Пример #1
        public void OnTriggerDefinitionUpdated(long jobId, long triggerId)
            Logger.Info($"The trigger with id '{triggerId}' has been updated. Reflecting changes to Plan if any.");

            var trigger = this.repository.GetTriggerById(jobId, triggerId);

            PlanResult planResult = this.GetPlanResult(trigger as dynamic, false);

            if (planResult.Action != PlanAction.Possible)
                Logger.Debug($"The trigger was not considered to be relevant to the plan, skipping. PlanResult was '{planResult.Action}'");

            var dateTime = planResult.ExpectedStartDateUtc;

            if (!dateTime.HasValue)
                Logger.Warn($"Unable to gather an expected start date for trigger, skipping.");

            // Get the next occurence from database
            var dependentJobRun = this.repository.GetNextJobRunByTriggerId(jobId, trigger.Id, this.dateTimeProvider.GetUtcNow());

            if (dependentJobRun == null)
                Logger.Error($"Trigger was updated before job run has been created. Cannot apply update.");

            this.UpdatePlannedJobRun(dependentJobRun, trigger, dateTime.Value);
Пример #2
        public void TestGetGoalsTiming()
            string main_path       = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName + @"\PlanningProblems\BoxPushing\B3\";
            string filePathProblem = main_path + "p.pddl";
            string filePathDomain  = main_path + "d.pddl";

            Domain  d = Parser.ParseDomain(filePathDomain, "agent");
            Problem p = Parser.ParseProblem(filePathProblem, d);

            IterativeMAPlanner ma_planner = new IterativeMAPlanner(d, p, SDRPlanner.Planners.FF);
            var ma_result = ma_planner.Plan();


            Constant                    a1     = d.GetAgents()[0];
            PlanResult                  pr     = ma_result[a1];
            List <Predicate>            goals  = p.GetGoals();
            Dictionary <Predicate, int> timing = new Dictionary <Predicate, int>();

            pr.Plan.GetGoalsTiming(goals, null, ref timing);

            string plan = PlanTreePrinter.Print(pr.Plan);

            File.WriteAllText(main_path + "plan_" + a1.Name + ".txt", plan);
            Assert.AreEqual(timing.Count, p.GetGoals().Count - 1);
Пример #3
        public void OnTriggerAdded(long jobId, long triggerId)
            Logger.Info($"The trigger with id '{triggerId}' has been added. Reflecting changes to the current plan.");

            var trigger = this.repository.GetTriggerById(jobId, triggerId);

            PlanResult planResult = this.GetPlanResult(trigger as dynamic, true);

            if (planResult.Action != PlanAction.Possible)
                Logger.Debug($"The trigger was not considered to be relevant to the plan, skipping. PlanResult was '{planResult.Action}'");

            var newItem = this.CreateNew(planResult, trigger);

            if (newItem == null)
                Logger.Error($"Unable to create a new Planned Item with a JobRun.");


Пример #4
        private void EvaluateRecurringTriggers()
            // Re-evaluate recurring triggers every n seconds
            var activeTriggers = this.repository.GetActiveTriggers().Where(t => t.GetType() == typeof(RecurringTrigger));

            var additonalItems = new List <ScheduledPlanItem>();

            foreach (RecurringTrigger trigger in activeTriggers.Cast <RecurringTrigger>())
                PlanResult planResult = this.GetPlanResult(trigger, false);

                if (planResult.Action == PlanAction.Possible)
                    // Check if there is already a run planned at this time
                    var nextRunForTrigger = this.repository.GetNextJobRunByTriggerId(trigger.JobId, trigger.Id, this.dateTimeProvider.GetUtcNow());

                    if (nextRunForTrigger == null || !nextRunForTrigger.PlannedStartDateTimeUtc.Equals(planResult.ExpectedStartDateUtc))
                        var scheduledItem = this.CreateNew(planResult, trigger);

            if (additonalItems.Any())
                Logger.Info($"The re-evaluation of recuring triggers caused the addition of {additonalItems.Count} scheduled items");

