Пример #1
 public void UpdateInfo(PlanetData planet)
     activePlanet = planet;
     Header.text = planet.Name;
Пример #2
 // Returns the planet that belongs to the given planetData
 //public Planet getPlanet(PlanetData planetData) {
 //    foreach (Planet p in planets) {
 //        if(p.planetData == planetData) {
 //            return p;
 //        }
 //    }
 //    return null;
 public Planet getPlanet(PlanetData pData)
     Planet p = null;
     planetDict.TryGetValue(pData, out p);
     Debug.Log("Searched and Found Planet: " + p.name);
     return p;
     //return null;
Пример #3
    private void CheckPlanetForSupplyDesignation(PlanetData pData)
        if (pData.Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.EstablishedColony || pData.Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.NewColony)
            if (!pData.IsSupplyPlanet && !pData.IsTradeHub) // only valid if not a trade hub and not a capital planet
                List<PlanetData> supplyHubList = new List<PlanetData>(); // get list of supply hubs in province
                foreach (PlanetData planetData in pData.System.Province.PlanetList)
                    if (planetData.IsTradeHub)

                UpdatePlanetTradeInfo(pData); // check for resources sent already
                // check each resource and if there is a shortfall and the planet has a surplus, chance that designation occurs
                foreach (PlanetData planetD in supplyHubList)
                    float supplyPlanetChance = 0;
                    if (planetD.FoodDifference < 0 && pData.FoodExportAvailable > 0)
                        supplyPlanetChance += Mathf.Abs(planetD.FoodDifference) + pData.FoodExportAvailable;
                    if (planetD.EnergyDifference < 0 && pData.EnergyExportAvailable > 0)
                        supplyPlanetChance += Mathf.Abs(planetD.EnergyDifference) + pData.EnergyExportAvailable;
                    if (planetD.AlphaPreProductionDifference < 0 && pData.AlphaExportAvailable > 0)
                        supplyPlanetChance += Mathf.Abs(planetD.AlphaPreProductionDifference) + pData.AlphaExportAvailable;
                    if (planetD.RarePreProductionDifference < 0 && pData.RareExportAvailable > 0)
                        supplyPlanetChance += Mathf.Abs(planetD.RarePreProductionDifference) + pData.RareExportAvailable;
                    if (planetD.HeavyPreProductionDifference < 0 && pData.HeavyExportAvailable > 0)
                        supplyPlanetChance += Mathf.Abs(planetD.HeavyPreProductionDifference) + pData.HeavyExportAvailable;

                    if (supplyPlanetChance >= UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,200))
                        pData.IsSupplyPlanet = true;
                        pData.SupplyToPlanetID = planetD.ID;
                        break; // exit, the supply planet is found

                if (pData.IsSupplyPlanet)
Пример #4
    public static SpaceData GenerateRandomMap(int planetCount)
        SpaceData spaceData = new SpaceData();
        //List<PlanetData> planets = new List<PlanetData>();//hold the list of planets to check if they are correctly disributed

        PlanetData planet;

        float minPlanetDistance = 70;

        float spacePerPlanet = 500;
        float spaceArea = planetCount * spacePerPlanet;
        Vector2 size = new Vector2(spaceArea /9, spaceArea / 16 );
        Rect mapSize = new Rect(new Vector2(0, 0), size);

        Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2();
        bool canPositionPlanet = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < planetCount; i++) {
            int timeout = 100;
            do {
                newPosition.x = Random.Range(mapSize.xMin, mapSize.xMax);
                newPosition.y = Random.Range(mapSize.yMin, mapSize.yMax);
                canPositionPlanet = true;
                foreach (PlanetData p in spaceData.planets) {
                    if (Vector2.Distance(newPosition, p.Position) < minPlanetDistance) {
                        canPositionPlanet = false;
            } while (!canPositionPlanet && timeout > 0);
            int hangarSize = Random.Range(30, 500);
            int ships = (int)((float)hangarSize * Random.Range(0.05f, 0.4f));
            int factorySpeed = System.Math.Min((int)((float)hangarSize * Random.Range(0.2f, 0.45f)), 100);
            planet = new PlanetData(new Vector2(newPosition.x, newPosition.y), Random.Range(15, 58f), ships, hangarSize, factorySpeed, true);

        Vector2 minMapSize = mapSize.size / 2;  // M
        Vector2 upsizingFactor = new Vector2(spaceData.GetSize().x / minMapSize.x, spaceData.GetSize().y / minMapSize.y);

        if (upsizingFactor.x < 1) {
            upsizingFactor.x = 1;
        if (upsizingFactor.y < 1) {
            upsizingFactor.y = 1;

        foreach (PlanetData p in spaceData.planets) {
             p.Position = new Vector2(p.Position.x * upsizingFactor.x, p.Position.y * upsizingFactor.y);

        return spaceData;
Пример #5
 public void Init(PlanetData start, PlanetData target, int shipCount, int currentDay)
     StartPlanet = start;
     TargetPlanet = target;
     ShipCount = shipCount;
     if (start == null) {
         Owner = null;
         ArrivalTime = 0;
     } else {
         Owner = start.Owner;
         ArrivalTime = (int)System.Math.Round(currentDay + start.GetSurfaceDistance(target) / TravelSpeed);
         TravelTime = GetTravelTime(start, target);
         ArrivalTime = TravelTime + currentDay;
Пример #6
 float getAttackPoints(PlanetData origin, PlanetData target, int distanceInDays)
     // = ~ <difference of ships between planets
     Debug.Assert(origin.Owner != null);
     if(lastDayAtk.Contains(origin, target)) {
         return NO_POINTS;
     int shipsOnPlanetAtArrivalday = getEstimatedShipsOnPlanet(target, distanceInDays);
     float certanyFactor = 0;
     if (distanceInDays >= 2) {
         certanyFactor = (distanceInDays * distanceInDays * 0.015f);   // exp. curve
         certanyFactor = Math.Min(certanyFactor, 1); // [0..1]   1 day: 0.015,  ... 5 days: 0.375, 6 days: 0.54; 7 days: 0.738; 8 days: 96; 9 days: 1
     float points = origin.Ships - shipsOnPlanetAtArrivalday;
     points -= certanyFactor * 200;
     return points;
Пример #7
    public void Init(PlanetData planet)
        planetData = planet;
        this.name = "Planet '" + planet.Name + "'";
        this.transform.position = planet.Position;
           // spriteRenderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
        //load planet sprite
        if (planet.TextureName == "") {
            int index = Random.Range(0, planetSprites.Length - 1);
            spriteRenderer.sprite = planetSprites[index];
            planet.TextureName = spriteRenderer.sprite.name;
        } else {
            foreach (Sprite s in planetSprites) {
                if (s.name == planet.TextureName) {
                    spriteRenderer.sprite = s;
        if (planet.TextureFXName == "") {
            glow.sprite = planetFX[0];
            planet.TextureFXName = planetFX[0].name;
        } else {
            foreach (Sprite s in planetFX) {
                if (s.name == planet.TextureFXName) {
                    glow.sprite = s;
        Vector2 spriteSize = spriteRenderer.sprite.rect.size;
        if (spriteSize.x != spriteSize.y) {
            Debug.LogWarning("The used planet sprite is not rectangular and therefore distorted");
        this.transform.localScale = new Vector3(planet.Diameter / spriteSize.x, planet.Diameter / spriteSize.y, 1);
        spriteCollider.radius = spriteSize.x;

        //Smaller planets need a larger outline (in comparison with the planet), to let it appear as thick as for big planets:
        glowUpscaling = (planetData.Diameter + 5) / planetData.Diameter;

        spriteSize = glow.sprite.rect.size;
        if (spriteSize.x != spriteSize.y) {
            Debug.LogWarning("The used planet sprite for glow is not rectangular and therefore distorted");
        sign.transform.position = new Vector3(sign.transform.position.x, transform.position.y + planetData.Diameter * 1.6f, transform.position.z);
Пример #8
    public void AddPlanet(PlanetData planet)
        if(planet.Name == "") {
            planet.Name = GetUniqueRandomPlanetName();
        foreach (PlanetData otherPlanet in planets) {
            if (otherPlanet.Name.Equals(planet.Name)) {          //ID's must be unique
                throw new UnityException("Unable to create planet. There is already a planet with the name " + planet.Name);
        Debug.Log("Adding planet \"" + planet.Name + "\"");

        if(planet.IsStartPlanet) {

        UpdateBoundsWithNewPlanet(planet, planets.Count == 1);
    public static void AddStockpilesToPlanet(PlanetData pData)
        if (pData.FoodDifference > 0)
            pData.FoodStored = UnityEngine.Random.Range(20, 100) * pData.FoodDifference; // number of months of storage based on food flow
            pData.FoodStored = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 5000);

        if (pData.AlphaPreProductionDifference > 0)
            pData.AlphaStored = UnityEngine.Random.Range(20, 100) * pData.AlphaPreProductionDifference; // number of months of storage based on food flow
            pData.AlphaStored = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 3000);

        if (pData.HeavyPreProductionDifference > 0)
            pData.HeavyStored = UnityEngine.Random.Range(20, 100) * pData.HeavyPreProductionDifference; // number of months of storage based on food flow
            pData.HeavyStored = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 500);

        if (pData.RarePreProductionDifference > 0)
            pData.RareStored = UnityEngine.Random.Range(20, 100) * pData.RarePreProductionDifference; // number of months of storage based on food flow
            pData.RareStored = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 300);

        if (pData.EnergyDifference > 0)
            pData.EnergyStored = UnityEngine.Random.Range(20, 100) * pData.EnergyDifference; // number of months of storage based on food flow
            pData.EnergyStored = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 5000);
        public static Int32 DefaultResolution = 256; //Разрешение текстур планет

        /// <summary>
        ///    Создает новый экземпляр генератора с заданным разрешением (если оно удовлетворяет ограничениям) и зерном случайных
        ///    чисел.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ySize">Вертикальное разрешение</param>
        /// <param name="planetData">Ссылка на планету.</param>
        protected PlanetTextureGenerator(Int32 ySize, PlanetData planetData)
            PlanetData = planetData;
            YSize      = ySize;
    private static PlanetData GeneratePlanet(PlanetData.ePlanetType planetType, StarData curSys, int systemSpot)
        PlanetData cPlan = new PlanetData();
        PlanetAttributeTable pTable = new PlanetAttributeTable();
        PlanetAttributeData pData = new PlanetAttributeData();

        // assign the attribute table for the planet type
            pData = DataManager.planetAttributeDataList.Find(p => p.planetType == planetType);
            pTable = pData.planetTraitsTable;
        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.LogError("Could not lookup " + planetType.ToString() + " table for planet type " + planetType.ToString() + "! Error:" + ex.ToString());
            return null; // try again with the next planet
        // Step 0: Log spot of planet in system
        cPlan.PlanetSpot = systemSpot;

        // Step 1: Determine type of planet
        cPlan.Type = (StellarObjects.PlanetData.ePlanetType)planetType; // assign the planet type

        // Step 2: Pick name for planet and assign ID(will change to generic star name)
        systemSpot = curSys.PlanetList.Count + 1;

        if (cPlan.Type == PlanetData.ePlanetType.AsteroidBelt)
            cPlan.Name = curSys.Name + " AB-" + HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertToRomanNumeral(systemSpot);

        else if (cPlan.Type == PlanetData.ePlanetType.IceBelt)
            cPlan.Name = curSys.Name + " IB-" + HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertToRomanNumeral(systemSpot);

        else if (cPlan.Type == PlanetData.ePlanetType.DustRing)
            cPlan.Name = curSys.Name + " DR-" + HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertToRomanNumeral(systemSpot);

            cPlan.Name = curSys.Name + " " + HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertToRomanNumeral(systemSpot); // convert to planet and spot

        cPlan.ID = curSys.Name.Substring(0,2) + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,9999); // set ID

        // Step 3: Determine size/axial tilt of planet
            int sizeVar = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, pTable.sizeVar);
            int sizeResult = pTable.size + sizeVar;
            cPlan.Size = sizeResult; // sizeMod;
        catch(Exception ex)
            Debug.LogError("Could not calcuate. Error: " + ex.ToString());

        cPlan.AxialTilt = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 70f); // tilt between 0-70

        // Step 4: Determine habitibility of planet
           int habVar = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, pTable.habVar);
           float habResult = pTable.habitability + habVar;
           float spotVar = 0f;
           switch (cPlan.PlanetSpot)
               case 1:
                   if ((int)curSys.SpectralClass < 5)
                       spotVar = .6f;
                       spotVar = .9f;

               case 2:
                   spotVar = .9f;
               case 3:
                   spotVar = 1f;
               case 4:
                   spotVar = 1f;
               case 5:
                   spotVar = .9f;
               case 6:
                   spotVar = .7f;
                   spotVar = 1f;
            cPlan.Bio = (int)(habResult * spotVar);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.LogError("Could not calcuate. Error: " + ex.ToString());

        // Step 5: Determine industrial modifier of planet
        cPlan.IndustrialMultiplier = (pTable.indMult / 100);

        // Step 6: Determine if planet has any rings
        if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100) <= pTable.ringChance)
            cPlan.Rings = true;
            cPlan.Rings = false;

        // Step 7: Determine how many moons the planet has
        if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100) <= pTable.moonChance)
            cPlan.Moons = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,pTable.maxMoons); // change later to expand on moons

        // Step 7b: Adjust habitability based on moons
        if (cPlan.Moons > 0)
            if (((int)cPlan.Type == 7) || ((int)cPlan.Type == 8))
                cPlan.Bio += (cPlan.Moons * 2);
        if (((int)cPlan.Type == 10) || ((int)cPlan.Type == 3) || ((int)cPlan.Type == 2) || ((int)cPlan.Type == 13))
                cPlan.Bio += (cPlan.Moons * 5);

        // Step 8: Determine rating of alpha materials
            int alphaVar = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, pTable.alpVar);
            cPlan.BasicMaterials = pTable.alpMaterial + alphaVar;
        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.LogError("Could not calcuate. Error: " + ex.ToString());

        // Step 9: Determine rating of heavy materials
            int heavyVar = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, pTable.heavVar);
            cPlan.HeavyMaterials = (int)(pTable.heavyMaterial * (1 + (curSys.pMaterial / 20)));
            cPlan.HeavyMaterials = cPlan.HeavyMaterials * (1 + ((5 - systemSpot) / 10));
            cPlan.HeavyMaterials += heavyVar;

        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.LogError("Could not calcuate. Error: " + ex.ToString());

        // Step 10: Determine rating of rare materials
            int rareMod = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, pTable.rareVar);
            cPlan.RareMaterials = (int)(pTable.rareMaterial * (1 + (curSys.pMaterial / 12)));
            cPlan.RareMaterials = cPlan.RareMaterials * (1 + ((5 - systemSpot) / 8));
            cPlan.RareMaterials += rareMod;
        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.LogError("Could not calcuate. Error: " + ex.ToString());

        // Step 11: Determine energy rating
            cPlan.Energy = (int)(pTable.energy * (1 + (curSys.pMaterial / 12)));
            cPlan.Energy = cPlan.Energy * (1 + ((5 - systemSpot) / 10));
            cPlan.Energy += UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 30);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.LogError("Could not calcuate. Error: " + ex.ToString());

        // Step 12: Generate sprite number (to show type of planet)
        if ((cPlan.Type != PlanetData.ePlanetType.DustRing) && (cPlan.Type != PlanetData.ePlanetType.IceBelt) && (cPlan.Type != PlanetData.ePlanetType.AsteroidBelt))
            cPlan.PlanetSpriteNumber = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, SpritesPerPlanetType - 1);
            cPlan.PlanetSpriteNumber = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, SpritesPerBeltType - 1);

        // Step 13: Generate ring sprite number if applicable
        cPlan.PlanetRingSpriteNumber = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, SpritesPerRingType - 1);
        cPlan.PlanetRingTilt = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-10, 10);

        // Step 13: Determine planetary traits

        // Step 14: Determine total and habitable tiles based on bio level
        cPlan.MaxTiles = (cPlan.Size / 3);
        for (int x = 0; x < cPlan.MaxTiles; x++)
            if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100) < cPlan.AdjustedBio)
                cPlan.MaxHabitableTiles += 1;

