public ActionResult CreatePlan(int Id)
            var service = this._serviceRepo.GetServiceById(Id);
            var options = new PlanCreateOptions
                Product = new PlanProductCreateOptions
                    Name = "Monthly"
                Amount   = (long)(service.Rate * 100),
                Currency = "usd",
                Interval = "month",

            var planservice = new PlanService();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(service.StripePlanName))
                Plan plan = planservice.Create(options);
                this._serviceRepo.CreateStripPlanForService(Id, plan.Id);
                Plan existingPlan = planservice.Get(service.StripePlanName);
                if (existingPlan == null)
                    Plan plan = planservice.Create(options);
                    this._serviceRepo.CreateStripPlanForService(Id, plan.Id);

Пример #2
        public void SerializeDecimalTiersProperly()
            var options = new PlanCreateOptions
                Tiers = new List <PlanTierOptions>
                    new PlanTierOptions
                        UnitAmountDecimal = 0.003m,
                        FlatAmountDecimal = 0.12m,
                        UpTo = 10,
                    new PlanTierOptions
                        UnitAmountDecimal = 0.004m,
                        FlatAmountDecimal = 0.24m,
                        UpTo = PlanTierUpTo.Inf,

                "tiers[0][flat_amount_decimal]=0.12&tiers[0][unit_amount_decimal]=0.003&tiers[0][up_to]=10&" +
Пример #3
        public void SerializeTiersProperly()
            var options = new PlanCreateOptions
                Tiers = new List <PlanTierOptions>
                    new PlanTierOptions
                        UnitAmount = 1000,
                        UpTo       = new PlanTierOptions.UpToBound
                            Bound = 10
                    new PlanTierOptions
                        UnitAmount = 2000,
                        UpTo       = new PlanTierOptions.UpToInf()

            var url = this.service.ApplyAllParameters(options, string.Empty, false);

            Assert.Equal("?tiers[0][unit_amount]=1000&tiers[0][up_to]=10&tiers[1][unit_amount]=2000&tiers[1][up_to]=inf", url);
Пример #4
        public PlanServiceTest()
            this.service = new PlanService();

            this.createOptions = new PlanCreateOptions
                Amount   = 123,
                Currency = "usd",
                Interval = "month",
                Nickname = "Plan Nickmame",
                Product  = new PlanProductCreateOptions
                    Name = "Product Name",

            this.updateOptions = new PlanUpdateOptions
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "key", "value" },

            this.listOptions = new PlanListOptions
                Limit = 1,
Пример #5
        public PlanServiceTest(
            StripeMockFixture stripeMockFixture,
            MockHttpClientFixture mockHttpClientFixture)
            : base(stripeMockFixture, mockHttpClientFixture)
            this.service = new PlanService(this.StripeClient);

            this.createOptions = new PlanCreateOptions
                Amount   = 123,
                Currency = "usd",
                Interval = "month",
                Nickname = "Plan Nickmame",
                Product  = new PlanProductCreateOptions
                    Name = "Product Name",

            this.updateOptions = new PlanUpdateOptions
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "key", "value" },

            this.listOptions = new PlanListOptions
                Limit = 1,
Пример #6
        public virtual async Task <Plan> Create(PlanCreateOptions createOptions)
            var url = this.ApplyAllParameters(createOptions, Urls.Plans, false);

            var response = await Requestor.Post(url);

            return(Mapper <Plan> .MapFromJson(response));
Пример #7
        public PlanServiceTest(
            StripeMockFixture stripeMockFixture,
            MockHttpClientFixture mockHttpClientFixture)
            : base(stripeMockFixture, mockHttpClientFixture)
            this.service = new PlanService(this.StripeClient);

            this.createOptions = new PlanCreateOptions
                AmountDecimal = 0.01234567890m, // Ensure decimals work
                Currency      = "usd",
                Interval      = "month",
                Nickname      = "Plan Nickmame",
                Product       = new PlanProductCreateOptions
                    Name = "Product Name",

            this.createDecimalTierOptions = new PlanCreateOptions
                Currency = "usd",
                Interval = "month",
                Nickname = "Plan Nickmame",
                Product  = new PlanProductCreateOptions
                    Name = "Product Name",
                Tiers = new List <PlanTierOptions>
                    new PlanTierOptions
                        UnitAmountDecimal = 0.04m,
                        UpTo = 10,
                    new PlanTierOptions
                        UnitAmountDecimal = 0.03m,
                        UpTo = PlanTierUpTo.Inf,

            this.updateOptions = new PlanUpdateOptions
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "key", "value" },

            this.listOptions = new PlanListOptions
                Limit = 1,
Пример #8
        //   step two  - create plan on product:"simple-market Vendor" [Sm Admin Dashboard ??]
        public Plan CreatePlan(ProdPlanVm vm)
            var options = new PlanCreateOptions
                Product  = vm.ProductId,
                Nickname = vm.Nickname, //"sm vendorship USD",
                Interval = vm.Interval, //"yearly",
                Currency = "usd",
                Amount   = vm.Amount
            var service = new PlanService();