Пример #5
        public Task <PlanResult> PushPlan(StripePlan plan, bool commit = true)
            var retVal = new PlanResult()

            Plan stripePlan = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(plan.StripeId))
                stripePlan = _planService.Get(plan.StripeId);

            if (stripePlan != null)
                stripePlan = _planService.Update(stripePlan.Id, new PlanUpdateOptions
                    Active          = plan.IsActive,
                    Nickname        = plan.Name,
                    TrialPeriodDays = plan.TrialPeriodDays,
                    Metadata        = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "ref_id", plan.Id.ToString() }
                stripePlan = _planService.Create(new PlanCreateOptions()
                    Active          = plan.IsActive,
                    Amount          = Convert.ToInt64(plan.Amount * 100),
                    Currency        = "usd",
                    Nickname        = plan.Name,
                    Interval        = plan.Interval,
                    Product         = plan.ProductId,
                    TrialPeriodDays = plan.TrialPeriodDays,
                    Metadata        = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "ref_id", plan.Id.ToString() }

            plan.StripeId    = stripePlan.Id;
            plan.StripeBlob  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stripePlan);
            plan.ObjectState = ObjectState.Modified;

            var records = Repository.InsertOrUpdateGraph(plan, commit);

            _logger.LogDebug(GetLogMessage("{0} records updated"), records);

            if (records > 0)
                retVal.Succeeded = true;
                retVal.PlanId    = plan.StripeId;

Пример #6
        public void IterativeMAPlanner_TestIndepeneceBetweenRuns()
            string filePathProblem = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName + @"\PlanningProblems\BoxPushing\B2\p.pddl";
            string filePathDomain  = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName + @"\PlanningProblems\BoxPushing\B2\d.pddl";

            Domain  d = Parser.ParseDomain(filePathDomain, "agent");
            Problem p = Parser.ParseProblem(filePathProblem, d);

            SingleAgentSDRPlanner saSDR = new SingleAgentSDRPlanner(d, p, SDRPlanner.Planners.FF);
            // Get the first agent
            Constant   agent1        = d.GetAgents()[0];
            PlanResult pr1           = saSDR.Plan(agent1, null, null, null);
            string     domainAfter_1 = d.ToString();
            PlanResult pr2           = saSDR.Plan(agent1, null, null, null);
            string     domainAfter_2 = d.ToString();

            // General domain shoud remain the same after planning once
            Assert.AreEqual(d.ToString(), domainAfter_1);
            // General domain shoud remain the same after planning twice
            Assert.AreEqual(d.ToString(), domainAfter_2);
            // Both used domains (after one & two running) should remain the same
            Assert.AreEqual(pr1.m_agentDomain.ToString(), pr2.m_agentDomain.ToString());

            Assert.AreNotEqual(pr1.m_agentDomain.ToString(), d.ToString());
            Assert.AreNotEqual(pr2.m_agentDomain.ToString(), d.ToString());
Пример #7
        private void btnRunSingleAgentPlan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Active agent
            Constant activeAgent = (Constant)cbActiveAgents.SelectedItem;

            // Active goals
            List <Predicate> activeGoals = new List <Predicate>();

            for (int i = 0; i < clbActiveGoals.Items.Count; i++)
                if (clbActiveGoals.GetItemChecked(i))

            // Required Actions to be preformed
            List <Action> reqCollabActions = new List <Action>();

            for (int i = 0; i < clbActiveJointActions.Items.Count; i++)
                if (clbActiveJointActions.GetItemChecked(i))

            // Active Prev achieved goals
            List <KeyValuePair <Predicate, int> > prevAchievedGoals = new List <KeyValuePair <Predicate, int> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < clbPrevGoalTime.Items.Count; i++)
                if (clbPrevGoalTime.GetItemChecked(i))
                    prevAchievedGoals.Add((KeyValuePair <Predicate, int>)clbPrevGoalTime.Items[i]);

            Domain  reducedDomain  = Parser.ParseDomain(m_DomainPath, m_AgentCallsign);
            Problem reducedProblem = Parser.ParseProblem(m_ProblemPath, reducedDomain);

            string sPath = Directory.GetParent(reducedDomain.Path).FullName + "\\";

