public static List <IPlanStep> SubStepsFromJson(JsonArray substepjson)
            var substeps = new List <IPlanStep>();

            // each item is another list of form <intID, openCondition JsonObject predicates>
            foreach (JsonArray substepArray in substepjson)
                var       intID = int.Parse(substepArray[0].ToString());
                var       underlyingComposite = GroundActionFactory.GroundLibrary[intID];
                IPlanStep plansubstep;
                if (underlyingComposite.Height == 0)
                    plansubstep = new PlanStep(underlyingComposite as IOperator);
                    plansubstep = new CompositePlanStep(underlyingComposite as IComposite);

                var openConditions = new List <IPredicate>();
                foreach (JsonObject openCondition in substepArray[1] as JsonArray)
                    var removeThis = PredicateFromJsonObject(openCondition);

                plansubstep.OpenConditions = openConditions;
Пример #2
        protected override bool DecideWhattoDo(GameTime gameTime, out int Action)
            if (IsWaiting)
                WaitTime -= (int)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
                if (WaitTime > 0)
                    Action = 0;
                    return(false);//note this is a return and so terminates the method
                IsWaiting = false;
                WaitTime  = 0;
            //if was waiting and is no longer, or was never waiting...
            //CurrentTarget = NextTarget;
            if (stepToComplete.Completed)
            {                                                //so get a new one!
                stepToComplete.End();                        //just before binning the old one, call End in case it needs to signal back to AIBehaviour (like the results of a search)
                stepToComplete = CurrentBS.DecideWhatToDo(); // now fetch a new one.
            stepToComplete.UsePlanStep(gameTime, this, out Action, out Vector2 NextTarget);
            // was an instruction to wait? otherwise, do the action outputted
            if (!IsWaiting)
                //turn to face the next target
                Vector2 NextFacing = new Vector2(Math.Sign(NextTarget.X - TilePosition.X), Math.Sign(NextTarget.Y - TilePosition.Y));

                if (NextFacing != Vector2.Zero)
                    FacingAddup = GetFacing(NextFacing);

                if (Action > 0)
                    if (ActionIsMovementBased(Action))
                        if (NextTarget == TilePosition)
                            Action = 0;
                        {//target elsewhere, so a valid 'moving action'
                            MovingToTilePosition = NextTarget;
                    {//target must be this tile or elsewhere, but we aren't moving!, since we are on the tile already!
                        MovingToTilePosition = TilePosition;

            //else IS waiting
        public static List <Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep> > SubOrderingsFromJson(JsonArray suborderingsjson)
            var tupleList = new List <Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep> >();

            foreach (var jsonTuple in suborderingsjson)
                var       tupleItem = IntTupleFromJsonArray(jsonTuple as JsonArray);
                IPlanStep head;
                if (tupleItem.First.Height > 0)
                    head = new CompositePlanStep(tupleItem.First as IComposite);
                    head = new PlanStep(tupleItem.First as IOperator);
                IPlanStep tail;
                if (tupleItem.Second.Height > 0)
                    tail = new CompositePlanStep(tupleItem.Second as IComposite);
                    tail = new PlanStep(tupleItem.Second as IOperator);
                var modTuple = new Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep>(head, tail);
        public static List <CausalLink <IPlanStep> > CausalLinksFromJsonArray(JsonArray jsoncausallinkslist)
            var clinks = new List <CausalLink <IPlanStep> >();

            foreach (var jsonlink in jsoncausallinkslist)
                var       clink = CausalLinkFromJsonArray(jsonlink as JsonArray);
                IPlanStep head;
                if (clink.Head.Height > 0)
                    head = new CompositePlanStep(clink.Head as IComposite);
                    head = new PlanStep(clink.Head as IOperator);
                IPlanStep tail;
                if (clink.Tail.Height > 0)
                    tail = new CompositePlanStep(clink.Tail as IComposite);
                    tail = new PlanStep(clink.Tail as IOperator);
                var newLink = new CausalLink <IPlanStep>(clink.Predicate, head, tail);
Пример #5
        // used for initialization
        public TimelineDecomposition(IOperator core, List <IPredicate> literals,
                                     List <Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep> > fcntgs, List <Tuple <CamPlanStep, CamPlanStep> > dcntgs,
                                     List <Tuple <string, Tuple <PlanStep, PlanStep> > > fconstraints, List <Tuple <string, Tuple <CamPlanStep, CamPlanStep> > > dconstraints,
                                     List <IPlanStep> substeps, List <CamPlanStep> camSteps,
                                     List <Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep> > suborderings, List <Tuple <CamPlanStep, CamPlanStep> > dOrderings,
                                     List <CausalLink <IPlanStep> > sublinks, List <CausalLink <CamPlanStep> > dLinks,
                                     Dictionary <string, PlanStep> fabulaStepVariableNameDictionary)
            : base(core, literals, substeps, suborderings, sublinks)
            fabCntgs            = fcntgs;
            discCntgs           = dcntgs;
            fabConstraints      = fconstraints;
            discourseSubSteps   = camSteps;
            discConstraints     = dconstraints;
            discOrderings       = dOrderings;
            discLinks           = dLinks;
            fabulaActionNameMap = fabulaStepVariableNameDictionary;