Пример #9
        public ActionResult Create(SubscriptionPlanViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

                var productOptions = new ProductCreateOptions
                    Name = viewModel.Name,
                    Type = "service",
                var     productService = new ProductService();
                Product product        = productService.Create(productOptions);

                if (product != null)
                    var planOptions = new PlanCreateOptions();
                    planOptions.Currency  = viewModel.Currency;
                    planOptions.Interval  = viewModel.Interval;
                    planOptions.Nickname  = product.Name;
                    planOptions.Amount    = Convert.ToInt64(Convert.ToDecimal(viewModel.Amount) * 100);
                    planOptions.ProductId = product.Id;

                    var  planService = new PlanService();
                    Plan plan        = planService.Create(planOptions);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var msg = ex.Message;

Пример #10
        public void SerializeTiersProperly()
            var options = new PlanCreateOptions
                Tiers = new List <PlanTierOptions>
                    new PlanTierOptions
                        UnitAmount = 1000,
                        UpTo       = 10,
                    new PlanTierOptions
                        UnitAmount = 2000,
                        UpTo       = PlanTierUpTo.Inf,

                "tiers[0][unit_amount]=1000&tiers[0][up_to]=10&" +
        public IActionResult Subscription(CustomerPaymentViewModel payment)
            string email = HttpContext.Session.GetString("User");

            ViewBag.isLoggedIn = 1;

                NewWebSubContext context = HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(new_websub.NewWebSubContext)) as NewWebSubContext;

                string          query = "select * from useraccounts u inner join address a on u.AddressId=a.addresskey where u.Email=@Email";
                MySqlConnection conn  = context.GetConnection();


                MySqlCommand   cmd   = new MySqlCommand(query, conn);
                MySqlParameter param = new MySqlParameter("@Email", email);
                param.MySqlDbType = MySqlDbType.VarChar;
                MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                if (reader.Read())
                    User user = new User();
                    user.Email            = email;
                    user.Id               = reader["UserID"].ToString();
                    user.FullName         = reader["UserName"].ToString();
                    user.StripeCustomerId = "";
                    user.AddressLine1     = reader["Address1"].ToString();
                    user.AddressLine2     = reader["Address2"].ToString();
                    user.City             = reader["City"].ToString();
                    user.State            = reader["State"].ToString();
                    user.Zip              = reader["Zipcode"].ToString();
                    user.Country          = reader["Country"].ToString();
                    user.HistoryView      = true;


                    var tokenoptions = new TokenCreateOptions
                        Card = new CreditCardOptions
                            Number   = payment.CardNumber,
                            ExpYear  = payment.ExpiryYear,
                            ExpMonth = payment.ExpiryMonth,
                            Cvc      = payment.Cvc

                    var   tokenservice = new TokenService();
                    Token stripeToken  = tokenservice.Create(tokenoptions);
                    payment.cardtoken = stripeToken.Id;
                    CustomerCreateOptions customerCreateOptions = GetCustomerCreateOptions(payment, user);
                    var          cusservice = new CustomerService();
                    var          customers  = cusservice.Create(customerCreateOptions);
                    Subscription subscription;
                    var          plservice = new PlanService();
                        var plplan = plservice.Get(payment.subsctype);

                        var items = new List <SubscriptionItemOption> {
                            new SubscriptionItemOption {
                                PlanId = plplan.Id
                        var suboptions = new SubscriptionCreateOptions
                            CustomerId = customers.Id,
                            Items      = items

                        var subservice = new SubscriptionService();
                        subscription = subservice.Create(suboptions);
                        var options = new PlanCreateOptions
                            Product = new PlanProductCreateOptions
                                Id   = payment.subsctype,
                                Name = payment.subsctype
                            Amount   = payment.Amount,
                            Currency = payment.Currency,
                            Interval = payment.subsctype,
                            Id       = payment.subsctype

                        var  service = new PlanService();
                        Plan plan    = service.Create(options);
                        var  items   = new List <SubscriptionItemOption> {
                            new SubscriptionItemOption {
                                PlanId = plan.Id
                        var suboptions = new SubscriptionCreateOptions
                            CustomerId = customers.Id,
                            Items      = items

                        var subservice = new SubscriptionService();
                        subscription = subservice.Create(suboptions);