        // Step 15: Create and assign tiles to the planet

        // Step 16: Send the planet data back!
        return cPlan;
Пример #12
    private void CreateSupplyTrade(PlanetData pData)
        TradeAgreement newTrade = new TradeAgreement();
        newTrade.ExportPlanetID = pData.ID;
        newTrade.Status = TradeAgreement.eAgreementStatus.Supply_Trade;
        newTrade.ImportPlanetID = pData.SupplyToPlanetID;

        if (pData.FoodExportAvailable > 0)
            newTrade.FoodSent = pData.FoodExportAvailable / Constants.Constants.SupplyPlanetLow;

        if (pData.EnergyExportAvailable > 0)
            newTrade.EnergySent = pData.EnergyExportAvailable / Constants.Constants.SupplyPlanetLow;

        if (pData.AlphaExportAvailable > 0)
            newTrade.AlphaSent = pData.AlphaExportAvailable / Constants.Constants.SupplyPlanetLow;

        if (pData.HeavyExportAvailable > 0)
            newTrade.HeavySent = pData.HeavyExportAvailable / Constants.Constants.SupplyPlanetLow;

        if (pData.RareExportAvailable > 0)
            newTrade.RareSent = pData.RareExportAvailable / Constants.Constants.SupplyPlanetLow;

        Debug.Log("Supply trade created from " + newTrade.ExportPlanet.Name + " to " + newTrade.ImportPlanet.Name + " for " + newTrade.TotalSent.ToString("N2") + " units, costing " + newTrade.Cost.ToString("N2") + ".");
Пример #13
        public static bool GetOrCreateFactory_Prefix(GameData __instance, PlanetFactory __result, PlanetData planet)
            // We want the original method to run on the host client or in single player games
            if (!SimulatedWorld.Initialized || LocalPlayer.IsMasterClient)

            // Get the recieved bytes from the remote server that we will import
            byte[] factoryBytes;
            if (!LocalPlayer.PendingFactories.TryGetValue(planet.id, out factoryBytes))
                // We messed up, just defer to the default behaviour on the client (will cause desync but not outright crash)
                Log.Error($"PendingFactories did not have value we wanted, factory will not be synced!");

            // Take it off the list, as we will process it now

            using (BinaryUtils.Reader reader = new BinaryUtils.Reader(factoryBytes))
                int factoryIndex = GameMain.data.factoryCount++;
                // Import the factory from the given bytes, which will have been gotten or created on the host by the original function
                __instance.factories[factoryIndex] = new PlanetFactory();

                if (planet.factory == null)
                    __instance.factories[factoryIndex].Import(factoryIndex, __instance, reader.BinaryReader);
                    planet.factory      = __instance.factories[factoryIndex];
                    planet.factoryIndex = factoryIndex;
                    __instance.factories[planet.factoryIndex].Import(planet.factoryIndex, __instance, reader.BinaryReader);
                    planet.factory = __instance.factories[planet.factoryIndex];

            // Assign the factory to the result
            __result = __instance.factories[planet.factoryIndex];

            // Do not run the original method
Пример #14
 public void AddPlanetDataToList(PlanetData pData)
Пример #15
        private static void UpdateSettingsUI(StationUI packet)
            UIStationWindow stationWindow = UIRoot.instance.uiGame.stationWindow;

            if (stationWindow != null)
                int        _stationId = (int)AccessTools.Field(typeof(UIStationWindow), "_stationId")?.GetValue(stationWindow);
                PlanetData pData      = GameMain.galaxy.PlanetById(packet.planetId);
                if (pData?.factory == null || pData?.factory?.transport == null)
                    if (GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationPool.Length > packet.stationGId && GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationPool[packet.stationGId] != null)
                        // client never was on this planet before or has it unloaded, but has a fake structure created, so update it
                        UpdateSettingsUIBackground(packet, pData, packet.stationGId);
                for (int i = 0; i < pData.factory.transport.stationPool.Length; i++)
                    if (pData.factory.transport.stationPool[i] != null && pData.factory.transport.stationPool[i].gid == packet.stationGId)
                        if (pData.factory.transport.stationPool[i].id != _stationId)
                            // receiving side has the UI closed or another stations UI opened. still update drones, ships, warpers and power consumption for clients and update all for host
                            UpdateSettingsUIBackground(packet, pData, pData.factory.transport.stationPool[i].gid);

                LocalPlayer.PatchLocks["UIStationWindow"]  = true;
                LocalPlayer.PatchLocks["UIStationStorage"] = true;
                if (packet.settingIndex == 0)
                if (packet.settingIndex == 1)
                if (packet.settingIndex == 2)
                if (packet.settingIndex == 3)
                if (packet.settingIndex == 4)
                if (packet.settingIndex == 5)
                if (packet.settingIndex == 6)
                if (packet.settingIndex == 7)
                    Type[]   args   = new Type[1];
                    object[] values = new object[1];
                    args[0]   = typeof(int);
                    values[0] = 0;
                    AccessTools.Method(typeof(UIStationWindow), "OnIncludeOrbitCollectorClick", args).Invoke(stationWindow, values);
                if (packet.settingIndex >= 8 && packet.settingIndex <= 10)
                    StationComponent[] stationPool = pData.factory.transport.stationPool;
                    if (packet.settingIndex == 8)
                        Type[]   args   = new Type[1];
                        object[] values = new object[1];
                        args[0]   = typeof(int);
                        values[0] = 0;
                        if (UIRequestedShipDronWarpChange)
                            AccessTools.Method(typeof(UIStationWindow), "OnDroneIconClick", args).Invoke(stationWindow, values);
                            UIRequestedShipDronWarpChange = false;
                        stationPool[_stationId].idleDroneCount = (int)packet.settingValue;
                    if (packet.settingIndex == 9)
                        Type[]   args   = new Type[1];
                        object[] values = new object[1];
                        args[0]   = typeof(int);
                        values[0] = 0;
                        if (UIRequestedShipDronWarpChange)
                            AccessTools.Method(typeof(UIStationWindow), "OnShipIconClick", args).Invoke(stationWindow, values);
                            UIRequestedShipDronWarpChange = false;
                        stationPool[_stationId].idleShipCount = (int)packet.settingValue;
                    if (packet.settingIndex == 10)
                        Type[]   args   = new Type[1];
                        object[] values = new object[1];
                        args[0]   = typeof(int);
                        values[0] = 0;
                        if (UIRequestedShipDronWarpChange)
                            AccessTools.Method(typeof(UIStationWindow), "OnWarperIconClick", args).Invoke(stationWindow, values);
                            UIRequestedShipDronWarpChange = false;
                        stationPool[_stationId].warperCount = (int)packet.settingValue;
                if (packet.settingIndex == 11)
                    StationComponent[] stationPool = pData.factory.transport.stationPool;
                    if (stationPool[_stationId].storage != null)
                        if (packet.shouldMimick)
                            BaseEventData      mouseEvent = lastMouseEvent;
                            PointerEventData   pointEvent = mouseEvent as PointerEventData;
                            UIStationStorage[] storageUIs = (UIStationStorage[])AccessTools.Field(typeof(UIStationWindow), "storageUIs").GetValue(stationWindow);

                            if (lastMouseEvent != null)
                                if (lastMouseEventWasDown)
                                    StationUI packet2 = new StationUI(packet.stationGId, packet.planetId, packet.storageIdx, 12, packet.itemId, stationPool[_stationId].storage[packet.storageIdx].count);
                                    StationUI packet2 = new StationUI(packet.stationGId, packet.planetId, packet.storageIdx, 12, packet.itemId, stationPool[_stationId].storage[packet.storageIdx].count);
                                lastMouseEvent = null;
                            //stationPool[_stationId].storage[packet.storageIdx].count = (int)packet.settingValue;
                if (packet.settingIndex == 12)
                    Debug.Log("should set it");
                    StationComponent[] stationPool = pData.factory.transport.stationPool;
                    if (stationPool[_stationId].storage != null)
                        stationPool[_stationId].storage[packet.storageIdx].count = (int)packet.settingValue;
                LocalPlayer.PatchLocks["UIStationWindow"]  = false;
                LocalPlayer.PatchLocks["UIStationStorage"] = false;
Пример #16
         * When the host notifies the client that a ship started its travel client needs to check if he got both ILS in his gStationPool
         * if not we create a fake entry (which gets updated to the full one when client arrives that planet) and also request the stations dock position
        public static void IdleShipGetToWork(ILSShipData packet)
            PlanetData planetA = GameMain.galaxy.PlanetById(packet.planetA);
            PlanetData planetB = GameMain.galaxy.PlanetById(packet.planetB);

            if (planetA != null && planetB != null)
                if (GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationCapacity <= packet.planetAStationGID)
                    CreateFakeStationComponent(packet.planetAStationGID, packet.planetA);
                else if (GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationPool[packet.planetAStationGID] == null)
                    CreateFakeStationComponent(packet.planetAStationGID, packet.planetA);
                else if (GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationPool[packet.planetAStationGID].shipDockPos == Vector3.zero)
                if (GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationCapacity <= packet.planetBStationGID)
                    CreateFakeStationComponent(packet.planetBStationGID, packet.planetB);
                else if (GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationPool[packet.planetBStationGID] == null)
                    CreateFakeStationComponent(packet.planetBStationGID, packet.planetB);
                else if (GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationPool[packet.planetBStationGID].shipDockPos == Vector3.zero)

                StationComponent stationComponent = GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationPool[packet.planetAStationGID];
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].stage     = -2;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].planetA   = packet.planetA;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].planetB   = packet.planetB;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].otherGId  = packet.planetBStationGID;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].direction = 1;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].t         = 0f;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].itemId    = packet.itemId;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].itemCount = packet.itemCount;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].gene      = 0; // WHAT IS THIS?
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].shipIndex = packet.origShipIndex;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].warperCnt = packet.warperCnt;
                stationComponent.warperCount = packet.stationWarperCnt;

                if (stationComponent.idleShipCount < 0)
                    stationComponent.idleShipCount = 0;
                if (stationComponent.workShipCount > ILSMaxShipCount)
                    stationComponent.workShipCount = ILSMaxShipCount;

                StationComponent otherStationComponent = GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationPool[packet.planetBStationGID];
                if (otherStationComponent != null && otherStationComponent.storage != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < otherStationComponent.storage.Length; i++)
                        if (otherStationComponent.storage[i].itemId == packet.itemId)
                            otherStationComponent.storage[i].remoteOrder += packet.itemCount;
                            RefreshValuesUI(otherStationComponent, i);
Пример #17
 public void AddPlanetDataToList(PlanetData pData)
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// <c>rot_back</c>
        /// Adds reference orbit to chebyshew series (if SEI_FLG_ELLIPSE),
        /// rotates series to mean equinox of J2000
        /// </summary>
        private int RotateBack(PlanetData pdp, JulianDayNumber segmentStart, double[] coefficients, Epsilon epsilon)
            int nco = pdp.CoefficientsNumber;
            var t   = segmentStart.Raw + pdp.SegmentSize / 2;
            // data align: chcfx double[nco] + chcfy double[nco] + chcfz double[nco]
            // allsize: nco * 3
            var    segp = coefficients;
            var    chcfx = new Span <double>(segp, 0, nco);
            var    chcfy = new Span <double>(segp, nco, nco);
            var    chcfz = new Span <double>(segp, nco * 2, nco);
            var    tdiff = (t - pdp.ElementsEpoch) / 365250.0;
            double qav, pav;

            if (pdp.InternalBodyNumber == (int)InternalPlanets.Moon)
                var dn = pdp.Prot + tdiff * pdp.Dprot;
                var i  = (int)(dn / Consts.TwoPi);
                dn -= i * Consts.TwoPi;
                qav = (pdp.Qrot + tdiff * pdp.Dqrot) * Math.Cos(dn);
                pav = (pdp.Qrot + tdiff * pdp.Dqrot) * Math.Sin(dn);
                qav = pdp.Qrot + tdiff * pdp.Dqrot;
                pav = pdp.Prot + tdiff * pdp.Dprot;
            // calculate cosine and sine of average perihelion longitude.
            var x = new double[nco, 3];

            for (int i = 0; i < nco; i++)
                x[i, 0] = chcfx[i];
                x[i, 1] = chcfy[i];
                x[i, 2] = chcfz[i];
            if (pdp.Flags.HasFlag(PlanetFlags.Ellipse))
                var refepx = new Span <double>(pdp.ReferenceEllipseCoefficients, 0, nco);
                var refepy = new Span <double>(pdp.ReferenceEllipseCoefficients, nco, nco);
                var omtild = pdp.Perigee + tdiff + pdp.DPerigee;
                int i      = (int)(omtild / Consts.TwoPi);
                omtild -= i * Consts.TwoPi;
                var com = Math.Cos(omtild);
                var som = Math.Sin(omtild);
                // add reference orbit.
                for (i = 0; i < nco; i++)
                    x[i, 0] = chcfx[i] + com * refepx[i] - som * refepy[i];
                    x[i, 1] = chcfy[i] + com * refepy[i] + som * refepx[i];

            /* construct right handed orthonormal system with first axis along
             * origin of longitudes and third axis along angular momentum
             * this uses the standard formulas for equinoctal variables
             * (see papers by broucke and by cefola).      */
            var cosih2 = 1.0 / (1.0 + qav * qav + pav * pav);
            //     calculate orbit pole.
            Span <double> uiz = stackalloc double[3];

            uiz[0] = 2.0 * pav * cosih2;
            uiz[1] = -2.0 * qav * cosih2;
            uiz[2] = (1.0 - qav * qav - pav * pav) * cosih2;
            //     calculate origin of longitudes vector.
            Span <double> uix = stackalloc double[3];

            uix[0] = (1.0 + qav * qav - pav * pav) * cosih2;
            uix[1] = 2.0 * qav * pav * cosih2;
            uix[2] = -2.0 * pav * cosih2;
            //     calculate vector in orbital plane orthogonal to origin of longitudes.
            Span <double> uiy = stackalloc double[3];

            uiy[0] = 2.0 * qav * pav * cosih2;
            uiy[1] = (1.0 - qav * qav + pav * pav) * cosih2;
            uiy[2] = 2.0 * qav * cosih2;
            int evaluateCoefficientsCount = 0;

            //     rotate to actual orientation in space.
            for (var i = 0; i < nco; i++)
                var xrot = x[i, 0] * uix[0] + x[i, 1] * uiy[0] + x[i, 2] * uiz[0];
                var yrot = x[i, 0] * uix[1] + x[i, 1] * uiy[1] + x[i, 2] * uiz[1];
                var zrot = x[i, 0] * uix[2] + x[i, 1] * uiy[2] + x[i, 2] * uiz[2];
                if (Math.Abs(xrot) + Math.Abs(yrot) + Math.Abs(zrot) >= 1e-14)
                    evaluateCoefficientsCount = i;
                x[i, 0] = xrot;
                x[i, 1] = yrot;
                x[i, 2] = zrot;
                if (pdp.InternalBodyNumber == (int)InternalPlanets.Moon)
                    /* rotate to j2000 equator */
                    x[i, 1] = epsilon.CosEps * yrot - epsilon.SinEps * zrot;
                    x[i, 2] = epsilon.SinEps * yrot + epsilon.CosEps * zrot;

            for (var i = 0; i < nco; i++)
                chcfx[i] = x[i, 0];
                chcfy[i] = x[i, 1];
                chcfz[i] = x[i, 2];
Пример #19
        public static void CreatePrebuildsRequest(CreatePrebuildsRequest packet)
            PlanetData planet = GameMain.galaxy.PlanetById(packet.PlanetId);

            if (planet.factory == null)
                if (FactoryManager.EventFromServer)
                    // We only execute the code if the client has loaded the factory at least once.
                    // Else it will get it once it goes to the planet for the first time.
                Log.Warn($"planet.factory was null create new one");
                planet.factory = GameMain.data.GetOrCreateFactory(planet);

            PlayerAction_Build pab = GameMain.mainPlayer.controller != null ? GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild : null;

            BuildTool[] buildTools = pab.tools;
            BuildTool   buildTool  = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < buildTools.Length; i++)
                if (buildTools[i].GetType().ToString() == packet.BuildToolType)
                    buildTool = buildTools[i];
            if (pab != null && buildTool != null)
                FactoryManager.TargetPlanet = packet.PlanetId;
                FactoryManager.PacketAuthor = packet.AuthorId;

                PlanetFactory     tmpFactory       = null;
                NearColliderLogic tmpNearcdLogic   = null;
                PlanetPhysics     tmpPlanetPhysics = null;
                bool loadExternalPlanetData        = GameMain.localPlanet != planet;

                if (loadExternalPlanetData)
                    //Make backup of values that are overwritten
                    tmpFactory       = buildTool.factory;
                    tmpNearcdLogic   = buildTool.actionBuild.nearcdLogic;
                    tmpPlanetPhysics = buildTool.actionBuild.planetPhysics;

