Пример #1
        public override BitmapSource ExecuteFilter(BitmapSource inputImage)
            byte[] sourceBytes = new byte[inputImage.PixelWidth * inputImage.PixelHeight * 4];
            byte[] destBytes   = new byte[inputImage.PixelWidth * inputImage.PixelHeight * 4];

            inputImage.CopyPixels(sourceBytes, inputImage.PixelWidth * 4, 0);

            float redAdjust  = 1.0f + (this.Warmth / 100.0f);
            float blueAdjust = 1.0f - (this.Warmth / 100.0f);

            GaussianBlurFilter       blur  = new GaussianBlurFilter(3 * Softness);
            BrightnessContrastFilter bc    = new BrightnessContrastFilter(Lighting, -Lighting / 2);
            DesaturateFilter         desat = new DesaturateFilter();

            inputImage = blur.ExecuteFilter(inputImage);
            inputImage.CopyPixels(destBytes, inputImage.PixelWidth * 4, 0);

            int width  = inputImage.PixelWidth;
            int height = inputImage.PixelHeight;

            for (int i = 0; i < sourceBytes.Length; i += 4)
                byte b = sourceBytes[i];
                byte g = sourceBytes[i + 1];
                byte r = sourceBytes[i + 2];
                byte a = sourceBytes[i + 3];

                bc.PerformOperation(ref b, ref g, ref r, ref a);
                desat.PerformOperation(ref b, ref g, ref r, ref a);

                double rD = r * redAdjust;
                double bD = r * blueAdjust;

                if (rD > 255)
                    rD = 255;
                else if (rD < 0)
                    rD = 0;

                if (bD > 255)
                    bD = 255;
                else if (bD < 0)
                    bD = 0;

                destBytes[i]     = PixelBlend.BlendOverlay(b, destBytes[i]);
                destBytes[i + 1] = PixelBlend.BlendOverlay(g, destBytes[i + 1]);
                destBytes[i + 2] = PixelBlend.BlendOverlay(r, destBytes[i + 2]);
                destBytes[i + 3] = PixelBlend.BlendOverlay(a, destBytes[i + 3]);

            return(BitmapSource.Create(inputImage.PixelWidth, inputImage.PixelHeight, 96, 96,
                                       inputImage.Format, null, destBytes, inputImage.PixelWidth * 4));
Пример #2
        public override BitmapSource ExecuteFilter(BitmapSource inputImage)
            byte[] srcBytes   = new byte[inputImage.PixelWidth * inputImage.PixelHeight * 4];
            byte[] finalBytes = new byte[inputImage.PixelWidth * inputImage.PixelHeight * 4];

            inputImage.CopyPixels(srcBytes, inputImage.PixelWidth * 4, 0);

            BrightnessContrastFilter bcFilter   = new BrightnessContrastFilter(Brightness, Contrast);
            GaussianBlurFilter       blurFilter = new GaussianBlurFilter(Radius);

            BitmapSource glow = blurFilter.ExecuteFilter(inputImage);

            byte[] glowBytes = new byte[glow.PixelWidth * glow.PixelHeight * 4];
            glow.CopyPixels(glowBytes, glow.PixelWidth * 4, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < glowBytes.Length; i += 4)
                byte b = glowBytes[i];
                byte g = glowBytes[i + 1];
                byte r = glowBytes[i + 2];
                byte a = glowBytes[i + 3];

                bcFilter.PerformOperation(ref b, ref g, ref r, ref a);

                finalBytes[i]     = PixelBlend.BlendScreen(srcBytes[i], b);
                finalBytes[i + 1] = PixelBlend.BlendScreen(srcBytes[i + 1], g);
                finalBytes[i + 2] = PixelBlend.BlendScreen(srcBytes[i + 2], r);
                finalBytes[i + 3] = 255;

            return(BitmapSource.Create(inputImage.PixelWidth, inputImage.PixelHeight, 96, 96,
                                       inputImage.Format, null, finalBytes, inputImage.PixelWidth * 4));
Пример #3
        public override BitmapSource ExecuteFilter(BitmapSource inputImage)
            GlowEffect   glowEffect = new GlowEffect(6, -(Coloring - 50) * 2, -(Coloring - 50) * 2);
            BitmapSource glow       = glowEffect.ExecuteFilter(inputImage);

            byte[] glowBytes = new byte[inputImage.PixelWidth * inputImage.PixelHeight * 4];
            glow.CopyPixels(glowBytes, inputImage.PixelWidth * 4, 0);

            byte[] srcBytes = new byte[inputImage.PixelWidth * inputImage.PixelHeight * 4];
            inputImage.CopyPixels(srcBytes, inputImage.PixelWidth * 4, 0);

            byte[] finalBytes = new byte[inputImage.PixelWidth * inputImage.PixelHeight * 4];

            int width  = inputImage.PixelWidth;
            int height = inputImage.PixelHeight;

            // Create black outlines by finding the edges of objects
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                int top    = y - radius;
                int bottom = y + radius + 1;

                if (top < 0)
                    top = 0;

                if (bottom > height)
                    bottom = height;

                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    int left  = x - radius;
                    int right = x + radius + 1;

                    if (left < 0)
                        left = 0;

                    if (right > width)
                        right = width;

                    int r = 0;
                    int g = 0;
                    int b = 0;

                    for (int v = top; v < bottom; v++)
                        int j = v - y + radius;

                        for (int u = left; u < right; u++)
                            int i1 = u - x + radius;
                            int w  = conv[j][i1];

                            int i = v * width * 4 + u * 4;

                            r += srcBytes[i + 2] * w;
                            g += srcBytes[i + 1] * w;
                            b += srcBytes[i] * w;

                    if (r > 255)
                        r = 255;
                    else if (r < 0)
                        r = 0;

                    if (g > 255)
                        g = 255;
                    else if (g < 0)
                        g = 0;

                    if (b > 255)
                        b = 255;
                    else if (b < 0)
                        b = 0;

                    byte rb = (byte)r;
                    byte gb = (byte)g;
                    byte bb = (byte)b;
                    byte ab = (byte)255;

                    // Desaturate
                    DesaturateFilter desaturation = new DesaturateFilter();
                    desaturation.PerformOperation(ref bb, ref gb, ref rb, ref ab);

                    // Adjust Brightness and Contrast
                    if (rb > (InkOutline * 255 / 100))
                        rb = gb = bb = 255;
                        rb = gb = bb = 0;

                    int index = y * width * 4 + x * 4;

                    //Darken blend
                    finalBytes[index]     = PixelBlend.BlendDarken(glowBytes[index], bb);
                    finalBytes[index + 1] = PixelBlend.BlendDarken(glowBytes[index + 1], gb);
                    finalBytes[index + 2] = PixelBlend.BlendDarken(glowBytes[index + 2], rb);
                    finalBytes[index + 3] = 255;

            return(BitmapSource.Create(inputImage.PixelWidth, inputImage.PixelHeight, 96, 96,
                                       inputImage.Format, null, finalBytes, inputImage.PixelWidth * 4));