            // to be updated after grounding or adding connectives
            InitialCamAction = discourseSubSteps[0];
            FinalCamAction   = discourseSubSteps[discourseSubSteps.Count - 1];

            // to beupdated after grounding regular actions
            InitialActionSeg = InitialCamAction.TargetDetails.ActionSegs[0];
            FinalActionSeg   = FinalCamAction.TargetDetails.ActionSegs[FinalCamAction.TargetDetails.ActionSegs.Count - 1];

            // to be instantiated after grounding actions
            InitialAction = new PlanStep();
            FinalAction   = new PlanStep();
Пример #6
        public static List <IPlanStep> ReadPlayerTrace(string directory, Domain domain, Problem problem)
            var planTrace = new List <IPlanStep>();

            string[] input = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(directory);

            foreach (var line in input)
                var opToken  = PlayerTraceUtilities.CreateOperatorToken(line);
                var iopToken = PlayerTraceUtilities.AddPreconditionsAndEffects(opToken, domain);

                // make sure we don't accidentally use.... <_<, >_>
                opToken = null;

                var newStep = new PlanStep();

                if (GroundActionFactory.GroundActions.Contains(iopToken))
                    var opIndex         = GroundActionFactory.GroundActions.IndexOf(iopToken);
                    var existingOpToken = GroundActionFactory.GroundActions[opIndex];
                    newStep = new PlanStep(existingOpToken.Clone() as IOperator);
                    newStep = new PlanStep(iopToken.Clone() as IOperator);


Пример #7
        public static void AddCurrentPlan(this FabPegPart pp, PlanStep plan)
            if (pp.Steps == null)
                pp.Steps = new List <PlanStep>();

Пример #8
 public void AddStep(IPlan plan)
     foreach (var cndt in GetActions(plan.CurrentState as State))
         var planClone = plan.Clone() as IPlan;
         var newStep   = new PlanStep(cndt.Clone() as IOperator);
        public void AddStep(IPlan plan, OpenCondition oc)
            foreach (var cndt in CacheMaps.GetCndts(oc.precondition))
                if (cndt == null)

                var planClone = plan.Clone() as IPlan;

                planClone.ID += "a";

                IPlanStep newStep;
                if (cndt.Height > 0)
                    var compCndt = cndt as Composite;
                    newStep = new CompositePlanStep(compCndt.Clone() as Composite)
                        Depth = oc.step.Depth
                    //planClone.Hdepth += compCndt.SubSteps.Count; // this is done now in beginning of Insert Decomp
                    newStep = new PlanStep(cndt.Clone() as IOperator)
                        Depth = oc.step.Depth

                // For debugging
                //planClone.ID += "(" + GroundActionFactory.GroundActions.IndexOf(newStep.Action) + ")";

                planClone.Repair(oc, newStep);

                if (oc.isDummyGoal)
                    if (newStep.Height > 0)
                        var compNewStep = newStep as CompositePlanStep;
                        planClone.Orderings.Insert(oc.step.InitCndt, compNewStep.InitialStep);
                        planClone.Orderings.Insert(oc.step.InitCndt, newStep);

Пример #10
            public Plan(List <Prereq> input)
                foreach (var prereq in input)
                    PlanStep prerequisite = GetOrCreate(prereq.Prerequisite);
                    PlanStep after        = GetOrCreate(prereq.After);

Пример #11
 public TimelineDecomposition() : base()
     fabCntgs          = new List <Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep> >();
     discCntgs         = new List <Tuple <CamPlanStep, CamPlanStep> >();
     discourseSubSteps = new List <CamPlanStep>();
     InitialActionSeg  = new ActionSeg();
     FinalActionSeg    = new ActionSeg();
     InitialAction     = new PlanStep();
     FinalAction       = new PlanStep();
     InitialCamAction  = new CamPlanStep();
     FinalCamAction    = new CamPlanStep();
Пример #12
        public void AddStep(IPlan plan, OpenCondition oc)
            foreach (var cndt in CacheMaps.GetCndts(oc.precondition))
                if (cndt == null)

                var       planClone = plan.Clone() as IPlan;
                IPlanStep newStep;
                if (cndt.Height > 0)
                    var compCndt = cndt as IComposite;
                    newStep = new CompositePlanStep(compCndt.Clone() as IComposite)
                        Depth = oc.step.Depth
                    newStep = new PlanStep(cndt.Clone() as IOperator)
                        Depth = oc.step.Depth
                //newStep.Height = cndt.Height;

                planClone.Repair(oc, newStep);

