async Task LoadComments() { if (Refresh) { return; } Refresh = true; try { var placeItem = await restService.FindPlaceItemById(PlaceItem.Id); PlaceItem = placeItem; Comments.Clear(); foreach (var comment in placeItem.Comments) { Comments.Add(comment); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); } finally { Refresh = false; } }
/// <summary> /// edits the Place based on the given PlaceItem except for the ID /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns>Place</returns> public PlaceItem editPlace(int id, PlaceItem item) { // get the tempfile string tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(tempFile)) using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(place_filename)) { string line; // if the line exist while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { // if the id in the file = item Id if (Convert.ToInt32(line.Split(";")[0]) == id) { item.PlaceID = id; writer.WriteLine(id + ";" + item.PlaceName); } else { writer.WriteLine(line); } } } // delete the old item File.Delete(place_filename); // save the new item File.Move(tempFile, place_filename); // return this item return(getPlaceItem(id)); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { // Chargement des composants ARPlaneManager planeManager = AR_Session_Origin.GetComponent <ARPlaneManager>(); ARRaycastManager raycastManager = AR_Session_Origin.GetComponent <ARRaycastManager>(); PlaceItem placeItem = AR_Session_Origin.GetComponent <PlaceItem>(); // Default scan mode Scan_toggle_btn.gameObject.SetActive(true); imageManager.enabled = true; Build_toggle_btn.gameObject.SetActive(false); Library_btn.gameObject.SetActive(false); Scale_btn.gameObject.SetActive(false); ScaleSlider.gameObject.SetActive(false); Rotate_btn.gameObject.SetActive(false); Validate_btn.gameObject.SetActive(false); planeManager.enabled = false; raycastManager.enabled = false; placeItem.enabled = false; LibrairieMenu.gameObject.SetActive(false); // Change mode Scan_toggle_btn.onClick.AddListener(() => BuildMode(planeManager, raycastManager, placeItem, imageManager)); Build_toggle_btn.onClick.AddListener(() => ScanMode(planeManager, raycastManager, placeItem, imageManager)); }
public CommentViewModel(PlaceItem placeItem = null) { Comments = new ObservableCollection <CommentItem>(); PlaceItem = placeItem; LoadCommentsCommand = new Command(async() => await LoadComments()); }
public PlaceItem saveNewPlace(PlaceItem place) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "INSERT INTO [foodplace] ([name]) " + "VALUES('" + place.PlaceName + "');" + "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); int LastID = Convert.ToInt32(myCommand.ExecuteScalar()); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return getPlaceItem(LastID); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { return null; } }
/// <summary> /// Search for place in file, return Place or null /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PlaceItem getPlaceItem(int id) { PlaceItem place = null; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(place_filename)) { string line; //end if end of file or place is found while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null && place == null) { // if the given id = the place Id int place_ID = (int)Convert.ToInt64(line.Split(";")[0]); if (place_ID == id) { string[] args = line.Split(";"); place = new PlaceItem() { PlaceID = place_ID, PlaceName = args[1] }; } } } // this place return(place); }
public async Task <PlaceItem> GetPlace(int id) { Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n------------------\n\n\n------------------Code a tester : GetPlace--------------------\n\n\n------------------\n\n\n"); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); PlaceItem place = null; HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url + "/places/" + id); request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", "__access__token__"); var uri = new Uri(string.Format(url + "place/" + id, string.Empty)); var response = await client.GetAsync(uri); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Response <PlaceItem> r = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Response <PlaceItem> >(content); Console.WriteLine("Dev_is_sucess:" + r.IsSuccess); Console.WriteLine("Dev_error_code:" + r.ErrorCode); Console.WriteLine("Dev_error_message:" + r.ErrorMessage); return(r.Data); } return(place); }
