id: ref id); ProcessLSTPseRelativeObjects(pseRelativeObjects, identifiableObjects, ownerObject: entryObject, id: ref id); }