                // check if inserting new Step (with orderings given by Repair) add cndts/risks to existing open conditions, affecting their status in the heap
                //planClone.Flaws.UpdateFlaws(planClone, newStep);

                if (oc.isDummyGoal)
                    if (newStep.Height > 0)
                        var compNewStep = newStep as ICompositePlanStep;
                        planClone.Orderings.Insert(oc.step.InitCndt, compNewStep.InitialStep);
                        planClone.Orderings.Insert(oc.step.InitCndt, newStep);
Пример #13
            private PlanStep GetOrCreate(char key)
                PlanStep step;

                steps.TryGetValue(key, out step);
                if (step == null)
                    step           = new PlanStep();
                    step.TimeTaken = key - 'A' + 61; // haha, side effects much
                    steps.Add(key, step);
Пример #14
        public void RepairWithComposite(OpenCondition oc, CompositeSchedulePlanStep repairStep)
            var needStep = Find(oc.step);

            if (!needStep.Name.Equals("DummyGoal") && !needStep.Name.Equals("DummyInit"))

            // need to merge all steps that are being connected by this predicate:
            if (oc.precondition.Name.Equals("obs-starts"))
                var       stepThatNeedsToBeMerged = oc.precondition.Terms[0];
                IPlanStep ReferencedStep1         = new PlanStep();
                IPlanStep ReferencedStep2         = new PlanStep();
                foreach (var step in Steps)
                    if (step.Action.ID.ToString().Equals(stepThatNeedsToBeMerged))
                        if (repairStep.SubSteps.Contains(step))
                            ReferencedStep1 = step;

                            ReferencedStep2 = step;
                if (ReferencedStep1.Name.Equals("") || ReferencedStep2.Name.Equals(""))
                    Debug.Log("never found steps to merge");
                    throw new System.Exception();
                if (ReferencedStep1.OpenConditions.Count > ReferencedStep2.OpenConditions.Count)
                    MergeSteps(ReferencedStep1, ReferencedStep2);
                    MergeSteps(ReferencedStep2, ReferencedStep1);

            orderings.Insert(repairStep.GoalStep as IPlanStep, needStep);
            var clink = new CausalLink <IPlanStep>(oc.precondition as Predicate, repairStep.GoalStep as IPlanStep, needStep);

Пример #15
        public static PlanStep GetPlanStepFromVariableName <T>(string variableName, List <ClipSchema <T> > clips, Dictionary <ClipSchema <T>, PlanStep> schemaMap)
            var step = new PlanStep();

            foreach (var schema in clips)
                if (schema.display.Equals(variableName))

Пример #16
        public static void AddCurrentPlan(this FabPegPart pp, FabProduct prod, FabStep step)
            if (prod == null || step == null)
                //TODO : Write Error

            PlanStep plan = new PlanStep();

            plan.Product = prod;
            plan.Step    = step;
            plan.isDummy = step.IsDummy;

Пример #17
        public static Decomposition GenericSubStepExample()
            //(: action travel
            //    : parameters(?person - person ? to - place)
            // :precondition()
            // :effect(and(at ? person ? to))
            // :decomp(
            //     :sub -params(? travel - step - step)
            //     :requirements(and
            //            (effect ? travel - step(at ? person ? to)))))

            var objTerms = new List <ITerm>()
                new Term("?person")
                    Type = "person"
                new Term("?to")
                    Type = "place"

            var litTerms = new List <IPredicate>();

            var atPersonTo = new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[1]
            }, true);
            var travelOp = new Operator("", new List <IPredicate>(), new List <IPredicate>()
            // check that travelOp.Terms are updated based on Effect? No this won't happen...
            var travelSubStep = new PlanStep(travelOp);

            var root   = new Operator(new Predicate("generic-travel", objTerms, true));
            var decomp = new Decomposition(root, litTerms, new List <IPlanStep>()
            }, new List <BoltFreezer.Utilities.Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep> >(), new List <CausalLink <IPlanStep> >());

        public void AddStep(IPlan plan, OpenCondition oc)
            foreach (var cndt in CacheMaps.GetCndts(oc.precondition))
                var planClone = plan.Clone() as IPlan;
                var newStep   = new PlanStep(cndt.Clone() as IOperator);

                planClone.Repair(oc, newStep);

                // Check if inserting new Step (with orderings given by Repair) add cndts/risks to existing open conditions, affecting their status in the heap
                //planClone.Flaws.UpdateFlaws(planClone, newStep);