public ActionResult <MealItem> createMeal(MealItem meal) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } // check if this meal exist if (meal == null) { return(BadRequest("MealItem not found")); } PlaceItem foundedPlace = null; foundedPlace = placeDB.getPlaceItemByName(meal.Place.PlaceName); if (foundedPlace == null && meal.Place.PlaceID != 0) { foundedPlace = placeDB.getPlaceItem(meal.Place.PlaceID); } if (foundedPlace == null) { return(NotFound("No PlaceItem found for Name or ID: " + meal.Place.PlaceName + ", " + meal.Place.PlaceID)); } meal.Place = foundedPlace; // if not then created new mealItem MealItem mealNew = mealDB.saveNewMeal(meal); return(Created("", mealNew)); }
public ActionResult <PlaceItem> editPlaceItem(int id, [FromBody] PlaceItem place) { //Check if id is valid if (placeDB.getPlaceItem(id) == null) { return(NotFound(($"No Place found for id: {id}"))); } //Check if item not null if (place == null) { return(BadRequest("Place not found")); } PlaceItem[] placeItems = placeDB.getPlaces(); // for every place in Places List foreach (PlaceItem placeItem in placeItems) { // if the PlaceName is exist if (placeItem.PlaceName == place.PlaceName) { // then wrong return(BadRequest($"Place is exist : {placeItem.PlaceName}")); } } // else //update existing item PlaceItem item_out = placeDB.editPlace(id, place); //return new item return(Ok(item_out)); }
/// <summary> /// Search for all Places in file /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public PlaceItem[] getPlaces() { // list for alle Placeitems List <PlaceItem> list = new List <PlaceItem>(); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(this.place_filename)) { string line; // if the line exist while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { // place string[] args = line.Split(";"); PlaceItem place = new PlaceItem() { PlaceID = (int)Convert.ToInt64(args[0]), PlaceName = args[1] }; // add this place to the list list.Add(place); } } // return this list as array return(list.ToArray()); }
public DetailItemViewModel(Map map, PlaceItem item = null) { LoadMap = new Command(async() => await ExecuteLoadMap()); Map = map; //Title = item?.Title; //Description = item?.Description; //ImageUrl = item?.ImageUrl; Item = item; LoadMap.Execute(null); }
private async void CreateClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (price.Text == "" || name.Text == "" || detail.Text == "" || address.Text == "") { var show = new MessageDialog("各项输入不得为空").ShowAsync(); return; } string pattern = @"^[0-9]*$"; if (!Regex.IsMatch(price.Text, pattern)) { var show = new MessageDialog("价格输入不合法").ShowAsync(); return; } if (Double.Parse(price.Text) < 0) { var show = new MessageDialog("价格不得小于0").ShowAsync(); return; } PlaceItem temp = new PlaceItem(); = name.Text; temp.address = address.Text; temp.detail = detail.Text; temp.price = Double.Parse(price.Text); if ((string)create.Content == "Create") { string placeName = await Services.PlaceServices.addPlace(Store.getInstance().getToken(),, temp.address, temp.detail, temp.price, file); if (placeName != "") { if (name.Tag == null) { ControlBar.Current.NavigateToPage("Index"); } else { ControlBar.Current.NavigateToPage("AddActivity", "place" + placeName); } } } else { if (await Services.PlaceServices.updatePlace(Store.getInstance().getToken(), name.Tag.ToString(),, temp.address, temp.detail, temp.price, file)) { ControlBar.Current.NavigateToPage("Index"); } } }
void Start() { placeItemScript = FindObjectOfType <PlaceItem>(); cachedCounts = new int[placeItemScript.defenseItemCounts.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < cachedCounts.Length; i++) { cachedCounts[i] = placeItemScript.defenseItemCounts[i]; } TrapText.text = "x " + cachedCounts[0]; TurretText.text = "x " + cachedCounts[1]; }
private async void pressMeAction2(object sender, EventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("pressMeAction2"); //binder.lieuCourant = sender.; JSONService j = new JSONService(); j.CodeASupprimer(); //await j.GetPlaces(); PlaceItem t = await j.GetPlace(0); binder.places.Add(t); }
public ActionResult <PlaceItem> getPlace(int id) { // get the item from database PlaceItem item = placeDB.getPlaceItem(id); if (item != null) { return(Ok(item)); } // else retun message else { return(NotFound($" No Place found for id :{ id}")); } }