                //Create Prebuilds from incoming packet and prepare new position
                List <BuildPreview> tmpList = new List <BuildPreview>();
                tmpList.AddRange(buildTool.buildPreviews); buildTool.buildPreviews.Clear();
                FactoryManager.EventFactory = planet.factory;

                //Check if some mandatory variables are missing
                if (planet.physics == null || planet.physics.colChunks == null)
                    planet.physics = new PlanetPhysics(planet);
                if (planet.aux == null)
                    planet.aux = new PlanetAuxData(planet);

                //Set temporary Local Planet / Factory data that are needed for original methods CheckBuildConditions() and CreatePrebuilds()
                buildTool.factory    = planet.factory;
                pab.factory          = planet.factory;
                pab.noneTool.factory = planet.factory;
                if (FactoryManager.EventFromClient)
                    // Only the server needs to set these
                    pab.planetPhysics = planet.physics;
                    pab.nearcdLogic   = planet.physics.nearColliderLogic;

                //Check if prebuilds can be build (collision check, height check, etc)
                bool canBuild = false;
                if (FactoryManager.EventFromClient)
                    GameMain.mainPlayer.mecha.buildArea = float.MaxValue;
                    canBuild = CheckBuildingConnections(buildTool.buildPreviews, planet.factory.entityPool, planet.factory.prebuildPool);


                if (canBuild || FactoryManager.EventFromServer)
                    if (FactoryManager.EventFromClient)
                        CheckAndFixConnections(buildTool, planet);

                    if (packet.BuildToolType == typeof(BuildTool_Click).ToString())
                    else if (packet.BuildToolType == typeof(BuildTool_Path).ToString())
                    else if (packet.BuildToolType == typeof(BuildTool_Inserter).ToString())

                //Revert changes back to the original planet
                if (loadExternalPlanetData)
                    buildTool.factory    = tmpFactory;
                    pab.factory          = tmpFactory;
                    pab.noneTool.factory = tmpFactory;

                    if (FactoryManager.EventFromClient)
                        pab.planetPhysics = tmpPlanetPhysics;
                        pab.nearcdLogic   = tmpNearcdLogic;
                        planet.physics = null;

                GameMain.mainPlayer.mecha.buildArea = Configs.freeMode.mechaBuildArea;
                FactoryManager.EventFactory         = null;


                FactoryManager.TargetPlanet = FactoryManager.PLANET_NONE;
                FactoryManager.PacketAuthor = -1;
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetch chebyshew coefficients from sweph file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pdp">Planet</param>
        /// <param name="jd">Time</param>
        /// <param name="epsilonJ2000">Epsilon for J2000</param>
        /// <see cref="get_new_segment"/>
        internal SEFileSegment ReadSegment(PlanetData pdp, JulianDayNumber jd, Epsilon epsilonJ2000)
            int segmentNumber = (int)((jd - pdp.StartDate).Raw / pdp.SegmentSize);
            var segmentStart  = pdp.StartDate + JulianDayNumber.FromRaw(pdp.SegmentSize * segmentNumber);

            var fpos = pdp.FileIndexStart + segmentNumber * 3;

            fpos = ReadInt32From3Bytes(fpos);
            _stream.Seek(fpos, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            var rmax = pdp.NormalizationFactor;

            double[] segp = new double[pdp.CoefficientsNumber * 3];
            // read coefficients for 3 coordinates
            for (var icoord = 0; icoord < 3; icoord++)
                var idbl = icoord * pdp.CoefficientsNumber;
                // first read header
                // first bit indicates number of sizes of packed coefficients
                int   nco;
                int   nsizes;
                int[] nsize = new int[6];
                var   c     = ReadData(1, 2);
                if ((c[0] & 128) > 0)
                    var c2 = ReadData(1, 2);
                    nsizes   = 6;
                    nsize[0] = c[1] / 16;
                    nsize[1] = c[1] % 16;
                    nsize[2] = c2[0] / 16;
                    nsize[3] = c2[0] % 16;
                    nsize[4] = c2[1] / 16;
                    nsize[5] = c2[1] % 16;
                    nco      = nsize[0] + nsize[1] + nsize[2] + nsize[3] + nsize[4] + nsize[5];
                    nsizes   = 4;
                    nsize[0] = c[0] / 16;
                    nsize[1] = c[0] % 16;
                    nsize[2] = c[1] / 16;
                    nsize[3] = c[1] % 16;
                    nco      = nsize[0] + nsize[1] + nsize[2] + nsize[3];
                // there may not be more coefficients than interpolation order + 1
                if (nco > pdp.CoefficientsNumber)
                    throw new FormatException($"Error in ephemeris file: {nco} coefficients instead of {pdp.CoefficientsNumber}");

                // now unpack
                for (var i = 0; i < nsizes; i++)
                    if (nsize[i] == 0)

                    if (i < 4)
                        int j     = 4 - i;
                        int k     = nsize[i];
                        var longs = ReadUints(j, k);
                        for (int m = 0; m < k; m++)
                            if ((longs[m] & 1) > 0)                             // will be negative
                                segp[idbl] = -(((longs[m] + 1) / 2) / 1e+9 * rmax / 2);
                                segp[idbl] = (longs[m] / 2) / 1e+9 * rmax / 2;
                    else if (i == 4)                     // half byte packing
                        int k     = (nsize[i] + 1) / 2;
                        var longs = ReadUints(1, k);
                        for (int m = 0, j = 0;
                             m < k && j < nsize[i];
                            for (int n = 0, o = 16;
                                 n < 2 && j < nsize[i];
                                 n++, j++, idbl++, longs[m] %= (uint)o, o /= 16)
                                if ((longs[m] & o) > 0)
                                    segp[idbl] = -(((longs[m] + o) / o / 2) * rmax / 2 / 1e+9);
                                    segp[idbl] = (longs[m] / o / 2) * rmax / 2 / 1e+9;
                    else if (i == 5)                     // quarter byte packing
                        int k     = (nsize[i] + 3) / 4;
                        var longs = ReadUints(1, k);
                        for (int m = 0, j = 0;
                             m < k && j < nsize[i];
                            for (int n = 0, o = 64;
                                 n < 4 && j < nsize[i];
                                 n++, j++, idbl++, longs[m] %= (uint)o, o /= 4)
                                if ((longs[m] & o) > 0)
                                    segp[idbl] = -(((longs[m] + o) / o / 2) * rmax / 2 / 1e+9);
                                    segp[idbl] = (longs[m] / o / 2) * rmax / 2 / 1e+9;

            int evaluateCoefficientsCount = pdp.Flags.HasFlag(PlanetFlags.Rotate)
                                ? RotateBack(pdp, segmentStart, segp, epsilonJ2000)
                                : pdp.CoefficientsNumber;
            var segment = new SEFileSegment(segmentStart, JulianDayNumber.FromRaw(pdp.SegmentSize), segp, evaluateCoefficientsCount);

Пример #21
 public Gas(Int32 YSize, PlanetData planetData) : base(YSize, planetData)
Пример #22
    public static Mesh CreateWaterMesh(PlanetData planet)
        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


        int oceanIndex = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < planet.biomes.Length; i++)
            if (planet.biomes[i].isOceanBiome)
                oceanIndex = i;
        if (oceanIndex < 0)

        int size = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < planet.triangles.Length; i++)
            int b1 = planet.points[planet.triangles[i].v1].biomeID;
            int b2 = planet.points[planet.triangles[i].v2].biomeID;
            int b3 = planet.points[planet.triangles[i].v3].biomeID;
            if (b1 == oceanIndex || b2 == oceanIndex || b3 == oceanIndex)

        int[]     triangles = new int[size * 3];
        Color32[] colors    = new Color32[size * 3];
        Vector3[] points    = new Vector3[size * 3];

        int index = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < planet.triangles.Length; i++)
            int b1 = planet.points[planet.triangles[i].v1].biomeID;
            int b2 = planet.points[planet.triangles[i].v2].biomeID;
            int b3 = planet.points[planet.triangles[i].v3].biomeID;
            if (b1 != oceanIndex && b2 != oceanIndex && b3 != oceanIndex)

            points[3 * index]     = planet.points[planet.triangles[i].v1].point * planet.scale;
            points[3 * index + 1] = planet.points[planet.triangles[i].v2].point * planet.scale;
            points[3 * index + 2] = planet.points[planet.triangles[i].v3].point * planet.scale;

            var   biomeID    = PlanetEx.biomeIndexOfTriangle(planet, i);
            Color biomeColor = planet.biomes[oceanIndex].color;
            colors[3 * index]     = biomeColor;
            colors[3 * index + 1] = biomeColor;
            colors[3 * index + 2] = biomeColor;


        for (int i = 0; i < size * 3; i++)
            triangles[i] = i;

        Mesh m = new Mesh();

        m.indexFormat = UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32;
        m.vertices    = points;
        m.colors32    = colors;
        m.triangles   = triangles;

        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Elapsed water renderer " + sw.Elapsed);

    public static void ClaimCivPlanet(PlanetData pData, Civilization newCiv)
        // assign a name for the civ's planet
        if (DataManager.planetNameList.Count > 0)
            var nameIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, DataManager.planetNameList.Count);
            pData.Name = DataManager.planetNameList[nameIndex];
            pData.Name = "GenericName";

        pData.Rank = PlanetData.ePlanetRank.EstablishedColony;
        newCiv.PlanetIDList.Add(pData.ID); // add the planet
Пример #24
            public static bool GetClosestIndex(Ray ray, PlanetData localPlanet, out int closestVeinGroupIndex, out int closestVeinIndex, out float closestVeinDistance, out float closestVeinDistance2D)
                float realRadius = localPlanet.realRadius;

                closestVeinGroupIndex = -1;
                closestVeinIndex      = -1;
                closestVeinDistance   = -1;
                closestVeinDistance2D = -1;
                float   closestVeinGroupDistance = 100f;
                Vector3 vector = Vector3.zero;

                if (Phys.RayCastSphere(ray.origin, ray.direction, 600f, Vector3.zero, realRadius + 1f, out var rch))
                    Dictionary <int, float> distMap = new Dictionary <int, float>();

                    // First pass check for vein Group. Uses veinGroups (cheaper)
                    for (int i = 0; i < localPlanet.veinGroups.Length; i++)
                        PlanetData.VeinGroup veinGroup = localPlanet.veinGroups[i];
                        if (veinGroup.type == EVeinType.None)

                        float currentveinGroupDistance = Vector3.Distance(rch.point, veinGroup.pos * realRadius);
                        //Debug.Log("Comp: veinGroup: " + veinGroup.ToString() + " index: " + i + " Pos: " + veinGroup.pos.ToString() + " dist: " + currentveinGroupDistance);
                        distMap[i] = currentveinGroupDistance;
                        if (currentveinGroupDistance < closestVeinGroupDistance)
                            closestVeinGroupDistance = currentveinGroupDistance;
                            closestVeinGroupIndex    = i;
                            vector = veinGroup.pos * (realRadius + 2.5f);

                    // Second Pass. Looks up distance to specific vein nodes.
                    var limitedCandidates = distMap.OrderBy(key => key.Value).Take(Math.Min(distMap.Count(), 5));

                    //var veinCandidates = from vg in limitedCandidates select from vp in localPlanet.factory.veinPool where vp;
                    closestVeinDistance   = closestVeinGroupDistance;
                    closestVeinDistance2D = closestVeinGroupDistance;
                    foreach (var candkv in limitedCandidates)
                        //Debug.Log("Cand: VeinGroup Idx=" + candkv.Key + "\t Dist: " + candkv.Value);

                        for (int i = 1; i < localPlanet.factory.veinCursor; i++)
                            var vein = localPlanet.factory.veinPool[i];
                            if (vein.id != i || vein.groupIndex != candkv.Key)

                            float veinDistance = Vector3.Distance(rch.point, vein.pos);
                            if (veinDistance < closestVeinDistance)
                                closestVeinDistance   = veinDistance;
                                closestVeinGroupIndex = candkv.Key;
                                closestVeinIndex      = vein.id;

                            float veinDistance2D = Vector2.Distance(rch.point, vein.pos);
                            if (veinDistance2D < closestVeinDistance2D)
                                closestVeinDistance2D = veinDistance2D;
                                closestVeinGroupIndex = candkv.Key;
                                closestVeinIndex      = vein.id;
                    //Debug.Log("Closest: VgIdx=" + closestVeinGroupIndex + " Vein Idx=" + closestVeinIndex + "\t Dist: " + closestVeinDistance + ", Dist2D: " + closestVeinDistance2D);

                    // Cheat for now
                    //Assert.Equals(closestVeinGroupIndex, limitedCandidates.First().Key);
                    //closestVeinGroupIndex = candidates.First().Key;

                // Check if there are any vein colliders inside a radius 5f sphere.
                if (closestVeinGroupIndex >= 0)
                     * if (!Phys.RayCastSphere(ray.origin, ray.direction, 600f, vector, 5f, out rch))
                     * {
                     *  Debug.Log("Resetting to -1! ");
                     *  closestVeinGroupIndex = -1;
                     *  closestVeinIndex = -1;
                     *  return false;
                     * }
                    if (closestVeinDistance2D < 5)
                        //Debug.Log("Resetting to -1! Distance is above: 5");
                        closestVeinGroupIndex = -1;
                        closestVeinIndex      = -1;
                        closestVeinDistance2D = -1;
    public static StarData CreateSystemPlanets(StarData curSys)
        PlanetGenerationData pgList = new PlanetGenerationData();
        SpotPlanetGenerationTable pgTable = new SpotPlanetGenerationTable();
        bool planetFound = false;

            pgList = planetGenerationDataList.Find(p => p.starType == curSys.SpectralClass);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.LogError("Could not lookup " + curSys.SpectralClass.ToString() + " table for system " + curSys.Name + "! Error:" + ex.ToString());
            return null; // try again with the next star

        for (int x = 0; x < MaxPlanetsPerSystem; x++) // 6 spots to generate
            pgTable = pgList.planetGenerationTable[x];
            planetFound = false; // reset planet flag
            int generationChance = 0;
            int planetTypeChance = 0;

            // Step 1: check to see if there is a chance of a planet
            generationChance = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);
            if (generationChance <= pgTable.baseChance + (curSys.pMaterial * pgTable.materialMultiplier) - ((int)curSys.starMultipleType * pgTable.companionModifier))

            // Step 2: look up the planet generation tables for this type of star and determine which planet type is generated
                planetTypeChance = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);

                for (int y = 0; y < pgTable.chanceData.Count; y++) // look up planet data on each table
                    if (!planetFound)
                        int curChance = pgTable.chanceData[y];
                        if (planetTypeChance <= curChance)
                            PlanetData curPlanetData = new PlanetData();
                            curPlanetData = GeneratePlanet((PlanetData.ePlanetType)pgTable.typeData[y],curSys,x+1);
                            curPlanetData.SystemID = curSys.ID;
                            //curSys.PlanetList.Add(curPlanetData); // a planet is born! Generate it now
                            curSys.PlanetSpots[x] = curPlanetData; // stick it in the correct 'spot' (probably will rewrite)
                            planetFound = true;

        return curSys;
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// unittest用
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subIndex">targetNoList決定に使用</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <int, PlanetData> setHouse(Dictionary <int, PlanetData> pdata, double[] houses, SettingData setting, int subIndex)
            PlanetData pAsc = new PlanetData()
                absolute_position = houses[1],
                no            = CommonData.ZODIAC_ASC,
                sensitive     = true,
                speed         = 1,
                aspects       = new List <AspectInfo>(),
                secondAspects = new List <AspectInfo>(),
                thirdAspects  = new List <AspectInfo>()

            if (subIndex >= 0)
                if (setting.dispPlanet[subIndex][CommonData.ZODIAC_ASC])
                    pAsc.isDisp = true;
                    pAsc.isDisp = false;
                if (setting.dispAspectPlanet[subIndex][CommonData.ZODIAC_ASC])
                    pAsc.isAspectDisp = true;
                    pAsc.isAspectDisp = false;

            pdata[CommonData.ZODIAC_ASC] = pAsc;

