Пример #1
        void acquisitionWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            //  This is the main function of the acquisition background worker thread.
            //  Perform image processing here instead of the UI thread to avoid a
            //  sluggish or unresponsive UI.
            BackgroundWorker worker = (BackgroundWorker)sender;
            ImageData imdata;
            Random rand = new Random();
            double voltage = 0.0;
            byte[,] im = new byte[480, 640];
            PixelValue2D image = new PixelValue2D(im);
                uint bufferNumber = 0;
                uint outBufferNumber;
                PixelValue2D subPixels = new PixelValue2D(new byte[480, 640]);
                uint imgnum = 0;
                int tmp;
                string pixelValue = "";
                ImageType imageType = (ImageType)_session.Attributes[ImaqStandardAttribute.ImageType].GetValue();

                PixelValue2D prePixels = _session.Acquisition.Extract(bufferNumber, out outBufferNumber).ToPixelArray();

                double curVoltage, deltaVoltage;
                double preVoltage = analogInReader.ReadSingleSample()[0];
                //  Loop until we tell the thread to cancel or we get an error.  When this
                //  function completes the acquisitionWorker_RunWorkerCompleted method will
                //  be called.
                while (!worker.CancellationPending)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 640; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < 480; y++)
                            im[y, x] = (byte)rand.Next(0, 255);
                    voltage = voltage + 1.0;
                    outBufferNumber = bufferNumber;
                    imdata.imageArray = im;
                    imdata.voltageValue = voltage;
                    //  Get the next image, convert it to a VisionImage and then update the display.
                    //  Extracting an image is a 0-copy operation, and we need to copy the
                    //  image here for display purposes only.  You can perform image processing
                    //  on the extractedImage without having to copy it.
                    curVoltage = analogInReader.ReadSingleSample()[0];
                    deltaVoltage = curVoltage - preVoltage;
                    preVoltage = curVoltage;
                    PixelValue2D curPixels = _session.Acquisition.Extract(bufferNumber, out outBufferNumber).ToPixelArray();

                    for (int x = 0; x < 640; x++)
                        for (int y=0; y < 480; y++)
                            tmp = (int)curPixels.U8[y,x] - (int)prePixels.U8[y,x];
                            tmp = tmp * tmp;
                            subPixels.U8[y, x] = (byte)(tmp > 255 ? 255 : tmp);
                    prePixels = curPixels;
                    if (((CheckBox)e.Argument).Checked)

                    // Enqueue ImageData
                    imdata.imageArray = subPixels.U8;
                    imdata.curVoltage = curVoltage;
                    imdata.deltaVoltage = deltaVoltage;
                    //  Update the UI by calling ReportProgress on the background worker.
                    //  This will call the acquisition_ProgressChanged method in the UI
                    //  thread, where it is safe to update UI elements.  Do not update UI
                    //  elements directly in this thread as doing so could result in a
                    //  deadlock.
                    worker.ReportProgress(0, new UIUpdateArgs(outBufferNumber, deltaVoltage));
            catch (ImaqException ex)
                //  If an error occurs and the background worker thread is not being
                //  cancelled, then pass the exception along in the result so that
                //  it can be handled in the acquisition_RunWorkerCompleted method.
                if (!worker.CancellationPending)
                    e.Result = ex;
Пример #2
        private void Getthemaximum()
            PixelValue2D pval = image.ImageToArray();

            byte[,] u8array = Getthearray.convertToU8(pval.Rgb32);