async void OnItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs args) { //DisplayAlert("Alert", "You have been alerted", "OK"); var item = args.SelectedItem as PlaceItemSummary; if (item == null) { return; } //DisplayAlert("Item Tapped", ((PlaceItemSummary)args.SelectedItem).Title.ToString(), "Ok"); PlaceItem place = await placeItemViewModel.restService.FindPlaceItemById(item.Id); await Navigation.PushAsync(new ItemDetailPage(place)); // Manually deselect item. ItemsListView.SelectedItem = null; }
public ActionResult <PlaceItem> createPlace([FromBody] PlaceItem place) { // check if the item null if (place == null) {// then return ein messege return(BadRequest("Place not found")); } if (placeDB.getPlaceItemByName(place.PlaceName) != null) { return(BadRequest($"Place {place.PlaceName} already exist")); } //else // if the item not null then save new item PlaceItem item_out = placeDB.saveNewPlace(place); return(Created("", item_out)); }
/// <summary> /// Search for the PlaceItem /// Search for ID and check with the given Name /// Or Search for Place by given Name /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> private PlaceItem handlePlaceInput(PlaceItem item) { PlaceItem foundedItem = null; if (item.PlaceID != 0) { foundedItem = placeDB.getPlaceItem(item.PlaceID); if (foundedItem.PlaceName.ToLower() == item.PlaceName.ToLower()) //Both Items are the same { return(foundedItem); } } foundedItem = placeDB.getPlaceItemByName(item.PlaceName); if (foundedItem == null) { throw new NotFoundException($"No PlaceItem found for Name: '{item.PlaceName}'"); } return(foundedItem); }
public PlaceItem getPlaceItemByName(string name) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { PlaceItem SQLItem = new PlaceItem(); string SQL = "SELECT [foodplaceid],[name] FROM [foodplace] " + " WHERE [name]='" + name + "';"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (myReader.Read()) { SQLItem.PlaceID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["foodplaceid"]); SQLItem.PlaceName = myReader["name"].ToString(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return SQLItem; } else { sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return null; } } } catch (System.Exception) { return null; } }
public async Task<PlaceItem> FindPlaceItemById(int Id) { PlaceItem item = new PlaceItem(); var uri = new Uri(url + "places/" + Id); try { var response = await client.GetAsync(uri); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); item = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Response<PlaceItem>>(content).Data; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(@" ERROR {0}", ex.Message); } return await Task.FromResult(item); }
protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { if ((string)e.Parameter != null) { if ((string)e.Parameter == "edit") { name.Tag = "edit"; } else { PlaceItem place = await Services.PlaceServices.getSingleEvent((string)e.Parameter); name.Text =; name.Tag =; image.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(Global.Config.api + place.img)); address.Text = place.address; price.Text = place.price.ToString(); detail.Text = place.detail; create.Content = "Update"; } } }
public PlaceItem editPlace(int id, PlaceItem place) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "UPDATE [foodplace] SET [name]='" + place.PlaceName + "'" + " WHERE [foodplaceid] ='" + id.ToString() + "';"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return place; } } catch (System.Exception) { return null; } }
/// <summary> /// Create new place /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PlaceItem saveNewPlace(PlaceItem item) { // get all Places PlaceItem[] places = getPlaces(); // the max id = 0 int max = 0; // for every place in Places List foreach (PlaceItem place in places) { // change the max to the maxId from Place max = place.PlaceID > max ? place.PlaceID : max; if (item.PlaceName == place.PlaceName) { return(null); } } // the new Id is max+1 item.PlaceID = max + 1; // save the place item in the file File.AppendAllLines(place_filename, new String[] { this.writeLine(item) }); return(item); }
public PlaceItem[] getPlaces() { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { PlaceItem SQLItem = new PlaceItem(); List<PlaceItem> ListPlaceItem = new List<PlaceItem>(); string SQL = "SELECT [foodplaceid],[name] FROM [foodplace] " + " ;"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { SQLItem.PlaceID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["foodplaceid"]); SQLItem.PlaceName = myReader["name"].ToString(); ListPlaceItem.Add(SQLItem); SQLItem = new PlaceItem(); } sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return ListPlaceItem.ToArray(); } } catch (System.Exception) { return null; } }
