Пример #1
 public void Load(BinaryReaderBE reader)
     flags        = (PlacementFlags)reader.ReadUInt16();
     InitialCount = reader.ReadInt16();
     MinimumCount = reader.ReadInt16();
     MaximumCount = reader.ReadInt16();
     RandomCount  = reader.ReadInt16();
     randomChance = reader.ReadUInt16();
Пример #2
 internal ScenarioObjectDatumStructBlockBase(BinaryReader binaryReader)
     this.placementFlags = (PlacementFlags)binaryReader.ReadInt32();
     this.position       = binaryReader.ReadVector3();
     this.rotation       = binaryReader.ReadVector3();
     this.scale          = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
     this.transformFlags = (TransformFlags)binaryReader.ReadInt16();
     this.manualBSPFlags = binaryReader.ReadBlockFlags16();
     this.objectID       = new ScenarioObjectIdStructBlock(binaryReader);
     this.bSPPolicy      = (BSPPolicy)binaryReader.ReadByte();
     this.invalidName_   = binaryReader.ReadBytes(1);
     this.editorFolder   = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1();
 public override System.Collections.Generic.Queue <Moonfish.Tags.BlamPointer> ReadFields(System.IO.BinaryReader binaryReader)
     System.Collections.Generic.Queue <Moonfish.Tags.BlamPointer> pointerQueue = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue <Moonfish.Tags.BlamPointer>(base.ReadFields(binaryReader));
     this.ScenarioObjectDatumStructPlacementFlags = ((PlacementFlags)(binaryReader.ReadInt32()));
     this.Position = binaryReader.ReadVector3();
     this.Rotation = binaryReader.ReadVector3();
     this.Scale    = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
     this.ScenarioObjectDatumStructTransformFlags = ((TransformFlags)(binaryReader.ReadInt16()));
     this.ManualBSPFlags = binaryReader.ReadBlockFlags16();
     pointerQueue        = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue <Moonfish.Tags.BlamPointer>(pointerQueue.Concat(this.ObjectID.ReadFields(binaryReader)));
     this.BSPPolicy      = ((BSPPolicyEnum)(binaryReader.ReadByte()));
     this.fieldpad       = binaryReader.ReadBytes(1);
     this.EditorFolder   = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1();
        static float GetHeight(PlacementFlags flags, Axis upAxis)
            if (s_Points.Count <= 1)

            if ((flags & PlacementFlags.HeightEqualsHalfXZ) == PlacementFlags.HeightEqualsHalfXZ ||
                (flags & PlacementFlags.HeightEqualsXZ) == PlacementFlags.HeightEqualsXZ)
                var heightMultiplier = ((flags & PlacementFlags.HeightEqualsHalfXZ) == PlacementFlags.HeightEqualsHalfXZ) ? 0.5f : 1.0f;

                var axis1 = (((int)upAxis) + 1) % 3;
                var axis2 = (((int)upAxis) + 2) % 3;

                if ((flags & PlacementFlags.GenerateFromCenterXZ) == PlacementFlags.GenerateFromCenterXZ)
                    heightMultiplier *= 2;

                var length1 = Mathf.Abs((s_Points[0] - s_Points[1])[(int)axis1]);
                var length2 = Mathf.Abs((s_Points[0] - s_Points[1])[(int)axis2]);

                s_DefaultHeight = s_NextHeight = Mathf.Min(length1, length2) * heightMultiplier;

            if (s_Points.Count <= 2)
                if ((flags & PlacementFlags.UseLastHeight) == PlacementFlags.UseLastHeight)
                    s_DefaultHeight = s_NextHeight = s_LastHeight;

            if ((flags & PlacementFlags.UseLastHeight) == PlacementFlags.UseLastHeight)
                s_DefaultHeight = s_NextHeight = s_LastHeight;
                s_DefaultHeight = s_NextHeight = (s_Points[2] - s_Points[1])[(int)upAxis];
Пример #5
 public ScenarioObjectDatumStruct(BinaryReader binaryReader)
     this.placementFlags = (PlacementFlags)binaryReader.ReadInt32();
     this.position = binaryReader.ReadVector3();
     this.rotation = binaryReader.ReadVector3();
     this.scale = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
     this.transformFlags = (TransformFlags)binaryReader.ReadInt16();
     this.manualBSPFlags = binaryReader.ReadBlockFlags16();
     this.objectID = new ScenarioObjectIdStruct(binaryReader);
     this.bSPPolicy = (BSPPolicy)binaryReader.ReadByte();
     this.padding = binaryReader.ReadByte();
     this.editorFolder = binaryReader.ReadShortBlockIndex1();
        static Bounds GetBounds(PlacementFlags flags, Axis upAxis)
            if (s_Points.Count == 0)
                return(new Bounds());

            var bounds = new Bounds(s_Points[0], Vector3.zero);

            if (s_Points.Count == 1)