            SingleAgentSDRPlanner m_saSDRPlanner = new SingleAgentSDRPlanner(reducedDomain,

            PlanResult planResult = m_saSDRPlanner.Plan(activeAgent, activeGoals, prevAchievedGoals, reqCollabActions);

            ConditionalPlanTreeNode root = planResult.Plan;
            PlanDetails             pd   = root.ScanDetails(reducedDomain, reducedProblem);

            pd.PlanningTime = planResult.PlanningTime;
            pd.Valid        = planResult.Valid;
            pd.ActiveAgent  = activeAgent;
Пример #8
        public PlanResult Plan(Constant activeAgent, List <Predicate> activeGoals,
                               List <KeyValuePair <Predicate, int> > goalsCompletionTime,
                               List <Action> reqActions)
            m_AgentDomain  = Parser.ParseDomain(m_GeneralDomain.FilePath, m_GeneralDomain.AgentCallsign);
            m_AgentProblem = Parser.ParseProblem(m_GeneralProblem.FilePath, m_AgentDomain);

            m_ActiveAgent = activeAgent;
            m_ActiveGoals = m_AgentProblem.GetGoals();

            m_GoalsCompletionTime = goalsCompletionTime;
            m_ReqCollabActions    = reqActions;

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

            List <Action> extractedActions;

            AddCollabActionReq(out extractedActions);
            //Reasoning not working for button pushing domain

            SDRPlanner sdrPlanner        = new SDRPlanner(m_AgentDomain, m_AgentProblem, m_planner);
            string     s1                = m_AgentDomain.ToString();
            string     s2                = m_AgentProblem.ToString();
            ConditionalPlanTreeNode Plan = sdrPlanner.OfflinePlanning();
            string s     = m_AgentDomain.ToString();
            bool   Valid = sdrPlanner.Valid;

            // Return extracted actions to domain
            foreach (var action in extractedActions)

            TimeSpan PlanningTime = DateTime.Now - start;

            PlanResult result = new PlanResult(activeAgent, Plan, PlanningTime, Valid,
                                               goalsCompletionTime, reqActions,
                                               m_AgentDomain, m_AgentProblem,
                                               m_GeneralDomain, m_GeneralProblem);
            // Write plan to file
            string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(m_AgentDomain.FilePath) + "\\plan_" + m_ActiveAgent.Name + ".txt";

            File.WriteAllText(path, PlanTreePrinter.Print(result.Plan));
Пример #9
 private static List <Action> GenerateJointActionsListForSingleInitialState(PartiallySpecifiedState initialState, Dictionary <Constant, PlanResult> plans)
     foreach (var agentPlan in plans)
         Constant   agent                = agentPlan.Key;
         PlanResult planResult           = agentPlan.Value;
         ConditionalPlanTreeNode cptn    = planResult.Plan;
         List <Action>           actions = new List <Action>();
         cptn.GetActionUsed(ref actions);
Пример #10
        public void SingleAgentSDRPlanner_TestConvertToSingleAgentProblemBoxes()
            string  filePathProblem = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName + @"\PlanningProblems\BoxPushing\B3\p.pddl";
            string  filePathDomain  = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName + @"\PlanningProblems\BoxPushing\B3\d.pddl";
            Domain  d = Parser.ParseDomain(filePathDomain, "agent");
            Problem p = Parser.ParseProblem(filePathProblem, d);

            // parameters
            Constant currentAgent = new Constant("agent", "a1");

            SingleAgentSDRPlanner saSDR  = new SingleAgentSDRPlanner(d, p, SDRPlanner.Planners.FF);
            PlanResult            result = saSDR.Plan(currentAgent, null, null, null);

Пример #11
        public void OnJobRunEnded(long id)
            lock (this.evaluateTriggersLock)
                Logger.Info($"A JobRun has ended. Reevaluating triggers that did not yet schedule a run");