private void pressMeAction(object sender, EventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("pressMeAction"); var button = (Button)sender; Console.WriteLine("button : " + button); var classId = button.ClassId; Console.WriteLine("classId : " + classId); PlaceItem p = findPlaceById(classId); Console.WriteLine("Place : " + p); switch (classId) { case "Paris": break; default: break; } Navigation.PushAsync(new Page2(p)); //binder.lieuCourant = sender.; }
private void PlacesItem_ItemClicked(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { PlaceItem placeItem = (PlaceItem)e.ClickedItem; ControlBar.Current.NavigateToPage("PlaceDetail",; }
public Page2(PlaceItem currentLieu) { InitializeComponent(); Console.Write("--------------Page2 constructeur--------------"); BindingContext = new Page2ViewModel(currentLieu); Map.PinClicked += (sender, e) => Debug.WriteLine("Pin Clicked"); Map.PinInfoViewClicked += (sender, e) => Debug.WriteLine("Info Window Clicked"); Map.PinInfoViewLongClicked += (sender, e) => Debug.WriteLine("Info Window Long Clicked"); Map.MapClicked += (sender, e) => Debug.WriteLine($"Map Clicked, {{latitude: {((Position)e.Value).Latitude} longitude: {((Position)e.Value).Longitude}}}"); Map.MapLongClicked += (sender, e) => Debug.WriteLine($"Map Long Clicked, {{latitude: {((Position)e.Value).Latitude} longitude: {((Position)e.Value).Longitude}}}"); Map.PinLongClicked += (sender, e) => Debug.WriteLine("Pin Long Clicked"); Map.PinDragStart += (sender, e) => Debug.WriteLine($"Pin Drag Start, {{latitude: {((MapPin)e.Value).Location.Latitude} longitude: {((MapPin)e.Value).Location.Longitude}}}"); Map.PinDragging += (sender, e) => Debug.WriteLine("Pin Dragging"); Map.PinDragEnd += (sender, e) => Debug.WriteLine($"Pin Drag End, {{latitude: {((MapPin)e.Value).Location.Latitude} longitude: {((MapPin)e.Value).Location.Longitude}}}"); //hhh(); //Xamarin.FormsMaps.Init(); /*map = new Map * { * * HeightRequest = 100, * WidthRequest = 960, * VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand * }; * * * map.MoveToRegion(new MapSpan(new Position(0, 0), 360, 360)); * * * var slider = new Slider(1, 18, 1); * slider.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { * var zoomLevel = e.NewValue; * var latlongdegrees = 360 / (Math.Pow(2, zoomLevel)); * Debug.WriteLine(zoomLevel + " -> " + latlongdegrees); * if (map.VisibleRegion != null) * map.MoveToRegion(new MapSpan(map.VisibleRegion.Center, latlongdegrees, latlongdegrees)); * }; * * * var street = new Button { Text = "Street" }; * var hybrid = new Button { Text = "Hybrid" }; * var satellite = new Button { Text = "Satellite" }; * street.Clicked += HandleClicked; * hybrid.Clicked += HandleClicked; * satellite.Clicked += HandleClicked; * var segments = new StackLayout * { * Spacing = 30, * HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand, * Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, * Children = { street, hybrid, satellite } * }; * * * var stack = new StackLayout { Spacing = 0 }; * stack.Children.Add(map); * stack.Children.Add(slider); * stack.Children.Add(segments); * Content = stack; * * * map.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) => { * Debug.WriteLine(e.PropertyName + " just changed!"); * if (e.PropertyName == "VisibleRegion" && map.VisibleRegion != null) * CalculateBoundingCoordinates(map.VisibleRegion); * };*/ }
void Start() { myRect = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); placeItem = FindObjectOfType <PlaceItem>(); }
//private DataTemplate dt; public Page2ViewModel(PlaceItem currentPlace) { CurrentPlace = currentPlace; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the string output for Place /// </summary> /// <param name="place"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string writeLine(PlaceItem place) { return(place.PlaceID + ";" + place.PlaceName); }
void CreatePlaceItemInstance(PlaceItem pi) { if (Network.isServer || Network.isClient) targetObject = (GameObject)Network.Instantiate (pi.gameObject,, pi.transform.rotation, 1); else targetObject = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate (pi.gameObject,, pi.transform.rotation); placedItems.Add (targetObject.GetComponent<PlaceItem> ()); SetCollider (targetObject, false); creating = true; endCreation = false; }