                // Detect if this new step threatens existing causal links

Пример #19
        // TODO: this is hacky because it's not actually based on Orientation Codes in cineamtography attributes
        public static Orient MapToNearestOrientation(PlanStep step, Dictionary <string, Vector3> locationMap)
            // determine what the orientation is
            Orient orientEnum;
            var    orientFloat = OrientInFloat(locationMap[step.Terms[step.Terms.Count - 1].Constant], locationMap[step.Terms[step.Terms.Count - 2].Constant]);

            while (orientFloat > 360)
                orientFloat -= 360;
            while (orientFloat < 0)
                orientFloat += 360;

            if ((orientFloat < 25 && orientFloat > -25) || (orientFloat > 335 && orientFloat < 385))
                orientEnum = Orient.o0;
            else if (orientFloat > 65 && orientFloat < 115)
                orientEnum = Orient.o90;
            else if (orientFloat > 155 && orientFloat < 205)
                orientEnum = Orient.o180;
            else if (orientFloat > 245 && orientFloat < 295)
                orientEnum = Orient.o270;
                Debug.Log("not a good orientation calculation or else not correct positioning of locations");
                throw new System.Exception();
Пример #20
        public void DecacheSteps()
            Parser.path = @"D:\documents\frostbow\";
            var FileName = GetFileName();

            GroundActionFactory.GroundActions = new List <IOperator>();
            GroundActionFactory.GroundLibrary = new Dictionary <int, IOperator>();
            int maxSeen     = 0;
            int maxStepSeen = 0;

            foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Parser.GetTopDirectory() + @"Cached\CachedOperators\UnityBlocksWorld\", problemname + "*.CachedOperator"))
                var op = BinarySerializer.DeSerializeObject <IOperator>(file);
                GroundActionFactory.GroundLibrary[op.ID] = op;
                if (op.ID > maxSeen)
                    maxSeen = op.ID;
                if (op is IComposite comp)
                    foreach (var sub in comp.SubSteps)
                        if (sub.ID > maxStepSeen)
                            maxStepSeen = sub.ID;
                    if (comp.GoalStep.ID > maxStepSeen)
                        maxStepSeen = comp.GoalStep.ID;
            // THIS is so that initial and goal steps created don't get matched with these
            Operator.SetCounterExternally(maxSeen + 1);
            PlanStep.SetCounterExternally(maxStepSeen + 1);
Пример #21
        public override void LoadContent(Vector2 TileDimensions, Vector2 SpawnLocation, Map map)
            base.LoadContent(TileDimensions, SpawnLocation, map);
            FacingAddup    = map.D.Next(0, 4);
            CollisionType  = 4;
            MyCollFactFile = new CollFactFile(CollisionType, true, MyIndex);
            GoldDrop       = map.D.Next(MinGoldDrop, MaxGoldDrop);
            stepToComplete = new EmptyStep(TilePosition);
//while (true)
//            {
//                foreach (LoadItemStack IS in PossDrops)
//                {
//                    if (map.D.Next(0, 100) < IS.I)
//                    {
//                        //add that item to the drops
//                        Item New = new Item(IS.ID);
//                        New.Load();
//                        DropItems.Add(New);
//                    }
//                }
//            }
Пример #22
        public static Decomposition TravelByPlane()
            //  (: action travel - by - plane
            //      :parameters(?person - person ? from ? to - place)
            //:precondition(and(at ? person ? from)(not(= ? from ? to)))
            //      :effect(and(at ? person ? to)
            //                  (not(at ? person ? from)))
            // :sub -params (? plane - plane
            //              ? s1 ? s2 ? s3 ? s4 - step)
            // :requirements(and
            //              (= ? s1(buy - tickets ? person))
            //              (= ? s2(board - plane ? person ? plane ? from))
            //              (= ? s3(fly ? person ? plane ? from ? to))
            //              (= ? s4(deplane ? person ? plane ? to))
            //              (linked - by ? s1 ? s2(has - ticket ? person))
            //              (linked - by ? s2 ? s3(in ? person ? plane))
            //              (linked - by ? s2 ? s4(in ? person ? plane))
            //              (linked - by ? s3 ? s4(at ? plane ? to)))))

            // Params
            var objTerms = new List <ITerm>()
                new Term("?person")
                    Type = "person"
                new Term("?from")
                    Type = "place"
                new Term("?to")
                    Type = "place"
                new Term("?plane")
                    Type = "plane"

            var litTerms = new List <IPredicate>();

            var buyTerms = new List <ITerm>()
            var boardTerms = new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[3], objTerms[1]
            var flyTerms = new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[3], objTerms[1], objTerms[2]
            var deplaneTerms = new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[3], objTerms[2]

            var buy     = new PlanStep(new Operator(new Predicate("buy-tickets", buyTerms, true)));
            var board   = new PlanStep(new Operator(new Predicate("board-plane", boardTerms, true)));
            var fly     = new PlanStep(new Operator(new Predicate("fly", flyTerms, true)));
            var deplane = new PlanStep(new Operator(new Predicate("deplane", deplaneTerms, true)));

            var hasTicketPerson = new Predicate("has-ticket", new List <ITerm>()
            }, true);
            var inPersonPlane = new Predicate("in", new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[3]
            }, true);
            var atPlaneTo = new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[3], objTerms[2]
            }, true);