                // Remove from in memory plan to not publish this in future
                var numbertOfDeletedItems = this.currentPlan.RemoveAll(e => e.Id == id);

                var additonalItems = new List <ScheduledPlanItem>();

                // If a trigger was blocked previously, it might be a candidate to schedule now
                var activeTriggers = this.repository.GetActiveTriggers().Items;

                foreach (var trigger in activeTriggers)
                    if (this.currentPlan.Any(p => p.TriggerId == trigger.Id))

                    PlanResult planResult = this.GetPlanResult(trigger as dynamic, false);

                    if (planResult.Action == PlanAction.Possible)
                        var scheduledItem = this.CreateNew(planResult, trigger);


                if (additonalItems.Any() || numbertOfDeletedItems > 0)
                    Logger.Info($"The completion of a previous job caused the addition of {additonalItems.Count} and removal of {numbertOfDeletedItems} scheduled items");

                    Logger.Debug($"There was no possibility to scheduled new items after the completion of job with it '{id}'.");
Пример #12
        public void OnTriggerStateUpdated(long jobId, long triggerId)
            lock (this.evaluateTriggersLock)
                Logger.Info($"The trigger with id '{triggerId}' has been changed its state. Reflecting changes to Plan if any.");

                var trigger = this.repository.GetTriggerById(jobId, triggerId);

                PlanResult planResult = this.GetPlanResult(trigger as dynamic, false);

                if (planResult.Action == PlanAction.Obsolete)
                    // Remove from in memory plan to not publish this in future
                    this.currentPlan.RemoveAll(e => e.TriggerId == triggerId);

                    // Set the JobRun to deleted if any
                    var dependentJobRun = this.repository.GetNextJobRunByTriggerId(jobId, trigger.Id, this.dateTimeProvider.GetUtcNow());

                    if (dependentJobRun != null)



                if (planResult.Action == PlanAction.Possible)
                    var newItem = this.CreateNew(planResult, trigger);

                    if (newItem != null)

Пример #13
        private ScheduledPlanItem CreateNew(PlanResult planResult, JobTriggerBase trigger)
            var dateTime = planResult.ExpectedStartDateUtc;

            if (!dateTime.HasValue)
                Logger.Warn($"Unable to gather an expected start date for trigger with id {trigger.Id}, (JobId: {trigger.JobId}), skipping.");


            // Create the next occurence from database
            var newJobRun = this.CreateNewJobRun(trigger, dateTime.Value);

            // Add to the initial plan
            var newItem = new ScheduledPlanItem
                TriggerId = trigger.Id,
                Id        = newJobRun.Id,
                PlannedStartDateTimeUtc = newJobRun.PlannedStartDateTimeUtc

Пример #14
        private void CreateInitialPlan()
            var activeTriggers = this.repository.GetActiveTriggers();

            var newPlan = new List <ScheduledPlanItem>();

            foreach (var trigger in activeTriggers)
                PlanResult planResult = this.GetPlanResult(trigger as dynamic, false);

                if (planResult.Action == PlanAction.Obsolete)
                    Logger.WarnFormat($"Disabling trigger with id '{trigger.Id}', because startdate is in the past. (Type: '{trigger.GetType().Name}', userId: '{trigger.UserId}', userName: '******')");

                    this.repository.DisableTrigger(trigger.JobId, trigger.Id);

                if (planResult.Action == PlanAction.Blocked)
                    // Cannot schedule jobrun, one reason could be that this job is not allowed to run because another jobrun is active

                if (planResult.Action == PlanAction.Possible)
                    if (planResult.ExpectedStartDateUtc == null)
                        // Move to ctor of PlanResult
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("ExpectedStartDateUtc");

                    var dateTime = planResult.ExpectedStartDateUtc;

                    // Get the next occurence from database
                    var dependentJobRun = this.repository.GetNextJobRunByTriggerId(trigger.JobId, trigger.Id, this.dateTimeProvider.GetUtcNow());

                    if (dependentJobRun != null)
                        this.UpdatePlannedJobRun(dependentJobRun, trigger, dateTime.Value);
                        dependentJobRun = this.CreateNewJobRun(trigger, dateTime.Value);