                    // insert into subscriptions table

                    query = "insert into subscriptions(Email, CustomerId, SubscriptionId, Subscription_Started, Subscription_Ended) values(@Email," +
                            "@CustomerId, @SubscriptionId, @Subscription_Started, @Subscription_Ended)";
                    MySqlCommand   cmd1   = new MySqlCommand(query, conn);
                    MySqlParameter param1 = new MySqlParameter("@Email", user.Email);
                    param1.MySqlDbType = MySqlDbType.VarChar;

                    param1             = new MySqlParameter("@CustomerId", subscription.CustomerId);
                    param1.MySqlDbType = MySqlDbType.VarChar;

                    param1             = new MySqlParameter("@SubscriptionId", subscription.Id);
                    param1.MySqlDbType = MySqlDbType.VarChar;

                    param1             = new MySqlParameter("@Subscription_Started", subscription.StartDate);
                    param1.MySqlDbType = MySqlDbType.DateTime;

                    param1             = new MySqlParameter("@Subscription_Ended", subscription.EndedAt);
                    param1.MySqlDbType = MySqlDbType.DateTime;


                    HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("isLoggedIn", 1);
                    payment.massage = "Payment created successfully";

                    //return View("Success"); // render Success.cshtml
            catch (Exception ex)
                MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
                mail.From       = new MailAddress(_emailSettings.Value.PrimaryEmail);
                mail.Subject    = "Subscription Fail";
                mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
                mail.Body       = ex.Message;
                mail.Sender     = new MailAddress(_emailSettings.Value.PrimaryEmail);
                SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
                smtp.Host = _emailSettings.Value.PrimaryDomain; //Or Your SMTP Server Address
                smtp.Port = _emailSettings.Value.PrimaryPort;
                smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
                smtp.DeliveryMethod        = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
                smtp.Credentials           = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(_emailSettings.Value.PrimaryEmail, _emailSettings.Value.PrimaryPassword);
                //Or your Smtp Email ID and Password
                smtp.EnableSsl = _emailSettings.Value.EnableSsl;
                payment.massage = ex.Message;
Пример #12
        public static TransactionResult CreateSessionRedirect(TransactionRequest request, StripeSettings stripeSettings,
                                                              ILogger logger, bool isSubscription)
            var order = request.Order;


            var address = DependencyResolver.Resolve <IDataSerializer>()
                          .DeserializeAs <Address>(order.BillingAddressSerialized);

            InitStripe(stripeSettings, true);
            //do we have a saved stripe customer id?
            var customerId = GetCustomerId(order.User, null, address);

            var subscriptionItems = new List <SessionSubscriptionDataItemOptions>();
            var productService    = new ProductService();
            var planService       = new PlanService();

            foreach (var orderItem in order.OrderItems)
                var product = productService.Create(new ProductCreateOptions
                    Name = orderItem.Product.Name,
                    Type = "service"
                var lineTotal = orderItem.Price * orderItem.Quantity + orderItem.Tax;
                GetFinalAmountDetails(lineTotal, order.CurrencyCode, address, out var currencyCode, out var finalAmount);
                var planOptions = new PlanCreateOptions()
                    Nickname        = product.Name,
                    Product         = product.Id,
                    Amount          = (long)finalAmount,
                    Interval        = GetInterval(orderItem.Product.SubscriptionCycle),
                    IntervalCount   = orderItem.Product.CycleCount == 0 ? 1 : orderItem.Product.CycleCount,
                    Currency        = currencyCode,
                    UsageType       = "licensed",
                    TrialPeriodDays = orderItem.Product.TrialDays
                var plan = planService.Create(planOptions);
                subscriptionItems.Add(new SessionSubscriptionDataItemOptions()
                    Plan     = plan.Id,
                    Quantity = orderItem.Quantity
            var options = new SessionCreateOptions
                Customer           = customerId,
                PaymentMethodTypes = new List <string> {
                SubscriptionData = new SessionSubscriptionDataOptions
                    Items    = subscriptionItems,
                    Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "orderGuid", order.Guid },
                        { "internalId", order.Id.ToString() },
                        { "isSubscription", isSubscription.ToString() }
                SuccessUrl = ApplicationEngine.RouteUrl(StripeConfig.StripeReturnUrlRouteName, new { orderGuid = order.Guid }, true),
                CancelUrl  = ApplicationEngine.RouteUrl(StripeConfig.StripeCancelUrlRouteName, new { orderGuid = order.Guid }, true),
                Mode       = isSubscription ? "subscription" : "payment",
            var service = new SessionService();
            var session = service.Create(options);
            var processPaymentResult = new TransactionResult()
                OrderGuid = order.Guid,

            if (session != null && !session.Id.IsNullEmptyOrWhiteSpace())
                processPaymentResult.NewStatus = PaymentStatus.Processing;
                processPaymentResult.TransactionCurrencyCode = order.CurrencyCode;
                processPaymentResult.IsSubscription          = true;
                processPaymentResult.TransactionAmount       = order.OrderTotal;
                processPaymentResult.ResponseParameters      = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "sessionId", session.Id },
                    { "paymentIntentId", session.PaymentIntentId }
                processPaymentResult.Success = true;
                                                                         new { orderGuid = order.Guid, sessionId = session.Id }));
                processPaymentResult.Success = false;
                logger.Log <TransactionResult>(LogLevel.Warning, $"The session for Order#{order.Id} by stripe redirect failed." + session?.StripeResponse.Content);