            //new Operator()
            var substeps = new List <IPlanStep>()
                buy, board, fly, deplane
            var sublinks = new List <CausalLink <IPlanStep> >()
                new CausalLink <IPlanStep>(hasTicketPerson, buy, board),
                new CausalLink <IPlanStep>(inPersonPlane, board, fly),
                new CausalLink <IPlanStep>(inPersonPlane, board, deplane),
                new CausalLink <IPlanStep>(atPlaneTo, fly, deplane)

            var suborderings = new List <BoltFreezer.Utilities.Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep> >()
                new BoltFreezer.Utilities.Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep>(buy, board),
                new BoltFreezer.Utilities.Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep>(board, fly),
                new BoltFreezer.Utilities.Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep>(fly, deplane)

            var root   = new Operator(new Predicate("travel-by-plane", objTerms, true));
            var decomp = new Decomposition(root, litTerms, substeps, suborderings, sublinks)
                NonEqualities = new List <List <ITerm> >()
                    new List <ITerm>()
                        objTerms[1], objTerms[2]

Пример #23
        public static Decomposition MultiMove()
            // Params
            var objTerms = new List <ITerm>()
                new Term("?agent")
                    Type = "steeringagent"
                },                                                //0
                new Term("?from")
                    Type = "location"
                },                                            //1
                new Term("?to")
                    Type = "location"
                },                                            //2
                new Term("?intermediate")
                    Type = "location"
                }                                             //3

            var litTerms = new List <IPredicate>();

            var atAgentOrigin = new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[1]
            }, true);
            var atAgentInt = new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[3]
            }, true);
            var atAgentDest = new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[2]
            }, true);

            var move1 = new PlanStep(new Operator("",
                                                  new List <IPredicate>()
                                                  new List <IPredicate> {

            var move2 = new PlanStep(new Operator("",
                                                  new List <IPredicate>()
                                                  new List <IPredicate> {

            var substeps = new List <IPlanStep>()
                move1, move2

            var sublinks = new List <CausalLink <IPlanStep> >()
                new CausalLink <IPlanStep>(atAgentInt, move1, move2)

            var suborderings = new List <BoltFreezer.Utilities.Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep> >()
                new BoltFreezer.Utilities.Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep>(move1, move2)

            var root   = new Operator(new Predicate("multimove", objTerms, true));
            var decomp = new Decomposition(root, litTerms, substeps, suborderings, sublinks)
                NonEqualities = new List <List <ITerm> >()
                    new List <ITerm>()
                        objTerms[1], objTerms[2]
                    new List <ITerm>()
                        objTerms[2], objTerms[3]
                    new List <ITerm>()
                        objTerms[1], objTerms[3]

Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Filters candidates for substeps, at least one with height "height"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="decomp"></param>
        /// <returns> List of decompositions with ground sub-steps. </returns>
        public static List <Decomposition> FilterDecompCandidates(Decomposition decomp, int height)
            // find and replace sub-steps
            var comboList = new List <List <IOperator> >();
            var ID_List   = new List <int>();

            foreach (var substep in decomp.SubSteps)
                // each substep has ground terms that are already consistent. Composite IS-A Operator
                var cndts = ConsistentSteps(substep.Action as Operator);

                // If there's no cndts for this substep, then abandon this decomp.
                if (cndts.Count == 0)
                    return(new List <Decomposition>());


            List <Decomposition> decompList = new List <Decomposition>();

            foreach (var combination in EnumerableExtension.GenerateCombinations(comboList))
                var decompClone           = decomp.Clone() as Decomposition;
                var newSubsteps           = new List <IPlanStep>();
                var substepDict           = new Dictionary <int, IPlanStep>();
                var order                 = 0;
                var hasPrerequisiteHeight = false;
                foreach (var item in combination)
                    if (item.Height >= height)
                        // meets height requirement
                        hasPrerequisiteHeight = true;
                    var originalID = ID_List[order++];
                    if (item.Height > 0)
                        var newPlanStep = new CompositePlanStep(item as Composite);
                        substepDict[originalID] = newPlanStep;
                        var newPlanStep = new PlanStep(item);
                        substepDict[originalID] = newPlanStep;