            PlanetData pMc = new PlanetData()
                isAspectDisp      = true,
                isDisp            = true,
                absolute_position = houses[10],
                no            = CommonData.ZODIAC_MC,
                sensitive     = true,
                speed         = 1,
                aspects       = new List <AspectInfo>(),
                secondAspects = new List <AspectInfo>(),
                thirdAspects  = new List <AspectInfo>()

            if (subIndex >= 0)
                if (setting.dispPlanet[subIndex][CommonData.ZODIAC_MC])
                    pMc.isDisp = true;
                    pMc.isDisp = false;
                if (setting.dispAspectPlanet[subIndex][CommonData.ZODIAC_MC])
                    pMc.isAspectDisp = true;
                    pMc.isAspectDisp = false;

            pdata[CommonData.ZODIAC_MC] = pMc;
Пример #27
 //Returns the distance between two planets (their surfaces, not their centers)
 public float GetSurfaceDistance(PlanetData other)
     return GetDistance(other.Position) - (other.Diameter + Diameter) / 2;
Пример #28
        // 天体の位置を計算する
        public Dictionary <int, PlanetData> PositionCalc(DateTime d, double lat, double lng, int houseKind, int subIndex)
            Dictionary <int, PlanetData> planetdata = new Dictionary <int, PlanetData>();;

            // absolute position
            double[] x    = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            string   serr = "";

            int    utc_year   = 0;
            int    utc_month  = 0;
            int    utc_day    = 0;
            int    utc_hour   = 0;
            int    utc_minute = 0;
            double utc_second = 0;

            // [0]:Ephemeris Time [1]:Universal Time
            double[] dret = { 0.0, 0.0 };

            int ii = 0;

            // utcに変換
            // 本来ここにJSTの9.0を入れるのだが・・・
            s.swe_utc_time_zone(d.Year, d.Month, d.Day, d.Hour, d.Minute, d.Second, 0.0, ref utc_year, ref utc_month, ref utc_day, ref utc_hour, ref utc_minute, ref utc_second);
            s.swe_utc_to_jd(utc_year, utc_month, utc_day, utc_hour, utc_minute, utc_second, 1, dret, ref serr);

            // 10天体ループ
            // 11(DH/TrueNode)、14(Earth)、15(Chiron)もついでに計算
            Enumerable.Range(0, 16).ToList().ForEach(i =>
                int flag = SwissEph.SEFLG_SWIEPH | SwissEph.SEFLG_SPEED;
                if (config.centric == ECentric.HELIO_CENTRIC)
                    flag |= SwissEph.SEFLG_HELCTR;
                if (config.sidereal == Esidereal.SIDEREAL)
                    flag |= SwissEph.SEFLG_SIDEREAL;
                    s.swe_set_sid_mode(SwissEph.SE_SIDM_LAHIRI, 0, 0);
                    // ayanamsa計算
                    double daya = 0.0;
                    double ut   = s.swe_get_ayanamsa_ex_ut(dret[1], SwissEph.SEFLG_SWIEPH, out daya, ref serr);

                    // Ephemeris Timeで計算, 結果はxに入る
                    s.swe_calc_ut(dret[1], i, flag, x, ref serr);
                    // Universal Timeで計算, 結果はxに入る
                    s.swe_calc_ut(dret[1], i, flag, x, ref serr);

                PlanetData p = new PlanetData()
                    no            = i, absolute_position = x[0], speed = x[3], aspects = new List <AspectInfo>(),
                    secondAspects = new List <AspectInfo>(),
                    thirdAspects  = new List <AspectInfo>(),
                    sensitive     = false
                if (i < 10 && subIndex >= 0)
                    if (main.currentSetting.dispPlanet[subIndex][main.dispListMap[i]])
                        p.isDisp = true;
                        p.isDisp = false;
                    if (main.currentSetting.dispAspectPlanet[subIndex][main.dispListMap[i]])
                        p.isAspectDisp = true;
                        p.isAspectDisp = false;
                if (config.centric == ECentric.HELIO_CENTRIC && i == 0)
                    // ヘリオセントリック太陽
                    p.isDisp       = false;
                    p.isAspectDisp = false;
                if (i == 10)
                    // MEAN NODE
                    p.isDisp       = false;
                    p.isAspectDisp = false;
                if (i == 11 && subIndex >= 0 && config.centric == ECentric.GEO_CENTRIC)
                    // TRUE NODE ヘッド
                    if (main.currentSetting.dispPlanet[subIndex][11])
                        p.isDisp = true;
                        p.isDisp = false;
                    if (main.currentSetting.dispAspectPlanet[subIndex][11])
                        p.isAspectDisp = true;
                        p.isAspectDisp = false;
                if (i == 12)
                    // mean apogee、どうでもいい
                    p.isDisp       = false;
                    p.isAspectDisp = false;
                if (i == 13 && subIndex >= 0)
                    // true apogee、要はリリス
                    if (main.currentSetting.dispPlanet[subIndex][CommonData.ZODIAC_LILITH])
                        p.isDisp = true;
                        p.isDisp = false;
                    if (main.currentSetting.dispAspectPlanet[subIndex][CommonData.ZODIAC_LILITH])
                        p.isAspectDisp = true;
                        p.isAspectDisp = false;
                if (config.centric == ECentric.HELIO_CENTRIC && i == 14 && subIndex >= 0)
                    // ヘリオセントリック地球
                    if (main.currentSetting.dispPlanet[subIndex][main.dispListMap[i]])
                        p.isDisp = true;
                        p.isDisp = false;
                    if (main.currentSetting.dispAspectPlanet[subIndex][main.dispListMap[i]])
                        p.isAspectDisp = true;
                        p.isAspectDisp = false;
                if (i == 15 && subIndex >= 0)
                    if (main.currentSetting.dispPlanet[subIndex][CommonData.ZODIAC_CHIRON])
                        p.isDisp = true;
                        p.isDisp = false;
                    if (main.currentSetting.dispAspectPlanet[subIndex][CommonData.ZODIAC_CHIRON])
                        p.isAspectDisp = true;
                        p.isAspectDisp = false;
                ii            = i;
                planetdata[i] = p;

            // ハウスを後ろにくっつける
            double[] houses = CuspCalc(d, lat, lng, houseKind);
            planetdata = setHouse(planetdata, houses, main.currentSetting, subIndex);

Пример #29
    private void PlacePlanet(PlanetData data)
        GameObject go = (GameObject) GameObject.Instantiate(_planetPrefab, data.Pos, Quaternion.identity);
        if (go == null) { Logger.Log("There is an error Instantiating Planet", 4); return; }

        go.name = data.Type.ToString();
        go.transform.SetParent(Global.World.transform, false);

        // Attach Behavior
        PlanetBase planet = AttachPlanetBehavior(go, data.Type);
        if(planet== null) { Logger.Log("There is an error Instantiating Planet", 4);  return; }

        data.Placed = true;
Пример #30
        // CPS
        // 月、水星、金星、太陽は一日一年法
        // 火星以降および感受点は一度一年法
        // 一年を365.24日で計算、当然ずれが生じる
        // 面倒なのでとりあえず放置
        public Dictionary <int, PlanetData> CompositProgressionCalc(Dictionary <int, PlanetData> natallist, DateTime natalTime, DateTime transitTime)
            Dictionary <int, PlanetData> progresslist = new Dictionary <int, PlanetData>();
            TimeSpan ts    = transitTime - natalTime;
            double   years = ts.TotalDays / year_days;

            // 日付を秒数に変換する
            int seconds = (int)(years * 86400);

            TimeSpan add = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds);

            DateTime newTime = natalTime + add;

            // absolute position
            double[] x    = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            string   serr = "";

            int    utc_year   = 0;
            int    utc_month  = 0;
            int    utc_day    = 0;
            int    utc_hour   = 0;
            int    utc_minute = 0;
            double utc_second = 0;

            // [0]:Ephemeris Time [1]:Universal Time
            double[] dret = { 0.0, 0.0 };

            // utcに変換
            s.swe_utc_time_zone(newTime.Year, newTime.Month, newTime.Day, newTime.Hour, newTime.Minute, newTime.Second, 0.0, ref utc_year, ref utc_month, ref utc_day, ref utc_hour, ref utc_minute, ref utc_second);
            s.swe_utc_to_jd(utc_year, utc_month, utc_day, utc_hour, utc_minute, utc_second, 1, dret, ref serr);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PlanetData> pair in natallist)
                PlanetData progressdata;
                if (config.centric == ECentric.HELIO_CENTRIC && pair.Key == CommonData.ZODIAC_SUN)
                    // ヘリオセントリック太陽
                if (pair.Key == 10)
                    // MEAN NODE
                if (pair.Key == 12)
                    // mean apogee、どうでもいい
                if (pair.Key == 13)
                    // true apogee、リリス
                if (config.centric == ECentric.GEO_CENTRIC && pair.Key == CommonData.ZODIAC_EARTH)
                    // ジオセントリック地球

                if ((pair.Key != CommonData.ZODIAC_MOON) &&
                    (pair.Key != CommonData.ZODIAC_MERCURY) &&
                    (pair.Key != CommonData.ZODIAC_VENUS) &&
                    (pair.Key != CommonData.ZODIAC_SUN))
                    progressdata = new PlanetData()
                        absolute_position = pair.Value.absolute_position,
                        no             = pair.Key,
                        sensitive      = pair.Value.sensitive,
                        speed          = pair.Value.speed,
                        aspects        = new List <AspectInfo>(),
                        secondAspects  = new List <AspectInfo>(),
                        thirdAspects   = new List <AspectInfo>(),
                        fourthAspects  = null,
                        fifthAspects   = null,
                        sixthAspects   = null,
                        seventhAspects = null,
                        isDisp         = true,
                    progressdata.absolute_position += years;
                    progressdata.absolute_position %= 365;
                    progresslist[pair.Key]          = progressdata;
                int flag = SwissEph.SEFLG_SWIEPH | SwissEph.SEFLG_SPEED;
                if (config.centric == ECentric.HELIO_CENTRIC)
                    flag |= SwissEph.SEFLG_HELCTR;
                if (config.sidereal == Esidereal.SIDEREAL)
                    flag |= SwissEph.SEFLG_SIDEREAL;
                    s.swe_set_sid_mode(SwissEph.SE_SIDM_LAHIRI, 0, 0);
                    // ayanamsa計算
                    double daya = 0.0;
                    double ut   = s.swe_get_ayanamsa_ex_ut(dret[1], SwissEph.SEFLG_SWIEPH, out daya, ref serr);

                    // Ephemeris Timeで計算, 結果はxに入る
                    s.swe_calc_ut(dret[1], pair.Key, flag, x, ref serr);
                    // tropicalからayanamsaをマイナス
                    x[0] = x[0] > daya ? x[0] - daya : x[0] - daya + 360;
                    // Universal Timeで計算, 結果はxに入る
                    s.swe_calc_ut(dret[1], pair.Key, flag, x, ref serr);

                progressdata = new PlanetData()
                    absolute_position = x[0],
                    no            = pair.Key,
                    sensitive     = pair.Value.sensitive,
                    speed         = pair.Value.speed,
                    aspects       = new List <AspectInfo>(),
                    secondAspects = new List <AspectInfo>(),
                    thirdAspects  = new List <AspectInfo>(),
                    fourthAspects = new List <AspectInfo>(),
                    fifthAspects  = new List <AspectInfo>(),
                    isDisp        = true,
                    isAspectDisp  = true
                progresslist[pair.Key] = progressdata;

Пример #31
    public static Mesh CreateRiversMesh(PlanetData planet)
        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


        int biomeIndex = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < planet.biomes.Length; i++)
            if (planet.biomes[i].isRiverBiome)
                biomeIndex = i;
        if (biomeIndex < 0)

        List <Vector3> points    = new List <Vector3>();
        List <int>     triangles = new List <int>();
        List <Color32> colors    = new List <Color32>();

        int index = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < planet.points.Length; i++)
            if (!planet.points[i].riverInfo.isRiver() || planet.points[i].riverInfo.nextIndex < 0)

            int nextIndex = planet.points[i].riverInfo.nextIndex;

            Vector3 currentLeft, currentRight, nextLeft, nextRight;

            switch (planet.points[i].riverInfo.previousIndexs.Count)
            case 0:
                var h = Vector3.Cross(planet.points[nextIndex].point - planet.points[i].point, planet.points[i].point).normalized;
                currentLeft  = planet.points[i].point + h * planet.points[i].riverInfo.width * planet.riverWidth;
                currentRight = planet.points[i].point - h * planet.points[i].riverInfo.width * planet.riverWidth;

            case 1:
                var h = Vector3.Cross(planet.points[nextIndex].point - planet.points[planet.points[i].riverInfo.previousIndexs[0]].point, planet.points[i].point).normalized;
                currentLeft  = planet.points[i].point + h * planet.points[i].riverInfo.width * planet.riverWidth;
                currentRight = planet.points[i].point - h * planet.points[i].riverInfo.width * planet.riverWidth;

                List <Vector3> previous = new List <Vector3>();
                foreach (var pt in planet.points[i].riverInfo.previousIndexs)
                var left   = MathEx.getLeft(previous, planet.points[i].point, planet.points[nextIndex].point, planet.points[i].point.normalized);
                var right  = MathEx.getRight(previous, planet.points[i].point, planet.points[nextIndex].point, planet.points[i].point.normalized);
                var hLeft  = Vector3.Cross(planet.points[nextIndex].point - left, planet.points[i].point).normalized;
                var hRight = Vector3.Cross(planet.points[nextIndex].point - right, planet.points[i].point).normalized;

                currentLeft  = planet.points[i].point + hLeft * planet.points[i].riverInfo.width * planet.riverWidth;
                currentRight = planet.points[i].point - hRight * planet.points[i].riverInfo.width * planet.riverWidth;

            List <Vector3> nextPoints = new List <Vector3>();
            foreach (var pt in planet.points[nextIndex].riverInfo.previousIndexs)
                if (pt == i)
            if (planet.points[nextIndex].riverInfo.nextIndex >= 0)

            switch (nextPoints.Count)
            case 0:
                var h = Vector3.Cross(planet.points[i].point - planet.points[nextIndex].point, planet.points[nextIndex].point).normalized;
                nextLeft  = planet.points[nextIndex].point - h * planet.points[nextIndex].riverInfo.width * planet.riverWidth;
                nextRight = planet.points[nextIndex].point + h * planet.points[nextIndex].riverInfo.width * planet.riverWidth;

            case 1:
                var h = Vector3.Cross(nextPoints[0] - planet.points[i].point, planet.points[nextIndex].point).normalized;
                nextLeft  = planet.points[nextIndex].point + h * planet.points[nextIndex].riverInfo.width * planet.riverWidth;
                nextRight = planet.points[nextIndex].point - h * planet.points[nextIndex].riverInfo.width * planet.riverWidth;

                var left   = MathEx.getLeft(nextPoints, planet.points[nextIndex].point, planet.points[i].point, planet.points[nextIndex].point.normalized);
                var right  = MathEx.getRight(nextPoints, planet.points[nextIndex].point, planet.points[i].point, planet.points[nextIndex].point.normalized);
                var hLeft  = Vector3.Cross(planet.points[i].point - left, planet.points[nextIndex].point).normalized;
                var hRight = Vector3.Cross(planet.points[i].point - right, planet.points[nextIndex].point).normalized;

                nextLeft  = planet.points[nextIndex].point - hLeft * planet.points[nextIndex].riverInfo.width * planet.riverWidth;
                nextRight = planet.points[nextIndex].point + hRight * planet.points[nextIndex].riverInfo.width * planet.riverWidth;

            var current = planet.points[i].point * (planet.points[i].height + 1 + planet.riverMoreHeight) * planet.scale;
            var next    = planet.points[nextIndex].point * (planet.points[nextIndex].height + 1 + planet.riverMoreHeight) * planet.scale;

            currentLeft  *= (planet.points[i].height + 1 + planet.riverMoreHeight) * planet.scale;
            currentRight *= (planet.points[i].height + 1 + planet.riverMoreHeight) * planet.scale;
            nextLeft     *= (planet.points[nextIndex].height + 1 + planet.riverMoreHeight) * planet.scale;
            nextRight    *= (planet.points[nextIndex].height + 1 + planet.riverMoreHeight) * planet.scale;


            for (int j = index; j < index + 12; j++)
            index += 12;

        Mesh m = new Mesh();

        m.indexFormat = UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32;
        m.vertices    = points.ToArray();
        m.colors32    = colors.ToArray();
        m.triangles   = triangles.ToArray();

        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Elapsed rivers renderer " + sw.Elapsed);

Пример #32
 public void Init()
     _transform          = transform;
     data                = new PlanetData(transform.localScale.x * transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.x, _transform.position, _transform.forward * startSpeed);
     _transform.position = data.position;
        public void ProcessPacket(CreatePrebuildsRequest packet, NebulaConnection conn)
            PlanetData planet = GameMain.galaxy.PlanetById(packet.PlanetId);

            if (planet.factory == null)
                // We only execute the code if the client has loaded the factory at least once.
                // Else it will get it once it goes to the planet for the first time.