                    // Add to the initial plan
                    newPlan.Add(new ScheduledPlanItem()
                        TriggerId = trigger.Id,
                        Id        = dependentJobRun.Id,
                        PlannedStartDateTimeUtc = dependentJobRun.PlannedStartDateTimeUtc

            // Set current plan
            this.currentPlan = newPlan;

            // Publish the initial plan top the Excutor
Пример #15
        public Dictionary <Constant, PlanResult> Plan()
            // Set iteration number = 0;
            int iteration = 0;
            // Initialize SA agent Planner
            SingleAgentSDRPlanner saSDR = new SingleAgentSDRPlanner(Domain, Problem, m_planner);

            while (!agentSelector.Finished())
                Constant currAgent = agentSelector.GetNextAgent();

                // Inc iteration num
                iteration += 1;

                // Get constraints from previous iterations
                //   collab action, sender
                List <Tuple <Action, Constant> > prevCollabConstraints = agentSelector.GetCollabConstraints(currAgent);

                // Get goals completion time from previous iterations
                List <KeyValuePair <Predicate, int> > prevGoalsCompletionTime = agentSelector.GetPrevGoalsCompletionTime(currAgent, Problem);
                // Plan for current agent
                var        collabReqForCurrentAgent = prevCollabConstraints.Select(x => x.Item1).ToList();
                PlanResult pr = saSDR.Plan(currAgent, null, prevGoalsCompletionTime, collabReqForCurrentAgent);
                if (pr.Valid)
                    // 1. Align tree using joint actions
                    //  1.1 Extract constraints (Collaborative actions)
                    //         Agent   , Actions required
                    List <Action> collabUsed = pr.GetConstraintsGeneratedForSelf();

                    //  1.2 Check if sender of  can commit to the collaborative actions
                    PlanResult pr_validation = saSDR.Plan(currAgent, null, prevGoalsCompletionTime, collabUsed);

                    if (pr_validation.Valid)
                        pr = pr_validation;
                        // TODO postpone joint actions until valid
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                    Dictionary <Constant, List <Action> > constraints = pr.GetNewConstraintsGeneratedForOtherAgents(prevCollabConstraints);
                    // 4. Save collaborative actions' constraints for other agents
                    // for each target agent
                    // TODO inser this part into one function (maybe AddCollabConstraints?)
                    foreach (var agentConstraints in constraints)
                        // for each action that other target agent needs to complete.
                        foreach (var a in agentConstraints.Value)
                            // add this action to his tasks.
                            agentSelector.AddCollabConstraints(agentConstraints.Key, a, currAgent);

                    // collect effects from joint actions that has been completed
                    // mark goal achiement time to 0 for goals obtained by joint actions -
                    // for disabling improving joint actions
                    HashSet <Predicate> effects = new HashSet <Predicate>();
                    foreach (var item in prevCollabConstraints)
                        foreach (Predicate p in item.Item1.Effects.GetAllPredicates())
                    // 5. Save goal completion time, but ignore achieved predicates forced from other agents - he didnt caused that!
                    var goalTiming = pr.GetGoalsCompletionTime(Problem, prevCollabConstraints.Select(x => x.Item1).ToList());
                    foreach (var item in goalTiming)
                        bool jumped  = false;
                        int  newTime = item.Value;
                        if (item.Key.IsContainedIn(effects.ToList()))
                            newTime = 1;
                            jumped  = true;

                        Constant backtrackToAgent = null;
                        agentSelector.AddGoalCompletionTime(iteration, currAgent, item.Key, newTime, out backtrackToAgent);

                        // TODO - only backtrack to the earliest agent
                        // set backtrack if needed
                        if (backtrackToAgent != null && !jumped)

                    // Save plan details
                    if (!m_AgentsPlans.ContainsKey(currAgent))
                        m_AgentsPlans.Add(currAgent, pr);
                        m_AgentsPlans[currAgent] = pr;
                    // failed to plan (without alignment)
                    Console.WriteLine("Agent " + currAgent.Name + " failed to plan");