                // Did not meet requirements for height.
                if (!hasPrerequisiteHeight)

                var newSuborderings = new List <Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep> >();
                foreach (var subordering in decomp.SubOrderings)
                    var first  = substepDict[subordering.First.ID];
                    var second = substepDict[subordering.Second.ID];
                    newSuborderings.Add(new Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep>(first, second));

                var linkWorlds = new List <List <CausalLink <IPlanStep> > >();
                linkWorlds.Add(new List <CausalLink <IPlanStep> >());
                var newSublinks = new List <CausalLink <IPlanStep> >();
                foreach (var sublink in decomp.SubLinks)
                    var head  = substepDict[sublink.Head.ID];
                    var tail  = substepDict[sublink.Tail.ID];
                    var cndts = head.Effects.Where(eff => eff.IsConsistent(sublink.Predicate) && tail.Preconditions.Any(pre => pre.Equals(eff)));

                    //// swap tall members
                    //if (head.Height > 0)
                    //    var Chead = head as CompositePlanStep;
                    //    head = Chead.GoalStep;
                    //if (tail.Height > 0)
                    //    var Ctail = tail as CompositePlanStep;
                    //    tail = Ctail.InitialStep;

                    if (cndts.Count() == 0)
                        // forfeit this entire subplan
                        linkWorlds = new List <List <CausalLink <IPlanStep> > >();
                    if (cndts.Count() == 1)
                        var cndt       = cndts.First();
                        var dependency = cndt.Clone() as Predicate;
                        var newLink    = new CausalLink <IPlanStep>(dependency, head, tail);
                        foreach (var linkworld in linkWorlds)
                        foreach (var cndt in cndts)
                            var dependency = cndt.Clone() as Predicate;

                            var newLink = new CausalLink <IPlanStep>(dependency, head, tail);

                            var clonedLinks = EnumerableExtension.CloneList(newSublinks);

                            foreach (var linkworld in linkWorlds)

                foreach (var linkworld in linkWorlds)
                    var newDecomp = decomp.Clone() as Decomposition;
                    newDecomp.SubSteps     = newSubsteps;
                    newDecomp.SubOrderings = newSuborderings;
                    newDecomp.SubLinks     = linkworld;

Пример #25
        public new void AddStep(IPlan plan, OpenCondition oc)
            long before = 0;
            var  watch  = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            foreach (var cndt in CacheMaps.GetCndts(oc.precondition))
                if (cndt == null)
                if (cndt.Height == 0)

                before = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                var       planClone = plan.Clone() as PlanSchedule;
                IPlanStep newStep;
                if (cndt.Height > 0)
                    var compCndt = cndt as CompositeSchedule;
                    newStep = new CompositeSchedulePlanStep(compCndt.Clone() as IComposite, compCndt.Cntgs)
                        Depth = oc.step.Depth
                    // only add composite steps...
                    newStep = new PlanStep(cndt.Clone() as IOperator)
                        Depth = oc.step.Depth
                LogTime("CloneCndt", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds - before);

                before = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                LogTime("InsertDecomp", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds - before);

                //newStep.Height = cndt.Height;

                // planClone.Insert(newStep);

                before = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                planClone.Repair(oc, newStep);
                LogTime("RepairDecomp", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds - before);

                // check if inserting new Step (with orderings given by Repair) add cndts/risks to existing open conditions, affecting their status in the heap
                //planClone.Flaws.UpdateFlaws(planClone, newStep);

                if (oc.isDummyGoal)
                    if (newStep.Height > 0)
                        var compNewStep = newStep as CompositeSchedulePlanStep;
                        planClone.Orderings.Insert(oc.step.InitCndt, compNewStep.InitialStep);
                        planClone.Orderings.Insert(oc.step.InitCndt, newStep);

                before = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                LogTime("DetectThreats", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds - before);

                before = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                LogTime("InsertPlan", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds - before);
Пример #26
        public PlanStep ReadStepVariable(ClipSchema <FabulaAsset> schema)
            PlanStep    ps;
            FabulaAsset fabAsset = schema.asset;

            var terms         = new List <ITerm>();
            var preconditions = new List <IPredicate>();
            var effects       = new List <IPredicate>();

            string schemaName = "";

            var unityactionschema = fabAsset.schema;

            if (unityactionschema != null)
                schemaName =;
                var actionOperator = GameObject.Find(schemaName).GetComponent <UnityActionOperator>();
                for (int i = 0; i < actionOperator.MutableParameters.Count; i++)
                    var newTerm = new Term(i.ToString())
                        Type = actionOperator.MutableParameters[i].name

                    terms.Add(newTerm as ITerm);