            if ((flags & PlacementFlags.SameLengthXZ) == PlacementFlags.SameLengthXZ)
                var pt0       = s_Points[0];
                var pt1       = s_Points[1];
                var xDelta    = pt1.x - pt0.x;
                var zDelta    = pt1.z - pt0.z;
                var xAbsDelta = Mathf.Abs(xDelta);
                var zAbsDelta = Mathf.Abs(zDelta);
                if (xAbsDelta != zAbsDelta)
                    if (xAbsDelta > zAbsDelta)
                        zDelta = xAbsDelta * Mathf.Sign(zDelta);
                        pt1.z  = pt0.z + zDelta;
                        xDelta = zAbsDelta * Mathf.Sign(xDelta);
                        pt1.x  = pt0.x + xDelta;
                    s_Points[1] = pt1;
            if ((flags & PlacementFlags.GenerateFromCenterXZ) == PlacementFlags.GenerateFromCenterXZ)
                var radius = s_Points[1] - s_Points[0];
                bounds.Encapsulate(s_Points[0] - radius);
                bounds.Encapsulate(s_Points[0] + radius);

            var height = GetHeight(flags, upAxis);

            if (height == 0)

            var size = bounds.size;

            size[(int)upAxis] = height;
            bounds.size       = size;

            if ((flags & PlacementFlags.GenerateFromCenterY) != PlacementFlags.GenerateFromCenterY)
                var center = bounds.center;
                center[(int)upAxis] += height * 0.5f;
                bounds.center        = center;
        public static GeneratorModeState Do(Rect dragArea, out Bounds bounds, out float height, out ChiselModel modelBeneathCursor, out Matrix4x4 transformation, PlacementFlags flags, Axis upAxis, float?snappingSteps = null)
            // TODO: shift should do SameLengthXZ, shift control includes Y
            // TODO: fixed height should be possible to change sign

            // TODO: have some sort of click placement of previously used bounds (alt?)
            //bounds = s_LastBounds;

            bool doCommit = false;

                if (SceneHandles.InCameraOrbitMode)

                height = GetHeight(flags, upAxis);
                if (s_Points.Count <= 2)
                    PointDrawing.PointDrawHandle(dragArea, ref s_Points, out s_Transformation, out s_ModelBeneathCursor, releaseOnMouseUp: false, UnitySceneExtensions.SceneHandles.OutlinedDotHandleCap);
                    if (s_Points.Count <= 1)
                if (s_Points.Count > 2)
                    if (!s_ModifyMode)
                        if ((flags & PlacementFlags.HeightEqualsHalfXZ) == PlacementFlags.HeightEqualsHalfXZ ||
                            (flags & PlacementFlags.HeightEqualsXZ) == PlacementFlags.HeightEqualsXZ ||
                            (flags & PlacementFlags.UseLastHeight) == PlacementFlags.UseLastHeight)
                            if (height > 0)
                                s_ModifyMode = false;
                                doCommit     = true;

                        s_Points[2]  = s_Points[1];
                        s_ModifyMode = true;
                    if (s_ModifyMode)
                        var oldMatrix = UnityEditor.Handles.matrix;
                        UnityEditor.Handles.matrix *= s_Transformation;
                        var tempPoint      = s_Points[2];
                        var extrusionState = ExtrusionHandle.DoHandle(ref tempPoint, upAxis, snappingSteps: snappingSteps);
                        s_Points[2] = tempPoint;
                        UnityEditor.Handles.matrix = oldMatrix;

                        switch (extrusionState)
                        case ExtrusionState.Cancel:     { s_ModifyMode = false; return(GeneratorModeState.Cancel); }

                        case ExtrusionState.Commit:
                            s_ModifyMode = false;
                            doCommit     = true;
                modelBeneathCursor = s_ModelBeneathCursor;
                bounds             = GetBounds(flags, upAxis);
                height             = bounds.size[(int)upAxis];

                var center = bounds.center;
                if ((flags & PlacementFlags.GenerateFromCenterY) != PlacementFlags.GenerateFromCenterY)
                    center[(int)upAxis] -= height * 0.5f;

                transformation = s_Transformation * Matrix4x4.TRS(center, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
#if true
                //if (height > 0)
                    if ((flags & PlacementFlags.AlwaysFaceUp) == PlacementFlags.AlwaysFaceUp)
                        var currentUp      = transformation.MultiplyVector(Vector3.up);
                        var currentForward = transformation.MultiplyVector(Vector3.forward);
                        var currentRight   = transformation.MultiplyVector(Vector3.right);

                        var desiredUp = Grid.ActiveGrid.Up;

                        var dotX = Vector3.Dot(currentRight, desiredUp);
                        var dotY = Vector3.Dot(currentUp, desiredUp);
                        var dotZ = Vector3.Dot(currentForward, desiredUp);

                        var absDotX = Mathf.Abs(dotX);
                        var absDotY = Mathf.Abs(dotY);
                        var absDotZ = Mathf.Abs(dotZ);