            PlayerAction_Build pab = GameMain.mainPlayer.controller?.actionBuild;

            if (pab != null)
                //Make backup of values that are overwritten
                List <BuildPreview> tmpList             = pab.buildPreviews;
                bool tmpConfirm                         = pab.waitConfirm;
                UnityEngine.Vector3    tmpPos           = pab.previewPose.position;
                UnityEngine.Quaternion tmpRot           = pab.previewPose.rotation;
                PlanetFactory          tmpFactory       = (PlanetFactory)AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerAction_Build), "factory").GetValue(GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild);
                PlanetPhysics          tmpPlanetPhysics = (PlanetPhysics)AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerAction_Build), "planetPhysics").GetValue(pab);

                //Create Prebuilds from incomming packet
                pab.buildPreviews = packet.GetBuildPreviews();
                pab.waitConfirm   = true;
                using (FactoryManager.EventFromServer.On())
                    FactoryManager.EventFactory = planet.factory;
                    pab.previewPose.position    = new UnityEngine.Vector3(packet.PosePosition.x, packet.PosePosition.y, packet.PosePosition.z);
                    pab.previewPose.rotation    = new UnityEngine.Quaternion(packet.PoseRotation.x, packet.PoseRotation.y, packet.PoseRotation.z, packet.PoseRotation.w);
                    AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerAction_Build), "factory").SetValue(GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild, planet.factory);

                    //Create temporary physics for spawning building's colliders
                    if (planet.physics == null || planet.physics.colChunks == null)
                        planet.physics = new PlanetPhysics(planet);
                    if (BeltManager.GetCargoTraffic(planet.factory.cargoTraffic) == null)

                    //Take item from the inventory if player is author of the build
                    if (packet.AuthorId == LocalPlayer.PlayerId)
                        foreach (BuildPreview buildPreview in pab.buildPreviews)
                            if (GameMain.mainPlayer.inhandItemId == buildPreview.item.ID && GameMain.mainPlayer.inhandItemCount > 0)
                                int num = 1;
                                GameMain.mainPlayer.package.TakeTailItems(ref buildPreview.item.ID, ref num, false);

                    AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerAction_Build), "planetPhysics").SetValue(GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild, planet.physics);
                    FactoryManager.EventFactory = null;

                //Author has to call this for the continuous belt building
                if (packet.AuthorId == LocalPlayer.PlayerId)

                //Revert changes back
                AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerAction_Build), "planetPhysics").SetValue(GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild, tmpPlanetPhysics);
                AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerAction_Build), "factory").SetValue(GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild, tmpFactory);
                pab.buildPreviews        = tmpList;
                pab.waitConfirm          = tmpConfirm;
                pab.previewPose.position = tmpPos;
                pab.previewPose.rotation = tmpRot;
Пример #34
        public static void IdleShipGetToWork(ILSShipData packet)
            PlanetData planetA = GameMain.galaxy.PlanetById(packet.planetA);
            PlanetData planetB = GameMain.galaxy.PlanetById(packet.planetB);

            if (planetA != null && planetB != null)
                if (GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationCapacity <= packet.planetAStationGID)
                    CreateFakeStationComponent(packet.planetAStationGID, packet.planetA);
                else if (GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationPool[packet.planetAStationGID] == null)
                    CreateFakeStationComponent(packet.planetAStationGID, packet.planetA);
                else if (GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationPool[packet.planetAStationGID].shipDockPos == Vector3.zero)
                if (GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationCapacity <= packet.planetBStationGID)
                    CreateFakeStationComponent(packet.planetBStationGID, packet.planetB);
                else if (GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationPool[packet.planetBStationGID] == null)
                    CreateFakeStationComponent(packet.planetBStationGID, packet.planetB);
                else if (GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationPool[packet.planetBStationGID].shipDockPos == Vector3.zero)

                StationComponent stationComponent = GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationPool[packet.planetAStationGID];
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].stage     = -2;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].planetA   = packet.planetA;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].planetB   = packet.planetB;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].otherGId  = packet.planetBStationGID;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].direction = 1;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].t         = 0f;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].itemId    = packet.itemId;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].itemCount = packet.itemCount;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].gene      = 0; // WHAT IS THIS?
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].shipIndex = packet.origShipIndex;
                stationComponent.workShipDatas[stationComponent.workShipCount].warperCnt = packet.warperCnt;
                stationComponent.warperCount = packet.stationWarperCnt;

                if (stationComponent.idleShipCount < 0)
                    stationComponent.idleShipCount = 0;
                if (stationComponent.workShipCount > 10)
                    stationComponent.workShipCount = 10;
                Log.Info($"Received ship message (departing): {planetA.displayName} -> {planetB.displayName} transporting {packet.itemCount} of {packet.itemId} and index is {packet.origShipIndex}");
                //Log.Info($"Array Length is: {GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationPool.Length} and there is also: {GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationCapacity}");
                Debug.Log(((planetA == null) ? "null" : "not null") + ((planetB == null) ? "null" : "not null") + packet.planetA + " " + packet.planetB);
    private static void DeterminePlanetTraits(PlanetData cPlan)
        int baseChance = 0;
        bool traitFound = false;
        bool checkValid = true; // was a trait found? If so, keep going
        int diceRoll = 0;

        while (checkValid)
            // determine chance for a planet trait
            if (cPlan.PlanetTraits.Count == 0)
                baseChance = TraitChanceWith0Traits;
            if (cPlan.PlanetTraits.Count == 1)
                baseChance = TraitChanceWith1Traits;
            if (cPlan.PlanetTraits.Count == 2)
                baseChance = TraitChanceWith2Traits;
            if (cPlan.PlanetTraits.Count > 2)
                Debug.Log("Exiting trait generation for planet " + cPlan.Name);

            diceRoll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 101);

            if (diceRoll < baseChance)
                traitFound = true;
                checkValid = false;
                Debug.Log("Exiting trait generation for planet " + cPlan.Name);

            if (traitFound)
                bool validTraitFound = false;
                bool validTypeFound = false;
                int tryCount = 0; // how many attempts have been made to find a trait

                while (!validTraitFound && tryCount < 5)
                    tryCount += 1;

                    PlanetTraits testTrait = DataManager.planetTraitDataList[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, DataManager.planetTraitDataList.Count)]; // grab a trait
                    if (testTrait != null)
                        if (testTrait.PlanetType[0] != 0) // a zero in slot 1 means any type
                            for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++ )
                                if (testTrait.PlanetType[x] == cPlan.Type)
                                    validTypeFound = true;
                                    validTypeFound = false;
                            validTypeFound = true;

                        if (validTypeFound)
                            if (testTrait.MoonsNecessary > cPlan.Moons) // check moon requirement
                                goto newTest;

                            if (cPlan.PlanetTraits.Count > 0) // only check if there is at least one trait, otherwise always valid
                                foreach (PlanetTraits trait in cPlan.PlanetTraits)
                                    if (trait.Category == testTrait.Category)
                                        goto newTest;

                            if (testTrait.BeltEligible == 0) // check for exclusion traits with belts
                                if (cPlan.Type == PlanetData.ePlanetType.AsteroidBelt || cPlan.Type == PlanetData.ePlanetType.DustRing || cPlan.Type == PlanetData.ePlanetType.IceBelt)
                                    goto newTest;

                            validTraitFound = true;

                        if (validTraitFound)

                        Debug.Log("Error generating planet trait: Read trait was null.");
                        break; //error
Пример #36
 public GeologicalRandomizer(CelestialBody body, PlanetData bodyData)
     SetBody(body, bodyData);
    public static void AddPopsToPlanet(PlanetData pData, Civilization civ)
        // add pops to each region on a planet
        foreach (Region rData in pData.RegionList)
            for (int x = 0; x < rData.MaxSafePopulationLevel; x++ )
                float generationChance = 0;
                int generationTarget = 0;

                // determine base chance for pop generation
                generationChance = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 135);

                if (pData.Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.EstablishedColony)
                    generationTarget = ChanceForPopOnStandardColony;
                if (pData.Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.SystemCapital)
                    generationTarget = ChanceForPopOnSystemCapital;
                if (pData.Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.ProvinceCapital)
                    generationTarget = ChanceForPopOnProvinceCapital;
                if (pData.Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.ImperialCapital)
                    generationTarget = ChanceForPopOnCivCapital;

                generationChance -= (float)(rData.HabitatationInfrastructureLevel / 2f);

                // adjust for existing infrastructure
                generationChance += rData.MaxSafePopulationLevel - (rData.MaxSafePopulationLevel - rData.PopsInTile.Count);
                if (rData.PopsInTile.Count == 0 && rData.TotalDevelopmentLevel > 0)
                    generationChance = 0; // always add at least one pop!

                if (rData.TotalDevelopmentLevel == 0)

                if (generationChance <= generationTarget)
                    GenerateNewPop(civ, rData, false); // add a new pop to the region
Пример #38
            /// <summary>
            /// Orignal PlayerAction_Build::DetermineDestructPreviews
            /// </summary>
            public static void CreateEntityDestructPreview(
                PlayerAction_Build __instance,
                List <int> idList,
                List <EObjectType> typeList,
                DeterminePreviews.PreviewsFilter filter
                if (!VFInput.onGUI)

                __instance.previewPose.position = Vector3.zero;
                __instance.previewPose.rotation = Quaternion.identity;


                foreach (int entityId in idList)
                    //int entityId = typeList[index] != EObjectType.Entity ? -entityIdList[index] : entityIdList[index];

                    ItemProto itemProto  = (ItemProto)Traverse.Create(__instance).Method("GetItemProto", entityId).GetValue();
                    Pose      objectPose = (Pose)Traverse.Create(__instance).Method("GetObjectPose", entityId).GetValue();

                    if (itemProto != null &&
                        filter(itemProto) == false)
                        //Add Build Preview
                        __instance.AddBuildPreview(new BuildPreview());

                        BuildPreview buildPreview = __instance.buildPreviews[__instance.buildPreviews.Count - 1];
                        buildPreview.item  = itemProto;
                        buildPreview.desc  = itemProto.prefabDesc;
                        buildPreview.lpos  = objectPose.position;
                        buildPreview.lrot  = objectPose.rotation;
                        buildPreview.objId = entityId;

                        int num = buildPreview.desc.lodCount <= 0 ? 0 : ((Object)buildPreview.desc.lodMeshes[0] != (Object)null ? 1 : 0);
                        buildPreview.needModel  = num != 0;
                        buildPreview.isConnNode = true;

                        if (buildPreview.desc.isInserter)
                            Pose objectPose2 = (Pose)Traverse.Create(__instance).Method("GetObjectPose2", buildPreview.objId).GetValue();
                            buildPreview.lpos2 = objectPose2.position;
                            buildPreview.lrot2 = objectPose2.rotation;

                        PlanetData planetData = __instance.player.planetData;
                        Vector3    vector3_1  = __instance.player.position;

                        if (planetData.type == EPlanetType.Gas)
                            vector3_1 = vector3_1.normalized;
                            Vector3 vector3_2 = vector3_1 * planetData.realRadius;
                            buildPreview.condition = EBuildCondition.Ok;
                            __instance.cursorText  = "拆除".Translate() + buildPreview.item.name + "\r\n" + "连锁拆除提示".Translate();

                        if (buildPreview.desc.multiLevel)
                            int           otherObjId;
                            PlanetFactory factory = Traverse.Create((object)__instance).Field("factory").GetValue <PlanetFactory>();
                            factory.ReadObjectConn(buildPreview.objId, 15, out bool _, out otherObjId, out int _);
                            if ((uint)otherObjId > 0U)
                                buildPreview.condition = EBuildCondition.Covered;
                                __instance.cursorText  = buildPreview.conditionText;
    public static void AddTradeInfrastructureToPlanet(PlanetData pData)
        // determine starbase level
        if (pData.Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.ImperialCapital)
            pData.StarbaseLevel = UnityEngine.Random.Range(3, 5);
        else if (pData.Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.ProvinceCapital)
            pData.StarbaseLevel = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);
        else if (pData.Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.SystemCapital)
            pData.StarbaseLevel = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 3);
        else if (pData.Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.EstablishedColony)
            pData.StarbaseLevel = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
            pData.StarbaseLevel = 0;

        // determine whether a trade hub
        if (pData.StarbaseLevel > 0 && pData.Rank != PlanetData.ePlanetRank.EstablishedColony)
            int baseChance = pData.StarbaseLevel * 20;
            if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100) >= baseChance)
                pData.IsTradeHub = true;
Пример #40
        public static void MineVegetable(VegeMined packet)
            if (!remotePlayersModels.TryGetValue((ushort)packet.PlayerId, out RemotePlayerModel pModel))
                Debug.Log("FAILED TO SYNC VEGE DATA");
            PlanetData planet = GameMain.galaxy?.PlanetById(pModel.Movement.localPlanetId);

            if (planet == null)

            if (packet.isVegetable) // Trees, rocks, leaves, etc
                VegeData  vData  = (VegeData)planet.factory?.GetVegeData(packet.MiningID);
                VegeProto vProto = LDB.veges.Select((int)vData.protoId);
                if (vProto != null && planet.id == GameMain.localPlanet?.id)
                    VFEffectEmitter.Emit(vProto.MiningEffect, vData.pos, vData.rot);
                    VFAudio.Create(vProto.MiningAudio, null, vData.pos, true);
            else // veins
                VeinData  vData  = (VeinData)planet.factory?.GetVeinData(packet.MiningID);
                VeinProto vProto = LDB.veins.Select((int)vData.type);
                if (vProto != null)
                    if (planet.factory?.veinPool[packet.MiningID].amount > 0)
                        VeinData[]             vPool   = planet.factory?.veinPool;
                        PlanetData.VeinGroup[] vGroups = planet.factory?.planet.veinGroups;
                        long[] vAmounts = planet.veinAmounts;
                        vPool[packet.MiningID].amount         -= 1;
                        vGroups[(int)vData.groupIndex].amount -= 1;
                        vAmounts[(int)vData.type]             -= 1;

                        if (planet.id == GameMain.localPlanet?.id)
                            VFEffectEmitter.Emit(vProto.MiningEffect, vData.pos, Maths.SphericalRotation(vData.pos, 0f));
                            VFAudio.Create(vProto.MiningAudio, null, vData.pos, true);
                        PlanetData.VeinGroup[] vGroups = planet.factory?.planet.veinGroups;
                        vGroups[vData.groupIndex].count -= 1;

                        if (planet.id == GameMain.localPlanet?.id)
                            VFEffectEmitter.Emit(vProto.MiningEffect, vData.pos, Maths.SphericalRotation(vData.pos, 0f));
                            VFAudio.Create(vProto.MiningAudio, null, vData.pos, true);

    public static Civilization CreateNewCivilization()
        List<String> civNameList = DataManager.civNameList;
        // populate the color list if needed
        if (civColorList.Count == 0)

        Civilization newCiv = new Civilization();
        int dieRoll = 0;
        galaxyDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GalaxyData>(); // access galaxy data
        gameDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GlobalGameData>(); // access galaxy data

        // Step 1: Generate type of civ
        dieRoll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 7);
        newCiv.Type = (Civilization.eCivType)dieRoll;  // cast to enum

        // Step 2: Generate ID of civ
        newCiv.ID = "CIV" + gameDataRef.CivList.Count.ToString("N0");

        // Step 2: Generate name of civ
        string primaryName = "";
        string surName = "";

        if (civNameList.Count > 0)
            var nameIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, civNameList.Count);
            primaryName = civNameList[nameIndex];
            primaryName = "GenericName";

        var surNameIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, DataManager.civSurNameList.Count);
        surName = DataManager.civSurNameList[surNameIndex];

        newCiv.Name = primaryName + " " + surName;

        // Step 3: Generate other base stats (treasury, size, etc)

        // size/range
        newCiv.Range = 40; // to start with
        int size = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);

        // adjust size/other ratings for civ type
            case Civilization.eCivType.Confederation :
                    size += 55;
            case Civilization.eCivType.MinorEmpire:
                    size += 40;
            case Civilization.eCivType.Satrapy:
                    size += 20;
            case Civilization.eCivType.BrokenCivilization:
                    size -= 30;
            case Civilization.eCivType.Pirates:
                    size -= 15;