            foreach (var constraint in fabAsset.Constraints)
                var constraintParts = constraint.Split(' ');
                var instruction     = constraintParts[0];
                if (instruction.Equals("terms"))
                    for (int j = 1; j < constraintParts.Count(); j++)
                        var instructArg = constraintParts[j];
                        var newTerm     = new Term(instructArg, true) as ITerm;
                        // if there already is a term at this index, need to reference with variable
                        if (terms.Count > j - 1)
                            var existingTerm = terms[j - 1];
                            newTerm.Variable = existingTerm.Variable;
                            newTerm.Type     = existingTerm.Type;
                            terms[j - 1]     = newTerm;
                    //foreach(var instructArg in constraintParts.Skip(1))
                    //    terms.Add(new Term(instructArg, true) as ITerm);
                if (instruction.Equals("term"))
                    var argPos = Int32.Parse(constraintParts[1]);
                    if (argPos >= terms.Count - 1)
                        // if the arg position is not the next item in term list, then
                        while (argPos != terms.Count)
                            // add placeholder terms
                            terms.Add(new Term(terms.Count.ToString()) as ITerm);
                        terms.Add(new Term(constraintParts[2], true) as ITerm);
                    else if (argPos < terms.Count)
                        terms.Insert(argPos, new Term(constraintParts[2], true) as ITerm);
                if (instruction.Equals("precond") || instruction.Equals("has-precond") || instruction.Equals("precondition"))
                    var pred = ProcessPredicateString(constraintParts);

                if (instruction.Equals("effect") || instruction.Equals("has-effect"))
                    var pred = ProcessPredicateString(constraintParts);

                if (instruction.Equals("schema"))
                    // then this operator gets a particular name
                    schemaName = constraintParts[1];

                if (instruction.Equals("not"))
                    if (constraintParts[1].Equals("schema"))
                        // propagate to schema
                    // TODO: assemble list of negative constraints and propagate to filtering

            var root = new Operator(new Predicate(schemaName, terms, true), preconditions, effects);

            ps = new PlanStep(root as IOperator);
Пример #27
        public static Decomposition TravelByCar()
            //      (: action travel - by - car
            //      :parameters(?person - person ? from ? to - place)
            //:precondition(and(at ? person ? from)(not(= ? from ? to)))
            //      :effect(and(at ? person ? to)
            //                  (not(at ? person ? from)))
            // :sub -params (? car - car ? s1 ? s2 ? s3 - step)
            // :requirements(and
            //              (= ? s1(get -in -car ? person ? car ? from))
            //              (= ? s2(drive ? person ? car ? from ? to))
            //              (= ? s3(get -out -of - car ? person ? car ? to))
            //              (linked - by ? s1 ? s2(in ? person ? car))
            //              (linked - by ? s1 ? s3(in ? person ? car))
            //              (linked - by ? s2 ? s3(at ? car ? to)))))

            // Params
            var objTerms = new List <ITerm>()
                new Term("?person")
                    Type = "person"
                new Term("?from")
                    Type = "place"
                new Term("?to")
                    Type = "place"
                new Term("?car")
                    Type = "car"

            var litTerms = new List <IPredicate>();

            var s1terms = new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[3], objTerms[1]
            var s2terms = new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[3], objTerms[1], objTerms[2]
            var s3terms = new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[3], objTerms[2]

            var getInCar    = new PlanStep(new Operator(new Predicate("get-in-car", s1terms, true)));
            var drive       = new PlanStep(new Operator(new Predicate("drive", s2terms, true)));
            var getOutOfCar = new PlanStep(new Operator(new Predicate("get-out-of-car", s3terms, true)));

            var inPersonCar = new Predicate("in", new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[3]
            }, true);
            var atCarTo = new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[3], objTerms[2]
            }, true);

            //new Operator()
            var substeps = new List <IPlanStep>()
                getInCar, drive, getOutOfCar
            var sublinks = new List <CausalLink <IPlanStep> >()
                new CausalLink <IPlanStep>(inPersonCar, getInCar, drive),
                new CausalLink <IPlanStep>(inPersonCar, getInCar, getOutOfCar),
                new CausalLink <IPlanStep>(atCarTo, drive, getOutOfCar)
            var suborderings = new List <BoltFreezer.Utilities.Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep> >()
                new BoltFreezer.Utilities.Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep>(getInCar, drive),
                new BoltFreezer.Utilities.Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep>(drive, getOutOfCar)

            var root   = new Operator(new Predicate("travel-by-car", objTerms, true));
            var decomp = new Decomposition(root, litTerms, substeps, suborderings, sublinks);

Пример #28
        public new void AddStep(IPlan plan, OpenCondition oc)
            long before = 0;
            // check oc step depth.