Пример #13
        public static TransactionResult CreateSubscription(TransactionRequest request, StripeSettings stripeSettings,
                                                           ILogger logger)
            var order = request.Order;

            var parameters = request.Parameters;

            parameters.TryGetValue("cardNumber", out var cardNumber);
            parameters.TryGetValue("cardName", out var cardName);
            parameters.TryGetValue("expireMonth", out var expireMonthStr);
            parameters.TryGetValue("expireYear", out var expireYearStr);
            parameters.TryGetValue("cvv", out var cvv);

            var paymentMethodService = new PaymentMethodService();
            var paymentMethod        = paymentMethodService.Create(new PaymentMethodCreateOptions()
                Card = new PaymentMethodCardCreateOptions()
                    Number   = cardNumber.ToString(),
                    ExpYear  = long.Parse(expireYearStr.ToString()),
                    ExpMonth = long.Parse(expireMonthStr.ToString()),
                    Cvc      = cvv.ToString()
                Type = "card"

            var address = DependencyResolver.Resolve <IDataSerializer>()
                          .DeserializeAs <Address>(order.BillingAddressSerialized);

            InitStripe(stripeSettings, true);
            //do we have a saved stripe customer id?
            var customerId        = GetCustomerId(order.User, paymentMethod, address);
            var subscriptionItems = new List <SubscriptionItemOptions>();
            var productService    = new ProductService();
            var planService       = new PlanService();

            foreach (var orderItem in order.OrderItems)
                var product = productService.Create(new ProductCreateOptions
                    Name = orderItem.Product.Name,
                    Type = "service"
                var lineTotal = orderItem.Price * orderItem.Quantity + orderItem.Tax;
                GetFinalAmountDetails(lineTotal, order.CurrencyCode, address, out var currencyCode, out var finalAmount);
                var planOptions = new PlanCreateOptions()
                    Nickname        = product.Name,
                    Product         = product.Id,
                    Amount          = (long)(finalAmount),
                    Interval        = GetInterval(orderItem.Product.SubscriptionCycle),
                    IntervalCount   = orderItem.Product.CycleCount == 0 ? 1 : orderItem.Product.CycleCount,
                    Currency        = currencyCode,
                    UsageType       = "licensed",
                    TrialPeriodDays = orderItem.Product.TrialDays
                var plan = planService.Create(planOptions);
                subscriptionItems.Add(new SubscriptionItemOptions()
                    Plan     = plan.Id,
                    Quantity = orderItem.Quantity
            //create a coupon if any
            var coupon = GetCoupon(order);
            var subscriptionOptions = new SubscriptionCreateOptions()
                Customer = customerId,
                Items    = subscriptionItems,
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "orderGuid", order.Guid },
                    { "internalId", order.Id.ToString() },
                    { "isSubscription", bool.TrueString }
                Coupon = coupon?.Id,

                TrialEnd = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5)


            var subscriptionService  = new SubscriptionService();
            var subscription         = subscriptionService.Create(subscriptionOptions);
            var processPaymentResult = new TransactionResult()
                OrderGuid = order.Guid,

            if (subscription.Status == "active" || subscription.Status == "trialing")
                processPaymentResult.NewStatus = PaymentStatus.Complete;
                processPaymentResult.TransactionCurrencyCode = order.CurrencyCode;
                processPaymentResult.IsSubscription          = true;
                processPaymentResult.TransactionAmount       = (subscription.Plan.AmountDecimal / 100) ?? order.OrderTotal;
                processPaymentResult.ResponseParameters      = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "subscriptionId", subscription.Id },
                    { "invoiceId", subscription.LatestInvoiceId },
                    { "feePercent", subscription.ApplicationFeePercent },
                    { "collectionMethod", subscription.CollectionMethod },
                    { "metaInfo", subscription.Metadata }
                processPaymentResult.Success = true;
                processPaymentResult.Success = false;
                logger.Log <TransactionResult>(LogLevel.Warning, $"The subscription for Order#{order.Id} by stripe failed with status {subscription.Status}." + subscription.StripeResponse.Content);