        // add a empire type mod here
        if (size < 40)
            newCiv.Size = Civilization.eCivSize.SinglePlanet;
        else if (size < 70)
            newCiv.Size = Civilization.eCivSize.Local;
        else if (size < 90)
            newCiv.Size = Civilization.eCivSize.Minor;
            newCiv.Range = UnityEngine.Random.Range(MultiSystemEmpireRange - 200, MultiSystemEmpireRange + 200);
            newCiv.Size = Civilization.eCivSize.Major;
            newCiv.Range = UnityEngine.Random.Range(MultiRegionEmpireRange - 400, MultiRegionEmpireRange + 400);

        // skill ratings
        newCiv.FarmingBaseRating = UnityEngine.Random.Range(70, 100) - (int)newCiv.Type * 10;
        newCiv.MiningBaseRating = UnityEngine.Random.Range(50, 90) - (int)newCiv.Type * 10;
        newCiv.ScienceBaseRating = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 50) + (int)newCiv.Type * 10;
        newCiv.HighTechBaseRating = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 40) + (int)newCiv.Type * 10;
        newCiv.ManufacturingBaseRating = UnityEngine.Random.Range(5, 50) + (int)newCiv.Type * 10;

        // tolerance
        newCiv.PlanetMinTolerance = UnityEngine.Random.Range(40, 60); // sets the base minimum habitable world a civilization is willing to tolerate

        // province size
        if (newCiv.Size == Civilization.eCivSize.Major)
            newCiv.CivMaxProvinceSize = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 6); // sets a province size between 1 and 5 systems
            newCiv.AdminRating = UnityEngine.Random.Range(5, 21); // generates the civ's base admin rating (how efficient they are in adminstering provinces
            newCiv.CivMaxProvinceSize = 0; // no provinces can be created; the civ is essentially one province
            newCiv.AdminRating = 1;

        // admin rating

        // Step 4: Determine planet of origin
        retryPlanet: // beginning of retry loop
        PlanetData civPlanet = new PlanetData();

        dieRoll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, galaxyDataRef.GalaxyPlanetDataList.Count); // find the planets in the quadrant
        civPlanet = galaxyDataRef.GalaxyPlanetDataList[dieRoll];

        if (galaxyDataRef.GalaxyPlanetDataList[dieRoll].AdjustedBio < newCiv.PlanetMinTolerance) // if the bio is too low, throw it out
            goto retryPlanet;

        if (gameDataRef.CivList.Count > 0)
            foreach (Civilization civ in gameDataRef.CivList)
                List<StarData> populatedHomeSystems = new List<StarData>();
                populatedHomeSystems = HelperFunctions.DataRetrivalFunctions.GetCivSystemList(civ);

                if (civPlanet.ID == civ.CapitalPlanetID)  // check for capital world
                    goto retryPlanet;
                if (civ.PlanetIDList.Exists(p => p == civPlanet.ID)) // then all other worlds
                    goto retryPlanet;
                if (newCiv.ID != civ.ID)
                    if (populatedHomeSystems.Exists(p => p.ID == civPlanet.SystemID)) // check for systems that other civs have claimed
                        goto retryPlanet;

            // assign a name for the civ's planet
            if (DataManager.planetNameList.Count > 0)
                var nameIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, DataManager.planetNameList.Count);
                civPlanet.Name = DataManager.planetNameList[nameIndex];
                civPlanet.Name = "GenericName";

            // set as capital and send to assign pops, developments, etc.
            newCiv.CapitalPlanetID = civPlanet.ID;
            ClaimCivPlanet(civPlanet, newCiv);
            civPlanet.Rank = PlanetData.ePlanetRank.ImperialCapital;
            newCiv.PlanetIDList.Add(civPlanet.ID); // add the planet

        // Step 5: Determine additional planets
        if (newCiv.Size != Civilization.eCivSize.SinglePlanet)

        // Step 5: Generate color of civ
        retryColor: // beginning of retry loop
        Color civColor = new Color();

        civColor = new Color(UnityEngine.Random.Range(.01f, .99f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(.01f, .99f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(.01f, .99f)); // select a random color
        if (gameDataRef.CivList.Count > 0)
            foreach (Civilization civ in gameDataRef.CivList)
                if (civColor == civ.Color)
                    goto retryColor;
            newCiv.Color = civColor;

        return newCiv;
Пример #42
        private void HandleClick()
            Vector3 worldPos;
            // RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(rectTrans, Input.mousePosition, uicam, out var localPoint);
            Ray ray = GameCamera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                // Debug.Log("Clicking screen pos: " + Input.mousePosition.ToString() + " Ray: " + ray.ToString());

                PlanetData localPlanet = GameMain.localPlanet;
                if (localPlanet == null)

                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out var hitInfo, 1000f, 15873, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
                    worldPos = hitInfo.point;
                    // Debug.Log("Clicked on world pos: " + worldPos.ToString());

                    Gardener.VeinGroup.GetClosestIndex(ray, localPlanet, out int closestVeinGroupIndex, out int closestVeinIndex, out float closestVeinDistance, out float closestVeinDistance2D);

                    switch (modMode)
                    case eVeinModificationMode.AddVein:
                        if (closestVeinGroupIndex < 0)
                            var veinGroup = Gardener.VeinGroup.New(EVeinType.Iron, worldPos.normalized);
                            closestVeinGroupIndex = localPlanet.AddVeinGroupData(veinGroup);
                            Debug.Log("Adding new veinGroup: " + veinGroup.type.ToString() + " index: " + closestVeinGroupIndex + " Pos: " + veinGroup.pos * localPlanet.radius);
                        Gardener.Vein.Add(localPlanet, worldPos, closestVeinGroupIndex);

                    case eVeinModificationMode.ModifyVeinGroup:
                        if (closestVeinGroupIndex >= 0)
                            PlanetData.VeinGroup veinGroup = localPlanet.veinGroups[closestVeinGroupIndex];
                            Debug.Log("Clicked on veinGroup: " + veinGroup.ToString() + " index: " + closestVeinGroupIndex + " Type: " + veinGroup.type);
                            Debug.Log("VeinGroup: " + veinGroup.pos.ToString() + " index: " + (veinGroup.pos * (localPlanet.realRadius + 2.5f)));

                            dialog = new UIVeinGroupDialog()
                                localPlanet    = localPlanet,
                                veinGroupIndex = closestVeinGroupIndex,
                                Show           = true
                            dialog = null;

                    case eVeinModificationMode.RemoveVein:
                        if (closestVeinGroupIndex >= 0 && closestVeinIndex >= 0 && closestVeinDistance2D < 1)
                            Debug.Log("Removing vein: " + closestVeinIndex + " in group: " + closestVeinGroupIndex);
                            Gardener.Vein.Remove(localPlanet, closestVeinIndex, closestVeinGroupIndex);

                    case eVeinModificationMode.Deactivated:
    public static void AddDevelopmentToPlanet(PlanetData pData)
        // populate the planet by adding industry
        foreach (Region rData in pData.RegionList)
            int farmChance = 0;
            int mineChance = 0;
            int adminChance = 0;
            int scienceChance = 0;
            int factoryChance = 0;
            int highTechChance = 0;

            int minDevelopmentLevel = rData.MaxDevelopmentLevel - 10;
            if (minDevelopmentLevel <= 0)
                minDevelopmentLevel = 0;

            int maxDevelopmentAmount = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minDevelopmentLevel, rData.MaxDevelopmentLevel);
            for (int x = 0; x < maxDevelopmentAmount; x++)
                farmChance = 0;
                mineChance = 0;
                adminChance = 0;
                scienceChance = 0;
                factoryChance = 0;
                highTechChance = 0;

                int govAdjust = 20;
                // basic adjustment for capitals to have more government developments
                if (HelperFunctions.DataRetrivalFunctions.GetPlanet(rData.PlanetLocationID).Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.SystemCapital)
                    govAdjust = 30;
                if (HelperFunctions.DataRetrivalFunctions.GetPlanet(rData.PlanetLocationID).Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.ProvinceCapital)
                    govAdjust = 45;
                if (HelperFunctions.DataRetrivalFunctions.GetPlanet(rData.PlanetLocationID).Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.ImperialCapital)
                    govAdjust = 60;

                // adjust by region characteristics, as well as what is already there
                if (rData.FarmingLevel == 0)
                    farmChance += 40; // try to get at least one farm

                if (rData.HighTechLevel == 0)
                    highTechChance += 30; // try to get at least one energy station
                // normalize to have a roughly equal amount of mines and factories
                if (rData.MiningLevel < rData.ManufacturingLevel)
                    mineChance += 5 * (rData.ManufacturingLevel - rData.MiningLevel);

                if (rData.MiningLevel > rData.ManufacturingLevel)
                    factoryChance += 5 * (rData.MiningLevel - rData.ManufacturingLevel);

                farmChance += 23 + (rData.BioRating / 3) + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10) + rData.MiningLevel + rData.ManufacturingLevel + rData.GovernmentLevel + rData.HighTechLevel - rData.FarmingLevel;
                mineChance += 15 + ((rData.AlphaRating + rData.HeavyRating) / 4) + (rData.RareRating / 4) + rData.FarmingLevel + rData.ManufacturingLevel - rData.MiningLevel + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10);
                adminChance += govAdjust + UnityEngine.Random.Range(5, 30) + rData.FarmingLevel + rData.MiningLevel + rData.ManufacturingLevel + rData.HighTechLevel;
                scienceChance += 38 + rData.FarmingLevel + rData.MiningLevel + rData.ManufacturingLevel + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10) + rData.FarmingLevel;
                factoryChance += 15 + ((rData.AlphaRating + rData.HeavyRating) / 4) + rData.MiningLevel + rData.FarmingLevel + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 20);
                highTechChance += 30 + (rData.EnergyRating / 3) + rData.FarmingLevel + rData.MiningLevel + rData.ManufacturingLevel + rData.GovernmentLevel + UnityEngine.Random.Range(5, 10);

                // generate a sorted list
                Dictionary<string,int> developmentDictionary = new Dictionary<string,int>();

                List<KeyValuePair<string, int>> SortedDevelopments = developmentDictionary.ToList();
                SortedDevelopments.Sort((firstPair, nextPair) =>
                        return firstPair.Value.CompareTo(nextPair.Value);

                if (SortedDevelopments.Last().Key == "Farm")
                    rData.FarmingLevel += 1;
                else if (SortedDevelopments.Last().Key == "Mine")
                    rData.MiningLevel += 1;
                else if (SortedDevelopments.Last().Key == "Admin")
                    rData.GovernmentLevel += 1;
                else if (SortedDevelopments.Last().Key == "Science")
                    rData.ScienceLevel += 1;
                else if (SortedDevelopments.Last().Key == "Factory")
                    rData.ManufacturingLevel += 1;
                else if (SortedDevelopments.Last().Key == "HighTech")
                    rData.HighTechLevel += 1;
Пример #44
            private static void exportStar(PlanetData planet)
                UnityEngine.Debug.Log("-- planet: " + planet.id);
                PlanetAlgorithm planetAlgorithm = PlanetModelingManager.Algorithm(planet);

                planet.data    = new PlanetRawData(planet.precision);
                planet.modData = planet.data.InitModData(planet.modData);
                planet.aux = new PlanetAuxData(planet);
                planetAlgorithm.GenerateTerrain(planet.mod_x, planet.mod_y);
                if (planet.type != EPlanetType.Gas)
                if (planet.type != EPlanetType.Gas)
                    if (!firstPlanet)
                        firstPlanet = false;
                    streamWriter.Write("\"" + planet.name + "\":{" +
                                       "\"seed\":" + planet.seed +
                                       ",\"index\":" + planet.index +
                                       ",\"id\":" + planet.id +
                                       ",\"orbitAround\":" + planet.orbitAround +
                                       ",\"number\":" + planet.number +
                                       ",\"orbitIndex\":" + planet.orbitIndex +
                                       ",\"name\":\"" + planet.name + "\"" +
                                       ",\"orbitRadius\":" + planet.orbitRadius +
                                       ",\"orbitInclination\":" + planet.orbitInclination +
                                       ",\"orbitLongitude\":" + planet.orbitLongitude +
                                       ",\"orbitalPeriod\":" + planet.orbitalPeriod +
                                       ",\"orbitPhase\":" + planet.orbitPhase +
                                       ",\"obliquity\":" + planet.obliquity +
                                       ",\"rotationPeriod\":" + planet.rotationPeriod +
                                       ",\"rotationPhase\":" + planet.rotationPhase +
                                       ",\"radius\":" + planet.radius +
                                       ",\"scale\":" + planet.scale +
                                       ",\"sunDistance\":" + planet.sunDistance +
                                       ",\"habitableBias\":" + planet.habitableBias +
                                       ",\"temperatureBias\":" + planet.temperatureBias +
                                       ",\"ionHeight\":" + planet.ionHeight +
                                       ",\"windStrength\":" + planet.windStrength +
                                       ",\"luminosity\":" + planet.luminosity +
                                       ",\"landPercent\":" + planet.landPercent +
                                       ",\"mod_x\":" + planet.mod_x +
                                       ",\"mod_y\":" + planet.mod_y +
                                       ",\"type\":" + (int)planet.type +
                                       ",\"singularity\":" + (int)planet.singularity +
                                       ",\"theme\":" + planet.theme +
                                       ",\"algoId\":" + planet.algoId +
                                       ",\"waterHeight\":" + planet.waterHeight);
                    if (planet.waterItemId > 0)
                        ItemProto water = LDB.items.Select(planet.waterItemId);
                            ",\"waterItem\":\"" + water.name + "\""
                    if (planet.type == EPlanetType.Gas)
                        streamWriter.Write(",\"gasTotalHeat\":" + planet.gasTotalHeat);
                        streamWriter.Write(",\"gas\":{"); // open gas[]
                        bool firstvein = true;
                        for (int k = 0; k < planet.gasItems.Length; k++)
                            ItemProto gas = LDB.items.Select(planet.gasItems[k]);
                            if (firstvein == false)
                                firstvein = false;
                            streamWriter.Write("\"" + gas.name + "\":{" +
                                               "\"gasName\":\"" + gas.name + "\"" +
                                               ",\"gasItem\":" + planet.gasItems[k] +
                                               ",\"gasSpeed\":\"" + planet.gasSpeeds[k] + "\"" +
                                               ",\"gasHeatValue\":\"" + planet.gasHeatValues[k] + "\"}");
                        streamWriter.Write("}"); // close gas[]
                        streamWriter.Write(",\"vein\":{"); // open vein[]
                        bool firstvein = true;
                        for (int k = 0; k < planet.veinAmounts.Length; k++)
                            if (planet.veinAmounts[k] == 0)
                            if (firstvein == false)
                                firstvein = false;
                            streamWriter.Write("\"" + (EVeinType)k + "\":" + planet.veinAmounts[k]);
                        streamWriter.Write("}");                                                                                                                // close vein[]
                    streamWriter.Write(",\"uPosition\":{\"x\":" + planet.uPosition.x + ",\"y\":" + planet.uPosition.y + ",\"z\":" + planet.uPosition.z + "}}"); // close planet
                finally { Monitor.Exit(streamWriter); }
Пример #45
    public virtual void Initialize(PlanetData data)
        PlanetObject = gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
        GravityObject = gameObject.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject;
        if(PlanetObject == null || GravityObject == null)
        {Logger.Log("Error Initializing Planet " + data.Type, 4);return;}

        _data = data;
        _active = true;
        _orbitActive = false;
        Type = data.Type;
        BodyRadius = data.Body;
        GravityDepth = data.Gravity;
Пример #46
    private void UpdatePlanetTradeInfo(PlanetData pData)
        // update trade stats
        List<TradeAgreement> expList = new List<TradeAgreement>();
        List<TradeAgreement> impList = new List<TradeAgreement>();

        float totalImports = 0f;
        float totalExports = 0f;

        if (gDataRef.ActiveTradeAgreements.Exists(p => p.ExportPlanetID == pData.ID))
            expList = gDataRef.ActiveTradeAgreements.FindAll(p => p.ExportPlanetID == pData.ID);

        if (gDataRef.ActiveTradeAgreements.Exists(p => p.ImportPlanetID == pData.ID))
            impList = gDataRef.ActiveTradeAgreements.FindAll(p => p.ImportPlanetID == pData.ID);

        foreach (TradeAgreement t in expList)
            totalExports += t.Cost;
        pData.ExportRevenue = totalExports;

        foreach (TradeAgreement t in impList)
            totalImports += t.Cost;
        pData.ImportCosts = totalImports;

        float totalFood = 0f;
        foreach (TradeAgreement t in impList)
            if (t.FoodSent > 0)
                totalFood += t.FoodSent;
        pData.FoodImported = totalFood;

        totalFood = 0f;
        foreach (TradeAgreement t in expList)
            if (t.FoodSent > 0)
                totalFood += t.FoodSent;
        pData.FoodExported = totalFood;

        float totalEnergy = 0f;
        foreach (TradeAgreement t in impList)
            if (t.EnergySent > 0)
                totalEnergy += t.EnergySent;
        pData.EnergyImported = totalEnergy;

        totalEnergy = 0f;
        foreach (TradeAgreement t in expList)
            if (t.EnergySent > 0)
                totalEnergy += t.EnergySent;
        pData.EnergyExported = totalEnergy;
Пример #47
    public void PopulateDataBox(string pID)
        pData = HelperFunctions.DataRetrivalFunctions.GetPlanet(pID);