            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            foreach (var cndt in CacheMaps.GetCndts(oc.precondition))
                if (cndt == null)
                if (cndt.Height == 0)

                before = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                var planClone = plan.Clone() as PlanSchedule;
                //if (planClone.ID.Equals("1335"))
                //    Console.WriteLine("Here");

                planClone.ID += "a";
                IPlanStep newStep;
                if (cndt.Height > 0)
                    var compCndt = cndt as CompositeSchedule;
                    newStep = new CompositeSchedulePlanStep(compCndt.Clone() as CompositeSchedule)
                        Depth = oc.step.Depth
                    // only add composite steps...
                    newStep = new PlanStep(cndt.Clone() as IOperator)
                        Depth = oc.step.Depth
                planClone.ID += "(" + GroundActionFactory.GroundActions.IndexOf(newStep.Action) + ")";
                LogTime("CloneCndt", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds - before);

                before = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                LogTime("InsertDecomp", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds - before);

                //newStep.Height = cndt.Height;

                // planClone.Insert(newStep);

                before = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                planClone.Repair(oc, newStep);
                LogTime("RepairDecomp", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds - before);

                // check if inserting new Step (with orderings given by Repair) add cndts/risks to existing open conditions, affecting their status in the heap
                //planClone.Flaws.UpdateFlaws(planClone, newStep);

                if (oc.isDummyGoal)
                    if (newStep.Height > 0)
                        var compNewStep = newStep as CompositeSchedulePlanStep;
                        planClone.Orderings.Insert(oc.step.InitCndt, compNewStep.InitialStep);
                        //planClone.ID +=  string.Format("(^Oa[{0},{1}])", oc.step.InitCndt.ID, compNewStep.InitialStep.ID);
                        planClone.Orderings.Insert(oc.step.InitCndt, newStep);
                        //planClone.ID += string.Format("(^Oa[{0},{1}])", oc.step.InitCndt.ID, newStep.ID);

                before = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                LogTime("DetectThreats", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds - before);

                before = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                LogTime("InsertPlan", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds - before);
Пример #29
        public static Decomposition Transport()
            // Params
            var objTerms = new List <ITerm>()
                new Term("?agent")
                    Type = "steeringagent"
                },                                                //0
                new Term("?item")
                    Type = "block"
                },                                          //1
                new Term("?from")
                    Type = "location"
                },                                            //2
                new Term("?to")
                    Type = "location"
                },                                            //3
                new Term("?adjacentfrom")
                    Type = "location"
                },                                             //4
                new Term("?adjacentto")
                    Type = "location"
                }                                           //5

            var litTerms = new List <IPredicate>();
            // pickup (?taker - agent ?block - block ?location - location ?takerLocation - location)
            var pickupterms = new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[1], objTerms[2], objTerms[4]

            // This guaranteed move
            //var moveterms = new List<ITerm>() { objTerms[0], objTerms[4], objTerms[5] };

            //(?putter - agent ?thing - block ?agentlocation - location ?newlocation - location)
            var putdownterms = new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[1], objTerms[5], objTerms[3]

            var pickup = new PlanStep(new Operator(new Predicate("pickup", pickupterms, true)));
            // var travelOp = new Operator("", new List<IPredicate>(), new List<IPredicate>(){ atPersonTo});

            var putdown = new PlanStep(new Operator(new Predicate("putdown", putdownterms, true)));

            var atAgentOrigin = new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[4]
            }, true);
            var hasAgentThing = new Predicate("has", new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[1]
            }, true);
            var atAgentDest = new Predicate("at", new List <ITerm>()
                objTerms[0], objTerms[5]
            }, true);

            var move = new PlanStep(new Operator("",
                                                 new List <IPredicate>()
                                                 new List <IPredicate> {

            //new Operator()
            var substeps = new List <IPlanStep>()
                pickup, move, putdown
            var sublinks = new List <CausalLink <IPlanStep> >()
                // new CausalLink<IPlanStep>(atAgentOrigin, pickup, move),
                new CausalLink <IPlanStep>(hasAgentThing, pickup, putdown),
                new CausalLink <IPlanStep>(atAgentDest, move, putdown),
            var suborderings = new List <BoltFreezer.Utilities.Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep> >()
                new BoltFreezer.Utilities.Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep>(pickup, move),
                new BoltFreezer.Utilities.Tuple <IPlanStep, IPlanStep>(move, putdown)

            var root   = new Operator(new Predicate("transport", objTerms, true));
            var decomp = new Decomposition(root, litTerms, substeps, suborderings, sublinks)
                NonEqualities = new List <List <ITerm> >()
                    new List <ITerm>()
                        objTerms[2], objTerms[3]
                    new List <ITerm>()
                        objTerms[2], objTerms[4]
                    new List <ITerm>()
                        objTerms[3], objTerms[5]

Пример #30
        protected virtual PlanStep CreateStep(ProjectionElement parent, ProjectionElement child, ParameterNames pars, ParameterNames allPars, Provider provider, int priorGroup, Query func)
            var step = new PlanStep(parent, child, pars, provider, allPars, priorGroup, _checkMode);