                        if (absDotX > absDotZ)
                            if (absDotX > absDotY)
                                var size = bounds.size;
                                var t    = size.x; size.x = size.y; size.y = t;
                                bounds.size = size;
                                upAxis      = Axis.X;
                                var position = transformation.GetColumn(3);
                                transformation.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1));
                                transformation *= Matrix4x4.TRS(position, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
                                transformation *= new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 0),
                                                                new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0),
                                                                new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0),
                                                                new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1));
                                transformation.SetColumn(3, position);
                            if (absDotZ > absDotY)
                                var size = bounds.size;
                                var t    = size.z; size.z = size.y; size.y = t;
                                bounds.size = size;
                                upAxis      = Axis.Z;
                                var position = transformation.GetColumn(3);
                                transformation.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1));
                                transformation *= Matrix4x4.TRS(position, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
                                transformation *= new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0),
                                                                new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0),
                                                                new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 0),
                                                                new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1));
                                transformation.SetColumn(3, position);

                    if (!s_ModelBeneathCursor &&
                        (flags & PlacementFlags.AlwaysFaceCameraXZ) == PlacementFlags.AlwaysFaceCameraXZ)
                        // TODO: take grid orientation into account to decide what is "X" and what is "Z"
                        var currentForward = transformation.MultiplyVector(Vector3.forward);
                        var currentRight   = transformation.MultiplyVector(Vector3.right);
                        var cameraOffset   = Camera.current.transform.forward;
                        var cameraForward  = (new Vector3(cameraOffset.x, 0, cameraOffset.z)).normalized;
                        var dotZ           = Vector3.Dot(currentForward, cameraForward);
                        var dotX           = Vector3.Dot(currentRight, cameraForward);

                        var angle = 0;
                        if (Mathf.Abs(dotX) < Mathf.Abs(dotZ))
                            if (dotZ > 0)
                                angle += 180;
                            if (dotX < 0)
                                angle += 90;
                                angle -= 90;

                            if (upAxis == Axis.X)
                                upAxis = Axis.Z;
                            var size = bounds.size;
                            var t    = size.x; size.x = size.z; size.z = t;
                            bounds.size = size;

                        var position = transformation.GetColumn(3);
                        transformation.SetColumn(3, new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1));
                        transformation *= Matrix4x4.TRS(position, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
                        transformation *= Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Euler(0, angle, 0), Vector3.one);
                        transformation.SetColumn(3, position);

                center = Vector3.zero;
                if ((flags & PlacementFlags.GenerateFromCenterY) != PlacementFlags.GenerateFromCenterY)
                    center[(int)upAxis] = height * 0.5f;
                    center[(int)upAxis] = 0;
                bounds.center = center;
                if (doCommit)
                    s_LastBounds = bounds;
                    s_LastHeight = s_NextHeight;
Пример #8
            /// <summary>
            /// For ScaleRotateYawPitchRollSpawn objects, the first 52 bytes are all
            /// generic for Halo 2.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="map">The HaloMap.Map.Map</param>
            public override void Read(Map map)
                map.BR.BaseStream.Position = this.offset;
                this.PaletteIndex = map.BR.ReadInt16();
                this.NameIndex = map.BR.ReadInt16();
                this.Placements = (PlacementFlags)map.BR.ReadInt32();

                this.X = map.BR.ReadSingle();
                this.Y = map.BR.ReadSingle();
                this.Z = map.BR.ReadSingle();
                switch (map.HaloVersion)
                    // Halo 1 Stores values in Degrees
                    case HaloVersionEnum.Halo1:
                        this.Yaw = Renderer.DegreeToRadian(map.BR.ReadSingle());
                        this.Pitch = Renderer.DegreeToRadian(map.BR.ReadSingle());
                        this.Roll = Renderer.DegreeToRadian(map.BR.ReadSingle());

                    case HaloVersionEnum.Halo2:
                    case HaloVersionEnum.Halo2Vista:
                        // Is this correct? I think it should be Yaw, Pitch, Roll.
                        // Before cleaing code into this shared read section some spawns
                        // were Y,P,R and some were R,P,Y.
                        this.Yaw = map.BR.ReadSingle();
                        this.Pitch = map.BR.ReadSingle();
                        this.Roll = map.BR.ReadSingle();
                        this.Scale = map.BR.ReadSingle();

                        // None of this is currently saved
                        this.Transforms = (TransformFlags)map.BR.ReadInt16();
                        this.ManualBSPs = (ManualBSPFlags)map.BR.ReadInt16();
                        this.UniqueID = map.BR.ReadUInt32();
                        this.OriginBSP = map.BR.ReadInt16();
                        this.MetaSpawnType = (SpawnTypeEnum)map.BR.ReadByte();
                        this.Source = (SourceEnum)map.BR.ReadByte();
                        this.BSPPolicy = (BSPPolicyEnum)map.BR.ReadByte(); ;
                        this.Unused = map.BR.ReadByte();
                        this.EditorFolder = map.BR.ReadInt16();