        // show viceroy image if eligible
        string cID = HelperFunctions.DataRetrivalFunctions.GetPlanetViceroyID(pData.ID);
        if (cID != "none")
            Transform vPanel = transform.Find("Viceroy Image");
            string vID = HelperFunctions.DataRetrivalFunctions.GetCharacter(cID).PictureID;
            vPanel.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = graphicsDataRef.CharacterList.Find(p => p.name == vID);
            vPanel.GetComponent<CharacterTooltip>().InitializeTooltipData(HelperFunctions.DataRetrivalFunctions.GetCharacter(cID), -20f);
            transform.Find("Viceroy Image").gameObject.SetActive(false);

        // moons only show if there are any
        if (pData.Moons > 0)
            Transform mPanel = transform.Find("Moon Panel");
            mPanel.transform.Find("Moon Count").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.Moons.ToString("N0");
            transform.Find("Moon Panel").gameObject.SetActive(false);

        string isExporting = "";
        if (pData.TradeAmount != 0)
            isExporting = "($" + pData.TradeAmount.ToString("N2") + ")";

        transform.Find("Planet Name").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.Name.ToUpper() + " " + isExporting; // assign the name to the text object child
        transform.Find("Planet Name").GetComponent<Text>().color = HelperFunctions.DataRetrivalFunctions.FindPlanetOwnerColor(pData);
        transform.Find("Planet Type").GetComponent<Text>().text = "CLASS " + HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertToRomanNumeral((int)(pData.Size / 10)) + " " + HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertPlanetEnum(pData.Type).ToUpper(); // assign the name to the text object child
        transform.Find("Planet Type").GetComponent<Text>().color = Color.yellow;
        transform.Find("Planet Status").GetComponent<Text>().text = HelperFunctions.DataRetrivalFunctions.FindOwnerName(pData);
        transform.Find("Planet Status").GetComponent<Text>().color = Color.cyan;

        // assign each child text value and color
        if (!gameDataRef.DebugMode) // if not in debug mode, just show the text
            if (pData.SurfaceScanLevel >= 1.0f)
                transform.Find("Energy Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertValueToDescription(pData.Energy); // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Energy Level").GetComponent<Text>().color = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.GetTextValueColor(pData.Energy);
            if (pData.AtmosphereScanLevel >= 1.0f)

                transform.Find("Bio Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertValueToDescription(pData.AdjustedBio); // assign the name to the text object child
                //transform.Find("Planet Size").GetComponent<Text>().color = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.GetTextValueColor(pData.Size);
                transform.Find("Bio Level").GetComponent<Text>().color = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.GetTextValueColor(pData.Bio);

            if (pData.InteriorScanLevel >= 1.0f)
                transform.Find("Rare Materials Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertValueToDescription(pData.RareMaterials); // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Alpha Materials Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertValueToDescription(pData.BasicMaterials); // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Heavy Materials Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertValueToDescription(pData.HeavyMaterials); // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Rare Materials Level").GetComponent<Text>().color = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.GetTextValueColor(pData.RareMaterials);
                transform.Find("Alpha Materials Level").GetComponent<Text>().color = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.GetTextValueColor(pData.BasicMaterials);
                transform.Find("Heavy Materials Level").GetComponent<Text>().color = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.GetTextValueColor(pData.HeavyMaterials);

            if (pData.IntelLevel == 10)
                transform.Find("Planet Size").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.AverageDevelopmentLevel.ToString("N1"); // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Treasury Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertFloatDollarToText(pData.GrossPlanetaryProduct); // assign the name to the text object child
                if (pData.GrossPlanetaryProduct < 0)
                    transform.Find("Treasury Level").GetComponent<Text>().color = Color.red;
                    transform.Find("Treasury Level").GetComponent<Text>().color = Color.green;
                string pChangeSign = "";
                if (pData.PopulationChangeLastTurn > 0)
                    pChangeSign = "+";
                transform.Find("Total Admin Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.TotalAdmin.ToString("N0"); // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Manufacturing Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.FactoriesStaffed.ToString("N1") + "/" + pData.ManufacturingLevel.ToString("N0"); // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Population Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertIntToText(pData.TotalPopulation) + "(" + pChangeSign + HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertIntToText(pData.PopulationChangeLastTurn) + ")"; // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Farming Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.FarmsStaffed.ToString("N1") + "/" + pData.FarmingLevel.ToString("N0"); // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("High Tech Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.HighTechFacilitiesStaffed.ToString("N0") + "/" + pData.HighTechLevel.ToString("N0"); // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Science Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.LabsStaffed.ToString("N1") + "/" + pData.ScienceLevel.ToString("N0"); // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Mining Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.MinesStaffed.ToString("N1") + "/" + pData.MiningLevel.ToString("N0"); // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Government Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.GovernmentFacilitiesStaffed.ToString("N1") + "/" + pData.GovernmentLevel.ToString("N0"); // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Posup Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.PopularSupportLevel.ToString("P1"); // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Unemployment Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.UnemploymentLevel.ToString("P1"); // assign the name to the text object child

            if (!pData.IsInhabited)
                transform.Find("Treasury Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = "-"; // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Total Admin Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = "-"; // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Manufacturing Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = "-"; // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Population Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = "-"; // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Farming Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = "-"; // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("High Tech Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = "-"; // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Science Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = "-"; // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Mining Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = "-";
                transform.Find("Government Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = "-";
                transform.Find("Posup Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = "-"; // assign the name to the text object child
                transform.Find("Unemployment Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = "-";
        else // assign the actual value
            transform.Find("Energy Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.Energy.ToString("N0"); // assign the name to the text object child
            transform.Find("Energy Level").GetComponent<Text>().color = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.GetTextValueColor(pData.Energy);
            transform.Find("Bio Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.AdjustedBio.ToString("N0") + "(" + pData.Bio.ToString("N0") + ")"; // assign the name to the text object child
            transform.Find("Planet Size").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.AdjustedMaxHabitableTiles.ToString("N0") + "(" + pData.MaxHabitableTiles.ToString("N0") + ")"; // assign the name to the text object child
            transform.Find("Rare Materials Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.RareMaterials.ToString("N0"); // assign the name to the text object child
            transform.Find("Alpha Materials Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.BasicMaterials.ToString("N0"); // assign the name to the text object child
            transform.Find("Heavy Materials Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.HeavyMaterials.ToString("N0"); // assign the name to the text object child
            transform.Find("Treasury Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertFloatDollarToText(pData.GrossPlanetaryProduct); // assign the name to the text object child
            if (pData.GrossPlanetaryProduct < 0)
                transform.Find("Treasury Level").GetComponent<Text>().color = Color.red;
                transform.Find("Treasury Level").GetComponent<Text>().color = Color.green;
            transform.Find("Total Admin Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.TotalAdmin.ToString("N0"); // assign the name to the text object child
            transform.Find("Manufacturing Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.ManufacturingLevel.ToString("N0"); // assign the name to the text object child
            transform.Find("Population Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = HelperFunctions.StringConversions.ConvertIntToText(pData.TotalPopulation); // assign the name to the text object child

        transform.Find("Scan Level").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.ScanLevel.ToString("P0"); // assign the name to the text object child

        // draw traits
        if (pData.PlanetTraits.Count > 0)
            transform.Find("Planet Trait 1").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.PlanetTraits[0].Name.ToUpper();
            transform.Find("Planet Trait 1").GetComponent<Text>().color = Color.white;
            transform.Find("Planet Trait 1").GetComponent<Text>().color = Color.grey;

        if (pData.PlanetTraits.Count > 1)
            transform.Find("Planet Trait 2").GetComponent<Text>().text = pData.PlanetTraits[1].Name.ToUpper();
            transform.Find("Planet Trait 2").GetComponent<Text>().text = "";
Пример #48
        public static void PrintStat(PlanetData PD)  //TODO: make for multi-threading, this method will be inherently safe (doesn't write, and only uses objects not being changed)
            int layerCount  = PD.LiveMap.Count;
            int stratoCount = PD.LiveStratoMap.Count;
            KWSCellMap <WeatherCell> cellMap = new KWSCellMap <WeatherCell>(PD.gridLevel);

            float avgValue = 0;
            float maxValue = 0;
            float minValue = 0;
            uint  maxIndex = 0;
            uint  minIndex = 0;

            // Cell thisCell = new Cell();

            string[] values = { "temperature", "pressure", "relativeHumidity", "CCN", "cloud.dropletSize", "cloud.rainyDuration", "windvector.y" }; //the values we want to get from the cell

            // check if Stat folder exists, create it
            if (!Directory.Exists(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/GameData/KerbalWeatherSystems/Stat"))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/GameData/KerbalWeatherSystems/Stat");
            //write to Statistics Log file
            Debug.Log("Writing Statistics file");
            int num = Directory.GetFiles(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/GameData/KerbalWeatherSystems/Stat/").Length;

            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file =
                       new System.IO.StreamWriter(@KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "/GameData/KerbalWeatherSystems/Stat/Stat" + num + "cy" + CellUpdater.run + ".txt"))
                // int layer = 0;
                String STS = "  |  ";

                file.WriteLine("Body: " + PD.body.bodyName + STS + "Update Cycle: " + CellUpdater.run + STS + "AvgProcessTime (μs): " + WeatherSimulator.AvgCycleTime);
                // print: Total cells, other general data about the collection
                file.WriteLine("Number of cells: " + Cell.CountAtLevel(PD.gridLevel));

                foreach (string s in values)  // each valid s prints a section
                    file.WriteLine("layer" + STS + "     average  " + STS + "      minimum  " + " cell " + STS + "      maximum  " + " cell " + STS);
                    for (int i = stratoCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        cellMap = PD.LiveStratoMap[i];

                        if (cellMap[new Cell(0)].GetType().GetProperty(s) != null && cellMap[new Cell(0)].GetType().GetProperty(s).Name.Equals(s))
                            avgValue = cellMap.Average(cell => (float)cell.Value.GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cell.Value, null));
                            minValue = cellMap.Min(cell => (float)cell.Value.GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cell.Value, null));
                            maxValue = cellMap.Max(cell => (float)cell.Value.GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cell.Value, null));
                            foreach (Cell cell in Cell.AtLevel(PD.gridLevel))
                                if ((float)cellMap[cell].GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cellMap[cell], null) == minValue)
                                    minIndex = cell.Index;
                                if ((float)cellMap[cell].GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cellMap[cell], null) == maxValue)
                                    maxIndex = cell.Index;
                            avgValue = 0; minValue = 0; maxValue = 0; minIndex = 0; maxIndex = 0;
                        file.WriteLine("{0,-4} {1,5} {2,12:N4} {3,5} {4,12:N4} {5,6} {6,5} {7,12:N4} {8,6} {9,5}", "St_" + i, STS, avgValue, STS, minValue, minIndex, STS, maxValue, maxIndex, STS);
                    for (int i = layerCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        cellMap = PD.LiveMap[i];
                        if (cellMap[new Cell(0)].GetType().GetProperty(s) != null && cellMap[new Cell(0)].GetType().GetProperty(s).Name.Equals(s))
                            avgValue = cellMap.Average(cell => cell.Value.GetType().GetProperty(s).Name.Equals(s) ? (float)cell.Value.GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cell.Value, null) : 0f);
                            minValue = cellMap.Min(cell => cell.Value.GetType().GetProperty(s).Name.Equals(s) ? (float)cell.Value.GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cell.Value, null) : 0f);
                            maxValue = cellMap.Max(cell => cell.Value.GetType().GetProperty(s).Name.Equals(s) ? (float)cell.Value.GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cell.Value, null) : 0f);
                            foreach (Cell cell in Cell.AtLevel(PD.gridLevel))
                                if ((float)cellMap[cell].GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cellMap[cell], null) == minValue)
                                    minIndex = cell.Index;
                                if ((float)cellMap[cell].GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cellMap[cell], null) == maxValue)
                                    maxIndex = cell.Index;
                            avgValue = 0; minValue = 0; maxValue = 0; minIndex = 0; maxIndex = 0;
                        file.WriteLine("{0,-4} {1,5} {2,12:N4} {3,5} {4,12:N4} {5,6} {6,5} {7,12:N4} {8,6} {9,5}", "Tp_" + i, STS, avgValue, STS, minValue, minIndex, STS, maxValue, maxIndex, STS);
                    // Soil layer

                    if (PD.LiveSoilMap[new Cell(0)].GetType().GetProperty(s) != null && cellMap[new Cell(0)].GetType().GetProperty(s).Name.Equals(s))
                        avgValue = PD.LiveSoilMap.Average(cell => (float)cell.Value.GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cell.Value, null));
                        minValue = PD.LiveSoilMap.Min(cell => (float)cell.Value.GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cell.Value, null));
                        maxValue = PD.LiveSoilMap.Max(cell => (float)cell.Value.GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cell.Value, null));
                        foreach (Cell cell in Cell.AtLevel(PD.gridLevel))
                            if ((float)PD.LiveSoilMap[cell].GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cellMap[cell], null) == minValue)
                                minIndex = cell.Index;
                            if ((float)PD.LiveSoilMap[cell].GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cellMap[cell], null) == maxValue)
                                maxIndex = cell.Index;
                        file.WriteLine("{0,-4} {1,5} {2,12:N4} {3,5} {4,12:N4} {5,6} {6,5} {7,12:N4} {8,6} {9,5}", "Soil", STS, avgValue, STS, minValue, minIndex, STS, maxValue, maxIndex, STS);

                    file.WriteLine(); // closing section

                    // avgValue = cellMap.Average(cell => cell.Value.cloud.GetType().GetProperty(s).GetValue(cell.Value, null));
Пример #49
 public void RegisterPlanet(PlanetEditor planet)
     PlanetData pd = new PlanetData(planet.Type, planet.PlanetObject.transform.position, 0f, planet.GravityDepth, planet.PlanetRadius);
Пример #50
        private static void UpdateSettingsUIBackground(StationUI packet, PlanetData pData, int stationGId)
            StationComponent[] stationPool = GameMain.data.galacticTransport.stationPool;
            int stationId = stationGId;

            // if we have the planet factory loaded take the local transport array, if not take the global galactic array
            if (pData?.factory != null && pData?.factory?.transport != null)
                stationPool = pData.factory.transport.stationPool;
                for (int i = 0; i < stationPool.Length; i++)
                    if (stationPool[i] != null && stationPool[i].gid == stationGId)
                        stationId = stationPool[i].id;
            // update drones, ships and warpers for everyone
            if ((packet.settingIndex >= 8 && packet.settingIndex <= 10) || packet.settingIndex == 0)
                if (stationPool.Length > stationId)
                    if (packet.settingIndex == 0 && pData.factory.powerSystem != null)
                        PowerConsumerComponent[] consumerPool = pData.factory.powerSystem.consumerPool;
                        if (consumerPool.Length > stationPool[stationId].pcId)
                            consumerPool[stationPool[stationId].pcId].workEnergyPerTick = (long)(50000.0 * (double)packet.settingValue + 0.5);
                    if (packet.settingIndex == 8)
                        stationPool[stationId].idleDroneCount = (int)packet.settingValue;
                    if (packet.settingIndex == 9)
                        stationPool[stationId].idleShipCount = (int)packet.settingValue;
                        Debug.Log("ADDED SHIPS!!");
                    if (packet.settingIndex == 10)
                        stationPool[stationId].warperCount = (int)packet.settingValue;
                        Debug.Log("ADDED WARPER!!");
            // only host should update everything
            if (!LocalPlayer.IsMasterClient)
            if (packet.settingIndex == 0)
                PowerConsumerComponent[] consumerPool = pData.factory.powerSystem.consumerPool;
                if (consumerPool.Length > stationPool[stationId].pcId)
                    consumerPool[stationPool[stationId].pcId].workEnergyPerTick = (long)(50000.0 * (double)packet.settingValue + 0.5);
            if (packet.settingIndex == 1)
                if (stationPool.Length > stationId)
                    stationPool[stationId].tripRangeDrones = Math.Cos((double)packet.settingValue / 180.0 * 3.141592653589793);
            if (packet.settingIndex == 2)
                if (stationPool.Length > stationId)
                    double value = packet.settingValue;
                    if (value > 40.5)
                        value = 10000.0;
                    else if (value > 20.5)
                        value = value * 2f - 20f;
                    stationPool[stationId].tripRangeShips = 2400000.0 * value;
            if (packet.settingIndex == 3)
                if (stationPool.Length > stationId)
                    int value = (int)(packet.settingValue * 10f + 0.5f);
                    if (value < 1)
                        value = 1;
                    stationPool[stationId].deliveryDrones = value;
            if (packet.settingIndex == 4)
                if (stationPool.Length > stationId)
                    int value = (int)(packet.settingValue * 10f + 0.5f);
                    if (value < 1)
                        value = 1;
                    stationPool[stationId].deliveryShips = value;
            if (packet.settingIndex == 5)
                if (stationPool.Length > stationId)
                    double value = packet.settingValue;
                    if (value < 1.5)
                        value = 0.2;
                    else if (value < 7.5)
                        value = value * 0.5 - 0.5;
                    else if (value < 16.5)
                        value -= 4f;
                    else if (value < 20.5)
                        value = value * 2f - 20f;
                        value = 60;
                    stationPool[stationId].warpEnableDist = 40000.0 * value;
            if (packet.settingIndex == 6)
                if (stationPool.Length > stationId)
                    stationPool[stationId].warperNecessary = !stationPool[stationId].warperNecessary;
            if (packet.settingIndex == 7)
                if (stationPool.Length > stationId)
                    stationPool[stationId].includeOrbitCollector = !stationPool[stationId].includeOrbitCollector;
            if (packet.settingIndex == 11)
                if (stationPool.Length > stationId && stationPool[stationId].storage != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < stationPool[stationId].storage.Length; i++)
                        if (stationPool[stationId].storage[i].itemId == packet.itemId)
                            stationPool[stationId].storage[i].count = (int)packet.settingValue;
Пример #51
 private bool PlanetIsInRange(PlanetData data)
     // TODO: Need to determine what constitutes a planet being in range.
     return true;
Пример #52
 private void SetHover(PlanetData planet)
     hoveredPlanet = planet;
     hoveredStar   = (StarData)null;
Пример #53
    private float MigrationValueOfPlanet(PlanetData pData, Pops pop)
        float planetValue = 0f;

        float FarmerJobsOnPlanet = 0f;
        float MinerJobsOnPlanet = 0f;
        float EngineerJobsOnPlanet = 0f;
        float FluxmenJobsOnPlanet = 0f;
        float AdministratorJobsOnPlanet = 0f;
        float ScientistJobsOnPlanet = 0f;

        float releventJobsOnPlanet = 0f;

        foreach (Region rData in pData.RegionList)
            FarmerJobsOnPlanet += rData.FarmingLevel - rData.FarmsStaffed;
            MinerJobsOnPlanet += rData.MiningLevel - rData.MinesStaffed;
            EngineerJobsOnPlanet += rData.ManufacturingLevel - rData.FactoriesStaffed;
            FluxmenJobsOnPlanet += rData.HighTechLevel - rData.HighTechFacilitiesStaffed;
            AdministratorJobsOnPlanet += rData.GovernmentLevel - rData.GovernmentFacilitiesStaffed;
            ScientistJobsOnPlanet += rData.ScienceLevel - rData.LabsStaffed;

        switch (pop.PopClass)
        case Pops.ePopClass.Scientist:
            releventJobsOnPlanet = ScientistJobsOnPlanet;
        case Pops.ePopClass.Farmer:
            releventJobsOnPlanet = FarmerJobsOnPlanet;
        case Pops.ePopClass.Miner:
            releventJobsOnPlanet = MinerJobsOnPlanet;
        case Pops.ePopClass.Engineer:
            releventJobsOnPlanet = EngineerJobsOnPlanet;
        case Pops.ePopClass.Fluxmen:
            releventJobsOnPlanet = FluxmenJobsOnPlanet;
        case Pops.ePopClass.Merchants:
        case Pops.ePopClass.Administrators:
            releventJobsOnPlanet = AdministratorJobsOnPlanet;
        case Pops.ePopClass.None:

        planetValue += (2500 - HelperFunctions.Formulas.MeasureDistanceBetweenSystems(pData.System, pop.PlanetLocated.System)) + pData.AdjustedBio + pData.BasePlanetValue + (releventJobsOnPlanet * 50);
        return planetValue;
Пример #54
        public void ProcessPacket(CreatePrebuildsRequest packet, NebulaConnection conn)
            PlanetData planet = GameMain.galaxy.PlanetById(packet.PlanetId);

            if (planet.factory == null)
                Log.Warn($"planet.factory was null create new one");
                planet.factory = GameMain.data.GetOrCreateFactory(planet);

            PlayerAction_Build pab = GameMain.mainPlayer.controller?.actionBuild;

            if (pab != null)
                //Make backup of values that are overwritten
                List <BuildPreview> tmpList   = pab.buildPreviews;
                bool tmpConfirm               = pab.waitConfirm;
                UnityEngine.Vector3    tmpPos = pab.previewPose.position;
                UnityEngine.Quaternion tmpRot = pab.previewPose.rotation;

                PlanetFactory     tmpFactory       = null;
                NearColliderLogic tmpNearcdLogic   = null;
                PlanetPhysics     tmpPlanetPhysics = null;
                float             tmpBuildArea     = GameMain.mainPlayer.mecha.buildArea;
                PlanetData        tmpData          = null;
                bool loadExternalPlanetData        = GameMain.localPlanet != planet;

                //Load temporary planet data, since host is not there
                if (loadExternalPlanetData)
                    tmpFactory       = (PlanetFactory)AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerAction_Build), "factory").GetValue(GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild);
                    tmpNearcdLogic   = (NearColliderLogic)AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerAction_Build), "nearcdLogic").GetValue(GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild);
                    tmpPlanetPhysics = (PlanetPhysics)AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerAction_Build), "planetPhysics").GetValue(pab);
                    tmpData          = GameMain.mainPlayer.planetData;

                //Create Prebuilds from incomming packet and prepare new position
                pab.buildPreviews = packet.GetBuildPreviews();
                pab.waitConfirm   = true;
                using (FactoryManager.EventFromServer.On())
                    FactoryManager.EventFactory = planet.factory;
                    pab.previewPose.position    = new UnityEngine.Vector3(packet.PosePosition.x, packet.PosePosition.y, packet.PosePosition.z);
                    pab.previewPose.rotation    = new UnityEngine.Quaternion(packet.PoseRotation.x, packet.PoseRotation.y, packet.PoseRotation.z, packet.PoseRotation.w);

                    //Check if some mandatory variables are missing
                    if (planet.physics == null || planet.physics.colChunks == null)
                        planet.physics = new PlanetPhysics(planet);
                    if (planet.aux == null)
                        planet.aux = new PlanetAuxData(planet);

                    //Set temporary Local Planet / Factory data that are needed for original methods CheckBuildConditions() and CreatePrebuilds()
                    AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerAction_Build), "factory").SetValue(GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild, planet.factory);
                    AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerAction_Build), "planetPhysics").SetValue(GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild, planet.physics);
                    AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerAction_Build), "nearcdLogic").SetValue(GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild, planet.physics.nearColliderLogic);
                    AccessTools.Property(typeof(global::Player), "planetData").SetValue(GameMain.mainPlayer, planet, null);

                    //Check if prebuilds can be build (collision check, height check, etc)
                    GameMain.mainPlayer.mecha.buildArea = float.MaxValue;
                    bool canBuild;
                    using (FactoryManager.IgnoreBasicBuildConditionChecks.On())
                        canBuild  = pab.CheckBuildConditions();
                        canBuild &= CheckBuildingConnections(pab.buildPreviews, planet.factory.entityPool, planet.factory.prebuildPool);

                    if (canBuild)
                        FactoryManager.PacketAuthor = packet.AuthorId;
                        FactoryManager.PacketAuthor = -1;

                    //Revert changes back to the original planet
                    if (loadExternalPlanetData)
                        planet.physics = null;
                        AccessTools.Property(typeof(global::Player), "planetData").SetValue(GameMain.mainPlayer, tmpData, null);
                        AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerAction_Build), "planetPhysics").SetValue(GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild, tmpPlanetPhysics);
                        AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerAction_Build), "factory").SetValue(GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild, tmpFactory);
                        AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerAction_Build), "nearcdLogic").SetValue(GameMain.mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild, tmpNearcdLogic);

                    GameMain.mainPlayer.mecha.buildArea = tmpBuildArea;
                    FactoryManager.EventFactory         = null;

                pab.buildPreviews        = tmpList;
                pab.waitConfirm          = tmpConfirm;
                pab.previewPose.position = tmpPos;
                pab.previewPose.rotation = tmpRot;
    public static void AdjustViceroyBuildPlan(PlanetData pData, bool forceBuildPlanChance)
        GlobalGameData gDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GlobalGameData>();
        Character vic = pData.Viceroy;
        bool targetRegionSelected = false;

        if (vic != null)
            // determine focus and if change needed
            bool changeFocus = DoesBuildFocusChange(pData, vic, gDataRef);
            if (changeFocus || forceBuildPlanChance)
                float farmPriority = 1f;
                float highTechPriority = 1f;
                float minePriority = 1f;
                float infrastructurePriority = 1f;
                float labPriority = 1f;
                float adminPriority = 1f;
                float factoryPriority = 1f;
                float militaryGroundPriority = 0f;
                targetRegionSelected = false;
                float militarySpacePriority = 0f;

                // determine the current need for builds
                if (pData.FoodDifference < 0)
                    farmPriority += Mathf.Abs(pData.FoodDifference * 4);

                if (pData.FoodDifference > pData.TotalFoodConsumed)
                    farmPriority -= pData.FoodDifference / pData.TotalFoodConsumed;

                if (pData.EnergyDifference < 0)
                    highTechPriority += Mathf.Abs(pData.EnergyDifference * 2f);

                if (pData.EnergyDifference > pData.TotalEnergyConsumed)
                    highTechPriority -= pData.EnergyDifference / pData.TotalEnergyConsumed;

                // determine the amount of overcrowding in the planet regions
                float infraNeed = 0f;
                foreach (Region rData in pData.RegionList)

                    if (rData.PopsInTile.Count > rData.MaxSafePopulationLevel)
                        float crowding = (float)(rData.PopsInTile.Count / (float)rData.MaxSafePopulationLevel) - 1f;
                        if (crowding < 0f)
                            crowding = 0f;
                        infraNeed += crowding;

                if (pData.ManufacturingLevel < 10)
                    factoryPriority += (10 - pData.ManufacturingLevel) / 2f;

                if (pData.AlphaPreProductionDifference < 0)
                    minePriority += Mathf.Abs(pData.AlphaPreProductionDifference);

                if (pData.HeavyPreProductionDifference < 0)
                    minePriority += Mathf.Abs(pData.HeavyPreProductionDifference / 2f);

                if (pData.RarePreProductionDifference < 0)
                    minePriority += Mathf.Abs(pData.RarePreProductionDifference / 3f);

                adminPriority += ((float)pData.Rank * 1.5f);

                farmPriority += vic.Empathy / 20f; // characters with high Empathy will focus on food and power
                highTechPriority += vic.Empathy / 20f;

                // now determine based on tendencies of viceroy
                farmPriority += (float)(vic.PopsTendency / 100f);
                highTechPriority += (float)(vic.PopsTendency / 100f);
                infrastructurePriority += (float)(vic.PopsTendency / 100f);
                adminPriority += (float)(vic.AdminTendency / 100f);
                minePriority += (float)(vic.WealthTendency / 100f);
                factoryPriority += (float)(((vic.WealthTendency + vic.PopsTendency) / 2f) / 100f);
                labPriority += (float)(vic.ScienceTendency / 100f);

                // use traits to also determine specific biases
                if (vic.Traits.Exists(p => p.Name.ToUpper() == "TECHNOPHILE"))
                    labPriority += UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2f);

                if (vic.Traits.Exists(p => p.Name.ToUpper() == "INDUSTRIALIST"))
                    factoryPriority += UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2f);

                if (vic.Traits.Exists(p => p.Name.ToUpper() == "TECHNOPHOBE"))
                    labPriority = 0;

                if (vic.Traits.Exists(p => p.Name.ToUpper() == "BUREAUCRAT"))
                    adminPriority += UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2f);

                // normalize results below 0
                if (farmPriority < 0f)
                    farmPriority = 0f;
                if (highTechPriority < 0f)
                    highTechPriority = 0f;
                if (adminPriority < 0f)
                    adminPriority = 0f;
                if (minePriority < 0f)
                    minePriority = 0f;
                if (factoryPriority < 0f)
                    factoryPriority = 0f;
                if (labPriority < 0f)
                    labPriority = 0f;
                if (infrastructurePriority < 0f)
                    infrastructurePriority = 0f;

                // now normalize the priorities to percentage of 100
                float sumPriorities = farmPriority + highTechPriority + minePriority + infrastructurePriority + labPriority + adminPriority + factoryPriority + militaryGroundPriority + militarySpacePriority + pData.BuildPlan.TotalEdictAllocation;
                pData.BuildPlan.FarmsAllocation = farmPriority / sumPriorities;
                pData.BuildPlan.HighTechAllocation = highTechPriority / sumPriorities;
                pData.BuildPlan.MineAllocation = minePriority / sumPriorities;
                pData.BuildPlan.LabsAllocation = labPriority / sumPriorities;
                pData.BuildPlan.AdminAllocation = adminPriority / sumPriorities;
                pData.BuildPlan.InfraAllocation = infrastructurePriority / sumPriorities;
                pData.BuildPlan.FactoryAllocation = factoryPriority / sumPriorities;
                pData.BuildPlan.GroundMilitaryAllocation = militaryGroundPriority / sumPriorities;
                pData.BuildPlan.StarshipAllocation = militarySpacePriority / sumPriorities;
                pData.BuildPlan.Status = BuildPlan.eBuildPlanStatus.Pending;

                if (pData.BuildPlan.InfraAllocation > 0f && !targetRegionSelected)
                    Region mostOvercrowdedRegion = null;
                    float highRegionCrowding = 0f;

                    List<Region> regionsEligible = new List<Region>();
                    foreach (Region rData in pData.RegionList)
                            if (rData.IsHabitable)

                    foreach (Region rID in regionsEligible)
                        Region testRegion = rID;
                        float currentRegionCrowding = (float)testRegion.PopsInTile.Count / (float)testRegion.MaxSafePopulationLevel;
                        if (currentRegionCrowding > highRegionCrowding)
                            highRegionCrowding = currentRegionCrowding;
                            mostOvercrowdedRegion = testRegion;

                    targetRegionSelected = true;
                    pData.BuildPlan.TargetRegion = mostOvercrowdedRegion;


            pData.BuildPlan.OverdriveMultiplier = 1; // set overdrive at 1 until I write the AI for it

Пример #56
 public ReadOnlyPlanetData(PlanetData planet, int position)
     Position = position;
     _planet  = planet ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(planet));
Пример #57
 public override void Initialize(PlanetData data)
Пример #58
 private void Reset()
     hoveredStar   = (StarData)null;
     hoveredPlanet = (PlanetData)null;
    private static bool DoesBuildFocusChange(PlanetData pData, Character vic, GlobalGameData gDataRef)
        float timeSinceChange = vic.TimeSinceBuildFocusChange;
        float changeChance = 0;

        if (vic.Traits.Exists(p => p.Name == "Erratic"))
            changeChance += 20f;

        changeChance -= (vic.GoalStabilityTendency / 10f);
        changeChance += timeSinceChange * 10f;

        // if there are critical shortfalls on planets, vics are much less likely to change their focus
        if (vic.BuildFocus == Character.eBuildFocus.Farms)
            if (pData.FoodDifference > 0)
                changeChance -= pData.FoodDifference;

        if (vic.BuildFocus == Character.eBuildFocus.Hightech)
            if (pData.EnergyDifference > 0)
                changeChance -= pData.EnergyDifference;

        if (changeChance > 80)
            return true; // yes, the focus changes

        return false;
Пример #60
 private void SetHover(StarData star)
     hoveredStar   = star;
     hoveredPlanet = (PlanetData)null;